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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  December 19, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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. hello. dawn is off today. we have breaking news a police shooting with sky chopper over the scene. here is the latest from mike. >> good afternoon. it happen about 10 minutes after 10:00 this morning in the charles mon t area and the plight the police got a call of an armed robbery. a woman woke up, found a man in the home, she was able to escape the home and call 911 and when the police got there, they found an armed subject there. the police officer discharged
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at least one round, one police officer that we know about, striking the suspect and at this time, no word on the condition of the suspect and the police on the scene, investigating and they have the walter road closed also as they continue that investigation. we will keep you updated. >> thank you, captain mike. the other developing news, the people of north korea are mourning the loss of their leader and that is causing uncertainty around asia and around the world. >> people in north korea cried in the streets of the capital as they learned their leader died of a heart attack. he was building a thriving nation for our people this man said. i will be faithful to his son. he his the heir, but it is not
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known how he will lead. >> will the leadership of north korea accept that now that his father is dead. the 69-year-old leader was known as the master manipulator with nuclear ambitions and the world leaders are hoping that this will mark a turning point for the country. >> we hope that it will show that engaugements of international people will offer more. >> there was a short missile test monday, the united states has over 28,000 troops stationed in south korea to keep peace there.
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the people in south korea cheered in the streets and hope this will bring peace to their country. north korea has announced a ten-day period of mourning. the officers said to have given hundreds of thousands of documents to wikileaks and this hearing will determine if he will be court martiald. the officers have cleared the court of spectators and media because the testimony is sensitive information. two people were pulled from the water at sandy point, a 40- year-old man rescued died at the hospital and a 25 year old
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man is missing and is the subject of an intense search. >> both surface search and sonar search in the bay. >> a woman was recoverd and was treated for hypothermia. several people shot on the street in baltimore. >> the police are busy today, investigating four shootings that were separate in the last three days. the last incident happen last night in the area where a man was shot in the chest and it is not clear if he survived. a 30-year-old taxi driver was
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shot in the back yesterday. two customers tried to attack him and ned on foot. the driver is in the hospital. the same day, a 27-year-old man was shot several times when the police said he was in a car on north small wood street. the victim died at the hospital. on friday night, another man gunned down and killed in the 200 block of else avenue. a a victim found dead in the street, shot several times and a 30-year-old man was found shot in the head on bellaire road and he died later at the hospital. no suspects in these cases. >> we will have more on these investigations today at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. the baltimore county police identified a woman shot and killed by a light rail train one week ago today. she is a 66-year-old woman from
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lutherville and they have not said how she died. big change could take place in the lotto that could let you play on line. the lotto leaders are asking for ciber gambling. it could reach $300 million. to play, you would need a special account with the lotto. the plan to be having the home field advantage coulding history. the ravens were in the running for that, but after yesterday's game, what are the fans saying? not positive? >> a lot to say, the ravens did not look super bowl as the chargers beat them.
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let's go over to the snap dragon stadium. -- looking for a touchdown, capping the 75-run to tie the game at seven-all, but rivers was on fire. the chargers pick on smith and then that 28-yard touchdown extended the charger's lead going into the second half and the chargers did not punt the entire night. joe back to pass, picked off! joe was sacked five times and the ravens fall to ten and four and are you concerned about the ravens and are you confident that they could bounce back. >> first, i'm concerned about the defense being hit like that last night and i think we can come back. >> i'm concerned about the teernlings but i have confidence in them and feel that they will bounce back. >> i think we will be able to
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bounce back. where will we end up in the wild card. >> i'm not that concerned. when they show up, they are brilliant. they could bounce back, we will cheer for the 49er tonight. >> root for the 49ers tonight. back here? >> i don't want to talk about it today! (laughs). that is the way it is. what could i say. up next, the odds makers, the ravens are 14.5 favorites. back to you. the ravens are back at home and back in action on saturday against the browns. that is at 1:00 live right here on wjz and then watch after the game, mark will host the post game show live from the stadium with high lights and reaction and then we will be at the field house for the football talk, a full day of football, christmas eve, right here on
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wjz. a beautiful day to start the week before christmas. a hock outside, chilly, the temperatures are up some. marty is live with the weather center. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. hello, everybody, it is the last monday of fall. let's look at how the numbers have cared away. this will translate to about five warmer than this time yesterday. in the high, about five warmer than this time yesterday, clear skies, a dome of high pressure, this is near 30/30 and i need to lock at the first morning weather. we have talked about for the last many days that there was a big complex storm pulling itself together and would really hammer the state with a
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blizzard. that is the trap. we are going to be on the warm side of the storm. after saying that, let's look at this graphic, the computer models in the last hour and hour and a half, showing a low forming on the cease by the end of the week. will move by quickly and more than likely, showers on christmas eve, but, chilly air around, maybe mixing with the wet snow. we will have more on that chance in the first morning weather segment and we are throwing it back to you. >> still to come on eyewitness news at noon, hanging in the balance, will a popular tax break make it through congress before it expires and good news about the national news most popular exhibit and a lot to like about this december weather. marty will have the first morning weather forecast. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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. burned alive, a man set an
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elderly woman on fire after putting accelerators all over her. the motive appears to be a debt. down to the wire today, the house is expected to vote on the senate-a professiond measure to extend pay roll tax benefits and unemployment benefits. the senate does not like the plan and said that they will make a change or put together their own bill. the current tax bill is running out at the end of the year. it is one of the most popular exhibits at the zoo and the scientists will announce a major gift to help with the animals. coming up on wjz eyewitness news as noon, a great monday, but should we be concerned about the weather later in the week? marty has the first morning
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weather forecast. here is a look at the ,,,,,,,,,,
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(laughs). good to have you here. it is a minimum chance, but to be honest, in the last few hours, a bit of a coastal low
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forming, most likely on the warm side of it, but here is where i'm going, there could be some snow out there, snow resorts out there and holiday mans, people have taken off, the current conditions though, on the graphics, this is the piedmont. it is 45% humidity, a south breeze at seven and barometer in 3018 and on the warm side after storm that is out to our west. a look at that in a moment -- the temperatures -- . it is the last monday of
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fall, winter will start early thursday morning and there is the christmas weekend. the satellite pictures, the clear skies, looking at the doppler, we are going to see the push of mild air as this storm is continuing to ramp up. this will blister the major cities on the path and up to the great lakes and pretty big cities getting the snow. st. louis, chicago, just to name two. this is warm air over the east half of the united states and to our neighborhood. here is a look at the traffics, this isolate week, a clipper from the south, moving through and gone, it will move into the area probably the day of and then christmas eve. here is the look at the areas around western maryland.
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to be honest, santa has a shot of getting in here and 36 is the overnight low and 48 will be the high tomorrow and mostly cloud e skies and looking at the milder wednesday shortly. thank you. coming up, at noon, another major issue linked to smoking. what it is next in ,,,,,,
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. a new health risk linked to smoking, those that smoke for 29 years have a chance of skin cancer that is higher and those that have radiation treatment could have memory problems, this could cause seizures and memory loss. be sure to check in at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. we are following the breaking story of a shooting and then the search continuing for a missing boater near the ,,,,,,,,
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. welcome back. here is a hook at the forecast, the mid-west is feeting rain. a nice day thursday and i think that the bets will be off on saturday of the maybe showers in the area and we will see how it goes, probably around 38 to 42 -- don't miss tonight's prime time line up.
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at 10:00, another episode of hawaii 50 and this noon, tim tebow had a rough day on the field, but the bronco fans did witness some magic. check out that cow by get up. calling that a day -- ,,,, [ female announcer ] holiday plus cookies plus memories
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pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles. just three ingredients to sweet memories. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. i've started my holiday shopping. [ susan ] oh, any ideas for mine? well, actually, i've got a couple. [ male announcer ] show her she's loved with a diamond ring from helzberg diamonds, and the matching pendant is free. i love you. you do? [ laughs ] mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake.
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it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha. pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it.
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>> ashley: hi. can i get a cappuccino, please? thank you. >> billy: hey. >> ashley: well, hello there. >> billy: ooh, christmas presents. are those for me? >> ashley: those are for delia. >> billy: oh, yeah? hi. >> ashley: hi. mm. >> billy: she's gonna clean up again this year, right? >> ashley: oh, she should. and what about you? what do you want to find under the tree this year? >> billy: i've got everything i need, including victor out of my life. >> ashley: i can't believe what he did to you, billy. >> billy: yeah, well, if he had his way, i'd be celebrating the holidays alone in an ashram in mumbai. >> ashley: it's sick the way he kept delia from you when--when she needed you most. >> billy: you surprised? >> ashley: no, i'm not surprised. and you know what? i'm not exactly brokenhearted about the fact that he's in jail, but there's something not quite right about it.
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>> billy: i don't know, it feels pretty right to me. he might not have killed diane, but i think he finally got what was coming to him. >> jack: genevieve, did you hear me? >> genevieve: (voice shaking) you asked me to marry you. >> jack: this is usually the time you have to answer. >> genevieve: (laughs) (normal voice) i... i just... >> jack: i know, you were just divorced, and colin left you with a broken heart and the ability to tell a good relationship from a bad one. do you know how long it took me to get there? my first marriage was so miserable, i never got it right...
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until now, until you-- >> genevieve: wait, please wait. >> genevieve: yes. i will marry you. >> jack: oh, god, i love the sound of that. um, i think that means we have something to do here. >> genevieve: (laughs) oh, it's beautiful. >> jack: (whispers) i am so in love with you. >> genevieve: (whispers) i love you. mm. mm. >> genevieve: (moans) >> genevieve: (sighs) ♪
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>> nick: well, i guess i don't have to worry about you being able to handle malloy. >> phyllis: oh. oh, i'm sorry. this isn't what it appears to be. >> ronan: (chuckles) >> nick: really? >> phyllis: yeah. >> nick: 'cause it appears to me that you guys are... having sex. >> ronan: okay, listen, i know you didn't come here to give your ex a hard time about seeing me. >> phyllis: yeah, and--and which would be very, very funny, considering that you are having sex with my sister. >> nick: (sighs) i came here to speak to malloy. >> ronan: okay then, what's it about?
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'cause i'm assuming it's not fantasy football advice. >> nick: my father's about to reenter his guilty plea in court, and i really don't think my dad killed diane. >> phyllis: neither do we. >> ronan: (sighs) >> phyllis: we're actually working together to find out who the real murderer was in the park that night. >> nick: have you come up with anything that could prove he's not telling the truth? >> ronan: i haven't. i'm sorry. and as of right now, i have nothing that's gonna stop your father's guilty plea from going through. >> nikki: your honor... >> judge click: order. >> nikki: he's innocent. victor is innocent. >> victor: nikki, please don't say another word. >> nikki: please, he--he did not kill diane. >> spencer: this is a ploy, your honor. >> nikki: i'm telling the truth. i know what happened in the park. >> victor: you have to stop her. >> michael: we request a brief recess, your honor. >> judge click: (sighs) >> victor: victoria, take your mother out of here. >> nikki: no, no, no, no, no. i won't go. >> judge click: (bangs gavel) i said order. bailiff, remove this woman. >> nikki: your honor, please, i beg you, please,
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please listen to me. ♪ ew. hey, mom? what? pay you? for what? for unloading the dishwasher?! kid, you need to pay me for making this delicious -- whoa. hold on there, mom. kitchen counselor. um, mom, i think what she means is "greasy dishes." yeah. in fact, check it out. cascade complete pacs are the ones with the real liquid top. they fight tough greasy messes better than the other tablet, which can leave more tough grease behind. oooh, clean. there's only one cascade. love it, or your money back. shop kmart and get after christmas prices now... at the big bling blowout! get up to 75% off all fine jewerly... like these 2-carat diamond rings, just $229.99 each... plus jewelry boxes are 60% off!
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now that's kmart smart. [ coughs, sniffles ] especially when you're sick. now, with new simpler packaging, robitussin® makes it simple to get the right relief for your symptoms. new simpler packaging, same effective relief. robitussin®. relief made simple. bisquick makes amazing pancakes... and pizza... chicken tenders... even strawberry shortcake. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. covergirl trublend has skin twin technology. other makeup can sit on your skin, so it looks but trublend has skin twin technology to actually merge with your skin. how easy breezy beautiful is that? trublend...from covergirl. we throw out over $500 in food ziploc preevery year.gic. help save more of it with ziploc freezer bags featuring new, improved smartzip. edge to edge protection you can hear. get ziploc. and get more out of it.
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[ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] discover the tempting layers of ferrero rocher. a whole hazelnut, smooth chocolaty cream inside a wafer shell, covered in milk chocolate and hazelnut pieces. ♪ ferrero rocher. make your moments golden. see? he's taking his vitamins. new one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups. the "make a new friend" card! the "she's so cute!" card! the "he's pretty cool" card! [ female announcer ] give bear buck$ gift cards this holiday! animals and outfits sold separately. it's the "just what i wished for" card!
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[ female announcer ] from build-a-bear workshop! when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. additional sponsorship provided by... >> jack: ash, where are you? >> ashley: crimson lights with billy. why? >> jack: uh, stay there, both of you. there's something i want to speak to you about. >> ashley: what's the matter, jack? >> jack: i'll be there soon. >> ashley: (sighs) that was jack. he wants to talk to us. >> billy: okay.
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>> jack: well, are you ready to spread the good news? >> genevieve: oh, boy, am i. >> myrna: (sniffles) >> genevieve: (laughs) who's there? myrna? >> myrna: (exhales quickly) >> genevieve: myrna, is that you? >> myrna: (sighs) (clears throat) (voice breaks) do you need me? (sniffles) >> genevieve: when did you get back? >> myrna: oh, just now. >> genevieve: you sound like you've got a cold. are you not feeling well? >> myrna: (sniffles) no, i'm not feeling well. >> genevieve: oh, i'm sorry. nothing ruins christmas like being sick. >> myrna: oh, i can think of other things. (sniffles) >> genevieve: ohh, you poor thing. >> myrna: no, no, no, i don't want you to touch me. i don't want to give this to you and jack. um, i'll be in my room, okay? >> genevieve: oh, wait, wait, myrna, i've got some fabulous news. no, really, it m-might make you feel better. look. >> myrna: oh, god! >> genevieve: jack and i are getting married! >> myrna: i'm gonna be sick.
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>> genevieve: she just seems to go from one misfortune to the next. >> jack: well, i guess there's some bug going around. she'll feel better soon enough. >> genevieve: mm. >> nick: there has to be a way that we can prevent this judge from accepting dad's plea. (door opens) >> phyllis: (sighs) >> ronan: i have tried, i promise, but so far, all i've accomplished is pissing my bosses off at the g.c.p.d. and getting an unpaid vacation from the bureau. >> nick: so everyone's trying to shut down the one guy trying to uncover the truth? >> ronan: i mean, walsh can put the brakes on the case, but that doesn't stop me. >> phyllis: or me. >> nick: you know, after that article came out about my mom in "restless style," which i'm assuming you had something to do with... >> phyllis: oh, come on. >> nick: i'm not sure i want your help. >> phyllis: oh, you don't? really? come on. we all know it's possible that your father
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is covering for nikki. >> nick: so you think my mom killed diane? >> ronan: i want you to see something. come here. >> phyllis: (whispers) excuse me. >> nick: excuse me. >> nick: what the hell? whose hand is that? >> ronan: as far as i can tell right now, it's diane's. >> nick: what is that lying next to her? >> ronan: a rock, a rock covered in blood. >> nick: who sent you this? >> phyllis: it came through too many servers for us to be able to trace it. >> nick: i guess that means it's possible... >> nick: my mom could have killed diane. >> ronan: actually,
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i think it means that she didn't. >> adam: looks like i got here just in time. >> nikki: (slurring speech) your honor, my name is nikki newman, and you must let me speak. >> judge click: this is a court of law, mrs. newman. >> nikki: yes, i know, i know that, but he is lying. >> victor: nikki, stop. >> nikki: he did not kill diane. >> victor: that is-- >> nikki: i did. i did. >> victor: that is not true, your honor. >> nikki: yes, it is true. >> victor: your honor, mrs. newman is an alcoholic. she had an unfortunate relapse. she's drunk right now. she does not know what she's saying. >> nikki: yes, i do. i know exactly what i'm saying. >> judge click: guard. >> nikki: i know what i'm saying. victor, please, please, don't do this. i'm not worth it. (voice breaks) tell them the truth. tell them the truth. >> victor: baby, stop it. [ woman ] what can i say?
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i love the holidays. the traditions. ♪ the decorations. and, of course, the spirit of giving. your moment. your dove. you feel it working, so you know you're ready for whatever the day brings. compared to ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. up to a two times cleaner feeling. new crest complete. feel it working. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy.
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[ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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[ tea kettle whistle ] [ male announcer ] beat your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d contains the most powerful medicine allowable without a prescription to fight your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d. serious power. pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles. just three ingredients to sweet memories. holiday ideas made easy. >> ashley: you're engaged? >> jack: we are engaged. >> genevieve: (laughs) >> ashley: that was quick. (laughs) i'm sorry. >> genevieve: thank you? >> ashley: i am so sorry. i didn't mean it
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the way it sounded. it's just--i'm so sorry that y-you-- you just kind of scared us earlier. >> billy: yeah, uh, we didn't know whether this was good news or bad news, man. >> ashley: glad to know you're okay. >> billy: i mean, this is great news for jackie. this is really great news. for you, on the other hand-- >> genevieve: (scoffs) billy. >> billy: i mean, you know what they say about the abbott family-- enter at your own risk. >> genevieve: (laughs) oh, billy. >> jack: billy. >> billy: what, what? i'm not trying to scare her. >> genevieve: oh, there's no chance of that. >> billy: no, i'm just trying to prepare you... >> genevieve: oh. (laughs) >> billy: trust me. yeah. >> ashley: well, i think this is a first, isn't it, that all abbott children are happy and in love at the very same time. >> jack: well, let's try to keep it that way, shall we? >> genevieve: (giggles)
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>> myrna: (breathing heavily) >> myrna: no... (fabric tearing) >> myrna: no! no! no! no! no! i hate you! i hate you! i hate you! i hate you! (sobbing) i hate you, and it's... >> deacon: hey, my man wilson. what's up, man? >> wilson: hey, not much. >> deacon: (laughs) >> wilson: how about you? >> deacon: uh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, you know how it goes. hey, do me a favor-- let me get a soda water with a twist of lime, all right? oh, you like 'em, huh? yeah, this is, uh,
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the new look, huh? >> wilson: all right. (whistles sharply) this, too? >> deacon: good, right? oh, man. this, my friend, was a gift from my wife. beautiful, isn't it? i guess you heard i got married. >> wilson: yeah. >> deacon: hey, listen, by the way, i was wondering, is gloria around here? >> wilson: took the day off. >> deacon: (groans) all right. >> wilson: listen, can you cover a shift for me tomorrow? >> deacon: oh, buddy, i'd love to, but i got big plans with the missus. >> wilson: forget it. it's on the house. >> deacon: no, no, no, dude, this one's on me. you keep the change. (opens bottle) (liquid pouring) mmm. >> nick: so you don't think my mom or dad killed diane? >> ronan: i think that someone's playing me, and i think they have been from the start. the photo of ashley in the park, a recording of you threatening diane, using my cell phone
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to get all of you to that warehouse-- i think that whoever's behind it is now pointing me towards nikki. i think that they're trying to keep me confused. i think that they want me to be distracted. >> phyllis: the real killer. >> ronan: or someone who knows who the real killer is. >> nick: well, i can tell you who it's not. it's not my parents. >> ronan: well, unfortunately, that doesn't help us, nick, or them. >> nick: well, i'm in, no matter what you need-- money, access to our planes, any equipment you'll need, anything to find who the real killer is. it's yours. >> ronan: ohh, hold on a second. are we talking about the three of us working together? >> phyllis: i think that nick has a lot to offer. >> ronan: um, nick, i can't guarantee that the truth won't lead us to one... or both of your parents. >> nick: i'm not afraid of the truth. >> nikki: victor, tell them that you made a mistake.
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>> judge click: mrs. newman-- >> victor: sweetheart, please stop this. >> nikki: this is not justice. this is a damn farce. that man did not kill anybody. >> judge click: that's it. guard, take her away. >> nikki: no, no, don't touch me! i am not finished. >> michael: your honor, i'll be handling bail for mrs. newman. >> judge click: not until tomorrow, you won't. >> nikki: victor, victor, i-- >> judge click: find a nice room for mrs. newman. >> nikki: i'm gonna make this right. i'm sorry. >> victor: victoria, please go with your mother. >> nikki: i won't let you do this for me. >> nick: look, if we at least show this to walsh, it will prove that someone's trying to frame my mom. >> ronan: i thought about that, but it could backfire, too. nikki could end up in a cell right next to victor. (cell phone rings) >> nick: yeah. >> avery: 25 to life. >> nick: damn. >> avery: nick, your mom was here. she was drunk, and the judge cited her for contempt and had her arrested. >> nick: okay, i'm on my way. i gotta go. >> phyllis: how bad?
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>> nick: 25 to life. >> phyllis: i'm sorry. >> nick: you guys keep working. if you need anything, call connie. i'll be in touch. (door closes) >> judge click: the prisoner is to be transferred to the state penitentiary to begin serving his sentence immediately. (bangs gavel) court is adjourned. >> man: all rise. >> sharon: victor. >> victor: it's all right. >> sharon: i'm still not giving up. >> victor: you don't have giving up. >> victor: you don't have a choice, okay?
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looks like everyone has a new favorite letter. the w, new from wendy's. double beef. double cheese... and our signature sauce all served up on a buttered, toasted bun. the w. now for just $2.99. only at wendy's. hey wendy! give me a w! i love it. not wash. power wash. ok. whoa. [ female announcer ] life comes with headaches. excedrin extra strength gets rid of them fast. in fact, for some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. excedrin. for life's headaches. [ record scratches ] ...and over [ record scratches ] probably isn't giving results you want. discover neosporin® lip health™. shown to restore visibly healthier lips in just 3 days. neosporin® lip health™. rethink your lip care. [ mom ] my husband --
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he thinks it's a 3-sheeter. i say 1-sheeter. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. super absorbent. super clean. bounty.
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♪ hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's. the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol. "the young and the restless" will continue.,,,,,,
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"the young and the restless"
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>> jack: love you too, sis. bye. well, traci couldn't be any happier for us. >> genevieve: aw, that's so nice. i--you know, i just don't see the downside to being a part of your family. (cell phone alert chimes) >> billy: oh, hell. i don't believe this. >> ashley: what is it? >> jack: ooh, maybe you spoke too soon. >> ashley: what? what? >> billy: victor got 25 to life. >> ashley: i gotta call abby. she can't hear this from anybody else. >> billy: yeah, i'm gonna call vicki. um, excuse me. >> jack: and i thought this day couldn't get any better. >> connie: department heads are all here, mr. newman. we're ready to start. >> adam: the meeting is canceled. >> connie: your father wanted to go ahead with business as usual. >> adam: that was before my father realized he was gonna be behind bars the rest of his life. the judge came down harsh. >> connie: (gasps) no. >> adam: time to move forward. send out a notice immediately
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to all board members. we're going to be meeting to name victor's new successor. >> ronan: no, i understand. all right, thanks, manny. yeah. later. >> phyllis: that your i.t. friend at the bureau? >> ronan: yeah, and he's not too down with helping us trace where that video file came from. >> phyllis: well, you can give him incentive. you know, remember, nick talked about how we could use his planes and his cars and his resources. >> ronan: yeah, that was a little, uh, that was a little weird, right? >> phyllis: uh, what was weird? nick was worried about his parents. what's weird? >> ronan: i'm talking about the reaction he had to us being together. i mean... he was much cooler than i thought he'd be. >> phyllis: cooler. oh, was he? (sighs) >> ronan: you're disappointed. >> phyllis: why would i be disappointed? >> ronan: because you were hoping he'd be jealous.
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>> phyllis: oh, not hoping. no, i wasn't. >> ronan: yeah. >> phyllis: no, i wasn't. >> ronan: okay. >> phyllis: i... (scoffs) i don't-- i mean, you know, some--some people like to be missed, but i wasn't-- i'm--i'm not disappointed. >> ronan: well, anyway, nick has too much going on to worry about what we're up to, right? >> phyllis: right. um, i think... i'm done here. i think you investigated me thoroughly, detective. >> ronan: yeah? >> phyllis: mm-hmm. >> ronan: where you going? >> phyllis: somewhere. i have something to do. >> ronan: ooh, sounds so mysterious. >> phyllis: i thought you liked mystery. >> ronan: (chuckles) so later, then? >> phyllis: yeah, later. (door closes)


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