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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 27, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> low american growth figures
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ramp up fears of a double-dip recession. the fed warned it will step in if things get worse. a new constitution for kenya, but an old problem mars' the celebration as you don's president joins -- as the dawn of's president joins -- as sudan's is it enjoins the celebrations. the first pictures of the chilean miners. >> we understand that experts from nasa will come to offer their advice about survival in isolation. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- the exodus goes on in pakistan. up to 1 million in 48 hours. breeches on at the banks of the indus and threatened fresh floods. we report from one of the worst
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affected areas in niger. hello. you want the good news? that is here in britain. the bad news, unfortunately, is global. fears the world is again heading downhill of overshadowed new figures showing u.k. gross up more than likely. in the united states, it is well down and america's top banker is ready to step in if things get worse. mark mardell reports from one of the worst trouble spots, rhode island. >> the crash started in united states with housing, in it is not getting better. america's top banker said growth has been too slow. the labor market is sluggish and the economy remains vulnerable.
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>> these are fragile times, and the world economy is slowing. at the u.s. slows, the u.k. will slow afterward. >> the u.s. came out of recession at the end of last year, and grew rapidly, but it has fallen back cents, now a little better than this time last year. rhode island is one of the first to plunge into recession. president obama's stimulus money has allowed some to buy up homes and rhythm out cheaply. this company's director is in a a good state to judge the state of the housing market. she says housing is not selling it acts -- she says housing is not selling. >> interest rates are good. prices are good. it is a good time to buy. there's a lot of uncertainty. >> most of these times of been repossessed. there is that one and that one. around 69 in a small area.
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the problem behind this is unemployment. it is persistently 9.6% in the united states. wendy knows all about that. she has been without a job for five months and has four children to bring up on a rug. the figures in rutland are worse than the national average. >> if you feel like you're putting your resume into space. you rarely get called back. there are so many other people putting their resume out for the same job. >> but the state's unemployment figures are coming down, even though they are worse than the country as a whole. when these are the new job monday. >> the lady called me back, and they are going to have me start. >> this is where wendy will be working, like house financial services. government stimulus money will pay all her wages for months,
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but then runs out. the business is doing the books or other companies. >> i feel the economy is doing better. when it was down, a lot of our clients went out of business. i.t. people who have their own corporations are working at starbucks now. now it is turning around again. >> people in the ocean state seemed to think things are getting very -- getting better. america's top banker says he is ready to step in. bbc news, rhode island. >> more of the main news for you. a draft report from the u.n. has concluded that crimes committed in a decade of war and the democratic republic of congo and not to genocide. it covers the years 1993 until 20003 and describes systemic attacks by the brandon army. rwanda denies the army ever
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carrying out such acts. the american kept prisoner in north korea has come home. aijalon gomes is an english teacher who has been serving eight years hard labour for illegally entering the country on a one-man peace mission. there are images of the north korean leader in china. the grainy images show the leader in a school. this is his second visit to china in three months. these are -- there are reports this relates to the succession and his eldest son is with him. judges from the international criminal court have reported kenya to the u.n. security council for allowing a visit by the sudanese president. omar al-bashir came to witness the new constitution being signed into law. under international law, kenya
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should have arrested him. but thousands were caught up in what the government called the biggest celebration in a generation. >> this was a day loaded with symbolism and historic occasion, with military bands and traditional dances. i new constitution that radically changes the way kenya is covered -- governed. it was, said the papers, the birth of any republic. >> as president of this great country, i have appended my signature on kenya's new constitution. >> this constitution introduces limits on the president's power. it enshrines a citizens' bill of rights and it sets up a commission to tackle land reform, kenya's most emotive
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issue. kenyans finally understood that the way tribalism corrupts politics had to change. some of the political figures on the podium may well find themselves facing charges on -- an international criminal court, the result of a process to prosecute those behind the violence. the government says it is committed to supporting the court, but then omar al-bashir turned up. he is wanted on war crimes charges of his son, and his presence suggests that kenya's support of the international criminal court may not be unshakeable after all. nobody can deny the historic significance of this moment, but now the hard work begins. corruption, tribalism are deeply ingrained and will take more than a piece that paper to change that. but today remains deeply
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significant and it is a step in and of political direction and momentum it will be hard for any politician to change. bbc news, nairobi. >> security has been tight in the thai capital after a grenade attack seriously injured a security guard. this attack is the third in bangkok in just over a month. the government says the reason for the tax is unclear. landslides triggered by heavy rain have killed many in northeast turkey. roads were flooded near the georgian border. landslides are common locally, but buildings are still being put up on unstable land. in a development that could mean more productive crops, researchers in britain say they have decoded most of the genome of wheat grain. the crisis and pakistan is getting worse, according to the united nations. it's a 1 million people have
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been displaced in the last few days. waters are moving south to the country. officials have ordered the evacuation an entire province. orla guerin reports. >> fleeing from the floods. people were on the move today. those who could afford it were in trucks. transport prices have risen with the flood waters. a mass evacuation was ordered. but we saw no officials giving help or directions. they carried their prized possessions. the chickens were saved by this family. and in her arms, a baby go. -- goat. almost a month on, here in the south, the floods are still claiming more territory and
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disrupting more lives. a mother struggles to get her baby to safety. not knowing where to turn. >> we have moved four times already. this is the fifth. the children are very scared. >> would sell many on the move, the united nations as -- with so many on the move, the united nations says the aid effort cannot keep pace. more than 1 million people have been uprooted. there is a continuous exodus taking place now. people who did not want to leave before know they are running out of time. they are taking anything they can carry. the nearest safe high ground is 20 kilometers away. and here is why they have to go
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the swollen waters of the index, -- indus that swept away this embankment. flooding could take three to four days. there is still risk. and many are angry at the government's response. all week long, they expected more. no one can stop us, he says. "we are hungry." when the army brought food, they took it for themselves. this crisis is still developing. the numbers are still rising. and that the weak state is still under pressure. orla guerin, bbc news. >> and niger is seeking international help to deal with its own devastating floods.
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all this after a long-running drought that has left more than half the country, 15 million people, needing food aid. we have this from the capitol. >> the rain that millions have prayed for weeks ago has brought havoc here. thousands of homes destroyed and desperately-needed crops washed away. 5000 people have lost their homes and often everything they own. hundreds of families are getting refuge and intense and shelters. the floods could not have come at a worse time. ever since the harvest last year, facing erratic rains, millions of people have had little to live on. some of up to survive on leaves and wild berries. aid agencies have brought in help from across the world. most has come in the form of grain, but some are now giving
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out money so people can buy their own food. >> we are trying to give people a good value, a food budget. this will allow people to buy food from the vendor of their choice. apart from the food tickets, there is also food from the cattle. we tried to moderate the set -- sale of cattle a reasonable prices. >> the floods will make getting help to people in this, the poorest country on earth, even harder than ever. mark thompson, bbc news, niger. >> stay with us on the "bbc world news." still to come -- first though, france is rejecting a u.n. report calling for an end to the collective deportations of roma people. the u.n. says some of the
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hundreds deported did not freely consent to leave and have not been informed of their rights. france says they have scrupulously respected obligations. >> sending these, a home in one group without assessing their individual circumstances looks, the united nations says, like racial profiling. the u.n. wants france to avoid mass deportations like these and basicure each person's human rights are respected. >> we understand estate has a right and responsibility to deal with security issues -- we understand it a states has a right and responsibility to deal with security issues, but when you do so, it should not be on a collective basis. you should not be targeting a group as a whole. >> the committee also is that
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france's political leaders need to turn down rhetoric, saying many of their comments contributed to problems of discrimination. french politicians should try harder, the u.n. believes, to promote tolerance and understanding. but the experts in geneva also made it clear that france is not the only concern. the problem is europe-wide. among six european countries just reviewed, there is france, denmark, bosnia herzegovina, and romania itself -- all had issues of discrimination against their roma population. bbc news. >> the latest headlines for you this hour on "bbc world news." the u.s. is saying growth is
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slower than thought, but the world's most powerful banker says he has the tools to do something about it. a new constitution for kenya, but the president of sudan, wanted for war crimes joins the ceremony. he should have been arrested. extraordinary new pictures from chile today. they showed the 33 miners trapped underground now at the center of on major rescue operation. they know it will be months before aid will be brought down. from there, james reynolds and this report. -- sent this report. >> the man who spent three weeks underground, starving in the near-dark, the miners of san jose look remarkably well. you can see how hot it is half a mile under the earth. the miners have all lost a lot of weights, and they tell their
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families they will be ok. [unintelligible] >> for the families watching in what they called camp hope, this is an emotional experience. sometimes painful, sometimes full of joy, as they try to deal with the knowledge that there is a week ahead. the miners give their viewers on a guided tour. here, they show one of the underground machines. [unintelligible] and this will be their home, until christmas. this is what they called their casino, where they play dominoes.
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the smokers among them will get nicotine gum. some have been overwhelmed by the effort to save them. >> [unintelligible] and outside -- >> and outside, the survival tubes are constantly being filled. each minor needs to get four liters of water every day. -- each miner. >> [unintelligible] >> the miners have no choice. they are stuck together. and in case anyone was worried about the state of their lungs, the in our video store with a noisy rendition of the chilean national anthem. >> [unintelligible] >> extraordinary step there from james reynolds.
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a cleric in iraq, whose father and 13 other family members were killed by saddam hussein's regime said that a supporter of the former president tried to kill him last month. our correspondent has been to visit him. >> beautiful coppola -- beautiful and holy. this is the shrine of imam hussein, grandson of the profit. this is his shrine and his camera. his brother, imam abbas was also killed in the battle. he is also an shrine. >earlier this month, gunmen
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broke into in his home. his body guards chased them away. he believes that the attackers were remnants of saddam hussein's regime. >> is more to them. >> martyrdom? >> yes. >> it does not look it, but there is a ferocious heat today. but millions of pilgrims come here every year, especially on the 40th day after the anniversary of the death of imam the same period in 2003, i came here with them, and it was the first time the full pilgrimage had been permitted since the saddam hussein regime. they were allowed to come here on foot, which deliberately excluded many. a year later, 160 about --
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devout shi'a pilgrims were killed. probably in ads attack -- in an attack by ex-baathists. they, all year long, from iran, kuwait. >> in fact, i do not know because i have no knowledge. but the people of iraq and the government of the back -- of iraq, the law is the law changed. >> but he and the city are determined their spirit will not be defeated. bbc news. >> now, the recent heat wave had
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a huge impact on russia, of course, and now the world may be paying the price. global wheat prices have skyrocketed. emma sansom reports. >> this is a country bread there is no shortage of land, but always the perfect climate. -- this is a country where there is no shortage of land, but not always the perfect climate. this is what they call the black earth. this is incredibly fertile. most farming -- most farmers would die to get their hands on it. a look at it now. it is bone dry. you need to get wheels to get around this mega-farm with its nearly 1000 hectares of land. it is managed by the biggest agricultural firm in russia. and they are counting the cost of the drought.
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their job is to get the best out of these fields. it has been a terrible harvest. he showed me how the crops have been damaged. wheat grain it shriveled through lack of rain. >> we planted this field with elite sees an expected 4.5 tons of wheat -- seeds an expected 4.5 tons of wheat. we only got 1 foot at that. >> back in the village, they can only wait for the brain to, while keeping the animals that. they usually have five times as much hay as they do now. >> prices will go up, and i am afraid our families will not have the money. >> it is quite a change in russia's fortunes. bumper harvests and in recent years have allowed the country to become the world's third
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largest wheat exporter. last year, russia sold 800 million tons. this year, exports are expected to be as low as 3 million because the government has put a ban on the sale of crops abroad. >> our buyers would prefer to pay more to competitors rather than buy our grain with russian risk. we will have to repair a reputation, which we have been building for five years. it will take a long time to get it back. >> year, they are plowing the soil, ready for winter crops. the big question is, will the rain come in time for of the planting to be done? >> emma sansom there. and finally, authorities in bangkok international airport got a big surprise when they
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found drugs and a tiger cub in as the case. but toy tiger had also been packed in the back, apparently to confuse anyone looking through it. the cub, but to be three months old, has gone to a while but conservation center in bangkok. the main story before we leave you -- the u.s. federal reserve is ready to take further action to boost american economic growth. new figures have shown it is weaker than forecast. the economy grew at an annual rate of 1.6%. in kenya is being criticized for inviting, are all but year to the celebration of its constitution last friday and not arresting him -- omar al- bashir to the celebration of its constitution last friday. you can get more online and on twitter and facebook as well. thank you for being with us. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around
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the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank offers unique insight and expertise in a range of industries. what can we do for you?
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