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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 24, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> 6 members of the somali parliament are among 30 dead in an attack on a hotel in mogadishu.
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42 died in northeast china when a plane burst into flames. with nearly 1 million cut off by flood waters, the prime minister of pakistan says epidemic is a serious concern. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. my name is mike embley. coming up later for you -- we talked to the elite u.s. troops training for afghanistan. all parts of the surge against the taliban. and jubilation in gillette as rescuers make contact with -- in chile rescuers make contact with 33 trapped miners underground. hello to you. in part of the horn of africa viewed with increasing alarm by the united states, the african union, and ethiopia, islamist
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insurgents in somalia stormed a hotel used by the government, killing more than 30. those killed includes six members of parliament and five government officials. at least 70 have died in two days in some of the heaviest fighting for years. our east africa correspondent reports from neighboring kenya. >> even by the standards of somalia, tuesday's attack was shocking. a group of gunmen at the storm to hotel in what was supposed to be as safe zone. the hotel is close to the presidential palace. the total death toll at the hotel is 32, said the deputy prime minister. that includes six mps and five civil servants. the gunmen broke in and opened fire before they blew themselves
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up. this dramatically undermines the security the government and the african union have worked so hard to present. the islamic radicals have been fighting to overthrow the administration. a report suggests militants have been growing in experience and confidence. military analysts say it is unlikely the rebels will be able to overthrow the government as long as the african troops -- the african union troops remain there. but there are worries the government is losing its military morale and political support. if the government collapses, so does the african union mandate. bbc news. >> chinese media are reporting 43 died in a passenger jet that burst into flames while landing at an airport in the northeast. the plane had 96 on board when
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it crashed in heilongjiang province. 53 were rescued. we have this. >> the plane carrying 91 passengers and five crew reportedly overshot the runway and burst into flames when it tried to land in heavy fog. at the head of the jet had taken off from the provincial capital an hour earlier. an emergency services rushed to the scene. investigators are now looking for the flight recorder. because of the crash is not yet known. china's last major civilian air crash took place in 2004 with the deaths of more than 50. this is one of an increasing number of airports being built in remote parts of china to boost economic development. bbc news. >> as floodwater sweeping through southern pakistan, the country's prime minister is
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saying there is serious concern about the spread of epidemic diseases. and according to its president, it could take years to recover from all this. our correspondent chris morris and that's from one of the region is suffering badly from the floods. -- sent this from one of the region suffering badly from the floods. >> they are taking matters into their own hands. water is flooding, and these are the efforts to stop it. tens of thousands have fled the city which lies across the fields. >> we are doing what we can to protect our houses. every little thing helps. they are ripping up the road to help strengthen defenses. but will it be enough? all this is part of the new geography of southern pakistan. the wall behind me is nearly 15 miles long, built to protect the city. all across this region, similar
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structures are being constructed to try to keep the flood waters back. we sent off -- we set off with fishermen who have been mounting a rescue mission every day, saving hundreds stranded by the floods. their houses are now under water. we did not have to go far before we came across at this group, balanced precariously on a tiny boat. >> we were stuck for seven days, and we thought we could wait it out. but the water kept rising. we have not eaten for two days. >> others are still out here, surviving on what they can. but most people have fled, leaving at their most precious possessions behind. even their livestock. but the big question now -- will the walls made of mud, stones, and sand really hold?
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>> we're going to work 24 hours a day. there is another body of water that will eventually come here to. >> the threat is not over. and the country is praying the floods will not wreak further havoc. chris morris, bbc news. >> de la have been killed and several wounded in armed clashes in the lebanese capital of beirut. there was an exchange of gunfire and grenades. this was in a residential area. the lebanese army has moved in to regain control. authorities in the philippines have admitted they mishandled the bus hijacking that left eight tourists dead. they said the assault team was inadequately trained and the operation badly planned. at the ministry in moldova says several members of -- the ministry in moldova says several
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members of a criminal gang had been arrested. police found uranium in a garage in the capital. according to nuclear experts, this form of uranium could not be used to make a nuclear bomb. india's environment ministry has rejected plans by a british- based company to build a plant in an area considered sacred by an indigenous tribes. the government ruled that allowing the mine would infringe the rights of the people who live in the nearby hills. we have this report. >> their way of life has hardly changed in centuries, and now the indian government has stepped in to make sure things stay that way. it has ruled the tiny tribe does not have to share a town with a giant mining company. it the uk-based company has one
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into the build of vast bauxite mine on the hills where the people say they're gods reside in a search for food. the environment ministry says the company had already committed serious violations of the forestry law. earlier, an international campaign to protect the tri persuaded some shareholders of the company, including the church of england, to sell their stock in the company. the campaigners are celebrating the indian government's decision. >> i would like to welcome the decision of the indian authorities to reject the bauxite mining, and i think it is a victory for the local community and local organizations who have been relentlessly fighting for an campaigning against this agenda. it has to be done responsibly.
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>> previously, the company said it had complied with all rules, that it was limiting the environmental impact of the mine, and that it was bringing jobs and development to one of india's poorest regions. much of the country's smaller -- mineral wealth lies in such remote tribal areas, so other mining companies will be watching how it chooses to respond. bbc news, delhi. >> they have released -- the company has released a statement. the company confirms there and no regulatory violations of any kind at their refinery. an official investigation in northern ireland has revealed the british government colluded with the catholic church to cover up the suspected involvement of a priest in an ira bombing. nine died in the attack in 1972. father james chesney was suspected of being an ira
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commander and helping to plan the bombing. we have this. >> three ira bombs exploded in quick succession without warning. and the man the police believed was behind the nine deaths was a catholic priest -- father james chesney. but he was never arrested, never questioned, and never charged. the revelations are contained in this report, published today by northern ireland's police aum's goodman -- bombs but men. and 8-year-old was killed, but her brother survived. today, he says he felt betrayed. >> i pay taxes, too. they have not performed at all they have washed their hands. they have watched it on the carpet for 38 years. >> the reason he was not arrested was the then-northern
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ireland secretary was involved with a cover-up with the police and the church. the report gives details between the northern ireland secretary and a catholic bishop. documentiously-secret reveals that the secretary saw the cardinal privately. the cardinal agreed he was a very bad name -- a very bad man and he would see what could be done. this music was shared with the then-consul. he said "i would prefer a transfer to tipperary." father james chesney was later transferred to donnegal, as the cardinal had wanted. >> i believe conway did what he believed to be right in that situation. he was faced with an impossible
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situation. his primary concern was the prevention of violence. >> from the government, there was an apology. >> i am profoundly sorry that this man who was allegedly involved in this appalling atrocities did not go through the full process of law. and i am very sorry for the families to let been waiting a long time for this report to come through. >> but for many of those relatives, just saying sorry about the government cover-up is not good enough. >> i can understand what they did and why they did it, but that does not really make it right. we would like some justice to give us a bit of peace after 40 years. >> father james chesney is now dead, and so are all the key figures in the cover-up. no one has been prosecuted in connection with the bombing here, in the uncomfortable reality for the people of this
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village is that it is highly unlikely anyone ever will. mark simpson, bbc news. >> still to come for you on "bbc world news." already facing a food crisis, niger faces flooding and destroyed supplies. at first though, in nepal, 14 died when their plane crashed in katmandu. bad weather forced it to turn back from its intended destination near mount everest. >> it was an anxious wait for the relatives and friends of the 14 passengers and crew of the plane. this small german-made passenger plane up katmandu shortly after 7:00 this morning, but after being told by air traffic control to return to the capital because of bad weather, the
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plane disappeared from radar. the president's -- residents living in the hills north of katmandu reported they had seen the plane crashed and it had broken into small pieces. katmandu airport was briefly closed as officials worked out what happened. >> according to the information we have received, none of the passengers or crew survived the crash. there were 14 people on board the plane. >> there have been accidents in the year before, such as when a small plane crashed and burst into flames in two years ago, killing all 18 on board. it is one of the most difficult landing strips in the world. undercover -- unpredictable not mother also add dangers. -- mountain weather also add that dangers. the caretaker prime minister of nepal was among the officials
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who attended the scene. rescue workers say they have recovered the remains of several bodies and are attempting to identify them. the government has launched an official investigation into because of the crash. bbc news, katmandu. >> the latest headlines for you this hour. add a deadly attack by islamist insurgents in the somali capital. six members of parliament are among 30 killed. 43 died in a plane crash in northeast china. 53 were rescued. the senior american general has julysted president obama's 20 deadline to withdraw from afghanistan is encouraging the taliban. he says things could change after that date.
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he says marines will still be in helmand province for a few years. mark macdill has been in to see the troops getting ready. >> the screaming eagles, the 101st airborne will soon descend on afghanistan, the final wave of the last surge. president obama hopes it will bring america's longest war to an end. they are keen to get going. >> i want to be a part of that. it is historical. >> but they understand it will not be easy. >> the russians have been doing it for years, as though -- they are fighting until they can not anymore. >> well history is made, some have to stay behind. >> and we are getting our soldier hero is ready and rocking out the doors, getting on the flights for our yearlong deployment. >> and no shots ring out on the
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range, no feet stand on the parade ground. there is no one here today. the base is all but empty. recipe for thousand troops are on their way -- most of the 4000 troops are on their way to afghanistan. they were spread widely over seven provinces. now they are focused on one, showing the intensity of the surge that is meant to bring in the war to an end. but what did they think of deadlines to -- deadlines? the sergeant has a little time to play with his daughter before he heads out to afghanistan. did he think the president was right to announce troops would come home next summer? >> i do not know right or wrong, but i am glad he has made this decisions. i will definitely stand behind tampa -- behind him. >> do you think it has been worth it? >> yes. i think it was decent that we
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started this. now that it is coming to an end, i think that is good. when there is a start, there has to be finished, too. >> the sergeant will fly to afghanistan tomorrow. many soldiers have told us they want this to end, and soon, but only at the war is over and the job is done. mark martel, bbc news. >> an aid agency is warning that the west african country of niger is confronting food shortages. our west africa correspondent sent this from eastern niger. >> this was not expected. at the have not seen a drop of rain for months. now heavy rains have left more than 100,000 homeless. houses have been washed away. crops destroyed.
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>> we had about 15 plots of growing vegetables, and they were all flooded. we lost about $300 in earnings. >> in the eastern part of the country where severe food crisis already was an issue, thousands of animals have drowned. only a few cows destroyed it, as most of the people here have lost all of their cattle. agencies are worried. >> it has been a few months already for the food crisis. people have just lost everything they had. >> four months, and drought parched the entire country, causing malnutrition among the children. people here and now wonder what the weather will bring them next.
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bbc news. >> in july, -- chile engineers are assembling a chung and drill capable of extracting 33 miners -- assembling a drill capable of extracting 33 miners trapped. >> an extraordinary moment in an extraordinary way. chile's national anthem sung by the miners who have been trapped half a mile underground for 19 days. this is their first communication with the outside world. rescue workers dropped the telephone line down. rehydration tablets and medicine have also been sent down. the bore hole will be there like line until they can be rescued. when the camera was dropped down the hole and the first image of
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on minor pressing his face to the men's -- the first image of a minor pressing his case to the lands -- lens, there was jubilation. there's a growing realization of how long it will take to bring these men back to the surface. the miners are trap almost half a mile underground, with no chance of reaching the main shaft. the collapse cut them from escape, leaving the only option this shelter space with a small supply of oxygen, water, and emergency fate. now they have the narrow bore hole, and food and medicine can be sent to them. more will be drilled well rescue workers work on an escape shaft wide enough for the miners to be brought up one by one. although it could be december before that it happened. >> they understand we have to go through 700 meters of solid rock
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to rescue them. they can about the way the situation and in have a sense of that being a long time. -- and they can have a sense of that being a long time. >> their relatives are waiting for them and they vowed to stay here until the ordeal is over. bbc news, in chile. >> we will keep you in touch with that went for short. venezuela has been at the center of pioneering medical research for years. american scientists have been trying to work out why it has the highest rate of a crippling genetic disorder. but they find it resurge blocked by the intense relationship between washington and caracas. we have this from will grant. >> this small fishing community has the highest incidence of huntington's sufferers in the
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world. the rate here is someone in a tent. they gradually lose control of their muscles and but, then and frail. it is fatal. her mother died in 1978 of huntington's. for the past 30 years, the american scientist has been searching for the cure. >> my mother died of huntington's, and she was a site is. my father was a scientist. he said, let's find a cure. he is still saying that. you cannot get up in the morning without having the confidence the cure is just around the corner. >> when nancy first came here in 1979, she found a first living laboratory for research. the door isis one -- one villager whose dna was vital to her work. -- theodore is one villager whose dna was vital to her work.
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>> 10 of 14 children had huntington's. >> in 1993, her team at columbia university in new york found the genetic abnormality responsible for the disease. since then, the search for a cure has stalled. after a failed coup attempts, relations between venezuela and united states have been at an all-time low. in this visit, nancy hopes to reach an agreement with the chavez government of about her research. >> the help minister is keen to sit down with all the -- the health minister is keen to sit down with all the necessary paperwork. >> i asked the villagers what they want most, and answered about things. one, a regular source of income,
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i believe from the government's of hugo chavez, and szeged that nancy wexler and her team of researchers will return -- and second that nancy wexler injured team of researchers will return and work on a cure. if this deal can be done, perhaps the search for a cure and will start again. will grant, bbc news, venezuela. >> finally, we felt we had to be with this one. according to police in germany, a man who was shot in the had failed to notice for years because he was struck at the time. many polish man wants you have a lump on the back of his -- when the bullish -- when the polish man which you have a look on the back of his head treated, it was diagnosed. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold. get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to
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experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, and union bank. >> union bank offers unique insight and expertise in a range of industries. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall.
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>> tom: housing takes a turn for


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