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tv   Worldfocus  PBS  July 7, 2009 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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tonig "worfocus" -- >> president obama cnfers with russn president vladimirutin and a speh in moscow lsut a plan h the two countries can coext i peace. when will it end? we'll report from an impovished area ofohannesis burg where there are newsigns police. vigilants hand out justic but th problem is they don't always get it right. ♪ you must underand war not the way ♪ >> and from israel. the story of israelisnd arabs. drowning out the dras of wor. from the wld's leading reporters and analysts, here's what's happing from around the world, this is "worldfocus
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madeossible in part, by the following funders. good evening. i'm martin savidge. as president obama end a two-day summit russia,e and at country's t leaders seem to have got a lon way toward changing theone oftheir lationship for thbetter. butespite the agement to reduce their nuclear arsenals with a new treaty the president admitted that on issues that divide the countrie tre won't be a meetingof the minds anytime so. one of those issues, the american plan to deploy a missile defense sstem near russia in eastern europe russia' foreign ministerwarned today at such a system could jeopardize progress o arms control. the obama visit our "leadfocus" once again tonigh >> reporter: saking to aduates ofmaster's prestigious w economic sool presidentbama outlined h vison for a new era of ssian/america cooperatn. >> america wants a strong,
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aceful and prosperous russian is belief is rooted inur respt for the russian people and a shar history betwe our nationshat goes beyon competition. >> reporter: in his speech, predent obama said that the u.s. and russia hav several areas of mutual inerests. such as stopping thepread of nucar weapons and combatting militants in centraasia. we want to wk with inteational parers including ssia, to help afghans and kistanis advance their own curity and proerity. neithermerica nor russia has an interest in anfghanistan or pakistan govern by the taliban. >> reporter: michael fleter of the "washington post" is traveli with the president. >> rorter: both the u. and russia have been victimed by terrorism ahey see it, kin of thatorder area bween pakistannd afghanistan, as this nd of terrorist haven. and so theysee some common grnd there and there's some talk about expanded trade opportunies and also there's
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alk about energy andven heth care. >> before his speech, prident obama met the russi prme minister, vladimir put in the day's most closelyatched evt. before departing for russia the president sai qute, one foot in the old ways of doing business. the reference to russia's communist past. after today' meeting both the president and putin put aside their diffences. putin complimenting obama. >> translator: with you, we -- our hope >> meanwhe the mood on the russianstreets towards president oba's visit was subdued. public opnion polls show most russians remai skeptical of the united states and skeptical of oba. tevision of the visit was sporadic wi the most popula channel decling to televe his speec >> younow it's one interesting thing to see here nothing excitent about oma th you get when he travelless
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the coun prooeps parts of europe, people are thriving the motorcade toughout but that partiallsort of reects the kind of rusan, kind of, you know, i don't know. just sort of, n disinterst but sort of wriness ofobama. >> tomorrow, psident obama heads titaly, where he will attend the g-8summit and meet with pope benedict xvi. > now for more on today's developments, we are joed by a specialistn u.s./russian relatisangela stet. she is the director for the center of eurasian and east european sdies at geortown uversity school of foreign service and she jns us from washington. thanks very mh for being wh us. what' your sense of the president's vit to moscow accomplished and where american d russia relatns now stand? >> well,t certainly pressed the button fr the u. point of view. frame rk agreements wer signed. they agred to establish a bilateral u.s./russian commission. in other words, they agreed to begin try and dvelop the relationship anew into something
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more productive than it' been let's say for e last five year >> and yet despitell of the warm words and ao a warng today by the russian foreig minister ainst the plaed u.s. misle shield in estern europe. is this issue likelyo turn to a big roblem? >> the mst coentious ise betwe the u.s. and russia going to russia neiborhood, the post-soviet space. and i think this cld ben sue. the russns do not want these missile defee componen deployed in etern europe. the united states has sai we're riewing the issue, but we're not going t stand up and say that we're nver going to deploythem. >> and then the presidentlso met tod with mikhail gorbachev and the oppitionleader of the rld champion of chess, gary casper off. whatas the poi of those meetings. >>hen u.s. president guess to russia or the last20 years always meet wth different parts of the polical spectrum and th's why president obama meet with these, it's shrinking oosition in russia. and i think with preside rbachev it's really a gn of
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respect and to show that we apreciate you know that the soviet ion imploded peacefully >> and n th this mting is tting ready to wrap u and this visit ends, what do you think is next in is delicate and often prett difficult relationship? >> well, i think the challen is toreate a group of stakeholdersn this relaionship. it's to this binational commission th's just been rermed forward. and it's to get down to the hard worand there will beany challenges, iran,russia's neighborhood, and even afghanistan. so we will have to wait some time to e wheter this pressing theeset bton has real worked. > and when it comesto,ay, e issues of the iran and afghanistan, ich are ofourse vally important to the u.s., do you think that russia and the u.s. see eye to eye on this,r e they pretending toet along here? how clely are they seeing this problem? >> on iran i don't think that we see eye to e. russia hasery different litical and commeial interest o iran than we do.
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the problem is from e u.s. point ofiew russia can make it more difficult for us to achieve in ir and we needorevent tha from happing. infghanistanthere'sore incidences of views. neither want to see talibanme back to power and on the oth hand russia don't like itthat the u.s has a base in ctral asia and spresent inrussia's backyard. >>ngela, we appreciate it very much. ank you. >> glad be here. in western chi day, the government imposed a curfew on th capility of zen xuang violencbecause of continuing etic teion. after kill morthan 150 people days ago. to which the muim uighur
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population is ethnically tied. also borders the predominantly mus rim countries of pakistan and afghanistan. the conflic is between the members of the uighur polation and han chinese, the main chinese ethni group, that has been resettled into the region over the years. want to take you into that ovince tonight for the latt. meissa chen of alazeera english there. >> reporte they don't know what's happed to all the men. theolice just came, they ll us, and took them away during the night. part of the over thousd uighurs represented by chine authorities. we want them free. we want them free. we want them fre, over and over again, th tell us this is all they want. this woman shows us her husband's identification rd. she has no idea where he is. its neighborhd clearly feeling the consequences o the rioting
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from sunda night. and suddenly the sadness took a more agessive and violent ne. this governmt organized trip for foreign journalts, suddenly gon terrly off message. armedbliesuns and eectric cattle pds. solers with shields and sticks movingn to contain the chaos. >> go, go, go, g go. >> reporr: these are complicated ethn tension. china's weern-most province populated bythese turkic uighurs but it'san chinese who run the government. some uighurs are sparatists but others are angry over wh feelas their second-class treatment in is country. so ethnic han chinese have every reson to ar. th weekend's riots andurders were aimed at the chine. thisman tells us, riot pice should have fir and killed
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more protters. they were olent, he says. if the officer his used their weapons fewerordinary citens wouldave died. it is very clear some people were hellbent on destruction this weekend. we saw the remainsf buildings nd vehicles and we could still sml the burnt pstic and mel. there are fewen i sa who started to thw rocks and stones just a wle ago. but it looks like for the mome, things are under control once again. u have police on this side a on the far sidef the road more olice and you have the uighurs caught in between in this neighborhood. for the momen its ended in a standf. but one partisan volic scene. no one uld misshis moment similarity to the le tankman from the tiananm square massacre. e hobbli uighuroman agast a phalnyk of soldiers.
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>> tune into our wely radio show. it's our toc tonight. and you canlisten in at worldfocuorg. in iratoday, the country's top three reformis leaders called on iran to end the crackdown tt followed the presidentl election. theyre the defeated candidates mir hossn mousavi and carubi as welas the former president mohammed khamenei andlso caled an end to the arrests ad for the release of those detainedithout committing any cmes. and the isrowing outrage over the muer of a pegnant muslim woman in germany. last week, thousands of mourners attendethe funeralf mar wa al char beani in her native egpt yesterday. itas in that courtroomhat the young wan wasstabbed 18 times by the se man who was convicted last year of defamion for calli her an islamic and terrorist r
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wearing a head sca. the man w appealing that conviction, wch is what brought them th to the courtroom in dresden. the trouble began when the muslim woma ased the german man to ge up a swing for her youngs so. and nen london today, there was a memorialervice for those who died in t terror attacks in that city's transit system four year ago. at the sametime, a morial was unveiled inlondon's hyde park. 52 steeled pillars, one for each of the victims. ince charl was among those who attended today'sceremony. and a new parliame report warns that london' bes and subways rein extremely ulnerable to attks by terrosts. and another memorial serce, got a great deal of attentn around the wor today. we were struck by this -- li coverag of michael ckson's funeral by the arab satellite channel, al araba. based in the emirates. compte with split screen coverage of the heae carrying jackson.
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terviews with expert commentators a lots of interaction between the anchorman and corresndents here in e united states. iwas a sign o jakson's popularity overseas. and also a sign of just how small r world has become. in washington today, secretary of state hillary clintomet with the deposed president of honduras, mael zelaya. she announced that t president of costa ricaill serve as a mediator ithe honran politicacrisis. she said th both zlaya and the ma who replaced h roberto michelet have agreed that meation andalled from a parties to refrain from further violence. the political nstability is having a ripple efct on the economy of onduras. as we hear from this rept from lucia newman. >> report: in these hills that surround honduras' capital, ople don'tnow much about onomics.
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but they kno enough to know that the backlh from the erthrow of their president will noteave them untouched. we're worriedbecause this means more crisi for us, thepoor. even beforewe couldn't find wk. pele were being laid f. so imagine whatill happen now. >> reporter: the conseqnces are benning to hit home. >> translato there is no political stability for foreign investmt. there's no certain about which government rime is a legitimate o and that will furer complicate our ecomic situaon that was bad even before all this hapned. >> reporte there is no running water here d to get it would almost cerinly depend on internatiol development aid. honduras' deposedpresident manuel zelaya is now apaling to thinternational community. and particularlto the united steso increase pressure on th ilitary-installed interim government, especially economic pressure.
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the interim authoriti seem to believe that they can resist, that they can hold out, but not t people who livein places like this. hondurasdepends heavilyn loans from multinational financial institutions t keep the enomy and the budget afloat. now, that's been cut. and millions of dollars in bilateral aid fro europe and from the united states are also now off limit unss es t deposed president is rested to power. there growin unease among hondas' economic estaishment. >> transtor: the economic groups were happy about moonuel zelaya's ouster but they're vy unhappy and worried about ck ofgovernability a the control at the current regime has. they see at the crisis is being prolonged and that there sn't a quk-fix like they though >> reporter: learly, the milary-installed regime ao micalculatesed the repercussions of overthrowing an eleed president but just so much economic prsure that the
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ternational cmunity can ext without punishing the people ithis country who are he mostulnerable and who had nothinto say about the mitary coup. lucia newman, al jazra. for re on the plitical tuation on honduras and the u.s. roll, we're joed once again by christopher sabbati. senr director of policy at the council of the americ here in new york weome back, chris. >> hanks. >> what the significance of secretary of state hlary clinton's meetg today with president zey? >> the firs meeting with the depos president zelaya wit the high-level u.s. official. so signicant in two vels. first of all it is ving a certain amoun of legitimacy to the fact that he was removed unconstitutionly and that he is the rightful predent of honduras. bu second of all, i actuall indicates tha the united stas is, again, and washington, d.c., is again becong the focal
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point. thisould have nothappened, sa four, five, six yearsago. that both parties a includi the -- the factf the representatives of the government are in washington, d.c. bufact that the.s. has play a role at indicates that really it's a lae and significant player inhe region. >> do we have a lot of inflnce over ts whole drama that's playing out? do we have a lot of input? >> we have a lot of input. first of all, we've alway had close relationships with honduras. 67 of honduran exportsn 2007 went the unid states and we ha about $94illion worth o aid and assistance that goeso the honduran government and to the honduran people. iaddition, hnduras receives about $3 billionworth of remittances a ar, whi is 25 of their gdp. and that -- most of that comes from the uned states. >>o, then, what is our ro, if wehave that influce? ho should we lay? >> well, here' what basally happened w the organization of american states, the multilateral orgization for
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the americas, voted to conde the coup d'etat tat removed zelaya. d the geral secretary traveled ttwo weeks ago tory to broker some sort of compromise and the interim government, t de facto government dinot comply. right now, basically, because of e -- is a multilateral institutions it has anumber of governments, namelyhe government veneela of nick ag ag way, ecuador d bolivia and t nuzz this case iseen asan honest broker and seen as i country who actlly has a fair amount of leverage wi both des of the government. so how do you she playing out? w is it going to end? >> well, firs of all, hillary clinn, has med oscar, the president of cost rica, the noble peace prize laureate of 2007 to be the mediator. this profound. and first of all, he's respected across thepectrum left and right owhat he had done in centr america before but i think what it indcates now is
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now a press, a diplomatic mission, where both sdings are goingo try to cme to so sort of compromise. honestly, without sounding too optistic, it shouldn't sound that difficult. zelay would have stepped down if not r for re-election in january 27th, elections november. move the elections upnd zelays already agreed that he will not try to run for re-election and you basilly relve the situation with another electionnd both sies agree to tepdown. >> do u think tat this will be done in weeks? >> i thk it could be done i weeks, yes. >> all ght, christopher bbatini, we appciate it, thank you. >> thank you very much. tonight, we coinue this week series, "a view of africa" drawing from partners. is evening w take you to hannesburg, south africa, where the problem of cme is
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oft ptrayed as one involving the poor attacking the wealthy bu in reality it is theoor who more frequentlyrey on each other and takeustice into their own hans. we hear abouthat from barry burak from "the nework times." >>there's a sprawling settlement on the northn edge of johannesburg, soh africa called deep sloot. crime is ramp apt but barely a policemanaround. sometimes justice falls into the hands violent mobs. >> translat: i am the one o arrted this guy. he robbed someone and he was hing under e bed. >> reporter: i've spe several weeks visiting deepsleuth. the community here pses with energy ♪ but the people le in fear of being robbed,eaten and en murdered.
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wn this pathway a thief kill a man for $2 and his lunch il. two days earlier robbes killed a man and wounded 12 others in this tavern. the closestolice stion to deep sleuth is ten miles away. response to a cl for help can take hours andsometimes no one reponds at all. the police he come to rely on community volunteers. >> they say to you, take charge. that's what theysay. they give us thingsike this. this is from the department of safety. it'srom the department of safety. >> reporr: the gilantes are ve powerful and that can problem. they aest spects, judge them andoften punish them as they see fit. are there others who also deal with crime for a fee. theychain suspects down and beat them in into confessing. >> give 14 to 15 an confess
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he or she will confess. >> reporte south africa is notorus for violentrime. under apartheid the police acted as agents of state repssion. today they wl still misusted. usuay coidered orrupt. the new president ys citizens cann be blamed for sometimes taking th law into thr own hands. in manways, most already do. weltier counities are surrounded byecurity stations and high walls. armed, priva guaspatrol. the poor have no mon for such defenses. they often feel helpless and angy. and even pettycrimes can ignite mob justice. sometimes mobsake irredeemab miskes. most here no believehat isaac rama palaya was not involv for e robbery which t mob
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attacked him. when his moth found out, she rushed to whe her son was lying on the ground. >> anslator: to me he was ve critic and i don't know whether he was dead oalive. >> reporter: isaacas rushaid the hospital and that's whe he died. for "the new york times," is is barry bur. >> finally tonight, while many american famili are packi off their kids for camp as summer getsnto full sng, we thought 'd take you inside a camp that marches into a different beat it's in israel, where an unusua program brings ki from diffing backgroundsogether and then unifiesthem wth music. weeard about it from our partner, israel'smedialine, porter matthew calm takes a looknd a listen. ♪ >> reporter: ung people at a music rkshop intel aviv, it's
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an unual scene in this part of the world. palestinns and israelis, christian, muslim and jew, these enagers are witing a song, recording ausic track and oducing a video together. ♪ you must understand war is not the way ♪ ♪atred willo away ♪ the responsibility that we take ♪ >> reporter: the words on the wall where they'veeen experimting with the lyc reveal how they feel about owing up in a conflict zone ♪ we want peace >> reporter: the pject is the brinchild of rob cum, founder of the point bank muic produion deejay in lonn. >> i believthe power of music is a tool for social egeneration. i blieve that the arts can have a place and that we're just doing our mall bit. >>eporter: the instruct is mohammed nazin. at point blank. andounder of a multiith band from london. >> he's been the music leader. he's been the one who'seen
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orchtrating everything that you see hee, teacng them, and making sure that the music cme together. >> reporter: eve summer, the windows for pce group brings together youngpeople from both sides of the israelialestinian divie. -year-old schoolgils nat allie and sumarra fromethlehem have been attending the wgd window's workshops fr the past thr years. >> i hop to at least influence a couple ofpeople and t get tm to know how we gothrough nd how we deal with this situation here in palestinian in israel. and howhe t countri communicate or how they live togeer. >> was my last because before i went, i nt, i w thinking thathe israeli people a reallyad and they think of us bad and ey don't lke us so when i met the group, i was like shock for me. now i really change all of my thoughts about israel. and i'm rally happybout it. >> reporter: the teenagers who
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made this vid know it won't solve all of their proems but for the moment the song i louder than t drums of war. this is matthew calman reporting from the media line. andhat is "worldfocus" for a tuesy i'venievening. you can watch u anytime on the web, that's i'm mtin sidge. we thank you for joining us and ho to see you back here tomorrow nit. until then, ha a good night. "worlocus" is made possible, part, by the following funders -- "worlocus" is made possible, part, by the -- captions by vitac --
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