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tv   BBC World News  PBS  July 6, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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by kcet in los angeles. funding was made possie by the freeman undation of new rk, stowe vermon and honolulu. thnewman's own foundationnd the john d. ancatherine t. macahur foundation. >> openinthe way to a new deal -- america and russia agree to cuttrategic nuclear weapons. >> we resolved to reset u.s.- russian relaons. this starts with the reduction of our own nuclr arsenals. >> hundred a arrested in china after the riots in xinjiang. least 156 are killed.
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hinese officials say th city is under control, but they have not stopped with the troops. they close down the inrnet. >> what is the plan now? as of honduranilitary makes it cle, the exiled present is not welce. a warm welco from bb world news, broadcast on pbs in america and are on the globe. coming up later, architect of the vietnam w and champion of th poorformer.s. defense secretary robert mcnamara dies at age 9 ndon landmark it'a new installation andhe pubc get an hour of fame. >> rack obama came to oice talking of pressing eeset button onelations with moscow the start of h two-day
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summ with the president, dimitry medvev, we have seen the first signs of how o whether itight work. the u. and russia he pledd major cuts in their nuclear arsenals, ough both will maintain huge stks. they acknowledge differences on geora, but insisted ere was ore to uite the two counies then divide em. we have is rort from moscow. >> not for me. >> not r you? >> they welce to the prident and first lady to their home for dinner, that -- all sual, just a few dozen bodyguards hidinin the trees. earlr, amid the gded splendorfthe kremlin palace the two presidents had agreed to slash their nuclear arsenals. >> we have taken imrtant steps forward to increase nuclear stabily and stop the sead of nuclear apons. this srts with the reducon
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our own nuclear arsenals. the world's two leading nuclea wers, the uited states and ruia, must lead by example. >> president's mdvedevas even more effuse abt what they haachieved. >> o teams have dona fantasticob and we have reached good compromise. we are announcin today a new binding treaty. >>it is a ng way from the bad old days of the cold war, when russian -- when russia was controlled by an unsming gerontocra and both sides amassed huge arsenals, engh to destroy the world doesn't times over. at the end of the cold war, ruia hadver 11,000 stragic nucleararheads. today, it has just under 3000. in 1990 america had mor than 13,000 warhds. w it has just oer 2000.
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theew treaty will cut each to about 1600. thats still more than enough to destro the planet. critics say the treaty is actually a throwback the past. >> wshould understand that veloping our rations on the trea of the cold war wi make our relations ry vulnerable. >> this unmatche and in particular thegreements nucleareapons, will be held here and washington as a real achievement. and it is. but it i just the first small step towd btter relationshs. it's still vy hard for the political elite here and america to break free of the cold wa and stop treing each other as adversaries. >> more of the main inrnational news -- t truth and reconciliation commissioin liberia has recommended the
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presidente banned from public office for 30 years. ts is because oher alleged role in one of the couny's civil wa. there you see her in these pictures with itish prime minister, gordon bwn, established a commissi to look into the civil wars herse and told the commission she ge money to the rebel leader, charles taor, forumanitarian purpes. nato-led forces afghanistan say six amican soldiers have been killed in twoeparate bomb atcks. officials sy four of the soldiers were killed in the north and o others in the uth. staff working for amerin fund aids treatment progrs in ugaa are saying that for the past three mons they have beenold not to treat new adult tientsecause their long term funding is uncertain. the he of the programas told the bbc that this could mean patnts schering dru or taking lordosis.
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chinese authoties say they have arrested hundredof ethnic uighurs after writing killed least 156 people and injured as many as 800. the violence has centered around [unintelligible] mployees he dispersed a crowd of more than two hundred protesters in a second city. the uigr populations muslim and there have long ben nsions between the chinese hanommunity. we have this report. >> in e of the most tightly corolled parts of china, a riot erupted. proteste, mostly from the muim uigr minoty tore apart buses an cars with their bareands. some wer dragged through the windows of buses and others were beaten in eir homes. this s a ferocious ethnic
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attack. xinjiang is a trouble place, but few could belie the anger and violence directed tord them. theittackers where their neighbors. this vid is from youtube appears to show hundredsr thousands on the march. the pictures cant be verified. xinjiang's communist-appointed leers say this is not writing -- an uprising against chinese rule. >> forces from iide and outside china are aggressivy opering to the attack china's communist partand the governme. theyre arousing people to cayut demonstrations and severely undeined its unificatn of ethnic groups. >> but there is little sign of harmony here. xinjiang uighurs say they have been coloniz by the chinese and say they want to sarate from china in the dark back se -- dark
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back streets, away from the crowd, some of the worst beatgs to place. mobs set upon passers-by, smaing them wi sticks and rocks. the government says around 50 ople were murdered ithis y. at city hospitaland that's r full of wounded. they say that were huntedown because theyre han chinese. >> it seemedlike it or in gups of re than 10. there is nohance to sa anything, they just came up and attack. en they saw a han person come alongthey started to attack when the bus came along, the started to attack as well. >> troops have been deployed acro the regi and a curfew is in pce. thetreets of the pital are deserted apart fm paramilitary gros, buthe government has gone even further. ina says is n back in corol.
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>> a me ofolitical cat and mouse is playingut in honduras. the exiled presiden determined to rurn, find mself in an airpne circling the airport. milita vehicles blocked the runway to stop them fm landing. he is no expected in washington to meet wh secretary of state, let clean. he had tdivert to -- secretary of state, hillary inton. he had todivert t nicaragua. >> supporrs ofhe president who see hias their potential savior will have be encouraged by his dramic arrival in an airplane over th capital sunday eveng. he vowed to continue his efforts to return tois homeland. >> i wanted t land. if the pilot had lded, i would be on e ground and would have faced e military. i'm not afrd. i had no problem, but the piots, once they saw the truck, did not want to land. they were right. they could not maneuver the
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plane. >> the call on the soldier of nduras to lower their rifle but there is no evidence of disunity in the military and a bstantial proportion of the popution in honduras do n want him as eir president. despite near univers support internationally, he has mor challeng to overcome before being reinstated. in honduras, there was a heavy police and mility presenc over night to force a curfew. the army is al in forcihe airpor authorities a wondering what the president's xt move might be >> it ruled mexico for most of the 20th-century and now it's making a political comeback. the institutional revutionary party has defeated theenter- right natial action pty of the mexicanresident in
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conessional elections. t will be the biggest force in the chamber of deputies. activists from theid agency oxfam protested, dressed as roman empero ahead of the g-8 id that in italy. they hope to higight the problems facg poor countries withith this is the easy life of g-8 leaders. the latest report suggests hunger wl be the defini human tragedy of this century. ir's supreme leader has given western cuntries a stng leader -- strong [untelligible] they say the iranian naon will react to any such action they accuse the west o inciting the action that followedast month's disputed presidential election. still, in iran, they risk jl and even dea. t seems there is no spping alcohol smuggler among -- ang the rder of iraq, and then loatheir meals with vodka a hopes of earning cash. we havthis rept from t
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frontier. >>the mountains of iraqi kurdistan, clo to the iranian border. it is a remote and imverished region. this is so a major route for smglersringing out all into iran. these are iranian kurdsho have made daerous journey ross the border into iraq to pick up their next consignment. is is t duty free region of kurdistan. every kind of alcohol can b bought here d shipped and smgled into iran. th majority iraqi kurds are muslim, but here, there is restricon on selling more consing alcohol. french wine. since the islamic resolution three decades ago, alcohol has
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been baed in iran. anyone cght drinking more than three times could facthe death penalt >> i have en shot. he islamic republi has jelled me for smuggling seven tim. i got six months each time. >> in the hnic kurdish encla on either side ofthe border, the illegal flow of alcohol is the main source of income. fo many kurds, this is risky job is the only way to surve. this man i15. he's been a smuggler for two years. >> i lost my fatr. i'm the only oneeing true to my famy. >> these men are awaiting to load their horses and oss the border. sometimes the iranian brder guards can be peradedo let them pass for a hefty bribes. but oftenthey shoot smugglers and their horses. >> iranian police ofte fire on us and we ruaway.
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sometimes we and that [unintelgible] if they catch r horse they execute them. >> his many vernments have come and gone onoth sides of the bordern the last century, but there haseen little change in the lives of peop in this region. >> go to hve you with us. still to come, in vy special tickets --illions of michael jackson fans find out if ey can attendhe singer's memorial service. first, he is w 80 yearsold, but the cic strip tin tin shs no sign of slowing dn. now i museum is celebrating his creator, opening in belgium. the characters get the ral seal of approval the belgian king is being given a tour of a n museum dedicated to him b the cartoonist would
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know. ts is his most famous cation -- tin tin and he is at the heart ofthe project. the first appeared in a weekly commons -- cotruct in belgium the 1920's. the adventures of the boy reporter and his faithful dog owy found a much wide audience. along with his friend, capt have it, professor calculus, detectives tmpson and thompson and otr baddies has caured new genations of readers ever since >> he was theather of all european comictrips. tin tin isstill a person in belgian history. some people think he actually lived. >> eight years after his creation, he is still big busiss. translated into more than 150 languages, he sells more than two million oks every year.
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now the eation of this museum and a feature film toome. >> steven spielberg. i'm peter jacon. but hollywood has not come knocking on the doorby chance. the image, the tin tin bnd has en jeously guarded. he has had its ups and downs, i use essenc of racism ananti- semitism ad sexism. buhe has weathered the storms and his crtor could be on e verge of bger international success. >> see e news unfold. goo bcom and experience the in-deh reporting of b wod news onli. ick here t watch the one nute the world is video summary. you can read the latest headlines, t the top stories from around the globe, and clk
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to play video reports. scover more abouthe subjects thatnterest youand find out what in -- what issues the world is talking about right now. for bbc world news online goo bbc world and wah the news unfol >> the latesteadlines forou on bbc wrld news -- at their summit in moscow, the arican and russian presidents agreed to cut theinuclear weapons ockpiles. hundreds of ethc uighurs have been detained in weern china in violence that has left 156 people dead. on the day e u.s. and russian presidents met to pursue betr relations, tributes ve been comingn to a man that paid eit pivotal role in e race in historyf their countries. if robert mcnamara was a top business executes and then ran the pentagoto the cuban miile crisis and most of the vietnam wa later, as president of th world bank,ecame a champion ofhe
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world's orest countries. we look back with th remembrance. >> he has bee cald the architect o the vietnam war. thatis ho many america will remember robert mcnara, with rage. but others will ll him a man of his times who helped propel america from 1950's optimis into 1970's despair. in the 1950's, he ran the ford tor company. his bold new managemt system or the precursorof today's coorate culture. he broug in seat belts and saved countless lives. >> i he asked bert mcnamara -- >> in 1961, hn f. kennedy ought thisodern technocratic mine to the pentagon as secretary of defense, he confrond communism jfk's side. duringhe cuban missile crisis, and then in southeast as. on his watch, the trickle of american troops to vietnam
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beme a flood. after e manager, robert mcnamara approached the war as a problem o logistics and administrati. >> he approached the w in vinam like a business decision he thout that if he could make the cost high enough for the north vietmese, ki and destroy enough of their country, they would sufor peace >> but as the carnage in vietnam ew,o that america's fury. so did his own dous. in the 1990's, he filly conceded the war was a terrible mistake. >>we saw vietnam as anlement of the cold war. ot what they s as -- a civil war. >> memorial to the vietnam war dead is perhaps washgton's busiest, a reflection of its relevance even today. bert mcnamara cam to eody th pain and lingering disquiet
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ericans still feel about vietnam. his later years, he repeatedly asked the big american question -- how should this country use its vast military power? to what purpos? >> h much evil must we do in order to do good? recognize that * you will have to engagin evil. >> that questionesonates today louy as ever. rhaps tha is why it is curious, brilliant, uncomfortablean continues t fascinate americ >> new research suggts the symptoms of alzheimer's disease coulbe reversed drinki too big cups of coffee every day or, since we're talking to y from london, 14 cups of tea. erican neurosciences running tests on mice have found caffeine improves memory and mental abities. as clinical trials alzheir's patients will be needed to find out if it has the samfacts on humans.
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thousands of michael jackson fans are descended on los angeles to collect tickets for the morial services on tuesday. a lst 1.6 million people registered oline for a chance to rent -- chance to win 17,000 tickets. with demand on at scale, most people will be disappnted. even some he been told they can go will not be able to make it in time. we have thiseport in los anges. >>these are the tickets. 1.6 million people wanted them. annow ruires tight security. organizers want to make sure they're given only to the 17,000 who won no. at the ven, fans are gathering to pay their respects. anywhere linked to michael jackson has become a place of pilgrimage. >> michael jackson a a lot to me. his moves, hi songs, each of his songs hava meaning to it. >> he crossedll generations. that's the first time we'vead
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any performer do that. >> the spotlig is on the metery where the star is excted to bburied. it's a place of peace for othe hollywood leges, but not for hi michael jackson's ratives s they wanto have a private familyunction here for the sing. for staff whose life and death have been so publicly scrutinized, that seems unlikely. eewhere, some are watching in despair. this teenager won tickets t the merial but can i get tre in time. >> i thought i was a hx. i chk and i entered the code and i got tickets and i couldn't believe it. but now, because it's such short notice, there's a chanci can get to america in 2hours. seven dsappointing. >> nal preparatns are being made for a unique ent. not even a sh-biz capital of
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e world has seen anhing like this. >> it has beea london ndmark, drawing crowds for ars. bualong withnelson's lumn entered elant -- trafalgar square, there's another attrtion. the attraction is yet mor peop, the for the nt hundred daysthey'lle hsted onto the suares and the plant and given an houto dohatever they like our ar correspondent has this story. >> from e mumentalo the very ordary, the arts in aveler sqre is going iraq -- undergoing aattock -- is undergog a radical change. the plant is forerformance art. for the next month ca living statues at been selected from all ov the u.k. canse their hour of fame to show off, do nothing, make litical points, anything like as long as it is lel. evenefore the project began, was hijacked by gate crashe
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a protesr wt over the line and -- >>we cannot ve arranged a better, warmer act, could we? it was extraordinary. he timed it so well. >> everything else has woed like clockwork every hour, new human o work is delivered onto thplants. -- on to the plinth. >> they are committed to stay there the full hour. ev if they feel bbly. the is cruelty involved, there is also a cebration. >> so it could be an enduran test, but it tes the boundary of what seems t have artiic merit. >> this is art for the febook generati. it is not art coming out of the acadies or belongs in the gallery. in thatense, it has to be
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viewed not for t arts you find in galleries or academies, mething you find on a television screen. >> even when there is fun to be had, there are mixed emotions that being a livin breathing work oart. >> don't normally take to these kind of thgs, such a huge scale project. 's like a one-off thing and especially a parof it. >> this is more than live performance art,t is being archived and chricled. the facebook generatn unrstands that almost anythin can be art. for those whdismiss it as your spectacle d just large jus yards away is thnational gallery. >> the world's mostxpensive footbaer, cristiano ronaldo has been presented to will maid fans in a cemony. the former nchester united wier was under the gre of his flashbulbs anhis new sure.
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is he worth $13million? thisoming season will reveal . we jst have time to pay tribute to a chise man with a real head for heights. the acroba known as the pnce of tight rope is plannin to world recordsor this performance, me than 100 metersabove sea level. even managedo step over a human obstle, one of his people's retched out along th high wire. we are staying with it just to watch this. that is a key bhappy. thank yofor being with us. >> bbc world news w presented by kcein los angeles. funding was made possible the freeman fountion of new york, stowe vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation and the john d. and cathere t. macarthur fodation. macarthur fodation.
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