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tv   CBS 2 News at 6  CBS  October 30, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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incredible that no one was killed by the bullet that went straight through a city bus considering it was a close the bus driver was led away this afternoon by paramedics and police. a bullet wizzed right by his head at 2:30 p.m. one bullet pierced through the window of the b13 bus going down wyckoff avenue. the shattered glass injured a female passenger. she was taken to wyckoff hospital. and then the bullet went out through the window. the incredible thing about this is that where the bullet exited the bus after going through the left passenger window right where it went through the other window were two passengers -- where two passengers could have been seated but the seats were empty. at this point, the bus driver
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ambulance. hospital. the shattered glass from that bullet did cause a slight laceration in her head. at this point, wyckoff avenue has been reopened. the city bus taken away. but police say this investigation continues and they are still searching for the suspect or suspects responsible for this gunfire. and a very close call. live tonight in bushwick, brooklyn, jessica schneider, cbs 2 news. from brooklyn to queens, the mets championship chase game 3 tonight at citi field and the amazins need this win. we have team coverage for you. cbs 2's matt kozar is with the fans. first let's get to the nuts and bolts. otis livingston, they are not giving up. we know that. nobody is giving up on the mets. >> oh, no way! this is their chance to get back into the series as you see behind me. some of the fans starting to mill around tailgating out here about to go into citi field. they are full of confidence. let's face t the royals did what they had to do. that's when the first two games at home.
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now it's the mets' turn. they containing three here at citi field which is all dressed up in the world series paraphernalia for the first- ever world series game, the first in queens in about 15 years. they are down two games to none but there's no sense of panic. just ask the manager about his resilient squad. >> we're used to adversity. you have to win four. you can start now. we are not down. we're positive. we think noah will pitch well. we have to give him some runs to work with and swing the bats. >> reporter: the crowd will be at a phee pitch from the ceremonial pitch because future hall of fame catcher mike piazza has that. so that gets the crowd already in a frenzy. a little higher. we'll have much more coming up on in sports. for live outside citi field, otis livingston back to you. >> thank you.
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a show of support for the mets in lower manhattan today. mr. met joined members of the alliance for downtown new york to raise a met flag in honor of the national league champs. it's flying at bowling green if the park as the team competes for the world series title. >> billy joel will kick off tonight's game three. he will sing the national anthem at citi field. native new yorker legendary musician has performed the national anthem each of the last two times the mets were in the world series. for fans game three tonight can't come soon enough. the excitement is growing. cbs 2's matt kozar is live at citi field for that part of it. >> reporter: dana, it's getting windy and chilly. so best advice we have for mets fans get close to the grill. people tailgating having lots of fun sharing good stories about the team and, of course, sharing some good cooking. energy is fantastic when it comes to tailgating. just before we met all these people in the parking lots, mets fans braving the wind and
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fans say game 3 will be the turnaround game of the world series. >> lance dressed in costume inside the merchandise store where fans were snatching up everything from hats to jerseys. the most popular, anything murphy. >> it's murphy. >> murphy, man. he is the man. >> now we're back home. i know that we're going to win these games. >> reporter: eddie is from the bronx. but don't mention the name of that other team. he has been a mets fan all his life. >> last two games i was feeling a little depressed but the fact of the matter is we bounce back. we have resiliency on this team. >> reporter: blue an orange everywhere tonight. the police are protecting 45,000 fans. helicopters are hovering above citi field lots of security for this game. matt kozar, cbs 2 news. new at 6:00 tonight, the city going after landlords who
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use airbnb to turn their buildings into illegal hotels. at the city council hearing today on a new bill there was plenty of support but also opposition from new yorkers money. cbs 2's sonia rincon reports from city hall. >> lots of new yorkers would love to see signs go up for greedy landlords who squeeze the already tight market for months. tom lived in a building that began to feel like a hotel. >> your basic safety is based on the fact that you come home at night and you see your suitcases. >> these landlords rent out 20 units at ail time in one building and maybe 20 in another in another building and it's the same landlord. that's who we are going after. >> reporter: this councilmember is sponsoring the bill to raise the fines. she and colleagues grilled a rep from airbnb today. >> what i would like to you do is give us some of your data dealing with. this is not data. >> you're providing nothing. >> reporter: airbnb claims
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individuals renting out their own homes and that the bill would unfairly penalize some of them, too. >> probably 80% of the people that come because i do rent an entire floor are families. >> we couldn't have come because we couldn't afford t we have been trying to do this for years. >> reporter: airbnb has plenty of fans. but the bill's sponsors argue those who would come here and support airbnb publicly are not those running illegal hotels or who would face those steep fines. airbnb insisted his company doesn't want to facilitate illegal rentals. >> we want to work with the city to address the situation. >> reporter: he didn't buy it. >> while they were shooting the people in mars attacks they continued shooting the people saying we're here in peace. you're here to help and do nothing. >> reporter: it would double the fines to illegal rentals to up to $50,000. sonia rincon, cbs 2 news.
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construction site in midtown. a worker died, another trapped being prepared for demolition. 19 workers were inside the building west 38th street when part of the first floor police and fire rescuers worked for hours to free the worker with little room for error. >> we lifted on one point, we didn't want the debris to shift on another point where it was located on the victim. we had about a half dozen guys that were right in under the collapse. [ no microphone ] >> -- work will stop until the city determines it can restart safely. new information on a missing couple from connecticut. their bodies have been found. and prosecutors call their son a suspect. investigators found the bodies of jeffrey and jennette navin behind a vacant home in westin today. the husband and wife disappeared in august.
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their 27-year-old son is in jail on federal gun charges. neighbors are still in shock over what happened. >> it's horrid. she was a lovely woman. she worked in the library, she worked with our kids. she was always up and fun. um, great to be around. we're very saddened to hear all of this. >> kyle nevin had not yet been charged with his parents' disappearance. his lawyer declined comment after a court hearing today. turning the former xanadu site at the meadowlands to a shopping and entertainment destination. >> there are 55 million tourists come to new york city and very few coming [ indiscernible ] >> next an exclusive tour and the flagship store that used to call fifth avenue home, that will be moving across the river. >> also, children in new jersey have grown up going to the country farm but it is closing its doors this weekend for good. >> and a live look inside citi field tonight. game three of the world series starting tonight. the cbs sports team is back
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know about all of that and lonnie with baseball weather for us. >> we'll be talking about the weather for the game tonight. we are also going to be talking about this rain that you see out west. this is big rain. will it affect any of the plans we have for this weekend? you have halloween, the marathon, we are talking about everything coming up after the break. for the girl scout meeting... okay. for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! at stop&shop, prices are down. savings are up.
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which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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governor creaseie once called -- christie once called this the ugliest building. it's been empty for a decade and now is going to be a massive entertainment retail complex with an indoor amusement park. cbs 2's christine sloan reports. >> reporter: driving on the new jersey turnpike you can't miss the complex in the meadowlands but block out the tackiness and envision this, an indoor dreamworks themed amusement park and waterpark. some features character driven birthday party rooms for movies like shrek and a ski slope and school lay surrounded by shops. >> what everybody wants to know is when is this facade going to be changed? >> right. >> over the next three, four months we have the steel arriving on site. >> reporter: the ceo of american dream scheduled to
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open in bergen county sometime in the summer of 2017. his family owns mall of america in minnesota the largest in the country. >> once the project opens, people look back and say, we can't believe what these guys built for us in this marketplace. >> reporter: crews are busy at work digging, building foundations, as i witnessed on this exclusive tour. this is where the amusement park park will be. behind me the waterpark. some of the rides here will be as high as those frames. cbs 2's learned fao schwarz which closed its doors in the city and is owned by toys 'r us plans to open a flagship store inside an american dream. they won't confirm or deny it but beams about legoland and other trandy shops, sacks fifth avenue and affordable stores with digital dressing
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>> performance on shows on a nightly basis kind of like vegas. >> reporter: the retail stores won't be open sundays because of bergen county's blue laws. but everything else will. so there will only be partial congestion when there are jets and giants games. once the project is done you won't be able to see the building behind me from the new jersey turnpike. what you will be able to see is the indoor amusement park encased in glass. in new jersey, christine sloan, cbs2 news. >> extra lanes have been added to major roads around the american dream complex and new jersey transit will run additional trains to secaucus into manhattan once the complex opens. now to an update on the plan to build a giant ferris wheel on staten island. the new york city council gave the final approval to recommend changes focused on a parking garage next to the wheel. work will be finished in 2017.
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will provide views of new york city, new jersey and beyond during a 38-minute ride. a family farm that's become a north jersey institution is now making way for a supermarket. cbs 2's meg baker says this farm though is going out big. >> reporter: the pumpkin patch at depiero's country farm in montvale new jersey is busy. for the last time. >> i have a really big pumpkin. it's like a -- big as that. >> reporter: kenny depiero's has worked at her farm all her life. opened since 1924, the north jersey staple is closing. >> it's hard seeing friends come in, our kids all grew up here and families so it's been tough. >> reporter: the old-fashioned farm stand has been a place for class trips, family outings and grocery shopping. >> to hear this was the last year they would be open was sad. we were upset. >> reporter: it's not just about pumpkins. it's also about what are you eating? >> apples.
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kids. >> the cow. that's my favorite part. it's huge! >> we pet a chicken. >> reporter: a customer for more than 40 years, rich showed up for one last chance to walk the farm with his family and grab some goodies. >> it's the way of of the world. >> especially during the fall we get the apple cider donuts. >> very upset. >> reporter: family members clearly emotional. >> it's very hard. hard to -- hard to watch. >> i know at the end i'm going to cry. we used to live across the street. my mom used to call me and my cousin here -- pull me and my cousin here in a little red kicking and crying. >> reporter: she may do the same when they close. it will be open through the weekend. the family is extremely thankful to all of their customers especially the regulars over the 90-plus years they have been open. in montvale, new jersey, meg baker, cbs 2 news. >> the depiero's property was bought by wegman's supermarket.
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big weekend so many activities planned starting with tonight. >> lots of stuff. tonight looks great. a gorgeous glow. 54 degrees outside. high temperature today was 61. now if your normal should be 59 you have a good-looking sky a perfect fall day for this time of the year. morning low 50. typical morning low would be 46. well, it's going to be even colder tomorrow morning. you will be down it that average and you're going to be below it to start off tomorrow morning and then as far as your afternoons throughout the weekend, saturday afternoon will be the brighter of the sunday afternoon, a little warmer. at least warmer relatively. saturday has cool temperatures associated with it. speaking of the starting temperature for saturday a.m. 30s and 40s. the 40s on the map lower 40s, like 40 starting point in belmar 41 jamaica, city starts off at 39 degrees on saturday morning. if you take a look at what the sky is serving up now. there's nothing going on.
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you see this little blossom here of green in orange county. that's not rain. it's a little false return. no clouds. so it's a good-looking night out there. great night for baseball. dress warmly. temperatures will be dropping. i'll give you the three part forecast here in just a moment. look at the rain in the midsection of the country from minneapolis to gulf of mexico with really rough dangerous storms in portions of texas. it's moving in our direction. the computer models are saying it's going to pour more cloud cover in here late saturday into sunday. here's 7:30 in the morning sunday morning so starting that marathon maybe some cloud cover and it looks like some rain would be moving in but as of right now, it just looks like our atmosphere doesn't support the rain. one batch goes north. one goes south. you see some clearing as you get deeper into the marathon. so first pitch is about 51 degrees. it's breezy. by the middle innings tonight 45 degrees. the breeze is still with you.
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overnight 41 degrees feeling like 38. no problem except the breeze. saturday a light breeze and some clouds, as well. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. kids trick or treating maybe 55 degrees at 4 p.m. about 50 degrees at 8 p.m. and if we take a look there at the new york city marathon, 6 to 7 a.m. as runners are getting ready about 48 degrees so bring something to wear and take it off as you run because it will be up in the lower 60s then you get to the middle of next week, we go back to the 70s. and saturday night you "fall back." >> that's after all the trick or treating and a lot of kids out already in their costumes. we have been getting some
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pictures sent to our website. let's check in with otis at citi field for what's ahead in sports. otis. >> hey, dana. is the magic back in queens? can the mets get a win tonight and get themselves back into the world series? we're going to find that out in a little less than two hours. but after the break, we'll get you all set for game 3 here at
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syndergaard. we work weekends here. because it works for our patients. here, at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, we give our patients the freedom to make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. weekend appointments are now available here.
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kate murray: "i am not a prosecutor. i am a manager." vo: well, the first part's true. kate murray's never practiced criminal law. never prosecuted one murderer, one drug dealer, or one corrupt politician. editorials call murray "utterly unprepared to serve." and "clueless about pressing issues surrounding criminal justice." there's a better choice. madeline singas has spent two decades prosecuting crime. targeting murderers, drug dealers, political corruption. madeline singas. a prosecutor, not a politician. back to citi field and otis livingston. mets game 3. otis. >> reporter: yeah, dana. you can certainly feel the anticipation and excitement as fans go into citi field. some of them standing right behind me. the moment that they are clinging to to keep hope alive for the 2015 season and the world series, the 1986 mets lost the first two games before beating the boston red sox in seven games. that's the direct opposite of this year's team because they lost the first two at home. this year's team have two chances to make that fifth game necessary on sunday. noah syndergaard has the first
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shot to make sure it's necessary. the 23-year-old rookie isn't shaken by the prospects of holding the mets season in his hands. >> you can't be too focused on it's a world series game. when i started in l.a. i thought it was going to be a completely different game but then in reality it's the same game just a little louder different atmosphere. take it one pitch at a time and try to slow the game down as much as possible. >> yeah, since they qualify for the world series, we have team. our steve overmyer joins with us. >> reporter: the mets return to the world series has rekindled memories of 1986. and we caught up with one of the heroes of that world championship. jesse orozco's world series winning celebration has left an indelible mark in the memory of fans. today he left an impression at a children's hospital with mr. and mrs. met.
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commissioner was there part of the "stand up to cancer" initiative. so the 86 mets were also down 0-2. i asked jesse why he is still so confident in this year's team. >> they came out slugging real fast. now hopefully they found a way to neutralize them over the last couple of days. that's what it's going to take now. might have to make a few adjustments and then, you know, show their talent out there. they need to relax and believe in themselves. >> reporter: by the way, otis, jesse went on to say if something else wanted to do another celebration by dropping to their knees he is all for it. he will share the spotlight. from citi field, steve overmyer, cbs 2 sports. >> i'm sure terry collins would drop to his knees if they got back into the series. with jpp once again. he is back with big blue practiced with the team for the first time yesterday since that july 4 fireworks incident that hurt his fingers. and he spoke to the media
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>> i can see him take all [ indiscernible ] everything happen -- i will. but i'm not gonna -- every time -- [ indiscernible ] will get out but, you know, i say as far as fireworks they very dangerous. um, shouldn't play with 'em. >> all right, jpp not going to play this weekend but hopes to play next weekend. but for now, the story is the mets. game 3 trying to get back into the world series. we'll have a live report coming up tonight at 11:00. but for now reporting outside citi field, otis livingston. dana, back to you in the studio. let's go, mets! >> thank you, otis. back after this.
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news is brought to you by: coming up at 11:00, a local woman and her husband technically trespassing on their own property. >> it's a nightmare. it kills me that i can't go inside my house. >> and it all happened because of a scam hundreds of families are falling for. >> your home, stolen. can you ever get it back? tonight on cbs 2 news at 11. next on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley," more than 6,000 drug offenders freed from prison. we thank you for joining us tonight at 6:00. and we're wishing the mets a lot of luck game 3. good night.
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