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tv   CBS 2 News at 6  CBS  October 20, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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field in new york over the weekend. let's set the scene. mets are taking batting practice and fielding. daniel murphy one of the guys around second base out there as they get ready for the important game 3. and although they are down two games to none, the cubs are confident to be back at home. they beat jacob degrom twice. the mets hitters have had success against the cubs beating jon lester and jake arrieta in games one and two at citi field. they will face kyle hedrick tonight. jacob degrom looks to continue his post-season brilliance. if so, the mets will put a 3-0 stranglehold on this series and the manager believes in momentum. >> that's a great word, momentum. it carries on. guys at this level stay hot for a while. they are back in their place and it's warmer and it's conducive to this park. so are we. >> reporter: yeah, so the mets want to keep them quiet here
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this series go up three games to none, rather, hopefully get a sweep tomorrow night because as we said matt harvey some interesting news about his elbow if he is going to be allowed to play -- pitch in game 5 if necessary. we'll have much more on that story coming up later on in sports but for now reporting from wrigley field, otis livingston, dana, back to you guys. >> thank you. being a mets fan has had its shares of ups and downs over the year. long suffering mets fans are riding hide today including a 100-year-old woman in westchester who was a fan before the mets were a team. cbs 2's lou young met up with this former brooklyn resident in bedford. >> reporter: days into her second century on this earth, adeline russo shares her passion for a baseball team. >> i'm a mets fan until the day god takes me. >> reporter: to her, the mets are the spiritual heirs to the brooklyn dodgers her first baseball love. to her, they are essentially the same team.
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wandered as far north as the bronx. >> i'm surrounded by yankees. >> yeah. >> nobody can change me. >> reporter: her favorite mets include keith hernandez and daniel murphy, as long as he stays put. >> the way murphy is playing, you know, i think they are going to settle it. if he goes to another team i don't want no part of him. >> reporter: when she puts on her hat and jacket and sits down to watch, her son says the team gets a constant stream of advice. her mood changes with the team's fortunes. >> when they're losing she is has the puss on. and now it, you know, because -- you know it, you know, because you can hear it from her room. >> reporter: it's like this. >> harvey, you're not doing good, harvey, come on! ! [ laughter ] >> you think i'm crazy? >> reporter: no! you're a mets fan. maybe it's the same thing. [ laughter ] >> reporter: after all these years, we're in bedford, westchester county, lou young, cbs 2 news.
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been to shea stadium, she never set foot inside citi field. that could change if someone gets world series tickets for her. new at 6:00 tonight, three long island teenagers implicated in a hacking scandal. they are accused of breaking into their school's database partly to improve their grades allegedly, partly as a prank. cbs 2's emily smith with the story tonight from commack. >> reporter: 17-year-old daniel soares stood tall as he walked out of court released on his own recognizance. he is considered the ringleader in a criminal school computer hacking case at commack high school. >> we are waiting for a full investigation to be done and he maintains his innocence. >> reporter: also charged in the incident, mosquera and erick vaysman, all juniors in high school charged as adults. police say soares broke into his high school after hours and equipped a computer with hardware that allowed him to get passwords and log-in credentials leading to grades, schedules and other student information. they say once soares retrieved the hardware, he could change
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grades from home. >> at this point we believe daniel changed at least four of his own grades. his own grade was changed from a 94 to a 100, a perfect score. >> reporter: it was district leaders who noticed changes being made without authorization. detective sergeant bess wouldn't elaborate but says detectives found remnants of soares which led to a search warrant at his home and ultimately three arrests. soares' charges including burglary, computer tampering, identity theft, computer trespassing and eavesdropping. vaysman is charged with computer tampering. >> he felt he should have had a higher grade in a particular class and he, um, requested daniel to make the change. >> reporter: and alex mosquera's charges including computer trespass. and police believe the students all succeeding in obtaining what they desired until caught leaving students and parents at commack high school in awe. >> everybody wants better grades but that's not the way to do it in, my opinion. >> that's all these kids do. they are on the computer. they know how to access things. i'm surprised.
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really, i'm shocked. >> reporter: school district leaders aren't commenting on the case or the students other than to say they are doing everything they can to assure this doesn't happen again. in commack, emily smith, cbs 2 news. we continue to follow a developing story in brooklyn tonight where a prisoner escape -- has escaped. the nypd searching by air and on the ground for 39-year-old gerald brooks. he was being arrested in east new york when police say he pushed an officer to the ground and fled in handcuffs. two officers and a sergeant chased brooks but he got away. police commissioner bratton expressing frustration. >> the fact that they are experienced professionals and let it happen that once again we are now going to have to look for this character, um, sorry, we're not going to tolerate it. they're an embarrassments to themselves, this units and their department and they are going to create a lot more work for this department as a result of their inefficientscy this morning. >> tonight on cbs 2 news at
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the commissioner's comments about the officers involved in -- prisoner escape. an overnight police chase on long island ended in a deadly wrong-way crash. a female driver was pulled over in central islip on suspicion of duu and of driving a stolen car. police say she refused to obey police commands, took off and almost ran over an officer. the suspect then got on the northern state parkway in the wrong direction and crashed head on into a car in dix hills killing the driver. the suspect also died when her suv left the road and caught fire. suffolk county police protocol says officers should avoid high-speed chases that endanger the officer or the public. a tough call that has people wondering if anything could have been done differently. >> in hindsight they could have called ahead set up a roadblock. >> cooler heads prevailed. >> i would radio ahead. >> suffolk police have not yet released the identities of the two people killed in the wrong- way crash.
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bills to crackdown on the use of synthetic marijuana known as k2 this as some tell cbs 2 stepped-up nypd enforcement hasn't stopped the flow of the dangerous drug on the streets. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer shows us what she found today. >> reporter: it's not unusual to see people acting out in the area around lexington and 125th street in east harlem, what officials call the epicenter of the k2 epidemic the drug a dangerous often poisonous mix of herbs and chemicals making people do weird things widely used among homeless who congress great there. >> i used -- who congregate there. >> i used it. >> reporter: she nearly died but says not even an nypd task force we found positioned in east harlem today can stop the k2 trade if now where to go. can you still buy it here? >> yeah. over there on the corner they sell it. >> regular people like me, they sell $2 blunts. and on third avenue and 149th
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street, at 148th and bergen avenue they sell it. >> reporter: all this as mayor de blasio signs bills into law to give the police new tools to stop the use of k2 synthetic marijuana. the bills bar the manufacture and sale of k2 and allow the city to revoke the licenses to sell cigarettes from in bodega or store that sells the drug. >> let's be clear. k2 is a poison. it is a poison that threatens public safety and public health. >> reporter: since january, more than 4500 people were brought to hospital emergency rooms with k2 poisonings, 1200 in july alone. >> there should be no question that this is dangerous stuff and that it has health consequences. >> reporter: minutes before mayor de blasio started his press conference, there was an unexpected announcement from governor cuomo that he had erected this billboard in the bronx warning that k2 can kill. he also released a series of dramatic public service announcements. >> some guy thought it might
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on some herbs and then sell it to you. >> causes hallucinations, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and seizures. >> it can kill you the first time you smoke it. >> reporter: the rocky relationship between de blasio and cuomo is no surprise. the governor has bigfooted the mayor on a number of high- profile issues in recent months including the response to legionnaire's disease and gas explosions. asked about k2's initiative the mayor said he had just heard about it but that it was kindred and welcome. >> continues the, um, interaction there, not always so positive at all. >> indeed. >> marcia, thank you. a posthumous honor today for one of new york's bravest. the street outside engine 237 in bushwick, brooklyn, was renamed in memory of of lieutenant richard nappi. in 2012 he responded to the scene of a warehouse fire. he became overheated, collapsed and died of a heart attack. his widow says having a street renamed for her husband ensures he will not be forgotten. >> it's a nice sentiment, um,
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it lets us know that so many people are thinking about him. >> the lieutenant was a veteran of the fdny having department. a commuter alert for drivers part of the jersey for a month. we'll explain where. >> a school bus goes up in flames. what we're learning about who was on board. >> also, improving lives with woodham miles an hour and nails. how an organization is helping people get back on their feet. >> and another live look at wrigley field. otis livingston will have an update on matt harvey's status. but first here's lonnie. >> as a matter of fact i'm going to talk about the forecast for the game tonight in chicago. i'm also going to talk about how this front could be changing our weather. you don't want it to change but sit tight, we'll talk about that in just a bit. coming up on the "cbs evening news," new advice on when women should get mammograms. scott pelley will have that. hi, scott. >> reporter: hi, dana. it's important advice for millions of american women.
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the advice is to change the age and the frequency of mammograms and dr. john lapook will be right here at the beginning of the broadcast to give us the details. we'll have that and the rest of the world news coming right up on the "cbs evening news." [ female announcer ] business travel isn't just about the going. it's also about the going home.
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whether you're working or recharging, do business travel on your terms.
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quite a scene captured by chopper 2 within the past hour.
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flames on the grand central parkway. this is near kew gardens. there were no students on the bus, just the driver. he did get out okay. no word yet on what caused the blaze. a multimillion-dollar construction project in chelsea goes up in flames overnight. the fire ripped through the building on west 17th street betweenth and 8th. investigators say it started on the fourth floor of a six- story building. the fire quickly spreading to the roof. no one was hurt. surrounding buildings were evacuated as a precaution. the fire's cause is under investigation. the building was to house multi-million dollar condominiums. we have a commuter alert for you tonight. repairs to a bridge forcing the closure of an exit along the new jersey turnpike near trenton. starting tomorrow, the off- ramp from the southbound car lanes at interchange 7a will be shut down. there's going to be an inspection of the bridge there that found faulty plates under the deck. the work should take about a month.
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now to a story about second chances to keep released prisoners from being re-arrested. one organization found a way to turn these convicts, these men and women, into entrepreneurs. cbs 2's elise finch reports from the gowanus section of brooklyn. >> reporter: employees at the refoundry wood shop are creating tables, chairs and head boards, and creating new lives for themselves. the company trains them to repurpose materials into one of a kind home furnishings. >> i have customers telling me how beautiful they are. it makes me feel good. this is the first time in my life that i ever, you know, really looked forward to going to work. >> reporter: thomas co-founded the nonprofit in march using donations and a lot of his own money. the english teacher-turned- furniture maker provides employees with carpentry training and a year's salary. eventually each employee will start his own business. >> what we're doing is we're
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produce a particular product and selling it through refoundry's channelings. when we incue a bit them, they will have their own space, some of their own equipment. they will produce that under their own business entity. >> reporter: he says the ideal refoundry participant is someone who is a little older, has been in prison for at least five years and already completed a transitional program. >> when i was in prison for 20 years, i work with my hands for core craft. i did all their products and different shops and stuff like that there for 45 cents an hour. why can't i come out here and -- and do it for myself? >> we know that immediate employment, right, and earnings right in those critical moments when someone leaves prison is crucial. that can motivate folks to kind of keep going. >> reporter: employees say refoundry's business model refurbishes furniture -- furniture and lives. elise finch, cbs 2 news. time to check in with lonnie quinn. we'll get a look at our weather here as well as what
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tonight with the mets at wrigley. >> i have time to talk about both. let's just do -- i got plenty of time, two minutes. sit tight, gang. outside as of now, a good- looking sky. the temperatures come in, in the 60s for most folks. right now new york city 68 degrees with a mostly sunny sky overhead. 69 degrees was your high temperature, 63 should be your high. so 6 degrees above average and a big difference from yesterday. morning low, average is 49. milder tomorrow morning. so in terms of the weather, for our area, throughout this workweek it's calm. really rain not a player but could make the line-up at wrigley field. i'll show you what i'm talking about. the chicago forecast for tonight, game 3, first pitch at 8:07 eastern time. about 64 degrees. so temperatures are nice. right? no problems there. there's a rain chance, um, that could creep into the area. this is the rain i'm watching
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make its way through iowa. can could very well time out that it gets into -- it could very well time out that it gets into wrigley field at game time. it might go up and over wrigley. you take a look at this, all right, look at the direction it's moving. you got to keep a rain chance in for that game tonight. it's out there. bigger picture is going to show you any of the rain moving across the great lakes will stay north of our area so we look fine. i don't see any problems out there. in fact, tomorrow into thursday, southwest wind nice and mild. overhead no big deal. there's a front off to our west which will come through late thursday night. is there going to be any rain? there's a slight chance for a shower thursday. i don't think it will be too much of anything. slight chance of a shower this front comes through and you have a cooldown behind it through your day on friday. let's talk numbers. tomorrow, 73, a nice one out there. thursday 71. another nice one out there. later thursday you will see some more clouds coming into the area and maybe there's that slight rain chance as that front that i just told but comes through our area. then we drop the temperatures down but not like they were to
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start this workweek. it will be down to, you know, 60 degrees on friday with sunshine. then saturday you're 62. sunday the warmer day at around 66. then monday and tuesday of next week you're back to the upper 50s but, of course, the deeper we get into the fall, the more often you expect to see 50s for highs. >> just follows logic. >> it's going to get colder towards the winter. >> thank you, lonnie. we're less than two hours away from the mets game. otis livingston is live in chicago at wrigley field. otis. >> reporter: dana, tell lonnie we are heaping that weather won't be a factor for game -- we're hoping that weather won't be a factor for game 3 in wrigley field. the mets are trying to go up 3-0 in the series. they have jacob degrom going so they are confident he is their best pitcher but they are in no way writing off the
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students. two down, two to go. otis livingston live at wrigley with tonight's sports report. otis. >> reporter: that's right, dana. they are up 2 games to none in the nlcs pathway home to the world series and you flow that news we got yesterday about matt harvey and the mets have plenty of incentive to get this series over quickly.
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they are counting on their post-season ace jacob degrom to keep the cubs at bay tonight. he knows they are comfortable at home and could play a little long ball. the met hitters, it's simple, do the same thing you have been doing. score runs. it would be great if murphy can continue his blazing hitting. four home nerds last four games. five over -- four whommers in the last four games. five overall in the post- season. >> we treat every game as must win starting with the dodgers. we have treated every game this post-season with that sort of emphasis. i'm sure the guys will be relaxed and normal but i don't think there will be a letdown. >> reporter: and back to that news about mat harvey says he has some soreness in the right triceps but still believes he would start game 5 if necessary on thursday. harvey said he felt good today and just moments ago the skipper gave us the more optimistic update. >> he is a lot better today. matt feels a lot better. he is going to throw a side here if he hasn't already he
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he looks like he will be ready for game 5. >> reporter: scoreboard updated from game 4 of the alcs. the royals beat the blue jays. r.a. dickey charged for five runs in one and two thirds innings. right now it's 5-2 royals in the 7th inning. the giants blew a golden opportunity to create separation in the nfc east last night. new meaning to the word, blackout. giants black and blue after last night's drubbing by the eagles in their all black uniforms. eli manning picked off twice in last night's 20-point loss. eagles are now in a first place tie with the giants in the division at 3-3. finally tonight, cubs fans are feeling in a winning mood now that the series is back to wrigley field. we saw it all over as they were flying the ws. it's a tradition. they fly them after home wins at the ballpark where people have them up in their windows for good vibrations, i guess. i told that to a couple of mets fans.
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of ws flying in these windows up here. for wins, what do you think? >> w for worry. they're scared. we got a great staff right now. >> better pizza, better pitching. >> reporter: by the way they fly the w after they lose. let's hope they fly it tonight and hopefully tomorrow night and we can come back home after the sweep. i'll have the story from game 3 later on tonight, jacob degrom on the hill. otis livingston, back to you in the studio. >> we like the tie, otis, good choice with the orange. >> reporter: it's subtle. [ laughter ] >> reporter: subtle. >> for halloween, right? [ laughter ] >> okay. thank you. >> reporter: let's go, mets!
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we'll be right back. tt2watx#@n4 p bt@m>o4 tt2watx#@n4 (ingrid) i take pride in getting things done. but when it came to medicare, i was glad i could get a little help. (vo) ingrid and robert called empire blue cross blue shield and found an affordable new medicare advantage plan that pays for many of the costs original medicare won't. now they can focus on other important decisions. empire plans help protect you from high medical costs. so call now to find a new plan that's right for you. choose from plans with monthly premiums as low as zero dollars. with no copays for annual checkups and screenings. we've built stronger partnerships with trusted local doctors and hospitals, to bring you special benefits like... and vision free access to over 13,000 fitness locations. plus prescription drug coverage. with copays as low as zero dollars at over 68,000 pharmacies. now's the time to switch.
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so call empire blue cross blue shield today at 1-844-731-9026. to learn more or to schedule an in person meeting. i'm kristine johnson in the cbs 2 newsroom. you may have received an email from a friend or family warning about something, rumors of a national gang week. well, many times these things
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we will tell you how to distinguish fact from fiction. also, a local community cancels halloween. it gains national attention. some parents who live in the community are for it. that full story tonight at 11. >> thanks. finally at 6:00 the promise tonight for a wild ride if the mets eliminate the cubs in their championship chase. the sign at 6 flags great america in suburban chicago will be changed to 6 flags great mets if the mets win. part of a bet with great adventure in new jersey. so if they lose, great adventure jackson will be renamed six flags great cubs. we know that won't happen. thank you for joining us here at 6:00. the news is on at 9:00 on tv 10/55. up next on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley," keeping with the chicago theme here, 30 years after "back to the future," a look at what the film got right and wrong about 2015. good night.
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