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tv   CBS 2 News at 6  CBS  October 16, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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according to the "los angeles times." could that same thing be happening in new york city? >> we have had the safest summer in over 20 years. >> reporter: crime experts say that an increase in murders combined with intense pressure from mayor de blasio's city hall puts pressure on cops to paint as rosy a picture as possible. >> creative accounting is the way i like to talk about it. >> reporter: the former nypd captain and director of graduate studies in criminal justice at malloy college has written a book about manipulating crime stats. he says nypd cops tell him, they are doing it. >> i have talked to people who have spoken quite honestly with me that these are things that are done regularly now. it's business as usual. they are trying to minimize in any way that they can the number of murders, the number of assaults, and any of the robbery, bay area and so forth. >> reporter: he says it's done by changing a few words in the complaint like a woman in a
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bar who finds her purse is stolen. >> the police are called n did you see anyone steal -- the police are called in. did you see anyone steal it? no, i didn't. it should be grand larceny. the officers might put that in as lost property. >> reporter: bratton refused comment referring questions to the lapd which says it's working to fix the problem. the press secretary said, quote, the mayor has complete confidence in commissioner bratton's leadership. he has led the effort to make new york city the safest large city in the country." former nypd sergeant joe jack aloan says the pressure to change stats comes from the political climate in new york city. >> there is a tie to getting promoted and keeping crime stats low. we can't blame the commissioner for everything because there are 76 precincts out there. >> reporter: sources tell cbs 2 that commissioner bratton spoke at a meeting yesterday and warned commanders that this type of behavior will not be tolerated. sources also say precinct
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a year bit risk management unit. the professor says in-house auditing is not enough. an outside monitor is needed. >> thank you. now we are moving on to the mets pulling off a big win in los angeles. but there is no time to rest. the amazins take on the cubs come night on the championship chase to the world series. steve overmyer in for otis livingston tonight live at citi field. steve. >> reporter: yeah, dana. after a night of celebrating they are actually trying to take as much of a rest as they can as they prepare for the next challenge, the cubs. and the winner of course getting a trip to the world series. now, remember, these are two long suffering franchises who are now on the cusp of greatness. but let's take you back. back to 1969, if you remember right, that's where the mets and the cubs met in the post- season the last time the same year the infamous black cat crossed in front of cubs great ron santos' path en route to a
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1986. the cubs haven't won since 1908. back where the players arrived at the ballpark on horseback. this season the favorites are the cubs. the mets are going to have the win a game against the cubs. this year. take heart, mets fans. those games were played in may and june long before the transformation led by yoenis cespedes. they have a healthy david wright and they are flush with grit and confidence. we're a different -- >> we're a different line-up. post-season is different by the way you work guys. >> their offense wasn't nearly what it is right now. it's not pertinent. >> one thing we have learned about the mets is you can't give up on them.
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the season the mets came back to win a game. that's major league baseball. two of the three wins in the post-season were via the comeback. falling glass from a high- rise building. cbs 2's scott rapoport reports from flatiron. >> very, very. >> reporter: 25-year-old derek bell says he is still shocked from the shower of glass that rained down on him from 17 floors above here at this 28th street. the scars on his shoulders still as raw as the memory. >> reporter: around 6:45, thursday night, as he was leaving work in the building, authorities say a two by three-foot window from up high
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street spewing glass everywhere. even now, some of the remains are still evident. >> it was just crash, boom, glass, shower, and then, you know, i hit the ground. >> reporter: he says one woman had her leg cut and lost a lot of blood. and then there's the harrowing story of derek bell's friend and coworker, erica mckee. the 23-year-old woman suffered a split ear, a cut on her scalp and abrasions on her chin. she spoke to us by phone from home and told us of the fear she felt. >> my face was covered in blood so you can't see, like, you know, where it's coming from or, like, how bad it is. >> reporter: officials say what caused it is unclear. we are told the entire 17th floor of the building has been undergoing renovations. police sources tell cbs 2 news, workers in the building believe vibrations from some of the equipment they used on the floor may have caused the window to become unhinged. >> it's a scary thought that you can have glass at any given point in time come from
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>> reporter: the owner of the building is listed as the moinan group. it's been given a violation notice for failure to maintain the building. the day the glass fell from the sky, they will never forget it. scott rapoport, cbs 2 news. >> we called and email the group for comment. so far, we have received none. a week-long search for a double murder suspect ends with an armed confrontation with police. jose santos alvarez is accused of strangling his estranged girlfriend and their 4-year- old son in a jersey city apartment last wednesday. he was tracked down at a home in hackensack last night. investigators say he lunged at officers with a night leaving one officer to fire at him. >> there were a lot of police officers in a small kitchen area. one shot was fired to the abdomen area. i'm told at this time it is a non-life-threatening injury.
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say a knife about 8 to 9" long was found at the scene. the suspect was taken to hackensack university medical center. new at 6:00, a sobering message from the grieving family of a long island teenager killed crossing the street in front of her home. the message, slow down. as cbs 2's carolyn gusoff reports, the pedestrian deaths on the island are on the rise. >> she got four doors away. >> reporter: four doors from her home 19-year-old girl hit by a car and killed tuesday earning college money walking home from work crossing the street. her devastating aunt inconsolable. >> i'm listening to the sirens go by. and not knowing that that's my baby out there. >> reporter: she raised her after the girl's mother died. the fatal crash on broadway in elmont. >> it's a raceway. i have even seen cars line up at the light at the elementary
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>> it's getting worse. it has dramatically increased. >> reporter: this elmont civic association president was also hit by a car walking his dog. he blames drivers frustrated with traffic and distractions everywhere. >> people are texting and driving. they are on cell phones. they are very distracted drivers driving on our streets and too fast. >> reporter: not just this road. pedestrian deaths on long island among the highest in the state are on the rise. according to the tri-state transportation campaign, long island pedestrian fatalities are up 40% in the last eight years. this heartbroken aunt pleads for more police enforcement of the speed limit and to drivers -- >> everybody is in a rush to get nowhere. you know? somebody's child can be somebody's mother is dead because we are so rushing, rushing to go where? >> reporter: the driver is not charged and declined comment. the aunt hopes her loss is a
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in elmont, long island, carolyn gusoff, cbs 2 news. >> nassau police say they have issued 407 moving violations so far this year on dutch broadway in elmont. transportation experts say that decades ago, long island was designed for driving but now more people are walking, increasing the danger. hillary clinton's closest adviser testified today before a house committee looking into the benghazi attacks. huma abedin answered questions behind closed doors. she was a top state department aide when clinton served as secretary of state. the panel is under intense scrutiny after two house aimed at hurting clinton's presidential bid. not have been called to testify saying she had little knowledge about the details of the benghazi attacks. there's still more ahead an about-face for republican presidential candidate donald trump.
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on paying for his campaign out of his own pocket. also tonight -- >> three layers on but usually i have four layers on. >> they have lived above the carnegie deli for decades. now they have had no heat or hot water for months. so why can't the landlord repair things? >> and uber found success moving people around for a better rate than taxis and now they have another new idea. lonnie? >> the weather story around here is all going to be about the temperatures getting colder. i'm going to talk about the exact temperatures i think will happen tomorrow and throughout the weekend the next seven days. we'll also have the forecast for tomorrow night's game. >> and coming up on the "cbs evening news," massive mud slides in california incredible pictures. scott pelley will have that and more tonight at 6:30. scott? >> dana, speaking of the weather, have a look at this! hundreds of motorists were swept off a highway, trapped by massive mud slides. it's all because of the big el nino weather effect which will have an impact here in the new york city areaas well,
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eventually -- in the new york city area as well, eventually. all that and more at 6:30 on the "cbs evening news." for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! at stop & shop, prices have just gone down. the savings keep going up. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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two more things to donald trump to trumpet. even though he hasn't asked for contributions, supporters have given his campaign $3.9 million. second, cnbc caved in to ben
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its upcoming debate be only 2 hours long. an elderly husband and wife who lived above the carnegie deli since 1958 have had no heat and hot water for months. they say they are looking for answers before the real cold weather sets in. mark morgan reports. >> i'm not looking forward to the next couple of weeks without heat. >> reporter: pasquale forino and his wife have gone six months without heat or hot water ever since an illegal gas line hookup in the famous carnegie deli below their midtown apartment closed that restaurant in april and now the couple in their 80s continues to search for answers. >> every month, it would -- you know, they think that it's going to be an inspection and whatever and it's the same thing. >> reporter: the president of the carnegie deli and owner of the building released this statement: we continue to work closely with coned and other agencies on finalizing the upgrades to our building, so our tenants have the
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we have been fully cooperative with the requirements to restore gas. we are hoping to be able to provide the utilities for our tenants as soon as possible, as well as re-opening our doors once again." the family isn't currently being charged rent as they wait for their services to return. elsie cooks with a hot plate, a hot water boiler is used for any warm bathing and they just purchased a space heater. they moved into the apartment five decades ago. despite the fact that the couple has lived above this landmark deli for 57 years, they have only eaten the food once. >> it was probably cheesecake and coffee. [ laughter ] >> big deal. >> reporter: their affection for their apartment and the neighborhood is obvious and that's why they plan to stay put, whatever the next few months brings. >> i have three layers on but usually, i have four layers on. and it's not even winter yet. >> reporter: the deli has several signs dated just over a month ago saying it will re-
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up and waits. reporting from midtown, mark morgan, cbs 2 news. >> and a coned spokesman telling cbs 2 that all work has been completed on its end and the utility is waiting for the carnegie deli building management company to finish work before an inspection and reconnection can be done. we have some chilly nights ahead for that couple and others who suffer without heat. lonnie quinn here again with what's ahead for us. >> i live right here in new york city. and i don't control my heat. the building turns it on. trust me, it's getting turned on this weekend. we are talking 20s and 30s around widespread area. new york city not getting into the 20s. but you're in the 30s. outside the city the 20s. so yeah, i think everyone is going to be turning the heaters on, so let's get all that stuff straightened out. let me show you what the weather watchers have for us. pretty pictures were recorded. this shot is from mark. how pretty.
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this. look at that sugar maple in warwick, new york. temperatures now in the 60s, beautiful. look at that glorious sunset. degrees. try to get some foliage the winds will be blowing. you will leave some leaves by the time you get to, say, monday and tuesday. 64 the high temperature. 65 should be the high. so you're right about where you expect to be. in fact, we had the same exact yesterday. so the exact same feel mass. in for us. saturday, sunday knows out of the 50s. some of you on sunday may not get out of the 40s. true story, gang. it's even going to be a situation where we're talking wind chills because you have temperatures. the process begins. in fact, our first freeze watch has been issued by the
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this is for late inside into sunday morning. all those areas shaded in blue you could very well have a hard freeze out there. this marks the end of the growing season. as far as the mets game on saturday night, you're looking at the first pitch being thrown at 8:07. okay? it's breezy out there. 49 feels about 45. as you get into the game, all right, with that breeze continuing out there, temperatures are dropping now. now it's around 10 p.m. middle of the game feels -- it's 45 but feels like 39. talking wind chills again. then heading home sometime around midnight. it's 41 feeling like 36. it's early for that. but it's out there. vortex satellite and radar we are seeing showers moving in our direction. i don't think there's going to be a big threat or risk, but i put in a chance for showers. not a threat for tomorrow or not weekend. tomorrow partly sunny, a chill in the area at 57.
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here's how we see it. 57 on saturday. 51 on sunday. are you kidding me? sunday morning's low temperature 38 degrees. and again, dana, remember, you have some wind blowing. 38 degrees could feel like around the freezing mark. then you're outside the city and you have temperatures in the 20s on the thermometer. so it's going to be chilly. but middle of next week will be 70 again. >> that's nice before the real stuff sets in. thank you. first rides, now deliveries. uber launching a courier service in three major cities starting today. customers in parts of new york, san francisco and chicago can get products delivered through what they call uber rush. they are partnering are local businesses to deliver within 24 hours. the company initially tested the program in midtown last year. it's now available in new jersey.
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queens citi field with more about the mets. >> reporter: dana, if you have seen the movie "back to the future" you know the cubs are supposed to win it all this year. but to do that, they are going to have to go through some of the best young arms in the baseball. at the top of the list is matt harvey. hear from the game one starter
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let's head back out to citi field where steve overmyer is here for otis livingston tonight on this night in between. night before the first game of tomorrow's series. hi, steve. >> reporter: dana, i think there are a lot of mets fans out there right now that are pinching themselves but last night really did happen. they really did win the nlds. they are on the to the nlcs and now just one series away the dream season continues. i feel like that final game of the nlds highlighted the heroes of the season. degrom didn't bat an eye. degrom's two wins were against greinke and three time cy young award winner clayton kershaw.
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but the star of the series is daniel murphy setting up the game tying run which set the stage for the game winning run by murphy. mets win 3-2 and now in the nlcs. >> i don't know. i wish i could have played. i try to do it a lot more often. i would have hit more homers in the regular season. >> runs were at a premium. the fact he could carry this offense at times, spectacular. >> you saw what if your murphy did. life. dawn this morning the cameras were there as the mets team buses pulled up and the players got out on citi field. murphy getting high fives. then it was home for a little light duty before getting terry collins game one starter
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face the media.. >> we're looking forward to it. >> reporter: as for their opponent the cubs, they got here as a wild card team but many of the experts consider them the absolute favorites and you can see why because when you look up and down their lineup this is a line-up full of absolute sluggers. they have won with the long ball. in fact, their 12 play-off homers are tops in building this post-season. will they be paralyzed by the ghost of the past? the baseball gods probably owe the cubs one here or there but will they pay up this year? >> it's got to end sometime, right? [ laughter ] >> it's been a long time. >> how long ago? >> i can't do math like that. >> 46 years. >> there you go. yes. 46 years, 2015. we are moved on and ready to keep pushing on.
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both of these teams at one time on another have shared the moniker lovable losers. dana, one of them will be shedding that moniker later this week. from citi field, steve overmyer, cbs 2 news. >> we'll be right back. >> closed captioning on cbs 2 news is brought to you by: cadillac. the centers for medicare and medicaid services recently asked patients to rate the quality of over 3,500 hospitals. fewer than 10% received 5 stars. among them was cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia.
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coming up at 11:00, is there wrong information on your medical records? it can do a lot of damage not to your health but to your finances. the conversation everyone should be having with their doctor about this dangerous medical mishap. >> also, plants growing underground. an event opens up tomorrow and we have a preview for you later at 11. fans taking the 7 train to see the mets play the cubs this weekend will get a chance to travel back in subway history. the mta is rolling out vintage train cars, these old school 11-car seven train, departing from 34th hudson yard station at 6:30 p.m. saturday and sunday taking fans to citi field. the featured cars were made between 1948 and 1964. up next on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley," is joe biden closer to making a decision about running for president? and steve hartman on the road with a man who just might have
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