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tv   CBS 2 News  CBS  October 8, 2015 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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active scene here in fort greene. as you recall from morning, one suspect police track down at a local hospital. and this morning, police sources say based on a tip, they arrested the last two. when you look at this unmarked car covered in bullet holes and broken glass, it's hard to believe the three plain clothed nypd officers inside were not hit. >> and i heard a pow, pow, pow, pow, pow. a lot of shooting. >> reporter: neighbors describe the chaos outside last night when investigators say at least two of three men opened fire on police in fort greene. police say the officers saw the men in a dispute and when they turned the car around, the suspects started shooting. the cops we're told shot back and the suspects ran if the scene. police say they found this 45 caliber gun under a nearby car. >> there was a bag that was recovered from the scene as well.
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i believe it belongs to the three individuals. in that bag was a considerable amount of ammunition as well. >> reporter: around 8:00 a.m., the nypd and u.s. marshals came to the this nearby building, 46 st. edwards street where they took one suspect into custody. and they found another at the hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg. and the third in an unknown location also here in brooklyn. and all the men are in their early 20s. and many people who live and work in the area are disgusted the suspects would open fire. >> why would you shoot at somebody else? because you wouldn't want to shoot at your own family. people got to start taking consideration that life is precious. >> it's horrible. who does that? who shoots up police? for what? >> reporter: the three officers involved were treated at the hospital for ringing in their ears. again, several of the blocks still closed down as the investigation continues. live in fort greene brooklyn,
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and investigators are trying to figure out what happened. a mother and her young child were found dead in their jersey city apartment. janelle burrell spoke exclusively to the child's devastated grandfather. >> reporter: it's the every parent and grandparent's most horrible nightmare. only learning of his grandson's death this morning when he came to visit the boy and his mom at their apartment where according to police the mother in her 20s and the 5-year-old child were found unconscious wednesday night, both later dying at the hospital after doctors tried to save them. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: i'm sorry. >> what happened? >> reporter: investigators aren't saying yet. and haven't revealed who made the 911 call around 6:00 p.m. but when emergency responders got to the second floor apartment at 34 lincoln street, both were unresponsive. >> the child was completely not moving at all. >> reporter: police so far
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releasing few detail, only saying the deaths are being investigated as suspicious. and investigators later taking away the shaken grandfather as neighbors here wait for answers about how the mother and son lost their lives. >> it's a sad, sad story. because i know, i have seen the mother and the child going to school and for shopping and all those things but it's a sad story. >> reporter: investigators have apartment. we're told that air quality tests were done inside and so far, according to report, they have tested negative for carbon monoxide. and police have not released the names of the mother or her son. reporting in jersey city, janelle burrell, cbs 2 news. >> neighbors say the family has lived in the apartment for about a year. a teenage girl jumps from a moving car after an attemped abduction in connecticut. the 17-year-old says she was walking to school on monday when a gray toyota pulled up and the driver lured her into the car and then attacked her. the teen jumped from the car
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people who live in the area say the area is filled with children. >> there is a catholic school there. there's a high school there. that bothers me. i don't let my girls go anywhere alone really. >> the hunt is on for the driver. she is described as a hispanic woman in her 40s with freckle action a ponytail and wearing a black leather jacket. the grey toyota is missing the rear bumper. volkswagon has admitted publicly it cheated emissions testing resulting in far more pollutants being released into the air than the law allows. and now the executives being called before congress to testify. >> reporter: the head of volkswagon's american group says the company is sorry for cheating on emissions tests. >> i would like to offer a sincere apology, sincere apology for volkswagon's use of the program that served to defeat the regular testing. >> reporter: up to 11 million
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diesel cars had sophisticated software installed which would reduce toxic emissions during testing the. the software would then shut off, allowing emissions levels epa levels. >> the american people, the epa and the counterparts around the volkswagon. a dime. >> reporter: volkswagon first became aware of a problem with the standards after a west virginia university study was 2014. but vw's american ceo claims he didn't know the full extent of the problem. >> at that time, were you aware or informed that these vehicles contained defeat devices? >> no. >> reporter: u.s. regulators aren't the only ones going after vw. german prosecutors raided the company's german headquarters today to secure documents and data storage devices. cbs 2 news, cap it will hill. >> volkswagon overtook toyota
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automaker in sales this year. the scandal has wiped out a third of the stock price and forced out the company's ceo. and new at noon, they are sending out pink slips. today 175 employees got the lay- off residents. the owner sold the property to a giant mall developer. the group is trying to save the inn has been negotiating with the company right now, the inn is expected to close at the end of the year. the coast guard is looking for the sunken coast guard ship that went down a week ago in hurricane joaquin. 34 people aboard are believed to have died. >> everybody's worst nightmare just came true. >> reporter: claudeia is devastated that the -- claudia is devastated that the search for her husband has been called off. the coast guard suspended the
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search six days after it began. a decision the captain calls painful and personal. >> one of our chief petty officers had a brother that was on the el faro. >> reporter: president barack obama issued a solemn statement, as americans our quality of life depend upon men and women who serve aboard ships like the el faro. the company that owns the ship has come under fire for letting the crew leave despite the threat of hurricane joaquin. >> i think there was some greed there. you know, come on, we've got to make some money here. >> reporter: a federal investigation spearheaded by the national transportation safety board is now underway. at the top of the list is finding the the ship's voyage data recorder which contains key information about the position and speed as well as the communication between the ship and the hours before it sank. >> what i find in peace as i envision the entire crew of the el faro that went down in the
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ship together and that's their the final resting place. >> the voyage data recorder is activated when it hits water and is designed to send out pings for 30 days. in syria, the government there says russian air strikes are helping forces launch an offensive against terrorists. they say cruises are hitting northern syria where isis is entrenched but the white house says russia's true motive is to prop up the syrian government. the u.s. backs some of the rebel groups. there's much more ahead here at noon. police caught on camera as they nab a suspect in a cellphone robbery. did they cross the line? and three student, one thing they had in common, they had all been hypnotized by the same person. their principal. plus, it was all hands on- deck the for firefighters trying to contain a marina fire. looking beautiful out there right now. but we do have rain on the way. coming up, we will talk about
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plans. in brooklyn in 1907, four courageous ladies saw the despair of the poor, old, and sick and founded what would become mjhs. today mjhs provides quality home care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing, and advanced hospice and palliative care for adults and children, but the values of the brooklyn ladies still guide us.
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on fire in a boston marina this morning. the two-alarm fire engulfed at least five boats. black smoke could be seen from miles away. there's no word yet on what caused the the blaze. a controversial arrest on staten island caught on video. and now there are questions about the behavior of some nypd officers. we have the new information. >> reporter: the emt can be seen roughing up the man he says he caught breaking into his car. the police officers aren't stopping him police say the 21- year-old stole the emt's iphone and cops were able to track the stolen phone to this store in sunset park. and the neighborhood activist says something is very wrong with this picture. >> it's appalling. it's disrespectful. everybody is entitled to due process. if he did commit the crime and he didn't resist and he is being placed under arrest, that wasn't necessary. >> reporter: the incident happened back on september 12th. nypd commissioner bratton says
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>> it is the subject of an internal investigation. >> reporter: he lives here on staten island. he hasn't been home today. and he has pleaded guilty to a grand larceny charge and is due back in court in a couple of weeks. cbs 2 news. >> the emt worked for a private company, not fire department. the complaint review board says excessive force was used in the arrest of a former tennis star james blake. video showed the officer tackling blake outside a midtown hotel. he was searching for suspects accused of using stolen credit cards. the panel recommended that the police officer be disciplined. >> he is gratified by it and looks forward to the trial in this matter and to con front
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confront the individual who confronted him on september 9th. >> the nypd says they're aware of the findings. commissioner bratton and mayor de blasio is set to speak about the issues today. three high school students died after their principal hypnotized them. parents have reached a settlement with the school board. each family will receive $200,000. the principal admitted he hypnotize one the day before the teen killed nims 2011. one drove his car off the highway after he hypnotized himself, a technique the principal taught him. and the third said she took her own life after he started hypnotizing her. >> i believe my daughter went into her room that night and blinked her eyes rapidly and entered a calm and relaxed state that allowed her to go
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>> he hypnotized at least 70 students and staff members. he later gave up his teaching license. still to come here, a new plan for airplane passenger jet seats. and there is rain in the forecast. find out if you will need the umbrella all weekend.
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forecast. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. the health care law gives us powerful tools to fight it. to investigate it prosecute it and stop criminals our senior medicare patrol volunteers are teaching seniors across the country to stop, spot and report fraud you can help guard your medicare card don't give out your card number over the phone call to report any suspected fraud we're cracking down on medicare fraud
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don't forget to follow us on facebook and twitter @cbsnewyork. bug beds are fun for kiddings -- bunk beds are fun for kids but what about on airplanes? one row stays low while the other row elevates upward. in the patent, air bus wrote it's important to make optimum use of space in the cabin. they file hundreds of patents every year. >> something tells me turbulence wouldn't be great. >> a little too close. and john is off today. vanessa murdock with us for the good to see you. >> good to you as well. looking great today. i have an easy gig.
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i would like to start off with the weather watchers. they have been sending us fantastic pictures today and i would like to share them with you. this is my favorite. she sent this to us 16 minutes ago. look at the shade of blue against the pink flower. the backdrop is stunning. and we're not going to be devoid of clouds today. in fact, a mixture of sunshine and clouds. and looking lovely right now. and it will continue for the rest of today with wet weather. so much needed wet weather on the way tomorrow. and let's take you live outside and show you from high atop the empire state building, mostly sunny, 66 degrees, windses at 3 miles per hour. and relative humidity at 52%. and across the region, all of us in the 60s. right now, headed for the upper 60s and low 70s which is a seasonable day. and your pollen report i think is shaping up nicely. we have decreasing pollen levels through tomorrow and into the weekend. and your predominant pollen
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right now ragweed. and looking at the vortex satellite and radar, more clouds northwest of the city and to the south. and for today, a mix of sunshine and clouds but high pressure is still in control. but that's just for today. tomorrow the approaching cold front will bring clouds in the morn, and a chance for showers and maybe thunderstorms through the afternoon and evening hours. it does look like the evening commute could be impacted. i will show you what it looks like on the futurecast model. today a mix of sunshine and clouds and. i don't expect shower activity. and tomorrow morning, your a.m. drive should be just fine. the model wants to bring in showers around the 10:00 a.m. hour well north and west of the city. by lunchtime, you may have a few showers around. but it's really through the afternoon and evening hours we expect the biggest impact from the cold front. note the timing here, 6:00 tomorrow evening. and some strong stuff moving through. and possibly some thunderstorms. so yes, you could have slower drive times on the way home for the weekend which isn't the
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and watch into saturday morning with the forecast. drier air pushes in. and the weekend is looking fantastic. so 69 degrees this afternoon. and sunshine and clouds. winds northeast, becoming more southeasterly at 5 to 10 miles per hour. and then overnight tonight, 58, more clouds around and then tomorrow, warm, temperatures may even be as much as 10 degrees warmer than we top out today, mid-70s. showers pushing in, especially for the second half of the day. and they're out of here by the weekend. take a look at the extended forecast now. for saturday, 65 degrees. looking lovely. sunday it is 68 and mostly sunny. and columbus day, 71 and mostly sunny. and neaps the same vicinity tuesday and wednesday. -- and temperatures in the same vicinity tuesday and wednesday. and tomorrow is the only day with wet weather inner to cast and we need it. >> thank you. well to find out the weather any time, download the cbs 2 news weather app.
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and video and it's free and available in the itunes store. not all cabbages are the same. here's stephanie tantillo. >> reporter: hey. when it comes to picking out different cabbages, there are a couple things that are true for all of them. it should be heavy and nice and compact. but like with all produce, there are a couple of different twists when it comes to different varieties. in particular, make sure again the leaves are nice and compact, heavy for the size but make sure you don't see yellowing. when you peel back the first leaf, it's nice and young and crisp, that's very important but it will feel thicker than the other carnages. when you bring it home, just keep in mind, it's not going to hold for that long. let's say the red cabbage will. you only have this for a few days before it starts to spoil. use it quickly. and now it is actually one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite cabbage for stews. can is perfect for this time of
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year when it's getting colder outside. and i'm stephanie tantillo with your tip of the day.
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the story after this. there's something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about
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that is janet jackson. she is among the first-time nominees being considered for induction for next year's rock 'n' roll hall of fame. the inductees will be announced in december. happening today, some people won't be waiting until halloween to dress up as their favorite characters. new york comic con gets underway today and goes until sunday. fans will mix with creators of both print and onscreen material. you will see them around. and coming up on cbs 2 news beginning at 5:00, looking to update your closet without breaking the bank? three secrets to freshen up your wardrobe. and at 6:00, from a mansion to a mosque, what the new plans for a home in west chester county are creating controversy for the neighborhood. okay, a lighter side of
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on tis play at asia's largest electronics fair in tokyo. take a look. this robot is a cellphone. and another robot will the. a shot. and if you lose, no need to worry, it's programmed to teach you how to play. so if you're that bad and getting creamed by the computer, i'm going to teach you. >> i'm going to program it to allow me to win. will that work? that's it for us at noon. for vanessa murdock and the entire cbs 2 news news team, thank you for joining us. i am mary calvi. >> and i am chris wragge. we will see you tomorrow
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have a great afternoon. look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor... oh you know i love that guy. mmmmhmmm. these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and, there are no networks. is this a one-size fits all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options.
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it all depends on what we need. and how much we want to spend. call now to request your free [decision guide]. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? i'm in. join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance... plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. don't wait. call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp medicare supplement plan
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to go the distance with you. go long.
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