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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  August 22, 2015 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

6:30 pm >> axelrod: three americans hailed as heroes in france. the childhood friends take down a gunman aboard a high-speed train to paris and foil a possible terror attack. >> wow, wow, wow. >> axelrod: donald trump draws his biggest crowd yet, continuing to hit immigration hard. how is his message playing with hispanic voters? the fallout from the ashley madison hack attack. more names on the cheating web site are revealed, and with them come a growing number of investigations and lawsuits. and an airshow stunt ends in disaster as a military jet crashes on a busy road. incredibly, the pilot survived. captioning sponsored by cbs >> axelrod: good evening. we begin tonight in france with
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a story that sound like something out of a hollywood thriller that stars three very we'll american heroes. one is an air force airman, another an army national guards man and a third is a pal from california they were traveling with on a train from anthony amsterdam to paris. that's when the three americans jumped into action. charlie d'agata picks up the story. >> reporter: video that appears to be shot inside the train shows the suspect face down and tied up. you can see a rifle he was carrying and one of the american men who brought him down after seeing a french passenger first confront the gunman, 22-year-old national guardsman alek skarlatos and his two friends moved in. >> i saw a guy entering the train with an a.k. and a handgun, and i just looked over
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at spencer and said, "let's go, go." and he jumped up, and i followed behind him by about three seconds. >> reporter: u.s. air force airman first class stone tackled the gunman, and skarlatos knocked him unconscious with the butt of his rifle. fellow friend anthony sadler and british passenger chris norman pinned the attacker down and stripped him of his weapons. we caught up with norman outside the police station in arras. why you chose to move forward rather than hiding? >> what else is there to do? arthur you sit down and you die or you get up and you die. >> reporter: stone was released from a french hospital this afternoon. gunman sliced into him with a box cutter, almost cutting off his thumb. but even wounded, friends say stone treated others. >> a man's throat had been slit and he was treating profusely,
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and spencer, who has some paramedic training, just clogged up his neck so he wouldn't die. >> reporter: skarlatos' parents, karen and emmanuael from rosburg, oregon, say they never doubted the young men's courage. >> the fact that they saved all those expliefs had the instinct and the guts to do what they did. >> reporter: when police arrested the gunman at the next stop they found an arsenal-- an assault rifle, a handgun, and several magazine clips. the 26-year-old moroccan suspect, pictured here by french media, was on the terror watch list of three countrieses, including france. the french interior minister confirmed today that the suspect has been on their radar since a tip-off by spanish authorities. but, jim, despite that, he was able to board a high-speed train armed to the teeth, apparently civilians. but he picked the wrong train. >> axelrod: charlie d'agata in france tonight with a story of
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some real american heroes. thank you. tonight at least 68 large fires states. all told, nearly 1.5 acres are being consumed. washington state is having its worst fire season ever. as carter evans reports, part of the challenge now, finding fires. >> reporter: there are now so many fires in central washington that even 3,000 firefighters on the ground are not enough. there's now an unpress volunteers. >> this is a first for us, the first we know of in the nation. >> reporter: joe smislee is with the washington department of natural resources. he's giving them a crash course on fire safety. what are they going to be doing? >> they're going to be chopping down trees with large pieces of." >> reporter: this morning around okanagan, the wind temporarily subsided replaced by a choking layer of smoke.
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everywhere. dozens of homes have already burned to the ground, and for those like megan nansen, staying to save their homes with shovels shovels frayed. >> you can just feel all the tragedy around you and the smoaght. we haven't been able to breathe for days. it's hell on earth, and it won't stop. >> reporter: in these communities, hearts are heavy-- not for lost possessions but lost lives. the three firefighters who died on wednesday near twisp when they were overrun by flames. >> i had-- i had a gut feeling. >> reporter: celeste wheeler lost her husband, rick. years. firefighter. >> rick-- rick was good at it. he had that-- he had that ability too think quickly on his feet, and i feel like he was not afraid of anything. >> reporter: where to you go from here? >> i really don't know. would happen.
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and i-- i don't know. i-- i don't have any sort of idea what's going to happen next. >> reporter: and people around here are also wondering what will happen next. this fire has shattered lives and shattered dreams, and the danger is still not over. jim, as for those three firefighters who died, that investigation could take months. >> axelrod: carter evans in okanagan, washington, thank you. it was a horrifying scene in england today as an air show ended in disaster. a military jet crashed on to a busy road about 60 miles south of london. at least seven people were killed. although, as jonathan vigliotti reports, the pilot made it out alive and is in incrediblal condition. >> reporter: the daring stunt you are about to see is hard to watch knowing how it ends. >> we'll be getting the emergency services in soon. stay where you are, please. >> reporter: minutes before the crash, a pilot pulled his world war ii-era t-7 jet up towards the clowts as he
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prepared for what's known as a loop maneuver. hundreds watched on at the shoreham air show in sussex as the pilot successfully flipped over but he soon started to barrel down to the ground. he tried to pull up, but not fast enough. >> reporter: the impact caused a massive fireball. amazingly, officials say the pilot survived, although he's fighting for his life at a local hospital. it's unclear if he evicted before the crash. others weren't so lucky. his single-seat jet crashed on to a busy roadway, exploding on top of cars backed up in traffic. the blaze engulfed dozens of them. some cars were completely gutted by fire, others flattened by the impact. >> is there anyone in that car? >> reporter: bystanders scrambled to help those injured. emergency services say many of those wounded were taken to the hospital and treated for burns. most of the victims were just sitting in their cars at the
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time unaware of threat that came from overhead. this is the second crash at an airshow in england this month. at this point, it's unclear what caused today's tragic accident. jim, officials say there are still people missing ask they expect more casualties as the search continues. >> axelrod: jonathan vigliotti covering for us tonight in our london newsroom. thank you. now to presidential politics. cbs news has learned vice president joe biden, weighing the idea of a white house run of his own, met privately in washington today with democratic massachusetts. candidate. on the republican side, roughly 20,000 people showed up at a stadium in mobile, alabama, last night, not for a pre-season football game but for a donald trump campaign rally. here's jericka julianna goldman. >> he didn't fill the stadium, the donald trump told the crowd
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wrong. >> i want to put that engineer, whatever energy-- whether it's screwed up, it's good, it's genius-- whatever it is, i know how to do things. >> reporter: trump arrived in typical fanfare, first in a flyover in his 757. >> now i know how the great billy graham felt because it's the same feeling. we love billy graham. we love billy graham. >> we love donald trump! >> reporter: but the republican front-runner's stop in alabama was strategic, a signal he's confident his coalition can carry him into march when a cluft are cluster of southern states hold primaries. >> why do i need a pollster? >> reporter: while trump's candidacy has been long on controversy and short on specifics, supporters last night explained his appeal. >> it's time for new blood. >> this guy is not a politician thing. to me that's a good thing. >> reporter: trump came under criticism for waiting two days to denounce a pair of brothers
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in boston who attacked a homeless man saying, "donald trump is right, all these illegals need to be deported." last night trump's rhetoric was as fiery as ever and had this to say about citizen for children born in the u.s. > very few places do it. we're the only place just about that is stupid enough to do it. >> reporter: as trump sliddifies his lead, there are other signs he recognizes consequences of his rhetoric. jim, last week, the trump jim, last week, the trump organization reached out to a hispanic media group asking for a meeting to make amends and to resolve their differences. >> axelrod: julianna goldman in our washington newsroom, thank you. let's bring in cbs news elections director anthony salvanto. winning the hispanic vote, not a job trump's comments are making easier. >> the republican party said after 2012 they learned the hard way.
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what happens in the primaries doesn't stay in the primaries. there are a lot of voters, particularly hispanic voters who are watching now who might remember the tone and tenor of this immigration debate. that makes it harder for the party to win them. they lost by a lo porto sided vote. and if that happens again their road to the whois whitehouse gets a lot harder. >> axelrod: donald trump may have captured the heads so far but how is the issue of immigration being so prominent in the republican race for nomination affecting other candidates? >> immigration dwiedz the republican party. about as many say they favor a path to citizenship as might favor some form of deportation. for a candidate like jeb bush, who disagrees with donald trump, he has to back a bit of a fine line because it's the more conservativive side of that debate that says they will vote on the issue and use it as a litmus test on their nomination choice. >> axelrod: thank you. the movie "straight outta
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compton ," the film has drawn criticism for not telling the whole story about the group's cofounder dr. dre. as jericka duncan reports, he is now apologizing for violence against women. >> reporter: in an extraordinary statement to the "new york times," dr. dre said, "i apologize to the women i've hurt. i deply regret what i did and know that it has forever impacted all of our lives." the music mogul signed a $3 billion deal with apple last beats. his apology was sparked by dee barnes air, former radio host who did a segment on n.w.a., that dre didn't like. tuesday, she wrote on gawker in 1991, then-n.w.a. member dr. dre, beat me merclessly. that was not in the movie according to barnes it should not have been because the truth
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is too ugly for a general audience. the "new york times" spoke with other women who shared a similar experience. >> it's almost as if erasing that part of their history was a greater offense in a way than people's feelings about their having done it in the first place. everybody knows that it happened. >> reporter: why do you think that apology from dr. dre came so quickly? >> well, dre is a titan of industry at this point. i think he understood it was important for him. it was the responsible, adult thing for him to do, for him to apologize. digital media has made this possible. things don't disappear the way they used to. when is an apology done or when do you need to do it again? >> reporter: apple released a statement about dr. dre's apology saying, "we believe his sincerity and after working with him for a year and a half we have ever reason to believe that he has changed." jim. >> axelrod: jericka, thank you. millions of names were exposedly in the ashley madison hack
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attack, so now what happens. and the news that caused pandemonium today at the national zoo when the cbs
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get this one done. ask your healthcare professional about prevnar 13 today. >> axelrod: it is the first weekend after a hack attack cheating web site ashley madison, and so some couples may be cancelling their saturday night baby sitters and calling their divorce lawyers instead. as brew reports, the fallout is just getting started. >>started. >> reporter: a hunt for cheaters, especially those who used a work computer or e-mail to access the site. among the 15,000 ashley madison accounts linked to government or military servers, at least two assistant u.s. attorneys, a justice deparment investigator, white house workers and strategic staffers at homeland security, dozens of new york city education employees, 50 california state workers.
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the f.b.i. and pentagon are investigating. trying to stay a step ahead, the executive director of louisiana's g.o.p., jason dore, announced he had an account, he said, for opposition research. and some high-profile husbands are squirming in public. >> are you serious! >> viftian vloggers sam and nia rader became viral stars just weeks ago when he surprised her with a positive pregnancy test. >> bam. >> reporter: then promptly announced she'd miscarried. ashley madison gave them more than 15 minutes of fame with sam's exposure as a member, though he insists he never had an affair. >> this was brought to my wife's attention. she's-- she has forgiven me for this mistake they made. >> reporter: but the less forgiving, more-suspicious spouse can search online for everything though new york divorce attorneys can val says don't go running to a lawyer. >> think about why you went to search their name in the first place. is there a trust issue there to begin with, because if there is, maybe you should have been in my
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office long before this information dump happened. >> reporter: for anyone who wants to download those leaked files they are essentially stolen property. criminals are reportedly using the information for extortion schemes-- pay me or i tell, so to speak. theica canadian company that runs ashley madison is facing a class action lawsuit, jim. >> axelrod: contessa, thank you. coming up next... a little leaguer on the losing end of a grand slam shows why he's a winner in any league. in study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. why pause a spontaneous moment to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph,
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see your ra in a different way. >> axelrod: it's been an exciting day at washington's national zoo. that's the sound of a healthy baby cub born to the zoo's giant panda may shi'ang earlier this evening. it's just the 13th panda in the united states. the panda-cam was getting so much traffic today, the web site kept crashing. thousands gathered on massachusetts crane beach today for the unveiling of a mesmerizing piece of public art. theo jansen's strandbeest sculptures come to life in the wind like giant mechanical animals. unfortunately, today's display was a bit compromised, not enough, but they still found a way to make it work. the joy of the game of the on full display at the little
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league world series last night. mid-atlantic versus midwest and it was a blowout. slugger coal wagner launched a monster grand slam to put his team from lewisberry, pennsylvania up 18-0 and it was only the third evening. but look at web city's pitcher, mike garrard. sure, he's not happy but he's also in awe of the homer he gave up and can't help himself expressing that. love that. he's won gold medals and world championships and now he's giving back in a way that just might surprise you. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections
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>> axelrod: weclose tonight in an unusual setting for an august night, an ice rink, with the story of an unusual coach. some young hockey players are learning what it takes to become a champion from a guy who has overcome some big-time challenges to become one himself. here's meg oliver. >> reporter: at 22, josh pauls is a veteran at the u.s.a. mep's sled hockey team. in 2010, he was the youngest player ever to make the team. his rookie year led to a stunning five-game shut-out in the paralimpics and his first gold medal. >> i finally accomplished something really great and i remember just giving my medal to my parents and saying, "hey, thanks for taking me to all my hockey practices." >> he had his legs amputated at 10 months old. the challenge of keeping up with other kids melted away when he found sled hockey at 10.
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>> it was one of the first times evidence like i'm just like everybody else. and nobody else is limited once you get on the ice. >> reporter: with two gold medals and three world championships, he's considered one of the best players in the world. >> guys, who needs skates tied? >> and he's giving back in a unique way. during the summer the world-renowned player turns camp counselor in new jersey for kids without disabilities. what is it like to coach kids without disabilities? >> i mean, hockey's hockey. they're standing up, i'm sitting down but that's really the only difference. the concepts are the same. >> reporter: do any of the skaters at the beginning of the week, do they come up and ask you what happened? kids are the greatest because they just say whatever's on their mind. they don't have a filter and it's awesome because they just ask, "what happened to your where are they?" >> reporter: pauls is very open with the kids but wants them to focus on hooky first. be a distraction. >> we're a little bit different than most people. >> reporter: on the last day of camp, he shares his story and answers their questions in depth.
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>> i was born without my shin bones, and now i have computer when i walk. >> reporter: he also passes around his two gold medals from vancouver and sochi. greg. >> how he has no legs and he has two gold medal and that is kind of cool. that's really cool. >> he's a great coach. he inspires me so much. better. >> there you go, way to move! if i can get these kids, even it's not in hockey, but to excel and believe in themselves in whatever they like to do, then i think i did my job. it's a difficult drill but it's made to make you better. >> reporter: a job well done as he inspires young hockey players to push themselveses to greatness. >> let me catch you! >> reporter: meg oliver, cbs news, little falls, new jersey. >> axelrod: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. later on cbs, "48 hours." i'm jim axelrod in new york. for all of us here in cbs news, thanks for joining us and good
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night. i'm grateful for my wife. it's just such a blessing when you can honor each other. he hypocrisy of this. >> what the family's activist says about the second life. >> a sociopath >> t >> will she stand next to the cheating man? >> megan fox files for divorce. inside the papers. >> no intimacy whatsoever. >>.y have been split for months now. >> blake and miranda, what the man 2349 middle told us. >> i feel i have to say something about it. also ten the years after katrina, our look back with brad pitt building houses for the homeless. >> in the tragedy, we he most vulnerable.


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