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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  CBS  August 14, 2015 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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robe in cuffs taken by police accused of raping two women and was featured in an episode of bravo's millionaire matchmaker. >> north of $8 million. i own ten homes, can afford to do whatever i want to do. >> posted $63,000 bail last night. the rapes allegedly happened here inside his sherman oaks home and featured here on the bravo reality show and in his appearance on the show, discussed his preference for younger women. >> how young do you want these women? >> somebody young. that could have children still. >> we reached out to bravo and the network had no comment. claimed he met the alleged victims online and investigators came in and removed computers home. asking about dating show
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background checks. >> every casting director's worst nightmare to have something like this happen. >> johnny is a casting director overseen the vetting process on shows like "wife swap," "the bachelor," and "super nanny." >> he had battery, other violent crimes which were dismissed, however, he was charged with those crimes. in my book, that would be a huue red flag and i doubt they would ever allow someone like that to work on any show i've worked on. >> major players in relationship reality earlier this year. >> did you guys vet your contestants? >> the millionaire match maker star patty stanger said the whole industry was rattled in 2009. >> it was like, all the sudden the world said, wait, we've got to pay for background checks? >> this is going to be the best night of your life. >> that's when ryan jenkins, on vh1's once a millionaire charged with wife and model jasmine vior. >> they have to screen them.
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maybe not as strong as mark burnett who really screens people, but it's changed. >> and remember darva konger from who wants to marry a multimillionaire? she was shocked to learn her tv husband's ex-girlfriend filed a restraining order against him. >> i think if they would have done a thorough background check, they would have seen. >> here's another story we're following. meredith vieira with a black eye. >> you're so not pretentious and you have on sunglasses in the studio. >> co-hosted today and meredith unveiled a nasty shiner. >> i fell over and hit the rim on the dressing room table. >> as a precaution, she was given a cat scan and was given the all clear. "the view's" nicole wallace blindsided. the conservative co-host tells "variety" producers didn't tell her she was being fired, she read it in the press. i had no plans of quitting. i thought i would learn
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somewhere other than "variety" that i had been fired. she was offered as a contributor, but turned it down. an abc spokesperson told "e.t." today, quote, we wish her well. and that's not all. today was rosie perez's last day. she said, don't feel sad. >> i want to thank everybody. it's been wonderful. >> and the duggar's scandal inspired the new tv documentary. tlc's "breaking the silence" is about victims of sexual child abuse. they nearly a month after giving "19 kids and counting" the axe. the reality series cancelled following the revelation that josh duggar sexually molested five young girls including his own sisters. "breaking the silence" airs august the 30th. let's get involved with weg news and theight man for the job is cameron mathison. he was there with some of the most famous soon to be married olks for the hollywood foreign press association. >> for me, the best part of the night, hollywood's most beautiful proving that age is
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nothing but a number. >> i'm sorry. i don't have my glasses. having a hard time. sorry. i'm 49 tomorrow. it's happening. >> happy birthday, halle. looking perfect even without the wedding ring she lost and has yet to replace. joe was there without sofia, the latest about their november 22nd wedding at the palm beach resort and topher grace excited about ashton and mila. >> it's like your two friends got together after high school. you know what i mean? >> on the watch for lady gaga and taylor kinney. it could happen at any moment. they vow to keep it private. gaga had one of the most unusual moments. >> i was embarrassed because when jamie lee curtis said my name, i snarfed into my nose.
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and there's a little teeny tiny piece that's still there. >> sarah silver man arrived without masters boyfriend. >> i sent him a picture of my boobs and i was like, who's going to help me out of this dress? >> but now he wishes that. sarah was one of the many celebs helping the hollywood foreign press hand out $2 million at the grant and scholarships banquet. >> as we see arts and sports teams taken away from schools, we realize we give children a smaller window in which to dream. and nights like tonight mean we can give some of those dreams back. >> hollywood's latest trend is the explosion of sexy new roles is it the end of ageism? >> i think that it's getting better on a number of fronts. every job has been from a man and i'm working more now than i ever have. television is a place where there's a lot of new fresh story telling and, you know, when you
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start getting into stories that are about all kinds of women, i mean, look at meryl streep and look at judy dent, women probably doing the most incredible work of their lives well into their adulthood. overdue in my opinion. >> jamie lee curtis is starring with actresses 30 years younger on fox's "scream queens." another actress making a big comeback, sharon stone. we're stunned by her amazing new photos from the new issue of "harper's bazaar." she's 57. she said it's much easier for her to pose nude today than it was 25 years ago for "playboy" and no longer worried about being the best looking woman in the world but you be the judge. here are two men fabulous at any age. robert redford and nick nolte. now these two have teamed up for a new movie, but the question
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is, can redford do a comedy? >> play dead. >> we are dead. >> some wit, and just on the edge of sarcasm. >> camping here? >> no, we live here. >> hiking and camping across the entire appalachian trail? now that's funny. redford originally wanted to make a budding reunion movie with paul but he got sick and never recovered. that's when he thought nolte. >> sometimes can play the clown and the dishevelled part of himself. >> hiking or strolling? >> a race? >> redford needed to know one thing before giving nolte the jump. >> is there anything that would keep you physically from walking the appalachian trail? >> not anything that you wouldn't collapse before. you know? >> well, nick is reuniting with
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one of his former co-stars, susan sarandon, played husband and wife 20 years ago and doing it again in the first original series from epix. it will premiere in fall of 2016. ice cube and look-alike son who worked hard to play dad. >> two years of the road, two years of auditions and callbacks. always got the hardest. >> stick around. but first, let me show you who's sitting where. we have the cast of "empire." my main man, yaz, which is cool because he only has one name. seth curry over here. lucy hale and ashley venton, "pretty little liars." girls, stop. i will, i'll call you. we are officially in the know getting all the teen choice award details from host, josh pek peck. >> oh, jason derulo over here. jordan sparks that way. >> and actor ludacris.
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when the star studded event airs tomorrow, lana from "once upon a time" john is just two weeks away from walking down the aisle with emily. didn't see that one comin'. now we're groomsmen. we're just 475 short miles away from... shenanigans. it's not going to get too crazy. might get a little weird. you have places to go. let us worry about getting you there. bp gasoline with invigorate. fuel the journey.
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the word is that a lot of theaters are beefing up security and i wwnt to know your reaction to that. do you think it's necessary? >> i hope not, but it's great. you know, it's great that people can go see this film, feel safe, go see it gain and again and again and again.
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you know? >> audiences are rushing to see "straight outta compton." it made nearly $5 million thursday night, so it is well on the way to finishing number one this weekend as predicted. >> nischelle turner sat down with the cast for a very special chat with ice cube and his son. >> yes, yes. all of the guys are so proud of this movie, nancy, but you had papa ice cube with his puffed up chest bragging about son o'shea who plays him in the movie and to see his reaction when his dad said i'm proud of you, it was a special moment. >> i'm really proud of o'shea. you know, he did everything he needed to do to deliver the performance. as the father. >> how does it make you feel? >> like the best report card. >> you know, dre, what up? i got something to say. >> bravo, first of all. you were great. and no kidding, you were great because not only do you look like him, like you had his isms
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down. mannerisms. even the way he walks. >> i have so much of him already, be myself, not be worried about the people around. just go there, do your job and knock it out the best you can. >> they may share the same dna but didn't guarantee that o'shea jackson jr. would automatically play his rap star dad. >> i worked for two years of auditions and callbacks. almost all together, the hard work. >> you didn't make it easy. >> no, the coaches got it the hardest. >> what was the first time you realized how big of a deal your dad was? >> i was 18. we went to japan, australia. i was having people tell me how he touched their lives and how he fueled them to do great things. >> their father/son bond is
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obvious and while ice cube is proud of the character his son portrayed, he's more proud of his son's character. >> i have great kids to come out of the situation. if my pops was ice cube, i might be a little bit off the hook. >> o'shea said he officially caught the acting bug. he's got it. but he said he think he's going to leave music to his dad. i can't wait to see what projects are next. >> that would be great. i think they should. next, we show where celebs should go for r&r. because let's face it, star vacations, they don't stink. >> average cost around $10,000. plus, dr. phil's anniversary surprise from his wife, robin. we're at their home today. that is straight ahead. closed captioning provided
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by -- that look, right? >> my 18th birthday wasn't that cool. >> that is kylie celebrating her 18th birthday and kendall jenner jumping off the yacht in mexico. >> we have been tracking celebrity getaways all summer long all over the world. here's the thing we were struck with, obvious fact. star vacations do not suck. >> the funniest thing about celebrity vacations is that they claim they want privacy but then post photos of it everywhere. so of course people know where they are and all this stuff. everyone says, why do they do this? i said if it's not on instagram, i'm not sure it happened. >> just look up #vacationlife
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and you'll get a serious case of their summer was way better than mine, star envy. shots of kevin hart in mexico, reese in the bahamas, demi and her daughters in croatia, britney and her boys in hawaii. jessica alba and her wash board abs went to guatemala with the kids. >> vacation like a regular folk. umbrella, drink, and feet in the sand. i had one little moment where i went, you know, south of the border, and hung out for a few days with the kids. >> the average cost for one of these vacations we look at is around $10,000, which is a small car for most people. >> bffs gail and oprah went clubbing in a resort. >> went on a private jet and get this, even had somebody fly out a private copy of "straight outta compton" so they could watch it on vacation. >> they also did helicopter
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sightseeing and a little kayaking while mariah carey did things a little differently on a camel off the coast. >> a lot go straight to the yacht. on a yacht, you can do whatever the heck you want and no one is going to say anything because they've all signed non-disclosure agreements. >> our favorite has to be amy schumer and jennifer lawrence. we love those shots but told jon stewart the getaway might have been a bad move. >> it's my picture next to jennifer lawrence's, the last person you want to be next to. all the pictures we took of us, i look like her coach in all the pictures. like i'm telling her to, like, listen jen! >> who knew this shot launched a full on vacation war between amy and her "trainwreck" co-star bree larson? >> having the time of my life. we've been watching all on instagram, seeing amy schumer
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shots on our vacation. she was on a boat with jennifer lawrence and i was like, looking around and i think we can do our own and really knock it out of the park. >> and you did. it loved it. absolutely. >> yeah. >> and here's one more vacation moment that is awesome to see, nancy. we both love this. channing tatum's wife, jenna, posted this shot of 2-year-old daughter everly dipping her toes in the ocean. how precious is that? >> and this, robin's surprise for dr. phil and when we saw this, we had to drop by their home to hear these love birds with their story. darling i will be loving you till we're 70 >> when did you come up with this idea? >> i actually thought of this about nine days ago. >> i'm just sitting there, like i cannot believe that she did this and smuggled it by me. i had no idea. >> robin posted this 5 minute
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video surprise to facebook at more than 40,000 views and, well, let's just say, this pretty much wins the award when it comes to anniversary gifts. #aboveandbeyond. >> she said, it's 12:00. i got to show you something. so she comes around there and pulls up on the computer and it pops up and her facebook, and she says, i made this for you for our anniversary. i said, what? i thought we redid our bedroom for our anniversary. >> this was dr. phil and robin 39 years ago on their wedding part of her gown in the video. >> the veil i'm wearing in that wedding day. >> oh. >> so that meant a lot to me. >> she has always been the queen i mean, she's created our home. she's created our family. and she's done it all from love. >> why choose ed sheeran's "thinking out loud"? it's all about the lyrics.
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>> the heart will fall hard at 23, i was 23 when i got married. >> she hears this song and says, at 23, i hear, when your legs don't work anymore. >> you look at this man, 39 years. what does he mean to you? >> he is my life. i believe my life started the day i met him, and fell in love right where we are. don't go anywhere. coming up, we have a preview of melissa mccarthy and her new
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fashion line. in our star
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shots gallery on "e.t." online. up now, ricki lake's new documentary, "the mama sherpas," which aims to inform women and give them control over their bodies during delivery. ricki says some doctors choose monee over mommies and their rights. >> having a natural, spontaneous delivery takes longer than a c-section. they make more money with c-sections, you know. they're three times, if not four times, the price of a natural birth. >> and you can hear more of what ricki has to say about c-sections versus natural childbirth by watching this weekend's "entertainment tonight." hey, we're out of time, but before we go, a sneak peek of a story we're excited to have for monday's "e.t." >> it's a good one, too. we have the first interview with melissa mccarthy about her new
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fa fashion line. take a look, everybody. bye-bye. >> it's made getting dressed fun again for me. >> clothes you can actually wear, made by the funniest woman in hollywood. for women of all shapes and sizes. >> i don't need to see any more people bend over and get a surprise. we don't want to see that. >> her 8-year-old even helped design them. >> little vivian drew this.
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