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tv   CBS 2 News at 5  CBS  August 7, 2015 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> it was the cops running i tell you that much. >> reporter: it was quite a scene. we are told that there were no shot fired and they recovered a gun and some drugs inside the apartment. we are live in the bronx. emily smith, cbs 2 news. a woman was struck and killed by a metro-north train while she apparently tried to retrieve her wallet from the tracks. pictures of the aftermath were posted in greenwich, connecticut at the cos cob station. an express train headed from grand central to new haven hit the 28-year-old woman at 9:30 a.m. the passengers were transferred to another train. the woman's identity hasn't been released. police have been questioning a queens family all day about the death of a newborn baby. they say the child was thrown from a bathroom window. cbs 2's scott rapoport has the story. >> reporter: a macabre scene
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this morning inside this apartment building in richmond hill. police say a three-week-old boy discovered dead in a courtyard here. neighbors aghast. >> oh, my god, that's horrible. that's terrible. >> reporter: police say it happened around 4 a.m. here on 115th street and myrtle avenue. the infant who lived with his family on the fourth floor of the building. >> there was blood everywhere. >> reporter: she heard a noise outside her window this morning, went to the courtyard and made the discovery. shaken, she called 911. >> they told me to go back in and do cpr. i can't, i'm sorry. >> reporter: cops are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. police sources tell us that the infant was thrown from his fourth floor apartment window. >> i was just shocked. >> reporter: sources say the infant's father mohammed ahmed, his mother and two other adults and children were in the apartment when it happened.
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all were taken here to the 102 precinct for questioning. >> sent a chill up my spine,it's awful. >> reporter: the infant has blunt impact injuries consistent with a fall. a tragic loss of life under unexplained circumstances. scott rapoport, cbs 2 news. >> and police did also mention that the child was taken to the hospital 10 days ago for unknown reasons. meantime, the focus of the investigation right now is on the baby's parents. now to a warning for weekend beach-goers. despite great weather in the forecast, powerful rip currents are expected. they have already claimed lives this summer. cbs 2's vanessa murdoch has the story now from jones beach. >> reporter: they can be deadly but certainly don't have to be. if you know what to look for, you can spot them from the shore. and if you happen to get caught up in one, you can swim back safely. the normally peaceful shores of sandy hook became frenzied wednesday night as lifeguards searched for a missing
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swimmer. this morning, divers recovered the 25-year-old's body. officials say a rip current is responsible. it's a powerful flow of water away from the shore and can move faster than an olympic swimmer. rip currents can form at any beach with any breaking wave. >> very scary. >> this whole summer is rough. you have to be a good swimmer. >> the season has definitely been worse. >> reporter: this is a lifeguard's sixth season watching for swimmers at jones beach saying more people are getting caught up in rip currents this summer. >> they're a lot stronger. >> reporter: the national weather service says it's been an active but not an extreme season. active, because persistent high pressure off the coast drives wind waves to the north while distant storms create ocean swells moving northwest. the combination creates rough surf and the higher the surf, the greater the frequency and intensity of rip currents. best way to keep from getting caught up, look for them from the shore. the water will look dirty and
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muddy like in this photo and at the surface of a rip current the water looks calm but at the side are the waves. here's the rich current. what are the signs to look for that you're getting caught up in a rip current. >> you will feel yourself being sucked backwards even if you're just standing in one. >> i went sideways so i wouldn't get dragged into the water. >> reporter: jake did exactly the right thing. as soon as you can, start moving parallel to shore by foot or stroke. this weekend there is a moderate risk of rip currents with the potential to upgrade to high risk. now, lifeguard maggie johns said in her time here they have only once ever shut down the beach to swimmers and that was during a hurricane. from jones beach, vanessa murdoch, cbs 2 news. let's bring in lonnie quinn now to take a closer look at the rip current risk this weekend. lonnie. >> you just heard vanessa say that the national weather service has issued a moderate risk for rip currents along all of our beaches. you also heard her say you
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need the waves to create the rich current. if it's a day where the waves are small it's not a big risk. the bigger the waves, the more it pushes that watered onshore and it rushes out in the channel. let me show you how i see things. the rip current risk is out there for a reason due to the storm that's going to miss us. we are not going to get any rain. it's part enough away that we stay -- it's far enough away that we stay dry but the seas churn up. the water pushed onshore, think about it, it has nowhere to go, it goes back out in a single channel and it's that single channel that's the rip current but overall, outside looking weekend. vortex satellite and radar clouds offshore. there's really associated with the storm itself. it's that storm that's going to churn the seas up but again it's not in our area. we'll feel it in terms of the rip currents but the skies overhead look to be pretty nice out there. here's how i see things working out tomorrow.
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sun a few clouds pleasant day 84 degrees. it's a beach day but you have to be careful as you make your way into the surf. it doesn't mean you can't go into the water. you can swim parallel to the shore. you can also keep your calm and let it drag out and once you're free of it, you'll feel yourself being free of it, you can circumvent it and swim alongside of it. that's tomorrow's forecast. it's nice looking. this was a weekend that we were kind of hedging about it at the beginning of the week but now that storm is somebody else's storm. it's well out to sea. it will affect our rip current risk but overall it's a nice weekend. back to you. now to the latest developments on the legionnaire's outbreak in the bronx. state health department teams are heading to the south bronx to help collect and test samples from cooling centers where the bacteria can flourish. so far, at least one lawsuit has been filed. ten people have died. the number of those infected has grown to 101. the city ordered all buildings with cooling towers to be
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tested in the next 14 days. the bacteria that causes legionnaire's is spread through water. the city is under fire for not responding quickly enough to the outbreak. >> there was one or more cooling towers that got infected and that spread the infection to a very large disturbancely populated area -- densely populated area to that could happen anywhere. >> also today, a team from the centers for disease control was expected in the bronx as well at governor cuomo's request. an ohio woman has died from legionnaire's. it's not clear how she contracted the disease. we have some new information now about governor cuomo's long-time girlfriend sandra lee. the celebrity chef and author will leave the hospital this weekend after being treated for an infection. a representative posted this picture of her today on her facebook page. she has been in the hospital since tuesday. and she will need heavy antibiotics and may need surgery next week. in may, she announced she had breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy. now to campaign 2016.
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and the race for the white house. the first republican debate was the highest rated primary debate ever. an estimated 24 million people tuned in. cbs 2's dick brennan was one of them. he is here now with reaction from voters. >> reporter: one big question today, is there a so-called gender gap? pollsters love to talk about it, that women might vote differently from men and will it affect donald trump after last night's debate performance? we went to the voters to try to find out. >> i'm a republican but he won't get my vote. >> reporter: in bronxville it's not hard to get an opinion about donald trump. >> i kind of like him. >> reporter: why is that? >> because he speaks his mind and i think he has the capability of taking care of business. >> i think most people probably think that he is a really good businessman. maybe that would be good in office. however, i have some doubts about him. >> our leaders are stupid! our politicians are stupid! >> reporter: but last night it was trump's turn to feel the heat facing tough questions. >> you have called women you
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don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. [ laughter ] [ applause and cheers ] >> no, it wasn't. >> reporter: trump may have gotten some laughs for that answer but rosie o'donnell didn't find it very funny. she tweeted, try explaining that to your kids. trump was asked what he would say if democrats charged that he is part of the so-called war on women. >> i think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. i have been -- [ applause and cheers ] [ applause and cheers ] >> i have been challenged by so many people and i don't frankly have time for total political correctness. and to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either. >> reporter: some voters say that makes sense. >> what i liked about trump is he doesn't seem like he is rehearsed. he just says it the way it is and i like that. >> reporter: but would candidate trump face a gender gap at the polls? we got a mixed reaction on trump for president. >> i'm not quite sure. it's just the beginning. >> i do have respect for the man. >> would i vote for him? probably not. but, um, he could be making some valid points.
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the problem is the circus is getting in the way of the points. >> reporter: some polls declared trump the clear loser in the debate. others had him winner. trump said i'm very proud of my great performance tonight. i'm not a debater, i'm a winner! trump loved his performance. >> who did win this thing? depending what you read it could have been marco rubio, kasich down the line. >> there were so-called winners and losers. what's interesting though is nobody talking about the first debate which were the seven undercard members including one woman carly fiorina. not only have pundits said she did very well, they also say she polled well with republican focus groups. so it could be that she can be moving on up with the other ten guys. we shall see. >> meantime, hillary clinton's name was mentioned quite a few times. >> it appears according to those focus groups that every time her name was mentioned and the candidate hit her he did very well. >> among republican voters. >> yes. >> right. >> so. >> so this is the first of what how many dozen debate?
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school could be up to 10 or 12 -- >> could be up to 10 or 12 with the republicans. >> don't eat the popcorn too fast. >> thank you. other news now. jfk airport getting an $8.9 million face-lift courtesy of the federal government. senators chuck schumer and gillibrand announcing those plans today. the money will go toward airfield and runway upgrades. the center believes the upgrades will reduce wait times and improve safety. additional funding comes weeks after plans to overhaul laguardia were made public. both city airports are among the worst for travel delays. up next right here at 5:00, trapped by flames as their building burned. >> the people were trying to get out. >> a family in smoke. the heroic efforts to get them out safely. >> wiped out by a storm, the long island farm that may have lost more than one harvest. >> the fda is talking about
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one of a kind medicine that people are using to ease kids' pain. >> an update on the dolphin jersey. it's next. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank.
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i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems.
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these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara .
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flames leaped from a small plane this morning after it left the gate at the nashville airport. the skywest passengers were going to cincinnati. the backup power unit caught fire when the pilot started the engine. he turned it of, the fire went out, he turned it off, nobody was hurt, plane was towed to a gate, passengers went to another flight. a mother and two young daughters are in critical condition after a fire hit their newark home. the flames were so intense they couldn't get out. cbs 2's sonia rincon reports. >> reporter: smoke alarms and shouting woke up the neighbors at around 3:30. >> they told us to get out, you know, just a lot of smoke a lot of fire, until we came out the whole roof was on fire. >> reporter: the 14-year-old and his family made it out of their apartment on the second floor.
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but the family on the third floor needed help. >> the people upstairs, it was too much. they couldn't get out and two of the kids passed out. one got burned on the forehead, mother passed out too. >> reporter: but the firefighters came to the rescue. this person watched from across the street as they pulled a child from the window and brought her down the ladder. >> climbed up rescued a little girl, come down that way, then they came down, they went up -- knocked down the door, went up, came down with the second child, and then adult, an adult female and rescued her, resuscitated her, put her on the stretcher and hospital. >> reporter: the little girls are four and nine years old. their father also made it out alive but injured. >> there were, um, -- they the scene. some of them were brought back to consciousness on the scene. >> reporter: two firefighters were also treated for minor injuries. >> it was an aggressive interior attack to get in to try it get these people out. >> reporter: firefighters kept working as the fire spread to the two attached buildings and damaged two more. it's not clear where it
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started but the back of the building was the firefighters made those rescues was the most severely damaged. neighbors say the kitchens are in the back. sonia rincon, cbs 2 news. >> once again, great work by those firefighters. the fire by the way did force their homes. 16 are children. the cause is under investigation. a new study finds many americans admit to driving drunk. researchers at the centers for disease control say that one in 50 adults admits to having driven under the influence in the last 30 days. the study also found men ages 21 to 34 make up a third of these incidents. men overall make up 80% of drunk drivers. some new information tonight on the dolphin stuck in a new jersey river. the bottlenose dolphin has moved into another area of the south river near old bridge in middlesex county where it had been since sunday. they also say that they are hopeful it will find its way
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out to the ocean. there are no plans to intervene unless necessary. and officials are warning people that they could be fined if they attempt to feed, pet or swim out to the dolphins. evacuations are under way as a monster typhoon makes its way towards taiwan. typhoon soudelor is expected to make landfall on saturday. it's packing -- it's packing winds over 100 miles per hour. three people have been killed after waves swept them away. the typhoon is said to be the strongest to hit the island in . forecast. winds at 100 miles per hour, typhoon soudelor, earlier this week it was 70 monster storm.
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right now 82 degrees in central park, low humidity. light breeze. so what happens with this weekend? rain. it doesn't look like we'll get it this weekend and we worried about this storm for days. talking about it on monday. well, now it looks like high offshore. storm. it's actually going to be better than partly sunny. we were talking about big clouds, lots of rain. i think you will see a lot of sunshine this weekend. let me show what you it looks like here on this vortex satellite and radar. the rain is offshore. this right there, that's the air mass for your weekend. so here's how it's going to shake out. heading to the beaches, yeah, i think it's a beach weekend of the saturday looks good 80 to 83. sunday looks good 80 to 83. heading up to the mountains things look good, as well. saturday we thought maybe see a little pop-up shower. now it's looking partly to mostly sunny for you as well 82 to 84. sunday nice again 81 to 83. i love when i can deliver better-than-expected news and this forecast is better than
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anticipated at the start week so let's finish on a high note. back to you. the subway tunnel that carries the a and c lines between manhattan and brooklyn under the east river is going to be shut down in both directions this weekend. it is the first of 10 nonconsecutive weekend closures to repair damage from superstorm sandy. a and c trains will run on the f line between west 4th street in manhattan and j street metro tech in brooklyn. a and c trains will not stop at high, fulton, chambers, canal and spring streets. still ahead, it looks like the scene out of a horror movie but this is real life. how a masked man terrorized a bronx laundromat. >> also a supplement scare how some men could be putting their health at risk while trying to bulk up. >> first dana tyler is here now with a look at what we're working on for cbs 2 news at 6:00. >> reporter: a rude awakening in a new jersey neighborhood. steve langford is working on that story tonight at 6:00. steve? >> up and down the street, all four tires on a vehicle slashes.
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these people are angry. >> thank you.
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that story and more at 6:00. there is warning about supplements that could lead to eating disorders in men.
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cbs 2's jessica schneider has the story. >> reporter: it's the ideal physique, six-pack abs, broad shoulders and bulging biceps. men hit the gym. but many admit working out is not all they do to bulk up. >> you work out and have a protein shake with some frozen strawberries. >> protein bars, yeah, i eat them. >> i have a protein shake. >> reporter: products like these are popular mom gym members to increase energy and build lean tissue mass sold everywhere. even at th gym but they are unregulated. 40% of menus protein bars, powders and pills. 22% of men surveyed said they were using them in place of meals. 8% have been told by doctors to cut back or stop them. with a healthy diet some supplements can be good for you but others not so much.
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>> there's nothing really inherently wrong in the supplements. the question is, what is in the supplement. what else is in there? >> reporter: experts say work with a nutritionist before starting supplements. some contain ingredients that can be unhealthy and even good supplements should be used in moderation. >> a supplement fills in a gap but never takes the place of food. >> it tastes better to eat real food. >> eat food and home cooked meals. >> reporter: don't stop cooking. jessica schneider, cbs 2 news. >> 3% of the men in the study had been hospitalized for kidney or liver damage after using too many supplements. just too much of anything really? >> but not home cooked meals, never enough of that. >> but a variety of. >> yes. >> not chicken every night. >> that is the truth. let me tell you. [ laughter ] up next for you, an entire year's worth of work destroyed in minutes. >> it breaks your heart.
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>> how the storm devastated a local farm. right now and possibly the future. >> no to the deal. senator schumer won't support the president's plan for iran. how the white house may not be taking it well. >> a little girl from california comes down with the bubonic plague and may have contracted it at a popular
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vacation destination. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine.
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in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . long island farm openers that have recovered from tropical storm irene and superstorm sandy say tuesday's storm may have been the last straw. johnson. >> welcome back to the broadcast. i'm maurice dubois. the powerful winds from tuesday's storm brought down trees and power lines leaving behind a mangled mess. pse&g says all 82,000 customers affected by the storm have had their power restored. crews will be making repairs next week, which means some customers could briefly lose power while the lights are back on. farmers though are saying that they are worried the storm may have shut them down for good.
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cbs 2's jennifer mclogan has one family's story from suffolk county. >> it breaks your heart. >> reporter: one of the north short' olders family owned working fruit farms suffered devastating loss in tuesday's storm on long island. >> in less than 15 minutes everything is gone. >> reporter: kristine davis operates the family peach farm in wading river. she says hailstones pelted fruit and wind gusts measuring 88 miles an hour tore whole branches from trees. >> very sad to see trees like this. >> reporter: fruit farmer david davis is 82 years old. this damage may be too much to bear. >> my father started in 1910. he died in '48 and i took over from then. >> reporter: for decades fruit lovers traditionally come to pick many of the 80 varieties of peaches that grow on davis'64 acres. this family discovered plums
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sale. saddened. >> reporter: instead visitors learned from the next generation of davises about the storm. >> the wind knocked all the fruit off. to harvest is gone. august is the biggest part of peaches. >> reporter: hundreds exposed to disease an insects. >> there's nothing to block the wind than the trees. so everything that took the brunt of the weather was the trees. the branches, the fruit. >> there's no way to recoup. it could be the end of us. >> reporter: the company's wholesale business which ships to local farm stands is shut down as the davis family attempts to recover. from wading river, jennifer mclogan, cbs 2 news. >> the farm, by the way, did suffer similar blows in superstorm sandy. grants and loans were not forthcoming. well, police are looking for a man who put on a halloween mask and robbed a
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laundromat in the bronx last night. security video from the laundry on laconia avenue shows a suspect with a gun. then he is seen with an employee grabbing money from the register. police say he took off with $246 and escaped in a gray jeep liberty suv. a major blow for president obama's iran nuclear deal. senator charles schumer has come out against it. but the white house isn't taking it lying down and may be behind an attempt to injure new york's senior center. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer explains. >> reporter: senator chuck schumer's decision to oppose president obama's controversial nuclear deal with iran winning praise from jewish groups. >> we welcome it. we think it's a very important statement. senator schumer is a leader in the senate. >> reporter: but the decision infuriated the white house, which according to sources is not taking it lying down. sources say schumer had not planned to make his decision
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public until after he told senate colleagues. but after told the president, the white house leaked it to the media in the middle of the gop presidential debate in an apparent attempt to limit coverage. >> and we will win. >> reporter: they are also believed to be behind a donor's strike for schumer by the liberal group chuck schumer is to blame said the group in asking its members to withhold $10 million from schumer and other democrats who oppose the deal. >> let's not mince words. the choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy and war. >> reporter: after weeks of study, schumer said he found serious weaknesses in the deal including a 24-day delay in inspections. the united states can't demand an inspection without agreement of china and russia and iran would still be able
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to fund state sponsored terrorism. schumer's decision came as gillibrand said she will back the deal although she called it imperfect. she may also pay a political price. >> i think clearly many will remember this decision. >> reporter: a number of new york lawmakers have said they will oppose the deal including democratic congressman steve israel, kathleen rice, and two others. they join republicans peter king and others in opposition. >> thank you. in california, a child camping in yosemite national park has been diagnosed with bubonic plague! health officials say the family from los angeles camped at the crane flat campground in mid-july and visited other parts of the stanislaus national forest. no other family members got sick. the child is recovering at the hospital. plague is carried by rodents like squirrels and is spread by fleas. since 1970, 42 people in california have contracted plague, nine have died. fingers are pointed at
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russia for a cyber attack on the u.s. military. the hack on the joint chiefs unclassified email system affects about 2500 people. the pentagon says no secrets were revealed. the information wasn't supposed to be made public of a two-week investigation is focusing on hackers working in coming up, how about weekend? deal. >> and we'll take a look at all the new action hitting theaters including a superhero adventure and meryl streep rocking it out. >> today in history in 1974 french stuntman felipe petit walked a tightrope between the twin towers. 45 minutes it took him. he made 8 crossings before the
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police talked him down. i have type 2 diabetes. i started with pills. and now i take a long-acting insulin at night. i take mine in the morning. i was trying to eat right, stay active. but i wasn't reaching my a1c goal anymore. man: my doctor says diabetes changes over time. it gets harder to control blood sugar spikes after i eat and get to goal. my doctor added novolog at mealtime for additional control. now i know. novolog is a fast-acting, injectable insulin and it works together with my long-acting insulin. proven effective. the mealtime insulin doctors prescribe most. available in flexpen . vo: novolog is used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes.
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take novolog as directed. eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injection. check your blood sugar levels. do not take novolog if your blood sugar is too low or you're allergic to any of its ingredients. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medicines you take. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. symptoms may include dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be life-threatening. other common side effects include low potassium in your blood and injection site reactions. get medical help right away if you experience trouble with breathing, serious allergic reactions like swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. now i know about novolog . taken by millions since 2001. vo: ask your health care provider about adding novolog . it can help provide the additional control you may need.
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>> closed captioning on cbs 2 news is brought to you by: empire today. august can be a slow movie month but this weekend at the box office, it will be busy. there are four new attractions including a singing meryl streep, a british animated
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sheep, and a group of superheros. cbs 2's jill nicolini reports. >> reporter: marvel's original superhero fantastic four is back. these four young outsiders tell port to an alternate and dangerous universe. >> once you gain these superpowers, she's very reluctant to use them. and she doesn't see it as a positive thing. >> reporter: superheros usually win big. this is expected to make about 40 million at the box office. >> reporter: brian balance that says that are says even though "mission: impossible: rogue nation" was released last weekend tom cruise has staying power and will probably come in second place. also expected to do well is ricky and the flash starring meryl streep as an aging rock star to gave up everything for her dream but is now trying to make things right with her family. >> meryl streep starring with her daughter on screen. you will see the resemblance. >> reporter: jason beckman
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stars in the psychological thriller the gift. their lives change for the worse when they run into an old acquaint fans. >> suddenly the mystery begins strange things arrive at the doorstep and unexpected events start to happen. >> the sheep is adorable and funny about sheep who are trying to save the farmer and it's going to be hilarious. this is really loved by critics and fans alike. it opened on wednesday and already made $60 million worldwide. >> reporter: the runner stars nicholas cage who plays a spill. his career is then destroyed after he was involved in a scandal. in times square, jill nicolini, cbs 2 news. >> so the fifth place spot at the box office may go to other films already in theaters like minions. fantastic four. apparently the director josh tweeted something a couple of days ago and basically slammed [ laughter ] >> and said, a year ago that he had a fantastic version of
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this movie but apparently, sometimes things happen, um, when it gets up to the officers and movie looks a little different. [ laughter ] >> things happened. >> in the process. [ laughter ] >> we know how that goes. >> maybe i'll wait until it's on dvd. in the meantime i have the minions at home. and they make a lot of annoying noises. hear that all the time. >> really? oy! a way to turn it off? >> no, to get rid of it. [ laughter ] as we continue, we have other news for you including this tonight. there is a somber anniversary to tell you about. this weekend marks a year since the death of michael brown. and start of the unrest in missouri. how is the city of ferguson changed sincen ? what community leaders are talking about since then. >> plus the countdown to stephen colbert's debut. the sign that went up that shows he is ready for cbs late night. dana tyler is here now with a look at what we're working on dana tyler is here now with a look at what we're working on for cbs 2 news at 6:00. >> reporter: tonight at 6:00,
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demanding answers and getting actions. they say. we'll show you the danger and problems. also, a woman burying her father is not the one in the who is behind the mistake? and governor cuomo joins lawmakers in urging the feds to fund a new tunnel under the hudson. those stories and more at
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6:00. the eyes of the nation focusing again this weekend on ferguson, missouri. sunday marks one year since the police shooting of an unarmed black teen michael brown. cbs 2's don champion shows us how community leaders are trying to make a difference. >> reporter: boarded stores and empty lots are the visible wounds left behind in ferguson one year later and if you look a bit deeper there's a more troubling concern. >> the african-americans here don't get out and vote. >> reporter: community activists say people here want change but won't take action. he leads the effort to recall ferguson mayor james knolls. >> he was part of the regime the old regime. once we get the mayor out hopefully the people will see that we can do this and we can do things that we want to do. >> reporter: the city has made some changes.
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it overhauled its municipal court system and reduced traffic stops and fines which had been used to bolster revenue. the city's new interim police chief is black and has a reputation for community engagement. the power structure here at city hall has also changed. for the first time in history, half the city council is now black. councilman wesley bell took office in april and wants to see more police reforms and new jobs. >> everyone is not going to see it immediately. we know that. and so we are not going to get to a point where we're patting ourselves on the back. we have a lot of work to do. >> reporter: activists are on street corners trying to get residents to register to vote. michael hood didn't know he was eligible. >> the change that needs to happen, it starts with people like myself. >> reporter: there's been some progress. the latest election for city council drew more than double the previous turnout. but still, only about 30% of voters cast ballots. don champion, cbs news, ferguson, missouri.
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>> and a year ago just three of ferguson's 53 officers were black. the department says it is trying to recruit more people. 5 officers are black now. >> hard to believe it's been a year. >> just went by. >> so fast. time to look at our weather forecast. it's friday and lonnie quinn has a smile on his face. >> because i think i have nicer news to share than i would have thought i was going to share when we started this week but all the systems starting to come together in a nice way for us. again a nice way if you are looking for some mild temperatures some nice sunshine. that's what i have for you right there. it is mild and dry at 82 degrees. low humidity that light breeze out there just makes everything feel good. 82 right now. you're as high as 84 and as low as 69. look at that. that's exactly where you should be. that's like a perfect summer day out there today. my headlines i want to focus on the weekend everything i have written here relates to the weekend because the big heat is going to stay away. the storms will stay away. weekends around here this year we have been on a roll. someone posed the question to me this year, recently about
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weekends this year versus last year. i want to give you one man's opinion. that one man would be me. here's the deal. weekends last year i rated them out of ten. june 7 out of 10. cloud cover and rain. weekends eight out of 10 july last year. august 5 out of 10 the bulk of rain and more cloud cover last year. this year, all right, june wasn't all that banner around here. six out of 10 we got some good rain in june and july, a nine out of ten. you thought of the storm in july but it was a weekday storm. i'm talking again just weekends. july you were nine out of ten. this is just one guy's opinion on things. but weekends this year, thumbs up out there. just beautiful! taking a look at the vortex satellite and radar, it's quiet with a deck of clouds offshore not going to be, you know, retrograding mean it's not going to go in reverse and come back into the area. we thought maybe that was going to be the case. not going to happen.
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it will continue to push to the east and northeast. not a problem. there's our air mass. it's mild and dry. as you go through this weekend, i will say on the back side of that high pressure system there's some wet weather. you see around the western fringes of michigan. monday into tuesday, that's when i think we could see some measurable rain around here but until then, i think it's a good run. here's how we see it. tonight mild, quiet, 67 degrees. as you look at your saturday planner 9:00 in the morning you wake up 75 degrees. feels like 74. notice the feels-like temperatures not a story because the humidity is low. skies look good basically talking a sun/cloud mix with the emphasis definitely on the sunshine. sunday high temperature 84 degrees. a similar setup there. look, there will be some clouds out there. i don't want to, you know, tout this weekend as being cloud-free. there's going to be some clouds but more sun than anything else. monday 83. tuesday 82. and it's monday into tuesday again that's where you could see the storms kick in that would put more rain into the rain bucket but across the board all 7 days, the highest
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temperature is 84. [ simultaneous speakers ] >> is this a test? >> yes, it is. >> you're right though the weekends have been amazing. >> just been so nice. >> loving it. >> sometimes you get bummed out when you don't have the good weekends. but knock on plexiglass, this year -- >> great time to celebrate a birthday this weekend. >> the who is celebrating? >> anybody we know? >> somebody getting older? [ laughter ] >> talk to you later. >> go on with the newscast, maurice. >> we'll carry on. thank you, lonnie. as he gets ready to take over "the late show" stephen colbert made an appearance on jon stewart's final show last my on "the daily show." >> is there a party or anything? because i brought a lot of people from cbs and i told them that i know you. [ laughter ] >> there is a party. >> yes. there is a party. and there's a new sign up for the late show with mr. stephen colbert. up today at the ed sullivan theater. "the late show" debuts right here on cbs on september 8. the buzz is good. actor george clooney will be among his first guests.
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>> i like the sign. the colors, nice clean look. >> classy small letters with the name very good cool. >> can't wait. >> yes. everyone knows not all pizza is created equal. who better to bring us the best, tony tantillo all part of this week's dining deal. take a look. >> reporter: to me, pizza is an art. and for it to be great it needs the right hands to guide it. when it comes to pizza all over the world, they know you. >> i don't know why. just my pizza. >> reporter: on manhattan's west side the pizza has a following and the neopolitan treat is a perennial crowd favorite. the size, the cut, the oven, the flavor. beautiful. care is taken at every step with the import from naples. >> the way we stretch the pizza to the way we put the toppings that's really become very for the pizza maker. bon appetito. >> reporter: i just had the margarita your typical traditional pizza.
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fantastic. they offer more than 60 wood fired pies here. tell me what this is. [ non-english language ] >> parmesan and [ indiscernible ] together. homemade mozzarella. sausage. cooks in 90 seconds. >> reporter: i also tried the street style pie made it fried dough and smoked mozzarella. it looks wonderful. the prices are $9 to $19 with specialty pies higher. for $21 delicious homemade is served with proscuitto with a special treat. and new to the menu a summer salad with arugula and imported beets topped with lemon and oil. it's been a pleasure. >> my pleasure. >> reporter: i'm staying here. i'm not leaving. bye-bye. >> it's located at 50th street and eighth avenue in manhattan. check out our website for more
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on tony's dining deals, recipes and best buys. i actually have been to this one. if you are a crust person, i know me, too, this is the place to go. >> so good. as we take a break here parents of course only want the best for their kids but when it comes to earaches, the fda has a warning. the one medicine used to stop their suffering that may be a prescription for danger. >> once they opened up the cast -- casket, it was a woman. >> the family burying their father gets the shock of their life. he wasn't in the casket.
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so who was? i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara
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it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . the off! outdoor refresher course. does your airspace feel... off limits? sfx: whoosh sfx: buzz sfx: ding 1: take a stroll sfx: ding step 2: use off! sfx: ding 3: flair nostrils, inhale oxygen
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sfx: ring animation radar get back out there... with off! keep bugs off. sfx: buzz...thwack sc johnson. (yells) "is that my toothbrush?" "yes." don't live with roaches. get raid ant & roach spray "raid??" raid kills bugs dead. sc johnson earaches are painful for children and you may worry about what medicine is best to give them. a new warning from the fda claims that some pediatricians and pharmacists are giving out unapproved medicine. cbs 2's dr. max gomez explains.
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>> reporter: steve still remembers how his son used to howl from the pain of his chronic ear infections. >> they kept him up at night crying through the night. >> reporter: steve says the doctor gave him medication including prescription ear drops that silenced the suffering. >> we found a combination of remedies worked best combining antibiotics to fight the underlying infection, painkillers such as benzocaine to treat the pain. >> reporter: but that ingredient is now the target of an fda warning which says ear droppings with benzocaine can lead to dangerous side effects even fatal in one case where a baby was given the drops despite warnings not to use an in infants younger than one. the anesthetic is one of six drugs that are allowed by regulators for certain medicines. but they were never evaluated by the fda for use in ear drops. over the years those medicines have been used a lot. and the fda is simply pulling the medical community back in to say wait a minute. there can be serious complications of these medicines. >> reporter: the fda is
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clamping down on companies that make and sell 16 different prescription drops for ear pain and swelling but weren't approved by the fda. this pharmacist is pulling these ear drops and the fda say manufacturers have to stop making them. >> now i can't even say that it's not going to harm you. >> reporter: the fda says patients should return drops with ingredients on the warning list and ask for a substitute drug. guidelines recommend treating ear pain with over-the-counter pain medicine and not using antibiotics unless your child has a high fever or there's a fluid build-up and discharge in the middle ear. dr. max gomez, cbs 2 news. >> medicine labels don't list whether or not they are fda- approved. we did put a link to the fda's website so you can search for specific medication. that's it for us here at 5:00. we'll see you again at 11:00. the news at 6:00 starts right now. captions by: caption colorado
5:59 pm tires taken out one by one nearly two dozen cars vandalized in one new jersey town. >> have no idea why someone would do such a heinous thing. >> the search tonight for the suspect in a slashing spree. also, signs of danger. long island drivers say damaged or obstructed road signs are putting their lives at risk every day. >> we're either looking to see the sign risking getting into an accident or we have no idea where we're going. >> cbs 2 demanding answers from the department of transportation. >> and now the cemetery mix- up. a father nearly buried in the wrong grave. how did someone else end up in his casket? good evening, i'm dana tyler. we start tonight with a rude awakening. neighbors ready to drive only


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