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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  August 5, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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next, have a great wednesday. good morning. it is wednesday, august 5th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." the republican first primetime debate is set. donald trump takes center stage while two governors are left out. cbs news confirmed overnight that the fbi is now investigating hillary clinton's private e-mail system. did she send or receive classified information? and oscar winner meryl streep is in studio 57 with her transformation to a juan fa be rock star. but we begin with a look at "today's eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> i don't know how you can rehearse for a debate. i think you have to be yourself. essentially we're talking about politicians that are all talk, no action. they don't get it done. >> the stage is set for the gop debates.
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>> we're going to get our first real look at these guys. i expect we're going to see trump tested. the fbi opening up an investigation into the security of hillary clinton's private e-mail server from her tenure as secretary of state. a new and explosive wildfire in washington state is forcing hundreds of families from their homes. >> wildfire in northern california continues to put homes at risk. it's only 20% contained. in new england, residents there cleaning up from severe storms. trained by the u.s. to take on isis captured by al qaeda. >> we cannot train any person and send them into the fight without addequate protection and air cover. the nflpa filed a transcript of brady's appeal hearing. >> he said under oath he did not tamper with the balls. netflix is offering new parents up to a year's paid leave after the birth or adoption of a child, generous even by silicon valley standards. a close call in a goodwill as the suv plows through a front window.
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it kept going for 100 feet. i've used birth control and not just the rhythm method. >> tmi. i didn't need that image in my head. kelly osbourne regarding mexicans. >> if you kick every mexican out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, donald trump? i'm telling you right now, it could be six months from now, six weeks from now, your parents will turn to you and say dad, we love you, get a [ bleep ] job. >> on "cbs this morning." ufc champion ronda rousey will be the next model for carl's jr. carl's jr. chose rousey because she also knows what it's like to damage someone's organs in less than 30 seconds. this morning's "eye opener" is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." the lineup is set for campaign
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2016's biggest event so far. these are the ten presidential candidates who will appear in thursday's primetime republican debate. the unveiling follows weeks of speculation and months of campaigning. >> the seven republicans left out of the primetime debate will appear in an earlier forum tomorrow afternoon. nancy cordes is in washington with how some are grumbling over who's in and who's out. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, the gop field is just so large that service essentially split into two tiers based on five recent polls including ours. the top ten get a coveted spot in primetime. the rest are relegated to what one participant is calling the happy hour debate. in the meantime, a side debate has broken out between jeb bush and hillary clinton. candidates. >> reporter: in a dramatic announcement tuesday night, fox news unveiled who made the cut for tomorrow's primetime debate. >> in the first spot, directly billionaire donald trump. >> reporter: as the clear leader in recent polls, donald trump
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will be first among equals. even fox news anchors seemed a bit incredulous. >> obviously, the stunning news, although we've kind of gotten used to it in the last week or two, donald trump. >> reporter: joining trump will be jeb bush, scott walker, mike huckabee, ben carson, ted cruz, marco rubio and rand paul. governors chris christie and john kasich narrowly made the cut. governors bobby jindal and rick perry did not. instead they'll join the remaining five candidates for a debate earlier in the evening. rick santorum ended up in the second tier despite being the gop runner-up in 2012. his spokesman called the party's debate selection process incredibly flawed, adding national polls are meaningless in august. tell that to donald trump who promised in recent interviews to tone things down on stage. >> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. >> reporter: jeb bush says he'll be ready if trump attacks. >> i'll have my big boy pants on. >> reporter: but just days
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before the debate, bush stumbled monday while talking about defunding planned parenthood. >> so i'm not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues. >> reporter: bush said he misspoke, but hillary clinton quickly jumped on the comment. >> now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to super wealthy and powerful corporations, but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> reporter: bush has had to walk back a couple other comments recently. once when he talked about phasing out medicare for some people and also when he said workers just need to work longer hours. gop leaders say he'll have to be more careful in the debate tomorrow night when a lot of gop voters are going to be tuning into this race for the first time, charlie. republican national committee chairman reince priebus is with us from cleveland, the location of tomorrow night's debate. good morning, mr. chairman. >> hey, good morning, charlie. good morning, everyone. >> let's start with what nancy was saying about jeb bush. what impact will this have in terms of bush having to be
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deflected, to explain himself? >> well, look. i mean, i've got to be a little careful here in calling balls and strikes and getting in the middle of candidates' comments, but i think it's pretty clear that a bill in washington is a bill to defund planned parenthood and then move that money to community health clinics and other places. so it wasn't a matter of eliminating money, it was a matter of moving it. he said he misspoke. obviously i think he did. and he fixed it. i think it's a little bit of much to do about nothing. >> the problem, candidates have to -- go ahead, i'm sorry. >> i was just going to say, candidates have to be careful. so obviously, i mean, yeah. you have to watch out what you say and how you say it, and you have to quickly recover and repair potential mistakes that you've made, and i think they've done that. >> because people worry that it reflects a mindset. >> sure. yeah, yeah, yeah. no, no. there's no doubt you have to correct things like that. but they did, and i think
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they're going to move on, and it's important to be careful, no doubt. >> chairman priebus, good to see you. an exciting night tomorrow and of course, at the same time this debate is going on in congress. do you think it's worth shutting down the federal government in october to defund planned parenthood? >> look, norah, i don't get to make those decisions. you know, i'm the political guy. i'm the guy that figures out how many boots we need on the ground, what data licenses we need to buy, how to execute. you know, as far as what we're going to do in the legislature in three months, if something today doesn't happen, i mean, that's a sort of prognosticating-type game at 7:00 in the morning. it wouldn't be wise for me to start getting involved with. >> how is donald trump, mr. chairman, affecting the republican party? he has said so many things that have been controversial. some say explosive. yet people seem to think that he believes what he's saying. and are there times that you even just shake your head and say oh, my gosh, what did he just say?
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>> well, you know, it's raw, and i think it's real, and i think that people are upset with government. i think they're upset with both parties, gayle. and i think donald trump's tapping into that. i actually think it could be quite good for our party because i think what you're seeing is a lot of people that were frustrated with politics are saying, well, maybe i've got an outlet here. and if they're coming and tuning into our debate tomorrow night and getting involved in our party, i think that that ultimately could be very helpful. i mean, only time will tell how all of this goes. you know, hillary clinton's dealing with the fbi and the e-mails and problems. we'll only know in a year and a half how it all plays out, but certainly, you know, a big cultural vote in this country is a presidential election, and that's why there's so much interest in this process. it's about the american culture. >> and there is intense interest in this debate. so what will we know after this debate? >> well, you know, it's hard to say. but we have ten people on the stage, and you don't have a lot of time. obviously, every candidate's
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going to have to use every tiny second they have to make an impact, get right to the answer. there's not going to be a lot of wasted time, i don't think. i think what you're going to see is i think every candidate's going to have to bring their "a" game, and it has to be done quickly and concisely, and i think you're going to see that, charlie, tomorrow night. >> thank you, mr. chairman. >> you'll have a lot of eyeballs tomorrow night. >> we'll be watching. >> yes, we will be watching. >> thank you so much. >> thanks a lot. this morning the fbi is looking into the private e-mail server that hillary clinton used as secretary of state. clinton's attorney confirmed the inquiry to cbs news overnight. margaret brennan is in washington where officials say they are concerned that classified information could be mishandled. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the fbi is looking into the private setup, and they contacted clinton's attorney, david kendall, about the security of a portable thumb drive containing copies of those e-mails. kendall told cbs news that his team is actively cooperating with the fbi, which is, quote,
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seeking assurance about the storage of those materials. now, according to "the washington post," the fbi also contacted the denver-based technology firm that managed clinton's server. all of this comes after watchdogs at the state department and the intelligence community referred the issue to the justice department in july. after sampling 40 of some 30,000 e-mails provided by clinton, they determined that four contained classified information. now they want to see whether there are others. a spokesman for hillary clinton stressed that the former secretary of state, quote, did not send nor receive any e-mails that were marked classified at the time. at this point, gayle, hillary clinton has not been accused of any wrongdoing. >> all right. thank you, margaret. >> thank you. this morning, a fast-moving wildfire in washington state is threatening an entire town. the 300 people who live in roosevelt have all been told to evacuate their homes. the fire is burning about 130 miles east of portland, oregon. so far no injuries are reported.
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there are nearly 30 major wildfires burning in the west. today will be another hot day on the fire line for crews battling california's massive rocky fire. it covers 100 square miles north of san francisco. ben tracy is tracking its movements from the command post in lakeport. ben, good morning. >> reporter: charlie, good morning. you know, there are firefighters asleep in almost every one of these fire engines, and that's because these guys have been working 24-hour shifts trying to contain this fire. they have made a lot of progress in the past 24 hours thanks to much better weather. the fire is now 20% contained. but as one firefighter told me, we're not out of the woods yet. fire crews working through the night to contain the rocky fire are lighting spot fires to burn off dry vegetation. but overcast skies and even some scattered rain tuesday bought them time to build more containment lines. how critical is this kind of fire break? >> this is very critical.
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so we probably have about three dozer blades right here down to the bare mineral soil. so that helps stop the spread of the fire or something from re-igniting over here and jumping this fire line and igniting over there. >> reporter: the fire, now burning for a week in dry trees and grass, has been unpredictable. >> i have never seen a fire move like this. at a vantage point like this when you look out, you can see the devastation, and it's shocking. >> reporter: this fire has already jumped a major containment line and is still threatening nearly 7,000 structures including bob jones's home. >> the fire was burning 100 feet in the air right there. >> reporter: despite dangerously close flames, he's refusing to evacuate because he says firefighters are not far away. so how'd you sleep last night? >> really good because they had the fire truck right there. >> reporter: at the willow fire further south, homeowners forced to evacuate are now returning, only to find their homes were broken into. carol pace says someone got in through her window and stole her jewelry.
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>> i feel violated. because somebody was in here when i wasn't here, looking through all my drawers. >> reporter: but back at the rocky fire, fire trucks are lining neighborhood streets, a sacrifice not forgotten by those who live here. >> you guys are great, man. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: temperatures today are expected to hit 90 degrees with lower humidity, but firefighters say they are optimistic about the progress they made yesterday, and they're hoping those containment lines hold. gayle? >> thank you, ben tracy. a line of deadly storms pounded the northeast last night. lightning lit up the sky over boston. as many as 150,000 people lost power in the region. large pellets of hail, you can hear them, pummeled massachusetts. wind gusts up to 80 miles an hour toppled the trees. a connecticut man was killed after a tree crashed down on his car. another nine people were hurt in the storms. a circus tent that collapsed
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during a storm in new hampshire was put up without a necessary permit. the state fire marshal says the operator did not ask town officials to inspect the tent before monday night's show. a father and daughter were killed, and dozens of spectators were hurt. the show began about seven minutes after the national weather service sent out a severe thunderstorm warning for the area. this morning the families of the colorado theater massacre victims share more heartache. jurors tuesday watched them open up about their loss. the father of alex sullivan spoke. he says that he frantically searched for his son after the attack. their family now visits the movie theater where their 27-year-old son died. >> we sat in alex's row, and we were sitting in row 12. and we leave seat 12 open for alex, and the other three of us, it's just me, we sit next to him. >> boy, that's tough to hear. the prosecution wants james holmes to get the death sentence after the victim impact statements, but the defense argues that the convicted killer was insane.
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if the jury agrees with holmes' lawyers, he will live. new york city is considering new regulations this morning to counter its largest outbreak of legionnaires' disease. it's killed 7 and infected 86 others. bacteria has been found in five cooling towers in the south bronx. dr. holly phillips is with us. holly, good morning. >> good morning. >> we've talked about this before. is this growing? do we need to be concerned? >> this is a huge outbreak. in fact, it's the largest outbreak in new york city's history. cooling towers are a part of the ventilation and air-conditioning system on large buildings. usually commercial buildings, not small residential buildings or homes. what they do is they have water inside, and they cool air that goes through ventilation systems. the bacteria can live and grow in the water, and it gets introduced inside of buildings in small water droplets, and you breathe it in. >> okay. so now that that has been determined the source, these
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air-cooling units, you have 8 million-plus or more living in new york city and certainly more working here, does that open up a whole bunch more to this potential disease? >> right now this outbreak seems to be contained within five buildings and five cooling towers in the south bronx. but it really does raise a really important question, which was addressed yesterday in a press conference. the city does not. cooling towers on a regular basis. it's up to the building to maintain them. and there may need to be new regulations around that since clearly these aren't maintained as well as they should have been. >> but is that what makes this more concerning than others, the fact that there's no regulation by the city and we don't know how far it might be? >> well, right now they think they've gotten all of the sources. they looked at dozens -- actually more than 22 cooling towers in the area, and they think that they have gotten those sources and cleared them. right now the infection or the outbreak seems to have peaked because the number of new cases is dropping.
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however, legionella has up to a 14-day incubation period. so there might have been people who were exposed who will show symptoms later, so it might not be over. >> if you've been exposed, what should you do? >> absolutely get to your doctor. it can be treated with antibiotics, but those are most effect ufbive if they're started early, so don't hesitate. >> thank you, dr. holly phillips. we are hearing from the hunter who led an expedition that killed cecil the lion. he appeared in zimbabwe court this morning, but a judge postponed the trial over whether he failed to prevent an unlawful hunt. reporters asked him about the charges that he faces. >> reporter: what do you think about the way you've been prosecuted? >> crazy. >> reporter: it's crazy. >> absolutely. >> the trial will resume next month. in florida, vandals targeted a home belonging to walter palmer. he's a dentist who is charged with killing cecil. someone spray-painted the words "lion killer" on his garage door yesterday.
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they also left behind animal crackers as a sign of protest. al qaeda's most dangerous branch is again calling for new attacks on america. this is the second appeal in two days by al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. one of the group's leaders appeared in a new video posted to a jihadi website. he singles out lone wolf attacks as most effective. the leader praises the gunmen behind the deadly chattanooga shootings. cbs news has learned american-trained fighters in syria are taking heavy losses. one american official calls it, quote, a frigin' mess. the united states is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to train syrians to fight isis, but just 54 soldiers are in the field so far. well, they were attacked friday. the pentagon says five were captured probably by an al qaeda-linked group. one fighter was killed. others in the unit scattered. the airplane part that may be from malaysia airlines flight 370 is getting its first detailed examination this morning in france.
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one official says investigators could reveal the piece's origin later this week. they know it came from a boeing 777, that same model disappeared last year with 239 people aboard. the wing section was found thousands of miles west of the plane's last known location. ahead, the new way to buy lottery tickets that is fueling >> announcer: this national
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weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. a champion-free diver is missing and feared dead after a routine plunge. >> ahead, the woman who went deeper than anyone with no scuba gear. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this
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there's two strange men i don't know. i think they might be inside. >> ahead, the terrifying 911 call that captures coming face to face with intruders. plus, the huge risk
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thousands are taking this good morning. it's wednesday, august 5th. and looking like a perfect weather day today. i'm chris wragge. the forecast is coming up in a moment, but first, several power customers on long island are in the dark this morning after the power stop yesterday morning. during the height of the outages, 80 customers lost power o. officials hope to have everyone back on line by midnight. new this morning, an apparent health scare for sandra lee. governor cuomo's long-time girlfriend was rushed to the hospital last night where she will be monitored for a few days, suffering from fluid buildup. she was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in march
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with a double mastectomy in may. police say this suspect, caught of surveillance camera, has burglarized five homes in six towns in midtown and manhattan. anyone with any information, call crime stoppers immediately. the surveillance camera caught him red handed as you can see. the forecast with john elliott. we have been watching the clouds fill in as well. you can see that on the live view on 2. the winds are calm, and a northwest wind later today. breezy at times, and also, keeping the numbers cool. monroe, 57 degrees right now, and clouds are filling in more so north and west. you can see the chance of a shower north and west this afternoon, and around the area, less humidity, and it's courtesy of the northwest wind. tomorrow, nice day. increasing clouds later in the day, and the area of low pressure will be be to the south. that's wet.
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that the bad news for the gardners and lawn lovers, and saturday, 81, and really nice on sunday. high of 83. >> john, thank you. i'm chris wragge. we are back with another update in 25 minutes. cbs this morning will return after this. so you're telling me staples will give me everything on this list at the lowest prices? we have a 110% price match guarantee for back to school.look me in the eye and tell me staples has the lowest prices. staples has the lowest prices with our price match guarantee.
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take a look at that. a royal air force veteran celebrated his 90th birthday by flying on an antique wing in england. john westin was strapped to the upper wing of a 1942 aircraft, but this wasn't just a birthday treat. he was also raising money for the alzheimer's society. all right. bravo, mr. westin. >> yeah. >> it reminds me of george bush. >> yeah, it does, very much so. >> all right. something not to try at home. >> yes, do not try that at home. you're so right, norah. well, charlie's, like, that's looking pretty good. i want to give that a try. >> there's a nice breeze up there. >> welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, tragedy at sea for world-renowned free diver. she vanished after taking a dive off the coast of spain. how uncontrollable conditions may have led to her death. >> it's quite a story.
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plus, we're in france where hundreds of thousands of people hope a tunnel will take them to a better life. ahead, we look at their dangerous journey. time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the new york times" says president obama today will begin a campaign to build support in congress for the nuclear deal with iran. he speaks this morning at american university. the president will explain and defend the agreement. congress votes on the deal next month. "the baltimore sun" reports on former ravens running back ray rice. ray rice is his name, sorry about that. looking to return to playing in the nfl. last year surveillance video shows ray rice punching his then-fiancee inside an elevator. >> some people will probably never forgive my actions, but i think that every step that i took going forward right now, you know, over time, you know, i want to be able to rewrite the script to tell my daughter, you know, that daddy made the worst decision of his life, but this is what i did going forward. >> ray says that having last season off was good for his
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mental health. a drone dropped a package of drugs into a prison yard. prison officials say it contained tobacco, marijuana, and heroin. it happened last week at the mansfield correctional institution. the package set off a fight between inmates. i bet it did. >> yeah. >> the prison staff had to break it up. nine inmates were put then into solitary confinement. "the tennessean" reports on a massive cell phone outage. thousands of customers in the midwest and southeast lost service tuesday for hours. signals went down for at&t, sprint, t-mobile and verizon. the companies blame a hardware problem. and "usa today" reports on a plunge in apple stock. investors are worried that the demand for iphones has peaked. shares hit more than $122 yesterday -- on monday, rather, but then the price slipped to $114.64 at the close yesterday. the decline shaved tens of billions of dollars from the company's value, and it helped drive down the market. this morning the woman
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called the greatest free diver in history is apparently lost at sea. natalia set dozens of records for underwater diving without a breathing tank. she went for a dive sunday near the spanish island of ibiza. she never came up for air. mark phillips is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it's a sport that by its nature tests limits that finds them sometimes. that's what appears to have happened to probably the greatest diver the sport has ever known, natalia molchanova. >> five, four, three, two, one. >> reporter: the underwater channel adds dramatic foreboding music to the film of natalia's record-breaking dive in september 2009. it didn't need to. this sort of thing is dramatic enough. >> estimated dive time, 3:15.
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>> reporter: that's 3:50 of holding your breath. all in a day's work for molchanova. >> today my depth was 101 meters constant weight. >> reporter: that dive was under carefully controlled circumstances. on a single breath, she followed a wire down an astounding 331 feet, using a fin. that's twice the height of the statue of liberty. natalia, like the other practitioners of the sport of free diving, has found a way of shutting down her body. here she held her breath for a record, an unbelievable record of 9:02. but natalia's last dive was not under controlled circumstances. it was here off the spanish party island where the swimmers and the boats come to play. natalia's dive was meant to be a relatively shallow recreational one. james nestor is an author who has written on deep free diving. >> she has had numerous
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accidents before this fatal accident, but she just kept pushing deeper and deeper. >> reporter: molchanova would have used the usual technique, slowing down breathing and heart rate, close to subconscious, she called it. but on her last dive, there were things she couldn't control. >> my understanding was that the conditions were really rough. there were currents. there was a lot of boat traffic. but there are a million things that can go wrong. >> reporter: searchers have not recovered a body so far. the current theory is that natalia who was wearing a weight is lying on a seabeadd. the family has hired a remote-controlled sub to continue to look for her. >> mark, thank you. her son who also does this was there with her. they say she was a free diving superstar. imagine holding your breath for nine minutes. >> i can't imagine that. >> it's just one example of as we progress, how many people can go to further depths than we've ever imagined with their body.
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>> yeah, testing their abilities. >> slowing their heartbeat. >> incredible. mark, thank you so much. now to this story. europe faces a staggering refugee crisis. thousands of people escaping war and poverty are pouring into europe from africa and the middle east. many of them migrants end up in the french city of calais risking everything eventually in hopes of reaching england. cla ris clarissa ward is there. >> reporter: good morning. this camp looks like it could be in somalia or sudan, but we are in france. and the thousands of migrants living here have fled war and hardship to try to make it to england where they believe there are more opportunities and better jobs for asylum seekers. so far this summer, at least ten of them have died trying to make that journey. as soon as the sun sets in calais, the migrants come out. their goal is to try to get into the channel tunnel that leads to great britain, and they are willing to take great risks to
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achieve it. cutting through fences and climbing onto trucks, sometimes even in broad daylight. french police are struggling to cope with the growing tide of migrants who are making the long journey here from across africa and the middle east. nearly 3,000 of them are squatting in this makeshift camp. it's known as the jungle, and it's not hard to see why. 36-year-old fled the dictatorship to get to europe. this is now his home. how many of you are in this tent? >> four. >> reporter: four people. his feet are injured from jumping off a wall to escape the police. but every fight he walks ten miles to try his luck again. >> first you have the jump the fences. then the second thing you have to hide from the polices. even the dogs. then if you are lucky, you have to enter the train. >> reporter: he and his friends have only been in calais one week, but others have been
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trying for much longer. are you willing to spend months here? >> no. no way. >> reporter: maya conforti works for the group that is trying to improve the miserablen cans the migrants are living in. >> you walk around, you feel like you're in the middle of africa, completely. completely. you cannot believe that you're in europe. absolutely not. >> reporter: french authorities say that they have blocked an estimated 37,000 crossings this year, but the people here in this camp tell us that they will keep trying until they make it, and there are more of them arriving here every day. gayle? >> thank you, clarissa, reporting from france today. dreams of lottery riches are going high octane, you could say. >> reporter: i'm john blackstone in los angeles. here in california, you can now buy lottery tickets at the gas pump. the state says the idea is a winner. critics are calling it a loser. that story coming up on "cbs this morning." all right. and if you're heading out the
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door because you've got stuff to do, we understand. we just ask that you set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time you like because we'll still be here till 9:00. >> it's easy to set your dvr, isn't it, gayle? >> i've heard it's very easy. >> and then you can watch it any time you like during the day. >> nothing is better, though, than watching it in person. >> or live. >> or in person live. >> or in person live. we'll be right back. set your dvr, people, if you've got to go. it had to be. the only one for me is you. and you for me. so happy together! now there's a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another. introducing plenti. when it comes to rewards, there's plenti together. when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady,
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illinois who launched an al this year to let you buy tickets on your phone, which is terrifying. because we all know that starting right now, your mother could play the lottery as easily as she plays candy crash. in three weeks, she'd be preparing thanksgiving dinner over a trash can fire. >> okay. there you go. all right. illinois isn't the only state making it easier to play the lottery. a new way to buy tickets at california gas stations is fueling some controversy this morning. critics say it's pumping up sales at the expense of buyers who can afford it the least. we're going to try to get one more pun in there as john
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blackstone shows us how gamblers can serve themselves. >> reporter: for california lottery officials, convenience stores apparently aren't quite convenient enough for purchasing lottery tickets. >> gas stations are one of our key retail locations. so if we're seeing that many people who aren't going into the store, we need to find a way to try and put our products in front of those people. >> reporter: california has now joined north carolina, minnesota and missouri as the only states offering self-serve lottery tickets. almost 90 stations in california are now selling the tickets at the pump. and dozens more are waiting for state approval. you do buy lottery tickets. >> yeah. >> reporter: what about selling them at the gas pump? >> that would be a convenience for sure. >> reporter: all you do is swipe your tlnsdriver's license and credit or debit card. >> i don't know. powerball, why not? >> reporter: it's that why-not factor and the added convenience
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that concerned bert klasey. he argues that it preys on vulnerable dream seekers. >> now we've got lottery junkies. >> it is a little overwhelming. >> the people who are actually buying the tickets and the people who are making up the majority of lottery revenue are people who are poor, people who are undereducated and people who are addicted. >> reporter: this can be done on a credit card. >> that's really dangerous. the fact that you can gamble on a credit card is a really scary proposition. >> reporter: lottery officials say they're doing their part to make sure gas pump ticket buyers play responsibly. >> it's capped at $20 a day and $50 a week. so we feel comfortable with those levels and feel like that's a responsible amount. >> reporter: there may be one obstacle to this plan. while this is a convenience place to buy tickets, for california drivers already paying close to $4 a gallon for gas, it's hard to feel lucky when you're at the pump. how often have you won? >> i haven't won yet. >> reporter: not yet, but if
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you're playing mega millions, there's a 1 in 259 million chance you could hit the jackpot with your next fill-up. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, los angeles. >> i don't know. it does make it easier to buy a ticket. >> yeah. they say for all the wrong people to buy a ticket. they're trying to moderate it. >> do you buy lottery tickets? >> do i? >> yes. >> yeah. hello, my name is gayle. >> that's what i love about her. she cannot lie. >> no, i can't. >> she cannot lie. yes, i do. a 12-year-old comes face to -- you know what? if i won, people would not be happy. they'd say, what's she doing playing the lottery, but i still play. i'd give it away to family. >> are we part of your family? >> you are. >> is everyone here part of your family? >> god, i hope you win. >> i'm going. here we go. a 12-year-old -- they're saying gayle, go! a 12-year-old comes face to face
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with two intruders in his home. the 911 >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by kohl's. find your yes. you can't dodge these savings, with the hottest styles and brands to stay on your feet. on sale starting friday. plus, everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah be yourself. kohl's
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now at chili's, new smoked chicken burritos for lunch. make it a lunch combo. then tap, swipe, and go. brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir . as my diabetes changed, it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir . vo: levemir is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir helps lower your a1c. levemir lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus , which lasts 28 days. levemir comes in flextouch , the latest in insulin pen technology from novo nordisk.
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levemir is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir flextouch . covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. i thought activia was for big digestive issues.
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sorry kids. feeling dead on your feet? i've been on my feet all day. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles have a unique gel wave design for outrageous comfort that helps you feel more energized. dr. scholl's. feel the energy! this morning we're hearing a call for help from a 12-year-old boy who was home alone in arizona when two men tried to break in. he hid in a closet and dialed 911. >> there's two strange men i don't know in my back porch, and i think they're trying to open the door. i think they might be inside. >> where are you at? >> i'm in the closet. please, please help. please don't hurt me. >> did they open the door? they opened the door and saw you? >> yes, they saw me. >> aww. the two suspects ran after seeing the boy, but thanks to the boy's call, police caught them outside. the 12-year-old, we're happy to
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tell you, was not hurt. but you can hear the fear when he says "please don't hurt me." >> very smart to call 911. there's a new gold standard for parental leave after a birth or adoption. ahead, netflix's new policy of up to one year's leave set an example for other employers. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> hope so. i'm on the move all day long... and sometimes, i just don't eat the way i should. so i drink boost to get the nutrition that i'm missing. boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of proteinto help maintain muscle. all with a great taste. i don't plan on slowing down any time soon. stay strong. stay active with boost . hi. your daddy's getting a camry? yeah, i want him to have a really fun car. he's the best dad ever. best timing ever. it's our clearance event. here dad, it's for the car. who's the coolest kid ever? the truth is, in ten years that toyota will be mine.
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. good morning. it's 7:56 on this wednesday, august 5th it will be much less humid today with the temperatures in the mid-80s. i'm chris wragge. the full forecast coming up for you in a moment. but first mayor de blasio will unvail a new plan to deal with the homeless and the drug problems plaguing the city. commissioner bratton calls it weaponizing marijuana. police have identified a suspect known as marquis frederick. he pulled up in a jeep. he opened fire, wounding five people.
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four are believed to be innocent bystanders. the victims include a pregnant 19-year-old who lost her child in the gun battle. severe weather left a path of destruction yesterday morning, and crews worked countless hours with the free democracy fell. officials official -- countless hours when the trees fell. officials are hoping to have power back on for all later today. now to john with the weather. >> the dew points are in the 50s and low 60s, and big drop in the dew point from day-to- day. you can see the clouds root now, -- right now. the stray shower is possible, and the best bet is north and
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west. overnight tonight, comfortable, but if you're going to the beach today, don't forget moderate rip current risk again, and a 20% chance of a shower thursday into friday. chris? >> john, thank you so much. i'm chris wragge. another local update in 25 minutes. cbs this morning is coming back right after this. this morning, people on medicaid who might otherwise be struggling to care for themselves won't have to. because homefirst, a product of elderplan, is there...
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helping them with bathing, dressing and meals so they can remain safely at home. homefirst, a product of elderplan continuing the work of the four brooklyn ladies caring in so many ways. call 1-866-386-4180 or visit [tennis rackets swinging & hitting tennis ball] [crowd cheering] c'mon! [crowd cheering] [tennis rackets swinging & hitting tennis ball] [crowd cheering] [sound of tennis ball hitting the court]
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it is wednesday, august 5th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including on-demand leave. netflix sends a message telling new parents to take off as much time as they need. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener at 8." >> the gop field was essentially split into two tiers. the top ten get a coveted spot in primetime. >> what will we know after this debate debate? >> every candidate's going to have to bring their "a" game, and it has to be done quickly. the fbi is looking into the private setup of those e-mails. at this point hillary clinton has not been accused of any wrongdoing. these guys have been working 24-hour shifts trying to contain this fire. they have made a lot of progress in the past 24 hours. a line of deadly storms pounded the northeast.
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large pellets of hail pummeled massachusetts. is this growing? do we need to be concern sfd. >> this is a huge outbreak. in fact, it's the largest outbreak in new york city's history. it's a sport that tests the very limits of human endurance and sadly finds them sometimes. that's what appears to have happened to natalia. do you buy lottery tickets? >> do i? >> yes. >> yes. hello, my name is gayle. kermit the frog and miss piggy announced today that they're ending their relationship of nearly 30 years. yeah. i guess in the end, miss piggy just had a fear of commitment. >> this morning's "eye opener at 8" is presented by subway. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. >> we're upset. i'm upset about miss piggy and kermit. i think he was afraid of commitment, too. >> well, a lot of people have a problem with commitment.
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>> i think they might get back together. >> yeah. keep hope alive, norah. >> we can keep hope alive. the stage is set for tomorrow's big debate. ten are preparing for tomorrow night's first primetime showdown. donald trump leads the list among the others of jeb bush, mike huckabee and marco rubio. >> chris christie and john kasich also made the cut. the seven republicans left out of the primetime debate will appear in an earlier forum tomorrow afternoon. among them is rick perry. he tweeted that he looks forward to, quote, a serious ex-change of exchange of ideas and positive solutions. this morning flames are forcing people out of their homes in washington state. the entire town of roosevelt is being evacuated. the fire jumped over a fire. it is burning about 130 miles east of portland, oregon. in california, crews are gaining ground against the massive rocky fire. it is now 20% contained. but 7,000 buildings are still in danger. the fire north of san francisco has burned more than 100 square
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miles. an indiana teen goes before a jury today, fighting to save his future. zach anderson is 19. he was convicted in april of having consensual sex with a 14-year-old girl. but she told him she was 17. despite that admission, the judge put anderson on the sex offender's registry until april 2040. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman is a former sex crimes prosecutor. rikki, good morning. >> good morning. >> so explain this to us. what led to this? >> what led to it is a simple act that happens probably every day with teenagers across the country. 19-year-old boy, basically a good kid, goes on an online dating app called hot or not, goes and finds a girl that he likes. they exchange informtion. they exchange -- she exchanges some explicit photographs at his request. they agree to meet. they skype. they meet.
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they go shopping together for condoms. they have consensual sex. and then what does he find? he finds that he is later arrested. he is charged with major crimes. ultimately he goes to court. he does a plea bargain. >> because she's 14 years old, but she lied about her age. >> not only did she lie about her age, she appeared to be 17. she certainly is someone now who's on his side and was on his side. >> and her mother's on his side, too. >> arrive appears in the case to be on his side except for the judge. so what the judge really did here is he took his own personal feelings about this youth culture, and he talked about it. >> in fact, let me just go ahead and read what the judge said. >> please. either you will or i will. >> he said, quote, you went online to use a fisherman's expression, trolling for women to meet and have sex with. that seems to be part of our culture now, meet, hook up, have sex, sayonara, totally inappropriate behavior.
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so did the judge sentence him subjective subjectively, or is the law, he had sex with someone who's under age? >> both. you know what happens with -- you know me, the law is the law. i always take that route. however, the law has an exception here. the law is really simple. if you are overage, she's under age, that could be statutory rape. you are going on the registry. but in michigan, there is another law which allows a first-time offender who is under the age of 21 to, in essence, have juvenile diversion where he would not have a record. >> the bottom-line punishment that he's facing. >> 90 days in jail. he did 73. five years probation with 61 restrictions, on the sexual offender registry, which is really the difficulty for 25 years. his life is ruined. >> yeah. >> the problem is he is not alone here. there are many kids who have been put in this position. we find that approximately a quarter of the young people who
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are on the sexual registry are teenagers. >> it seems -- go ahead. >> you have been a sex crimes prosecutor. you think in this instance, then, there should be leniency. there should be a change. so do you think today in court that will come? >> well, he has a new judge. so you have -- the parents have been very active. they had a petition signed, 156,000 people. their motion is for him to withdraw his guilty plea before this new judge in order to be resentenced. so will the judge have courage? will the judge say that this was the wrong way to go and that you can't have someone's personal viewpoint as a judge about what the culture should be using this boy to set an example when you have this girl who is supporting him and so is her mother. >> right. it sure doesn't seem like the punishment fits the crime here. >> and he did not know the age of the young girl. >> no. >> because she lied. >> because she lied.- >> and looked 17. >> right. rikki klieman, thank you so much. and president obama spent part of his 54th birthday seeing
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the future. >> so if i really want to spruce up on my spanish -- >> you should download it. >> i've got to download it. right now i'm not allowed to have a smartphone, but that's a whole another -- >> the president tuesday hosted innovators among the start-up projects was a smart teddy bear for kids with diabetes. the first-ever white house demo day is designed in part to promote diversity in the high-tech work force. >> he said right now he's not allowed to have a snorkel. you think he wants to go snorkeling? >> no, no, smartphones. >> oh, i thought he said snorkel. >> in other words, the president uses a blackberry for security reasons, says not a smartphone. but that's funny. >> okay. moving along ever so quickly. >> he wants to snorkel. he's thinking about what he might do. >> maybe he does. eye exams can save more than your sight. did you know that? ahead, a leading doctor shows us how those visits can make the
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difference >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener at 8" is sponsored by subway restaurants. subway.
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eat fresh. an actress celebrated for her range learns to play. day after day i'm more confused i look for the light through the pouring rain >> we're going to ask hollywood legend meryl streep about picking up the guitar and learning ten songs for her latest role. that story is ahead here on "cbs this morning."
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i'm so not ready for back to school. with staples you'll be ready. i can get thirty comp books and notebooks at a low price? yep, 50 and 25 cents each. oh, i can save money and have less stress! and less drama. he's the drama teacher. got it. teachers, this week get 40% back in teacher rewards. staples, make more happen. in our "morning rounds," eyes are not only the windows to your soul, but also your body and your health, did you know that? they hold visible clues to diseases long before symptoms show up. some 61 million people in this country are at a risk for vision loss, but only half saw an eye doctor in the last year. that's not good says christopher
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starr, an ophthalmologist at the weill cornell medical center in new york. so people at parties walk up to you and get right in your face and said what do you see? what do you see? >> like you just did in the green room. >> so what can you see in people's eyes in terms of their health? >> well, we really require a lot of equipment to look into eyes and see things in great detail. but the eye is unique in the body in that we can examine blood vessels. we can even examine the brain, the optic nerve is part of the brain, and we can see that in great detail in our eye exams. and it's the only place in the body where that's possible. >> and so when you see, what do you see? >> so -- well, ideally, we see perfectly healthy everything, but sometimes we do see problems. the optic nerve, for instance, which is an extension of the brain, if that is swollen on an eye exam, that can be an indicator of a brain tumor, it can be a stroke, and in some cases it can be m.s. multiple sclerosis is often diagnosed on eye exams first.
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blood vessels, veins, arteries. and if those are abnormal, if there are little aneurysms or changes in the caliber of those blood vessels, that can be the indicator of hypertension, chronic hypertension which might not have been diagnosed by your primary care doctor. also diabetes is very common. and often picked up on eye exams first. similarly, strokes. we can see little, tiny strokes in those blood vessels. and sometimes that can be the indicator that there's at rowe atherosclerotic disease. so sometimes the eye exam is valuable, like you said, life and death sometimes. >> so many common diseases can be detected by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. how often does this happen that someone comes in for an eye exam for glasses and turns out comes out knowing that they're at risk for common disease? >> it happens a lot. >> yeah. >> which is why we recommend regular eye exams. and it really depends on your age and risk factors. but in general -- >> starting when, would you say?
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>> starting if childhood, certainly, we want to screen kids for diseases. but the formal recommendation as adults, really by the age of 40 and beyond, we recommend regular eye exams. if there are problems, they're more frequent. and if you're fine, usually adequate. if you're between 20 and 40, you say i see well, my eyes are fine, it's still recommended to be seen because some asymptomatic problems like glaucoma or even tumors inside the eye can be detected on routine visits. >> it seems this ought to be part of any medical exam, then. >> well, yes, but ophthalmologists and optometrists are really the only ones who can really get in there, and we have all the equipment. you need a lot of equipment. >> but i think what charlie's saying is part of our preventative regimen. you should also see -- >> it should be part of your regular general health. >> my mother used to tell me better. yes or no? >> beta carotene are better for the eyes, as are many other
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healthy things. yes, it is. it is. green, leafy vegetables, broccoli, omega 3 fatty acids, flaxseed, and protecting your eyes from the sun. uv blocking is critically important. we're great about sunblock but not so good about our sunglasses. thanks for having me. and a tech giant makes a big move for working parents. can a business help its own botom line by giving employees up to a year of paid family leave? you know some people are saying hallelujah, as gayle would say. morning." >> great. >> announcer: "cbs morning rounds" sponsored by visionworks. find more than a pair of glasses. find a better you. visionworks. "good morning"
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most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . the latest big netflix premiere isn't on your tv, tablet or phone, but behind the scenes, the streaming video giant announced tuesday it's giving employees unlimited maternity and paternity leave in the first year after a birth or adoption. a netflix blog says, quote, parents can return part-time, full-time, or then return and go out as needed, we'll just keep paying them normally, eliminating the headache of switching to state or disability pay. a cbs news contributor, jody, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is groundbreaking. >> and exciting. >> there is an arms race in the tech world to offer parental
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benefits, and this sets a new standard. >> so this was a move by them to recruit employees, even more female employees, and male employees. >> absolutely. there's a real benefit here, and there is a psychological benefit. when a company says anything you need to do in that first year, take two weeks, take two months, take a year, employees love it. and it also speaks to this generation of dads who want to spend much more time with their kids. >> is it only happening in the tech could not? community? >> i would say that, you know, income inequality and the difference between the haves and have-notes is one of the defining truths of our time. we certainly see it here. employees can get a year of paid leave. that is extraordinary. the person making their coffee at the corner store might not even be able to take a sick day. >> that's not a comparison, somebody working in a coffee store and somebody in tech. there are a lot of forward-thinking companies in america. my question is "a," are they being responsive the same way to changing conditions and the recruitment of the most talented
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people who demand this? >> we do see an upsurge in paternity leave, but what i see is almost two conflicting things happening at the same time. on paper, these benefits are getting a lot better. in reality, the culture is pushing harder than ever against parental leave. business moves really fast. technology changes really fast. companies get reorganized. the women i talk to in the workplace say that realistically, it's very hard to disappear for six months now. >> and keep your job. what's so great about this is you can come in and out of that year if you need to. so what does a typical company have in terms of maternity leave? >> i would say in the elite white-collar world that we're talking about, 8 to 12 weeks paid is considered decent leave. it's complicated because disability comes into it. netflix is saying we're not going to do a little better. we're not going to do what facebook and google have done, which is, you know, 15, 18 weeks. they are overshooting that by a wide margin. >> the issue is that when you
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have a baby, most insurance plans will -- you will go on disability and the insurance pays to are it for eight weeks. so the company doesn't care. it's no money lost out of their pocket. the issue is then beyond eight or ten weeks -- correct me if i'm wrong -- is then the company foots the bill -- thank you -- foots the bill while you're gone. how do google, facebook and others and that elite stature compare to netflix in? >> they have very generous policies. people who work there are the envy of the rest of american parenthood. however, what netflix has done, they're making a real statement here. what i would like to know is i would like to have this discussion a year from now after some reporting and see how this really works out in real life. does anybody really feel like they can take a year? >> that's a good question. >> because they worry about whether they'll lose -- >> stature. >> stature, or lose knowledge, or lose whatever is happening for a year. >> right now i think it's fantastic. people are celebrating. thank you, joed zidyjody. when we come back, meryl
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streep. good morning. it's 8:25 on this wednesday morning. i'm mary calvi. police have identified a man in the shooting in redhook brooklyn. frederick allegedly opened fire, wounding five people, four are believed to be innocent bystander, and the victims include a pregnant 19- year-old who lost her child. the nypd officer caught on camera slamming a pregnant woman to the ground has learned his punishment. the the civilian complaint board said he used excessive force and recommend he lose five vacation days. the woman's lawyer says the decision is too lenient. new this morning, an apparent health scare for sandra lee. governor cuomo's long-time
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girlfriend is in the hospital right now. she was rushed to the hospital last night, where she is expected to be monitored for a couple of days, suffering from a fluid buildup. she was diagnosed with breast cancer in march and had a double mastectomy in may. an update on plat is a -- an update on the plaza hotel's suit to remove the citibike rack near the plaza, but the appellate court upheld the lower court's ruling to allow the rack. 74 with partly cloudy skies, and winds today, out of the northwest, breezy at times could see 20 to 25 mime an hour gusts. look at almostburg, still
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refreshing north and west, and there you can see on the radar and satellite. no rain to the south and east. more clouds to central south jersey, into rockland and westchester as well. predominant direction will bring in the lower humidity values today, and it will feel better. tomorrow, still nice, and a mix of sun and clouds later, particularly to the south. the area of he pressure staying to the south. not as welt friday into saturday. i know for those who were really looking forward to the rain, that's not good news, but it's good news for the weekend plans as the weekend is shaping up. notice the numbers are below normal. mary? >> john, thank you. another local update in 25 minutes. cbs this morning returns in a
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also try listerine pocket packs to kill bad breath germs on the go.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour -- >> if only people knew what we talked about during the break. >> don't dare me, charlie rose. coming up in this half hour, a conversation with hollywood royalty. don't you hate when people do inside jokes? yes. meryl streep. how she pushed herself to extremes to play a rock 'n' roll guitar queen. >> we'll help you with that, rock 'n' roll queen. >> plus what she really thinks about being called the best actor of a generation. also, on a fishing trip. diners go after their own specials. ahead, seth doane with the appetite for adventure on the menu. but right now it's time to show you some of what's in gayle's head. kidding. this morning's headlines -- >> it's crowded in there. >> "the daily progress" in virginia reports on a youth basketball team disqualified for
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having a girl on the roster. johnson has played in this tournament before, but coaches said they didn't know if a policy change by the organizers. despite being disqualified, the team showed up to the game. they were supposed to play sunday. to silently protest, johnson's mother tweeted "we stand united in pink." reports that whole foods pulled asparagus water from store shelves. a shopper in los angeles spotted the item monday and posted a photo to instagram. she writes, quote, somewhere in l.a., whole foods executives are laughing at all of us. the price, $5.99. whole foods now says the product is gone. it was carried briefly at just one store in brentwood, california. that's what they said. >> some people say nice try. and "the new york times" reports on kellogg's going natural by the end of 2018. the company plans to stop using artificial colors and flavors in its cereals and snack bars. the world's biggest breakfast cereal maker is the latest in a string of american companies to
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make their products. healthier. a few names in movies bring the respect and acclaim of meryl streep. she has won three oscars and holds a record 19 nominations. that's nearly four decades, the scope of her acting ability still makes audiences believe. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: meryl streep earned her first oscar nomination for a role in the 1978 thriller "the deer hunter." it was just her second feature film. >> obviously, he's never going to come back and finish the job. >> all week to find someone through. it's not that easy. you try it. good evening. >> reporter: she appeared in a string of celebrated projects alongside some of the industry's biggest names. >> are you writing a book about our marriage? >> will you leave me alone? >> reporter: and she received her first oscar for her performance opposite dustin hoffman in "kramer versus kramer." >> ted, i'm leaving you. ted. keys. here are my keys.
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here's my american express card. here's my bloomingdale's credit card. here's my checkbook. i've taken $2,000 out of our savings account because that's what i had in the bank when we first got married. >> what is this, some kind of joke? >> reporter: three years later she took home the best actress oscar for her role in the tragic holocaust story "sophie's choice." perhaps what best defines streep's acting is her range. she can master foreign dialects. >> shoo! shoo! >> shoo? >> >> reporter: play the absurd. >> alex! you pushed me down the stairs. >> reporter: the demanding -- >> your incompetence do not interest me. >> reporter: real-life dignitaries. >> in the end, right will prevail over wrong. >> reporter: and yes, she can
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sing. in her latest role, streep plays a rock 'n' roll queen -- oh give me the beat boys and free my soul >> reporter: -- who after life on the road returns home to a family in trouble. >> hop in! >> meryl streep is in "ricki and the flash," and we're so pleased to have you here in studio 57. >> thank you. >> when you look at that, does one of those mean more to you than the others? >> when i just saw that one with all the hair going like this, i remembered something a critic said, best performance by a head of hair. but to, i don't -- i don't pick and choose among my children or the movies. >> how do you choose? >> how do you choose new things
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to do? >> yeah. >> well, this was a kind of a no-brainer, ricki and the flash, because the writing. i think i'm attracted by pungent writing, writing that isn't afraid of contradictions and mess. and this is about the mess of life. >> but the heart of it is a mother and daughter story played by montgomery, who happens to be your real-life daughter. it opens with a very powerful scene where she is pissed at you. and i wonder what it's like for you watching her have such rage. i know it's acting, i get that. but was there something jarring about that? >> i've seen her have -- i've seen it from the age of 3. it's a very weird thing. and i've thought about this, since we made the film, when i looked at her on set, i really saw julie. i really did. but that was part of -- partly because i didn't feel like meryl streep from new jersey, you know. i felt like ricki.
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i felt like ricki. i was so deep in, and i believed her. she gave me no -- you know, it's only actors who are weak or insecure or worried that show you their, you know, their anxiety about working with you. my daughter has no fear of meryl streep, like none. >> you changed her diapers so she knows you as mom. it is true that jonathan demme said he didn't want the two of you communicating? >> he told me he didn't want me to talk to mamie. i assume that was because he didn't want two directors on the film. you know, he wanted to do it himself. >> oh. >> to direct her. >> we've seen you sing in past movies, but we've never seen you play the guitar. how long did it take you to learn? >> well, i had never held an electric guitar, and so i guess
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i worked about six weeks with the electric guitar. and jonathan demme, our director, had told me -- he was lying all over the place. he told me it was three songs that i would have to learn. it's ten songs. >> yeah. there's a lot singing. >> i didn't know when you play the electric guitar, your fingers bleed. rick, look! oh, yeah, yeah. that's what you get. >> talk about ricki's look. because when you first looked at yourself in the mirror, she's got this goofy hairdo with the braids, thick, thick black eye makeup. when you first looked in the mirror, meryl, what did you think? >> i thought it looked hilarious. i just wanted it to be stuck in the '80s. you know, i really wanted her -- you know how people pick their thing, and then they don't switch it up as times change. >> mission accomplished. >> i felt that. i felt that. i felt that. >> she's stuck, yeah. >> why do you work so hard?
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>> hello, mr. pot, calling kettle black. you could ask him the same question, meryl streep. >> fun, isn't it? it's fun. >> exactly. yeah. >> and they're asking me. and each one feels like its own challenge, but it's also my -- i think probably deeply it's my therapy on some level. i mean, i don't have another outlet like that where i can go insane and think murderous thoughts and not be incarcerated for it. >> are there people you want to kill? >> my lips are sealed. but really, rick springfield said this about you. what was the hardest thing about work working? i'm sitting there going, oh, my god, i'm working with meryl streep. so when you walk on a set, people think of you as meryl streep, greatest actor for a generation, many people say. do you -- but i want to know how you handle that. do you think i've got to make people feel comfortable? or just be you?
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>> or i've got to live up to it? >> i'm aware of it. it is a thing you feel in the room. it's, like -- i can't even think of what the metaphor is. i so put it away from me because it's so not valuable in what i do. what i do requires keeping my pores open to the world. i can't handle the label that has been put on me, which is everybody in my business knows not true. but there are so many people -- >> no, everybody in the business knows it's true. they do. >> there are people who are incredibly talented and that do things that i can't do. and that's true. every year i see performances and i think, ooh, i couldn't do that. >> okay, so let's take acting off the table of things that you can't do. give me something that you can't do. can you parallel park? >> oh, yeah. >> so what is it something meryl's -- >> i'm going to be really mad when they have the self-drive
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cars because i take enormous pride in one move, one move. you know what i mean? not this and then this and in, in, in, in. >> is there anything you really want to do that you haven't done? is there a role that you think, my god, if i could do -- fashion a role, this is what it would be for me or a classic? >> i never think about things that way because each individual woman that i've met on the pages of the scripts that come is so -- each one is her own person. there's so many people that are interesting in the world whose lives have been -- you cover them every day. whose lives are incredible. >> from ricki to maggie. >> yeah. yeah. >> people love seeing you on the screen. we are all excited. we did a field trip to go see the movie. >> oh, cool. >> we wanted to see meryl on the big screen as a rock star. you're so accomplished. >> thank you. thanks a lot. >> beautifully done. >> the name of the movie is "ricki and the flash." >> and it opens on friday. all right. some restaurants let you pick your seafood right out of the tank.
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seth doane takes a look. >> reporter: you've heard of farm to table, but maybe not tank to table. well, come along to tokyo is the saying here coming up on "cbs
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you've heard about it, farm-to-table dining is soaring if popularity, but a tokyo restaurant is using a fresher approach when it comes to fish. sea to table. seth doane shows us how customers are picking up more than the tab. >> reporter: we've all been to plenty of fish restaurants. let's enjoy fishing. but how about a fishing restaurant? well, welcome to zauo in tokyo's trendy shibuya neighborhood where the catch of the day is up to you. these are the fish here. it looks like pretty decent odds. tanks are stocked with mackerel, flounder swimming around with no idea how close they are to a kitchen. fishing is encouraged. there's a discount if you catch your own. 8-year-old takao fished on behalf of his mom, yuki, who was happy to wait at the table. what did you think when you walkedwalk
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ed in? >> oh, it's entertainment, kind of like disney. >> reporter: kind of like disney. fish is central to the diet on this island ation. as we've seen at bustling market with its astounding selections. here buying fish borders on the exotic. with so many different types of fish available, one way to stand out is to not simply serve it. for 15-year-old jennifer trohan there from california, menus can be so predictable. >> eel, tuna, starfish. i'm going to catch that starfish. >> reporter: in her case, catching it involved a fair amount of squealing which prompted a question to manager junichi. you have all these hooks flying around the restaurant.
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is this ever dangerous? "we ask our paytrons to not wave the fishing rods around. just use a gentle dipping motion to snag the fish." tokyo, a city of 13 million, boasts options. and establishments are not above a gimmick to lure customers. we visited cat cafes which cater to feline lovers who pay to pet by the hour. we've even taken goats for a stroll at a goat cafe for goat enthusiasts. still, fishing was a first. and evidently made for beginners. i caught that fish in -- it might not have even been a full minute. it might have been 30 seconds. how is my catch? does this look good? >> maybe a little small. >> reporter: not a good fish? let's not dwell on that. not for the faint of heart. i watched as my catch became
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sashimi, but it was delicious. the restaurant is planning a new york city location next. what did you think? when we checked jennifer, an interview wasn't exactly necessary. you'd better jump in there and get some. >> probably, yeah. >> reporter: go right ahead. >> gimme. >> reporter: the feeding frenzy had moved from the tank to the table. for "cbs this morning," seth doane, tokyo. >> you guys like? >> i like it. i think it's a great idea. yeah. i've done that here in the united states. you catch a fish off the nantucket sound and go home and make fish tacos. >> i don't want to eat my food. i don't want to meet my food before i eat it. i don't. i just don't. it's amazing you two are very much in sync on many things. gayle, there's something we want to tell you. >> yep, i want that interview. coffee lovers in britain are seeing red this morning. charlie's, like, what just happened? meet the small business owner. she was implying that there was something between the two of
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you, but everybody knows charlie's mine. back off, norah. >> lenny kravitz is all mine! >> you could say phoning it in. that's next on "cbs this morning." gotta go! in brooklyn in 1907, four courageous ladies saw the despair of the poor, old, and sick and founded what would become mjhs. today mjhs provides quality home care, rehabilitation and skilled nursing, and advanced hospice and palliative care
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for adults and children, but the values of the brooklyn ladies still guide us. mjhs. caring every minute, every day.
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some of britain's iconic red telephone booths are getting a new lease on life you could say. this morning jack created one of the country's smallest coffee shops just like in the u.s., most people aren't using the booths for calls anymore, so jake opened his shop on monday. he tells "cbs this morning" that making the most out of the small space might even be more work than a full-size cafe. >> there you go. >> creative. creative. >> good for him. >> that does it for us. be sure to tune into the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" tonight. and watch our 24-hour digital news thetnetwork, cbsn, and i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life.
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good morning. 8:55 on this wednesday, august 5th. i'm mary calvi. breaking news out of fort lee, new jersey. a crane toppled causing a water main break. we will have more at noon with our crew on the way. mayor de blasio will unvail his plans to deal with the homeless today, on the heels of commissioner bratton sounding the alarm on a synthetic drug favored by the population that he calls weaponized marijuana. the drug is known as k2 or spice. the video shows him blocking the school safety vehicle in brooklyn. this suspect was caught on surveillance camera after burglarizing five homes in the
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last 6 months, stealing money, jewelry, and electronics. anyone with information should call crime stoppers. several thousand customers in the dark on long island. crews worked overnight, clearing the countless trees that fell, but they still have a ways to go. officials hope to have everyone back online by midnight tonight. let's go to john. >> the good news for the homeowners, relatively quiet today and tomorrow, and the forecast is cooling down into the weekend. 75 is the reading at the park. northwest wind later today, and 60s north and west and look at that. 65. here's the northwest wind, and more sun than clouds, and the stray shower is possible north and west, possible for your thursday, and then watch the system, the big organized low, but it looks like it's sliding to the south.
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numbers are going to be cooler, we will see rain possible on friday with more clouds overhead. mary? >> john, thank you. our next newscast is at noon. we are always on at i'm mary calvi. have a great day. school starts tomorrow, and they're not ready. with staples they'll be 110% ready. notebook, folders, glue sticks. 25 , 15 , 50 . aw, now i'm not sure if i'm ready for them to go back.
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