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tv   CBS 2 News at 630  CBS  August 2, 2015 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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congressional. no first time pga tour winner in this tournament's history. an event, as you saw, where the veterans tend to do well. tiger joined us earlier in the tower. shot 68 today. a very good start to his round but ran into some trouble on the second nine and really just battled it home. so three good days for tiger and one very challenging day yesterday. nick: yeah, yesterday was a test day. the first time he'd played close to the lead for a while so i think that's what we'll -- he'll take away from the week was how he handled saturday. bill: here's rickie. finish with a flurry and he does!
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nick: just to put a little bit of pressure. bill: so the lead is two. rickie shoots 69. he was five under in his last four holes of regulation to get into the playoff at the players. birdied three of the last four to win the scottish open the week before the open championship. talked about husband ryder cup run. nick: but five bogeys today. he wasn't expecting that. go out thinking of making birdies. pretty impressive. makes troy merritt's just -- might be sweeter if he has the nervous to stand up and swing it nicely to the middle of the
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green. ian: 194 yards. scott has given him 6 and he hits his middle irons a long way. nick: well, he can forget the flag and just try and land it in that front section. get it over the ridge. get it in the back section and that's job done. david: he drives that one in low. it's a little left. nick: it's all right. it's going to hop up. david: that's a great effort. really a great shot. bill: didn't change his strategy much. went right at it, although he came up short. two-shot cushion. nick: the two-shot cushion is really important because i would not like to be two-putting that one for the win.
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he's got two putts for the win. >> yeah, on that camera guy there. feel the breeze? yeah? bill: kevin chappell. david: just 142 yards left. 9-iron. nick: not enjoying himself on the last few holes. bill: it's been a tough day. again, the lineup tonight on cbs -- "60 minutes" and a look at how our country is preparing for space battle. followed by a new "big brother," "madam secretary," and "csi: cyber." tonight, only cbs.
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a tip of the cat from troy merritt. set the course record with 61 yesterday and held it together with a final round here on sunday. nice round of applause. so he'll play in a major for the first time. pga championship in two weeks. and he'll make the drive down magnolia lane as a contestant at the masters for the first time next april. nick: very impressive to be leading at the start of the final day and he'll more than likely get him to three under and be the best for the day. four under. out of the top two pages, he's outplayed everybody for the one, which is even more credit. bill: if he goes on to win, here's a look at the fedexcup point stand. troy will move to 38th and
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jordan spieth with a big lead over bubba watson. jimmy walker was here this week and played well early but faded yesterday. jason day the winner last week and then dustin johnson at number five. bill: obviously for troy merritt yesterday was such a key. started at 35. the 35th spot then shot that 11 and went all the way to the top of the leaderboard. he had the best round of the day by three shots. nick: yeah. one correction on my part. carlos ortiz shot five under today but as i was saying, considering you're leading and you're shooting three under,
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better than all the guys chasing you. bill: kevin chappell trying to end with a birdie on a really tough day. bill: just going to finish -- nick: just going to finish, get out of troy's way. bill: well, just didn't have it today. 77 for kevin. and the stage belongs to troy merritt. nick: he's fortunate, he's far you have you have -- far enough up that ridge he doesn't have to deal with all of it so just cozy
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this one over and down. bill: he'd love to win it with a birdie. oh! with an exclamation point. and he has been brilliant this weekend. 61 and 67 and troy merritt is a winner on the pga tour. another look, nick.
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nick: it's fabulous, isn't it? whatever that little alignment change he made on friday night, write that one down. remember that one. boy, did that work for the weekend. bill: troy merritt is our champion and he's down with david feherty. david: thank you, billy. a lot of young men might have folded over that finishing stretch. you have to be incredibly proud of that. troy: when i told you coming october. the nerves aren't quite there but nonetheless hit really solid shots coming in. battled to the end and hats off to rickie for finishing strong. he's a great competitor, great player and i'm just happy i came out on top this time. david: congratulations on your first. first of many. we'll see new akron. well done. bill: memorable week for troy merritt, finishing with a birdie. a three-shot victory in the
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quicken loans national. tiger woods played earlier today and finished with 68. here's the lineup tonight on cbs -- for our entire cbs golf team, thanks for being with us and so long from the robert trent jones golf club in prince william county, virginia, and the quicken loans national. [captioning funded by cbs sports division]
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you were elected to be mayor of the city. step up and do your job. >> frustrated with the violence.
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more than three dozen people shot in just three days. see what happens when we asked the mayor to respond. good evening, i'm diane macedo, in for cindy hsu. the buroughs were littered with the sound of gunfire this weekend include in brooklyn where the shooting wounded nine people this morning align. police released video of the shooting. the suspect opened fire and then people run away. cbs 2 and community activists tonight are demanding answers from city hall about this violent weekend. cbs 2 matt kozar is live in east flatbush with reaction. matt? >> well, diane, nearly a dozen people shot at a house party behind me. a 25-year-old man was shot and killed while he was walking outside the glennwood houses. the city. >> a fight at a house party in people getting shot. >> people started screaming. >> and it happened early this morning on stanley avenue. all of the victims survived.
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>> it just sounded like a ruckus, like everybody was trying to get out of there. it was crazy. >> that shooting is part of a violent summer weekend citywide with at least 36 shooting victims. three were killed. local leaders say they are experiencing more gun violence in their communities. and say the mayor seems apathetic to their concerns. >> where is our mayor? why are you not out here denouncing what is going on in our community? >> there is a crisis of gun violence. and the resources must be man power as well as financial resources. and right now, that does not seem to exist. >> during the ecuadorian parade in queens today -- >> we asked the mayor twice for comment on this weekend's violence. but his aides pushed us away. >> what do you have to say about all the students. >> no question, no questions. >> at a rally at the glennwood houses in east flatbush the mother of a man shot this weekend says the shootings need to stop.
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>> what is driving me is my anger for justice for my son. i want these people caught. i want to stand up in front of a judge. and i want to look that person in the face. >> reporter: in an interview recorded before this weekend's violence, police commissioner bill bratton sat on the john katz round table radio show, there is no reason to be alarmed. >> the city is doing very good. the crime numbers looking good overrule. we have had overrule decrease in 5 to 6% in crime. -- an overall decrease in 5 to 6% in crime. >> we reached out to city hall and the mayor's press secretary sent this statement. the mayor takes very seriously each incident and has directed nypd to beef up its prens in these areas. the press secretary also adds that overrule crime is going down. and says that more officers have been deployed to high crime areas, as part of operation summer all out. reporting live in east flatbush, brooklyn, matt kozar, cbs 2 news. >> thanks. >> we have new information on
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that emergency that sent lifeguards and coast guard members scrambling to long beach, on long island. one swimmer was rescued but his friend has died. cbs 2 valerie castro is live in long beach with more on this danger in the water. valerie? >> diane, today, that victim was identified as 23-year-old keyshawn carlos of brooklyn. the lifeguard patrol here on long beach says this weekend was especially busy and the water was much more dangerous than usual. lifeguards searched the crashing waves on long beach saturday. after a report that two men had been sucked out by a rip current after 6:30 in the evening. the u.s. coast guard was also deployed, and searched the rough and choppy water from their boat. the long beach fire department sent out a jet ski to look for the men. one man was eventually pulled to shore and treated with the oxygen mask. his friend juan carlos from brooklyn, was recovered 45 the water.
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the chief of long beach patrol says even experienced swimmers make the mistake of swimming where the currents are the strongest. >> that's the mistake that people do, they make. they swim around the jetties and get sucked out. and step in a hole and the next thing you know they're out and try to swim against it. and if you swim against a rip current and a nonexperienced swimmer, they usually panic and that's when they go down. >> if you do get caught in a rip current, the chief wants to remind you to swim parallel to the shore and try not to panic if you get further away from land. he also reminds people, do not go in the water when lifeguards are not on duty. reporting live in long beach, long island. valerie castro, cbs 2 news. >> thanks, valerie. now to a developing story. memphis police have a person of interest in custody in connection with the death of one of their own. 33-year-old officer shawn bolten was killed during a traffic stop last night. police say bolten, a former marine, who served in iraq was shot multiple times.
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the third police officer to be shot and killed in four years. >> to everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, economic status, what profession that person hold, all lives matter. >> the person in custody has not been charged. a second american doctor is accused of poaching a doctor in the same area where cecil the lion was killed. an oncologist from murraysville pennsylvania shot the unnamed lion with a bow and arrow near zimbabwe national park and the hunt was not allowed in that area and he did not have approval. the government wants to extradite minnesota dentist walter palmer for killing cecil. he says he relied on his local guide to make sure his hunt was legal. american pharoah raced today. and he did not disappoint. the thoroughbred won the haskell invitational by three lengths delighting thousands of fans who came out to see him.
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mark morgan has more from ocean port. >> absolutely historical. a once in a lifetime feat. and it just feels great to be here. >> reporter: tens of thousands of horse racing fans flocked to witness history. and their colorful attire reflected the magnitude of the event. as the first triple crown winner in 37 years, american pharoah, raced on new jersey soil. >> we got here at 6:30 this morning. stood in line. and we got front row seats. >> you couldn't be any closer. are you almost on the track. >> that would be nice. that would be nice. >> this has got to be the biggest event new jersey has ever seen in terms of sports. i can't think of one other event that is as big as this the super bowl. but it has been outstanding. >> new jersey transit provided extra train service to accommodate the surging crowds. >> it was fine. it was perfect. running about four minutes or so late. it was fine. no problem getting a seat. >> american pharoah fever well. this special day.
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>> that is the big main attraction. that's what everybody here, everybody is coming to see him. it is one of those things that you can say you saw him race. pennsylvania. i saw him at the belmont and i come to the haskell every year and it is more exciting with >> the immediate plans for the air. but the ultimate goal is to race in the prestigious breeder's cup in lexington kentucky at the end of october. and then it is off to stud for one of the greatest thoroughbreds in history. in ocean port, new jersey, mark morgan, cbs 2 news. still ahead, a woman pleas for help, her dog stolen in just a few seconds and the camera. we will show you how happened. >> is the ice bucket challenge making a comeback? hundreds of people got soaked in westchester county today. now they want you to follow in elise? >> lucky for them and lucky for out. it is a beautiful summer to finish. several chances of rain in the
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senator paul schumer is calling for higher safety standards for stretch limos just two weeks after that deadly crash on long island. four women died in the suffolk county crash when a pick-up truck rammed their limo. schumer says sometimes limo companies remove exits and add seats without side impact air bags. >> little by little, with every inch they are stretched, they become more and more a death trap. >> now it is not known if those issues played any role in last month's crash but senator shume ser asking federal agencies to begin testing stretch limos and after-market buses. police in new jersey are looking for a woman who stole a small dog right from the owner's driveway. video from a surveillance
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camera clearly shows her walking up that driveway on stanley place off of first place in hackensack on saturday. the woman first tries to call the dog, a pomeranian named diamond but diamond doesn't move and she walks over and picks up the dog and casually walks away. the owner andrea whitebog says she was heart broken when she realized diamond was missing and shocked when she saw what happened. >> i just want her to bring diamondback. we love her. we have grown so attached to her. we just want to you bring her back. >> reporter: this is a picture of diamond. hackensack police have also looked at that surveillance video to take a look at the suspect and the car that she left in. coming up next, elise finch has all of the details on your
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people in weavers -- westchester county are trying to bring back the craze that swept social media last summer and raised millions of dollars for als research. hundred disthe ice bucket challenge today at the younkers raceway led by pat quinn, a younkers native with als and one of originators of the challenge. it raised more than $100 year. and elise finch is here with your weather forecast. elise, a beautiful day for the >> it was. challenge. but i think the water, it has to be great weather for you to really sort of appreciate it. and that, we had today for sure. in fact all weekend we had it. and a live look outside and we have for this evening. absolutely gorgeous out there. mostly sunny skies. and 83 degrees. and the winds right now, out of the south, 10 miles an hour. and so as we take a look at the high temperature, 89 degrees, that's how warm it got.
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and 5 degrees above the average that we consider normal. the record of 100. and it remains safe. we set that back in 1955. clearly, we were not challenging any records today. our morning low, 71 degrees. take a look at the vortex satellite and radar. not a lot to talk about. higher pressure dominating. things are nice and dry for us. warm and dry, a good combination on the weekend for sure. here is what we v the higher pressure dominating, and making for a beautiful day today. and it is a nice night tonight. moon lit skies, as the temperatures remain mild and conditions remain dry. as we head into the day up. it is a hot and humid start to your workweek. we have at least a slight chance of isolated showers or a pop-up thunderstorm. that chance remains with us through tuesday. we will watch a cold front that will push across the area and not only will things remain a little warm and humid but we will have a chance for a few that's not all. there is a chance for additional shower activity later in the week.
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here is the seven-day forecast. a hot start to the workweek. 91 degrees. we start to cool down for tuesday. not by much. but 85 and sunny on wednesday. with less humid conditions. and temperatures in the low 80s thursday through sunday but a chance for showers and thunderstorms. >> some people will welcome those lower temperatures, i think. elise, thank you very much. that does it for cbs 2 news at 6:30. for the entire cbs 2 news team, thanks for joining us. we will be back again tonight at 11:00.
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