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tv   NBC10 News at 5pm  NBC  March 6, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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ref a neighborhood by neighborhood forecast. we start with tammie souza, who is track the the storm's path. glue we are going to be heavy wet snow deposited on everything. here's the timing of everything. early tomorrow morning, we'll see a steadier snow you could
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have several inching, while we'll see rain and a mixing out toward the shore. that line is right along the corridor. when it finally changes we'll see very steady snow, and that will mix into south jersey. then for tomorrow night it winds down. some places could have nearly a food of snow on the ground.
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new at 5:00, we are leave in lafayette hills. people say they are taking this storm seriously and are getting ready. >> reporter: some people in this area still struggling without power or trying to build up what they lost. >> i have nothing else to eat because i didn't stock up for the first one. it seems like everybody is preparing more. >> you have have a great today, ma'am. >> reporter: it could be a couple things or enough to fill the whole kitchen. >> i'm getting some food for tonight, and then this way i'll have it for tomorrow and hopefully beat the heavy accumulation. >> reporter: people are not taking any chances. >> everybody is stocking up.
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>> oh, my god, yes, like it's going to snow ten feet. >> reporter: a day-long power failure called the dare counter coolers to shut down. by afternoon it's all fixed, so workers are loading them back up. because in a storm or before it, folks are typically looking for all the same stuff. >> i just need like eggs, stuff you can cook and run out, and bread, stuff like that. >> reporter: and many people here not just buying groceries for themselves, but i see one cart loaded up with pet food. make sure you don't run out that as well. also a state of emergency was just issued in pennsylvania. thank for that. i-95 in south philadelphia, this storm will have a major impact on the roads, especially for your community home. >> steve joins us now with your
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focused neighborhood by neighborhood forecast. steve? >> yes, keith. the thabds that are most impacted are the suburbs with the wet snow. >> we'll pinpoint where it's occurs. these are the areas that were significantly impacted on friday afternoon. we're expecting another upwards are nearly 10 inches of snow. the time period is tomorrow morning through tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening in the suburbs by stark contrast and continues as rain for most of the day tomorrow. it will be a wind-soaked rain of wind gusts of -- and at the tail end of the storm, the could
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book, we may see a brief burst of snow. that's what would give you any accumulation. so let's break it down for our shore communities. look down at southern delaware, not expecting much accumulation at all. road conditions, the showers will slowly arrive here, yore night you're looking at a wind-swept rain developing. in the morning it's a heavy rain event as well. the only time period i would expect this to change over would be wednesday afternoon and wednesday and then by wednesday night, we're looking at conditions already improving down at the jersey shore. so the main event here will be rain and wind. coming up in the next half hour, i will break down the lehigh valley and also south jersey, as we continue to roll through the
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neighborhoods as this nor'easter will impact us. a huge concern now, beating the clock. friday's storm knocked out power, and now the lessons lind. cydney has what people are taking away from the last nasty nor'easter. >> reporter: the rom nantz of the damage, if you will, are pretty much everywhere you look. some of the issues that came front and center friday we haven't had to deal with for quite some time. >> fast and fewerius. the powerful wrath came on quick. it caused massive traffic jams. >> i had run out of gas due to my neglect, but not an emergency situation like snow. >> reporter: with wednesday's storm looming, it could happen. aaa warns that no one strands to be stranded. that's why some are lining up
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for gas now. >> always be prepared. i'm going to fill my car up so that i won't have to worry about it. >> if it's flashing red, clearly you're supposed to stop. >> reporter: to clear up what usual do if the signals go completely dark. police say accidents at intersections were a human problem. simply put, slow down and approach every intersection as if it's a stop sign. >> or make a right-hand turn and go around the block rather than trying to go through an intersection. >> the n l.e.d. bulbs get snow-covered. >> they don't generate heat. >> so they won't melt. >> we had friends sleep at our house sunday night, the oscars night. >> ellen's power stayed on, but she had trees -- it fell in the middle and smashed our car.
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i'm really sick of winter. i liwish i lived in florida, bu my husband won't let me. >> make sure you're packing an extra jacket, some snacks, hat and gloves, a first-aid kit in your car while you can still do that tonight before the snow is falling, and just to have common sentence, things like charging your cell phone. moving to hard-hit delaware county, residents still without power, have to wait and wonder what a second storm will in and out bring. today pennsylvania state forestry rangers helped clear trees and downed power lines in norwood, make it easier for crews to do their job. some neighborhoods were without heat or lights for five days. the lucky ones are getting help from portable generators. >> it's frustrating, but i'm used to camping. it's just like going camping. otherwise the line guys will be
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working through the storm. right now about 20,000 people are still without power. a jersey are peco customers. if you're still without wifi, comcast has opened hot spots for anyone who needs them, even for those not xfinity internet subscribers. open the nbc 10 app for information on how to access the hot spots. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. stay ahead of the storm with our free app. you can track the hour by hour precipitation, access or live radar, and watch the real-time traffic map. in the last hour, a philadelphia man was sentenced to life in prison for killing a transgender woman. he was convicted of first-degree murder for killing diamond williams back in july 2013. the police say he had a relationship with williams and he killed her after he found out she was a transgender woman.
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after he killed her he dumped parts of her body in a vacant lot in strawberry mansion. and police need your help identifying a man who sexually assaulted a woman, as well as his accomplice. the woman was on her way to work. police released this video of the attack,r. you can see the two walking towards each other. he grabbed her and pulled her around the corner. >> right as they passed each other, he doubles back, put her in a headlock, and the assault was brutal in nature. he immediately starts striking her, things like that, and there was a sexual assault. and it's very much a cause for concern. >> police say you can see the second suspect there. the captain says he appeared to act as a lookout. philadelphia police have a new piece of video to help solve another sex assault. this man is wanted for attacking
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a woman in kensington. see if you recognize him or maybe what he's wearing. police say in july of 2016 he grabbed a woman and choked her until she passed out. she woke up naked along jasper street. the three people vaiing to be governor took place in a debate today. they answered tough questions this afternoon. ellsworth and mango are from the pittsburgh area. she's an attorney he's a businessman. wagner is a state senator and also the owner of a waste company in york county. they talked about the importance of new businesses, education and jobs in the state. >> i see pipelines delivering that energy for families and businesses. i see downstream businesses that will attract new business and allow existing business to grow. >> we have to consult vail the clusters of businesses where we can be globally competitive.
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>> we have a skilled labor crisis. we need to retool and reinvent or education system so we can fill those jobs. >> it was not much mention of governor tom wolfe, the democrat that one of these candidates will take on in the fall. happening tonight, temple university will hold a town hall meeting to discuss the proposed new football stadium. the universe wants to build a flu 35,000-seat stadium on the campus at 16th and north streets. however, people who live near there, the naacp and black clergy of the community oppose that. talk about winter whiplash. another storm is heading our way right now. >> all-new video tonight at 5:00. we'll look at the mess this storm already made in the midwest. friday's storm caught many off-guard, and now theft a detailed plan to deal with
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tomorrow's snow. all of those details in a live report, and the new accuser, the latest athlete to come forward and say they too were abused by a former usa gymnastics doctor.
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i was out in it, and it was
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something else. >> deja vu. people in center city are recovering from the last wave of winter. within the last hour, the city of philadelphia announced a snow emergency. it's going into effect at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. mitch blocker w ee ee eer - blatche -- blacher was there. >> reporter: the headline is essentially they were being as proactive as they possibly can. you'll remember those -- so the city has declared a snow emergency starting tomorrow. it would act raid the center, that helps the entire city from the streets depend to the parks department, all bert coordinate.
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more than 400 pieces of equipment. city offices, as well as city of philadelphia schools will be closed tomorrow. today septa has also announced it will run a saturday schedule. here is a little bit of what the mayor and septa had to say. >> it may be hard to believe, but spring is fast approaching, and everybody just stay warm. >> septa is taking a proactive approach to try to minimize the impact on our riders. we'll have additional personnel, and out in the field to monitor conditions at our bus dao pos. extra care -- >> please by patient, please keep walkways clear and avoid shoveling snow into the street. the market frankfurt and broad street lines will operate for --
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the regional rail will be on a weekend schedule, which is very typical that we see during one of these winter weather events. to see significant delays because of the westerly. at the end of the day you'll have to be patient. i'm mitch blacher, nbc 10 news. >> not too early for you to prepare at home schools are closed, thousands of commuter have a tough time making it through the snow. a lot of white knuckle drive. less than 100 feet. >> parts of north dakota, blizzard warnings were in effect under noon today. wind gusts as high as 40 miles per hour, causing whiteout conditions. people are being advised not to travel. and snowfall is tapering off in southern wisconsin, but digging out is still well under
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way. shovels were out early this morning in sun prairie. not a lot of snow, but it was the heavy wet snow we've been talking about. center city should start seeing some snow come morning. nbc 10's first alert meteorologist tammy sousa joins us. >> a lot of people are saying not again, but they say life isn't fair. by thursday tort start to melt away. we need to be prepared. and that's the key to this whole thing. here's what to expect for tomorrow. we're basically going to be looking at temperatures that are going to be somewhere probably above freezing, as this whole event gets under way tomorrow we're going to see heavy wet snow piling up.
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this had happen in the afternoon, as that snow accumulates on weakened trees and branching half snapped, we are going to see some power lines down. this is not going to be avoidable. there could by more power outages, and it frankly will be dangerous to commute. now, look at what's going on. we started below freezing, but we made it all the way up into the upper 40s. 4 was the official high in philadelphia. so look at the 48 in allentown, the 42 in atlantic city. pottstown at 45, reading at 46. this does not support snow. we'll see it begin august rain
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showers. even though you see snow in williamsport, a lot of this is not hitting the ground unless you see the darker bands of green. we're not seeing it hit the ground yet. it's starting to make its way through the atmosphere. it's evaporating. we sent storm ranger out, because it's -- and some of the moisture aloft. it's a bit of a mix into lancaster county. the temperatures are still too watch. you can see snow making its way, and the cold air is wrapping around the system, and wisconsin, and the main body is making its way up the coast. the rain showers are -- we could see a mix, and the lehigh
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valley. if you're in pottstown, read yegg doyletown you may be able to so, but if you're in cape may, atlantic city, you'll by looking at rain with a mix. by 9:00 in the morning, that snow line starts to move look at these numbers are we're down to freezing. not in south jersey, but we do get a burst, and you could see a quick snow showers alongside the jersey shore. we are expecting to see them across much of the rest of the area. by 9:30, 10:00 tomorrow night, the system has made it's way out of here. star snow totals, nothing out into parts of philadelphia, the airport could see two inches you could easily see 6 inches. and lehigh valley, 7 to 12
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inches, steve will be along in a couple minutes. guys? bracing for impact. still digging out. another round of wicked weather. and another accuser says -- and some of the beth athletes in the world.
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the nation's capital president trump won't back down on his plan to place tariffs on steel and aluminum in ports, even as members of his own party press him to narrow that plan. during a white house news conference with the prime minister of sweden, the president complained that the european union hasn't treated the u.s. well over trade. top republicans said earlier they were concerned over tariffing and urged their president to use caution, but mr. trump insisted he would move forward to the tariffs and said he wasn't particularly concerned about a possible trade war. >> the first male gymnast is now opening up about the sexual abuse he says he suffered under former gymnastics doctor larry nassar. jacob moore said he was 16 when the doctor treated him for a shoulder injury. at one point moore said he used
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acupuncture needles on his pubic area. he said he wanted to tell hess story, hoping to inspired other male victims to come forward. >> if i can help end the stigma that guys can't be sexually abused, you know, and take that angle, then that's a victory for me. >> is now sues natser is a civil suit. he's expected to spend the rest of his life in prison. he stands accused of assaulting hundreds more. >> another major winter storm is moving into you're area. all new at 5:45, we'll tell you what is closed and what's running on a storm schedule. the shovels here have been restocked at a local hardware store. coming up, how people are preparing for the winter storm. sfloo
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. in just a matter of hours, snow will start to fall in our region. take a look at the radar. another round of wicket weather is barreling our way. the time to prepare is now. nbc 10 is helping you get ready for it. you can count on us for a live
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team coverage of this storm. our reporters are checking in on preparations across the hour as our team breaks down your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast. >> we start now with tammie souza. you've been telling you about this storm for days. we saw this before the last one even hit. heart to believe it's taken a very similar path, but every storm is unique. and move right on up the east coast. right now it's in two parts that need to come together right off our coastline. tonight we'll see light snow showers north, all of you in the upper pennsylvania suburb. and late tonight, rain showers for the rest of us. that will be the -- philadelphia into south jersey, and kind of sporadic. and standing snow to the north. you could easily have several
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inches of snow on the ground if you're up in places like pottstown, reading, perhaps even doylestown. we'll see a mix of rain and snow along that corridor into northern delaware. we're still in a mix. in the afternoon, we're going to see it turn over very quickly, and it will come down very -- that mix line will drops right on in. maybe five, six, seven hours, and then late tomorrow night we'll start to see lighter snow move in. this is what we're dealing with. light rain showers that are starting to make their way into the area, some snow trying to develop, and you can see lehigh, allentown, we are looking at in light showers.
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the one to the south and the one coming in from the west. steve will be here in a couple minutes to break down the totals for all of you in the lehigh valley and burks county. that's where we're expecting to see the higher numbers. cleanup from the last extort hasn't even wrapped up yet. people are trying to balance repairing and preparing. >> reporter: others were making sure they were well armed to take on whatever mother nature drops on them this time around. >> i'm definitely not feeling it. we just lost electricity almost four days. it just came back last night. i'm not looking forward to the possibility of losing it again. >> reporter: she had a list of things to -- our snow blower tires were flat, so i go inner
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tubes to make sure we don't have to shovel it all. >> reporter: employees were snapping the shovels together as fast as we could. >> i just had to put more together, and i'm sure there will be more later today. >> reporter: outside a sunny and mild today, customers loading up bag after bag of rock salt. >> and new shovels. and some gas for the snow blower. i haven't used it yet this year. >> reporter: the lehigh valley is expected close to a foot of snow. maybe he's the only one looking forward to it. >> getting the toys ready to play. >> a live look at allentown. the area is expected to get slammed with snow. >> steve is breaking down your forecast neighborhood by neighborhood. there's a lot of snow expected there too, steve. >> that's right. we have degrees of confidence
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for each neighborhood. we have a very highly confidence forecast here. that's because you're far enough away from the mixing zone. you should remain mainly snow here. let's time it out. there's a light mix arriving through burks county. by 9:00, it may be flipping over to snow in areas like, let's say exeter and cooks town, and that spreads north and east into areas lie easton and hellertown and over to allentown. so that means the morning commute tomorrow is all. so all day you are dealing with it. that's why you will have the greatest totals, and we don't have to worry about the mixing issue going on, which means your totals will be upwards close to a foot of snow in many of those areas without any rain or sleet mixing in. so this evening, a light mix,
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travel shouldn't be too bad there, but overnight tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, even into tomorrow evening, terms treacherous travel with snow-covered roads. on the opposite ed, south jersey we have lower confidence in your forecast, because the rain/snow mix scenario will be unfolding here. how much are we expecting? anywhere from 2 to 6 inches, and the worst travel wednesday afternoon. we'll be back with another update here in just a little bit. new jersey is ready to weather the snow. the governor says road crews have plenty of salt. they have begin pretreating some of the roadways. the governor is urging you to stay home if you don't need to be out. >> please do not venture out onto the roads during the storm. we ask you to stay home so road crews, whether they be state, county or local, can attend to their duties. our goal is to have our major
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highways passable for emergency vehicles first and foremost, and capable of fully reopening for commuters once the storm has passed. stay ahead of the storm with our free app. you can check out the interacting radar that goes all the way down to your street. if you have to drive during the storm, keep an eye on the real-time traffic map. breaking news in penns landon, this is live right now. it is partially closed at race street. this is from the delaware river, we're told. it's over the road right there. but stars still driving through the water. law enforcement police are on the scene, and a bit of a backup. we'll keep you posted on this and let you know of any more information as soon as we get it. on day two of a hearing ahead of bill cosby's real
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trial, the comedian's lawyers are pushing to tell your the details of a financial settlement with the woman he is charged with molesting. the details were kept out of the first trial, which ended in a hung jury. cosby's lawyers want to make the settlement a main focal point of the retail. he's accused of drugging and molesting a former employees back in 2004. new at 5:00, take a look at this. one person was hurt after a train in western pennsylvania crashed right into a truck carrying hydrochloric acid. this happened about two hours north of pittsburgh. the dangerous acid went all over the tracks which crews say they might have to replace. 15 people nearby had to be evacuated. here are the headlines county by county. the auditor general is calling to question some of the
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questionable spending. an audit found $140,000 in undocumented and unauthorized purchases, including golf outings, trips to the mall and personal withdrawals. in 2015, a similar investigation revealed 90,000 in wrongful spending. in north hampton county, a new program inspired by a state trooper who saved his own leif, will train people to dress wounds and use a tourniquet just like he used. kelly uses the tourniquet after the bull et head an artery in his leg. doctors say it may have saved had is life. and atlantic city police department has a brand-new canine officer thanks to help xr a local me tito's vodka and wonder bardot nated money for every touchdown the eagles scored.
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in the end they had more than $7,000 to put toward the new canine officer. good for them. good for the birds, too. >> love to see that. a winter storm is set to make a mess of wednesday. >> the storm is already tripping up transportation. what you need to know to get to work on time. plus a top spot a state lands on the list of best states for working women.
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead.
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oh, there's no way to escape it. round 2 is on its way. take a look at the radar. another major winter storm is heading towards our area. your forecast is coming up in just a few minutes. you've got to prepare now. new at acdelaware is among the top states in the country for working women, according to a new study from wallethub. hawaii, others, california, maine and montana have the lowest. researchers look at social and economic well-being as well as -- you still have a chance to grab an autograph from martha stewart. she's signing copies of her new book. she'll be here until 7:00. do you drive to work or the train perhaps?
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the major winter storm is set to snarl traffic. how it's already impacting public transportation. this is the calm before the storm. you can see the clouds have moved in. the snow is not farther behind. the question is how much will you be shoveling? the answer is, probably not. we'll break it down neighborhood by neighborhood.
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the latest round of winter weather is set to snarl traffic and delay transportation across our area. we are helping you prepare for the storm before it hits. >> that includes how you get to and from work and school. we have more on how this winter weather is already impacting the transportation.
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>> just about every mode of public transportation has some sort of contingency plan in place for the coming storm. a live look at 30th street station. am track says to expect schedule modifications throughout the day on trains traveling between washington and boston tomorrow. septa's regional rail will operate on a saturday schedule. a live look at the airport, they wait for the snow to start falling before treating the runways. if they pretreat, the rain what just wash away the materials. you likely have heard of stories of those who got caught in this a few days. if you have no choice but to be on the roads tomorrow, we want to talk about what you can do to protect yourself if you're stuck on the road. >> temperatures are clearly so cold. if you are stuck for hours and hours you can't leave your car
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running that long. you can't potential run out of the gas, so having things like extra clothes, gloves to bundle up, and definitely save you. >> so look, here you go, the two most important things, the first, fill your car up with gas, and pack your car with an emergency kit. jumper cables, snacks, hand warmers, and any medication you may need. aaa says the few extra minutes you take to prepare could make a life or death difference. >> the roads will be heavily impacted by the snow. >> chief meteorologist tammie souza is tracking the storm. the evening commute, that will be the biggest concern. >> the morning commutely messy. and it will be wet and slippery across philadelphia, northern delaware, south jersey, but it will be the afternoon that we
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start to see a quick burst when all of that snow changes over from rain to snow. it will start to melt initially, and then start to pile up very much like last friday, only more of it. we're going to see higher snow totals. as we look across philadelphia, a high of 348 today. nowhere near the freezing mark. as it cools down, it will transition to snow later tonight, but it will be a while before we see that here. the wind gust today highest was 16 miles per hour. wind isn't a big factor in this, but with the heavy snow, it could bring downs tries or power likes. we're starting to see the light
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bands making their way into the area. it's in the form of virga. we have a dry atmosphere. we have the cold air spinning around this large storm system, the plains and now through the great lakes, then the storm system with the energy taking shape. they're going to merge together right off our coastline. that's when we're going to start to see the trouble. you watch them as they come together, watch the timeline. tomorrow, as we get into the late morning, early afternoon hours, that's when it merges together. that's when we see the potential for the cold air to wrap in appeared the heaviest snow to fall. tomorrow afternoon through about 9:00, 10:00 tomorrow night. how much snow, let's look at this very closely. if you're in the upper pennsylvania suburbs, 7 to 12 inches of wet heavy snow is not out of the question.
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the pock nonos could see 12-plu. even the far northwestern portions of philadelphia county, that's where we could see 5 to 9 inches. that's just the way this dividing line is going to set up. 2 to 6 inches of snow there, and out along the beaches you may go ahead a quick burt of snow, but for the mortgage we should not expect to see much. out along the beaches higher wind gusts, in the 40 miles an hour range. by tomorrow afternoon, when the heaviest snow is coming in, we're -- and that's enough to bring down some of those very snow laden branches, trees and power lines, which is not good
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news. someone has to get rid of it. or meteorologists say the storm is bringing hard attack snow. harry hairston has more.
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the when was veeck thhavoc
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winter storm has serious health concerns. harry has more. >> listen, guys, first alert weather here on nbc 10 and also on our nbc 10 app warns that the snow is expected to be wet and heavy. when that starts melting it can be become slushy, icy, and downright dangerous. slips and falls top the medical center's list of health concerns. medical experts tell us severe cases lead to broken bones, head injuries, even fatalities. be safe hospital officials say make sure your shoes or boots have rub are soles, so you can maintain traction. if you use a kcane purchase a gripper to help prevent slips. medical experts we checked had say don't overload your shovel, stay hydrated, drink plenty of
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liquids, and be sure to bend at the waist and let your legs do the lifting. if you have a major health issue, do no shovel at all. and doctors tell us while shoveling, if you experience chest pain, shortness of breath or dizziness, seek emergency care right away. medical experts also say shovel in small layers, make sure you're just lifting a little bit at a time. that way you reduce the possibility of having some type of injury. >> even in that cold you can't feel sometimes that you're taxing your body, your blood pressure is going through the roof. >> right. >> and a mistake, people drinking coffee, don't do it. the caffeine will only run your blood pressure up. nbc 10 news is at next. bracing to the storm. another nor'easter is bearing down on our regionen king up we
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are helping you get ready for the next round of wicked weather. >> and a landmark, how this latest storm is protecting -- >> i'm standing between the two storms will move and bringing very heavy wet snow. how much will you be shoveling? we'll be right back to let you know. if you're anything like me,
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your to-do list just keeps growing. (laughs desperately) it never stops. which is why the online financing application at is so convenient. get some of that finance stuff out of the way from wherever you are, at the doctor's office, karate practice or my favorite... back at the doctor's office. knowing before you go means more quality time sewing a costume for the school play that is not going to look anything like a frog. just a little heads-up, mrs. davis... ha ha ha, yay kids!
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here comes the snow. grab the rock salt, get those shovels ready, another major blast of winter is bearing down on our area. >> first rain, then snow, and all in a matter of hours. also tomorrow septa and am track will operate on modified schedules. and new jersey transit will be on a severe weather schedule. and the governor is declaring a state of emergency for pennsylvania. and the governor of new jersey announced his state of emergency just a -- >> they have updates on the and we begin with tammie. >> we're looking at the timing of this whole thing.
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making their way in, and also into lehigh valley. we'll also see the raggie, light snow showers. and the upper pennsylvania suburbs. that would be late noon, but rain showers will make their way through the entire area. the lower suburbs, south jersey, and by tomorrow morning, we'll be in the colder air still above freezing, so we will see that steadier snow, perhaps several inches. but for the rest of us, we're going to be looking at rain or sort of a rain/snow mix, especially along the i-95 corridor. it's in the afternoon, sometimes around 1:00 or 3:00 that we see a very fast turnover that we're going to see any rain change to snow, and that mixing line will drop south. we'll see a steady, heavy wet ow


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