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tv   NBC10 News at 11pm  NBC  February 13, 2018 11:34pm-12:06am EST

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they are not even in second. they are in third. tara, one cliche we are allowed. >> about the short program? okay, guys, you can't win in the short program, but you can lose in the short program. >> did they just do that? very close though, second to third is the spread there. it's not about your placement, but the numbers. so another in the long line of the tradition of pair skaters and the world bronze medalists. tarasova is 23 and she 25. european champions the last two years as well. by the way, they are coached by the former partner.
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♪ >> they had a personal best in the team event. they seem to be peaking at just the right moment. under pressure they can be a bit of a wild card. >> their triple twist is another statement piece. beautiful. >> they had issues with the side by sides. not today. >> this number two gives them a perfect rhythm and bounce and helps them relax into the short program. the loop.
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boom. ♪
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♪ >> peaking at just the right moment. all of these teams in the last warm up group want that gold medal. this will be close. >> they skated to win tonight
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where as you saw savchenko and massot skate to defend. >> listen to the chant. i mentioned the dominance for russians or soviets. they have tons of fans. just scores of fans that have come here. they are able to display a flag and wear the shirts. the athletes are not. the coaches are not. they are olympic athletes from russia. up top, they can. >> this is a fabulous performance. they were so laser focused. everything was precised and sharp. i loved it. >> i can tell. >> very passionate over here from lipinski. >> it was clean and crisp. they had no fight in the short program. all auto pilot. >> better than the chinese performance? >> in my opinion, no. they had the same cleanliness, but the chinese had so much more
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heart. >> sometimes you follow savchenko. >> twist not as high as the german, but the lightness on the landing. perfect positioning. i agree with you. i like the chinese over this team, but every one of their elements scored a positive goe almost. that's pretty darn goes. >> her posture and the throw on the side by side. the quality of each element was so present. the short program is so strong. look at her reaction. >> oh, yeah. it's going to come down to a point or two, i think. >> it will be real close throughout the pairs effect. many are so evenly matched. it will come down to artistry on this title. 80.92 is the season's best.
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their personal best was in the short program. they were really good. they won that portion in part of the silver medal for russia. but they would need more than that obviously to challenge. so maybe if they get to that, it would put them in second. >> not a bad position to be in going into the free skate. >> this is that time when the panel is looking at the elements they are viewing and getting the scores together. >> it's a personal best, but not high enough to get them to the top step. >> so close. >> makes it exciting for the long program. essentially with savchenko for the gold medal. >> look at the top three and the german team is not there.
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you've got -- you may have started the night with germany, but right now you have at least four team who is think they could win that gold medal. part of that team leading the way after the short. sui and han. duhamel and radford coming back. they might feel best of all as you go down to 14th right now. we will see them in the free skate, but the canadians were not as sharp. they are right there. >> they are, but looking at the top two team, the chinese and the russians were at their best. they showed up to win. >> some kind of night to open up for the pairs early on. we had the team from north korea. how remarkable the moments were on the ice. solid if not spectacular.
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looking ahead to the pairs free skate as we send it back to mike. >> thank you. so pretty interesting lineup with the way the scores lineup. this time tomorrow night. the big headline of the day was shaun white's win. social media flooded with congratulations and shout outs. one olympian has a good idea what it feels like. michael phelps said way to go, man. nothing like a good come back. redemption always feels great. while we are acknowledging. his wife nicole gave birth to their second son, beckett. now boomer has a brother. congratulations to the phelps. right now time to split you up. if you are mountain or pacific,
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we have more coming up or on shaun white's big run. the eastern and central time zone. we are back together in 35 minutes as coverage continues with more on shaun white and bode miller is in the house. how it will impact the chances to win multiple medals here. plenty more to come. see you in a little bit from pyeongchang.
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police promise they will find you if you were part of the chaos in center city after the eagles win. then, hello hockey. team u.s.a. kicks off its fight for gold in just hours. and their hopes rest on four players from our area. and flu follies. how you and your coworkers may be putting each other in danger, sometimes just by breathing. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. >> out of control, fans turning their super bowl celebration into crimes. and tonight are vowing to find and charge everyone who caused trouble after the eagles within. thank you for joining us,
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everyone. i'm jim rosenfield. police showed fans ransacking this store and stealing stoplights. de'aaron backerville is live in center city where a macy's store was targeted on super bowl night. >> reporter: some of the evidence from some of those out of control celebrations are down here in center system i'm standing next the macy's. the window is bust odd out, broken during one of those celebrations. and over here on juniper and market they stole a light, also a crosswalk sign. police tell me chances are if you did something wrong you were caught on camera. what do you think about this as you watch it? >> it makes me upset. >> reporter: lisa is disgusted at the videos we showed her of fans out of control after the eagles won the super bowl. >> i'm a' feeling it. feeling it. >> reporter: smile for the camera. investigators are going through all of these gotcha moments and tell nbc 10 they won't rest
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until everyone is caught. cora was at the eagles parade and believes these few don't represent the city. >> what are these people thinking? do they want people all across the country to see it? i get mad because it makes us look bad. >> reporter: police released three videos this afternoon from the parade and the celebration after the super bowl. they are stunned to see the bold rowdy fans screaming right into the camera. they are bragged they are excited about it and it may not have sunken into them the gravity of what they are doing. clearly they are not ashamed of it at the moment. >> it is a shame. >> reporter: dan is ashamed for them. we also showed the eagles fan the videos. he doesn't under why they would act this way. >> i don't think it represents the face of the eagles or the fans or the. >> reporter: police tell me they have identified some of the vandals in those videos. they continue to go through all of that surveillance, and they tell me they will release more soon. for now, we are live in center
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city. aaron baskerville, nbc 10 news. all right. to team u.s.a. it scored its' 100th gold medal of all time in the winter olympics tonight. and it's thanks to super star snowboarder shaun white. you saw it all go down here on your home for the winter games, nbc 10. tonight keith jones joins us live once again from the olympic ij village in pyeongchang south korea. keith, what an iconic moment for team u.s.a. >> reporter: i was live on facebook when it happened. gosh, did they have a lot the redeem after four years in coachy, failing to medal. he came through in a big way. look at this. he nailed an epic run there at the men's halfpipe. he did it and scored 97.75 out of 100. almost a perfect score. he is now the first snowboarder to win three olympic gold medals. i can tell you all eyes were
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glued to his final run here at the nbc work space. look at this. [ cheers and applause ] we are all here to cover these games but come on we are pulling hard for-team u.s.a. we are rooting hard for them to do really well. another sports. pairs figure skating, in the lead of a the short program a pair from china. but two figure skaters from north korea are competing. they aren't expected to medal. for team u.s.a. stwas the dmooer dm -- it was the knierims who tell us how special it was for competing on valentine's day. we have been receiving weather alerts for severe winds. it's died down a bit right now. but it's been knocking over barriers and causing an issue here at olympic park. there have been warnings going
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around like crazy. u.s.a. hockey take the ice teeth. we are looking at four guys particularly. philly is a city of undogs. those four guys are hoping that success rubs off on them. the front of their uniform says u.s.a. the back, a name you have probably never heard of. but four of them are local. ryan gunderson, ben salem, chad koralik and ryan o'neill, and babb sanguinetti. >> there is no words to describe it. >> reporter: they got the call from nhl bandits players questioned if they can compete with the world's best or live up to the amateur team that stunned the world here in lake placid. home of the miracle on ice, u.s.a. over russia in what was arguably the greatest upset in
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all of sports history. -team u.s.a.'s current coach was quick to down play that comparison. >> to win we don't need a miracle. we need to be our best and play our best for two weeks. >> reporter: the pressure is on. >> hopefully we can follow if their footsteps. big footsteps to follow. no one is going to say we are the is the 80 team but we get inspiration from it and definitely motivation. brian o'neill said his family had a message for him. it was that he ought to bring a medal back to buck's county. there are no nhl players on team u.s.a. and no nhl players from the athletic field of russia as well. it is a level playing field. >> keith jones live for us in pyeongchang. no. 10 is our home for the winter olympic games. our coverage of the action picks back up as soon as this newscast is every to.
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and keith will be back tomorrow morning with more live reports starting at 4:00 a.m. let's turn to your first alert neighborhood weather. we are tracking warm and dry conditions for all of your valentine's day plans. if you are grabbing dinner in center city you might not even need your heaviest coat tomorrow night. here's a live look from the kim he will center campus camera. all valentines should love this forecast. >> a sweetheart of a forecast. but you may need an umbrella tomorrow night fur staying out late. that is the only hiccup in this forecast. today we topped at out 43. that's seasonal. 35 in philadelphia, 33 in redding right now. mount holly, 33. 35 in wildwood. and in millville you are 34 degrees. so the temperature trend is going to hang where it is right now. and then it's going to start to climb as the sun comes out. by noon we should be well into the 40s. we are going to be punching into the low 50s across the area
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tomorrow. here's a sneak peek at exactly what's going to greet you in your neighborhood. 52 in philadelphia. 49 in the suburbs. 47 in lehigh valley. 46 out on the shore. 53 in delaware with a mix of sun and clouds. when i come back, we will talk about 60s, 70s, rain, and snow. jim? >> we'll stay tuned for that. new tonight, two cars catch fire sending flames dangerously close to a row of town homes in darby. sky 10 over the scene. one home has been damaged. people living nearby had to be evacuated. a person of interest being he had questioned about the death of a 68-year-old woman in northeast philly found unconscious in her apartment on oxford avenue. three knives were found at the scene. police are calling the death suspicious. a man shot inside his car at a gas station in hunt hadding park is fighting for his life tonight. we brought you this as breaking news at 5:00. police say the man was shot in the head at the intersection of
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fifth street and erie avenue. he ended up hitting another car and smashing into a stand selling valentine's day gifts in a sue know coparking lot. the owners of the stand had just gotten into their car to get warm second before the crash. >> if they would have been outside they would have been dead. the car hit them from behind and my brother's car ended up over here. my brother's car was parked up further than this car. they would have been dead. >> the man who was shot is in critical condition. the gunman get away. a local man accused of stealing a stash of deadly chemicals is facing charges tonight. police say richard o'roark stole 200 grams of cyanide from merck back in december. worked as a chemist in the company's facility in upper gwynnette township. he says he took officials he took the cyanide to get rid of rats near his home and dumped the remainder of it down a storm
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drain. pennsylvania senator pat toomey proposed an amendment to the gop's immigration law. it would withdraw non-law enforcement grant money to sanctuary cities. chuck schumer immediately objected saying the senate should focus on bipartisan proposals. the 2018 midterm elections are six months away now. and intelligence officials say they are already seeing signs of russian meddling. the nation's top intelligence chiefs issuing the warning during a senate hearing today staying russians are using bots and other fake accounts on social media network to plant disinformation. the he had had of the national security agency says russia's interference is on going and not going to change or stop. the man accused of setting off bombs in new york city and on the jersey shore was sentenced to multiple life sentences today.
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rahimi wounded 30 people when one of his bombs exploded in manhattan in september of 2016. that blast came just hours after another 'em bomb exploded in seaside heights in ocean county bins minutes before a race began. new at 11:00 we are getting our first look at the newest medical marijuana dispensary in our area. they held a ribbon cutting ceremony in sulersville. they talked about the importance of bringing medical marijuana to patients in pa. >> it's important to us because of the patients we have been talking to. the heart breaking stories, the parents, the moms who have autistic children would are inaudible. and this is going to be life changing for them. >> this is the first of three dispensaries the company plans to open in the state. philadelphia's iconic love statue is back at its rightful home tonight. the city celebrated the statue's triumphant return to love park with a parade through the city
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today. here's a live look at the recently renovated love park. the statue, which was on hiatus the last year features a red green and purple paint scheme. looking good tonight. up next at 11:00, workplace flu fears, the biggest dangers to look out for in your office and how something we do all day long could be a risk. aly raisman's message that's getting a lot of attention tonight. the chance to shock people. we are taking to you spring training to show you how the phillys are stealing a strategy from the upped dog eagles. >> nbc 10's olympic medal count is brought to you locally by xfinity.
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tonight we are learning the flu has claimed the life of a 6-year-old girl in new jersey.
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state health officials say she died yesterday in hudson county. she's the state's second child to die from the flu this season. the virus also led to the death of a 4-year-old ocean county girl back in december. and a breed ground for this year's flu spread lives inside your office. tonight, an infectious disease specialist showed dennis nakano what to look out for. >> reporter: i'm here with dr. ronald goran to go through our newsroom to talk about the flu strings. how easy can the flu spread in a workplace like this? >> very easily. there is no barriers. somebody cause of it can go three or four feet. there you go, that's right across the barrier there. that's why when people are sick they should stay home. >> reporter: not only with coughing or sneezing but new research says just breathing out is enough for a person with the flu to spread the virus. >> influenza is contagious for 24 hours before you get sick. there has to be some mechanism
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if you are not coughing. so it is talking and groobreath >> reporter: the flu season is already bad but the worst is yet to come. >> we are running out of kits to test for it. >> reporter: what can you do if you are working in close quarters during the worst flu season doctors have seen for ten years. one, if you are around a lot of sick people consider taking medicine as a prophylactic and very least. >> get alcohol hand gel. you can't sterilize the environment but put it on your hands and maybe prevent it from happening that way. it is expected to continue the next few months but it will start trailing off the next few wooebs. >> more people are turning to tam flu to stop the flu symptoms or slow them down. they come at a high price but you can get them cheaper. name brand tam flu cost $171.
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but generic is closer to $100. with insurance you may pay only $20. you can also look for discount coupons on website like good or drug this year's issue of "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue is on stands now. ali raisman posed nude for the issue and showcased words of empower men across her body. she was one of over 100 victims who testified against dr. lumbar audio nassar. michael phelps celebrating a major addition to his family tonight. posting a photo of his wife withu their new baby boy bekt and their first son boomer there. mom and baby beckette are doing well. calm tonight as we look live at the allentown skyline.
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it stays that way for valentine's day until late tomorrow night. rain coming in then. >> tomorrow may be the calmest day that we see over the next fiver six days. it's going to be interesting out there. tonight, pretty. and a seasonal day. as we head to our neighborhoods we'll start in allentown. 34 degrees. the wind chill, feels like is at 28. we have a south wind. south wind is key for tomorrow, taking us into the 50s. we are looking at 35 for this hour in philadelphia. feels like 35. the wind are calm. how about if we trek down to wilmington where it's 34. and the feels like wind chill is at 29 with the south wind out there. what to expect. a nod to the olympics with our slopes out there. camelback mountain. but i also want to point out the fact we could see some of this stuff this weekend. yeah. you thought we were going to get away with no more of it. huh-uh, still in the middle of winter. valentine's day we could see a rain shower. warm and wet in the middle of
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the week. we are looking at 60s. and the holiday weekend, there is a winter storm shaping up. somebody is going to get hit. and it is going to pass very close or over our area. we will get to that in just a moment. doppler radar picking up sprinkles and precipitation that should stay to the north of us. this is not what we're watching. we are watching this system out of the gulf coast. it is going to trigger the showers we will see into treasures and perhaps even into friday. looking at a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow. low 50s in philadelphia. upper 40s elsewhere. here comes a shot of rain tomorrow night. carry the umbrella if you are out and about with your loved one enjoying valentine's day. thursday we are looking at low to mid 60s and some showers across the area especially in the evening. we could still be in the 60s friday morning. showers still crossing the area. they will be out of here by friday night. and then temperatures starting to drop. cold air really make its way into the area. saturday in the afternoon here comes that storm system.
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this looks like it could bring us a mix across the area. we could see rain. we could see maybe a mix of rain and snow or sleet and snow. it is still not a set track. the snow totals are too far away to forecast. but look at the size this thing. this means we have our keep our eyes on it for this weekend. it would be saturday night and into sunday morning. that's the timing right now. 52 for tomorrow. we are looking at 66 on thursday. 59 on friday with those showers. 36 on saturday. watching closely for that snowstorm saturday evening and into sunday. 50 on president's day. so we could see a washout on the holiday there. and 66 next tuesday. by the time that we get into a week from tomorrow, we are talking sent degrees. -- 70 degrees. >> up next, a delicious take on potholes. how one business is trying to put a tasty spin on the things you and your tires hate seeing every day.


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