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tv   NBC10 News at 6pm  NBC  February 5, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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hardware. fans are savoring the sweet super bowl win. and gearing up for one more celebration, the eagles parade of champions. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm erin coleman. the hype hasn't stopped for a minute, fans hearts still fluttering and the words super bowl champion is still sinking in in philadelphia. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> the faithful fans turned out in full force to welcome the champions as they arrived in philly and they were rewarded as they gave the crowds an up close look at the lombardi trophy. >> they said we would never make it and now we are officially here super bowl champions, we are winners. we are all we need, we're all we
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got! >> a lot of parents even let their kids skip school today so they could be a part of history. there's one more route this team still has to run up broad street for eagles parade of champions. 11:00 a.m. thursday morning the parade will kick off in south philadelphia and travel all the way to broad street on the parkway before ending at the art museum. a once in a lifetime event, all philadelphia public and parochial schools will close for staff and students and the upper darby school district also announced campuses will close for the parade. broad street will be packed on thursday. miguel, you talked to fans already making plans to be there along the route. >> reporter: that's exactly right. we have a lot of excitement and a time and a date and a route. it's a long one and fans tell me
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it's been an even longer road for their team to become super bowl champions. >> to win this game against what you describe it for the whole city and whole area means so much to the people. i saw a grown man just crying in the streets. excitement contagious, it's been a long road for eagles fans but now their birds are super bowl champions. the road to victory a little longer for simon neech, who flew in to philadelphia. >> it was a long ride and i had to come here. >> reporter: meeting thousands of fans sunday night. >> i sang about 60 "fly eagles fly" amazing night. >> reporter: and more thursday for the victory parade. it is set to start thursday at 11:00 a.m. on broad and patterson and the victorious birds will make their way north to the art museum.
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these little pups will join the underdog fans to celebrate their team. >> they have their hot packs in the bottom and we're fully equipped and we will make it happen and party like we never partied before like it's 1999. >> reporter: and he tells me it will make the trip well worth it. >> the city of brother-in-law love. >> reporter: we were showing you all last night and all day today how packed broad street was with so many fans celebrating. a lot of them telling me they will come right back here thursday and with schools closing down, there will be families here and it will be a big lovefest for the eagles. miguel, nbc10 news. >> you're exactly right. the city predicting a party unlike any ever seen. in 2008, 1 million fans turned out when philly won.
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and the eagles plan to beat that planning to get everyone to the action, like when the pope was in town septa made stops to get stance to the parade. don't forget you can watch your official station of the super bowl champions. the parade starts at 11:00 a.m. you can also watch it on nbc10 and nbc10 app. while online, you can find out everything from how you should get there to how you should dress. the nbc10 app has everything you should know about the eagles champions and sign up for alerts and new information as soon as we know it. nbc10's andrea thomas is live. we got an idea of what to expect when eagles arrive in philadelphia. it was a mob of cars trying to get out of the nova complex. >> reporter: my goodness, not
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much different than not that long ago, we got a glimpse of all the excitement to come. >> the crowds quickly swelled to more than 100 people outside the novacare complex. >> to be here nor these guy because they gave us a heck of a season, thank you so much. >> reporter: to kids who got to play hooky from school. >> the's sick but much better now. >> reporter: those that waited a lifetime for this moment. >> reporter: you have tears in your eyes. >> i'm so excited, happy, amazing. >> reporter: they all wanted to give the eagles a home coming fit for champions. >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> reporter: how excited are you? >> really excited. >> reporter: after arriving with a caravan of buses one by one they left in their personal cars with the help from police. >> the best in the world. the city deserves it more than anybody, we're the champions. >> reporter: fans erupted on either side hoping for an autograph, high-five or just a
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glimpse. players were also taking it all in using their phones to capture the moment. eagles center jason kelce put it this way. >> this is pretty impressive. we saw it yesterday, saw the pictures, it's pretty awesome to be here with the fans. thanks, everybody. we can't wait to get to the parade. >> reporter: as for the parade, students will be off of schools and employers may want to look at letting people off, if you look at social media not many people are expecting to go to work on thursday. nbc10 news. from last night's jubilation on the streets to today's elation, eagles fans are happier than ever. the mood in the city of brother-in-l brotherly love is bursting with blitz for the big win. >> eagles won the super bowl, if that doesn't pass for the schoolteacher, i don't know what will. this is great. >> i was born in '52 and since
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'52 i knew, i had that feeling. >> reporter: you have tears in your eyes. >> i know. i'm so excited, so happy. it's amazing. >> you can see the thousands that lined up to see our super bowl heroes come back home. e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> reporter: fans returning from minnesota were fired up heading back to philadelphia airport, emotions running high for everyone including one father who got to experience the win with his young son. >> are big guys allowed to cry. it's amazing, the most important thing i've ever done in my life, especially with him. >> reporter: we asked his son what he thinks will happen with eagles next year. he said he thinks they will probably win the super bowl again. a repeat. we want to see how you are celebrating this historic moment in philadelphia.
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#wewantit when you post your photos and videos. another live look from broad street, much different scene from last night after eagles win, a sunny but windy day out there today. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is tracking trouble wednesday. you're saying a washout, glenn? >> that's right. that's why there's no parade wednesday. you wonder why do we have to wait until thursday? you wouldn't want to be doing it on wednesday. today was a nice day and a lot like the way thursday will be. nice and clear right now from the poconos to rohobeth beach. the sun is setting. why we're seeing daylight pictures. 26 in redding.
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the wind has died down. 19 in allentown. 19 degrees feels like. temperatures are not dropping very much tonight, rising a little bit towards daybreak. that does not happen very often. that's a sign of the atmosphere getting warmer plus clouds starting to move in. pretty chilly but we're not expecting a whole lot of wind. but we are expect this storm to be coming in. it will get here just in time for the wednesday morning rush. i'll tell you about the problems that will cause in just a few minutes. tonight on wall street the largest single day drop for the dow as it continues an historic slide over the last week. the dow dropped more than 1100 points today at one point, it sank nearly 1600 points. all this comes after posting record highs over the last year. tonight, the white house that says long term economic
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fundamentals are quote exceptionally strong. coming up on "nbc10 news at 6:00," super bowl bets from goats to beer, we are revealing the wild wagers. he is a super bowl baby. meet baby carson, boy, he couldn't wait. we'll share with you his story, stats and his smile next. no one understands what this win means more than the fans. where were you when history was made? >> that doesn't even seem real. ♪
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>> oh, my gosh! >> defense defense defense! sorry. i can't make it.
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lot money was on the line in vegas over the super bowl. we got a look now at other bets that went down between philadelphia and boston. one of them was between the federal reserve banks, now that eagles won philly cheese steaks will be on the menu in boston all week long. and philly ice cream store in massachusetts has to rename one of their flavors after losing a bet against basset ice cream and dog masks at sam adams brewery after losing a bet. here's one of the favorites. zoo new england has to name its newest goat, foles, after nick foles mvp performance, "goat" in
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reference to mvp tom brady, the greatest of all time. we saw a lot of love and expecting babies nine months from now. introducing us to that scored big with their brand new bundle of joy. meet this little eagles quarterback of the future at 5 pounds 8 ounces, this little guy called and audible. in the second quarter of super bowl lii. >> i said, i think we need to go to the hospital. i'll really sorry. we left our friends and our house. >> reporter: they were big eagles fans and just posted this photo of jacqueline in her late grandmother's sweatsuit. >> i had her sweatsuit from the '90s and i posted a picture before the game started in that sweatsuit. i had no idea that later i would be having a baby. >> reporter: they rushed to virtual hospital in voorhees.
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>> delivery was super fast. i got here begging for a pain medication and they told me there wasn't time. >> reporter: instead of waiting for his due date march 2nd, carson was born in 30 minutes. he must have felt the eagles energy on the field miles away. the couple knew they were having a little boy and had an agreement early in the season about the name carson. >> she bet me back in october if the eagles went to the super bowl and won that his name could be carson. >> reporter: only they hadn't won yet. mom and dad say they're blessed carson was the star with their halftime show. >> they told me i had more chemotherapy than anyone in the world. >> reporter: she is a two time cancer survivor and they weren't sure she could get pregnant. >> to be able to experience this is the greatest miracle of my
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life. >> reporter: from voorhees, cydney long, nbc10 news. >> love to see that. a live look at city hall in center city, thursday's parade will make it right past city hall, a lot like today. a good thing it wasn't scheduled until wednesday. we are expecting a wednesday washout to say the least. glenn "hurricane" schwartz has your forecast. glenn. >> it will be a great day on thursday. no matter how cold it is, fairley sunny and temperature tolerable if you're dressed properly. a lot of green layers one after the other. less cold and wind during the day tomorrow than we saw today. a wintery mix coming wednesday morning. a wednesday washout with all that rain coming down. 38 was the high today. just about everybody got above freezing except for the poconos. right now, just about below
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freezing everywhere. 16. 13 in philadelphia. the wind has really diminished. these are areas that have problems wednesday morning. not the only ones, chester, bucks, montgomery counties already in the 20s. 22 here and 26 in chester springs. 25 here. you will get snow to start off and an icy mix coming in after that. bucks and montgomery, 27 in doylestown, 28 degrees in new hope and athen. eventually, you will change to rain as well but may have a few hours of travel problems during that morning rush. clouds starting to advance from the west, one of the reasons the
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temperature doesn't advance a lot. we will have moisture from chicago and gulf moisture that leads to a more significant storm. during the day tomorrow, a lot of clouds and temperatures into the 40s across most of the area. wednesday morning, watch this, a wall of snow. the darker colors indicate heavier snow. we're talking about snow accumulation here. with temperatures in the mid 20s on untreated surfaces, too. that's a fairley significant snowfall to the north starting to change over in the philadelphia area. we will see a big contrast north to south, one of those times you want to pay close attention and download the weather app so you get hour-by-hour forecast. look what a happens in the afternoon and evening, goes to near 40s and 50 degrees. it's all gone by the time we
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have the parade. it's fairly chilly a lot of sunshine along the parade and i hope to join you somewhere along the root. marshall, a great day today, isn't it? >> it is a great day but rather chilly for my liking. nick foles talks about his expectations in sports.
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>> marshall here for the city in a state of euphoria beating the patriots 41-33 to win their first ever super bowl title and first championship since 1960. here's a look at the eagles celebrating on the plane, thanks to jalen mills, embracing the underdog role. i was there as they touched down shortly after 10:00. jeffr jeffrey lurry jeffrey lurie emerging from the plane with the lombardi trophy in tow. that wasn't the only place for fans to show their appreciation. more fans waiting as the team arrived back at the novacare complex. congratulating players as they
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left the complex in their own vehicles. >> we love y'all! >> what did that mob scene look like from the players' perspective? back to social media. bryan braman greeting them from the nova complex. nick 'noles was not because he picked up the trophy for mvp and he took a flight to walt disney world where he's celebrating the magic parade but knows that will fade in comparison to the parade in philadelphia on thursday. >> you know what, i couldn't even start to begin to guess what it will be like to be honest. that's what it will be like, something philadelphia and we waited for a long time. to bring the super bowl victory
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to philadelphia, that was all our goals and we're able to accomplish that. i can't wait to see the fans and everyone who loves the eagles on broad street. before we go, today, eagles fans changing the name of brady street to foles street. how appropriate in philadelphia. that's your look in sports. we send it back to you. >> that was pretty cool. tonight on nbc 10 news at 11:00, justin timber late isn't the only star from last night's establish halftime show. how one fan shined during last night's halftime all thanks to j.t., tonight at 11:00. treatment options shouldn't be. meet with a ctca cancer specialist in philadelphia, in as little as 24 hours. learn more at
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your to-do list if yjust keeps growing. me, (laughs desperately) it never stops. which is why the online financing application at is so convenient. get some of that finance stuff out of the way from wherever you are, at the doctor's office, karate practice or my favorite... back at the doctor's office. knowing before you go means more quality time sewing a costume for the school play that is not going to look anything like a frog. just a little heads-up, mrs. davis... ha ha ha, yay kids! not quite as cold or windy tomorrow and an awful rainy day on wednesday, but it starts off with snow and ice so we have to pay attention to that. thursday to party day, a lot like today. we will party everyday after winning this.
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>> i mean. >> more rain over the weekend. >> all right. thanks for watching, next, "nbc nightly news" with lester holtz. lester holt. devel news tonight. a historic plunge on wall street. wild swings as the dow plummets over 1,000 points. investors nervous. a lot of people checking 401(k)s. those retirement funds. is the wild ride over? also tonight, the new tax law means new changes kicking in starting this month and something you should be checking extra closely in your paycheck. new developments and scrutiny for amtrak after yet another deadly train crash. >> i've never seen anything in my entire life like this. bodies everywhere. >> from bad to worse in the flu emergency. just because you've gotten it once doesn't mean you're out of the woods. what happened the gh


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