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tv   NBC10 News at 4pm  NBC  February 5, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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philadelphia. >> good afternoon, i'm denise. >> i'm erin coleman. eagles are basking in the glory of the first super bowl victory. we begin with andrea and thomas live in philadelphia with the team that made it all possible arrived a short time ago. >> super bowl champs, andrea. >> reporter: my god, the fans have shut it down. look how big this crowd is. you have the team and staff and all slowly making their way home right now after the most memorable week of their lives. this is them waving with pom-poms, telling the players thank you, they have so much energy and been like this over an hour, giving high-fives. we talked to kelce a little bit ago and this is what he said
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after seeing this huge crowd. this is pretty impressive. we saw the pictures. pretty awesome to be back here with our fans. thanks, everybody for coming out. we can't wait to get to the parade. >> reporter: the things the pictures don't show is the energy. they can't convey the energy out here. i talked to a gentleman a little bit ago who was trying, waiting for this moment his entire life. we have a lot of kids in the crowd who skipped school today. the parents are out here so they can wave and have a good time. we'll see if we can talk to other folks out here and we will send it back to you in the studio. >> you're getting the vibe out here and feeling the energy. who do you think is more excited? the fans or players in all of this? >> reporter: i think it's both. one player i saw, a lot of them had their cell phones out and had his cell phone out.
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he's like recording all of the crowd. i saw him with his mother to show her how many people are out here. it's a mutual affection with this team building for the entire season. >> all right. in south philadelphia, we've seen the fans and gather first of all at philadelphia international airport live and we will go live where cydney long is standing by. >> you had quite the scene this afternoon. people were fired up. >> i can tell you these fans were on fire with excitement. they were here hours ahead of time, when we saw that american airlines airplane taxiing towards us. they were busled up against this fence hearts beating up against their chance to take a look at that lombardi trophy and thank the birds for that unbelievable dramatic finish in the super
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bowl last night. let's take a look and listen. >> mvp! mvp! >> reporter: it was that magical moment when mvp zach ertz had the lombardi trophy and team owner jeffrey lurie had a beaming smile and when they walked to the fence, the fans hearts were racing and one said put your hand on my chest, people were jumping up and down. that beautiful lombardi trophy including the great game last night, all recording it and soaking it all in. what a once in a lifetime moment, fans said they could hardly control their emotions. >> like the pope was here and
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michael jackson was back again. we were so hyped. i slid in the mud and i didn't care. i waited all this time for this and years for this, we did it, we got it, we're here. oh, my god! listen, philadelphia they said we would never do it and said we would never make it. now, we are officially here. super bowl champions, we are winners. we are all we need and all we've got. >> it was definitely electric. some fans moved to follow the team to andrea's location following the charter buses to the novacare complex to keep up with the super bowl champions. many families allowing their children to take off school today to take in the history making moment. they say the spell is broken and have a feeling this team will move on to be a dynasty. they have in fact soared above the best team in the land.
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the latest live at the airport in south philadelphia. i'm cydney long. nbc10 news. back to you. >> we should say at a point we weren't sure if the players were going to come over to the fence where you are. a bit of a distance. what was that moment like when the 200 or so people arrival delays they were coming toward them to say hello? >> we weren't sure. there were players with ipads and moving towards the charter buses and then moved to the fence and they're coming, they're coming! they were excited the team and the owner, jeffrey lurie, took a moment to thank the fan base in philadelphia. they were so thrilled, that shows what type of team this is so thankful for the fan base and support they have at home. it truly meant everything in the
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world to them. they will be talking about it a long time and sharing on social media media loving and soaking in every moment of it. it was so exciting, it really was. >> we heard the fans screaming mvp to zach ertz right there. at the philadelphia international airport. a shower of confetti for super bowl nick foles at disney world. they were down in florida. it is a tradition he heads to the most magical place on earth right after the big game. a live look on broad street from our camera, it will provide the backdrop for the parade the eagles fans will finally get. remember what this looked like last night, it will begin
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thursday down broad street and down the parkway before ending up at the art museum. >> in the past half hour we learned philadelphia public schools and upper darby public schools will be closed for the parade thursday and looking into what to expect. >> this is going to be a crazy party. >> reporter: my gosh, we thought it was packed and full of energy last night. we're expecting even more people out here come thursday. everybody i've been talking to said they want to be here to celebrate their champions. >> we were underdogs and we ain't no more, we're on top. >> reporter: today, they're flying high and can't stop talking about the win. >> patriots coming up. see this?
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easy, easy. >> reporter: those from all over flocked to philadelphia for thursday's victory parade. >> a long ride sometimes. they made it to the super bowl. it's chaos to come here. >> although we don't know the specifics, it starts at 11:00 on broad street. >> i can't imagine what happens. >> reporter: the parade starts here on broad and patterson and the stadium and eagles head north along the parkway, a long and triumphant march all the way to the art museum. >> we have hot packs and we will party like they haven't ever had party before, party like it's 1999. >> as you guy said, a lot of schools closing and expecting fans. some fans from out of town. that guy from germany.
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he said it's a long road to celebrate with the eagles fans. nbc10 news, back to you. >> thanks for that. >> let's take a live look inside lincoln financial field the home of the super bowl champions. we're getting plenty of blue skies. glenn "hurricane" schwartz has the forecast. >> cold and windy. >> yes. we're expecting similar conditions thursday for the big parade. whatever it felt like that today for you, plan on that for thursday. we have blue sky across much of the area. sunshine is not helping and temperature not going up very much. 30 degrees right now in allentown.
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it feels like the 20s. one thing that happened is this wind has diminished and we won't be feeling the wind chill or temperature drop doing much. level overnight. pa suburbs actually had the temperature go up towards 7:00 a.m. lehigh valley goes up from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. so does the jersey shore. so does delaware. this is an unusual thing and a sign tomorrow is going to be warmer. we have a storm in the middle of the week and weekend. we'll tell you about those coming up. >> as soon as the clock hits zero celebrations began with tens of thousands of people flooding streets to celebrate victory. most people kept things festive. there were a few that got out of
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hand damaging light bulbs and climbing property. they used a forklift to right overturned lanterns. here's a look at the ground, rowdy fans knocked over traffic lights at 17th and chester street. newspaper boxes flipped on their sides and smashed windows of the old navy store and macy's on market street. >> you can have a good time without being destructive. we should celebrate but not in that manner. take a look at this. rowdy fans climbed on awnings near broad street, causing it to collapse. workers spent the night clearing away the debris. it's a mad dash to grab all the eagles super bowl championship gear. stores opened up bright and
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early and memorabilia started flying off the shelves. pamela osborne has more. >> reporter: today, eagles will be championing a new legacy, that of champions. >> it was awesome because it was the first time we won the super bowl. >> the apparel was flying off the shelf. >> it's very important i get this slurred, hat and hoodie to represent philadelphia. >> confirming what we witnessed wasn't just a dream, instead, a reality, was a photograph to be treasured and remembered. >> i still can't believe it. >> reporter: pamela osbourne, nbc10 news. >> newspaper presses were running overtime to help remember this win forever. printing extra copies of the super bowl edition, reading at last and a picture of nick foles holding the lombardi trophy.
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and "the daily news" is cold fronting "one for the ages," right after the historic win. from stand-up to super bowl championship what a night for the rookie who racked up four catches for a team high 100 yards to help eagles win their first ever super bowl. today, they celebrated. >> it was all out party for this high school where clements graduated. >> we're not just a school, we're a family. when one does good we all do good. we're very proud of corey. >> sending a message to students for the pep rally on friday to
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always do good and never let the nay-sayers stop you. >> joining us from nbc sports philadelphia. >> let's talk about the mvp of this game, nick foles. it's been a roller coaster. >> a roller coaster of highs. a man who recently as 2016 contemplated retirement after being released by the rams. now, he's not just a super bowl champion, the super bowl mvp. foles picked up his mvp trophy at a press conference in mississippi before boardsing a flight for walt disney world in orlando where he is being celebrated today at the magic kingdom. this morning, foles talked about an embrace he had with his father after the game and what that moment meant. >> to watch him as a kid, continue to give me the opportunity to play and never really realize until i got older how much he worked and how much he and my mom sacrificed for my two younger sisters, to share
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that embrace, all those emotions, that's something you cherish forever and so happy -- i know his emotions are crazy because he lives or dies every play i do. probably more than i do. i was relaxed but i know he was stressed, a very special moment. >> emotions for everyone on a high today. much more on the crazy journey of one nick foles when i join you. guys. >> thanks for that. see you next hour. this eagles team will be remembered forever in philadelphia. today, two of the city's newest heroes made an appearance on the "today" show. one was zach efforts artz and t about the opportunity to catch the winning football. >> it was a full 60 minute fight. obviously patriots are a fantastic football team.
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>> malcolm jenkins said there was so much excitement following the game they did not go to sleep. we want to see how you are celebrating this historic moment in philadelphia. use the hashtag "we won it" when you post your photos and videos and turn to the app for continuing coverage. we have breaking news on wall street. the dow just dropped 1100 points, the biggest single day slide in years. at one point today it sank nearly 1600 points alone, the biggest drop ever, all comes just after the dow saw a rec high last month. a look at the other headlines we're following right now. today, eight people are still in the hospital after this deadly airplane crash in south carolina traveling from new york to miami before it collided with a freight train early yesterday morning. two amtrak workers died. more than 100 people were hurt
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and officials still investigating the crash. the doctor accused of abusing hundreds of gymnasts will spend the rest of his life in prison. he received an over 145 years in prison today. he was the gymnast doctor for years until the women came forward and said he abused them. the supreme court will allow the district map of pennsylvania to be redrawn. the state supreme court said the current redistrict map is unconstitutional and unfairly benefitted republicans. lawmakers have three weeks to submit a replacement plan. turning to the weather now, cold, windy, still, the sun was shining and a great day for eagles to come home victorious. >> great skies. >> yeah. we feel very warm inside despite the weather outside. it almost doesn't matter how cold it is, raining or storming,
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still a great day. 33 degrees in philadelphia now, with all the sunshine and parts of the pa suburbs, having even hit 30. that is pretty cold, even in february. when you have a sunny day and wind out of the northwest. the wind is diminished quite a bit from this morning, only 9 miles an hour in allentown. the feels-like temperature not as bad. feeling like the teens for most of the day today. with the wind dying down tonight, it will have no effect making it feel colder. we have clouds coming in from the west and a couple areas of moisture, this one in iowa is not too impressive yet. there is moisture down by southern texas close to the one that gave us the storm yesterday and last week wasn't showing
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anything in texas either. look how that turned out. we have plenty of rain. not as cold in the morning or the afternoon and get into the 40s in many parts of the area, which is close to average this time of the year. then we get into trouble as we go into wednesday morning. this is the morning rush on wednesday. the computer model says 29 degrees and here comes some snow. the darker blues indicating heavier snow in redding and allentown. look at those temperature, way below freezing. this would stick on untreated surfaces. farther to the south we're above freezing and general trend is to start coming up going through the morning and the question is how fast is that going to happen. 10:30 and we still have temperatures below freezing in northern and western areas, starts to warm by midday and
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early afternoon. even allentown changes to rain. some areas close to 50 degrees by the time we get to the afternoon. and then, by the time we have the parade on thursday, it's dry. it's sunny. breezy, it's kind of chilly. but it's not going to be raining and snowing or anything. tomorrow, fairmount 42, and dover, 43 degrees. how about the parade forecast? 11:00 a.m., wind gusts to 30 miles an hour, the main thing, plus the temperature, only 32 degrees the start at 1:00. 33 degrees, well below normal for the temperature but we don't care. we'll be all bundled up.
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i'll wear my eagles bow tie and joining you. >> thank you. more on the super bowl victory still ahead. up next, double dose of excite am and who had reason to double celebrate. and what it was he removed from her mouth right before belting out the national anthem. free beer, bud light owes us all after the big win and the company said it's ready to pay up. first, a look at the closing bell on wall street where the dow plunged more than 1100 points in a wild trading session.
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you can't deny the love in
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the air for the eagles. last nights in the midst of the madness, this couple got engaged right in the middle of broad street. this man got down on one knee, popped the question and looks like the answer was a big yes. >> a few blocks away, jessica i do to jess cologne. right in front of city hall. congratulations to both couples. >> there is an undeniable feeling in the air throughout this afternoon in philadelphia. >> people are celebrating after witnessing super bowl history. >> reporter: i'm at philly international where we just saw a bunch of eagles fans pick up their bags and head on home. they look tired but they look happy. just ahead, we show you some of the memories fans are bringing back with them. >> we have a cold and windy
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night on tap and trapping a storm that will bring snow for some areas this week plus your super bowl parade forecast next on "nbc10 news at 4:00." coming up, quarterback nick foles' advice about taking risks. friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? ♪ insurance. that's kind of what we do here.
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right now at 4:30, never ending excitement, the city of philadelphia still flying high after the birds big super bowl win. within the past two hours, crowds of fans greeted the team as they touched back down in philadelphia and showed off their new hardware. the show of love continued
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outside the complex where the champions got in their cars and schlep for the first time in nearly 24 hours. >> philadelphia international airports full of eagles fans returning now. live at the airport. >> no shortage of sleepy but elated eagles fans, lauren. >> reporter: we have guys coming in now and some of the folks i talked to, they have not slept, they didn't care. they just saw the eagles win a super bowl and that is exciting but also emotional. they 0 came home like champions, fists in the air and green on their chest, coming home with a super bowl win and something else. >> one of the greatest nights of my life. >> reporter: keith with his 11-year-old son, mason. >> what was it like to share that with your son?
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>> are big guys allowed to cry. the most amazing thing i ever felt in my life, especially with him. >> reporter: it's an emotional moment for generations of fans, who can now say they saw it together. fathers and sons coming back with memories. >> it was like the third week of the season and i made him shake my hand and make a deal if eagles make it to the super bowl he would get tickets and take me. >> reporter: how much did that cost you? >> it doesn't matter at this point. whatever it was it was worth it. >> reporter: in the celebration some fans were missing. keith grew up in roxborough with his dad and this father-son moment is special. >> one of the greatest things i can give him. >> reporter: what do you want him to remember? he's young. what do you want him to remember about being there and being there with you. >> that he got to see the eagles first super bowl win. that's really it.
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this time we got to spend together. >> reporter: mom wasn't on that trip, it was just the guys. you can see how emotional it is for some fans. he is not the only one i have talked to who has teared up talking about what this season means and what a championship means after all this time. live at philadelphia international airport, i'm lauren, nbc10 news. >> they can't help but get emotional over this win, just incredible. >> we've been seeing a lot of that, thank you. this afternoon, quarterback nick foles continued the tradition of super bowl mvps by taking a trip to the most magical trip on earth. >> foles, you and the philadelphia eagles have just won the super bowl, what are you going to do next? >> we're going to disney world! >> football commercial after taking home that mvp award.
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today, he was the guest of honor at the disney parade in florida. we want to see how you are celebrating this historical moment. use the #"wewantit and continuing live coverage. >> a live look at our super bowl champions, cold and windy afternoon outside lincoln financial field. we check in with meteorologist, glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we have a chilly day and night, too. >> yes. this will set us up for the next storm we're getting in the middle of the week, a live picture from redding, one of the places likely to start as snow, maybe a little accumulation on wednesday morning and change to potentially icy mix and then go over to rain. at the beach, it's all rain and beautiful sky right now. we have temperatures below
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freezing in just about all pennsylvania counties, sxepg of philadelphia and northeast philly barely over the freezing mark. allentown and redding, 29 and pretty cold, only 32 degrees in wildwood. the wind has really diminished from what we saw this morning. feels like temperatures are higher this afternoon than they were this morning when they were in the teens. just to show you the effect of the lack of wind, 32 with 24 feels like at 5:00, but once we get toward later tonight, the wind is non-exist stent. so it's the same temperature as the temperature itself. temperature and feels like, wind chill exactly the same when you have no wind. we'll talk more about the wednesday's storm with the timing and another one that will affect us over the weekend coming up. >> thanks, glenn. as if things could not get any
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better in philadelphia right now. >> bud light filling in the details how eagles fans can cash in on the promise of free beer and whatever it takes and lengths eagles fans are going to get their hands on championship gear at 5:00.
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thanks to eagles right tackle, lane johnson, thousands and thousands of fans will be getting free beer on super bowl. it's a bet it made with johnson over the summer. he said during the interview if the birds win the entire thing the world or he would give out beer to everybody. bud light said if eagles win the party is on them. and they will be all along the parade route giving out free beer to everyone 21 years and older. the national anthem enigma
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that had everyone puzzled. >> pink is revealing what she pulled from her mouth prior to her super bowl performance, next. plus, your parade forecast and snow and rain on the way before that happens. it's all next in my exclusive first alert forecast.
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the 2018 olympic games begin in just three days and the porch continues to make its way across south korea and will make it to pyeongchang just in time for the opening ceremony. today, athletes got to meet with the olympic committee and they have a place of mourning for athletes who have died during
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previous olympics. if we thought minnesota was cold, spectators at the olympics will face below zero temperatures and the opening ceremony will be held at a stadium with no roof. this year's winter olympics may set a new record being the coldest since the 1994 olympics in lillehammer, norway. >> keith jones arrived safely at the location of the olympic games. his live reports start later this week. don't miss "going for gold" live wednesday night. we caught up with olympic medalists for our area who recently launched a fashion line. super bowl mystery solved, pink took something out of her mouth just before she sang the national anthem and everybody saw it. turns out it was a throat lozenge. the doylestown native was
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dealing with flu-like symptoms leading up to her performance. talk about being at the right place at the right time, a 13-year-old boy from massachusetts stole the show from justin timberlake's halftime show when he shared a selfie. it instantly went viral and he was on the "today" show to talk about being in the spotlight with j.t. >> my dad was coming around and he was coming behind the people and i stopped there and jumped out with my phone and took a picture. >> ryan said it was something he will never forget and the festivalselfie is a consolation for his patriots loss. >> it was amazon's alexa, take a listen. >> alexa, are you happy the eagles won the super bowl? >> woo-hoo! i knew the eagles would fly
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high, congratulations to the patriots for a great season and big congratulations to the eagles for their first super bowl win. >> alexa has been pulling for the eagles all the way and so has our meteorologist, the glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> someone who had a different bow tie on almost everyday. >> it was special day, like the wednesday before the playoff game was this official eagles bow tie. friday, before the game, was a metro eagles bow tie, all the decades covered. it certainly didn't hurt, did it? we have less wind and not as cold tomorrow. it's going to feel more comfortable. we have a wintery mix coming in for wednesday morning affecting the morning rush in parts of the area. wednesday, watch out. it's going to be pretty rainy. good thing they're not having a parade then. 33 degrees in philadelphia with sunshine now, barely up to 30 in
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many of the surrounding areas. that is pretty cold, even for february. in delaware, we have a range of conditions and we are going to have a range of conditions in wednesday, too. these areas, newcastle county, limestone road, 29, newark, 31, these areas are likely to see some snow and maybe a little ice. it will be all rain and by the afternoon these areas might be in the 50s. lincoln, 35, mills borrow, 35, the beach and selbyville all 35 degrees. >> clouds from the west, moisture here to illinois. a lot of moisture building up for the gulf of mexico and texas and two areas come bine.
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these are not nor'easters or coastal storms, from the west and mainly rain. the atmosphere has to warm up just ahead of the storm. tomorrow, we're warming up ahead of the storm. temperatures getting into low 40s with less wind so it won't feel quite so bad. here we are wednesday morning, the morning rush, snow moving in, temperatures well below freezing, even philadelphia and even in wilmington. so we can get a little accumulation, wasn't last very long, change to rain, that melts it, but we've got this period during the morning rush that we have to let you know about because it could create some problems, especially in the lehigh valley up towards the poconos, the rain comes in all across the area as poconos stay
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for all ice or snow event. this is an all day thing and even into the evening we're still getting some rain. that moves out, plenty of time for the parade on thursday. it's sunny but it's cold. it's going to be kind of windy, a lot like today. remember what you wore today. if it was enough, you'd be outside today there and temperatures winds gusting up near 30 miles an hour. that is pretty cold for standing out hour after hour like you might. there's the parade day 34, after knicks changing to rain and eventually 43. most of the day would be colder than that. we have another storm for the weekend could start as a wintery mix on saturday and starts out as mainly rain and sunday temperatures in the 50s and we have more systems coming in next
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week. this is not a bitter cold or very snowy pattern over the next 10 days. >> we've got much more coverage of the eagles super bowl victory straight ahead. it is an exciting day in philadelphia. but there are some blurry eyes this afternoon. >> reporter: the morning after the super bowl, you can take a look and see a lot of offices not getting a lot of work done today. we have that for you straight ahead. eagles victory parade how the city of philadelphia could handle the huge crowd this thursday at 5:00.
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after a wild night of partying there are tired eagles fans this afternoon. i think they would all agreat was worth it. there were big yawns as they watch the celebrations? checking in to see how fans are faring today. >> reporter: people at gmh mortgage say they showed up right on time and did take a little time off and needed to get necessities to celebrate a super bowl win. this is the first super bowl win ever by the eagles. >> how many stayed up to watch the entire game? everybody. >> i'm happy because that was the first eagles time they won the. >> you got to see it. >> uh-huh. >> the whole game. >> the whole game. >> i wasn't at the game, i watched it on my tv. >> is everybody tired this morning. yes. >> it's a common theme running
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through st. geneves school. >> it was the most joyous and collaborative thing. >> reporter: and for parents. >> my kids will remember it or forever. >> reporter: the greatest pep rally and now school and work. >> you watch this unbelievable win and come straight to work and getting everything done today. >> absolutely. i got in at 9:30, at my desk about 20 minutes and went to dick's we stood in line an hour and a half. >> reporter: those decked out in super bowl gear those who work at g&h mortgage say they work hard all day long and today is a day to celebrate even with their littlest worker. >> we had to show our support, go eagles, go birds. >> reporter: they say they will make this up for their boss, probably not this week.
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>> can't wait for the parade, it will be magical. >> reporter: you won't work that day either? >> to. i already put in a vacation day. >> reporter: the kids have a spelling test however we have been told come thursday school will be closed so kids and families can go to the parade. >> nbc10 news. >> i bet they can all spell eagles no problem. if you're tired now, you have a few days to get some rest before the eagles parade of champions, this thursday at 11:00 a.m., watch it right here live on nbc10. if you're stuck at work and can't get to a tv, that's okay. fire up and watch the whole thing from your office or wherever you are. you can even watch it from the parade route to track the parade's progress. coming up at 5:00, how philadelphia police kept order in the city last night. >> how they're preparing for
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thursday's victory parade. >> we are live at the philadelphia international airport where fans greeted the eagles. >> and what the quarterback has to say about taking risks. your important parade weather. we have to get past this wintery mix first and timing on that and what you have to wear to the parade.
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right now at 5:00, pandemonium in philadelphia. eagles fans relish the regal eagles. as they arrive home, super bowl glory in hand. the city is coming together to celebrate the team. >> rain or shine, i will be here. >> reporter: it's making philly sports history. >> greeting their fans with the lombardi trophy. >> eagles! whoa! >> sharing the glory, the philadelphia eagles greet fans at philadelphia international airport carrying the lombardi trophy right up to the fence. thanks for joining us here at 5:00. i'm erin coleman. >> i'm denise lovato. there is a victory parade
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planned thursday at 11:00 and all parochial schools in the city will close as a result. upper darby schools also will be closed. the parade starts at broad and patterson street in south philadelphia and then heads towards the art museum. >> nbc10 is your official home of philadelphia eagles. watch their victory parade this thursday at 11:00 a.m. and on the free nbc10 app. >> live coverage of eagles elation from minneapolis to philadelphia. >> live at philadelphia international airport, lauren, you've been talking to passengers making their way home after that huge win and they are excited. >> erin and denise, the fans are super excited. they are still jumping up and down and still chanting. they are still crying, but, boy, do they have a story to tell. >> reporter: back in philadelphia, a champions welcome, even for the fans. >> what was it like to


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