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tv   Sunday Today With Willie Geist  NBC  February 4, 2018 8:00am-8:59am EST

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♪ the state of our union is strong. >> train versus truck. >> why make this memo public? the shot's not perfect. good morning, welcome to "sunday today" on this super bowl sunday, february 4th. i'm willie geist. we'll get to the site of the game in a moment. we're also following breaking news this morning out of south carolina where an amtrak train with more than 130 passengers on board collided overnight with a freight train. it's the second amtrak crash in a week. and this one is deadly as well. we'll have the latest in a minute. and then super bowl lii is just hours away. the big game between the defending champion new england
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patriots and the philadelphia eagles right here on nbc. gets started at 6:00 eastern, 3:00 pacific. with pregame coverage running all day long. don't forget, justin timberlake at halftime. we'll have a live report from minneapolis. and later, a "sunday sitdown," with one of the world's biggest stars now making her mark here in the united states. priyanka chopra star of hit show "quantico" from making the leap to hollywood to the premier of one of india's most famous actresses. >> i guess i just wanted to see where else it could take me. i didn't just want one country. i wanted the world. let's begin this morning with that breaking news out of south carolina. please say at least two people are dead. abc's morgan radford has the latest. morgan, good morning. >> willie, good morning. police are still on the scene of that deadly crash and it happened around 2:30 this
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morning in columbia, south carolina. 139 passengers were on board along with eight crew members. police say at least two people are dead. 70 others were taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. and the rest of the people on board were all taken to safety. >> we know that they are shaken up quite a bit. we know that this is unlike anything else that they have been ever been through. so, we wanted to get them out of the cold. get them out of the weather, get them to a warm place. >> as we speak, hazmat crews are as on the scene because 5,000 gallons of fuel spilled. this is now the second amtrak train crash in less than a week. one person was killed and several others were injured when a train full of lawmakers crashed into a garbage truck in virginia on their way to a republican retreat. as far as this crash this morning goes, investigators have not said yet what caused the collision but the gnash transportation safety board will be sending a team investigate. willie. >> a terrible scene there in
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south carolina. morgan radford, thanks so much. let's turn to our other big story today, it is the super bowl. in just a matter of hour, the patriots and eagles will face off in minneapolis with the lombardi trophy on the line. tom brady named mvp on saturday now looking for his sixth super bowl title. craig melvin is on the field in minneapolis. craig, you ought to keep that seat, my friend. >> reporter: i'll be in the nose bleed, buddy. when brady and the patriots take the field they'll be taking the field as five-point favorites but to hoist another trophy, they'll have to get past a scrappy eagles quarterback. and commercial, parties, halftime show. the sport's most spectacular event of the year. ten hours away from super bowl lii. >> reporter: the hype is nearly over. and the is story line, all too
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familiar the favored new england patriots playing to cement their legacy as one of the greatest sports dynasties in history. the perennial goliath. this year's, david, the philadelphia eagles. all smiles playing for their first ever super bowl title. while outside, fans enjoy the nfl experience. at night, those glitzy and glamorous super bowl parties and concerts. ♪ >> reporter: another hallmark of the big game, super sized security. in the skies, black hawk helicopters. on the ground, military humvees. new bomb detection technology. infrared cameras and 1,000 federal agents are blanketing minneapolis. so is the snow. and subzero temperatures. it will be the coldest super bowl ever. game time temperature outside about 3 degrees. with the windchill of negative 12. >> eagles! >> reporter: inside the state of the art, dome, though, a balmy
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70 degrees and a highly anticipated halftime show from justin timberlake. the eagles are playing on the shoulders of their backup quarterback nick foles who didn't even play most of the season. >> focus on the game. focus on the here and now. staying in the moment. picture.ter: they're best kno all eyes have been on his throwing hand. earlier this week, he had 12 stitches removed after a collision in practice last month. >> i'm doing better. good to be out there, named him mvp. by the way, tom brady says that that hand should be just fine for the pick game tonight. of course, the other big story here, justin timberlake at halftime. there has been a lot of talk about who might join him as a special guest. janet jackson put one of those rumors to rest saying yesterday it would not be her, after, of course, this infamous halftime performance that set, you know,
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set off all of that controversy. tonight, not janet but i can tell you, willie, a source to close to the game can confirm that therely in fact be some sort of surprise. >> craig, i liked watching you dance around what actually happened with janet jackson. >> reporter: yes. trying to keep it classy this morning. >> well done, my friend. craig, thanks so much for leaving that sunday logo up in the duration of the game. nbc is the home for the super bowl. we've got pregame coverage all day. you can watch the big game starting at 6:00 p.m. the national olympic committee's executive board is speaking out about the larry nassar sex abuse scandal. the board said it's shocked and saddened and applauds those have come forward. the ioc has announced it's creating new safety guidelines for athletes competing in pyeongchang. participants will be able to
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report any incidents of abuse to an ioc safe guarding officer. an olympic hopeful won't be going after a scary incident. jacqueline wiles hit a gate and went tumbling. she fractured her leg and tore her acl. lindsey vonn won the grace by 0.02s of a second. turning to politics and president trump' estate in florida. >> reporter: good morning. president trump is relying on a once secret memo, a memo he in president wrote, the memo totally vindicates trump in probe. he also quotesed from "the wall street journal" to make another point, the fbi failed to inform the fisa court the clinton campaign declined to report the dossier. the dossier refers to
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christopher steele who did write a report on the trump campaign. and it was paid for by the dnc and the trump campaign. democrats say that republicans relied on that exclusively, and that that was inappropriate. democrats say they cherry picked information to write their memo. so where does this leave us now? democrats want the chance to put out their own memo writing about the same issues, the fbi and justice department. the problem is they will need the house republicans agree to release it. and they will need the president agree to declassify it. those are big questions, willie. >> kelly o'donnell not even breaking her thought through that wind tunnel she's apparently standing in. hallie jackson is nbc's chief white house correspondent she joins me here in new york. and chuck todd is moderator of "meet the press." we'll talk about the eagles in just a second.
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don't worry, halle. chuck, let me start on the four-page memo released by devin nunes and republicans coming out of the house intel committee. depending on the story you read, it's either a slam dunk that the fbi is bias and the investigation is a witch hunt as the president said. or if you're a democrat, the technical term is a nothing burger. where does the truth lie somewhere in there? >> look, i think the better way to look at this, the memos, the afterthought as far as the president and his allies are concerned the hype in the leadup to the memo gave the president what will he was looking for. and that's what is with new republican capitalist republicans. look, this memo, you got to look at what it's trying to do, right. it's trying to raise more doubts about the probeoverall. raise doubts about the fbi. in turn, raises doubts about mueller. raises doubts about rod rosenstein. and all of a sudden, what did the president find out? a whole bunch more republicans
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on capitol hill are willing to stand by him in these attacks. i think the big lesson for the president is, he may have the political capital among republicans to get rid of mueller. >> halle, the president tweeting this weekend said the memo totally vindicates trump. he wanted to call it the witch hunt from before, no collusion, and called a disgrace. >> rick gaetsz. >> george papadopoulos. all of that, nobody has been vicinity indicated yet. how is the white house feeling? if the goal was to muddy the waters with this memo did it get what it wanted? >> the process is the news in this situation. because it was such a mess. i can tell you reporting on this from back in d.c. in the last 24 hours, the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing when it came to this memo. it was obviously unprecedented that's what led officials 0 to say privately, listen, this is the first time we've ever done
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this. the white house wants this over with, with the special investigation. the president wants to cooperate to wrap this up. then the president goes on twitter and does what he did, willie which is to say the special counsel investigation has found nothing. here's the thing. bob mueller doesn't come out and talk. he doesn't come without and give press conferences. i think what's significant, the president is at war with his own fbi. and the house intelligence committee in a real mess right now. i spoke with the top democrat on that committee a day and a half ago that said perhaps devin nunes should step down from chairmanship. watch for that. >> chuck, i talked to leading conservatives who said i don't recognize paul ryan. paul ryan is not an innocent bystander, he could rein in what nunez is doing in the intel committee. >> right. >> what is the goal of republicans, what are they getting at in forming this protective bubble around president trump? >> look, i think it's about the fact that the president's base is still extraordinarily supportive of him.
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and i think this is -- these are being decisions that are made out of fear of looking like you're anti-trump as a republican. and that creates problems in primaries. and problems overall. so, i think this is a straight-up, you know, it's why do politicians act the way they act? it's about their own survival. it's always about their own survival. and i think this is an example of it. the president's sbas wibase is him. and if you cross him, i don't care, if you're paul ryan, you're in trouble. chuck, around the table, picks today, super bowl? >> who do i got or rooting for? >> who do you got? >> the eagles are probably going to blow it at the end. >> come on, todd, back me up here. in savannah, you've got to cheer for the eagles on that one. >> can i just ask, willie, the city of philadelphia, should they fear a win or a loss more?
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>> well, if you win, it's what happened to the red sox years ago, useful lost your thing which is we're the underdog. >> i'm talking about the physical structure -- >> this is a rioting question is what you're asking, chuck. >> you're wearing your eagles green. we know where you stand. >> chuck, meet you more this morning on "meet the press" when chuck is joined by john brennan as well as by president trump's former chief of staff reince priebus. dylan is south korea for the olympics where she and i will be good morning. i'm krystal klei. happy super bowl sunday. go eagles. check out the forecast. if you're driving, you need to take note of a few conditions changing throughout the morning hours. light snow starting at 10:00 a.m. and lasts through the morning hours near lehigh valley, berks county and even in the suburbs which may lead to
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slippery conditions. around 2:00 to 3:00, rain starts to take over the region. that rain, though, will be heavy about the time you're driving to any super bowl party. make sure on the roadways, you're taking it slow. lows of the week. including on this super bowl sunday the school bus driver and big eagles fans who got the surprise of his life from the kids he drives. and the airline passengerses who got the surprise of their lives when someone tried to board a plane with their peacock. you want your emotional support pet with you. and later, the state of the art stadium in minneapolis, home of the best bells and whistles in sports. >> this looks like a railing but really it's a wi-fi hot spot. >> the photo of the week, a massachusetts woman visiting new york when jay z and beyon
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with dylan off at the olympics, halle was nice enough to stick around for the highs and lows of the week, shall we do it? >> do it. >> an eagles fan who spent his lifetime earning his ticket to the super bowl. gary kelmer has been a school bus driver for 26 years outside of philly. and an eagles fan longer than that. kelmer's dad took him to see the eagles in the 1960 championship game in philadelphia's franklin field. parents know how much it means to the driver, the kids call him mr. gary, after it advanced to the super bowl, the school started a gofundme page. they raised $5,000 to get gary to the game in minneapolis. >> go birds! oh, my god! fly eagles fly! >> i love a fan who deserves it
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that much. >> i know, mr. gary is all of us. i want just a live shot of him the entire game. all night long. our first logos to alex trebek's low tolerance to the sports ilg in accordangnorance . they the topic was talking football. >> football, $200. >> your choice: do your ont name this play in which the quarterback runs the ball and can choose to pitch it to another back. option play. ryan. >> football, 400. >> i can tell you guys are big football fans. [ laughter ] >> tom landry perfected the shotgun perforation with this team? >> dallas cowboys. >> do you think we should go to commercial? >> nobody questions a person's
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spirit quite like trebek. the contestants failed to answer a single question. >> the audience turned on them. you could hear them in the background. and the next high go to the high honor of one member of the british h t he up and quit in disgrace. >> i always believed we should rise to the highest possible standards of courtesy and respect. this morning, on behalf of the government the legitimate questions of the legislature, i'm thoroughly ashamed of not being in my place. and therefore, i should be offering my resignation. immediately. i do apologize. >> buddy, don't beat yourself up. lord michael bates walked out of the chamber in shame. as his colleagues tried to coax him back in. eventually, the prime minister had to step in. theresa may put out a statement,
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disgrace ever time i was late, i would have been out a decade ago. the final logos to the stretching of the definition of the term "emotional support animal." if you plfly, you may have notid the increase of people traveling with an emotional support dog or cat. but this week, more exotic. a peacock, a woman arrived at newark international airport in new jersey with her peacock named dexter. he bought the big beautiful bird his own ticket. for some reason, she wasn't allowed to bring him on board. in a statement, they said the peacock did not meet requirements. dex eter has his own facebook beige. spent six hours trying to get on my flight to l.a. after following all required protocol. tomorrow, my human friends are going to drive me across
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country. dexter the peacock has an instagram account. this week he posted with emojis. this is a real thing. >> i hate this stuff. it makes me so upset. >> like a little pig on the plane? >> right. there are people who really do need these animals for actual reasons. >> right. >> so, let those people do that for real. i would love to travel with my dog named after brian dawkins. hall of fame dog. >> halle, thank you very much. coming up next, the "sunday sitdown" with priyanka chopra before she took america by storm. she already was one of the biggest stars in the world. how the young girl who wanted to how the young girl who wanted to be an aeronautical engineer gre i'm sorry, leo. i know i'm late. traffic on the ponte vecchio on a monday. always late. oh! my wallet! un momento.
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super bowl sunday is here at last. let's take a live look at u.s. bank stadium in minneapolis.
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the parking lots open at 11:00 a.m. our time. eagles fans will be allowed to wear their underdog masks inside once they clear security. the birds were loose, looking good, feeling good yesterday at the stadium. everybody is hoping they will lift the lombardi trophy tonight. nbc 10, your official eagles station is the only place you can watch super bowl lii. our special coverage starts at 10:00 this morning. then it runs all the way to kickoff at 6:30. hate to tell you, it's going to be a super bowl sunday soaker. meteorologist krystal klei is tracking some wet weather in the first alert neighborhood forecast. krystal? >> we're looking at a lot of rain to the southwest. through atlanta, then you see the pink and icy conditions much as it moves through, most of us are just talking rain. it's going to be periodically heavy. here's the timeline. this morning, about 10:00 a.m. through noon, north and west,
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could be snow/ice/slush mixture. slippery sidewalks with possible the rain spreads through the area noon through 4:00. the heaviest between 4:00 and 9:00. >> i'm rosemary connors. back to the "today" show with willie geist. go birds.
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sir, it is such an honor, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. >> yes. i'm so busy. if you're wondering why i'm so out of breath is because i'm doing my p-90x exercises right now. but i'm saving the economy, destroying isis. right now i'm getting my daily intelligence briefing. >> oh, from who? >> from you guys. [ laughter ] >> "saturday night live" bringing alec baldwin to host last night. priyanka chopra truly a global star known here in america as the lead character in the abc show quantico. for years she's been an a-list celebrity to the 1.3 billion people that live back home in
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india. as a teenager she won miss uinda and this world. she's been named to "time" magazine's list of most influential people. and to forbes list of the most prominent people in media. she joined us after she dashed home from the set of her show. >> reporter: priyanka chopra is one of the biggest stars in the world. >> who are you? >> i guess you'll never know. >> welcome to my house. >> reporter: and it turns out a gracious host as well. thank you for having us over. >> of course. thank you. >> reporter: we have like 20 people. >> i'm used to it. >> reporter: over the last decade and a half, the 35-year-old chopra has starred in more than 50 movies back home in india, where she is one of the country's most famous faces. ♪ >> reporter: if you can explain to an american audience what
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it's like to be the biggest movie star in india, because it's a country that has 1 billion more people than the united states has. >> that is true. >> reporter: your audience is massive. >> i don't think any movie industry around the world ever experiences the kind of love and affection. they have a feeling that she's mine, she's ours. it's so visceral. and it's so like raw. nobody else in the world has ever experienced that. i've never seen it anywhere. >> reporter: global stardom was not always part of the plan. priyanka grew up wanting to be an aeronautical engineer. the daughter of two indian army doctors she was an excellent student who went to high school for three years in the united states. >> i was on vacation to visit my cousins with my mom and my mom's sister lives here. we came to my cousins' school. i'm 13, vanity is peeking at
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this moment. i walk into the high school at cedar rapids. i was like, they don't wear uniforms here. i'm like that's what i want to do. i said, mom, i want to go to school here because i think it will be better for my future and my education. and my mom agreed. >> reporter: she bought that? >> then i stayed back for about three or four years. >> reporter: when 16-year-old priyanka returned to india, life took a turn, thanks to a sneaky move by her mom. is it true your mom submitted you to miss india, put your head shot in? >> yeah. >> reporter: so it wasn't your idea. >> no, first of all i didn't think i was pretty. second of all i was very shy. i was only confident in debates. 2000, i don't know what came over my mom. she didn't think about it. just sent them in.
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did not expect a call back. we got a call back. >> reporter: then is spiraled out of control. then you went on to miss world. >> i was 18 years old. i guess when i first started getting my movie offers in india. my dad sat me down and said i don't want you to ever have a word if in your life. give it a shot. if it works out, great. >> reporter: with her father's support, priyanka never looked back. >> she was like my best friend. my greatest fan. when i won awards, like he was the one cheering. >> reporter: he's proud of you. >> yeah. this is my dad's handwriting. >> reporter: but in 2013, after a long fight with cancer. her biggest cheerleader died. >> he was somebody like, your hero. you know. and nothing happens to a superhero. that deterioration, you know, that broke a lot of me. >> reporter: priyanka pushed through her grief by working and
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taking on a new challenge. hollywood. so as you sat with your career in india, 50 films, you'd won mountains of awards incorrectly popular there, what was it inside that said let me take a crack at it? what made you make that leap? >> i guess i didn't. i probably didn't. i just wanted to see what else i could do. i didn't want one country or two. i just wanted the world. >> reporter: priyanka signed a deal with abc where she had her pick of 26 different scripts. she chose "quantico" and the starring role of fbi agent alex parish. >> america deserves the truth and nothing less. >> reporter: she became the first indian woman to star as a lead in a u.s. network show. what do you love about alex? what would be it about the character? >> well, i just loved that alex always had perfect herring.
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the world's blowing up but the hair doesn't. >> reporter: the secret to get priyanka chopra to do your show is great hair? >> and has to bounce when she walks. >> reporter: she's in. >> no, but what i love about alex, she's completely like a forward, like, modern woman with no punches. it doesn't matter what anyone says to her, she lives her life to the sound of her own drum. i think that's such a great example for young women out there. we've been doing it for so long, we need to speak a certain way, have babies at a certain time. and everything is decided for us. and alex is just like who she is. >> reporter: last year, chopra made her hollywood film debut in the role of victoria leeds in the "baywatch" movie. when she's not on screen, chopra uses the megaphone international fame has provided her. among many causes she supports,
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priyanka is the goodwill ambassador for unicef. >> you have forbes most powerful. you won the mother teresa award a few months ago. >> i consider being a philanthropist. i was raised in that environment as a little girl. i realized i had a platform that people even if they didn't listen to me, they'd at least hear me. i suddenly had a magnified voice and things that needed magnification. >> reporter: priyanka keeps her private life private, especially about her friendship with another global star meghan markle who will marry police harry in may. before you leave your apartment, we're taking betting odds on who
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will be the bridesmaids in the wedding. i need make a couple extra bucks. >> i don't even know when the wedding is. she's a wonderful girl. whatever it is i hope it's magical. >> priyanka's show quantico returned in april. she has another movie co-starring claire daines, jim parsons and octavia spencer. and next we're, we are live from pyeongchang, south korea, with coverage of the olympic winter games. give you a taste of the country and its history. and sit down with sarah henson who is looking for gold after fighting for women to be included in the event for the first time at the sochi
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good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. happy super bowl sunday. go eagles. chesk out the forecast. if you're driving, you need to take note of a few conditions change throughout the morning hours. light snow around 10:00 a.m. and lasts through the morning hours near lehigh valley, berks county. the suburbs also. may lead to slippery conditions. rain starts to take over the region. that will be heavy about the time you're driving to any super bowl party. on the roadways, make sure you take it slow. next on "sunday today," we had head back to the site of today's super bowl lii where tom brady and the patriots will defend their title against the philadelphia eagles. inside one of the highest tech inside one of the highest tech state of the art is i know how that feels.e? i'm chris elliot, and i'm a big-time hollywood actor. i don't know who you are, but you deserve more. more beauty.
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played in january of 1967 in los angeles memorial coliseum where the packers beat the chiefs 35-10. vince lombardi never could have imagined the annual spectacle it's become. society's super bowl lii will be watched on television by more than 100 million people and played in a state of the art stadium that's a long way from that old l.a. coliseum. on sunday's spotlight, jo ling takes us behind the game. >> reporter: with all eyes on the gridiron today there's another billion dollar spectacle in the spotlight u.s. bank stadium. the tricked-out high-tech home from the 52nd super bowl. when the fans first step inside from the 90-foot high pivoting glass door. to the sparkling top. and leaves the light in and keeps that minnesota cold out, weighing just 1% of weight of glass. the roof is slanted thanks to
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old-school technology pioneered by ancient vikings. present day vikings owner and president mark will said it was designed for the fan. >> it's the first of its kind in america. it gets the snow off the roof and allows the sunshine to come in here. even though you're in climate-controlled environment, you feel like you're outside. >> reporter: he's the chief technology adviser for the stadium. one of his jobs to make sure all of the fans in the stands can use their smartphones at full speed. all of this is powering data on other devices. what would happen if this didn't exist at the stadium? >> if you got together with 60 or 70,000 of your total friends and brought your cell phones into a building and we didn't have this in place. you would cripple the downtime cellular environment. >> reporter: also powering the game, more than 1,000 wi-fi cents. this looks like a railing, really, it's a wi-fi hot spot.
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>> it's on us to put the technology in a spot that works in a real way. >> reporter: for many eagles and patriots fans finding your seat in a sea of purple and green. there's no excuse for not finding your seat. there's a mobile app for that. it's technology that allows to you find your seat quickly and efficiently. just like us. need a beer? the minnesota vikings app features instant ordering and that selfie. >> that's what a lot of you might expect. the comforts that you might have at home. all of this technology is meant to create an experience than better at home. >> reporter: 38 state of the art 360 cameras positioned throughout the stadium capture the action, often from the quarterback's point of view. making instant replays feel like you're on the field. >> the camera operators are able
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to select three of the camera angles that will provide the best viewpoints. and they can quickly pull those three angles together into a single shot. >> reporter: and if that isn't close enough to the action for you, fans can step right on to the field as a wide receiver. >> that's the helmet. >> reporter: as a vikings fan, i really like this. this virtual reality game powered by microsoft kinect. >> perfect. >> reporter: i think that was a touchdown. makes any rookie even off the field feel like a real mvp. >> perfect, 3 for 3. >> reporter: now, all of this technology is going to be put to the test in a very big way today. it's expected to be the biggest single day ever of technology users and zat ddata users in on place. the biggest spikes at kickoff and halftime with justin
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timberlake. >> nice hands there, jo. have fun. thanks so much. next on "sunday today," the patriots star lineman whose job is to protect tom brady's blind side, but his heart is with his little boy. >> what was that moment like to hear those words? >> i just felt like i'd done something wrong. i felt like i caused it. i felt like i had let him down. and it was so incident. and later, a life well lived. a doctor who escaped the a doctor who escaped the holocaust as a teenager i've gotta say, i love the new place. a doctor who escaped the holocaust as a teenager oh thanks. yeah, i took your advice and had geico help with renters insurance- it was really easy. easy. that'd be nice. phone: for help with chairs, say "chair." phone: for help with bookcases, say "bookcase." bookcase. i thought this was the dresser? isn't that the bed? phone: i'm sorry, i didn't understand. phone: for help with chairs, say "chair." does this mean we're not going out? book-case. see how easy renters insurance can be
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if you're like me and you don't have a team to root 00 for in today's super bowl, let me give you a player to get behind. nate solder is number 77 for the new england patriots. you can't miss him, he's 6'8" and 325 pounds protecting tom brady on the offensive line. as dylan tells us on our "sunday closer," the big man who already has two super bowl rings will trade them both and another today for the health of his little boy. >> reporter: when nate solder lines up at left tackle today for the new england patriots, he'll have a big battle on his hands against the philadelphia eagles.
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but that battle pales in comparison to the ones he and his family have faced. nate had testicer cancer. >> it was unknown and looming and frightening. >> reporter: what did you learn about yourself during that whole process. >> how fragile everything that we do is. >> reporter: then an even blow for nate and his wife lexi. in october 2015, their 3-month-old son hudson was diagnosed with kidney cancer. what was that moment like to hear those words? >> i just felt like i'd done something wrong. i felt like i caused it. i felt like i had let him down. and he was so innocent. >> reporter: with helps from the patriots and the jimmy fund clinic in boston, hudson battled cancer with the same toughness his dad shows on the football field. >> when he was diagnosed he was
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originally on a 19-week chemo treatment plan and we went for 54 weeks. >> reporter: is there still a point where you guys looked at each other and said this is so unfair. >> i think we did. we definitely had those moments. >> god has provided us with such circumstances with hudson's health but he's also provided for it. there are blessings that come with it. >> reporter: some blessings did arrive after all, a year of chem therapy shrank hudson's supertu. hudson got gay babysitter. >> another chunky monkey. >> reporter: does hudson get football, how big of a star you are. >> daddy's game. >> most 6 the time it's i don't want to watch daddy's game. i want to watch pets or something. >> there we go. >> reporter: now, a new fight for the solder's three months
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ago they found out hudson's tumors had started growing again. a new round of chemo is under way. i feel like with kids there's such an innocence with them going through this. it's all physical for him. it's not emotional. we take on the emotional burden i think. he just rolls with it. >> reporter: and what's the prognosis going forward. >> his doctors tell us a lot that hudson is like comparing apples to oranges. we have the whole bunch of apples and this is one orange. this could be something we're dealing with for the rest of his life or it's something that he could be done with a year from now. we don't know. >> reporter: so, now leading up to the big game is your mind-set? can you separate the two? or is it all just one big -- >> you know, there's been plenty of times this season i could not separate the two. i was totally consumed by certain for what was going on at home. right now, there's so many good things going on. we're so happy.
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one, i just play my best ball and win another game and have some fun doing it. >> reporter: have your family there with you? >> yeah, they're going to be there and support me like they always do. i feel so thankful for them. >> reporter: for "sunday today," dylan dreyer, foxborough, massachusetts. >> we're all rooting for hudson and the solders. dylan, thank you. dr. arnold mitchtalsky was the founder of genetics. but the doctor nearly didn't live to make the critical discoveries that have saved countless lives. he was born in germany, he and his family were jewish. in 1939, they threat the nazis on the ship "st. louis." the liner was turned away in cuba and miami and sent back to belgium. when the nazis invaded belgium,
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he was separated from his mom and siblings and sent to a camp in france. he was young enough at 17 years old to be allowed to leave on a visa. he set for the united states and met up with his docto father. it wasn't until two years later that arnold learned his mother, brother and sister had survived in europe. they were reunited three years after that. he settled in washington where in 1957, he founded one of the first metal jdical genetics departments in the united states. states. the doctor ♪ states. the doctor
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from wherever you are, at the doctor's office, karate practice or my favorite... back at the doctor's office. knowing before you go means more quality time sewing a costume for the school play that is not going to look anything like a frog. just a little heads-up, mrs. davis... ha ha ha, yay kids! [narrator] nathan chen... ♪ the winter olympics begin thursday. live, on nbc.
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time now for a look at what's next this week. remember all that celebration by congress a couple weeks ago when the government shutdown ended. well, the next one comes on thursday. there's to deal, the government could shut down again. and friday is the opening ceremony for the olympic winter games in pyeongchang, south korea. vice president mike pence will be there to represent the united states. you can watch the opening ceremony live on friday night at 8:00, 5:00 p.m. pacific. don't forget the super bowl today, 6:00 p.m.,
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this sunday, the republican memo is out and the reaction is in. >> i think it's a disgrace what's happening in our country. a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves and much worse than that. >> the president's allies say the memo proves the entire russia investigation is illegitimate and that this is just phase one. >> we are in the middle of what i call phase two of our investigation, which involves other departments, specifically the state department. >> democrats say the memo is nothing more than a smoke screen. >> this is just the latest chapter in an effort to distract attention from the russia probe and try to put the government on trial. plus, will president trump use the memo to fire the man in charge of the special counsel's investigation, rod rosenstein?
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