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tv   NBC10 News at 11pm  NBC  February 1, 2018 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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and little eagles fans going viral for their miracle pep talk. >> sick and tired of hearing how great brady and belichick are! >> yeah, screw 'em! >> super bowl lii now just three days away. >> good evening from minneapolis, minnesota. i'm jacqueline london. >> i'm jim rosenfield. tonight it is so brutally cold. the super bowl festivities had to be delayed this evening. the super bowl live concerts started later than they were supposed to because the audio equipment was frozen. the music couldn't start until crews thawed everything out. >> luckily the eagles practiced indoors today. just like they will play inside the dome on sunday. today the birds focused on quick tempo as they worked on their game plan for beating the patriots. >> and tonight more eagles fans are arriving here in minneapolis. some die-hard fans drove 17 hours in this tricked-out rv.
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>> that is incredible. nbc 10's steven fisher caught up with them tonight. he's also here in minneapolis this evening. >> reporter: that trip is roughly 1,100 miles from the philadelphia area to minnesota. a group of guys did it in a decked-out eagles rv. they left last night at 6:00, and they got here today at 4:00. have no fear, the eagle-mobile tube is now here in minnesota. >> it was long. >> eagles here, eagles there, eagles signs everywhere. except here in the bathroom where you'll find the dallas star at the bottom of the bowl. >> we had two stars. now his and her rain points. >> reporter: together a group of four die-hard fans drove this philly pride machine through six states. >> we had all thumbs up until we hit the minnesota line. >> reporter: anthony burn from northeast philadelphia did most of the driving.
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>> we're excited. keep is us going. we know what we're heading towards. we're going to be celebrating so it's all right. >> reporter: along the way they had unusual company riding shotgun. >> have no idea what it is. it's an interesting-looking guy, isn't he? >> it's basically a five-gallon bucket with an eagle head on it. >> reporter: the bird bot, and they documented the bird bot's trip first being held by statues in notre dame, then at the illinois state line. they have bigger plans for their travel companion. >> we're trying to find kevin hart. he wants to take bird bot into the game. >> reporter: yeah, leave to it kevin hart to try to get the bird bot into the super bowl. as for those four guys, they all have tickets to the super bowl. they said they're not risking getting kicked out of that game. >> even though my invitation was lost in the mail, super bowl week always features star-studded parties. >> i didn't get one either.
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tonight our john clark got into one cohosted by a former eagles quarterback who thinks the birds are in for a win come sunday. >> eagles quarterback ron jaworski went to the 1981 super bowl. coach mike ditka won the '85 championship with the bears. they know what it takes to win. tonight they both think the eagles have a great shot at winning their first super bowl. >> i think the chances are very good. in fact, i pick the eagles to win. for a lot of reasons. number one, they're hot. when you got a hot team coming to the biggest game of your life, that's exactly where you want to be. probably the most important thing, this team plays for each other. they face a lot of adversity this year and they've overcome it all. they've played for each other and that's what coach peterson has done with this team, he's won the locker room. >> i hope it's a real good football game. i don't think it's going to be a high-scoring game. i may be wrong but i don't think it is. >> tory smith, eagles receiver, told me he thinks every day about winning this super bowl
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for the eagles that came before him. that means a lot to people like ron jaworski. >> it's meaningful and we appreciate those comments. and they're all right on. because all us former eagles, we never got it done. we live vicariously through this team. we are pulling for them. let's get it done. let's bring that vince lombardi trophy home to philadelphia. >> he says if the eagles win the super bowl, he's riding back on the team charter right next to the pilot. shotgun. i'm john clark in minneapolis, nbc sports philadelphia. >> getting a lot of buzz in this town this guy, justin timberlake. he took a break from halftime rehearsals to hang out with the media. the singer didn't share any specifics about his show, only promising it will include things never done before. one thing he did talk about, the patriots and his bromance with tom brady. >> i love tom brady. there, i said it.
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i've been running routes too. i want to throw this out to belichick. if, you know -- if all of your receivers go down, i'll be ready to go. >> if you're keeping score at home, there were zero mentions of the eagles. but timberlake did promise a good show. >> he says he loves performing in philly, to try to smooth things out. >> because he's going on tour and he'll be in philly soon. >> that's right. tonight some little eagles fans are getting some big attention online. >> they are, they're getting a lot of vibes. they made a video to fire up birds fans all over our region, check it out. >> this is your time! their time is done. it's over! >> i'm sick and tired of hearing how great brady and belichick are. >> nbc 10 spoke to the kids about the new found celebrity. >> tonight we are the greatest
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football team in the world. >> reporter: it's the joy of sitting back and watching a job well done. five friends are now famous in their neighborhoods. the viral eagles hype video made by kate, jack, and thomas placee, and dirk and dan savage, has nearly 200,000 views. >> tonight we tackle them and we stuff them down because we can! >> reporter: they can't get enough of watching themselves act out the "miracle on ice" speech, given by herb brooks at the 1980 olympics. this time they foclcused on the eagles. >> my class is going crazy talking about it. >> my friends are saying, yell out your video. >> we're not really allowed to talk like this at our house, but since the video it's become an inside joke. >> reporter: it's their favorite line. >> sick and tired of hearing how great brady and belichick are. >> yeah! screw 'em!
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>> screw 'em. >> reporter: they're trying to get the eagles to see it as the biggest game of the year gets closer. >> if they respond back, that would be a miracle. a miracle speech. >> reporter: here's hoping for that miracle. >> eagles! >> i have a feeling that's just the beginning of the attention they're going to be seeing in their young lives. >> so cute. >> eagles fans across the country are bursting with excitement as you would imagine, in anticipation of sunday's big game. >> yeah, but for one south jersey native, real panic set in when she awoke from a surgical procedure thinking she had missed the super bowl. >> did i miss the super bowl? >> no, no, no. >> oh my god! >> no, you didn't miss it. >> i didn't? i want to go so bad. >> south jersey native halley parks awakened from having her wisdom teeth pulled. her dad posted the video of her
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on facebook. it has since gone viral with nearly 250,000 views. >> i'd not expected to get as much positive response. throwing it on instagram so my friends could see it and get a laugh and it started blowing up and it was crazy. >> halley says when the birds win, she will be among the millions marching down broad street at the victory parade next week. yeah, can you imagine her relief? oh, wait, i didn't miss the super bowl after all. >> i didn't miss anything. happy to have that surgery over with too. >> yes. nbc 10, your official eagles station is the only place you can watch super bowl lii. we are bringing you all the action that no one else can. >> and we're going all-out on super bowl sunday for what could be the biggest night in philadelphia sports history. after the game you can see "this is us" on nbc 10. if you want to keep riding with the eagles, go to our cozi
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channel for wall-to-wall coverage following the game, cozi is comcast 248, verizon fios 460, or 10.2 over the air. there's much more ahead from us right here in minneapolis. >> first let's send it back to the nbc 10 studios. erin coleman has news we're following tonight. one of the big stories at home, the man charged with shooting philadelphia police officer jesse hartnick in an ambush-style attack learned his fate. edward archer was found guilty on all charges, including attempted murder. archer pledged allegiance to isis after that shooting. hartnet says his recovery is an ongoing process. >> i'm trying my absolute best to get back something that was taken away from me. i think it's going to be quite a long road before -- i don't think i'll ever be 100% but hopefully someday i'll get close to that. >> archer is scheduled to be sentenced in may. the judge who sentenced mik mill
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to jail for probation violation is going after his legal team. judge brinkley hired a lawyer and is threat nothing to sue for defamati defamation. brinkley's attorney says the rapper's legal team has been making baseless claims to the media about her personal and professional conduct. he was sentenced to two to four years behind bars for probation violation. it's going to be a slippery morning commute with a combination of rain, snow, and maybe a little ice. i'll explain where it will fall in your neighborhood when i come back. back live in minneapolis, so many eagle fans are pouring into the city. with three days to go until game day. >> one birds fan is getting into the super bowl for free. it's all thanks to an anonymous donor. the good samaritan's motivation next new at 11:00. quarterback surprise. we'll show you the moment carson
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wentz made a fan's super bowl dreams come true. ♪ fly eagle fly ♪ on the road to victory ♪ fly eagles fly
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♪ ♪ fly eagles fly >> did you know school in washington township choreographs their own eagles fight song, "fly eagles fly." send your rendition now on the nbc 10 app. >> eagles! >> back out here live in
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minnesota, some viking fans a little resentful of philadelphia being in town because they lost to us. >> yes, they did. one vikings fan gifted his super bowl tickets to a south jersey teenager who was also a cancer survivor. nbc 10's brendan hudson explains the motivation behind this random act of kindness. >> i've been a vikings fan my whole life -- >> reporter: a vikings fab's heartbreak -- >> it's tough to get to a super bowl. >> reporter: leads to an eagles fans happiness. >> you were the one meant to get these tickets. >> reporter: cole fitzgerald read the letter he received from an anonymous stranger, a vikings fan who gave this 13-year-old eagles fan the surprise of a lifetime monday. >> can you believe it? >> i can't. >> reporter: two tickets to the super bowl. one for him -- >> i was actually happy. >> reporter: the other for his dad. >> the biggest thing is being there with my son. >> reporter: the donor said he
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won the tickets in a raffle from the minnesota nonprofit spare key. but he decided to give them away because the vikings didn't make it. >> everybody talks about minnesota nice. so it was just such a true gesture of kindness. >> reporter: the donor discovered cole's story online. the teenager battles stage 4 cancer at 3 years old. >> we had circled the wagons for a while to keep the family together. >> reporter: now, 10 years cancer-free, cole and his family do charity work just like the eagles. dad says his son also embodies the underdog spirit. >> he beat the odds. >> reporter: while the donor never reveals his name, he ends his letter with a show of solidarity. >> for this one game, go eagles. >> reporter: and every time this letter brings bill fitzgerald to tears. >> it's tough to get through it. >> love seeing that minnesota nice generosity. >> it really is just beautiful.
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paying it forward in such a great way. >> it is. take a look at this. >> eagles, whoo! >> those eagles fans showing their love for the team. the road to victory bus made several stops including here outside the comcast center. >> that bus will be back on the road tomorrow morning. you can see it starting at 10:30 at the federal reserve bank of philadelphia on independence mall. then the moorestown mall at noon and xfinity live at 6:00 p.m. >> you can probably tell just from the breath coming out of our mouths as you can see, it is really cold here in minnesota. but snow is moving into philadelphia. >> it is. let's go to first alert chief meteorologist tammy souza. it could be a sloppily morning rush. >> a little bit on the sloppy side. watching the two of you, your breath coming out, i expect it to stay suspended in the air. the temperature where they are
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right now is 1 below zero. that's the actual air temperature. and the windchill is 15 below zero. so colder than we have seen at any point this winter in philadelphia. it's only going to get colder tonight. i believe 7 below zero is what it is slated to get to. all right, here in philadelphia we are looking at rain moving across the area with snow mixing in in parts of the lehigh valley, upper pennsylvania suburbs, reports of a wintry mix. and up into the poconos, it is just plain old light snow that is coming down. you can actually see the lines of pink where we're seeing the transition back and forth between rain and snow. eventually things will cool down enough that tomorrow morning early we're going to get a quick burst of snow across the philadelphia area. but for the most part this is going to mean rain in philadelphia. the big concern is behind all of this, you notice how it's clearing out. even more so once you get up toward the twin cities. you don't see anything up there because cold arctic air has descended in. and that is really cold air that's going to come rushing through here.
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it will freeze any moisture on the ground. you could see some icy roads out there for your morning commute, especially between 4:00 and 6:00 tomorrow morning. tune in, jessica and bill will be here to let you know the latest on the weather and traffic. the big chill, these are the temperatures right there, this correlates with where we see that cold air. 1 below zero in minneapolis. 11 in chicago. 25 in cincinnati. we're hanging on to the 40s by our fingertips here in philadelphia. but they're going, going, almost gone for some of us already gone. 36 in allentown. 40 wilmington. 37 trenton. 49 wildwood. 49 dover. overnight we're dropping just around that freezing mark. here's what's going to happen. we're going to be watching that rain transition over. again by about 4:00 a.m., a quick shot of snow coming through the area. all of this is gone by about 7:00, 8:00 a.m. look at the cold air behind it. that will flash freeze anything on the roadways. by late tomorrow afternoon,
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we're in the 20s. we're only in the teens to start our saturday with a windchill in the single digits. clouds move in late saturday. on sunday we could see snow starting the lehigh valley. your super bowl sunday. but then we see it all turn to rain as winds come in out of the south. look at the temperatures just above the freezing mark. so this is going to bounce back and forth between a wintry mix in the lehigh valley and all rain in philadelphia. perhaps at times we'll see sort of a wintry mix of sloppy snow. it's going to be nasty roads all the way through the super bowl. it will be out of here by monday morning. now the super bowl weather for us, take a look. in philadelphia, it's going to be in the low 30s. we'll see the rain/snow mix. suburbs around freezing also. a little bit more snow chance there. lehigh valley, the same. i think you get to south jersey, the jersey shore, you're going to stay above that freezing mark. and the super bowl outlook, look at this, in the twin cities. 6 at the start of the game. 1 below zero by the end of the game.
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here's your 10-day on 10. 34 for saturday. 43 for the super bowl sunday with that mix here in the philadelphia area. 39 on monday with snow in the morning. 41 on tuesday. by the way, tomorrow's groundhog day. wondering if he's going to see that shadow or not. >> we'll have to see, thanks. the winter olympics like you've never seen them before. nbc 10 at the sporting goods store in cherry hill for an olympic preview event. guests got a sneak peek at some of the new features on xfinity x 1 olympic experience that can help maximize how you watch the game. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. heading to the super bowl, thanks to a superstar. up next, we'll show you the moment quarterback carson wentz surprised the fan with the ticket of a lifetime.
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one lucky eagles fan will be in the stands this sunday, all thanks to carson wentz. >> i want to let you know that you are the winner of the two tickets. get your bags packed, we'll be excited to see you here on saturday. it's going to be a fun one. go birds. >> that look says it all. arms go up. carson delivered the good news to matthew george from philadelphia. he won two tickets to the super bowl through a contest benefiting wentz's ao1 foundation. george gets to meet the quarterback at the game. so good, so happy for him. get the best internet with the best shows and get the best of both worlds. fios by verizon gives you the fastest internet available for only $79.99 a month online with a two year agreement, and your netflix is on us for one year.
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this is "sports desk" brought to you by xfinity. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv.
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>> i'm danny palmelo from nbc sports philadelphia. the togetherness of this eagles team has been talked about, perhaps more impressive how quickly they've gotten there with so many new faces. john clark has more from minneapolis. >> here i am being an advocate for dream chasers. >> reporter: corey clement is running down a dream. the hometown kid from glass borough, new jersey, went undrafted. he made the eagles as a rookie out of wisconsin. >> tough for me, you know. just sunday night when we got in, just feeling like i want the game to already start. >> reporter: running back jay ajayi grew up in england, not new england, and he's rocking his british colors. he didn't even join the eagles until midseason, traded to the birds from miami. >> it's like i don't even remember the miami season anymore when i can sit back and go, i'm a super bowl champion, i
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can really thank god how everything happened even though that was not the plan, that's not how we thought it was going >> reporter: tory smith turned down more money from other teams home in maryland. his wife is from conwhich a hocken. her family all eagles fans. i asked who he wants to win the super bowl for. >> will montgomery, guys i love to dead. i think about their experiences. they didn't have the opportunity to seal the deal. >> it's really amazing. tory smith knows the entire history of eagles football, he says it's our responsibility to try to win it for those who couldn't get it done before. the biggest news from super bowl lii from the patriots, tight end rob gronkowski cleared the concussion protocol. the fliers lost to devils in
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college become, temple won tonight.
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a lot of people ask, what does it feel like at 1 below with 15 below windchill, real feel temperature? it feels like this. >> yeah, you need to cover that face as much as possible. >> this is the coldest i've ever done live television in. >> yes. >> for me, definitely. >> what it feels like is you can't feel your fingers, you can't feel your toes. no matter what devices i have on, it seems everything stopped
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working. i'm trying to keep my fingers balled into a fist so it feels a little bit better. yeah it's pretty painful out here. >> it's only going to get colder. if you're headed to minneapolis, we know it's a dome stadium, but you've got to walk and you'll be outside after the game. so lots of layers. bundle up and stay safe. nbc 10, your home for super bowl lii, the only place you can watch that big game coming up on sunday. >> count on your live super bowl coverage 24/7 on air and on the free nbc 10 app. join us tomorrow morning for "nbc 10 news today" starting at 4:00 a.m. bundle up, have a good dmit. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- sam smith, cecily strong, ci


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