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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 24, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am EDT

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♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- tom cruise, dick cavett, musical guest, ashley monroe, and featuring the legendary
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roots crew. >> questlove: 299! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, hey! fantastic! fantastic! good-looking crowd. welcome. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone. welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," ladies and gentlemen. this is it. this is "the tonight show." [ cheers and applause ] i'm your host, jimmy fallon. i'm so excited, you guys. we have tom cruise on the show tonight!
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[ cheers and applause ] he is here to promote the new "mission: impossible" movie, which i believe is all about donald trump's pr team. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, it's very exciting. trump is just -- he's still at it. the guy is just amazing. [ light laughter ] in a speech in texas, donald trump called hillary clinton easily the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. [ audience boos ] when asked what he based it on, trump said, "i heard me say it just now. [ laughter ] so it's got to be true." [ laughter ] meanwhile, our boy chris christie attended the italian-american heritage festival street fair in iowa this weekend where they -- yeah. >> steve: yeah. [ scattered cheers ] >> jimmy: welcome. welcome to new york. >> steve: iowa! >> jimmy: i hope you don't get mugged later. [ laughter ] i hope so. you can't call it out like
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that. "i'm a tourist!" yeah, okay. yeah, no. no, we're safe here. new york is a very safe place. but if you're from iowa and you were there, they have a street festival where they celebrate italian culture and italian food. yep. a street fair involved two of christie's favorite pastimes, eating and shutting down traffic. [ laughter ] it's just a combo platter. it's just a magical, magical thing. [ applause ] that's right. i'm not finished talking about chris christie. >> steve: you're not done? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: chris christie attended an italian-american heritage festival where vendors served him a lot of italian food including bacon-wrapped dates, which was also christie's prom fantasy in high school. [ laughter ] >> steve: whoa! >> jimmy: want to go to prom with me? can i wrap you in bacon? [ laughter ] we love him. we love him. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: and "time" magazine interviewed bill clinton about the current presidential campaign, and he claimed he had
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to ask hillary to marry him three times before she said yes. then hillary was like, "yeah, that wasn't me." [ laughter ] did you guys see this? who do you think is the hottest member of one direction? >> harry. >> jimmy: thank you, sir. [ laughter ] i expected more girls to say something. >> steve: young ladies. >> jimmy: three dudes. >> steve: harry. >> jimmy: harry. [ laughter ] >> steve: i think it's harry styles. >> jimmy: no, it's louis. maybe louis' number two. putting their hands over little girls' mouths. let me talk. harry! well, according to a recent poll, harry styles has been unseated by liam payne as the hottest member of one direction. i don't know about you guys. i'm kind of curious to see the entire results from that poll. i know you are, sir. so let's take a look at the full one direction hotness rankings. number one is liam. yeah. number two, harry. coming in at number three, louis. number four, niall.
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number five, jasper. [ laughter ] number six, caleb. [ laughter ] number seven in the one direction hotness rankings is blake. [ laughter ] number eight is blake's twin brother, lucas. [ laughter ] number nine is kayden. [ laughter ] >> steve: kayden is nine? >> jimmy: that's his full name. >> steve: kayden is his full name. >> jimmy: he's only got one name. >> steve: kayden. >> jimmy: yep. coming in at number ten, it's blake and lucas' other twin brother, rory. [ laughter ] the 11th hottest member of one direction is, of course, mason. and finally the 12th hottest member of one direction is blake, lucas and mason's twin brother, logan. and that's very interesting. [ cheers and applause ] i thought logan left the band. logan's still with one direction. >> steve: i thought he left, yeah. >> jimmy: good to know. >> steve: was he in the band? >> jimmy: he's still in the band. logan did not leave. and finally, this is going viral today. did you see this video? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: this is great. so after a small town louisiana
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supermarket was robbed this week, the local sheriff's department released a video calling out the guy who broke in. check this out. this is real. >> if you're the man who committed this felony, look at me, son. i'm talking to you. the sheriff likes stelly's restaurant, and so do i. the food here is good and the folks are friendly. we're going to identify you, arrest you and put you in a a small cell. after that, i'm going to have a a cheeseburger here with fries and a coke. and leave a nice tip for the waitress. meanwhile, your next meal will be served through a small hole in a cell door. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: what? i'm telling you guys, the second season of "true detective" is just too weird. [ laughter ] i have a question. can that guy run for president? [ cheers and applause ] i want that guy to run for president. i love him. we have a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody! ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's unbelievable. what a treat, that is legendary blues musician and six-time grammy award winner buddy guy sitting in with the roots! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: buddy guy right there! oh, my goodness! here's his new album here, "born to eat guitars," and -- no, i'm sorry. "born to play guitars." i apologize. it's out this friday. you can catch him on tour
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through september. i mean, he's a legend. he's one of the greatest guitarists of all time. i'm just so happy that you're here. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: tonight, i can't even say what a giant show we have tonight. you guys, what a great show you're in store for tonight. this guy is one of the biggest movie stars in the world. >> steve: in the world. >> jimmy: what a great guy, too. >> steve: great guy. looks gorgeous. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: higgins, higgins, that's t.m.i. calm down. >> steve: he looks younger every time you see him. >> jimmy: calm down. he's a movie star, but he also couldn't be nicer. could you meet a nicer human being? everybody in the hallway just -- he's just the coolest dude and works so hard. so anyway, he has his new movie "mission: impossible." the fifth installment's coming out this friday in imax and theaters. tom cruise is here. >> steve: come on! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he's the best. i love him. he's always great when he comes here. so as i said, hardworking guy. we love him. that's all well and good. he's going to come here, he's gonna talk, good to see you, buddy.
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movie looks great. shows a clip and then he leaves. no. he challenges me to a lip-sync battle. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: on your show? >> jimmy: on my show! this is my show! this is my house. >> steve: in your house? >> jimmy: let me tell you something, tom, that is a a mission impossible, my friend. yeah, i know. don't ruin that. >> steve: yeah, he's going to beat you in your own house? >> jimmy: no he's not going to beat me in my own house. i don't even know what song -- he chose two songs to lip-sync to. i hope it just flops. >> steve: right. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: and i chose two songs and i think i'm gonna beat him. so anyways, tom cruise is here, and he's one of my favorite people anyway. "mission: impossible," we're talking about that. [ cheers and applause ] the lip-sync battle will be first. then, this guy is a legend as well. he has a new documentary called "best of enemies." it's always an honor to have him here, talk show legend dick cavett. my buddy dick cavett here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: i love him.
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and we have great, great, great music. oh, my gosh, ashley monroe is here tonight! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: what a show! what a show, what a show, what a show. guys, do you ever go on twitter and you see a tweet from a a celebrity that looks like it makes no sense? and then just a random statement out of nowhere. and then you click expand and realize it's just responding to another person's question? i'll show you what i mean in this next segment. it's time for "in reply to." watch. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ in reply to in reply to oh yeah ♪ >> jimmy: so the way this works, i'm going to show you a a celebrity's tweet and then we're gonna see the question they were replying to. the first example is from donald trump. [ laughter ] >> steve: what does he say? >> jimmy: he responded to @billfront14, he said, "they're weak, pathetic and total losers." not really sure what he's talking about. let's see what he was asked. "what do you think of bunnies, kittens and babies?" [ laughter ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i mean, it's very interesting, right?
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now it makes a little bit more sense. that guy, yeah. let's keep going. this one's from the website ashley madison. they responded, "don't worry, in a couple of days, it will all be over." let's see what they were asked. "what will happen to my marriage now?" [ laughter ] here's one from the kool-aid company. >> steve: oh, great. >> jimmy: they replied, "oh, yeah!" [ laughter ] let's see the question. "has your mascot ever been sued for property damage?" [ laughter ] the door's right there. why do you come through the wall? >> steve: there's a door right there. >> jimmy: it's cool to meet you, but this is going to be a a problem for us. >> steve: there's a door, that's cool. i guess he's a vandal. >> jimmy: let's keep going. here's one from the clothing store abercrombie & fitch. you shop there all the time. >> steve: i shop there 24/7 362. >> jimmy: they responded, "50% to 70%." let's see the question, "how much of my hearing will i lose once i walk into your store?" [ laughter ] [ beatboxing ] >> steve: that's true. i'd like a shirt! ♪ >> jimmy: what's that, man? >> steve: i'd like a shirt. >> jimmy: i'm not wearing a a shirt. i don't have to. >> steve: i know that. can you turn the lights up and
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the music down? >> jimmy: you have to get out of here. you have to leave, man. we don't want you here! get out! we don't want customers! you old man, get out! >> steve: hey, wide ride, beat it. >> jimmy: hey, hold on a a second. what was your question? [ laughter ] >> steve: do you have a shirt? i need a shirt. ♪ >> jimmy: i don't have to wear a shirt, man! they don't make me here! >> steve: abercrombie and fitch. >> jimmy: here is the last one, here. it's a response from amazon. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: they replied, "we can guarantee within one hour." let's see the question. "how soon will i regret shopping on amazon while drunk?" [ laughter ] there you go. you shouldn't do that. that's all the time we have for "in reply to." we'll be right back with a a lip-sync battle with tom cruise! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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summer bucket list number 44. take a summer class. ♪ ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list.
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♪bend the rules of what'st ♪ possible with the epic hp x360. sesee that kayla? i did that. whoa! with minwax stains and protective finishes, you get a real sense of pride when you complete a project. that's right julie, i did that. no matter what i need you to stay focused. don't take your eyes off of the screen. sfx: drill noise. sfx: puppies barking.
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wrestlers: ahhh!! grrr!!! owwweee! it's hard to stay focused. text message alerts from chevy let you send a text response at the touch of a button ... so you can focus on driving. this will make it a little easier to keep my eye on the road. its amazing. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness!
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wow! welcome back to "the tonight show," everybody. it's time for another lip-sync battle. [ cheers and applause ] and tonight i'm facing off against one of the biggest movie stars of all time. his latest film "mission: impossible -- rogue nation" is in theaters and imax this friday. put it together for tom cruise! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is good right here. this is what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] tom and i -- [ cheers ] i know, i know. come on. tom and i are about to have a a lip-sync battle, okay? and it works like this -- we're going to take time lip-syncing sections of well-known songs, each one of
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us trying to lip-sync better than the other. we don't know which songs the other person picked. only the person performing knows which song is coming next. >> so ridiculous. >> jimmy: we'll do two songs each -- [ laughter ] >> i love it. >> jimmy: tom, as our honored guest, why don't you go first. >> okay. [ cheers ] home court advantage here. okay, hang on. okay, so my first song has been atop the charts all summer long. you know it's the song of the summer, right, jimmy? remember that? okay. it is by the enormously talented the weeknd and it's entitled "cant feel my face." [ cheers ] ♪ and i know she'll be the death of me at least we'll both be numb ♪ ♪ and she'll always get the best of me the worst
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is yet to come ♪ ♪ but at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young ♪ ♪ this i know uh this i know she told me don't worry about it ♪ ♪ she told me don't worry no more we both know we can't go without it ♪ ♪ she told me you'll never be alone i can't feel my face when i'm with you ♪ ♪ but i love it but i love it ooh i can't feel my face when i'm with you ♪ ♪ but i love it but i love it ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on! come on! ♪ come on! [ applause ] i can't --
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why am i even trying? why even i have to try. gosh! that was unbelievable. gosh, all right. tom cruise, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] that is the song of the summer. all right, that's going to be hard to beat. but my first song is one of my favorite bands, the rolling stones. [ cheers ] this song is called "undercover of the night." ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ hear the screams of center 42 loud enough to bust your brains out ♪ ♪ the opposition's tongue is cut in two keep off the street cause you're in danger ♪ ♪ one hundred thousand
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disparus lost in the jails in south america ♪ ♪ cuddle up baby cuddle up tight cuddle up baby keep it all out of sight ♪ ♪ undercover keep it all out of sight undercover of the night ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> whoo! ♪ whoa, whoa! whoa! what do i do now? what can i do now? ♪ >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa! wait, wait, wait, wait! [ cheers ] >> that wouldn't be fair, would it? >> jimmy: please do not do that! that would not be fair. please! [ cheers ] >> no.
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no, that wouldn't be fair. so, look, instead i'm going take something that takes me back to high school, the parking lot on friday night. those jersey girls would sing all the lyrics. would you mind holding my coat for me? thank you. [ laughter ] you know, and the guys would just sit there and sweat, you know, hearts pounding. so this is for all you jersey girls on these hot summer nights. [ cheers ] it's by meat loaf, it's called "paradise by the dashboard light." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ stop right there i gotta know right now before we go any further do you love me ♪ ♪ will you love me forever do you need me will you never leave me ♪ ♪ will you make me
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so happy for the rest of my life ♪ ♪ will you take me away will you make me your wife do you love me ♪ ♪ will you love me forever let me sleep on it baby baby ♪ ♪ let me sleep on it let me sleep on it i'll give you an answer in the morning ♪ ♪ i gotta know right now let me sleep on it will you love me forever let me sleep on it ♪ ♪ will you love me forever i couldn't take it any longer lord i was crazed ♪ ♪ and when the feeling came upon me like a tidal wave i started swearing to my god ♪ ♪ and on my mother's grave i swore i would love you to the end of time ♪ ♪ so now i'm praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive ♪ ♪ cause if i've gotta spend another minute with you ♪ ♪ i don't think that i can really survive i'll never break my promise or forget my vow ♪ ♪ but god only knows what i can do right now
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i'm praying for the end of time ♪ ♪ it's all that i can do ooh ooh oh i'm praying for the end of time ♪ ♪ so i can end my time with you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: your coat, mr. champion. >> thank you. >> jimmy: wow, that was awesome doing two -- you did a one-man duet. i've never seen that done before. all right, wow, that's hard to top. but we've got to finish this up so i may need your help with this one, tom, if you don't mind. i know you already did two songs, but for my final song these guys put together some of the most beautiful harmonies ever. and the soundtracks to some unforgettable movies feature their best songs, including
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this one. by the righteous brothers. it's called "you've lost that loving feeling." [ cheers and applause ] this one goes out -- this one goes out to goose. ♪ you've lost that lovin' feelin' whoa that lovin' feelin' you've lost that lovin' feelin' ♪ ♪ now it's gone gone gone whoa whoa whoa ♪ ♪ baby baby i get down on my knees for you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ if you would only love me like you used to do yeah ♪ ♪ we had a love a love a love you don't find
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every day ♪ ♪ so don't don't don't don't let it slip away ♪ ♪ baby baby baby baby i beg you please ♪ ♪ please please please i need your love i need your love ♪ ♪ i need your love i need your love ♪ ♪ well bring it on back bring it on back ♪ ♪ let's bring it on back bring back that lovin' feelin' ♪ ♪ whoa that lovin' feelin' bring back that lovin' feelin' cause it's gone gone gone ♪ ♪ and i can't go on whoa whoa whoa ♪
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>> jimmy: whoa, my gosh! [ cheers and applause ] >> there you go, buddy. thank you so much. >> jimmy: thank you. our thanks to tom cruise! he's the champion! come on! [ cheers and applause ] "mission: impossible -- rogue nation" is in theaters on friday. more with tom, after the break. stick around, everybody! ♪ ♪ get up girl, show me what you can do. ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it baby, come on now. ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it baby, oohh oohh. ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, shake it, oohh. ♪ ♪ a-b-c, it's easy as 1-2-3 ♪ as simple as do-re-me, a-b-c, 1-2-3, baby you and me, yeah. ♪ ♪ a-b-c, it's easy, it's like counting up to three. ♪
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♪ sing a simple melody, yeah. make it look easy with jeans that stretch from target. you're not at all concerned? about what now? oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire. what, what? all right. fine. i'm gonna get something to eat. the boy's kind of a drama queen. just wait. where's my burrito? [ chuckles ] worst apocalypse ever. protecting you till the end. now, that's progressive.
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davy crockett? thank you. katie, do you think i needed a fancy protein shake to wrestle all those bears? no? that's right, all i ever had to eat was meat, cheese and nuts. okay? try that. it's protein without all that mumbo jumbo... katie. here's our chance. let's take this one together. what? i got you bear! p3 from oscar mayer. it's 13 grams of protein from the original source. a box. it takes worn out things and makes 'em better. what's this? it's our biggest breakthrough yet! we're taking worn out batteries... ...and making them into something strong.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show," everybody. we're here with tom cruise. his brand-new summer blockbuster, "mission: impossible -- rogue nation", is in theaters and imax this friday. that was the most -- >> that was crazy. >> jimmy: that's the best lip-sync battle we've ever had on the show. and i've got to say, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: that was unbelievable. first of all, the weeknd, of course. i'm like, oh my gosh, that is the greatest song -- the song of the summer. >> song of the summer. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. but then you scared me, i've got to say. you scared me with "old time rock 'n' roll." i'm like, "oh no, if he slides in" -- i go, "oh, no, no, no." >> that wouldn't be fair. >> jimmy: i'd have to just go to a commercial. i'd have to say there's a power outage and go to a break. no. that was so much fun. thank you so much for doing this. >> a blast. >> jimmy: thanks for being here, buddy. by the way, i've got to thank you for my vinyl listening room, my record room. >> those photos of your place are incredible. macintosh system. magico speakers. >> jimmy: magico -- so, tom was on the show last time, i mentioned, i go "i'm
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thinking about putting a a record -- getting a listening room, for vinyls, for records." he goes, "oh, talk to me, give me your email. i'll tell you exactly what you have to get." and i was like, "okay." next day, true story, man of your word, i get a three-page email from tom with serial numbers of exact things to buy. [ light laughter ] i'm like, "okay." >> i'm a little specific. >> jimmy: i ended up buying a a house basically. [ light laughter ] but this guy -- >> synergistic research -- >> jimmy: synergistic research -- stuff, you email me and you go, "do you have power conditioner?" you got all nerdy on me. i go, "i don't know what that is." you go, "oh, you've got to have that!" the guy installing, his name is pablo arraya. i go, "hey my buddy is kind of helping me with this." he goes, "oh sure. send me whatever." i send him a three-page thing taking your e-mail off. and i go -- then he goes, "who is your friend?" [ laughter ] i said, "don't worry about who it is. it's pretty cool." i've got to say, "mission: impossible." you've done it yet again. "rogue nation" in theaters and imax. i recommend imax if you can. if you can't, a theater is just amazing. it is wall to wall nonstop. amazing like you always do.
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there's no one doing it like you're doing it. you're hanging off the side of the plane and i've seen this on the news, but you really did it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you don't have to do that. [ laughter ] you could put like a dummy on there, a mannequin and then have a wide shot and go, oh, yeah, look at that. >> i know. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you did it. >> yeah, we did it. >> jimmy: and how many takes did you do? >> we did eight takes. >> jimmy: so, if you don't know the story, there's a giant cargo plane. >> a-400 airbus. >> jimmy: i mean, major plane. [ light laughter ] first of all, i'm afraid of the plane. i wouldn't even go on the plane. [ light laughter ] you're hanging off the side of it. i'm not spoiling it for everybody. it's in the trailer. and it takes off. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how fast can you come down? like say you go up. >> you know, they strapped me on the side of the plane beforehand. then they start the engine. then we taxi. then we go down the runway. and i remember telling the pilot, i said listen -- i got to work with a test-pilot. i'm a pilot. i love flying airplanes. >> jimmy: sure. >> i'm like, look, the angle of attack, i want to make sure my
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legs are hitting against the fuselage. he's just kind of smiling at me the whole time. [ light laughter ] i'm like, "really, i need my legs to hit the fuselage because we set the camera up on the airplane. so you see the ground going away." he said, "oh yeah, that won't be a problem." then the first take we're going down the runway and it was everything to keep my feet on the steps because i was almost slapped against the fuselage going down the runway we were going so fast. and it was a little intense. [ light laughter ] i'm going and -- there going, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. [ light laughter ] too late now. i can't tell everybody. i got the whole crew on the plane. >> jimmy: i'm so happy i'm a a late night tv talk show host. i'm so happy. i love my desk. [ laughter ] i love my job so much. i mean, but you're getting hit with jet fuel? >> jet fuel and, you know. i just didn't want to get hit by a bird or any particles, you know. that would be bad. no seriously, i got hit by a a little stone about that big. we were going so fast, luckily it hit my rib. i thought it broke my rib, when i was on the side. i was just thinking, thank god it didn't hit my face. i didn't tell my family or
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friends or anyone i was doing it beforehand. but, look i do it because it's entertaining to you all. [ laughter ] you know? i want to entertain you. >> jimmy: i think they are going to find out. >> i want to entertain you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: one of the biggest movies of all time. you could have told me, dad. but then you do this thing where also where you're also under water -- and again, i'm not spoiling anything. it's "mission: impossible," so you're underwater and flying off a plane. some of the best stunts i've ever seen. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and great cast as always. we love simon pegg. and so, you're under water and cracking this type of security system thing. but you actually went -- you did training to hold your breath for six minutes? >> yeah. over six minutes for free diving. so that -- because the takes are really long. it's the longest, you know, underwater sequence i've ever done. the way the director did it, it was like i had to hold -- you had to train beyond it, because when you go to shoot i have to take the regulator out, get on the side of the set under water, then the camera comes in place. and then we call action. then it's just very long takes. you'll see in the movie they're just really, really long takes. we wanted to do it practical.
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>> jimmy: i mean, that's got to -- that's got to screw up your system, doesn't it? >> it was deathful. >> jimmy: did your body go, hey, what's your problem, dude? [ laughter ] >> actually it was really intense. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: can you just chill out? >> going from the airplane -- it was also cold in the airplane. so it was freezing up there. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> i'm wearing a suit like, you know cary grant in "north by northwest." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: not wearing the northface jacket. >> no, i'm not wearing a a northface jacket or anything. man it was cold, you know. but, under water i just didn't want to drown. >> jimmy: he works hard. he works hard for the money, you guys. >> i want to entertain y'all. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's worth it, man. there's nobody like you. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we have a clip. this is tom cruise and simon pegg in the giant new movie "mission: impossible -- rogue nation" in theaters and imax this friday. check it out. [ tires screeching ] [ gun shots ] [ yelling ] [ tires screeching ] >> go, go, go, go!
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i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm okay. [ tires screeching ] whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! here they come! what are we going to do? [ tires screeching ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: changing the game yet again. tom cruise, everybody! "mission: impossible -- rogue nation" in theaters and imax this friday! dick cavett joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ do you like the passaaadd?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back. our next guest is a legendary comedian, author, and talk show pioneer. here's his book, right here. he's featured in the new documentary "best of enemies," which opens in select theaters on friday. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome dick cavett! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> is that for us? >> jimmy: that's for us. that's for us. absolutely, dick cavett. [ cheers ] >> cheap shot. >> jimmy: no, no. >> jimmy. >> jimmy: i love that you moonwalk out here every time. >> i know. it's my trademark. my wife said, if you do that to jimmy again, i'll kill you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you for doing
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that. i appreciate it. >> well, it's getting to be kind of an arthritic moonwalk. >> jimmy: no. it's getting better and better. >> i think i told you last time that i gave that to young michael jackson way back in the days of jackson five. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. you gave -- >> when michael was, you know, still black. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] that's how long ago. that's how long ago it was. >> can i wave to the roots? >> jimmy: not anymore, you can't. [ laughter ] at the beginning of the show you were allowed to, yeah. at the beginning. earlier you could have, yeah. hey dick, i want to thank you for the autographed book, by the way. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you gave me a nice little -- >> there's no way to plug for my book. it's just sentiment. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, it's both. it's both. >> this man who had earlier nothing to do at all but get out of one television show and get into another one, which is a 48-hour job, found time to write a brilliant forward to my book. and you've mentioned how when i called you before your other television show. >> jimmy: you were the first
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phone call i got when i got "late night." and i'll never forget that. they go, "dick cavett is calling." i go, "the dick cavett?" it was so cool. you gave me great advice. and you're one of the reasons why i'm here. >> this is not a plug either, but your name is of course on the cover. >> jimmy: you keep plugging this book. >> no. no. >> jimmy: not plugs. >> i wanted your name to be bigger than mine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. that would have been wrong. >> and if you believe that -- >> jimmy: no, exactly. i didn't. i didn't believe that. >> i kind of think of you as the son i never had. >> jimmy: aww. >> at least one of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did get around. hey, i want to talk about -- [ laughter ] >> thanks a lot. >> jimmy: i want to talk about your film. let's talk about this documentary. >> it's a stunning documentary. i can't say it's mine. i'm in it. >> jimmy: no. you're in it. but you knew the characters very well. >> yes. for your 1849 fans they probably don't know william f. buckley and gore vidal. but these were two brilliant wasp-ish, brilliant men, extreme right, extreme left, witty, colorful, dangerous.
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abc hired them to comment on the '69 convention, which i'm sure you remember well. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> it got really bad. they started calling each other names. it got funny. >> jimmy: it's fantastic. >> it is. it's a pisser as my aunt used to say. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i love your aunt. >> aunt ester always said that. >> jimmy: now you see -- people see people fighting on tv all the time, now. you know, reality shows and whatnot. >> jimmy -- >> jimmy: this was at a time when no one was doing that. >> this is where it was born. it's never lived up to this again. and here is a moment that shows how they feel about each other, i think you could say. and it's -- the operative word is in this sentence, call me a a crypto nazi. watch for that. it's right at the top. >> jimmy: here's a clip from "best of enemies." take a look. >> i know you don't -- >> as far as i'm concerned, the only crypto nazi i can think of is yourself.
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feeling that -- >> listen, you -- >> stop calling me a crypto nazi. let's stop calling names. let's stay plastered. >> gentlemen, let's go. >> go back to his pornography and stop making any illusions of -- >> i beg you to -- >> you were not in the infantry, as a matter of fact. >> you were supporting your own military record. >> the network nearly -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that sums it up right there. perfect right there. dick cavett, everybody. "best of enemies" open in select theaters friday! [ cheers and applause ] "brief encounters" is in stores now. get it, anywhere you want to go get it. ashley monroe performs for us next. stick around, everybody. ♪ hey pal? you ready?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our musical guest tonight just released her sophomore album "the blade" which hit number one on the itunes country charts. performing "winning streak," please welcome ashley monroe! ♪
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♪ ♪ i got a good foundation on a bad reputation got a floor i've been pacing and a broken heart breaking ♪ ♪ in a game of fools i'd be hard to beat ♪ ♪ yeah if losing's the game i'm on a winning streak yes i am ♪ ♪ i got a bottle that's empty odds stacked against me ♪ ♪ if i was me i'd quit me when i gambled my last 50 ♪ ♪ on a game of fools on it ain't easy streak ♪ ♪ yeah if losing's the game i'm on a winning streak yes i am ♪ ♪ hey hey i'm on a roll
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gone as low as the low can go ♪ ♪ standing at the old crossroads damned old devil won't buy my soul ♪ ♪ hey hey i blow on the dice all the rollers don't take that ♪ ♪ this old town it don't play nice hit me once hell hit me twice ♪ ♪ if losing's a game i'm on a winning streak yes i am yeah ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ well my mind is unadjusted and my guitar strings are rusted ♪ ♪ had somebody that i trusted leave me broke and busted ♪ ♪ on a game of fools now i'm drowning in defeat yeah if losing's the game i'm on a winning streak ♪ ♪ yes i am uh-huh if losing's the game i'm on a winning streak one more time ♪ ♪ i said if losing's the game i'm on a winning streak ♪ ♪ hey winning streak i'm on a roll winning streak winning streak ♪ ♪ i'm on a roll winning streak god bless my soul winning streak ♪ ♪ hey i'm on a roll hey i'm on a roll hey i'm on a roll now baby ♪ ♪ come on hit me again
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come can't break me down oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's how you do it right there! hey, how you doing? thank you so much, ashley monroe! [ cheers and applause ] catch her on tour this fall. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was a fun show. my thanks to tom cruise, dick cavett, ashley monroe, buddy guy! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots, everybody, from philadelphia, pennsylvania! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- rachel maddow, from "paper towns" actress cara delevingne, music from neon trees, featuring the 8g band with david lovering. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, here he is, seth meyers! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] good to hear.


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