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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 6, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am EDT

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♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- salma hayek, tim gunn, musical guest
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christopher cross, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 307, wyoming! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. that's what i'm talking about right there, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] hey! hi! hot show tonight. welcome to "the tonight show" everybody. thank you so much for being here. thank you for watching at home. again, i'm your host, jimmy fallon, and after tonight's republican debate, let me just be the first to say, please come back jon stewart.
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[ cheers and applause ] please, come on. i can't do it alone. come on, buddy. that's right. tonight was the first republican debate over on fox news, and before the debate the moderator, chris wallace, said there's, "so doggone many candidates" that he planned on asking them some "doozeys." he would have said more but he had to go back to the soda shop he worked in in 1954. [ laughter and applause ] "it's the bee's knees, mrs. walter." that's right, the republican debate was tonight, and apparently, the republican national committee was actually so worried about the candidates insulting each other, they asked them to stop calling each other names. and if you look at the campaign so far they might be running out of names to call each other. [ laughter ] i mean, they've literally gotten through the entire alphabet. watch the letters at the top of the screen. >> absurd. >> bully. >> clown. >> dumb. >> embarrassment. >> foolish. >> guilty. >> horrible. >> ignoramuses. >> jackass. >> know nothing. >> losers.
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>> moron. >> numb nut. >> offensive. >> pathetic. >> questionable. >> ridiculous. >> stupid. >> terrible. >> ugly. >> vicious. >> weak. >> x-rated. >> yahoo. >> zero. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: whole lot of them. >> steve: zero. >> jimmy: some more political news. in an interview yesterday, secretary of state john kerry warned congress that rejecting the nuclear deal would be "the ultimate screwing." [ laughter ] so top that quote, winston churchill. [ laughter ] that's -- this wasn't good you guys. an official in the department of defense says he was very frustrated with president obama's micromanaging and called the white house constipated. [ laughter ] which is weird, because i thought congress was the place where nothing gets passed. [ cheers and applause ] and you go no -- >> steve: ho! >> jimmy: bye, jon! take care jon. good to see you. jon stewart, everybody. ♪ i gotta take it over. i gotta -- that's right, the department of
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defense called the white house constipated because of all the micromanaging. the white house seems to agree. take a look. >> we need to keep pushing. >> they need to continue to be pushing. >> and so, we will continue to push as hard as we can on all fronts. [ laughter ] >> that's difficult work. it sounds easy when i'm talking about it, but -- >> folks are feeling as squeezed as ever. [ laughter ] >> we're going to be here just as long as it takes. >> and if we don't get relief soon, americans everywhere will start to feel the pinch. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. the pinch. and did you see this? it's being reported that pope francis has invited oprah to meet with him at the vatican. oprah said, "actually, can we do it at my place?" she said, "there's a little more room. [ laughter ] it's a little bit bigger. we can actually get some space." [ applause ] i like that pope. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: he's a cool pope. >> steve: i like him. >> jimmy: and this is just in the news today, apparently there was a little bit of controversy at -- [ laughter ]
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there's a bit of a controversy at whole foods in california that was charging six bucks for something called asparagus water. [ light laughter ] people are upset about this. although if you like drinking water that smells like asparagus, you're probably a a dog and that's a toilet. [ laughter ] so i mean, just so you know that's -- [ applause ] "can i get some asparagus water? yeah, i love it." and this is a local story. as part of something called summer streets, a 270 foot water slide is being set up in new york city this month. [ cheers ] so tune in to your local news to see how that goes horribly wrong. [ laughter ] and this is just a weird story here. a man was arrested this week for breaking into the santa ana zoo. and listen to what he did. >> he climbed up into the tree, and then proclaimed to himself that he was tarzan and that he was here just to have a good time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. just wanna have a good time. yeah. i'm not sure why he climbed the tree. sounds like he was already high enough. [ laughter ] he was like this, "me tarzan,
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this mary jane." [ laughter and applause ] it's like i don't know -- we get it. he was having a good time. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and finally, i'm not sure if you're aware of this, but i saw that lays is once again letting people vote on its newest flavor of potato chips or as americans put it, "finally an election we care about." there we go. [ cheers and applause ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. yeah, looking great tonight. welcome, everybody. just a quick note before we start. i want to say congrats to jon stewart and everyone at "the daily show." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we love that guy. we love everybody over there. good luck to trevor noah too. he's going to do a great -- a
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a great, great job, trevor. and jon, let me also add, good luck on whatever's next. if it's stand-up, if you're doing movies, run for president, whatever you want to do, good luck to jon stewart. he's a good man. [ cheers and applause ] it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead. tomorrow night, steve buscemi will be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: taylor kitsch! >> steve: what? >> jimmy: comedian jon rineman will all be joining us, and thank you notes. that's tomorrow. it's gonna be good. but first, we have a fun, fun show tonight. she has a new movie called "the prophet." the beautiful, the talented salma hayek is here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: ooh la la. ooh la la sasson. >> steve: sasson sasson. >> jimmy: "the prophet." later in the show, salma and i are playing a brand new game that involves trivia. >> steve: yes. >> jimmy: and adorable puppies. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: too cute. >> jimmy: it's so cute. it's called "pup quiz", and everybody in the audience goes
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home with a puppy tonight. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i'm sorry, we can't do it. >> steve: no, they don't. [ audience aws ] the mayor said we couldn't. >> jimmy: plus, we love it. we love it when this guy stops by. i really love this guy. from project runway, tim gunn is on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we love him, and we have great, great music tonight. oh, my gosh. you can't beat this guy at all. i'm talking about multiple grammy award winner christopher cross is here. [ cheers and applause ] christopher cross is the best. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: and so he -- christopher calls us -- he goes, "yeah, i'll come on the show. what do you want me to do?" i go, "you have so many hit songs? what do you want to do? do you wanna do 'arthur's theme?' you know, new york across from -- you know, 'the moon in new york city.'" that's kind of our logo is the moon and new york is where we shoot our show. [ light laughter ] he's like, "yeah, that's cool." i go, "it's summertime. could you do -- could you maybe
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do 'sailing'?" [ cheers and applause ] he was like, "no problem, dude." so he's doing "sailing." who's playing with him? the roots are playing? >> questlove: yeah. >> jimmy: the roots are playing with him, yeah. >> steve: yeah, come on. [ cheers and applause ] it's the best version of "sailing." >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: it's so good and happy summer everybody. christopher cross. >> steve: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he's the greatest. love that guy. guys, it's time for "tonight show hashtag." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hashtag hashtag ♪ >> jimmy: here we go, everybody. you guys are on twitter, right? are you on twitter? [ cheers and applause ] it's fun. well, we use twitter on our show every single week. so, if you watch our show and you want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hashtag, and we ask you to tweet out things based on that topic. so, since it's summer, and a a lot of people are working summer jobs, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called #worstsummerjobs. [ light laughter ] and i asked you to tweet us the weirdest or worst summer job you've ever had.
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we got thousands of tweets. within 30 minutes, it was a a trending topic in the u.s. [ cheers and applause ] so, thank you for those tweets. everyone has a bad job. do you ever have a bad summer job, quest? anyone? >> questlove: yeah, i sold insurance once. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you sold insurance? >> questlove: to pay for a a roots demo once, i sold life insurance. >> jimmy: wow. and was it like a phone thing where you just called people on the phone or no? >> questlove: phone and in person too, yeah. >> jimmy: gosh. >> questlove: it was -- >> jimmy: just a drag. bad news. >> questlove: yeah. >> jimmy: you just thought -- you just -- just take them the papers the whole time and the pencils you're like -- [ tapping ] [ laughter ] "come on, lets go. let's go, sign it, sign it, sign it." well, here we go, right here. i want to share some of my favorite worst summer job tweets from you guys here. this first one's from @ranfty. he says, "i was too tall for the chuck e. cheese costume, so the kids would scream when they saw my arm flesh." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. looks like it's in her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "chuck e.'s coming apart!" >> steve: oh!
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>> jimmy: "i thought it was chuck e." >> steve: oh, oh, i can't eat pizza again." >> jimmy: this one is from @hgalexan. he says, "i worked in a hot dog shack in high school. we had to wear shirts that said weiner slingers." [ laughter ] >> steve: that's a a lenny kravitz shirt. >> jimmy: no. lenny kravitz -- >> steve: what? that's not the lenny kravitz shirt? [ laughter ] >> no, no, no. lenny kravitz never worked there. >> steve: oh, okay. he worked at chuck e. cheese, though, in the ball pit or no? [ laughter ] i'm just wondering. i don't know. that's why i'm asking. >> jimmy: i don't know. that's a good question. that's a good question. if anyone knows, just google -- twitter higgins. [ laughter ] this one's from @whoopiepie10. [ light laughter ] and he says, at a used car lot, i had to wear a windsock costume and act like i was blowing in the breeze." [ laughter ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: it's much cheaper to buy the thing. >> steve: just get a windsock. you do a great windsock. >> jimmy: do you do it this way? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, workout, i
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mean, that doesn't seem right. that just seems -- much cheaper to just buy the windsock. >> steve: yeah. well, apparently not. >> jimmy: i think. i don't know. yeah, i guess not. this one's from @ericatuckeryo. [ laughter ] >> steve: yo. >> jimmy: what's your name? erica tucker, yo. [ laughter ] >> steve: yo. >> jimmy: she says, "at the animal hospital, a dog kept licking my face. i asked what was wrong with him. they said, 'oh, he's been throwing up all day.'" [ audience groans ] this one's from @joshwilink. he says, "i worked at a call center, guy in a southern accent would call in, and after every question he would respond with, 'do what now?'" [ laughter ] "sir, you just -- have you unplugged your television set?" "and do what now?" [ laughter ] "are you near your television set?" "do what now?" [ laughter ] this one's from @juliagulia72.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: yeah. julia gulia. >> jimmy: yeah. a "wedding singer" ref. she says, "i worked at a deli when i was 14, and one of my jobs was to rub the expiration dates off the milk products." [ audience groans ] >> steve: oh! oh, yoy. sour cream in this jug. >> jimmy: that's fantastic. >> steve: oh, i didn't cottage cheese came in a gallon container. >> jimmy: i did not know you could -- that's heavy -- that's cottage cheese. >> steve: buttermilk. [ laughter ] it's kefir. >> jimmy: yogurt. kefir. this one's from @jenae7. [ light laughter ] or maybe jenae. jenae. [ laughter ] jenae7. she says, "one summer, i worked at fedex loading the trucks at 4:00 a.m., and my title was 'package handler.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: weiner slinger. >> jimmy: lenny kravitz. lenny kravitz. that's his roadie. that wasn't working. >> steve: yeah, that's lenny
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kravitz's roadie. yeah. >> jimmy: his roadie wasn't working that night. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, this is rough. this is from @victoriawatts. she says, "last summer, i worked the morning shift at mcdonald's between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. i was the guy that had to tell people breakfast was over." [ audience ohs ] >> steve: oh. oh. [ applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that sucks. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: there you have it. [ cheers and applause ] those are "the tonight show" hashtags. to check out more of our favorites go to we'll be right back with salma hayek everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ did you leave behind something reliable? something that felt like... home? and now you can't connect the way you used to... because you switched wireless carriers and are getting a less reliable connection.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an academy award nominated actress who produces and stars in a a beautiful new film called kahlil gibran's the prophet," which opens in new york and los angeles tomorrow. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the lovely salma hayek. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome. >> thank you. i love -- i love when i come here. >> jimmy: i'm so happy that you're here. thank you so much. you look gorgeous as always. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you. thank you. thank you for coming. congrats on everything. i want to get to the film here. gosh, it's a beautiful film. i want to get into talking about that. but i realize as i have been doing research that your first film was 20 years ago. >> yes. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's the 20th anniversary of "desperado." what do you remember about that? do you remember anything about that? your first one? >> yes. i had so much anticipation and i didn't know if people would like me or hate me. and i was so nervous and i remember when the reviews came out the first thing that i read on salma hayek was a bombshell and of course for me with my bad english -- [ light laughter ] --when i seen the word bombed. [ laughter ]
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so i thought i bombed big time and i started crying. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh my god. i'm a bombshell. i'm a bombshell. no. and you are a bombshell, yeah, yeah. that's a great one. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. 20 years later. >> jimmy: yeah, 20 years later. who is this little guy? who is this friend right here? what's his name? >> oh, that's ocho. that's ocho. >> jimmy: this is ocho. okay. where did you find ocho? what is he? >> okay. i pick up dogs from the street. [ light laughter ] not even rescue from the shelter. i pick them up from the street. >> jimmy: even if other people own them, you don't care? [ laughter ] you're allowed to do that, you're salma hayek. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: you can do whatever you want to do. >> no, usually are orphans that are homeless and orphans and i can't take it. >> jimmy: how many dogs do you have? >> at the moment, nine. >> jimmy: and this is ocho? >> ocho is the ninth one. his full name is ochoa.
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ochoa because that was the goalie, the mexican goalie that did so well in the world cup. but we call him ocho which means eight but he's number nine. [ laughter ] and he is a crazy dog. but i was shooting a film in bulgaria and -- to make a long story short -- i just couldn't take it. i had to take this abandoned puppy that was going to die if i didn't take it but my husband had threatened me. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> please, no more dogs. >> jimmy: yeah, enough dogs. >> enough dogs. so i had promised, i had promised, you know, no more animals because we had an issue with a hamster. he hates hamsters. [ laughter ] so he says no more animals. >> jimmy: let's not even bring up the story. >> we had an issue with the hamster. let's just not get into it. [ light laughter ] he hates hamsters. >> no more animals. 30 animals. it's enough for anyone -- >> jimmy: what? >> no, because i rescue. i have a sanctuary for animals.
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it's normal 30. [ laughter ] you have a sanctuary, but you know? so i had sworn no more animals. and i couldn't help myself. i picked this one up and i was like how am i going to tell him? he's going to kill me. so i came up with a brilliant plan. i said i'm going to pretend and make him believe that i'm having an affair. [ light laughter ] and at the end i explain it's not an affair -- >> jimmy: wait. [ laughter ] >> i called him up and i said we need to talk. and i'm not that kind of girl. i never do the we need to talk thing. so he was scared when i said we need to talk. [ laughter ] so he called me and i said listen -- and i said at this time at night it's very important you call me. and i said listen, this breaks my heart to tell you this news because i know i'm going to disappoint you. [ laughter ] and it's been really hard for me to come up with the courage to say this to you but i cannot take it any longer.
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i have to tell you. and you just have to understand that i have been here working so much. i'm so tired. i'm so overwhelmed and i'm so lonely. [ laughter ] the combination is lethal when you're so lonely and so overworked and you don't think straight and in this moment of madness. he goes oh please don't tell me you picked up another dog. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he didn't fall for it for a minute. >> i was so angry because i thought i was so clever. and i'm so predictable. >> jimmy: oh my gosh. oh my gosh. he didn't fall for it at all. let's talk about your movie. this is a passion project for you. you have been working on this for a long time now. based on the book "the prophet." it sold hundreds of millions -- >> more than 120 million copies.
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>> jimmy: oh, nice. [ applause ] >> good book. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a big success, yeah. what drew you to it? you just loved the poetry of it? >> i have a personal relationship with a story that has to do with my grandfather. i'm not going to tell here but you should try to find it because it's very moving for me. >> jimmy: no. they're a lot of people. sure. >> and my family and i realize that a lot of people had also a a very personal connection to this book -- and so i wanted to make this movie about this poem that unites us all and that are uplifting. so we made this movie. we made it in animation because the movie talks about freedom. >> jimmy: why animation? why did you make it animated? >> because, you know, i do the poems for the kids visually. so even if they don't understand all the words they understand all the concepts visually. and because it's about freedom
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and it's also about the fact that we are not just our body. we are a lot more than just a a body. and so i didn't want to have all of these bodies trying to act the story and the poetry. >> jimmy: and the drawings. >> it's free. art is free. >> jimmy: it's gorgeous. i want to show a clip here. here's a scene from " kahlil gibran's the prophet," featuring the music of glen hansard and lisa hannigan. look at this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: go see that in the theater. that is stunning right there. >> i am so proud. really i am so proud of this. probably the best thing i've ever done. >> jimmy: we will do. we'll go see it. we'll go see this thing. and no i wanted to ask you to a a game tonight. i should have called your husband first. but, it involves puppies. >> oh, bring them on. >> jimmy: all right. here we go. salma and i are playing a new game. it's called "pup quiz" after the break. come on back. it's good. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it get people clean enough to go commando? did you just wipe your bum? well, i sure did. did you notice anything about the texture?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: very funny jimmy. welcome back to "the tonight show," everybody. i'm steve higgins and we're about to play a new animal trivia game called "pup quiz." [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> steve: playing tonight, we have the host of "the tonight show," mr. jimmy fallon. >> jimmy: hi, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: all right, that's enough. and from the new movie, "the prophet," the lovely salma hayek. [ cheers and applause ] and this is the first puppy up for grabs tonight. mr. gary frick jr. [ audience aws ] now, here's how the game works. i'll be asking both of you animal trivia questions, and if you answer both of them correctly you win an adorable golden retriever puppy. and if it's incorrect your opponent gets the puppy. the first person to collect five puppies is the "pup quiz" champion. >> jimmy: he's cheating. he's cheating already. >> steve: i know. he's licking already. >> jimmy: he's licking the answer. >> steve: he's looking at the answer. salma, you are our guest. >> yes. >> steve: so you will answer the first question. >> okay. >> steve: either you win gary or you lose gary. [ audience aws ] first question is, "what is the
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only breed of dog that does not bark?" is it "a," the shina ibu? "b," the chihuahua? or "c," the basenji? >> the basenji. >> steve: that is correct! [ cheers and applause ] m♪ >> steve: gary frick jr. is yours! >> jimmy: i've never even heard of the basenji. >> steve: what's that? >> jimmy: i've never even heard of the basenji. >> steve: you never saw that movie, "basenji" with that cute dog? >> jimmy: that's "benji." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh, i'm sorry. i am sorry. you are right. to bad that wasn't on the quiz. >> my expertise. >> steve: the next question. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. here we go. >> steve: all right, next question for you, jimmy. >> jimmy: i want a puppy. >> oh, my god. [ laughter ] >> steve: this puppy is mary kennedy, ms. mary kennedy. >> jimmy: oh, mary kennedy. >> steve: which of the following is not a real fish? "a," the blob fish? "b," the ass fish? [ laughter ] or "c," the hump fish?
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what is your answer, mr. james fallon? >> that is so easy. that's cheating. >> jimmy: no, see, you're trying to do reverse psychology because you think my brain is going to go there but, it's not. i'm going to say the -- i have to just say it. there's no such thing as the "ass fish." >> steve: oh, and you are wrong. m♪ the answer is the hump fish, "c!" some people call it the "wednesday fish." mary kennedy is gone. [ cheers and applause ] oh. >> jimmy: i felt like it had a a hump on its back or something. [ dog barks ] >> steve: you hear that sound? that means it's time for "double puppies." this "double puppy" is worth two puppies. and salma, it is your question. >> yes. [ laughter ] talk to me baby. >> steve: which u.s. president --
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>> oh god, i thought it was about animals -- >> steve: had a pet possum named "mr. protection"? was it "a," thomas jefferson? "b," teddy roosevelt? or "c," benjamin harrison? >> jimmy: i can't believe you do not know this. [ laughter ] >> roosevelt. >> steve: what's that? >> roosevelt? >> steve: what's that? >> jimmy: roosevelt. >> steve: oh, roosevelt? are you saying "b," teddy roosevelt? >> yes. >> steve: oh, no, it's benjamin harrison. >> jimmy: yeah, bring out the puppies! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: that's "double puppies!" >> oh, my god. >> steve: kyle mcadams and lisa armstrong. >> that's not an animal question. that's a politics question. >> jimmy: oh, hi. >> steve: okay. >> how come he got two? oh, my god. that's cheating. >> steve: that was "double puppy." that was "double puppy." >> jimmy: that was "double puppy." >> steve: jimmy, this question is for you. which of these real birds is also known as the "timber doddle"? is it "a," the "tufted titmouse"?
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"b," the "moustached puffbird"? or "c," the "american woodcock"? which one is it? [ laughter ] this is for a puppy. you could take the lead. it's tied now. >> jimmy: stop chewing on this. wait, what are the answers again, i'm sorry? >> steve: "a," "tufted titmouse." "b," "mustache puffbird." and "c," "american woodcock." >> jimmy: "timber doodle?" that's "timber doodle?" >> steve: yes, known as the "timber doodle." >> jimmy: i'm gonna say the "tufted titmouse." >> steve: oh, that is wrong! salma gets a puppy. she gets mr. rodger blaine. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ dog barking ] >> steve: oh, my god. that means its time for "final puppeordy." >> wait, wait, wait. i need to make a disclosure. one of the puppies farted. [ laughter ] i don't want to be blamed for it when they bring the next puppy to me. i promise you.
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it was the puppy fart. >> steve: it's not you. >> they have a distinct smell. [ applause ] [ dog barking ] >> steve: oh, that sound means it's time for "final puppeordy." this is for all your opponents' puppies and the game. so are you ready? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: pick up the boards on your side and the markers. there's boards right to your side. [ laughter ] >> steve: i'll hold those puppies if you want. you'll write down the answer to this question. whoever is closest to the correct answer will be the "pup quiz" champion. the question is, "how many different dogs have played the character 'lassie'?" you have ten seconds, starting now. [ jeopardy theme song ] [ dog barking ] how many dogs have played the character, "lassie?" [ laughter ] is it a thousand? is it 1,000,000? [ buzzer beeps ] what is it? >> jimmy: all right. >> steve: all right. jimmy, you're in the lead. jimmy, what did you write down? >> jimmy: tres.
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>> steve: 3. salma, what did you write down? >> 10. >> steve: 10, the correct answer is 11. salma wins! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [dog barking ] >> oh my god. i'm in heaven. i'm in heaven. i'm in puppy heaven, and i beat jimmy. i know how much he hates it. i beat him last time with some beer game, and he was not happy. oh my god. look at this. >> jimmy: you guys our thanks to salma hayek, the champion and all of these adorable puppies. [ cheers and applause ] "the prophet" opens in new york and los angeles tomorrow. tim gunn joins us next. stick around everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ dog barking ] ♪ [hero female] we're all familiar with this:
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axe daily fragrances, which comes in a black can. but what you wouldn't have seen is this, axe dry spray anti-perspirant. it goes on dry and keeps you dry with no visible residue. why are you touching your armpit? i was just checking to see if it was dry. [hero female] don't, that's weird. the first ever dry spray anti-perspirant from axe. ♪ a-b-c, it's easy as 1-2-3 ♪ as simple as do-re-mi ♪ a-b-c, 1-2-3 baby you and me ♪ 1-2-3 baby you and me, yeah
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it's easy to get it all, big and small at ♪ i'm gonna teach you how to sing it out ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on, come let me tell you what it's all about. ♪ to see what's changed andn the miwhat hasn't.s, at olay we believe each day is a chance for you to be your best self. with over 800 skincare awards worldwide, we're devoted to creating the most advanced skincare products. we want you to turn every head, especially the one that matters most. because if you can impress the woman in the mirror... that's everything. from the worlds #1. olay. your best beautiful.
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♪ fifty! ♪ ok! ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she's a beautiful person. our next guest is at the top of
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the fashion game. he's a best selling author and the emmy award winning co-host of "project runway" that just returned for its 14th season tonight on "lifetime." please welcome tim gunn, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: always looking great. >> thrilled to be here. thank you for having me. can i ask you a question though? >> jimmy: of course. >> was it just me, or did salma hayek look positively orgasmic with those dogs? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: with the dogs, yes. with the dogs as well, yeah. yeah, absolutely. she's a beautiful person. the dogs loved her back as well. it was perfect bonding. >> and i have to follow salma hayek and a bunch of dogs. >> jimmy: no. they're definitely adorable. please, please, please. i want to ask you a question because we had heidi klum on the show, and we were talking about when you won the "emmy." congratulations, by the way.
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>> yes, thank you. >> jimmy: and now you're nominated again. >> and you're nominated. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. i'm very happy. she said when you won, she had been drinking. >> we were a little inebriated, i will say. but it was champagne. it was the champagne buzz. >> jimmy: it was a classy buzz. >> it was a very classy buzz. but we were number 104 out of 105 categories. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> so there was a lot of champagne drinking. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my god. do you remember actually winning? >> i remember winning vividly. it's what sobered us up. and i remember planting a big, wet, sloppy kiss all over neil patrick harris. and then, we said something at the podium, and when we got backstage heidi looked at me and said, "what did we just say?" i said, "i haven't a clue." [ laughter ] i have no idea, but it was thrilling. >> jimmy: well, congrats on that, too. >> thank you. >> jimmy: then you got nominated again, which is another thrill. >> thank you. >> jimmy: we were saying because you said that once you normally win an "emmy," then you think she will -- "don't
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give me another one." >> well, we won in 2013. we were nominated the following year. we lost in 2014. so i thought, "oh i will never be nominated again, but still i have my gorgeous "emmy" right next to my coffee maker in my kitchen." but we were nominated again. so people haven't forgotten about us. >> jimmy: absolutely not. >> thank you. >> jimmy: no they shouldn't have. [ cheers and applause ] the new season of this starts tonight on "lifetime," but before we get into that, i want to know, there's a a "project runway junior." >> oh, it's the most wonderful -- i just left them. 13-17. >> jimmy: that's the rules? so, they have to be 13-17, and they're little designers. >> they're phenomenal. they are absolutely inspirational phenomenons. i have to remind myself of how young they are. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and frankly, i think they could leave the adults in their dust. if anyone's in doubt about our future, just looking at these young people, the future couldn't look brighter. >> jimmy: really? oh, that's great to hear. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is it tough to judge? >> yes. fortunately, i'm not a judge, but i interact with the judges.
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they don't want to send anyone home. there are tears. >> jimmy: are they crying? >> no. not the kids. the judges. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, really? of course. >> oh, no, yeah. the kids are mature. they're professional. they behave better than the grown-ups. >> jimmy: there's not as much drama as on the normal "project runway." i saw some promos for this new season. it's almost looks like you lose your cool a little bit. >> it's not almost like. "big daddy" blows up. [ laughter ] i get to a point where i am at my saturation level of frustration and anger to a a degree, and i say about myself very matter-of-factly, i'm very flexible. i will bend and bend and bend until i snap and i -- you don't want to be around when it happens, and it happened. >> but there's one challenge where i really lose it. they're doing a makeover of what we call "regular women" and they're our crew members. they're people i have worked
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with for 14 seasons, so i know these women intimately and i felt very protective of them and proprietary about the look these designers were going to give them. we did the work room rounds together, the crew members and i, looking at the work and the designers weren't listening to them. this is a makeover. this is a collaboration between you and your dna as a designer and what this individual happens to want and desire. and you have to listen to her. "well, no, it's all about me." "listen sister, it's not just all about you." >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, wait. i don't want to see this side. i don't want to see this side of you. >> no, you don't. >> jimmy: i don't. >> you don't. >> jimmy: that's what gets you the emmy's though buddy. congrats on the new season. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: and i love you. come back. >> thank you. >> jimmy: best to heidi, too. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] tim gunn. "project runway" airs thursday at 9:00 p.m. on "lifetime." we'll be back right back with a a performance from christopher cross, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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okay, what is this? it's chewy. really icy. wooh. that's intense! it just hits you. its gum. no. it's totally a mint! it's disappearing as i am chewing it. where did it go? it's not a gum. not a mint. it's a totally new cool. new ice breakers cool blasts. ♪ummer bucket list #88: throw a pool party. ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list.
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thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! we've been compromised!. don't let hunger kill your game. hot pockets brings you new snack bites. bite-size hot pockets sandwiches with 100% real cheese. guy's i'm back! new snack bites from... ♪hot pockets (♪ "more smiles" by the jump ups ♪) "i want more yes, more please, i want more fun, more style, i want more love, more smiles, i want more." j-e-l-l-o
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, happy, happy summer everybody. happy summer. our next guest is -- oh, he's a a pal of ours. he's an artist who's made history. he made history in 1 1980 when his debut album won five grammys. performing -- [ cheers and applause ] performing his classic hit "sailing" with a little help from the roots, please welcome christopher cross!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ well it's not far down to paradise at least it's not for me and if the wind is right ♪ ♪ you can sail away and find tranquility oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see believe me ♪ ♪ it's not far to never never
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land no reason to pretend and if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again ♪ ♪ oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see believe me ♪ ♪ sailing takes me away to where ♪ ♪ i've always heard it could be just a dream and the wind to ♪ ♪ carry me and soon i will be free ♪ ♪ fantasy it gets the best of me when i'm sailing
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all caught up in the reverie ♪ ♪ every word is a symphony won't you believe me ♪ ♪ sailing takes me away to where i've always heard ♪ ♪ it could be just a dream and the wind to carry me and soon i will be free ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ well it's not far back to sanity at least it's not for me ♪ ♪ and if the wind is right you can sail away and find serenity ♪ ♪ oh the canvas can do miracles just you wait and see ♪ ♪ believe me sailing takes me away to where ♪ ♪ i've always heard it could be just a dream and the ♪ ♪ wind to carry me and soon i will be free ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: the one and only christopher cross. his current album, "the secret ladder", is out now. we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen. hi, roots! ♪ (plays throughout)
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♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to salma hayek, tim gunn, christopher cross. and the roots right there from philadelphia, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- ice-t and coco -- from "pretty little liars," actress lucy hale -- from "review," actor/comedian andy daly. featuring the 8g band with brad wilk. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, here he is, seth meyers! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonigh


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