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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  November 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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for carlicia phillips gaither. police used one of her bank cards at an atm in aberdeen, maryland. she is originally from maryland but not from that part of the state. >> and what i want to say to the person that has her, please return her. we just want her returned safely. >> as the search intensifies, with help from the fbi, the reward fund in this case has grown to $42,000. there are fast moving developments here and out of state. >> nbc 10 has a team of reporters in two states covering every angle. >> we'll begin in aberdeen, maryland. >> deen, you've been following federal agents, what's happening now? there are a half dozen agents that have been canvassing this area. pnc bank behind me is one area they are focusing on.
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we are off the exit of i-95. two agents are heading into the bank and they identified themselves as fbi agents but would not tell us what video if any they have been able to get from the bank or what they were trying to do here. we tracked two agents to this mars supermarket here. the video there that you see is the agent leaving the grocery store heading to the bank. we asked them multiple times, were you able to find anything? were you able to see any cars or any information on the video? are you able to obtain anything from the bank or grocery store, we refer to the fbi field office in baltimore who referred us to philadelphia police, we can tell you pnc bank is not commenting on the investigations. i spoke to a store security officer inside the supermarket. the mars supermarket. he told me that agents were going through their surveillance footage, but at the time i spoke to him, they have not been able to find anything. we also saw two agents heading up the road here to fast food restaurants and then other agents heading down the highway.
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it appears as though they are stopping along this route trying to look for any information they find, whether it be surveillance video or that car last seen in philadelphia. but so far no one here commenting, but again, a number of federal agents both from maryland and philadelphia here in this area looking for surveillance video. that's the very latest, reporting live from aberdeen, maryland, reporting for "nbc 10 news." now to northwest detectives as rosemary conners is there. >> you have been there with carlicia's family. what did they tell you? >> reporter: detectives spent about two hours talking privately with the family. i asked her grandmother and she said police detectives updated them of their ongoing efforts to look and find carlicia. they are working all angles in this case. it's been a long and emotional
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day for the family as they pleaded to the abductor to bring her home. at first the mother of 22-year-old carlicia was overcome by grief, but then she made her plea. >> please just give her back, give her back, please. >> reporter: carlicia's personality is as bright as her smile. after graduating in maryland where she lived with her grandmother, she moved back to philadelphia. her father, carl, helped her get a job as a nursing assistant at a presbyterian hospital caring for cancer patients. >> if anything, somebody come get me, leave her. she's a young female. she don't need to go through this. >> reporter: earlier in the day at the scene of the abduction near west coulter and green streets, her family continued to canvas the neighborhood. her grandmother wonders if the
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abductor in this video could be a former boyfriend from maryland who tried to track carlesha down a few years ago after she moved to philadelphia. >> i do remember carlesha telling me he was a little controlling. >> reporter: police patrolling the crime scene today are only saying they are looking at all possibilities. >> if carlesha can hear this, what do you want to know? >> i love you. the whole entire family, everybody loves you. >> the whole world loves carlesha. >> we love her and we just want her to be returned to us safely. >> reporter: the family tells me that while police continue to do their work here in philadelphia and in maryland, the family will be back in that neighborhood over the next few days talking to anybody who may have seen something sunday night. reporting live outside of northwest detectives, rosemary conners, "nbc 10 news." nbc 10 investigator reporter harry hairston is following the police investigation in philadelphia. >> harry, bring us up-to-date on
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the details for us. >> reporter: police are telling us they are working every angle right here in the city of philadelphia as they have canines going door to door and using s.w.a.t. teams. they are searching every nook and cranny trying to find out where this kidnapping victim may be. they say their biggest break, though, was the one they got about that debit card being used at an out of state bank. police hope the surveillance video of the abduction taken sunday night and their newest clue, evidence of the victim's debit card used at a bank in maryland, will tell them what they need to know about the case. >> i don't know the bank name, possibly a pnc but i'm not sure. >> can you give us the exact time that you believe the card was used? >> 6:01 a.m. >> there was surveillance video showing a man using carlesha's . card. is that compared to the same suspect as the video you saw?
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>> similar but not sure it's the same. >> reporter: they believe he's in a 2000 or 2002 ford taurus. she desperately struggles inside the car to get away. >> carlesha was put in the back of the weekend. seconds after she was put in the back of the vehicle, you can see that the glass looks like it was kicked out or punched out of the passenger side. we believe the rear. >> reporter: now police also say they believe there may have been two people inside that car, but so far all they have is the one person on the surveillance video that they are looking for. and that they need the public's help to find. the fbi is involved as they are out of state at this time. and the fbi with the valid crime's task force is working alongside with philadelphia police officers right here in the city still searching the city and hoping to find the victim. reporting live from police
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headquarters, harry hairston, "nbc 10 news." new at 4:30 today, we showed the kidnapping vehicle to a local personal safety expert who offers tips for you that could be a lifesaver if you ever come up against danger like this. right now on, the uncut video of the victim's family as they make that emotional plea for help in this case. all right. we want to take you now to breaking news at the box truck accident in east falls. christine maddela is live over the scene there. what can you tell us? >> reporter: this is causing about a two-mile delay. you can see this unmarked white box truck. it crashed along with three other vehicles here on the boulevard southbound near east falls. and it looks like this accident is taking out the right and center lanes. so there is a big backup. the left-hand lane is getting by. and there are injuries reported with this accident. so be careful. there is a delay on the boulevard southbound.
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live in skyforce 10, christine maddela, "nbc 10 news." a child was seriously injured after being hit by a car in king of prussia this morning. skyforce 10 over this scene at route 202 and saw run boulevard. they were trying to cross the southbound lanes when he was hit. witnesses told police the driver had a green light. she stayed at the scene and the child was airlifted to the hospital. and a car crashed into this building this afternoon in kensington. skyforce 10 over frankfurt avenue and east clearfield street. investigators say one person was taken to the hospital with minor injuries and the building also had minor damage as well. it is not clear exactly what caused the accident. we have new information about a murder-suicide outside of chester county's ymca. dennis kusell ambushed his estranged girlfriend, 41-year-old jacinda miller, and this happened at the ymca in west brandywine.
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casell shot miller as she got out of her car and then turned the gun on himself as police arrived. the person who shot a delaware state university student last night is still on the loose. this happened at an off campus red dense hall. the young man was shot at 4:00 yesterday in a parking lot north of the main campus in dover. the student was taken on to a hospital. we have been told he's going to be okay. now from what we hear, the school is actually in lockdown for several hours but at this hour all is back to normal. and now to our coverage of decision 2014. on this election day after months of listening to all the candidates today, the voters get their turn. nbc 10 at the polls in cherry hill today. >> one of the key election battles we're following is the race for pennsylvania governor tom wolf using every last minuton the campaign trail to get out his message in philadelphia. governor tom corbett cast his ballot bright and early this morning in western pennsylvania. no matter who wins, this will be a historic election. >> now, if governor corbett
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loses, he'll be the first pennsylvania governor to not be elected in modern state history. >> if corbett wins, it would be a major come-from-behind win after lagging in the polls for months. >> nbc 10 is covering the keith jones is at governor corbett's headquarters in pittsburgh today and lu ann cahn is with the wolf camp in york, pennsylvania. we have four hours to go until the polls close. >> reporter: renae, he's hopeful. we are live at the william penn hotel in pittsburgh. the governor is counting on lower voter turnout from registered democrats. they outnumber the republicans bay million and typically don't head to the polls during the non-presidential elections. right now the governor is spending time with family, particularly his two twin grandchildren, 6-week-old elliott and 6-week-old theodore.
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nbc 10 in shaler allegheny county 20 miles north of pittsburgh where governor corbett and his wife susan cast their ballot. the governor lived in shaler and served as a supervisor here before becoming assistant d.a. in allegheny county. he says this race is all about one word, taxes. and he's confident heading into tonight. >> this is a turnout election. we know who our voters are and have been doing it from a social and media metrix. i think we'll get them out and win tonight. >> reporter: and if the governor wins, it will be in spite of double-digit deficits of the polls that you have read. in the last few months, i covered the race a few years ago when governor corbett beat his opponent, we'll expect results tonight at 8:00 p.m. keith jones, "nbc 10 news." now to york to nbc 10's lu
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ann cahn. >> reporter: that's right. the most recent poll shows that he's ahead by 13 to 18 points, but as a democrat, he needs strong support in philadelphia to win. tom wolf made four stops in the area this morning before heading back to york to vote. we caught up with him on columbus boulevard where he met with local union leaders. he made a decision to not pay for the traditional $350,000 get out the vote walk-around money in philadelphia. and i asked him about that. >> i just want to make sure that everybody knows where i stand and what i'm doing. and if they come out to vote, it's not just because it's a nice day or because somebody has made a phone call, it's because they actually think i'm going to change their lives. >> reporter: he actually is saying he only wants you to vote for him if you think it's the right thing to do, not because someone told you to do it.
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it's unusual it's not the usual politicians speak, but it has worked for him so far. live in york, pa, lu ann cahn, "nbc 10 news." and cory booker is looking for his first full term facing republican challenger jeff bell. booker urged new jerseyans to vote as he cast his ballot earlier this morning at roberte towers in new york. he won the special election last year after frank lautenberg died in office. his republican opponent jeff bell cast his ballot late this morning at all saints episcopal church. bell, a former ronald reagan speech writer and think tag director. democrat chris coons won the election four years ago to phil vice president biden's old seat. and kevin wade is trying to unseat coons.
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he was there as wade voted with his family. wade lost to tom carper two years ago. the feds are keeping a close eye on the polls today to make sure everyone gets a fair shot at voting. justice departments say federal monitors are being used in select cities across the u.s. they are watching today to make sure voters don't face discrimination or any hurdles including intimidation casting their ballots. in our area, federal monitors are keeping an eye on things in lehigh county. new at 4:30, nbc 10 is also keeping a close eye on polling locations on the alert for any potential problems. a live update ahead. and the polls are still open in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. voters have until 8:00 tonight to cast their ballots in decision 2014. and you can get real-time election night results on your mobile device using the free "nbc 10 news" app. download it by going to and then turn to 10 tonight at 7:00. we'll bring you hourly updates
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all night long and comprehensive election nights on "nbc 10 news" at cz11:00. a vehicle flipped over in mercer county this morning before 7:00 along the northbound lanes in lawrence township. no children were on board and nobody was hurt, but it caused traffic trouble for quite a while. today a kidnapping charge was roadway instated against the man accused of rapping a young doctor in her apartment. this man, 28-year-old milton garcia, followed the 26-year-old woman home on june 21st from a bar at 15th and sampson streets. as the woman got close to her apartment, garcia grabbed her from behind, forced her inside and rapeed her. he took her phone and keys and was arrested after police tracked the phone to him. he's charged now with rape, kidnapping, aggravated assault and robbery. a high-profile wife killer gets on the witness stand in norristown and the issue is, is he hiding millions of dollars
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from his own daughter. they say rob has been hiding millions in asset from behind bars and want the money for his daughter. the former penn economics professor pleaded guilty to the beating death of his wife el help. now he's serving five to ten years. ellen rob was killed just before christmas wrapping gifts inside their home. rafael rob staged the scene to look like a burglar and rob's daughter is also going to testify. a man wanted for a hit-and-run in ocean county is in custody. 54-year-old robert decker is accused of hitting a vehicle on route 37 in toms river sunday night. an off-duty officer saw the crash, followed the car to a nearby restaurant when police say deckert tried to run over the officer and took off again. deckert later called them from his home and was arrested. we are following breaking updates on the abduction of a philadelphia woman. we now know the woman's bank card was used yesterday morning
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very early in the morning at 6:00 a.m. at a bank in aberdeen, maryland. nbc 10's deanna durante is at the bank with fbi agents at the scene. missing is 22-year-old carlesha gaither who was grabbed and pushed into a car sunday night. now your first nbc 10 weather with glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we have had a big warming trend since the weekend began. we were in the 40s with wind and rain, but we've got some warm weather today and we have some relatively warm weather tomorrow, too. we are tracking some rain before the week is out. and then another cold blast with even more coming next week. a fair amount of sunshine today. some high clouds coming across. 66 degrees with the wind only 6 miles an hour. 8 degrees warmer than we were at this time yesterday. so we're in the mid to upper 60s across the area now. it doesn't look like it, but
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yeah, there were places it got into the 70s today. philadelphia officially 71 degrees. the average high is 60. so we went from 49 to 60 to 71. we're talking 68 or so during the day tomorrow. we are 5 to 10 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday, but remember it's going to start cooling off pretty quickly as the sun is setting earlier. we have this patch of clouds coming through right now, but then we start to clear out after that to allow the temperature to drop down pretty quickly. we have a band of clouds and some showers back to the west, but that may be weakening as it gets here. take a look at the futurecast, and you can see that area weakening by the time it approaches tomorrow. so it's more just cloudiness rather than rain. the main area of rain, that comes in ahead of this cold front on thursday. and it's not just a couple of showers but it also doesn't look
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like it's an all-day rain. and once that front comes through, the cold air sweeps in. we can still see some showers around here on thursday night. and then we dry out on friday. look at all the snow on the backside of that. just to give an idea of how cold the air mass is behind it. and that is definitely the trend over the next maybe few weeks. partly cloudy and mild tonight. 53 for a low in philadelphia. 45 north and west. relatively light winds today, tonight and tomorrow. a mix of sun and clouds tomorrow. still rather warm. top average high of 60 will be closer to 70. although we may not quite hit 70. and the seven-day forecast, kind of rainy on thursday. still a little bit above average for the temperatures. it's windy and colder on friday. a cold start on saturday. 36 in philadelphia. 20s in the suburbs. and not exactly a warm afternoon, 50 degrees. and then kind of chilly all the
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way into next week and maybe even colder than that later next week. all right. thank you, glenn. on the run and plugged in, the new information nbc 10 has uncovered about accused cop killer eric frein's computer connection while he was a fugitive. and new at 4:30, problems at the polls. the nbc 10 investigators track down where the biggest problems are reported in our area on this election day. and bringing the music back home. today the band that's mad it big time on the national stage and what they are doing to show local kids they have not forgotten their roots.
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just like an interception, i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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fifteen percent or more fifon car insurance.d save you everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection. fifty stunning, hand-painted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. fifteen minutes could save you
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fifteen percent or more on car insurance. winter's coming, no doubt about it, and peco is ready. they have completed a review of their electric system that includes more than 22,000 miles of cable above and underground. it also filled all the natural gas storage facilities and replaced 46,000 miles of gas
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pipe lines. peco's ceo said, as we prepare for colder weather, we encourage our customers to do the same by inspecting heating equipment to ensure safe and efficient operation. as winter approaches, here's a check list to help you prepare. clean the air vents around the house and install storm windows and doors if possible. check for freshen weather stripping and caulking around windows and doors and install sealers behind electrical outlets. the roots are raising funds at the philadelphia high school. they created the kapa foundation. more than a dozen staff were cut from the school where extra curricular activities were canceled. the roots course and the house band for nbc "tonight's show" house band is helping to purchase books and classroom supplies and restoring after
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school activities and renovating kapa's theater. in a statement, quest love said, i'm taking this as a state of emergenc emergency. breaking developments in a search for a woman who was captured. >> police have record of carlesha's bank card being used in maryland. and now we are down to bare bones where i have to make this guy get off me at all costs. >> a local marshal expert shares with nbc 10 his tips the difference between life and death. glenn "hurricane" schwartz? >> the nice conditions will stick around a while before the rain moves in. then a return to the cold. get the timing on the changing weather in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. then coming up tonight on "nbc 10 news" at 5:00, back to
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collecting. philadelphia will begin leaf pickup for the first time in years and homeowners think things have changed since the last curb side collection. but first, skyforce 10 is en route to this brush fire in pine hill, camden county. we'll have live report just minutes away.
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live over a brush fire in pine hill. let's go to nbc 10's christine maddela. apparently we lost our picture from skyforce 10. we'll check in once we reestablish pictures there. >> christine is all over the place. and there's a lot of breaking news we are following, including the search for the woman kidnapped off of philadelphia's
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streets. we have learned her bank card was used at an atm in maryland. >> jaqueline london is following the latest for us. >> the reward fund is growing and the victim's family is again pleading for help? >> that's so true. the family held a very emotional news conference as you would imagine this afternoon in philadelphia. they left northwest detectives just in the last hour. there's a lot of activity going on in philadelphia. and now there's a lot of activity in maryland as well. what we know about maryland is that is where police say the bank card belonging to karlesha gaither was last seen. now fbi officials are asking where the card was used and are asking questions of nearby businesses. deanna durante is with the fbi and asking agents if they have any more video or evidence that would be helpful. so far the fbi in maryland is
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not saying anything. here's what we have also learned. police have now released a more detailed description of the car they believe the 22-year-old was tossed into. they describe it as a 2000 to 2002 four-door gray ford taurus. police also say karlesha kicked out the back passenger window. they are trying to enhance the video showing her abduction but today her family is pleading for her safe return. >> karlesha, i love you. come on, all you have to give out. i got you. you come home. just come home. i love you so much. everybody loves you. everybody loves you. >> reporter: today the fbi added $25,000 to the reward fund and the philadelphia credit union added money to that. in addition that brings the
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total amount of award money to $47,000. live in the digital operation center, jaqueline london, nbc so news. thank you, jaqueline. well, now to protecting yourself from a violent person on the street. >> christine maddela spoke to a self-defense expert who shows us the steps you can take that may save your life. >> reporter: kim sylvester is a professor offering self-defense classes every month. >> the more that you know the more likely you are of getting yourself out of the sticky situation. >> reporter: we sat down and showed him the surveillance video of karlesha gaither's abduction. in the video you can see the 22-year-old fight off the suspect. >> i can be verbal, i can be loud, i can be scream and do whatever i can to attract attention. >> reporter: karlesha did scream and tried to get away as the abductor led her to his car. look at the bottom left-hand side of the car.
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karlesha dropped to the ground to avoid being put inside of the car. >> that was intelligent the way to drop down to the floor and try to use gravity on her side. we kind of do the same thing wrestling around on the ground, you can use gravity to become your strength. >> reporter: sylvester tells his student that size and strength do matter in a fight, but with training everyone can use their own strengths to their best potential by using whole body moves. >> using your hips and legs you can apply a chokehold. maybe this guy is 30 pounds heavier and his arms are really, really big. my hips will always be stronger than anyone's single arm. >> reporter: christine maddela, "nbc 10 news." >> count on "nbc 10 news" and for new information on the breaking story. we have a team of reporters in two states now trying to get answers to this kidnapping.
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we are live over a brush fire in pine hill. christine maddela is live on a busy "newsday" for us aboard skyforce 10. christine? >> reporter: there are still flames here and as we zoom out, you can see flames here in camden county. just for per speck ty, this is just across branch avenue from trump national golf course. you can see the smoke here as we were flying over east falls, actually, a few minutes ago. we spotted this smoke and then 25 miles away fire crews have a portion of branch avenue shut down. and just be aware there may be some limited visibility in this smoke as the winds blow the smoke north of the fire in pine hill. reporting live in skyforce 10, christine maddela, "nbc 10 news." all right. thank you, christine. voters are casting their ballots on this election day. >> here is what is at stake. federal, state and local races in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware are all being decided this afternoon and all day today.
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the key race is for pennsylvania governor. >> nbc 10 investigators are tracking down any election day troubles. investigative reporter mitch blocker is joining us. mitch, it's been mostly smooth but you did find problems? >> a few problems. so far the biggest trouble was in chester, delaware county. this is video showing a polling place at 15th and edgemont. we are told polling workers didn't show up to work. elizabeth williams told nbc 10 investigators that most of the voters are democrats but she spoke passionalty about their right to vote and how it was denied. >> they have closed this poll today knowing that their person was not going to show up today. >> i want to vote and i can't vote. >> i'm very upset today because i had 75 elders here willing and ready to vote. and they were unable to vote at
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this site. >> they are taking their constitutional rights away. they have no rights to close this poll. >> now delaware county voting officials say the polling location wasn't open because those staffing it just simply never showed up for work. the delaware county solicitor said by 10:30 this morning voting was back up and running with a new staff. now, the nbc 10 investigators will continue to monitor voting problems and bring you what we know when we know it. right now we're also tracking confusion over voting locations. we'll have that update coming up at 5:00. renae and jim? >> thank you, mitch. today a clean baby may lead to an irritating problem for your little bundle of joy. plus, a fortune on the line tonight. but first, here's what we are working on for you for "nbc 10 news" at 5:00. >> i just want my daughter home. >> still breaking, the search for karlesha kidnapped in this video trying to fight off her attacker. at 5:00, nbc 10 has four reporters talking to philadelphia police about the new search crossing state lines.
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tracking the money trail after her debit card was used in maryland. >> please give her back. >> plus, her family's plea to her kidnappers and what you can do if you are ever attacked. count on "nbc 10 news" at 5:00. cocoa or eggnog? toasty or frosty?
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on my journey across america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. a squeaky clean baby might not be such a good idea. new research suggests too many baths could cause eczema in babies. dry, itchy patches of skin
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affect as many as 20% of children. a study of babies found applying a fragrance-free moisturizer every day cuts in half the risk of developing eczema. the american academy of speed yachtics recommends bathing babies two to three times a week. someone could be mega rich in a matter of hours. tonight's mega millions jackpot is at $321 million. the last time someone matched all six numbers was back on august 22nd. so you know what? that jackpot has been growing since then. millionaire hopefuls can play in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. the fugitive outdoor survivalist who was actually plugged in. >> that's new information that we're following here on "nbc 10 news" at 4:00. the high-tech connection eric frein had just as police were scouring the pocano mountains for the accused cop killer. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> a great day to be outdoors but don't get used to it.
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i'll tell you when you need the umbrella and the heavy totes. that's coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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we are penn state, making our mark on the world. another update in the search for carlesha freeland-gaither. this shows her family spending several hours talking to detectives. carlesha was seen on video grabbed and pushed into a car sunday night in germantown. now to decision 2014 as we take a live look from the capital in washington, d.c. who will control the senate in republicans or democrats? that's the big prize in today's midterm elections. republicans need to gain six seats to win back the senate majority. they lost it in 2006. and the republican-controlled house, all 430 seats are on today's ballot. one race for u.s. senate
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we're closely watching is in delaware. >> democrat chris coons is facing a challenge from republican businessman kevin wade. tim furlong is live at a polling place in wilmington. you're following both candidate this is election tuesday. >> reporter: i am. and in delaware i'm hearing things are going pretty well. the turnout is heavier than they anticipated. the weather has cooperated and no voting machine issues, but the senate race is going to be an interesting one. nbc 10 there this morning is kevin wade voting in a blue state putting up an interesting fight with chris coons. a scary last tv ad saying chris koontz dropped the ball in his handling over ebola. and also we were there this afternoon as chris koontz is not looking past kevin wade and gets that many are fed up with gridlock in washington. today's race is happening
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nationwide and could mean a tougher road to getting things done, which should be what we all want from our elected officials. take a listen. >> if the senate changes control, i think in some ways it will be difficult to advance a democratic agenda, but i'm going to be relying on the good friendships i've built with republic republicans to go back to work for the people in delaware. >> reporter: he hopes to win back that seat tonight, but looking at this polling place here at wilmington, it's been steady and busy as well. there's other interesting races to talk about when we come back at 5:10, the race for congress. you can see the sign for the attorney general's race. the current lieutenant governor is going to be an interesting one to take over beau biden's seat. we'll talk about more in a few minutes. tim furlong, "nbc 10 news." and now to south jersey and the race for congress in the
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south district. >> cindy long is live in vineland where they are looking at the atlantic city casino figures in this race. >> reporter: that's because the taj mahal closes its doors and 8,000 employees are without a job. we did checking today. in cumberland county alone, the unemployment rate 9.7% in atlantic county is 10.8 among the worst of u.s. metropolitan cities. anxious to bring a fresh face and new solutions for south jersey, especially a seat to the table in washington. >> we need somebody to take a leadership role in taking responsibility for the economic recovery in south jersey. on a federal level that has been lacking for the last 20 years. >> reporter: he cast his ballot at the university community center this election day. this at a time when atlantic city's leadership together with
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the state say they can't concur the casino job crisis alone. he voted at the community center looking to extend long-term employment immediately. >> 26 weeks is not enough for the people affected by this. when the 26 weeks run out, i think there's still going to be a lot of pain and suffering. >> reporter: and people across the region say the lack of tourism revenue of course will drive down property values and could mean an economic depression that will be long lasting. the firehouse here and the polling place is open until 8:00. expect it to be busy through the dinnertime hour. cindy long, "nbc 10 news." now ideal weather conditions for election day not only around here but up and down the east coast. and we're going to have a relatively warm wednesday as well. we've got temperatures into the 70s today. we are tracking rain moving in. and then another cold blast, but
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that may be nothing compared to the cold blast next week. we have a lot of sunshine out there. some high clouds, 66 degrees. the wind is only 6 miles an hour. the humidity is only 32%, but that's a lot higher than yesterday's 16%. now, i want to give you a little idea about next week. we've got some really cold air coming in. this is monday. and not only is cold on the map, arctic air is showing up on the map. by next wednesday, look at next friday, that's a large area of arctic air. and the cold extends all the way to the east coast. and we're talking about maybe high temperatures in the 40s, that kind of thing. maybe even some really cold weather. and 60 degrees in the pocanos right now. everybody else is in the 60s as well. some places get to 70-plus. down there with high clouds coming through, but this is satellite and radar. there's nothing on the radar nearby.
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you have to go pretty far to the west to see that. and that is weakening as it approaches during the day tomorrow. watch what happens here in the futurecast. where does the rain go? we have clouds coming in during the day, but we're not really expecting rain. some rain tomorrow night and then into thursday. that's when we're expecting some of the rain coming in. you can see this during the middle of the day. this computer model just in. and that would suggest a line of some pretty heavy showers and maybe even a thunderstorm moving through. tonight we're going to be seeing partly cloudy skies. 45 degrees north and west. no rain tomorrow with sun and clouds and highs in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. even when it rains on thursday, it's not all that cold. 63 for the high. then it starts cooling off friday, even colder on saturday, especially in the morning. just a chance of showers on
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sunday. not a washout. then it's chilly monday and tuesday before it gets really cold later in the week. skyforce 10 is live over a shooting at a gas station in germantown. we'll get right to christine maddela aboard skyforce 10. christine? >> reporter: it happened at this sunoco on germantown avenue. police are on the scene investigating as two people got into a fight at the gas station. then one man was shot four times. twice in the shoulder and twice in the rear-end. then he was taken to chestnut hill hospital. that man is currently in critical condition. police still have not found the shooter or shooters. reporting live in skyforce 10 over germantown, christine maddela, "nbc 10 news." well, police knew he was armed. >> and today we have learned he was armed with technology. the electronic connection that accused cop-killer eric frein had to the outside world on his days on the run from law enforcement.
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five days after his capture, we are learning new information about eric frein. >> we are live in the digital operation center and more on eric frein when he was a fugitive. >> doug, what have you learned today? >> reporter: pennsylvania police were convinced eric frein had a way to get onto the internet. we have essentially confirmed that, but the way state police have this written you would have thought he had a secret weapon to help him hide all these weeks. >> eric, are you sorry? >> reporter: not long after police took eric frein into
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custody, investigators scoured the abandoned airplane hanger in pocano township where frein spent his final days as a fugitive. and the search warrant obtained by nbc 10 states police found a laptop computer and two thumbdrives in the darkness of the hangar. searchers wanted to know if frein could use the laptop to evade capture over the seven weeks. within hours he was led into the barracks and the search warrant says frein told police he was able to tap into unlocked wi-fi service while on the run and access the internet. but it's unclear just what exactly he could find that might help him elude police. investigators also want to see if the laptop and the drives yield a motive for the murder of corporal brian dixon and the wounding of trooper alex douglas. just a short while ago, i spoke to one of the two public
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defenders, and one of eric frein's attorneys, michael weinstein. michael said he didn't talk to eric at all about the case, but it's just a time for him to get to know his client and his client to get to know him. live in the digital operation center, i'm doug shimel, nbc so news. next at 5:00, we continue to follow breaking news in the abduction investigation. >> nbc 10 has reporters across philadelphia and in maryland right now because the fbi is chasing clues out of state. the victim's bank card was used there yesterday.
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in just the last ten minutes we learned more on what happened in the sunoco gas station near washington lane. police are still on the scene here. they tell us a 32-year-old was shot four times, twice in the shoulder. after he got into a fight with someone here at the gas station, that man didn't wait for an ambulance. he was taken in a private car to chestnut hill hospital where right now he's in critical condition. police are still looking for evidence at the scene. they have not made an arrest. reporting live in skyforce 10,