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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  November 4, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EST

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right now at 11:00, a reward is on the rise as philadelphia police intensify their search for a 22-year-old woman seen in this video being abducts. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. a $15,000 reward is being offered as the family of this woman pleads for her safe return. they will reach out again along with police in a news conference set for 12:30 this afternoon. rosemary connors is live where she was last seen. what have you learned? >> reporter: we have learned from the family who is back out here at the scene -- you can see them over my shoulder. we learned they will speak alongside police at the 12:30
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news conference. they will make a formal public plea for the safe return. they shared with us new pictures of their daughter and their loved one. though gave us photos of her when she was growing up with her grandparents in maryland, when she graduated from high school in maryland. she returned to philadelphia after graduating from high school. philadelphia is where her mother and father live. she became a nursine ing ing ai. they are going over the video. they tell me that they don't believe that she was on a septa bus. but that's what they're trying to figure out. they say that septa is looking at its own surveillance video from buss to rule that possibility out. they are urging anybody who saw anything to come forward. >> whoever you are, whatever you know, please, just help me find my daughter.
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i just want my daughter back home. whatever i have to give you, just have my daughter back home with me and my family in a safe place. >> we don't know at this point in time. i mean, whether she knew the individual, whether he knew she would be arriving at that particular time. these are all things the detectives are working on now. >> reporter: the commission sherr ta er talking to us on his way into headquarters. philadelphia police have not released the name of a suspect or possible person of interest. at this point, they are looking at all angles, if it was random or if she knew the abductor. we will be out here with the family until 12:30 this afternoon. we will have the latest on all of this at 4:00 later today. i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. >> police say they are looking for a dark gray 2000 to 2002
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ford taurus. now to decision 2014, election day is here. voting is under way in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. polling places are open until 8:00 tonight. one of the biggest and most talked about races of the day is for pennsylvania governor. both candidates will spend their final hours out on the campaign trail. republican incumbent tom corbett voted this morning in pittsburgh in his hometown with his wife at his side. afterwards he greeted workers and volunteers and signed a campaign banner. corbett has been trailing in the polls so far. if he does not win today, that would bring a 40-year precedent of incumbents being re-elected in the state of pennsylvania. his democratic challenger, tom wolf, is expected to cast his ballot this afternoon in york county. wolf was state revenue secretary
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under former governor ed rendell. this is his first time running for public office. the nbc 10 investigators looking into any election day problems. any problems so far in the voting booths? >> so far it's smooth. we are watching a situation out of chester where viewers told us there were problems at the polls. the chester voting services say all polls have been open since 7:00 and there aren't any problems. when we went down there, we did see at least one voting machine had to be replaced and staff for one precinct didn't show up. we are working the story and we will have updates. we are checking polls in new jersey where voters got to the polls early this morning. nbc 10 was at a fire station on kings highway in cherry hill where the polls opened at 6:00 a.m. voters are casting ballots for congressional and local races. we spoke with some of the voters who say it's an important
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responsibility and one they can't afford to waste. >> you came from where you work last night. i told her before she go to bed, go and vote first. i'm a minister. i encourage our congregation to vote also. >> i think that it's our right and our privilege to vote. >> were you looking forward to this day? >> yeah, a little bit. >> polls in new jersey are open until 8:00 tonight. they are open here in pennsylvania until 8:00. the nbc 10 investigators will continue to monitor any problems with the polls today. we will keep an eye on that and keep you updated throughout the day. if you see any problems, please e-mail us. for the investigators, i'm mitch blocker, nbc 10 news. >> if you run into problems in voting in philadelphia, the committee of 70 has set up a hotline to assist the casting ballots or to find your polling place. call 1-85-seventy.
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what can we expect turnout to look like? let's look at the last election in 2010. pennsylvania had a 47% voter turnout. that had a governor's race with the $4 million -- 4 million ballots, rather, were cast. new jersey, 42% turnout and 2.2 million votes cast. delaware with over half a million coming to the polls. after you vote, of course, stay with nbc 10. keith jones will be in pittsburgh covering the corbett campaign headquarters. lu ann cahn will be in york at the wolf camp. their reports begin today at 4:00. count on nbc to bring you all the election results tonight as they come in. we will have coverage of the candidates across pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. we will hear from the winners and losers on the air with nbc 10 news at 11:00, online at and on your mobile device with the nbc 10 news app. that's a free download for your smart phone or your tab bet.
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the politicians couldn't have asked for better weather. a live look at center city. it's sunny across our area. going to be warmer than yesterday. but changes are on the way. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz here with the forecast. >> it's a beautiful sunny day. and pretty warm for this time of the year. way warmer than what we saw over the weekend. this is not going to last for the rest of the week. lots of sunshine out there as we look from our studio across to the south and west. and you can see a few clouds in central pennsylvania and in maryland moving this way. it's not going to be 100% sunny during the afternoon. but it's going to be sunny enough. look at the temperatures already. 64 in philadelphia, but that's nowhere near the warmest on the map. we have 67 in reading, pottstown and northeast philly. 66 in wilmington and lancaster.
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that is already way above average. 68 degrees in atlantic city international. with at least a decent amount of sunshine and those temperatures that we have already seen, expecting us to get near 70 degrees this afternoon. relatively light wind as well. couldn't ask for better weather for election day. now, we're going to be dropping pretty quickly by 6:00, because the sun is setting earlier than it has since we changed the clocks back. so be aware of that. we have much colder air in the seven-day plus heavy rain. the timing on all of that in a few minutes. sky force 10 was over the scene of an overturned school bus on i-95 this morning. this happened just before 7:00 a.m. along the northbound lanes of lawrence township. no one was hurt. no children were on the bus at the time of the accident. philadelphia police are searching for the man who
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stabbed a mcdonald's worker. investigators tell us that worker was off the clock when he got into a fight in a parking lot of mcdonald's at 29th and grace graceferry avenue. that worker is in stable condition. a delaware state university student is recovering after being shot in the parking lot of an off-campus residence hall. police are looking for the gunman. this happened around 4:00 yesterday afternoon a few blocks away from the main campus. that building is a residence hall for 200 students. the shooting forced the campus into lockdown for four hours. >> shocked. know something like that can happen at any time. just pretty much a shock. >> the student is in stable condition. investigators believe this was an isolated incident. delaware state university is closed today for election day. main line students is in custody accused of threatening to murder a teacher and her
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classmates. the senior, who is not being identified because she's a juvenile, wrote in a journal about wanting to be the first female mass murderer. police say the 17-year-old wrote detailed plans about a mass execution in her personal notebooks. police say she even wrote a letter to the parents of one of the columbine shooters. >> we would be remiss if we didn't take these types of threats seriously based on history of violence in our school systems throughout the country. >> police did not find any weapons at the girl's home or at school. they say she has a history of psychological issues and will be charged as a juvenile. a tragedy out west overnight. police say a woman throws her son off a bridge. we will tell you the reason why she allegedly did it. that's coming up. a disturbing discovery after a night of trick or treating. wait until you see what was found in one stash of candy.
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the body of a 6-year-old boy has been recovered after a woman reported she threw her son off a bridge. she called 911 to say she threw her boy off a bridge because she heard voices telling her to do so. police, marine patrol and the ca coast guard discovered the body. the woman is in police custody. the parents of an 8-year-old california girl made a discovery in their child's candy, a bag of meth. they told police they found the packages in the small bag mixed
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in candy. the bag contained one-tenth of a gram of crystal meth. police credit a vigilant dad in this case. >> checking the candy, he found the baggie and suspected it to be illegal drugs and wanted to report he found that. >> it's not clear if it was intentional or accidental. police don't have a suspect. in southern ohio, it's candy tainted with bullets. the mother of a 4-year-old says her son was given live bullets inside several boxes of milk duds. police are trying to figure out how the bullets got into the candy and who is responsible. there have been some dist b disturbing candy discould have r -- discoveries in our area. man chester police township say a parent reported biting into a candy and finding a toothpick
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shard in it. this is the third time someone in our area reported a candy scare this halloween. this weekend we told you about one teen who found a razor blade inside a candy bar wrapper and a teen who found a pin in a candy bar. two surfers were catching waves friday when one was attacked by a tiger shark. you see the board there. the other surfer heard his companion screaming. when he spun around, he says he saw her lifts up out of the water on top of her board and being pushed out to the sea. she was able to get back on the board and thought she was in the clear, but not so fast. >> the shark comes back, grabs her board and her hand and ripped her off the board and rips her hand out of the shark's mouth. and then the shark is pulling her board out to sea.
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>> the injured surfer says she kn needs a skin graft on one finger but grateful she didn't lose any. investigators say pieces of an experimental flight that broke up have been found 35 miles from the main wreckage area. the parts were small enough to have been blown that far by the wind. investigators moving parts from the desert into hangars as they continue to look into the crash of a virgin galactic tourism plane. a lava flow has reached a boiling point. the leading edge is creeping into a pond. it's boiling the water and then turning it into steam. the lava's temperature is 2,100 degrees. the flow started spilling down the volcano back in june.
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that's a pretty amazing sight. we have have had a pretty nice sight during day today. we have a lot of sunshine and a warming trend continues. up to 60 yesterday and closer to 70 today. we are tracking rain, some of it on the heavy side and another cold blast coming, and it looks like it's going to affect at least a part of the weekend. a lot of sunshine out there right now. it's 64 degrees. the wind is west at 10 miles an hour. there's no wind gusts. look at that. we are 11 degrees warmer than we were at this time yesterday. remember, just a couple days ago, on sunday, the high was 49. and now we're talking about temperatures already in the mid to upper 60s across the area. it's only 11:00 a.m. 68 degrees at atlantic city international. we have a pretty warm start here
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to a pretty warm day. we are 10 to 15 degrees warmer than we were at this time yesterday. that trend will continue through the afternoon. the other trend is the lighter wind. we are calm in reading and in wilmington. we had three days in a row of some really windy conditions. now it is much calmer. 16 mile an wind in mount pocono. dry again. we do have clouds back to the west that may be coming across this afternoon. so it's not going to be 100% sunny during the afternoon. look what is coming our way. this is a front with pretty solid area of rain. not that heavy yet. but it's going to be getting heavier as it gets closer. so watch as we go through the day today and tonight. just a few clouds tonight. more clouds during the day tomorrow. and that might prevent us from getting up to 70 degrees. but here comes the rain as we go
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into thursday morning, thursday midday and into the afternoon. once that cold front comes through, we are going to be seeing the northwest wind, and it is really going to cool down toward the end of the week and especially on saturday. for the rest of the day, high temperatures near 70 degrees with mostly sunny skies and not much wind. and the seven-day forecast, another mild day tomorrow. with a high temperature of about 68. still on the mild side thursday but with heavy rain, then some early showers on friday. windy and cold saturday. and a chance of rain on sunday as another system tries to develop offshore. >> thank you. it gets better is a project that began in 2010 and is going strong. it's designed to help members of the lgbt community ity who have experienced and survived bullying.
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joining us to tell us about the project is jay wall, artistic director of the kimmel center. some people may be familiar with it as a series of web videos. tell us about the project. >> great art provides an opportunity for us to talk about the important issues of our day. the kimmel center wants to be a part of it. we have had recent attacks and other issues of bullying in philadelphia for lesbian, gay, bisexual youth. this was started by dan savage. it's a video campaign. but it's more than that. we brought in members of the gay men's chorus to do a powerful performance of a narrative of their own personal stories of how youth can find people that can help them enrich their lives and their lives will get better, they will survive bullying. we have activities. we have a youth-led panel tonight with students from different universities in the
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area talking about these issues. tomorrow we do a community open house where we are providing resources to anybody who wants to learn more about the questions and then saturday night we have a great concert with different choirs from the community coming together with members of the gay men's chorus of los angeles to do a great performance. >> this residency is more than just a performance. there's so much more involved in it. tell us more about gets started today. >> today at 6:00 at the kimmel center, there's a free youth-led panel where college students will be providing answers and questions with other students about what their concerns are relative to the community. then immediately following that we're doing a spoken word event where students have written poems and monologues to talk about their issues using art to do that. tomorrow at 6:00 at the kemle swe will have an open house. there's 45 local partners on the project. we're honored to have different supporters. >> what's in store saturday night? >> great concert.
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lots of choruses, big powerful story. lots of singing, tears and joy. >> love it. live performance of it gets bert is saturday night 7:30 at the perelman center. go to nbc 10 for more information. it's election day. the balance of power could shift today in the u.s. senate. we will look at some of the key races around the country. that's ahead in the next half hour. young athletes missing the signs when it comes to concussions. a study looks at whether they are knowledgeable as they should be whether n it comes to head injuries.
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even though there has been a big education push, a new study finds many high school symptoms don't know about the symptoms and dangers of concussions. most were aware headache, dizziness and confusion were symptoms of a concussion. many didn't identify nausea, grogginess and behavior changes as symptoms. very few knew untreated concussions could be deadly. research shows fewer than half of high school athletes report concussions. almost a quarter of college players continue to take to the field after symptoms. the search for a woman's abduction caught on camera. more from the police commissioner coming up. a big honor for the taney
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dragons. we will show you how they will return to the national spotlight.
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just about 11:30. we are following breaking news in chester county. live over the scene of a fire at a hotel in oxford. the hotel is on south 3rd street. we are told the fire is now under control. you see a fire truck there on the ground with a ladder leading towards the hotel. we are working to find out if anyone was inside the hotel or if anyone has been hurt. of course, stay with nbc 10 for any updates on this breaking news story. philadelphia police will hold a news conference in an hour from now to update their investigation into the abduction of a 22-year-old woman in germantown. a reward leading to an arrest in the abduction is now up to
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$15,000. the woman's family is expected to attend today's briefing. they released these new pictures this morning to nbc 10's rosemary connors. she was last seen sunday night in germantown. a surveillance camera caught the struggle between the victim and the suspect as he is leading her to a car that was nearby. her father says he will do anything to get his daughter home safely. >> whoever you are, whatever you know, please, just help me find my daughter. i just want my daughter back home. whatever i have to give you, just have my daughter back home with me and my family in a safe place. >> we don't know at this point in time, i mean, whether she knew the individual, whether he knew she would be arriving at that particular time. those are all things the detectives are working on now. >> if you have any information about this case, police want to hear from you. nbc 10's rose mary conners is live on the phone right now with
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new details. she got the pictures that we showed you a few minutes ago. what can you tell us? >> reporter: we have been gathering new information since the last time we saw you at 11:00. i just spoke to her grandmother, this is the woman who raised her during grade school and high school in maryland. this is the woman who shared those new photos with us. she tells me that she spoke with a detective not long ago, within the past half an hour, hour, who told her that her atm debit card was used this morning in maryland. the detective wanted to show the grandmother the picture of the man who was using the card to see if she recognized him. the grandmother told the detective that she did not recognize the man in the picture. again, this is new information and something, of course, that we will ask police about during that 12:30 news conference that's expected to happen in the next hour when family will be speaking alongside police making a formal public plea for the safe return of the woman.
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what we are learning from family members is that they were approached by detectives this morning who told them that her debit card was used in maryland this morning. that's when it was last tracked. there's some kind of picture of the person who used the card. again, this is all new information. this is a very fluid situation. so we hope to get more information from police a little bit later on this afternoon. >> we have learned that she went to school in maryland. is there any connection between her abduction and the fact that she and her abductor may have been in maryland earlier today? >> reporter: that's a great question. we talked to the grandmother about that. she tells us that she lives in california, maryland. the detective told her it was in aberdeen, maryland. it's about an hour distance apart. the grandmother said that she did have a couple of male friends when she was living in maryland. so when she was looking at that picture, she was trying to
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determine if it looked like any of her friends from maryland. the grandmother said, no. it may be a coincidence it was used in the same state, maryland, where she grew up. >> rosemary connors, we expect she will be at the press conference in an hour. we appreciate the information. as much as we can do to try to track down this young woman. the police will hold a news conference on this case at 12:30. we will bring it to you live on nbc 10. it will be carried on a sunny and mild day today. don't get too used to this nice weather. we never do. more changes are coming. nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the forecast. >> especially this time of the year we see the weather changing pretty consistently during any given week. we start off the week with
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sunshine and a warming trend. we will end the week with rain and a cooling trend. right now we see a fair amount of sunshine. this is the french manor in the pocono mountains. high clouds coming in from the west. you can see those on the satellite picture. they are patchy clouds. no rain associated with it. it's not blocking the temperature any. it's 67 in reading and pottstown and northeast philly. 64 in philadelphia and 68 at atlantic city international. some of the places have a really good chance of getting up to 70 degrees today. we will call it partly sunny because of the high clouds. but they're not going to be producing any kind of rain. once again, the temperature will start falling pretty quickly once the sun goes down, and that is earlier, of course, than we saw last week. we will talk more about real plunging temperatures and some potential heavy rain with the seven-day in a few minutes. voting is under way.
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decision 2014, one of the biggest, most talked about races of the day, of course, is for pennsylvania governor. it could be one for the record books. both candidates will spend their final hours on the campaign trail. democrat tom wolf has several stops scheduled throughout philadelphia this morning before heading to york county. tom corbett will spend his day in the pittsburgh area, his hometown. he ended his final full day of campaigning with a rally in his hometown of pittsburgh. earlier, corbett made his final campaign visit to this area in west chester. wolf closed out his last full day of campaigning with a rally in pittsburgh. he member with members of the steel workers union in the day. he visited with small business owners and voters in lancaster. here is a look at some of the congressional seats up for grabs this election day in pennsylvania. in the sixth congressional district, chester and berks county.
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trivedi is taking on costello. they are looking to fill the seat of a six-term congressman who decided not to run again. tom meehan is looking for his third term in congress and is being challenged by democrat balchunis, who is a professor at lasalle university. in the 9th house district, mike fitzpatrick is running against a war veteran, democrat kevin strause. it covers bucks and montgomery county. in the garden state, there's a senate seat up for grabs as well as several congressional seats there. cory booker will try to hold on to his u.s. senate seat. he faces a challenge from republican jeff bell. bell ran for the senate in 1978. democratic state senator norcross is taking on former philadelphia eagle and wip host, reason gary cobb in the race for
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1 of the congressional district. they want to fill a seat left vacant when rob andrews announced his resignation in february. frank lobiondo is running against hughes, the son of his predecessor. 3rd district is burlington county. they are looking to replace a former philadelphia eagle and retiring congressman, john runyan. nbc 10 caught up with voters in new castle. john carney trying to win re-election. in the senate, chris coons hoping for victory over kevin wade. for delaware attorney general, democrat matthew denn is running
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against republican ted kittila. he is a trial attorney there. bo boden is not seeking a third term. running for state treasurer of delaware, it's barney against simpler. polls are open across the country on this election day. there are hundreds of seats up for grabs. nbc 10 national correspondent tracy potts us, your vote could lead to a shift in the balance of power. >> reporter: 36 senate seat maze be decided today. republicans need six seats to win control of the senate. how soon will we know? georgia and louisiana could end up in runoffs. plus, more than one in four voted early. thousands of mail-in ballots may
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not arrive until well after election day. >> we are probably going to be waiting a little while before we understand or learn who will be on the majority in the senate. >> reporter: 36 states elect governors today. half of those are tossups. all 435 house seats are up for grabs. the justice department is sending poll watchers to more than two dozen districts. >> we will be very mindful of any anomalies that are reported. >> reporter: latino voters could be key in races with razor thin margins. >> both parties are not reaching out meaningfully to this community. they are leaving those votes on the table. >> right here in alaska. >> reporter: polls show a republican advantage. >> everything is pointing in the republican direction. there's always a possibility that democrats could pull off an upset or two. >> reporter: the most important number in the map are the 90 million americans expected to vote. tracy potts, nbc news,
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washington. >> count on nbc 10 to bring you election results tonight as they come in. coverage across pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. we will hear from the winners and from the losers. we will hear from them on the air with nbc 10 news at 11:00, online at and on your mobile devise with the nbc 10 news app. that's a free download for your smart phone or your tablet. philadelphia's most famous little league team will be front and center at the thanksgiving day macy's parade. you can watch the parade on november 27th at 9:00 a.m. right here on nbc 10. the mega millions draws is tonight. there's $321 million up for grabs. the jackpot has been increasing
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after no ticket matched all six numbers in the drawing halloween night. this is only the tenth time in mega millions history that the jackpot surpassed the $300 million masrk. bat n bad news for taylor swift fans. it's been a nice start to the week. the rain and colder weather will be returning. i will show you when you will need to break out the umbrella and heavy coats. top stories right now on the nbc 10 app.
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the government says it will examine whether honda failed to report deaths or injuries involving airbags that are part of the sweeping federal review. regulators gave honda three weeks to answer questions about how it sought and logged accident reports for more than a decade. since 2008, ten carmakers have recalled more than 10 million cars in the u.s. and more than 17 million worldwide to replace inflaters in airbags. they have been linked to at least four deaths and a number of serious injuries. a new study finds airlines are nickle and diming ce ining .
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the new figures show the amount is up 17% from last year and more than doubled in the last five years. analysts say travellers have become more accustomed to fees. the average person will pay about $15 in fees. if you are looking to get your hands on the new apple watch, you might want to wait longer than expected. apple unveiled the watch in september and said it would be available early next year. according to a website, it won't happen until spring. apple isn't commenting on the report. apple's post holiday launch could stall sales of other watchmakers before they decide which watch to buy. disney strikes a deal with apple and google. it will let consumers who buy a disney movie to watch it on
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smart phones, tablets or other digital devices that run either operating services. if you register with disney's movies anywhere app and buy a copy of "frozen" from google play store on an android tablet, you can watch it later on apple tv through your i tunes library. this time taylor swift is breaking up with spotify. she has pulled all of her albums. she hasn't said why. artist or their record companies sometimes withhold albums from streaming sites to boost album sales. taylor's new album has just been released. it's "1989." you can find her music on pandora. the 38th an unual museum of art craft show is starting this
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week. it's a contest and showcase where craft artists can exhibit and sell their work. here to tell us more is carol blank barth the chair. this has been going on for decades. how has this grown? >> this is the 38th annual show. it's grown by our reputation. this is 195 of the finest craft artists in the country. it's really hard to get into this show. we have over 1,000 applicants. we pick very, very carefully. it's a professional juror are the ones who make the decision. >> if you go to an art museum, people are used to just going and looking at pieces. this is something where you can go and buy pieces. if you go, what can you expect to pay -- what's the range that people might expect to pay if you go -- come to the show? >> that's the best part. the best part is that you can walk away with a treasurer. i guarantee you will.
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you will find something. the prices literally run the gamut. there are some that are very, very expensive. you may choose to look at those. but there's lots to buy. there's items -- there's many items under $200. there's items less than $100. there's scarves, furniture, clothes, jewelry, ceramics, glass. it literally runs the gamut. there's metalwork. it's a really fabulous show where you can visit with the artists. you can see the hands that have actually made these amazing objects. >> you have stuff for under 20 bucks i'm in luck. tell us about some of the artists coming. >> they are all from the united states. these are all american artists. they will -- they all have made their own products. these are all hand made. and as i said, they just run the gamut as far as categories.
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we have a lot of categories. >> carol, thank you. you are the chair. we appreciate you coming by. >> thank you for having me. >> the 38th an assume philadelphia museum of art contemporary craft show from november 6 to the 9th at the philadelphia -- at the pennsylvania convention center. just go to for more information. just a couple days ago, over the weekend, we were struggling to get temperatures out of the 40s. now we are talking about close to 70. that warming trend certainly continues today. we are tracking rain, some of it on the heavy side before the week is out. and another cold blast before the week is out. we can't sustain this warm weather very long. we have a lot of sunshine out there now, along with some high clouds. 64 degrees, wind ten miles an hour, 11 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday. the relative humidity, pretty
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low at 33%. it got down to 15% yesterday. it was really blow. the temperatures are low. 60 yesterday. 70 degrees for the high today, at least in some parts of the area. the average high is 60. pretty warm day. we're up to 68 already in atlantic city international. mid to upper 60s across the rest of the area. the only place in the 50s is in the poconos. a lot of sunshine around much of our area. clouds back to the west. it's not going to be perfectly sunny during the afternoon. we do have a line of some showers back to the west with a front that's going to be coming through. it's not just going to come through, give us a couple showers and that will be the end of it. watch what happens as we go through the futurecast. as we go through the rest of the day today, it's dry, a few clouds tonight and then a
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cloudier day tomorrow. we are starting off so mild, that it's going to be another pretty warm day. there's wednesday at 7:00. it's still dry, even though the clouds are in. then later wednesday night, the chance of rain goes up. by thursday morning, we have a pretty high chance of rain and some of that rain likely to be on the heavier side as you can see here, perhaps even lining up into some real heavy showers or thunderstorms. it's going to take until thursday night before we start drying out. and then the cold air starts to come in, coming down from canada. and it's going to get pretty cold for next week, too. not just on friday and saturday. for the rest of the day today, it's nowhere near cold. mostly sunny and nice, some high clouds coming across the area, but no precipitation. tomorrow, more clouds around, still above average temperatures. high about 68 degrees. the rain comes in mainly during
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the day on thursday, maybe some thursday evening. and then on friday, we start drying out, getting some wind and a windy, cold day on saturday. there's a chance of another system developing offshore that could bring rain to at least parts of the area on sunday. we will be right back.
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we are following breaking news. this information just in, adrian peterson will plead no contest to a misdemeanor to the abuse of his son. it will not include reference to family violence or violence against a minor. if the agreement is accepted he will pay a $2,000 fine, be placed on probation and perform 80 hours of community service. his trial was set to begin in less than a month. this afternoon at 3:00, "ellen" is all new with the star of "how to get away with murder." then at 4:00, bringing the music back home. the band that made it big-time and what they are doing to show local kids they are not forgetting their roots. that's nbc 10 news at 4:00. then all new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, after a five-year break up -- or break, leaf pickup
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returns to philadelphia. the rules have changed. what residents need to do this fall to make sure that leaves on your property get picked up. now to an update on our top story. philadelphia police will hold a news conference in just over a half hour to update their investigation into an abduction. nbc 10 learned that her atm card was used this morning in maryland. the 22-year-old was seen sunday night in germantown. a camera caught the violent struggle you see here between the victim and the suspect. there's now a $15,000 reward leading to an arrest in her abduction. nbc 10 is heading to maryland right now to gather new information in this investigation. police are set to hold a news conference on this case in about a half hour at 12:30. we will bring it to you live on nbc 10. we will stream it on
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thanks for watching nbc 10 at 11:00. i'm vai sikahema. for glenn "hurricane" schwartz, all of us here at nbc 10, have a great day.
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>> jj: i'm not lying to you. why--why would you think that? >> paige: i know what you've been doing today, besides thinking about me. and it makes me start to wonder who you really are. >> clyde: some guys have all the luck. but i guess my little girl could do a heck of a lot worse. ben was too little to know what i saw at the bottom of tupelo hill that day. but he's old enough now-- >> jordan: no. >> clyde: out of the passenger side of that truck was smashed into that tree-- >> jordan: stop it! >> clyde: like somebody plowed into on purpose. blood everywhere. your poor mama never stood a chance, tammy sue. >> jordan: no, it was an accident!