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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 600a  NBC  October 28, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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we'll see a lot of that sunshine today. what we're not seeing this morning is widespread cold temperatures like we had yesterday. this is a live view from the comcast center. there's some high clouds moving through the area. just enough to keep the temperatures a bit warmer this morning. now, 52 degrees at philadelphia international. trenton is 45. 48 in wilmington and 55 degrees in millville. so, at the bus stop this morning, yeah, some high clouds but otherwise sunshine. 50 degrees in the city, 44 in the suburbs. a cool start and then sunshine will warm us into the middle 60s by lunchtime and the temperatures will still be climbing. we'll go through it neighborhood by neighborhood when i come back in less than ten minutes. first alert traffic reporter jill mealymealy. >> let's start you off with an accident i have been following in north coventry at route 422. on the shoulder so it's not
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blocking anything, but watch for a little slow down as drivers pass that scene. heading to the blue route, 476 out near the pike and building volume and no spots of heavy congestion just yet. drive time is looking pretty good, 17 to 18 minutes both ways on the blue route between 76 and 95. speaking of 76, drive times there, still about 14 minutes between the blue route and the vine and heading to 95 right now, we are starting to get some volume out there right near cottman avenue and this is a live look. you can see the slow down just beginning on 95 southbound as drivers head into center city. tracy? breaking news where authorities have removed more than a dozen dogs from a home there. matt delucia is live on the scene on mifflin street. matt, what have you learned? >> well, tracy, we just spoke with the pennsylvania spca and just to give you some perspective where we are, 2200 block of miflin street. this is the home being investigated right now. philadelphia police are out here
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with the spca conducting this investigation. what we know right now is that police were called out here around 11:00 last night. no one was inside this home, but they did find several pitbulls inside after obtaining a search warrant. you are seeing video of that right now of those dogs as they were in these two vans that are parked right out front. we're told about five adult pit w bulls along with eight puppies were found inside this house and several scarred and apparently used for fighting. one was missing an eye and the vets will be examining the dogs inside this house. some were chained to radiators and blood found and we, again, just spoke with spokesperson a few moments ago. here's what he explained what was found. >> these animals used for this type of activity. i'm just glad we were able to rescue these and, you know, each place you go to just saves
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another dog from a fighting ring. >> and we'll come back out here live right now. you can see that police and the spca continue to remove evidence from this house and we also saw two treadmills being removed just a short time ago and just to be clear here, they say they believe that breeding and training was going on in this house, but it's still unclear if fighting was actually happening here. a couple people are being looked at as far as the investigation. they do believe that the owner of this property is at work. so, again, some suspects are in question here, but they do believe that this breeding and training has been going on in this house here for about a couple of years. so, we're going to stay out here and gather more information and try to talk to some of the neighbors about what is going on. for now live in philadelphia, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. the lawyer for a nurse who was forced into quarantine in
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new york is rejecting that she be isolated for 21 days after her last possible exposure to ebola. she will be in seclusion at her home in maine. meantime the united nations chief says we need to isolate ebola and not countries and workers and a dozen army troops are in quarantine after a tour in west africa. they'll stay near their base in west italy even though they did not come in contact webola patients. meanwhile here in our area, two dozen people are being monitored for the ebola virus and some are in philadelphia and some in bucks county and that's where katy zachary is finding out how hospitals are preparing for potential cases. tell me how they're getting ready. >> i spoke to bucks county health director several times and he tells me every hospital here in bucks county, including lower bucks hospital you're looking at in bristol is prepared to handle an ebola case. now, none of the three people who are currently being monitored in bucks county have
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ebola symptoms. if buck does get a positive ebola patient, that procedure is to transport the patient to the closest hospital, then isolate them inside the hospital. health department director says they rely on information from the airports about travelers arriving here from west africa. so far, he says, it's working. but there is concern that potential patients could slip through the cracks. >> someone is coming here purposely to overstay a visa or whatever the situation may be, they may give false information to the airport and difficult to track them down. so, nothing is totally fail-safe. >> now, so far the three people bogue monitored here in bucks county have complied and they have reported back to the health department, but there is concern that if someone chooses not to report to the health department, then a nurse would likely have to go to that person's home or wherever they're staying and the health director department says he's not comfortable with that because of possible safety concerns. they're still looking into details on how they would work
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that. katy zachary, nbc 10 news. coming up on "today" show new jersey governor chris christie will talk exclusively about the controversial ebola policy in the garden state following the heated debate over a nurse's quarantine. that's this morning starting at 7:00 a.m. it is 6:06. the supreme court justice caught up in an e-mail scandal will retire. mccaffrey is accused of sending hundreds of e-mail with sexua y sexually. officials say he has agreed not to seek senior judge status or run for the bench, again. he was elected in 2007 and would have faced mandatory retirement in 2020. mccaffrey's retirement means the pennsylvania supreme court is likely to be without a tiebreaking vote withofor the rf the year. jay costas wants to wait until year to replace mccaffrey and
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chief justice ron castille who must retire because he turned 70. just a week away from election day. the biggest race in our area is next tuesday, november 4th. the contest for pennsylvania governor, incumbent tom corbett is facing against his democratic challenger tom wolf. he is trying to corrbett the first to lose re-election. killed the proposal sale of pgw to a private company in can connecticut. the $1.8 billion required approval from city council. pgw imposed a deal saying they were scared workers would lose their jobs. mayor nutter accused supporter of the deal said it would have brought in more than $420 million to the city's pension fund. >> i tell you what we heard and what we saw today is quite possibly the biggest cop out that we've seen in recent lenl
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slative history. >> simple reality is that there is no reality to sell as proposed. >> city council said a hearing will be held in december to discuss how to improve pgw moving forward. it is the nation's largest city-owned gas utility with more than half a million customers. this morning septa and its union will return to the bargaining table. the union will make a decision whether to strike by friday. the union president says the main sticking point is over improving the pension. a strike would affect almost a million riders, the union's last strike in 2009 lasted six days. and now to the casino crisis in atlantic city where one casino is looking for a final cashout. the former trump plaza is looking to sell the last of its old slots. the casino closed september 16th and it still has 353 slot machines. trump entertainment plans to sell them to a new jersey gaming company for $150,000 once a
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bankruptcy judge okays the deal. trump entertainment is still working to keep the taj mahal open. right now the company will only admit to running the taj through the end of november. the fifth atlantic city casino to close this year. 6:09 and still more than an hour away before sunrise. but temperatures not so bad this morning. it is a warmer start. it is going to be a warm day and we'll see a lot of sunshine. tomorrow that starts to change our weather for the rest of the week. showers, we're tracking them to the west. they'll be here tomorrow and that will allow temperatures to chill for halloween. and then get cold this weekend. heading out the door right now, 43 in allentown. that's pretty chilly. 47 degrees in northeast philadelphia. atlantic city, though, is at 57 degrees right now. clear view across the delaware, no sign of any fog. no showers, just some very thin, high clouds in the area right now. we'll see plenty of sunshine and the temperatures will be climbing at philadelphia
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international. right now 52 degrees and just a very light breeze at three miles an hour. three degrees warmer than yesterday. looks like lots of cloud cover just very thin clouds and the clouds will break for sunshine. these are the thicker clouds to the west and rain that is going to be here tomorrow. for now, it is 19 degrees warmer in millville compared to yesterday and the remember waing happens this afternoon into the 70s for allenallentown and read7 degrees and plenty of sunshine for trenton, mount holly and breezy, though, not as strong a wind for cape may and atlantic city. dover a high of 76 degrees and lots of sunshine for vorhees, chester, philadelphia, wilmington, all well into the 70s this afternoon. big changes ahead for the weekend. the seven-day forecast in less than ten minutes. 6:10 right now. let's get you updated on your ride to work as you get ready to head out. >> jillian mele has her finger on the pulse of the roads out
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there. jill? >> northbound right at the wissahickon off ramp. it's not backing things up on the boulevard just yet. in conshohocken construction we're following. you can take route 23, which is front street or even 320. those are both fine and good options so far this morning. heading to north coventry still following an accident on the shoulder of route 100 right as you get on to route 422. it's on the shoulder and not blocking anything. and sometimes we have an accident on the shoulder that can create a slow down in the area and no accidents to report in new jersey and waking up or traveling in delaware and still looking pretty good. 95 at route 1 and quiet in both directions and 495 is also clear. if you're taking mass transit including all the septa regional rail lines everything is on or close to schedule. tracy? 31,000 pounds of chicken are
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being recalled. the brand and dates you node to know before putting chicken nuggets on the dinner menu. the walter palmer learning center in philadelphia shut down leaving hundreds of students without a school.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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it is 6:1525 near the girard bridge. about the time traffic starts to build we'll get an update from jillian mele and any potential trouble spots coming up. hundreds of parents are left trying to find schools for their kids after a philadelphia charter school shuts down with very little notice. a heated meeting last night where parents wanted to know why the walter palmer charter school closed abruptly yesterday. a few even cornered walter
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palmer. some got robo calls and others didn't find out until they sent their children to school yesterday morning. >> this is the best you can do? >> my daughter is in 11th grade and she don't have a school to go to tomorrow. >> the school violated it charter by accepting more students than it was allowed. a methodist pastor who was disciplined after he officiated at the wedding of his gay son will be allowed to remain an ordained minister. the second largest protestant denomination. last year he would not promise to never perform another gay marriage. the council ruled on technical grounds and did not support support for gay marriage in general. a sobering statistic, the number of bicycle traffic deaths are soaring. up 60% nationwide since the year
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2010. the highway safety association issued the report and said california and florida had the most deaths. in our area, the number of deaths in pennsylvania is down by five, but they're up by one in new jersey and up two in the state of delaware. still, it looks like bike riding is booming in center city. the people, the number of people pedaling into town is growing. officials say the number of bike riders in the city is up more than 33% since 2012. the increase is due in part to the gas prices that rose up over $3 a gallon. there are also more places to store bikes these days and a growing number of young people in surrounding center city communities. >> we should mention the gas prices have now come down and continue to go down. speaking of being on the roads, let's check traffic right now. >> here's jillian mele with everything you need to know. jill? >> starting off in new jersey, an accident that just came into the system in medford and use caution there. heading to 76 right at the
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conshohocken curve, traffic is still moving but increased volume especially on the eastbound side of 76 in that area. checking your drive time from the vine out to the blue route take you about 15 minutes right now. 17 minutes on the blue route southbound from 76 to 95 and if you are traveling 95 this morning, we are getting that yellow light. 95 southbound from wood haven to the vine is about 19 minutes right now and you can see why we're starting to get those brake lights there on 95 right near cottman avenue. this slow down is going to continue and going to build out there and get worse and it is going to keep increasing. for now 95 southbound is heavy from cottman down to girard. we still don't have any accidents on the majors in delaware and if you're taking mass transit, everything is looking good. not reporting any big issues there. no big issues here, either, but we're going to see a big warm up during the day. center city reached into the 60s yesterday and 70s this afternoon. up three degrees compared to
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yesterday. what we're not seeing a lot of is wind. that has finally calmed down and it will stay lighter today. 52 in the city and 48, though, in wilmington and northeast philadelphia at the airport is 47 degrees. and some cooler temperatures, swedesboro 44 and 50 degrees in turnersville, while cyclsick su will be bright and tomorrow is a different story. a line of showers to the west and ahead of it, warm air. that will push us into the 70s today. but once these showers move through tomorrow, lighter showers move through the area and then the cold takes over as we head into the weekend. for today, though, no sign of the cold. not this morning or this afternoon. 70s today and our normal high temperature in philadelphia is 63 degrees and at least ten degrees, if not warmer this afternoon than normal. it's tomorrow that we'll have the clouds coming in. the clouds overnight will actually make for a warmer morning. 58 degrees but not as hot in the
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afternoon. 68 and there will be scattered, light rain showers for wednesday. here comes the cooler weather for thursday and friday. clouds will return 56 degrees and then there is a chance of showers along with a cold, gusty wind for saturday and into sunday. 45 degrees the high temperature on saturday and will feel like it's into it the 30s and middle 30s to start with us on sunday with a high of 48. right at freezing monday morning. a pennsylvania company is recalling 31,000 pounds of chicken products because they might be contaminated with bacteria. the usda says murray's is recalling 12 ounce boxes of bell & evans gluten free chicken breast nuggets and 12.5 ounces of breaded chicken breasts. for more information what to do if you have these products, go to our website. a delaware teen is recognized nationally for peacemaking in her community. proving it's never too early to
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inspire positivity. if you haven't done it yet, remember, you can wake up with your favorite nbc 10 personality. download our nbc 10 morning app to your smartphone. headlines, and a live stream of our morning newscast and set your alarm with the voice of an nbc 10 personality. everything you need to start your day off right.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. with the card accepted by 90% of doctors in the philadelphia region you have the freedom to relish right now. independence blue cross. live fearless.
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how about this, a much-deserved honor for a delaware teen. imani henry is one of five winners of the peace first prize, a national award given out at the national press club in washington. that's a big deal. the award honors young peacemakers across the country who work to make lasting social change in their communities. the winners get a $25,000 fellowship, which allows them to continue their grassroots work. >> it means that somebody give
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recognition in my work and i can go on and my goal is to have a chapter in each state to go all around the state and that's really what my dream is. everybody can get a chance to see what this program is about. >> well, here's what imani did, she founded 100 men reading which teaches kids to read and her program has managed to secure 500 volunteers and also donated 10,000 new books to area students. >> nice to hear things like that. good morning, 6:25. let's get you updated on two accidents. one in medford route 70 and this accident that i was following for about an hour in north coventry just cleared. southbound route 100 at route 422. it was on the shoulder, but that is completely out of there. you're good to go if you're heading out on that portion of route 100. let's take you outside to a live look at the skies above center city philadelphia. bill, if you're going to have lunch outside, today is the day to do it. >> it is going to be a beauty. little chilly right now,
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although not as cold as yesterday and yesterday we saw afternoon temperatures in the 60s with brilliant sunshine. today we'll see lots of sunshine, but it will be warmer. part of the reason the wind has really died down it's calm for most of the area and just a three-mile an hour breeze right now at philadelphia international. i'm matt delucia live in philadelphia where police are investigating this home behind me. this is where several dogs were found late last night. chained up, some of them including pitbulls and we're going to be talking with some neighbors coming up in a couple of minutes. and happening today, septa management and its largest union are heading back to the bargaining table. nbc 10 jesse gary is live in the frankford section of the city with the likelihood of a strike. jesse? >> likelihood greater towards the end of the week, but the union says they'll give 24-hour notice before walking off the job and what are riders saying
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this morning? you'll hear from them coming up after the break. >> we couldn't find them with the dogs and couldn't find him with the helicopter. i don't know what the balloon is going to do. the new tool the police on the border are using to try to find the man suspected of killing a pennsylvania state trooper killer.
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breaking news this morning. a possible dog fighting ring is stopped in south philadelphia with 13 dogs removed from a home there. counting down to the deadline. septa union workers say they could strike by the end of the week, if a deal isn't reached. we have a nice, sunny, warm day on tap as we take a live look at the comcast building. but, first, we've got to get through the cool morning and that's, all right, we ecan do that. i'm vai sikahema.
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>> i'm tracy davidson. certainly warmer than it was yesterday morning, meteorologist bill henley. >> starting off warmer especially in south jersey where the temperatures are 15 degrees or more warmer than yesterday morning at this time. still on the chilly side. in the 40s and low 50s and starting to see a little bit of light heading into twilight now. the sun is coming up at 7:25. you can see scattered clouds there. those clouds will be clearing for bright sunshine to warm the temperatures up. right now, 52 degrees in philadelphia, but look at dover and atlantic city. 57 degrees while it's in the low 40s in allentown at 43. sunshine will be bright and the temperatures climb, 64 degrees at lunchtime. 75 degrees this afternoon. your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast when i come back in less than ten minutes. first alert traffic reporter jillian mele is here on a tuesday morning. good morning, jillian? >> good morning, bill. in addition to the volume we're used to seeing, we have a disabled vehicle right here on the left shoulder, but as you can see, it's helping to slow
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things down a little bit. penndot was able to move this camera so we can see that and seeing a slow down on 95. some pockets of heavy volume out there, especially on the southbound side. a new accident into the system. just got word of this accident north state street between route 100. use caution there. heading north to the lehigh valley, route 22 at airport road. all is still looking good here. no accidents on 22 and the northeast extension are also free of any accidents right now. for drivers in new jersey, an accident in medford and right near eayrestown road. no accidents on the major so far in delaware. if you're taking mass transit, including the septa regional rail lines, everything is close to or on schedule. vai? breaking news out of south philadelphia where police and the psca have removed dogs from
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a home. you found dogs, but any people connected with these dogs? >> well, at this point, vai, the psca including the owner of this property behind me. on the 2200 block of miflin street. the investigators left within the past few minutes and this is what happened. what we know at this point. about 11:00 last night police got a call that something suspicious was going on inside this home. when police got here, they knocked on the door and there was no one home and they got a search warrant and went into the property. that's when they found five adult pit bulls and eight puppies. you're looking at video of those dogs as they were put into the vans by the pspca. some of the dogs appeared scarred and they appear to have been used for fighting. one dog we saw was missing an eye. now, the vets will examine the other dogs. i just spoke with the spokesperson for the pspca not long ago with some neighbors out
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here. they said that this is a big problem in the city, in terms of the dog fighting and one of the neighbors tells me that she can't believe what was going on here. >> think of a problem like this in the city, do you expect this investigation to expand? >> it's possible and animal fighting is huge in the city. i've been doing this work and it has literally exploded. >> utmost respect for all of his neighbors. you never even see a dog come out of his house. dog fighting ring. go to work every day. come home, mind his business. i'm almost positive because he got a new neighbor on the other side heard a dog bark and called and complained. >> now, we did see investigators bringing out several pieces of evidence, including two treadmills. police right now believe that the owner of this property is at work. but they do have a couple of individuals that they are looking at right now. and as i mentioned, pspca
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believes that breeding and training for fighting was going on at this house, but they're unsure if fighting was actually happening in this property and they believe that this could have been going on here for the past couple of years. for now, we're live in south philadelphia, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. back at the bargaining table. today septa and its largest union will continue to negotiate in effort to avoid a strike. the union has set a friday deadline. nbc 10 jesse gary is live at the frankford transportation center and, jesse y know you have been talking to commuters. they must be nervous. >> that's right, tracy. many people behind me headed to work and they're worried that their trip to and from work will get more complicated. union officials will continue negotiating and then make a decision on what to do at the end of the week. the authority and its largest union are in a stalemate over pension reform. septa wants to scrap the pension in favor of 401(k) and the union wants to revamp the current
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benefits. the month-old stalemate has some commuters this morning making a plea to both sides. >> reach an agreement real soon. real soon. this economy is bad and i can't be able to afford, got to get back to work and we accept them. >> union leadership promises 24-hour notice before a strike and response septa released a statement saying in part, we hope to continue meeting with the union to negotiate a new contract, but our pleas that tw u234 has agreed to provide our riders 24-hour notice should they decide to strike. the two sides resume talks later this morning. we're live in frankford this morning, jesse gary, nbc 10 news. now to the concerns over ebola. the nurse who was forced into quarantine at a new york hospital is expected to arrive at her home in maine some time today. kaci hickox was released yesterday afternoon and now state health officials and her lawyer can agree on how long she needs to be isolated in her mome. officials say 21 days after the
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last possible exposure to ebola, but her lawyer insists she should just be monitored. the cdc has released new guidelines for people returning from eebola ravaged countries. those at some risk should monitor themselves daily and report to their local health department. people at higher risk, who cared for those who were very sick, should voluntarily quarantine themselves at home. >> if they live in new jersey, they could quarantine at home and if they don't and they're not symptommatic, we quarantine out of state. if they're symptomatic, they are going in the hospital. >> the new policy that's come under fire in the state of new jersey and governor chris christie will talk exclusively about it on "today" show coming up in half an hour. happening today richard plot the man accused of the deadly shooting inside the wellness center is scheduled for a preliminary hearing. he shot and killed his case
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worker at the mercy wellness center in the mercy fitzgerald campus. a psychiatrist wounded during the shooting pulled out his own gun and fired several times injuring plots. police say using a new tool to help track accused state police killer eric frein. a huge white balloon comes courtesy of ohio's department of transportation. 500 feet above trees and special cameras onboard and a welcome break for neighbors tired of search chaupters hovering overhead 24 hours a day. >> they couldn't find him with the dogs and couldn't find him with the helicopter. don't know what a balloon is going to do. >> he is accused of killing a pennsylvania state trooper and injuring another in an ambush. happening today, the newest addition to the shopping corridor will open later today. a ribbon cutting today for the century 21 department store on eighth and market streets.
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brought nearly 300 full and part-time jobs to the city. cool start this morning. it's a live view from center city. you could see a few scattered clouds and temperatures, though, are not cold. not like yesterday morning. overall, it's going to be ea warm day with sunshine. we will see 70s this afternoon. that starts to change, tomorrow, however. we're tracking some showers that will arrive during the day tomorrow and then colder weather to follow and you'll feel the chill halloween in the evening. the temperatures will drop in the 40s and then a cold weekend for our area. right now 43 degrees in allentown and northeast philadelphia 47 and 55 degrees in millville. a much warmer than yesterday and view from the melon bank building and scattered clouds there in the distance. the clouds will be out of here for sunshine and the temperatures climbing from the 50s into the 70s this afternoon. there are clouds overhead and the clouds are thicker to the
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west and this is the line of showers that is going to be arriving for tomorrow. for today, getting a warmer start. look at millville, 19 degrees warmer than yesterday and a warm afternoon, too. 70s for allentown, reading and quakertown. 68 degrees with sunshine for the pocono mountains and plenty of sunshine there doylestown, northeast philadelphia and mount holly. still a little bit breezy at the shore at times and wind up to 15 miles per hour and dover, vineland, middle 70s today and lots of sunshine for westches r westchester, chester and glasboro in the middle 70s today. but enjoy this while it's here because big changes ahead. i'm back in less than ten minutes with a full seven-day forecast. also some changes on the roads out there started out rather quiet and now we've got one of two accidents out there. >> let's get an update from jillian mele. jillian? >> continue to follow an accident north state street between chestnut grove road and
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route 100. use caution there. this is a live look at 202 at valley road. for drivers in chester county, you can see congestion out there near 209. same situation there. some pockets of volume and also 422 is heavy on the eastbound side right near trooper. this is the westbound side at 76 right at city avenue at a crawl right now as you can see. in fact, your drive time on 76 westbound is indicating that delay that we're starting to see. so, westbound from the vine out to the blue route, that's going to take you about 22 minutes. you can see 30 minutes is your drive time on 95 southbound from wood haven to the vine. the vine street expressway is looking okay. little bit of volume on the vine westbound as drivers head out to 76. if you're traveling the blue route this morning, pockets of volume out there in both directions and drive time looking pretty good northbound from 95 to 76 is about 18 minutes. vai? the family of a murdered child is now filing a lawsuit but not suing the person in jail for the crime. who failed their daughter and
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why. plus what's happening at the world trade center in new york that hasn't happened since the terror attacks more than ten years ago.
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6:45. workers are now moving back into the offices at 4 world trade employees of the port authority of new york are the first workers in the world trade center since the original complex was destroyed in 2001. 1 world trade center is expected to open its doors next week as workers move in, security in the area will be tightened. some streets will temporarily be closed off. in bucks county, the school board will meet about hazing allegations involving the central bucks west football team tonight. district officials say they have verified accusations that rookie players were subjected to a
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waterboarding type of initiation by the seniors. now, all varsity and jv football games have been canceled and all coaches suspended, but not from their teaching jobs. a new gazebo dedicated tomorrow in the memory of a gloucester county girl. meantime, pasquale's family is suing local law enforcement agencies claiming they failed their daughter. 12-year-old autumn pasquale disappeared october 20th, 2012, her bodiey was found two days later. law enforcement did not follow procedures including a canvas of the area where the girl went missing. it was filed against gloucester county eand new jersey state police. other agencies are also implicated. justin robinson is serving a 17-year sentence. his brother, donte, was
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released. pasquale was lured to their home with the promise of trading bike parts. gloucester county legal office said they have not received a copy of the lawsuit but a spokesman released this statement saying in part, "any civil action seeking money damages by pointing blame at police is misplaced." the trial of a man accused of a deadly colorado movie esho eshooting has been pushed back, again. jury selection is now set for late january. holmes has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. 12 people were killed in that shooting, 70 others injured in the 2012 attacks. five criminal cases have been dismissed because the police officer who shot unarmed teen michael brown inferringson, missouri, was a no show in court. officer darren wilson wasn't available. wilson has not been seen publicly since the august 9th shooting that sparked weeks of
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unrest. time to head to new york to see what is ahead on "today" show this morning. >> good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good to see you both. coming up the controversy over who should be subjected to mandatory ebola quarantines in this country. new jersey's governor chris christie explains his very tough stance in an exclusive live interview. it is supposed to change the way you shop. why are major retailers already dumping apple pay? we'll have the latest. an early halloween square for natalie and jenna as they hunt for ghosts inside a haunted prison. two of the funniest people in the world in studio 1a. amy poehler and jim carrey. a lot of fun here today when we get started a little bit later. >> what freaks me out about the haunted prison thing. every haunted house i have taken my kids to there is a can't touch you rule and there it seems like no such rule in existence.
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>> right on jenna and natalie. >> i can't wait to see that. >> that could change the experience a little bit. >> hopefully we get to see jim carrey's car commercial from "saturday night live." >> one more time. >> all right, guys, see you in a few minutes. >> okay. little over half an hour until we get bright sunshine. we'll see a lot of sunshine. look at this, a live view from center city and a few scattered clouds on the horizon. 52 degrees in philadelphia. that's warmer than yesterday. in fact, the entire area is running warmer this morning and a nice, clear view from nbc 10 studios and wind has finally died down completely. 48 in wilmington, 40s for potstown and doylestown and trenton and yesterday we were looking at 30s in the morning and blue bell and glenside and now 40s for both locations. but it's 46 at potstown airport
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and we'll be climbing into the 70s. the radar screen, no activity expected today but tomorrow a line of showers from the west moving in. but before those showers arrive, the warm air surges ahead of them and that is what we'll feel today. once those showers move through the area tomorrow, the cold weather will move in ain time fr the weekend. for today, sunny skies and a warm one. 63 is the normal high temperature for this time of year. we'll be in the low to mid-70s this afternoon with plenty of sunshine today. but clouds building tomorrow, scattered light showers on wednesday after a warm start 58 degrees and be just 68 in the afternoon. and then turning chillier as we head towards the weekend. clouds building on friday and friday evening we'll see the temperatures drop into the 40s for trick or treating and then here comes a blast of cold for saturday and sunday. the winds will be blowing and could see scattered showers on saturday. we'll see a high temperature of 45 saturday afternoon and going to feel like it's in the 30s.
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a cold walk in the morning for -- stay at home and change the clocks back. 48 degrees the high temperature and then warmer after a cold start monday. >> oh, right, thanks for the reminder, bill. launched sky force 10 to check out an accident that involves a school bus. >> jillian mele, give us the details of what is happening here. >> sky force 10 got the too the scene a few minutes ago. you can see it's quite a scene out here. overturned vehicle that literally pretty much overturned right into the school bus. we are told that the school bus is not carrying any children. we're also told that there are no injuries as a result of this accident, but you can see, we have a heavy response out here from officials. so, this is happening, bustleton avenue and a majority of that intersection, as you can see, is blocked off right now. you'll typically use this intersection and going to want to take tyson avenue or leonard street. again, the intersection of bu l
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buselton avenue. involving a school bus and overturned vehicle. no injuries to report as a result of this accident. we'll stay on top of it and bring you more details when they become available. that's the latest information into the system. this is a new accident into the system, as well. broad street onramp a two-vehicle accident slowing things down a little bit there. vai? >> thank you, jillian. contract talks continue between septa leaders and management. a live report coming up in three minutes. i'm katy zachary live in bucks county outside a hospital. i'll tell you which hospitals in our area are doing to keep people safe against the ebola virus. this portion of nbc 10 news are sponsored by gmc, we are professional grade. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life.
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we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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four minutes before 7:00. breaking news out of south philadelphia where police and pspca have removed more than a dozen dogs from a home there. matt delucia is live on the scene there. what have you learned? >> tracy, those dogs were found in what police are calling filthy conditions and some were just puppies. this is the home on the 2200 block of miflin street and they went inside the home and some of the dogs they found were chained to radiators and others were in dirty cages. we have video for you that you're looking at right now. the dogs loaded into vans and taken away. veterinarainarians will be exam these dogs and several are scarred and one missing an eye. several pieces of evidence, including treadmills were taken from this home. you can see the search warrant posted on the door and pspca and police are still looking for the homeowner and they believe he is
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at work right now and talking with neighbors and they say they can't believe what was going on out here. matt delucia, nbc 10 news. the concerns of ebola in our area and more than two dozen people are being monitored for the virus and some in bucks county. nbc 10 katy zachary is live in bristol. what can you tell us? >> i talked to the county's health director here over the last few days and most recently last night and he confirmed for me they are still watching three people who have traveled here to bucks county from west africa. all are in the middle of their 21-day quarantine and in good health, he says. someone from the health department every day checks in on them, at least once. either a visit or a phone call and if the county does get a positive ebola patient, well, the health director says his staff has worked hard over the last few weeks to prepare each of the six hospitals here in bucks county so that they can safely treat a patient. that's the latest reporting live here in bucks county, katy
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zachary, nbc 10 news. septa executives and members of the largest union head back to the bargaining table as both sides continue to avoid a strike. jesse gary has a look ahead at what's happening today. >> septa commutevers a high degree of certainty about how they'll get to and from work. but union officials say they will make a decision at the end of the week on what to do regarding whether to strike or not. the authority and its largest union tw u234 in a stalemate over pension reform. scrap the pension in favor of a 401(k) and the union wants to revamp the current benefit. the month-old stalemate has a lot of commuters nervous this morning. in frankford, jesse gary, nbc 10 news. at 6:58. we continue to follow breaking news out of northeast philadelphia. sky force 10 is live over the scene of an accident involving an empty school bus, no children onboard and this vehicle right here is completely overturned.
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this is the intersection of bustleton avenue and princeton avenue. you can see that intersection for the most part is completely blocked off. you can take tyson avenue and leonard street if you need to get around it. we had a heavy response out there as police officers attend to that scene. you can see a little bit of traffic getting by, but that corner of that intersection is closed to traffic. so, again, tyson avenue and that portion of the intersection is blocked off. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. getting a warmer start this morning. it's not as chilly as it was yesterday in part because of the high clouds and you can see them in this live view from center city. right now in philadelphia, not bad at all. the temperature is in the 50s. 51 degrees and the wind has finally died down. it's calm this morning. a nice warmup ahead with less wind today. we'll see a quick warm up, too. the wind will be a little bit stronger at the shore. right now we are in the low 50s in philadelphia, but still some
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40s around this morning. >> going to be a great day. "today" show is up next and see you for updates in 25 minutes. >> always get the latest news and wertather at good morning. digging in. new jersey governor chris christie not backing down on his decision to quarantine people returning from africa at high risk for ebola. this, after a nurse complained of inhumane treatment while being kept in a tent for three days before she was sent home. this morning, governor christie speaks out in an exclusive live interview. unstoppable, the slow and menacing advance of lava on hawaii's big island now within a few yards of several homes. can anything be done to save them? mile-high mystery. a father heads off to get food during a denver broncos game and hasn't been seen since. the four-day-old search that has his family and police