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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 500a  NBC  October 28, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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and counting down to the deadline. septa union workers say they could strike by the end of the week if the deal isn't reached. we're following the negotiations this morning. a live look outside this morning at center city and can't tell just yet, but the clouds will be clearing and once the sun comes out, it's going to stick around. good morning and welcome to nbc 10 news today. i'm vai sikahema. >> i'm tracy davidson. let's get an update with meteorologist bill henley. >> we can see those temperatures come down a little bit more, but, overall, it's not as chilly as it was yesterday. few clouds over center city, but dry. 51 degrees here at nbc 10 at 5:00. yes, but there are some spots in the 40s, not as cool as yesterday, though. potstown and in allentown in the 40s right now in northeast philadelphia and wilmington. but it's 55 in middleville.
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so, a nice, warm start and a sunny day ahead. 55 degrees at 9:00 and lots of sunshine with temperatures climbing at 64 degrees at noontime today. we'll go neighborhood by neighborhood when i come back in less than ten minutes. jillian mele is look at your tuesday morning commute. hey, jillian. >> good morning to you at home. the very slow moving construction crew heading northbound on 95 a live look and you can see they're moving very smoothly out there and crews blocking the left lane, but the good news is we're not seeing a slow down approaching that scene or even passing that scene. heading to center city philadelphia. vine street expressway looking good in both directions and cleared the entire length of the way between 95 and 76 and checking some of your average speeds right now. reading 65 on the pennsylvania turnpike and 55 on 76 and 50 right now on 422. we're not seeing too many slow downs so far this morning heading into new jersey, same situation. the 42 freeway northbound basically between route 55 and
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the area bridges. the speeds are averaging in the mid-50s right now. tracy? now to concerns over ebola. the lawyer for that nurse who was force under to quarantine in newark is rejecting that she remain isolated. kaci hickox was released yesterday afternoon. she tested negative. maine health officials want her to stay in seclusion for 21 days after her last possible exposure to ebola. a dozen army troops in isolation after a tour in west africa. the group will stay near their base in italy for 21 days, even though they did not come in contact with ebola patients and they show no symptoms of ebola. meantime, the cdc released new guidelines for people returning from ebola ravaged countries. those at some risk should monitor themselves daily and report to their local health department. people at a higher risk who cared for those who were sick should voluntarily quarantine themselves at home.
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now, in our area, more than two dozen patients are being monitored right now, some in bucks county. we sent nbc 10 katy zachary to find out how the health department has prepared health and emergency responders. >> here in bucks county currently three people being monitored for the ebola virus. the county health director i have been in touch with him several times over the past few days. all three are in the middle of their 21-day monitoring period. the health department is made aware of individuals who may have been exposed to ebola by officials at the airport who do the travel screening. health director tells me he's concerned that some travelers may not disclose their accurate contact information once they are here in the area. he's also worried that some people that there may be cases where they do not report their current health conditions to health department nurses. >> we also don't want to go there fully gowned up in a hazmat suit because everyone
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will know this person might have ebola. >> we made calls to each county and learned the other area that is monitoring people for ebola in philadelphia and they are currently monitoring 30 people. reporting live in bristol bucks county, katy zachary. >> later this morning ebola in the spotlight on "today" show. chris christie will talk exclusively about the debate how people coming back into this country should be handled this morning starting at 7:00 a.m. septa and its union returning to the bargain table later this morning to try to close a wide gap in talks. the union says that it will make a decision whether to strike by friday. tens of thousands of riders who use septa to get around may have to think about alternative plans. the union president says the main sticking point is over the improving pension. septa and the union plan to meet every day this week to try to hammer out a deal.
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>> i can't promise anything beyond this week. after negotiate with septa the rest of the week, i will evaluate where we are and make the determination whether or not a strike would be necessary. >> the union has been without a contract for seven months now. the union president says a 24-hour notice will be given before a strike is called. happening today, the man accused in a deadly shooting inside a delaware county wellness center is scheduled for a preliminary hearing. richard plots is facing a long list of charges, including murder. he is being held without bail. back in july when police say plots shot and killed his case worker at the mercy wellness center on the mercy fitzgerald campus. a psychiatrist was wounded during the shooting. he pulled out his own gun and fired several shots injuringing plots. in bucks county the school board will meet about hazing allegations involved in the bucks west football team. district officials said they verified accusations that young players were subjected to a
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waterboarding type of initiation by the seniors. all varsity and jv football games have been canceled and all the coaches have been suspended, but not from their teaching jobs. meanwhile, the school board is expected to decide if fifth graders will stay in middle school or move up. they will hire additional staff, but am say the children are just not ready to be in middle school just yet. the sudden closure of philadelphia high school led to a heated meeting last night. parents leadership learning charter school last night and a few even cornered walter palmer himself. some parents got robo calls about the sudden closures, but others didn't find out until they sent their kids to school yesterday morning. >> i'm hurt. i'm devastated because you could care less about our children. the best you could do? this is the best? >> right now my daughter is in 11th grade.
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she don't have no school to go to tomorrow. >> the closing was triggered by a supreme court ruling in the state that ruled the school violated its charter by accepting more students than it was allowed. the penn state board will meet today over a controversial report related to the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. the special meeting is being called to discuss the 2012 report issued by louis freeh. it claimed head football coach joe paterno and other administrators concealed facts about sandusky abuse to avoid bad publicity. the board wants to appoint a group to develop questions for free and get some answers. sandusky is serving a 30 to 60-year prison sentence. and now to decision 2014 and the countdown is on. there's just one week to go before election day. voters will head to the polls next tuesday, november 4th. and some big names are showing their support for the candidates running for governor
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of pennsylvania. former florida governor jeb bush was in philadelphia last night along with republican governor tom corbett. the two attended the unveiling of the george h.w. bush gala at the national constitution center which features an original copy of the bill of rights. meantime former president bill clinton was in pittsburgh supporting korbco korbucorbett' challenger. wolf is a man that can bring people together for the political and economic good. president obama, meanwhile, will come to philadelphia to campaign for wolf this sunday. and philadelphia city council members have killed the proposed sale of a philadelphia gas works to a private company in connecticut. >> the proposed $1.8 billion deal required the approval from both city council and the state public utility commission. pgw worker union opposed the deal saying they were scared workers could lose their job if the deal went through. mayor nutter, a huge supporter of the deal who proposed the
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deal said it would have brought in more than $420 million to the city's pension fund. >> i tell you what we heard and what we saw today is quite possibly the biggest cop out that we've seen in recent legislative history. >> simple reality is that there is no appetite to sell it as proposed. >> city council said a hearing will be held in december to discuss how to improve pgw moving forward. get ready for a warmer day. there are some clouds that are moving through the area right now. they will not last. we will see sunshine and warm into the 70s today. enjoy it today because things are changing tomorrow, tracking some showers that will come through during the day today and behind those showers chilling for the weekend and the chilling starts for halloween in the evening the temperatures dropping into the 40s as clouds move in with much colder weather for the weekend. 44 degrees right now in
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allentown. northeast philadelphia is 48 and it's 56 in atlantic city. this is the view from center city looking past the art museum this morning, completely dry and much more comfortable this morning. not as cold in part because of the clouds that are moving into the area right now. the clouds, you can see, it's clearer to our south. that's what we're going to get to see during the day today and then this line of clouds arrives tomorrow with a chance of showers. for today, your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast 68 degrees in mt. pocono. middle 70s for allentown, quakertown and reading 77 degrees this afternoon. mid-70s for doylestown and mt. holly plenty of sunshine and not as windy along the coast today. the jersey shore, rehoboth beach. southwesterly winds for dover and vineland in the middle 70s. wilmington, chester, philadelphia, up to 75 degrees ahead. a cold weekend ahead.
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the seven-day forecast when i come back in ten minutes. it's 5:10 this tuesday morning, despite the fact that there are some construction sites out there, looks like the majors are pretty good. >> jillian mele has you covered. what are you seeing? >> definitely seen a lot of overnight construction. just a few minutes ago, we had a very slow-moving crew blocking this left lane on 95 northbound but in the last two minutes that construction has cleared. so now all lanes are opened in this area. we have a disabled vehicle at the intersection of germantown pike and white hall road. if you're heading out on the 42 freeway. this is what it's looking like right now. that's the northbound side heading out to the bridges. bridges are also looking good right now and still not reporting any accidents on the majors. tracy? this morning, the family of a woman charged with throwing her baby in the water at the jersey shore is asking for understanding. >> under normal circumstances, i can't imagine her doing anything like this. the medical condition they
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say made this mom do it and the help they now say she needs. this is not your average house cat. the warning to residents in one part of our area because of an animal on the loose. we will tell you what police say you should do if you cross its path. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. the family of an atlantic city mom is blaming post-partum depression after witnesses say
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she tossed her baby into the water and then jumped in herself. they rescued her and her 1-month-old daughter from the atlantic city inlet on saturday. a retired firefighter performed cpr to revive the baby who relatives say is just fine. they told nbc 10 while she was struggling with post-partum, they never imagined she would do something like this. >> in her mind, that's what she thought, she thought she was doing what was best for her and her baby. it's, obviously, not. >> she has been very sad. >> she is in fair condition and under police guard at a local hospital. she's charged with aggravated assault and police say additional charges could also be filed. and now to the casino crisis in atlantic city where one casino is looking for a final cashout. the former trump plaza wants to sell the last of its old slots. the casino closed september 16th and it still has 353 slot machines. trump entertainment planned to sell to a new jersey gaming
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company for $150,000 once a bankruptcy judge okays that deal. trump entertainment is still working to keep the taj mahal open. for now the company will only commit to running the taj through the end of the month of november, it could become the fifth atlantic city casino to close this year. delaware governor jack markell will announce changes in the state drug treatment system today and reveal a new ad campaign and website connecting people in delaware to those services. tom corbett has signed legislation which establishes a prescription drug monitoring program for health care professionals. designed to maintain a record of controlled substances that are prescribed and dispensed in order to address our state's growing prescription drug abuse problem. here's a sobering statistics. the number of bicycle traffic deaths are soaring since 2010. california and florida have the
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most deaths. but here at home, the number of deaths in pennsylvania is down by five, but they're up by one in new jersey and, as you see there, two in delaware. meantime, it looks like bike riding is booming in center city. officials say the number of bike riders in the city is up more than 33% since 2012. that increase is due in part to gas prices that rose up over $3 a gallon. there are also more places to store bikes now and a growing number of young people in surrounding center city communities. speaking of the roads, let's get an update on your ride to work at 5:17. >> jillian mele got you covered. jill? >> want to focus on the western suburbs right now and just to show you what's going on there. average speeds on roads like 202 and the route 30 bypass in the mid-50s and 422 is pretty quiet. a live look right at trooper. that is the eastbound side where we see volume later in the morning but for now not reporting any delays on 422. same thing on the route 30 bypass as drivers pass route
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322. all is quiet there. overnight construction, but we're not reporting any delays right now. heading into conshohocken that is closed and overlook lane and that is expected to be closed for the remainder of the week. in the meantime, you can take front street which is route 23 or either 320. both of those roads are opened. a warmer start this morning and it's going to be a warm afternoon and we are waiting for sunrise. it's about two hours before it comes up. the temperatures are still coming down. but being prevented by clouds overhead. not a lot of cloud cover, just enough to keep us in the low 50s right now in philadelphia. no wind this morning. most of the area is completely calm and the temperatures, well, they've come down a bit. north and west in the 40s and all allentown 44 and atlantic city is 46 degrees and warm into the
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70s this afternoon. watching the radar screen. i don't expect to see any activity today, but tomorrow we could see what's on the way. that line of showers, that's a cold front that is going to come in with some scattered, light showers by the time this gets to us, it's going it be looking a lot different and behind those showers is much colder air that is going to be here for the weekend. but not today. mostly sunny, look at that, 70s this afternoon. ten plus degrees above normal for this time of year. won't be as warm with clouds coming in tomorrow, temps in the morning will be warm. 58, 68 in the afternoon and scattered light showers during the day on wednesday and then they clear out and then here comes the chilly weather for thursday and friday morning. temperatures in the 40s. highs in the 50s. clouds building on friday and friday night and into saturday we could see some showers along with a cold wind blowing. lots of outdoor activities this weekend is not going to be a great outdoor weekend. morning temperatures in the 30s. highs in the 40s saturday with a
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wind chill will feel like it's in the 30s. 48 degrees, the high temperature on sunday with sunshine and a cold start monday down to 32 degrees. >> bill, thank you. a 13-year-old delaware teen is being recognized for helping people to read. she is the recipient of this year's peace first prize. the national award given to five young peacemakers across the country who work to make lasting social change in their communities. she founded 100 men reading, which teaches young people how to read. her program has 500 volunteers and she has also helped donate 10,000 new books to area students. >> somebody took recognition in my work and i can go on and my goal is to have a chapter in each state to go all around the state and that is really what my dream is. everybody can get a chance to see what this program is about. >> and to help her dream, the winners get a $25,000 fellowship
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to continue their work. congratulations. contamination concerns. this morning a recall involving thousands of pounds of chicken. details on the health threat from a farm right here in pennsylvania. and reliability rankings. consumer report releases its annual list of top cars that you can count on. the experts at cnbc will break it all down so you see how your car stacks up.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na...
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female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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5:23. a pennsylvania company is recalling about 31,000 pounds of gluten free breaded chicken products because they may be contaminated with bacteria. now, the usda says yó%8murray's recalling 12 ounce boxes of bell & evans breaded chicken breast nuggets and 10.5 ounces of gluten free breaded chicken breasts. for more information about what to do if you have these products, go to our website at n keeping a price on crude oil this morning as drivers continue to benefit from lower gas prices. morgan brennan is here with that story and cnbc business news. morgan, good morning. >> good morning. well, futures are pointing higher this morning after investors are sorting through a plethora of company's quarter earnings report and keeping a close eye on that price of crude oil. an average price of a gallon of gasoline $3.04. ford will cut the price of its
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focus electric model and that is in addition to the $4,000 that they slashed last year. due to that dropping price at the pump. making it more difficult to persuade buyers to purchase electric cars. once again, the company lexus and toyota brands lead the survey and mazda join the top ten and buick was the only american brand to crack that top ten list. back to you. >> morgan brennan, thanks. a cool start this morning, but not as cold as yesterday. we do have some clouds over the city, but no sign of rain. not today anyway. right now it's 51 degrees at 5:25. first alert traffic reporter jillian mele is watching the roads. how are we doing out there, jillian? >> not too bad. a live look at 95 right at girard avenue, but it's not slowing anyone down, as you can
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see, coming up in a few minutes, a check of your drive times. if you use mass transit you may be wondering if septa will strike. >> that is the question jesse gary is trying to find an answer for us. jesse? >> a look at what the week will hold in store. coming up after the break. cybersecurity as we head into the shopping season. a move to protect your personal information.
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revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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5:29. a potential septa strike. union workers set a deadline for a deal and we're live with a look at what needs to happen to keep workers from walking off the job. and warming up, taking a live look outside. you will notice a difference as you head out the door this morning. bill says it could be the nicest day of the week. >> i like that. good morning, welcome to nbc 10 news today. i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm vai sikahema bill henley with our first alert forecast. >> no complaints so far. you don't need your sunglasses just yet, but you will throughout the day. bright sunshine and that will warm us past the 60s that we saw yesterday and into the 70s this afternoon. right now, the temperature 51 at philadelphia international. 40s for northeast philadelphia,
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trenton, wilmington at 49 degrees and 44 in allentown. so, a cool start, but not a cold one. and with sunshine, warm up to 55 degrees at 9:00. by lunchtime, middle 60s and we'll still be climbing. your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast when i come back in less than ten minutes. first alert traffic reporter jillian mele, how is it looking out there? >> looking pretty good. no accidents on the majors, bill, but some construction, including a spot here on the boulevard northbound. the wissahickon avenue northbound is blocked because of that construction. 76 is pretty quiet right near montgomery drive and traffic is moving out there in both directions and your drive time on 76 looking pretty good westbound from the vine to the blue route is about a 14-minute trip right now. 17 minutes on the blue route southbound from 76 to 95 and if you're traveling 422 eastbound from oaks to route 202, that is a quick seven-minute trip right now. we're following breakin