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tv   NBC 10 News at 5am  NBC  October 25, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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today a man is dead after a double shooting in philadelphia and police tell us a person of interest showed up at the hospital. ebola concerns creep a little bit closer to our area. this morning new rules are in place to prevent the spread of the virus. let's head outside for a live look over center city where it's still dark. once the sun is up and shining the temperatures will climb out of the 40s and 50s. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary conners. meteorologist michelle grossman is tracking the cool start to the weekend and the warm-up later on. michelle?
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nice this afternoon. 70 degrees. and warmer during the workweek. we're waking up to clear skies. live look from cape may camera. nice day to be at the beaches. lots of sunshine as we head throughout the afternoon and temperatures climbing quickly. chilly right now if you're getting a head start bright and early this morning. not bright but early. 48 in philadelphia. along the coast we're looking at 43 in atlantic city and 41 degrees in millville. another look outside, waking up to clear skies. lots of sunshine once the sun does rise. dry weekend. very nice weekend overall for all your fall activities. by 8:00, 52. 10:00 a.m., 57. up to 62 by noon. we'll be near 70 this afternoon. again, even warmer during the workweek. i'll have detapes in a few minutes. new from overnight. one man is dead. another is wounded after a shooting in philadelphia. nbc 10 was thereafter gunfire
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erupted just after midnight. a 25-year-old man was rushed to the hospital where he died. a second man who showed up at the hospital with a leg wound is being held by police as person of interest. also new from overnight, philadelphia police are investigating another shooting. this one in the queen village neighborhood. authorities tell us a man was shot at second and carpenter. the victim was taken to the hospital. it's unclear what his condition is. police have not made any arrests in this case. this morning the first full day of the new quarantine order issued by the governors of new york and new jersey, that automatic 21-day quarantine includes people who will treated ebola patients in west africa. nbc10's matt delucia is live for us this morning in the digital operation center with details. matt, where is this quarantine order enforced? >> the new measures impact those
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flying into jfk and newark airport. health care workers who have treated ebola patients in west african countries. this comes as a doctor in new york was hospitalized. this was on thursday night. and he is now being treated for ebola. now with this new quarantine, a health care worker who arrived in newark yesterday was immediately put into isolation. this is aerial video we'll show you in a moment of the university hospital in newark. the worker apparently had no symptoms of the virus upon arrival but is now developed a fever and is being evaluated at the hospital. yesterday governors andrew cuomo and chris christie said a voluntary quarantine is just not enough. >> new jersey and new york are going to determine the standards of quarantine since cdc guidance is continually changing and we need to set a standard for our two states. >> it's important to note at this point the health care worker who arrived at newark
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liberty international airport yesterday has not yet tested positive for ebola. now, the group that he was working for, doctors without borders, are talking about her involvement and new guidelines setz in place write the governors of knowlednew jersey york. live in the digital operation center this morning, i'm matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> thanks, matt. meanwhile, the texas nurse who is now recovered from the ebola, she met with president obama yesterday. the meeting which included a hug followed nina pham's release from the hospital. doctors say she is free from the vir russian and can now return home. pham also got a hug from one of her doctors as she left the national institutes of health. she is one of two dallas nurses who became infected while treating thomas duncan. he is the lee i beerian man who is the first and only person to die of ebola from the u.s. the second nurse amber vincent is still being treated at emory university hospital in atlanta. doctors say that test nos longer
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detect the virus in her blood but a discharge date has not been set. for more information about ebola you can go to our website we also have realtime information on the latest developments in our area and around the country. this weekend the clock is ticking on a possible septa strike vote. the transit agency's largest union will decide tomorrow whether to authorize a walkout the the union says at this point there's no plan for a work stoppage but if it comes to that the union will release a plan for service interruptions for a strike. 4700 bus drivers, subway, and trolley operators and maintenance workers have been working under an expired contract since march. negotiations continue, pensions and health care benefits are the main sticking points. silence instead of festive friday night football at central bucks high school last night after homecoming and the rest of
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the season was canceled because of a hazing scandal. disappointment replaced cheering in doylestown where the annual football rivalry with cb east has been snuffed out by school administrators. nbc10 was at central bucks west last night where the stands were empty. the superintendent issued a saying said swift action had to be taken. according to police, younger players were hazed by seniors in a waterboarding type incident. there are also allegations that a freshman player was forced to touch another player in a sexual manner. >> it's kind of a big letdown but the decision was completely correct. >> i think that what the school district decided to do is definitely the correct choice. >> kids need to learn a lesson. unfortunate lit it affected everybody. for that i'm satd, effort kids who weren't involved. >> the cb west coaches were suspended from football activities but not from their teaching jobs. we have some new information
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this morning about a sex tape allegedly made by philadelphia school children. two 13-year-old boys have now been arrested. sources say the tape was made on lynn moore avenue in southwest philadelphia. the children are students at william tilden middle school. the boys had sex with an 11-year-old girl and posted the video on instagram. in chester county. a priest is being held on charges related to sending and sooeing child pornography on the internet. according to prosecutors investigators found pictures of naked underage girls on an instagram account linked to reverend mark haynes. he has been a priest. haynes admitted to receiving and sending 150 images which were all traced back to the rectory at saint simon and jude. he posed as 16-year-old girl on a dating site several years ago
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and received lewd videos from someone whoa believed to be a 14-year-old girl. the archdiocese of philadelphia is calling the charges serious and disturbing and says that they are cooperating with the investigation. today a once in a lifetime opportunity if you got the means for it p the mainline mansion that used to belong to the former owner of the 76ers will go to auction. it will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. nbc10 got a tour inside of the home yesterday. the auction company says he and his wife are empty nestors and no longer have a need for such a big mansion. in case you would like to bid, the home is 10,000 square feet, it sits on more than 3 1/2 acres and it was most recently listed for more than $6 million. inside the mansion has six bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a ten h of car garage and five fireplaces. the home also features a cherry
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wood accented kitchen and a private library. must be nice. you may remember under his leadership the 6ers went from last place in 1996 to the nba finals in 2001. he is also well-known author and entrepreneur. the auction company says the sell of his home is a unique chance to own a piece of history. >> it is truly the opportunity of a lifetime that absolute auctions for prime real estate, especially on the mainline, happen very, very rarely. >> the mansion also featuresa>r state-of-the-art amenities including a swimming pool, tennis court, high-tech fitness room, and a media screening room. you can take a virtual tour of the mansion right now on our website we've got a slide show of the interior and exterior of the property. next, a community in washington state is in mourning after that deadly school shooting yesterday. people are coming together to pray for the victims of the attack as police continue their
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investigation into what led to the gunfire. zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa0
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police in washington state are wrapping up their on sites investigation of a high school shoot that left two students dead including the gunman. police say a freshman opened fire yesterday inside of the cafeteria of marriesville high school north of seattle. friends and loved oning held a memorial vigil last night. the service took place at church close to the high school. hundreds of people prayed and sang songs in tribute to the
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victims and their families. we learned last night the gun nan's name is jay len fryberg, recently crowned the school's homecoming prince. investigators say he shot and killed one student, wounded five others, and then turned the gun on himself. we just checked and three of the victims are in critical condition, another of is stable. we are working to find out the condition of the fifth student. according to witnesses, he recently argued with the classmate about a break up with a girl. late last night police gave an update on their homicide investigation. >> there's still a lot of work to do. we want to make sure that we have all of the right answers. and that's what we're going to do by taking our time, doing it thoroughly, and providing information only after it is complete. >> police say two of the wounded victims are cousins of shooter. remains found last weekend are those of hannah graham.
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t suspect jesse matthew jr. has been charged with abduction with intent to defile graham. the county attorney is determining what additional charges to bring against him. 16 coal miners are dead after their shaft collapsed in northwestern china. another 11 miners were hurt in the disaster that struck just before midnight our time. work safety officials in choin that are now investigating. back in our area. today marks day 43 in the police manhunt for alleged cop killer eric frein. he is still on the run. another man now faces charges in connection to the case. michael was charged yesterday with making false reports. police say he told him that frein asked him for a fake id so he could get into canada. he later admitted that that wasn't true. frein has evaded police and fbi ats since mid september. that's when police say he ambushed two pennsylvania state troopers in pike county, killing one and wounding the other. searchers believe that frein may have been spotted on monday near
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pocono east high school. a pennsylvania state senator will plead guilty to accusations that she used her elected office for political and financial gain. >> she's going to plead guilty to the charges? >> as of now, that's correct. yes. >> that's the attorney for leanna washington. the lawyer would?71z not say wh the exact terms of the plea are. the 69-year-old democrat is facing felony charges for allegedly using her taxpayer funded staff to plan and perform political fund-raisers. washington represents parts of
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in a commercial that is running during the world series, she's also the subject of a spike lee documentary. we'll show you what it's all about and where you can see it, next. m. good saturday morning. waking up to temperatures in the 40s. a little cool to start off with. warmer this afternoon. a live look outside, clear skies this morning. lots of sunshine this afternoon. we are tracking 70s, mid to upper 70s in your seven-day. we'll have your forecast straight ahead.
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a good saturday morning. i'm meteorologist michelle grossman. what a nice day today. we're going to see lots of
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sunshine, mild temperatures near 70 degrees. even warmer in our seven-day pft let's take a look at the weather headlines on this saturday morning. we're starting out cold. temperatures in the 40s. we're going to get to near 70 later on this afternoon. lots of sunshine across the way. clear skies right now. then by sunday, another nice day. lots of sunshine. warmer temperatures. windy conditions. we could see winds gusting near 25 miles per hour, but that is tomorrow. starting later on tonight, we are tracking 70s in your seven-day pft not just mid 70s. upper 70s. feeling warm as we hit the mid week. live look outside. waking up to clear skies, in case you haven't looked out, we're going to see lots of sunshine. i've view from the city skyline. we will see sunshine today and sunday. 48 degrees in philadelphia. it's a little chilly to start out with. clear skies helping to drop the temperatures. winds out of the west-southwest at three miles per hour. light winds. winds will pick up later on tonight. stay with us on sunday. right now clear skies all across the board. reading, 44 degrees. philadelphia, 48. 43 in atlantic city. so really cool in atlantic city.
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then as we go throughout the day today we're going to see all the numbers rise. another live look outside. clear skies looking pretty in the city. temperatures right now, you can see a lot of blue on the map indicating where the cooler temperatures are. 43 in mt. pocono. 43 in reading. 44 in lancaster. 41 in millville. and 43 in atlantic city. take a look t a what happens to these temperatures. we have a lot to do on saturday. we have the soccer games and a fall stuff to do. the temperatures will climb. by lunchtime looking at temperatures near 62 degrees. 4:00, 69. some spots may hit 70, especially to the south. as we head throughout the rest of today. so we're dry for today. looking good. super saturday. lots of sunshine. then as we look further back to the west you have a cold front right now. situated in the midwest. it will move through later on tonight. it's going to move through dry. we're going to pick up the winds. we're not going to see a whole lot in terms of cloud cover.
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high pressure in control today. giving us lots of sunshine. today, sunny and mild. enjoy it. 67 to 70. big difference from last weekend. winds out of the west at five to 15 miles per hour. higher at times, especially in the afternoon. seven-day forecast looking good today. 69. what a perfect weekend, right? sunday, windy. 66. that will be the only fly in the ointment, so to speak. monday, nice, 66. 74 by tuesday. wednesday, looking at temperatures right near 77. could see a nighttime shower. cooler on thursday. lots of sunshine though, 61. in the 50s on halloween. the hits just keep coming for philadelphia little league superstar mone davis. mone grabbed the nation's attention during the wild run at the little league world series. she was pictured on the cover of sports illustrated and made all kinds of tv appearances. now she is the subject of a spike lee documentary and a commercial running during this year's world series.
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>> i stand for girls who want to play sports with the boys and to be a role model for people, young and old. i throw 70 miles per hour. that's throwing like a girl. >> this chevrolet ad is part of the 16-minute documentary called "i throw like a girl." it was filmed by spike lee in south philadelphia. in it, mone and her family talk about her passion for all sports, her life off the field an plans for the future. you also hear from her coaches and how she came to be a superstar on the mound at such an early age. you can see the documentary on our website at next, in the high school blilths, a hart warming scene at the land dale catholic football game as this 11-year-old gets a carry and a score. we'll have his story along with all the other big match-ups in the region after the break.
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at 5:a this morning here is a live look at the center city skyline. temperatures right now in the upper 40s in the philadelphia area. once the sun comes up, the temperatures will rise. it will get toward 70 degrees on this near 70 degrees today. and for the week ahead, we're going to be in the 70s for a couple of days. meteorologist michelle grossman will have the details in the seven day. good morning to you. i'm danny pommel from comcast sportsnet. are you ready? i sure am. one of the top team keep on rolling. this kicks off this edition of "the high school blitz." yes. swinging along with the crimson st. joe's prep continues to
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dominate. jackson gets in for the easy touchdown. prep rolls over roman catholic. hats field, alberto to jake robertson. easy breezy with a 50-12 win. shawnee quarterback gives it to jake. he gets t to end zone. knocks off cherokee. cherry hill west, or generargen going to crack it. don't cry for him or argentina, for that matter. >> the high school blitz game of the week is brought to you by your quality plus ford stores. home of america's favorite brand. >> you want it. you got it. you voted to see pat vi and t triton. catch him if you can like the gingerbread man. 28-08 victory and division crown. >> two a heart tugger.
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11-year-old kevin smith is fighting an especially leps si related seizure disorder. doctors won't let him play football but the lansdale team escorted him to the end zone. 20-14. there was so much joy on the lansdale sideline, listen to kevin's mom. >> it's unbelievable. we keep saying that the compassion has been huge. it means so much. >> courtney, a proud moment to be sure. time for skylights. huge crowd for the annual downing rivalry. my goodness. east with the pass to the end zone for kerry near side. touchdown, east wins it, 24-14. westchester east, look at the tom fullery. they try the fake punt which worked. the trick play wasn't enough. they win it, 24-14. westchester, henderson. handing the rock to tray green. trey is good for six. henderson wins it, 41-14.
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northeast running here with shawn, 15 yards away. northeast wins it by 30. hailed strong against south philly. brooks says, uh-uh, this run as frankford gets the 18-8 victory. penn charter, melbourne prep spoiled the party as he takes a pass to the barn. melvern prep wins. trying to get the ball downfield to lincoln. sanchez, his pass is knocked around. picked off by isiah thomas. nice name. roxborough gets the win. cue the music. join us tonight for a half hour of highlights and faux chur stories. join us at the "high school blitz" right here on nbc10. i'm donny pommel from comcast sportsnet. this morning we are following developments in the fight against ebola. nbc10's matt delucia is live this morning.
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>> rosemary, one person in new jersey is under quarantine right now being evaluated at a hospital. what this means for other workers who treats ebola patients. ville that coming up in a couple of minutes. off to a cool start. temperatures namely in the 40s in a lot of spots but mild by this afternoon. look outside, pretty shot. clear skies this morning. lots of sunshine this afternoon. and 70s in your seven day. we'll get that straight ahead.
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