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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 530a  NBC  October 24, 2014 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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good morning. i'm tracy davidson, welcome to "nbc 10 news today." >> everyone wants to know if we'll see sunshine. good morning. >> we will see sunshine. temperatures are coming down as skies start to break. partly cloudy skies right now. you can see some clouds over center city. live view from adventure
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aquarium. 57 degrees in the city. new jersey, millville, atlantic city at 46. standing by for skies to break for some sunshine. 53 degrees at 7:00. by 9:00 we'll be in the middle 50s and heading into the 60s by lunchtime. it will be breezy this afternoon. i'll be back with your neighborhood by neighborhood forecast but let's check in with traffic reporter jillian mele. >> still following this overturned vehicle on 95 just past street road. an overturned truck sitting on its side. looks like we're getting a tow truck up to the scene. for the last 15, 20 minutes of this accident, we had the right lane getting by but temporarily all lanes are blocked so this tow truck can get into position
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and get the clean-up process of getting that truck out of the way. temporarily, all lanes blocked on 95 northbound past street road. that's a new development in the last minute or so. we're starting to see a little slowdown in the area approaching the scene. that's what we expect when all lanes are blocked. we'll get you updated on this and i'll let you know if all lanes are still blocked in this area. another accident in astin mills. a new case of ebola is being treated in new york city. the patient is dr. craig spencer, who recently returned to the u.s. from west africa. preliminary results show he tested positive for ebola. those results are being confirmed by the cdc. dr. spencer was rushed to bellevue hospital in manhattan. >> where he's still being treated this morning in isolation. jesse gary is live for us in new york city, just a short distance
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from that homent. in the last half hour you were talking about how the big job for leaders in new york city today is calming the public fear. what's being done about that? >> reporter: chris, the first thing, getting information out to residents. namely, this hop had already been designated an ebola treatment center. yesterday city council members were handing out pamphlets who live near dr. spencer. he had traveled on several subway lines and taken an uber car to brooklyn. he developed symptoms after moving around new york city and the public should not panic. >> being on the same subway car or living near a person with ebola does not in and of itself public someone at risk. >> reporter: this is the big he city in the country. people coming and going. officials say they've been planning for this type of scenario for months.
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what they've been doing coming up in 30 minutes. outside bellevue hospital in new york, jesse gary. >> you can count on nbc 10 to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the ebola virus. this morning we're looking how it's spread. it's not airborne or by water, or in general, by food. you can only get ebola by touching the blood or bodily fluids of a certain who is sick, has symptoms or died from the virus. also by touching contaminated objects like needles or infected animals. our ebola coverage continues online. you can find the latest developments on nbc10 and check in for david green burg's live reports. from northampton county. here's what we do know. one person is dead after a police chase and shooting.
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officers say they, the officers, open fire on the driver. this all started this palmer township you see on the map here and ended ten minutes away in easton, where katy zachry is live at the scene. you just talked to state police. what are they telling you now? >> reporter: i should say, we don't know if one officer or several officers fired vir weapon. we do know this is a shoot-involved shooting in spring garden. it started in palmer township, a few miles north of where we're standing. investigators say there was a traffic stop involving the red pickup truck. something haptd for the suspect to chase the driver, who ultimately crashed in several homes. >> it did end at the corner, crashing into the telephone pole, causing significant damage to the car and telephone pole.
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after, that i can only speculate. >> reporter: the driver is dead but investigators went on to tell me, they won't know until the coroner does his examine if the driver died from gunshot wounds or from injuries sustained when the vehicle hit that telephone pole. now, police tell me they're starting to go door to door, knocking and trying to find witnesses to this. as you heard from that comment, they're also reviewing dash cam video from the number of police vehicles that were part of this incident. katy zachry, nbc 10 news. >> we're getting some questions answered on that story. also following the ebola story in new york city and several other things happening today. >> first, we tried to find out more about hazing allegations about central west bucks high school fblg team. the rest of the season has been
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canceled and coaching staff has been suspended pending more details. we're trying to get more details on vice president's visit to philly. he's coming later today and the press office calls this a small fund-raiser. we're learning about where that's happening and when. we'll have that on "nbc news 10 at noon". police are trying to to determine if a car stolen from the poconos is connected to frien. 5:38 now. repelling for a reason, other than just the thrill of repelling. mayor michael nutter got things going yesterday and several more will descend. temperature are dropping this morning. the rain has ended. that's a nice dry view of beach avenue from marquee to lafayette hotel. 56 degrees at 5:38.
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revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience,
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a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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we're following breaking traffic news on the roads. >> nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jillian mele. he told us about this accident 45 minute ago but it's causing problems and it looks like the truck is still out there. >> tow trucks are working to get this clear, but unfortunately we still have this out there. it looks like they got the truck upright. it was laying completely on its side, 95 northbound just past street road. for about ten minutes all lanes were temporarily blocked so tow trucks could get in position to get this vehicle upright, as they've been able to do. so once again the right lane is getting by but we can see a backup in this area. i'm learning sky force 10 is getting to the scene. you can get the overhead view to see what we're looking at here. that's the delay we are seeing
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as all those lanes merge into one. you can see at the scene of the accident where right lane is getting by and police have it blocked off. sky force is just making its way to the scene. still has a ways to get there before it's completely above this accident scene. we'll keep you updated. sky force will be in better position to get you pictures of exactly what's going on. so sfund for that. we are in the clear when it comes to rain. no sign of showers but clouds blowing through the area. temperatures near 60 in pocono mountains. a breezy one for trenton, northeast philadelphia and mt. holly, completely dry along the coast. dover, vineland in the middle 60s with partly sunny skies. still breezy with temperatures in the middle 60s for wilmington, chester and
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voluntary he's will be up to 67 degrees. warmer weather on the way. i'm back in less than ten minutes with the seven-day forecast. candy concerns. one week from halloween, a new reason to check your child's candy bag this year. we continue to follow breaking news out of lehigh valley, easton, specifically. shots fired. the driver is dead. nbc 10's katy zachry is live on scene. we'll have a live report coming up.
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good morning. first alert traffic reporter jillian mele. sky force 10 is over the scene on i-95 north bound just pass the street road. this truck was overturned minutes ago. you can see crews have it upright. one lane of traffic is still getting by but we are seeing big delays. if you want to avoid this area, i'm working to get you alternate routes. >> if you're just joining us, everyone is talking about a new ebola case in new york city. the patient is this man, dr. craig spencer, recently returned from west africa. he was working with ebola patients in guinea. yesterday he was admitted to the
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hospital after coming down with a fever and diarrhea. health officials are trying to find people he had come into contact with. jesse gary will have a live update from new york at 6:00. other breaking news out of northampton county. one person is dead after a police chase and shooting there, which came to end at 1:00 in easton. officers say it started as a traffic stop in palmer township. the driver didn't stop, driver of a pickup struck that crashed into a pole. police say they fired shots at the driver. it's not clear if the person died from the crash or gunshots. >> you can count on nbc 10 to follow news across the country. we got this new video of a hatchet attack of police officers in new york city. two officers were struck. one is now in critical condition. fellow officer shot and killed that attacker.
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lawyers for ferguson police officer sdarn wilson say they're not responsible for the recent information leak. a newspaper leaked reports on michael brown's autopsy report. and today the u.s. ho house of representatives will hold a hearing on the ebola crisis, just as the senate has done. the committee on oversight and government reform will examine the federal response to ebola. they'll talk about whether front line health care workers have been adequately trained to deal with the virus. "philadelphia inquirer" and newspapers across the nation are warning about subscription scams. saying they receive bogus subscription mailings. necessity say you should only make renewal payments to their official address. something that could show up in your child's trick or treat
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bag, saying marijuana county has been turning up more and more in new jersey and other states. they say the candy poses serious health risks. parents are urged to check for strange odors in candy their children get. speaking of that halloween safety, that's in montgomery county, rotary club will give out safety kits. safety night is at craft give nation a life home. who candidates had their final debate yesterday. congressman mike fitzpatrick and kevin strouse. they differed mostly on marijuana legalization. strouse says the prison system is overreturn. both men said they would like to retain portions of obamacare.
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fitzpatrick called to repeal affordable care act and replace it. both agree congress is far too dysfunctional and bipartisan. >> in addition, i think we not only need districting reform and term limits. >> far too many people go down to washington because they like being a politician and like getting re-elected. >> fitzpatrick has been representing bucks county. the election after hurricane saendz and measures put in place to increase voting accident, researchers found that camden county allowed emergency workers to cast votes electronically. look at this. people in washington are doing clean-up after a tornado touched down yesterday. this is in southwest washington
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state. buildings and cars were damaged. trees and power lines brought down. no reports of any injuries. >> let's talk about our weather. after a couple days of rain, i saw clear skies. i saw the stars this morning. >> it's totally dry. you can see stars. a few clouds but no sign of rainfall. we'll see our favorite star today, the sun will be nice and bright at times and enough to warm us into the 60s this afternoon. right now the temperatures are coming down with clearing skies during the day today. we're seeing 50s to start with right now. there's a line drive much center city from adventure aquarium. you can see the clouds overhead, scattered clouds. those will be blowing through the area. wind is still kicking, not as strong as yesterday, however. the sunshine is going to be bright as we head into the weekend, saturday and sunday looking for plenty of sunshine. another view from center city. we're seeing fewer clouds on this view from comcast center.
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57 degrees. this time of year we should be in the 40s. the clouds are keeping things a bit warmer. winds out of the north-northwest at 10 miles an hour. a little bit breezy to start with. strongest winds are in the pocono mountains where they're holding at 36 miles an hour. gusts in pottstown at 26 miles an hour. clouds blowing through right now. showers off to the northeast. we don't have to worry about those. we'll see enough breaks of sunshine to warm us up. future clouds showing by this afternoon, still some cloudiness in the area but no rain this evening. some scattered clouds moving through. delaware into south jersey. clearing north and west for allentown and redding. november night tonight, clouds are out of here which clears the way for plenty of sunshine for tomorrow. even though we'll get clouds and breeze blowing, temperatures will warm up nicely. middle to upper 60s.
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bright sunny skies and a chillier start, fewer clouds, 67 in the afternoon. breezy and 65. if this is not warm enough for you, hold your horses. come tuesday, 7 4 degrees, potentially 77 before the showers move in later on wednesday. >> no choice but to hold your horses on 95 right now. >> jillian mele has been following that. what are you seeing now? >> we have traffic crawling by the scene as we've seen intermittent closure of all lanes. this road was on its side. crews have quickly been able to get out there, get it upright and hooked up to the tow to get this accident clear. one lane of traffic is getting by us. sky force zooms out, you'll see we are dealing with a pretty big backup in this area that is still getting worse. it's still early, but as we approach 6:00, we see a lot more drivers on the road and you can
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see this line long of traffic. here, that's the delay we're seeing. that's all of those drivers having to merge into the right lane. we're dealing with a pretty nasty backup. . let's take you back to the maps. you have two options. route 1 or route 13. route 1 will be a little busier than route 13. but either is just fine if you wanted to avoid that portion of 95. if the mayor of philadelphia jumped off a building, would you? yes. said dozens of people who will follow michael nutter's lead. didn't jump. he's repelling in a safe manner. the annual funds raiser from outward bound made this happen. supporters that raised enough money repelled down logan square. mayor nutter made it look pretty easy. out yard bound offers teen-building events for teens throughout the district.
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>> outward bound changes lives. it brought me out of a dark time, gave me confidence and strength to believe that i could carry on and continue to make a dpimpbs in the world. >> it was a windy day yesterday for that repelling, too. the charity came up with this fund-raiser as a creative way to raise money after the philadelphia school district had to cut funding because of the ongoing budget shortfall. a call for action after dozens of local students' a.c.t. test went missing. this morning we're telling you what lawmakers say need to be done to keep this from happening again and what the testing company is promising those students. a live picture -- actually, video of new york city where we're following breaking news this morning. the doctor in this photograph has been diagnosed with ebola. in new york city. he's being treated at a hospital and health care workers are
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trying to find people who he's come into contact with. we'll have more.
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taking a look at news in our
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area, county by county. new castle county, delaware. emergency calls obtained by the associated press show 91 is operators struggled to learn where the crash happened because passengers on the bus didn't know where they were. some had to wait until they were transferred by ambulance workers. this morning a state lawmakers it demanding an investigation into missing college exams in delaware county we told you about yesterday morning. 18 a.c.t.s got lost in the mail. students took those tests at upper darby high school last month. they say a testing coordinator mailed them incorrectly through the mail instead of fedex. students can retake the test on november 1st. today leaders at rowen
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county in gloucester county, allowing high schoolers to earn college credit as they take high school classes as well. you're watching nbc news 10. "nbc news 10 at today" starts now. >> first, a new york city doctor just back from west africa has ebola. jesse gary is the only local reporter live at the hospital in new york finding out what's being done to ease people's fear. sky force 10 bringing us a live picture here of a situation that will impact the morning drive for many of you. jillian mele will have the latest on the situation on i-95. we're live on the scene in northampton county. after two days of west and dreary and depressing weather, we're off to a good start on this friday morning. a live look at the art