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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 16, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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treatment. tonight we're focusing on facts, not fear. so here's what you can expect from this newscast. we'll explain why the children's hospital could play such a prominent role if any children in this country get diagnosed with eebola. we have reporters in dallas and bethesda digging into how the nurses will be treated for the virus. we're looking for calls for travel bans to and from countries with significant ebola outbreaks and africa and tell you what happened when we tried to find out who's in charge of the ebola preparations here in philadelphia. this is news that is developing quickly. we have nbc 10 reporters stationed across the country from dallas, to bethesda, to right here at home. we begin with nbc 10's rosemary connors live at c.h.o.p. in philadelphia's university city. rosemary, you have been working this story all day. what have you found? >> reporter: well, renee, this afternoon we learned state officials here in pennsylvania asked administrators at c.h.o.p. just this week if they would be willing to have the hospital be designated as one of a few sites
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throughout the country that would treat any children who may become infected with ebola. the hospital agreed to participate. here at c.h.o.p. they have been training their staff since early august. they have been stocking u on the appropriate protective gear and they already have isolation rooms in place. a short while ago i spoke to c.h.o.p.'s medical director in charge of infection prevention and control and she tells me they're following cdc guidelines and learning from what's happened in dallas. >> preparation is key, and for us, really making our staff very comfortable and educated around the appropriate use of personal protective equipment, particularly in the removal of that equipment to do so in a way that does not contaminate one's self. those are critical steps to educate on in order to be completely prepared. >> reporter: the medical staff also continues to screen any patients that come into the emergency room at c.h.o.p. as they have ebola-like symptoms asking them if they've traveled recently to west africa. reporting live outside of c.h.o.p. in university city, i'm
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rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. >> all right, thank you, rosemary. well, it is no surprise that c.h.o.p. is one of the few hospitals nationwide prepared to treat children sickened with the ebola. the hospital is known around the world as a leader in medical bre breakthroughs. it opened in 1855 as the first hospital in the u.s. devoted exclusively to children. the first to train pediatricians. established the first intensive care unit just for babies. the first to separate conjoined twins and had the first vaccines for mump, whooping cough and the flu. hospitals with specialized care have been chosen to treat the two american nurses who caught ebola in dallas. amber vinson already in atlanta. later today nina pham will be sent to bethesda, maryland. nbc 10's nefertiti jaquez just arrived. what can you tell us from there? >> reporter: i can tell you the dallas nurse will be moved to the specialized medical facility
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here behind me. 126-year-o 26-year-old nina spham transported here. doctors will be providing her with state of the art care at high level containment facilities. she was infected after treating thomas eric duncan who died of ebola last week. meantime, we just got off the phone and have been able to also confirm she's been moved here from dallas because the texas hospital where she was being treated is having staffing issues because of the ebola case. hospital officials there tell us that this move will allow them to get ready for the next wave of illness. as we come back out here live in maryland, we can tell you that the nurse is expected to arrive here in maryland around 11:00 tonight. of course, we will be here monitoring the situation. and bring you the very latest at 11:00 tonight. for now, we're live in maryland, nefertiti jaquez, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. so how does ebola spread? the cdc says you must have
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direct contact with blood or body fluids of a person sick with ebola. direct contact means through broken skin or the eyes, the nose, or mouth. direct contact with an object like a needle or syringe that's contaminated with the virus can also spread it. infected animals like bats, monkeys, and apes also can spread ebola, but, again, only by direct contact. remember, it is not spread through the air or by water or in general by food. we have so much more for you on remember, we're all about bringing you the facts about ebola, not fear. look for our special section there for answers to many of your questions about ebola. and in just a few minutes, if ebola appeared here in philadelphia, who would be in charge? that's the question. the nbc 10 investigators posed to city officials. we'll have their response coming up in about five minutes. right now, we are following breaking news. broad street shut down as hundreds and hundreds of
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philadelphia public schoolteachers and others protest. right now, they are meeting with the school reform commission inside. nbc 10's lu ann cahn has been live in the middle of it all for several hours now. this is going on in spring garden. lu ann, what's happening there right now? >> reporter: well, the src meeting started about a half hour ago, but hundreds of protesters still on the street at the height of the protest, organized by the philadelphia teachers union. there are probably 1,000 teachers out here. inside, i would say it is even more raucus than out here. people are screaming and chanting "src is not for me." many signs here "ignoring the contract equals disrespect." this is the first meeting since october 6th when the src decided to end its contract with the teachers union. this teachers union says that equals a 13% pay cut for their teachers. they're being asked to
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contribute to their health benefits for the first time. this is what some of the protesters have to say. >> save our schools! >> we're the lowest paid teachers in the five-county region. other teachers on average make 19% more than we. yes, they pay into their benefits but they're walking home with a lot more money than we are. >> teaching is a never-ending job, 24/7. teachers take work home, take money out of their pockets to buy shoe strings, shoes, clothes for kids. it's a very big disrespect. >> reporter: some say, i believe, the teachers union believes the reason why the src had a kind of surprise meeting on october 6th was to avoid all this. to avoid all the protests, to avoid the public comments. well, the src has to listen to public comments tonight. 60 speakers, 3 hours of talking. and we'll be inside. of course, bringing you the very latest at 11:00 tonight. live in front of the philadelphia school district, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news.
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taking a live look now at boathouse row. it's a mild evening in philadelphia, but how long will that last? let's go to nbc 10 chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. what about it, glenn? >> well, renee, we're going to have a really nice day tomorrow, and then things start to change. we're seeing a lot more sunshine late in the day than what we saw earlier in the day. the only rain pretty far to the north and west. generally some lighter showers in berks county. and in lancaster county moving very slowly to the east. so most of us should stay dry this evening. partly sunny skies now. and, of course, as the sun goes down, the temperature will go down, too, but only into the low 60s by 10:00. 50s in some of the suburbs. but if you think that's cool, wait until you see some of the numbers in the seven-day forecast. that's coming up in just a few minutes. >> all right, thank you, glenn. vice president biden makes a trip to philadelphia. why he was in town, and the project that could mean new jobs
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in our area. plus, imagine hearing that your school is so overcrowded that your child and hundreds of his or her classmates could be forced to leave? that's the reality at one local school. we'll explain why. coming up tonight, our update on ebola including an interview with a whistle blowing nurse from dallas. the autopsy results are in here in new york, and they detail exactly what killed joan rivers. also, from the west coast, the discovery of an old sphinx. the only problem is it's in southern california. in pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware, count on complete coverage of breaking news, major news and weather. jim rosenfield and jacqueline london. tonight at 11:00. nbc 10 news. count on it.
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right now, vice president biden is heading back to d.c. after making stops in our area. he talked jobs and the economy. and he said a project to deepen the delaware river is going to bring new business to the tri-state area. nbc 10's deanna durante was there. >> reporter: the vice president arrived along penn's landing before noon. his rep says he wanted an update on the dredging project that began in 2010. >> from this port, products are able to reach 40% of the u.s. population within one day's drive. >> reporter: the project has been done in stages according to the army corps of engineers. this latest stretch, 2 1/2 miles between the walt whitman and ben franklin bridges. the entire project is estimated to cost $300 million and is subject to federal funding approval every year. >> we need this work. we need this port to be able to expand. >> reporter: the 100-mile plan
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deepens the delaware river from the delaware bay to just south of trenton. biden says because larger ships cannot access the ports here, they go elsewhere. now, with this ability, he says new jobs will come in the form of shoremen, terminal construction are, and manufacturing jobs in the area. >> it also increases jobs in steel mills. a lot of steel goes out of here. so you're going to create more jobs in pittsburgh. there's not hyperbole. you're going to create more jobs in pittsburgh. >> reporter: the vice president spoke to a small group of elected and union officials. he did not take questions before he headed to a fund-raising event in new jersey. he said the project here is not only good for philadelphia and pennsylvania, but new jersey and its home state of delaware. on penn's landing, dd dteanna duran durante, nbc 10 news. tonight nbc 10 is bringing you ebola facts, not fear. here's what health officials are telling us. there are no cases of ebola reported in philadelphia or the surrounding area. we wanted to know, who's in
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charge of philadelphia's response if ebola ever arrived here? today the city's biggest players in public health were talking about how to handle the most serious emergency. so we sent nbc 10 investigator mitch blocker there and mitch live right now at city hall where the hearing just wrapped up. what did you find, mitch? >> reporter: well, we saw mayor nutter was in santa barbara, california, at a conference, we were told he's on city business. this as some of the biggest names in philadelphia politics was here at city hall to discuss ebola and the city response. the health commissioner was here, so were members of the city council. the mayor isn't in town today. should mayor nutter be here to be a part of this discussion? >> i think mayor nutter has competent, capable commissioners that are better prepared than he is to deal with any emergency. >> reporter: it didn't seem to bother council member curtis jones, both answered the biggest of questions. if the worst-case scenario public health emergency happens in philadelphia, who is in
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charge? >> i guess our health department. >> reporter: if the worst-case scenario happens in philadelphia, who's in charge? >> the health commissioner. >> reporter: the new city health commissioner is dr. james buehler. he was peppered with questions from the council. >> if you had to give the public a letter grade, where would you be confident we are? >> i'd say somewhere between an "a" and "a" plus. >> reporter: he said the city is ready for the worst with 1,800 health care professionals on stand by and best hospitals in the world following strict protocols. still, questions. >> what would be the procedure, what would call the shots? >> reporter: one question made clear, in an emergency the commissioner would take charge at least until the center for disease control stepped in. throughout city hall, we found elected leaders with a singular concern on their minds. >> what if something happens in philadelphia? we've got to be ready for it. >> reporter: now, the city council members told us not to read too much into the fact that
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mayor nutter was not here. officially, he is on city business in sant a barbara, the builders and innovators summit. the mayor is looking for economic development opportunities here in philadelphia. for the investigators, i'm mitch blocker, nbc 10 news. the fight against ebola got political on capitol hill today. the cdc chief and other top health officials faced some tough questions from congress about the federal response to this crisis. the big debate over how to keep the virus out of america, a travel ban, or airport screening. members of the obama administration, the cdc, and the national institutes of health insist airport screening will actually keep americans safer. right now, five u.s. airports are screening passengers arriving from west african ebola nations. taking their temperatures and also questioning them. lawmakers are at odds over whether to enforce a travel ban. republicans including pennsylvania congressman pat meehan are calling on president
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obama to order a ban that would block anyone from those nations from entering the u.s. democrats like delaware senator who is the chair of the african affairs subcommittee says a travel ban isn't the answer. >> i think we need to do even more to ensure that we're fighting ebola at its source in west africa, to make sure all of our public hospitals, all of our public health facilities are fully trained and equipped and to implement more thorough screenings. >> top officials with the cdc say a travel ban is still under consideration. and a local emergency room doctor is going to liberia tonight to help stop the ebola epidemic. dr. trish is about to take off from philadelphia international airport. dr. hinwood, a bala cynwyd native, returned home in july to work at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. she tells nbc 10 she can't stand by and watch people suffer. >> needs to be more boots on the ground, there needs to be more treatment centers, more beds, more health care workers and
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more resources in order to actually stop it where it's starting. that obviously makes the most sense from a containment standpoint. >> really the true heroes in this. dr. henwood spent ten years in east africa. she'll work at an international ebola treatment unit north of monrovia, that's the capital of liberia. you'll hear more in-depth coverage of ebola concerns on "nbc nightly news with brian williams," it starts in less than 15 minutes right after this broadcast. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> well, quite a different day today than what we saw yesterday. and quite a different night tonight. and tomorrow, hey, even more sunshine. another mild day. temperatures into the 70s. we have changes over the weekend. some much colder air is on the way, and the other big weather story, at least in this part of the world, is a monster hu hurricane in the atlantic headed right toward bermuda. we have lots of sunshine, around a good bit of the area now. 67 degrees.
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winds west-southwest. and it's 6 degrees cooler than it was at this time yesterday. but then it's not raining across much of the area. you can see temperatures are still above average across the area. and that is going to change. next week is going to be nearly 20 degrees cooler than what we've seen this week. we're in the upper 50s in reading and lancaster. already cooling off pretty nicely there. and in the upper 60s elsewhere. we still do have wind out of the southwest. that's why it's not going to cool down tomorrow. sunshine and southwest wind. that will push temperatures into the 70s. and look at what is going on up here. in central canada, middle of the afternoon, it's even freezing or below. even for central canada, that is freezing cold. and some of that cold air mass is going to be headed this way. couple of showers into berks county. lancaster county. may get into lehigh valley. but not going to travel too far
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as we go through the night tonight. as you can see this on the future cast. not much in the way of a rain threat tonight, and no rain threat tomorrow. this is certainly a threat. hurricane gonzalo, and it is a monster hurricane. it's a category 4. winds 145 miles an hour sustained. moving directly toward bermuda. category 4 now. look at that. still a 4 tomorrow morning as it gets closer to bermuda. it could hit as a 3 or a 4. one of the strongest, if not the strongest hurricane to ever hit bermuda, at least in recorded history. then the remnants of the thing goes up into the north atlantic and may end up hitting england. in about a week. now, around here, tonight, chance of a couple showers to the west. mostly cloudy and cool. 55 for the low in philadelphia. 48 north and west. tomorrow, lot of sunshine.
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really nice day. highs in the low to mid 70s. and if you want cooler weather, you'll get cooler weather. saturday for our shredder event, looks dry. little bit on the breezy side. and then it gets cold. aids walk on sunday morning should be kind of chilly. but dry. and then really chilly monday morning, and a cold week ahead with highs only in the 50s and a nor'easter possibly bringing rain and wind tuesday and wednesday. many people found it distasteful. a convicted cop killer giving a graduation speech? how pennsylvania lawmakers are trying to stop this from ever happening again. ♪
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for the first time, we're hearing the 911 calls from a fire that killed the ceo of cooper health systems, and his wife. john and joyce sheridan died when flames erupted in the bedroom of their north jersey home. >> yeah, somebody's trying to get out. they're banging on the door. >> are you able to get the door open? >> not the door, they're upstairs. >> you can hear a neighbor describing to the 911 dispatcher what he saw at the somerset county home last month. prosecutors are investigating the fire as arson but still have not said how the fire started. a bill that prevents convicted murderers from speaking at college graduation wins approval in the pennsylvania house. >> goddard reawakened in me my love of learning. in my mind, i left death row. >> earlier this month, convicted cop killer mumia abu-jamal, just heard his voice, delivering a commencement speech to goddard
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graduates from behind prison bars. the bill now goes to the senate for consideration. and happening now, a lottery to drastically cut enrollment at philadelphia's palmer charter school. one by one, names are being drawn at random inside the north philadelphia school. more than 1,200 children attend the school now. only 6 75 students will be allowed to keep their place in the classroom. the school district is in the process of revoking the school's charter. it claims money is being mismanaged and students aren't learning enough. the school was being told to focus on fewer students. parents are anxious to find out if they'll have to find a new school for their children. >> it's frustrating having the whole idea of having her, you know, trying to see if they call her name, or if they don't call it. if they don't call it, find a new school in the middle of the year, find another school. it's just frustrating, period. >> catholic schools and charters have set up booths to recruit palmer students that don't make the cut. also to help families make the
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difficult transition. and now for a look at what's coming up tonight on the "nbc 10 news at 11." a school bus, car full of women, baseball bats, and mace. nbc 10's george spencer is uncovering new details about an unusual incident that unfolded on an area road this afternoon. that's all tonight an "nbc 10 news at 11."
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man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years.
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why would we give tom corbett four more years? breaking news now from dallas, texas. you're seeing pictures here from the texas presbyterian hospital where preparations are under way to bring nurse nina pham from dallas, texas, although you see people there holding posters. not sure what that's about. oh, posters telling her to get well soon. nina pham being transported from the hospital there in dallas to the national institutes of health where nefertiti jaquez is standing by live and will bring us that story live tonight at 1 1:00. for all of us at nbc 10, thank you for watching. for glenn "hurricane" schwartz,
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for all of us, i'm renee chenault-fattah. the news continues now with nbc nightly news with brian williams. president obama's meeting about the nation's bole la response. on our broadcast tonight, on the move. first one nurse, now the other transferred away from the dallas hospital where they contracted ebola, as the head of the cdc answers tough questions about the string of errors that exposed them both. the insider, a woman risking her job revealing what happened inside that dallas hospital. and just how unprepared they were for ebola. cause of death, tonight the autopsy results are out. we'll look at what they reveal about the death of joan rivers. and to the rescue, the scene that played out on live television today as viewers followed the flight of a bear cub stuck far from home, and one very worried mother. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this