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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  October 16, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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at 11:00 this morning, we begin with breaking news in the ebola crisis. sources tell nbc news that president obama is expected to issue an executive order today giving him the immediate authority to order u.s. national guard and reserve forces to liberia to assist in operation united resistance. that's the effort to fight ebola there. according to sources, no decision has been made but the initial deployment would include eight guard and reserve engineers and logistics specialists. while the initial deployment is a small number, it will be open-ended and permit the president to send additional forces as needed. the second texas hospital
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worker infected with ebola is now undergoing treatment in atlanta. the hospital where she works is admitting that it made mistakes. good morning, i'm vai sikahema. officials at texas health presbyterian hospital are looking over the protocol they used while treating a patient with ebola. chris cato joins us live from that hospital. the hospital's leaders are apologizing and defending themselves this morning. >> reporter: let's get to the apology first. in a written statement to congress that's being read right now in a hearing on capitol hill, the chief clinical officer for the hospital is admitting to lawmakers and to the country, we're sorry, we messed up, we dropped the ball on this one. in the written testimony, the doctor says --
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he sa >> he says they regret the nurses got ebola. we heard from a nurse this morning on "today." she says the hospital's infectious disease department could not tell nurses what protocol to follow. and she said the protective gear she was given was not adequate with the gowns and masks leaving some of her skin exposed. >> in fact, i will be honest. i threw a fit. i couldn't believe it. you know? the second week of the ebola crisis at my hospital, the only gear they are offering us at that time and up until that time is gear that is allowing our necks to be uncovered. . >> yesterday we heard similar claims. this morning the hospital fired back a response saying --
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>> they went on to address some of the specific complaints made by the nurses. 75 workers -- healthcare workers at the hospital are being monitored for signs of ebola. they are believed to have come into contact with thomas duncan. at 11:30, we will look at what action dallas county leaders are taking this afternoon to restrict the movement of some of those workers in efforts to prevent any future possible outbreaks and infections of ebola from spreading. live in dallas, chris cato, nbc 10 news. the new jersey health department says there are three new cases of enterovirus since last week. all three cases are in monmouth county. a 4-year-old died of the virus three weeks ago. learn more about ebola and enterovirus and how to protect
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yourself on our website at switching gears. the wet weather continued while we were sleeping overnight. a look at center city early this morning. there was widespread rain overnight. some of it was heavy, as you can see here. things are a lot drier out there now. a live look at center city. we have mild conditions, but changes are on the way for the weekend. nbc first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the forecast. >> yeah. the last couple of days have been up close to 80 degrees. it's going to be quite a while before we see that again. we see clouds around, but there is nothing on radar. those clouds will be breaking up just a little bit as we head through the afternoon. that will allow the temperatures to go up to probably near 70. you can see the rain, it's way up into new england. we just have some leftover clouds and the high resolution
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picture shows there are a couple of patches where there's some sunshine. but there's more cloudiness than sunshine across the area. that's limiting the temperature rise a bit. 65 in philadelphia. 61 in pottstown. 65 degrees in trenton. that number just came in. georgetown, delaware, 68. a lot of places will be getting into the 70s this afternoon. but it's still a good bit cooler than yesterday. ten to 15 degrees cooler than it was 24 hours ago. as we go through the rest of the day, we should be seeing a little bit more sunshine later on during the afternoon. only a slight chance of an isolated shower. so this is not a wet day. yesterday was the wet day. we have much colder air on the way, plus a major hurricane in the atlantic threatening bermuda. more on that coming up with the seven-day in a few minutes. sky force 10 was over this breaking news this morning.
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a deadly car accident on the schuylkill expressway. this was on the eastbound side of i-76. authorities tell nbc 10 a car swerved into another lane, hit a vehicle and went up a hill and then flipped over. police say the driver of that car was not wearing a seat belt and was killed. this caused a five-mile backup as crews worked to clear the scene. the road is completely reopened now. sky force 10 headed to where a pothole caused flat tires in at least ten cars. it was on the i-95 southbound side. no one was hurt when the cars hit the hole. penndot crews were called in to fix the problem. happening now, vice president joe biden is getting ready to speak in philadelphia. the vice president is at penns landing to talk about the important of investing in infrastructure. there's new information right now on a breaking news story we brought you from montgomery county this morning.
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a man surrendered after a standoff with s.w.a.t. officers. this was the scene around 4:00 this morning. police said the man refused to leave his home when they tried to serve him an arrest warrant. a preliminary hearing is happening now for jamal johnson, the fire lieutenant charged with impersonating a police officer earlier this month. johnson was posing as an officer when he told a woman that she would be arrested if she didn't perform a sex act on him. this morning please are continuing to look for two girls who attacked a student near temple university campus. this happened yesterday afternoon. the student was walking to her car when the teenage girls came up from behind and punched her in the back of the head. temple did not issue a text or e-mail alert about the incident. something at least one student would have preferred. >> yeah.
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because i would have taken a different way. i always think we should be alerted. it's better for temple stufrt d. the manhunt for eric frein is tavexing people's patients a the resources of several communities. police are spending money on man po power and overtime and equipment. he is wanted for shooting two police officers, killing one of them. police are looking for a man who strikes while people are sleeping. he hit 50 homes since the summer. the thief was caught on video. here he is. police say he looked for unlocked doors or open windows and then he steels lap totops,
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purses and cars. philadelphia teachers will hold a rally ahead of the school reform commission. teachers held several protests last week after the school reform commission terminated their contracts. the src wants teachers to contribute money toward healthcare benefits. the district says a change will put $44 million back into the classroom. philadelphia schools are getting a budget bump. the district is releasing $15 million to schools this week. the money is coming from new teachers healthcare benefit packages. a total of $43.8 million in new funds will now go to the schools by april. tonight in north philadelphia, walter palmer charter school will hold a lottery to see which students will be enrolled. after losing a funding battle, they must cut enrollment in half. tonight's lottery begins at 5:00 p.m. at the school on north 6th street.
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the man known as the blade runner was back in court. today oscar pistorius heard testimony from a relative of the late girlfriend. a diary written in colde. >> enjoy the milder temperatures. chilly changes are on the way. my seven-day forecast is coming up.
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the number of air strikes against isis has gone up more today. u.s.-led forces are trying to prevent militants from taking over kobani. fighters on the ground in syria say they have given the u.s. more precise targets in hopes of stopping the isis assault. the u.s. coalition has bombed targets near kobani 40 times in the last two days. court has adjourned for the day in pistorius' sentenciing hearing. a judge is listening to witness testimony before deciding what sentence pistorius should serve. the athlete was convicted of culpable homicide. reeva's cousin testified today. she didn't believe pistorius' apology. >> i feel mr. pistorius needs to pay for what he has done for taking reeva's life, for what he
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has done to my aunt and my uncle and the rest of my family but also to what he has done to his family. everybody has suffered here. >> closing arguments will be heard tomorrow. judge will deliver the sentence next tuesday. she could order pistorius to pay a fine and go under house arrest or she could send him to prison. a bizarre moment as last night's debate in florida is being referred to as fangate. the fan was sitting under the lectern of the democrat charlie krist. the incumbent refused to take the stage. both sides tried to spin the event in their favor. >> the governor of the state of florida decided that he did not want to give the people of the state of florida an opportunity to hear him if the other guy had a fan. that's what this is about. >> it was distracting. you could hear it in the microphones. what was more distracting -- >> the fan was distracting?
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>> in the hall you could. >> after a delay, the governor did take the stage. central california police department is raising money for a k-9 unit. some people don't agree with how they are doing it. this weekend they will ravel off a rifle, and a handgun during a halloween party. some say they are shocked the department would allow this fund-raiser to go on while others are in support of it. >> there's too many firearms out there already. i think they should have given something else. maybe cash or groceries. >> guns never kill anyone. my dad has a gun in his desk. it has never shot anyone. it's the people that shoot them for safety. i think it's good. >> officials say the decision to hold the ravel was made weeks ago. the police chief says the gun winners must go through a background check, a waiting
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period and gun training. the international space station is back at two hours after two astronauts completed a space walk yesterday. they repaired an electrical unit. they got to few the sunset over china. researchers in new york have cracked the code on secret passaged in the diary of a civil war officer. the diary isn't just unique because of how it was written but also for what's written in it. >> reporter: at first glance the diary from 1863 appears to be another interesting part of the collection at the state military museum. but the diary is unique. much of it written in plain text. other parts written in code. but after a year and a half of transcribing by a museum
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volunteer, the code is cracked. >> the only diary in our collection that has a code. >> we were just curious as to what it said. >> reporter: there are mentions of food, payment to soldiers and casualties. but it seems the lieutenant had a flare for gossip. >> there are pages in which he writes about a fellow soldier who got caught in bed with another man's wife. he writes about meeting the wife of a jefferson her looks that sy have been black or mixed race. his entry described her as dark collected with very, very brown skin, dark eyes, high cheekbones, wide mouth. he put those potentially scandalous thoughts in code because he would have to share his diary with superior officers. >> it would stand to reason that you call into question your commander in chief's personal
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life that you would get called out for it. >> the museum has no plans to put the diary on display. but it is putting an original copy and a transcribed version on its website. we had a lot of wet weather yesterday afternoon and a good bit of the night. things have quieted down. we have cooler weather coming in today. we have been up near 80 for the last couple. temperatures will be above average, but not nearly as much. it's going to be much colder as we go into the end of the weekend and next week, much colder than even today. here is some tropical trouble out in the atlantic and also some in the pacific. not threatening us, but threatening bermuda, especially. now the flags, they were blowing strong yesterday. not as strong now. this is a southwest wind.
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a southwest wind after rain makes it a little bit hard to clear out sometimes. you have to get rid of the low level moisture. a southwest wind does not do that. that's why we are cloud as at 65 degrees, fairly high humidity. ten degrees cooler than this time yesterday. generally in the 60s. only 60 in glassboro, which is one of the cool spots. 66 in atlantic city international right now. some of those places are going to get into the 70s. just takes a little bit of sunshine. now we're not going to be seeing the rain. that's coming up into new england. as you can see, it's not moving west to east. dry air to the west isn't having a very easy time getting in here. our futurecast showing nothing more than perhaps an isolated shower up north and west during the afternoon. generally dry as we go through the night tonight. a lot of sunshine tomorrow. tomorrow is just going to be a spectacular day.
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saturday, still looking pretty sunny. still on the mild side. but then colder air comes in on sunday. you can see overall, fairly dry pattern as we go through the next several days. we have that southwest wind right now keeping it on the mild side, especially compared to what's going on up here. this is in central canada. this is extremely cold, even for central canada this time of the year. a piece of that is going to be coming down into the country next week. we're going to feel it. we're going to feel waves at the shore related to hurricane gonzalo. that's about it. this is a very powerful hurricane. a category 4. winds, 145 miles an hour sustained moving north at seven miles an hour. the target is going to be bermuda. on the other side of the world here is ana, a tropical storm. that's approaching hawaii.
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we don't get hit in hawaii too often, either. here is the gonzalo track. category 4 close to bermuda. that is not going to be a pleasant sight. watch what happens. it goes into the north atlantic and eventually it loses tropical characteristics and hit europe and cause problems out there. today, clouds and a little bit of sunshine. a little more sun later this afternoon than what we are seeing right now. high temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s, depending on who gets the sunshine. during the day tomorrow, just about everybody gets sunshine. no rain, beautiful day, 73 degrees for the high. a little bit breezier but nice day on saturday, our shredder events looks like good weather. for the aids walk sunday more than, looks dry. but much cooler. look at the difference between saturday and sunday. that cold weather lasts much of
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next week. plus, we may have a nor'easter affecting part of the area giving us rain and wind in the middle of the week. >> it could be a breakthrough in a fight agaagainst cancer. what's happening to the plane that carried a woman infected with ebola from cleveland to dallas? we will have an update on its location.
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scientists have make a breakthrough in the fight against a highly aggressive version of leukemia. they reprogrammed a person's immune cells and put them back into the patient's body. 27 out of 30 patients in the study had complete remission. experts say they are hopeful the personalized cell therapy can help save patients who don't respond to stem cell transplants or other treatments. a new report shows a link between obesity and depression. in a study from 2005 through 2010, 43% of adults with depression were also obese. women with depression were more likely to be obese than those without depression. the researchers say it's not clear whether depression or obesity occurred first in the patients. they do believe each condition affects the other. in camden county, a flu shot clinic will be held told at the
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bud dubal senior center. it's from 2:00 to 4:00 this afternoon. there are more planned across the county through november 13. get the complete list of dates and locations on our website at we are following developments in the ebola crisis. the second infected hospital worker undergoes treatment in atlanta. more questions about how her dallas hospital handled the situation. we're set to take you back to texas coming up. facebook is unveiling a new fe feature to help people during a natural disaster. we will tell you how it works.
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a recap of breaking news in the ebola crisis. president obama is expected to issue an executive order today
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giving him the immediate authority to order a small deployment of u.s. national guard and reserve forces to liberia to assist in operation united resistance, the effort to fight ebola there. a second nurse infected is getting treatment at a hospital in atlanta. chris cato is live outside texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. you learned some new information about the first nurse diagnosed with ebola there? >> yeah. breaking news. this information coming out a few minutes ago. nbc news confirming that the other nurse who is being treated here nina pham, she will be transferred to a hospital in maryland to be treated there for ebola like we saw yesterday with the nurse being transferred from blas to atlanta to be treated. that news coming across minutes ago that perhaps later today the first nurse diagnosed with ebola will be transferred to maryland. here is what else is happening today.
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in 3 1/2 hours, dallas county leaders are meeting to discuss whether to declare a local state of emergency that would restrict travel for the 75 workers being monitored here, workers who came into contact with ebola patient thomas duncan. that meeting is taking place this afternoon. the hospital has advised the employees not to use public transportation. county leaders say they need stronger assure answer eer assu. we did hear from a nurse who works at the hospital. we heard from her this morning. she has been one of the nurses treating nina pham. she says the hospital's infectious disease department could not tell the nurses what protocol to follow when they learned that thomas duncan was being brought in. the protected gear she was given wasn't adequate and the gowns and masks left some of her skin exposed. >> in fact, i will be honest. i threw a fit. i just couldn't believe it.
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you know? the second week of an ebola crisis at my hospital, the only gear they are offering us at that time and up until that time is gear that is allowing our necks to be uncovered. >> remember we heard similar claims yesterday from the nurse's union representing the workers at the hospital? this morning texas health presbyterian fired back a response saying -- > >> they went on to address some of the specific claims made by the nurse's union. the big headline a few minutes ago, nbc news confirming through a government source that the nurse who is being treated here, nina pham, the first to be diagnosed with ebola after caring for thomas duncan, will be transferred to be treated at another hospital, this time a hospital in maryland. once again, we will likely see
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the convoy of vehicles, the ambulance, police escort leaving the hospital here, going to the airport and then a flight to maryland much like we saw with nurse amber vincent yesterday. we will keep on top of that and bring you those developments as they occur throughout the day here. live in dallas, chris cato, nbc 10 news. >> thank you. an nbc photographer who became infected with the disease in africa is tweeting his support for the infected nurses in texas. the frontier airport that nurse amber vincent took from cleveland to dallas has been pulled under service to under go more cleaning. it is parked in denver. frontier says the plane has been cleaned three times since vincent was on it on monday. it will be cleaned for a fourth time. frontier placed the two pilots and four flight attendances on paid leave for three weeks as
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extra precaution. in spain authorities say the nurse infected with ebola is in grave but stable condition. she got the virus while treating two priests at a hospital. humanitarian bob geldoff says the issue is money. >> they are not dieing of the filthy little virus in west africa. they are dieing because unlike in madrid and texas, they do not have the doctors, the nurses, the medicare. they are dieing because they are poor. >> the first confirmed cases of ebola in the u.s. is causing a lot of people to ask how can you get the ebola virus and how is it not spread? the cdc says you cannot get
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infected with ebola through the air, through water and through food. you can only get ebola by touching the blood or bodily fluids of a person sick with or has died from the virus. touching contaminated objects such as needles or touching infected animals, their blood, bodily fluids or meat. has a section devoted to the ebola crisis. you will find information on how the virus is spread and an ex explanation between quarantine and isolation. rain continuing to come down across our area overnight. a look at baltimore avenue and diamond street in clifton heights, delaware county. the rain was heavy at times. a different scene now. a live look at center city where the rain has moved out. temperatures are still mild. that will change in the coming days. first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz here
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now with the forecast. >> yeah. we have been up near 80 degrees for the last couple of days. near 70 today. we may not get to 60 many days next week. here is a beautiful shot at lake wallenpaupack in the poconos. in the distance you can see a lot of the colors, leaves changing real nicely. it's an extra pretty picture up there. most places though do have more clouds than that. the thicker clouds and rain, that's long gone. that is up toward new england. but we have relatively low clouds around, although the dry air is returning overall. we're not seeing rain with these, but it's still a whole lot more clouds than sunshine in general across the area. our futurecast shows the clouds breaking up a bit during the afternoon. we will see more sunshine. nothing more than an isolated shower to the north and west during the afternoon. but this is mainly a dry day.
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the clouds perhaps a little more threatening looking than they really are. temperatures in the mid 60s. the average high, 67. we're almost there already even with the cloudy skies. a little bit of sunshine will push us up to 70 degrees, in 70s in central and southern delaware. it is a mild day for this time of the year. with a little bit more sunshine, the temperature again could get into the low 70s. it's not going to be anywhere near that next week. i will tell you more about the big changes with the seven-day in a few minutes. we are following breaking news in bucks county right now. the pennsylvania turnpike is shut down in the wilkes-barth t. we're told there's a fuel spill as a result of this situation. we're working to find out how bad this is. we are being told that no one
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there was hurt. we will follow this story and bring you more information as soon as it becomes available. pennsylvania's chief justice says 234 pornographic e-mails were sent or received by a fellow justice. the chief justice said in a release that he sent e-mails to an agent with the attorney general's office who forwarded them to others. the matter is under review by the supreme court. the e-mails were discovered during an internal review durofe sandusky case. kathleen cane claims he sent more three dozen pornographic e-mails and received more than 400. he says he did not initiate any e-mails nor did he view any pornographic videos. he says his retirement is not an admission of guilt. we have new video of a
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s.w.a.t. challenge in delaware county. teams are testing their physical, technical and decision making skills required in critical operations. the challenge is being held at the emergency services training center. the goal of the event is to build unity among the teams. now to the casino crisis. more help is on the way for thousands of casino workers who lost their jobs this year. atlantic care medical center will unveil a new program today to assist those laid off employees. the hospital network will send half a million dollars to six charitable organizations that serve southeastern new jersey. regulators are ready to approve gambling on the social games you donelo download on your cell phone. officials say it's another way to help the struggling casino industry in new jersey. apple is expected to make
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another announcement today. the tech giant may have already given people an accidental sneak peek at the product that they will be introducing. we will explain coming up. the weekend is looking like it's going to be a split decision when it comes to our temperatures. a look in my full forecast coming up. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. we are following breaking news in bucks county.
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the pennsylvania turnpike is shut down westbound because of this accident. a jackknifed tractor-trailer. we are told there is fuel that is spilled there. we are working to find out just how much fuel there is there. you see workers on the ground there working to clean this up. no one was hurt we're told. we will follow this story and we will bring you the information as it becomes available. happening now, vice president joe biden is ready to speak in philadelphia. the vice president is at penns landing. we are taking a live look. he is standing there with senator casey and representatives brady and fattah. the vice president is expected to speak in a few minutes about the importance of investing in infrastructure. we will keep an eye on what's happening there. bring you updates as they happen. chrysler is recalling nearly 907,000 suvs and cars.
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the first part is for jeep grand chair key, chrysler 300 and don't chargers, challengers and durango model years 2011 through 2014. the alternators can fail causing them to stall. the second is for 2011 through 2013 jeep wrangler. water can get into the power mirror wiring which can cause a fire. none have been reported so far. a new survey find shoppers plan to spend more this holiday season, about $800 on average. consumers are spending more across the board on family, friends, co-workers, pets and baby-sitters. more than half say they will shop online and nearly two-thirds will shop at discount stores. finding deals is the top factor driving their buying decisions. the new iphone 6 has been a big success for apple. today they are expected to announce another upgrade to one of its products. experts believe it will be a new
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ipad. it will be faster and could include a fingerprint i.d. sensor. apple are keeping mum. they are not saying anything. today's announcement is scheduled to take place at 1:00 this afternoon. apple may have let the news slip a little early. look at these photos that were spotted yesterday in apple's user guide for its new operating system. they show an ipad air 2 and an ipad mini3. apple then quickly removed the images and is staying mum about today's announcement. facebook wants users to turn to them after a natural disaster. the site is launching a new tool called safety check. it allows you to notify friends and family and let them know you are safe. the tool will be available to all of facebook's 1.3 billion users. a new victim of identity theft every three seconds in this country. people think they are at risk because of the data breaches.
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the thieves steal identities and money through personal paperwork. >> you have to be dilly gent with paperwork and your statements and the credit card offers that you get as you have been in the past. people will get that information and will steal your identity. >> that risk is exactly why for ten years nbc 10 has been offering free paper shredding at the great shredder event. people can bring old documents with personal information like social security or account numbers and have them shredded before their eyes so they can stay safe from i.d. theft. nbc 10 and telemundo is teaming up with allstate to offer the public service at the great shred e event. it happens saturday at the wells fargo parking lot in south philadelphia. a lot of nbc 10 personalities like myself will be there along with experts in identity theft. we hope to see you there because it's free.
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what time are you going to be there? >> 11:00 a.m. >> that's when i'm going to be there. we will both be there 11:00 a.m. to say hello and to get our stuff shredded as well. we have cooler weather coming in today. we were up near 80 degrees the last couple of days. exceptionally mild for this time of the year. we have weekend changing. it's going to get colder starting on sunday. there is a monster hurricane in the atlantic, not threatening the east coast of the united states but bermuda. it looks like they will get a direct hit. we have a lot of clouds around right now. not any rain. 65 degrees is the temperature. the wind southwest at 14. humidity is still fairly high, especially low levels of the atmosphere moist. that's why we can't get rid of the clouds. ten degrees cooler than this time yesterday. the average temperature getting
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into the 70s for this time of the year. actually the average high 67 and we will be probably a little above that today. right now, temperatures in the 60s across the entire area. even the poconos, 62. doylestown is only 60. 61 at kennett square. a little bit warmer and sunshine mr . blue bell is 68. the concrete in big cities holds in the heat, personally at night. atlantic city airport, 68. we're getting into the low 70s in sussex county in delaware. temperatures ten to 15 grows co cooler than this time yesterday. with sunshine, we will catch up a little bit this afternoon. there is the rain we had yesterday. that's up in new england now. we do have the lingering clouds
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behind it. we're not expecting much in the way the rain. nothing more than an isolated shower north and west. as we go into friday, much more sunshine. temperatures up above 70. just spectacular day. then on saturday, there's a front coming down. that's going to cause the temperature to drop between saturday and sunday. saturday is still fairly mild. probably dry. that front comes through probably dry. the weekend means warm on saturday, cold on sunday. that's a pretty clear bet. we have the southwest wind now with a relatively mild air. unseasonably cold in central canada. some of this air is going to be coming down into the u.s. starting on sunday we will get a piece of that. next week will be much, much colder. here is the monster hurricane in
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the atlantic. 145 miles an hour sustained winds. that's a category 4. it is headed right toward bermuda. bermuda gets hit once in a while. it's a small island and a small target. to get a direct hit with a category 4 hurricane, that's really bad news. that should be coming tomorrow. clouds and some sunshine this afternoon. high temperatures into the low 70s. on friday, a beautiful day. lots of sunshine and no rain. no rain over the weekend either. much colder as we go into sunday and all the next week with some rain in the middle of the week. we'll be right back.
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in the last half hour lawmakers in delaware county gave an update of how they will handle passengers showing symptoms of ebola at philadelphia airport. monique was there. what was your take away? >> reporter: a few moments ago the press conference hosted by delaware county chairperson wrapped up here. looking over my notes, let me tell you what he talked about. he said as you know a task force was formed for ebola readiness in delaware county earlier this
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week. he has been in touch with the -- meeting this morning with the airport executives. they have quarantine stations set up at the airport. he says if someone exhibits symptoms of ebola comes through the airport, they are ready to work with the police, paramedics and fire. they will take over the case at that point. he told me that next week they plan to meet again with the task force. they will discuss the possible transmission -- this has not been confirmed -- that ebola can be transmitted to pets. he also said they have had meetings with the chief medical officer in touch with the airplanes -- with the one airport and the three hospitals here in delaware county. he said all of the hospitals are ready as of today they have added two people from the nurse's union, one person from a dean of a nursing school -- a local nursing school to that task force to make sure that
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nurses are adequately represented on the task force. he says the main purpose of today's press conference was to assure residents of delaware county that they are ready should someone exhibiting symptoms of ebola and then be diagnosed with ebola come through the airport or show up at one of the local hospitals. he was told by the airport executive that at this point, about 2,000 people travel through the airport from the ebola outbreak countries a year. we will stay on top of this story. any developments you can trust us to have it come your way. live from media, monique braxton, nbc 10 news. coming up this afternoon, at 3:00, "ellen" is new. then it's nbc 10 news at 4:00. letter perfect. the local mark getting a makeover. what tourists can see during and after the project.
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that's on nbc 10 at 4:00. then at 5:00, tough decisions. hundreds of philadelphia school students will learn if they get to stay at their charter school and why they may be forced to learn elsewhere all because of simple mathematics. at 6:00, lawmakers take action after convicted cop killer gives a commencement speech and how they are trying to stop felons from speaking in public ever again. glenn "hurricane" schwartz now here with a check of your afternoon weather. >> a lot drier than yesterday. somewhat cooler but still above average for this time of the year. a little bit of sunshine coming up this afternoon. a lot more sunshine tomorrow. beautiful day. nice day on saturday, too. then the cold air comes. unseasonably chilly from sunday through much of next week, including a possible nor'easter in the middle of the week. >> come hang out with us at 11:00 at the shredder event.
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thanks for watching nbc 10 news at 11:00. i'm vai sikahema. for glenn "hurricane" schwartz, all of us here at nbc 10, have a great day. rthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> aiden: yeah, hope, i know that you and sami are close, so if you need to be there for her. >> hope: no, it's okay. i was there for a while today. i plan on going back later. and she's not alone; she's with her mom, and her brother, and the kids. honestly, right now, i'm really looking forward to the picnic you're putting together. >> aiden: great, yeah, me too. i've got everything but the red sauce. >> hope: good plan. then... it's a date. >> aiden: yeah, i'll see you soon. >> ciara: what's a "date"? >> paige: yes, i'll be there. thanks. >> eve: i certainly hope you're not calling jj deveraux from this house. >> paige: i wasn't.