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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 15, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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to atlanta. she will be taken to emery university hospital for treatment. that is the same hospital that successfully treated two other ebola patients. ebola concerns were a factor in today's roller coaster ride on wall street. the dow finished 170 points in the red. at one point, it was down 460 points. tonight we have live team coverage of the ebola concerns but we begin with nbc 10's first alert weather day. our first alert meteorologists are tracking storms moving throughout our area. it could mean heavy wind and flooding. let's begin with meteorologist sheena parveen. sheena, what's happening right now? >> we still, renee, have heavy rain moving through parts of the area. heavy rain moving up to move into the areas that have seen a bit of a break. here's a look at the radar. not everyone is seeing the rain right now. but we are tracking pretty heavy showers through parts of chester and lancaster counties, earl,
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76, providence in lancaster county. this is all fairly heavy rain, too. the precip rate, the rainfall rate is around an inch per hour. we'll continue watching this as we go through the evening because it could cause localized flooding. in parts of new castle county near newark, we start to see the heavy rain rolling in there, middletown, seeing the heavy rain. this is all approaching river view. this is another batch of heavy rain that's moving in from maryland and as we go through the next few hours it will continue mostly to the north/northeast. they're moving at around 40 miles an hour or so. dover, you should start to see this rain moving in around 6:14, new hanover, 6:31, norristown, 6:47 and philadelphia, closer to 7:00. also flooding concerns through parts of the area. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is standing by with those details. glenn? >> that's right, sheena.
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the area that's been hit the hardest is about to get hit again with some of that rain that sheena was just showing you. you can see in lancaster county and in much of berks county, flood advisories till 10:00 at the reading airport. they've already had more than 2 inches of rain and more is on the way. here is the latest futurecast. you can see some of the heavier rain moving right through lancaster and into berks county. could be localized flooding. just in the next couple of hours as that happens. and this area coming into the philadelphia region, which hasn't had as much rain as some of the western suburbs. watch what happens late tonight and this is generally toward midnight, this is some of the latest computer guidance. it just shows another area of very heavy rain moving through in the middle of the night that could, again, lead to localized flooding. here's 3:00 in the morning and there's some more developing. it's tp)jt to take a while for this whole thing to move out of
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here. by 7:00 in the morning, it's just barely moving out of here. i'll be back in a few minutes with the seven-day forecast that has other big changes. we're going to go from really warm to really cold in just a couple days. >> thank you, glenn. stay prepared during any storm with our nbc 10 weather app. track storms and receive severe weather alerts while you're on the go. it's a free download that you can get right now on our website, tomorrow the head of the cdc will be in the hot seat as congress holes a hearing about the nation's ebola response. texas senator ted cruz wants a flight ban for countries affected by the ebola outbreak. the republican says his ban would apply to passengers that are not american. cruz made those comments before we found out an infected nurse flew from dallas to cleveland. tonight we have live team coverage on the growing concern. we begin with nbc 10's delaware bureau reporter tim furlong who's live in new castle. tim?
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>> reporter: that's right, renee. no flight bans here at this airport but more and more people seem to agree with senator cruz's idea. more and more people seem more and more concerned about this whole ebola outbreak. the 29-year-old nurse didn't have the ebola symptoms when she got on that frontier flight from cleveland home to dallas monday but she has them now. the cdc and frontier wants to talk to other the passengers. the mayor of cleveland, he wants to keep everybody calm. >> at this point, to the best of our knowledge, we have not had any cases of ebola in the city of cleveland. >> reporter: here at the new castle airport, no extra sense of panic from passengers boarding this flight. experts tell us even if this was the nurse's same jet, which itten is, it would be tough to catch ebola. >> people need to know is that ebola is a deadly virus, a scary virus but not a contagious virus. you only can get it with contact with someone's blood and body fluid when they are symptomatic. >> reporter: with each case, public confidence seems to go down, public anxiety seems to go
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up. some folks think the government is mishandling it. >> too many hands in the pot. i think you need to have one agency setting the rules and criteria and let them run everything. >> reporter: a number of people tell me while they aren't too concerned about frontier flights in and out of our area, they are concerned about flights from other nations. everyone says they just hope ebola doesn't spread here in the states. >> i'll do everything i can, if everybody does that, we should be okay. >> reporter: we have a frontier flight coming in here to new castle about 10:00 tonight. the nurse on that flight to dallas, 29-year-old amber vinson, she was making plans for her wedding, visiting her mom in cleveland. she own the other nurses all knew they were not supposed to use commercial transportation. they say she did it anyway. live in new castle, tim furlong, nbc 10 news. throughout the philadelphia region there are more
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preparations in case ebola threatens our community. last night there was a closed-door meeting where members of the large west african community met with health officials to discuss action plans and calm fears. nbc 10's lu ann cahn is live at mercy fitzgerald in darby, the hospital in the heart of the community. lu ann, you just found out what steps the hospital is taking. >> reporter: well, first i should tell you that mercy fitzgerald here in darby is in a unique position for a couple reasons. one it's very close to the airport. if somebody is identified as ill at philly international, it is likely they will be brought here. and secondly, many of the patients who come here are native west africans.ç >> because we are in this community we personally have a heightened aletter. >> reporter: dr. sharon carnie, the chief medical officer at mercy fitzgerald hospital in darby says they've already had an instance where they isolated a patient quickly until they eliminated the possibility of ebola. >> and because it is such a lethal disease, it is done up
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front, first thing you do is screen that patient. >> being scared is one thing but also pro-active is better than being scared. >> reporter: in the large native west african community, church leaders have been advised to tell those just arriving from their home country to take their temperature twice a day. >> so if people are wanting to come to church and they just arrived here, what are they telling them? >> i'm telling them stay at home for 21 days. >> reporter: that's the advice they receive from cdc and health officials last night and they're spreading the word through the community. they're creating ebola home fly kits for families back in west africa and they'll be testifying tomorrow at an ebola prevention hearing in philadelphia city hall. meanwhile, mercy fitzgerald says it's training and retraining in case. >> we're hypervigilant about staying in step with cdc. >> reporter: the hearing tomorrow at city hall in philadelphia is at 1:00. we understand the nurses' union from here will be testifying.
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the firefighters' union will also be there. they'll testify and recommend that two ems crews be specially designated to deal only with potential ebola cases and then we are being told the city will have its own press conference and reveal its own special ebola preparedness plan. we'll learn about that in the future. live in darby, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. >> thank you, lu ann. the delaware-based dupont company has tripled production of its hazmat suits in response to the world ebola crisis. the company's suits are manufactured in richmond but they use fibers and technology developed at the company's experimental station in wilmington. their suits are used all over west africa and the crews investigating the ebola cases in dallas are also using dupont suits. dupont tie-chem creates multiple layers of protection.
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visit for an entire section devoted to the ebola crisis. you'll find information on how the virus is spread and the difference between quarantine and isolation. and this just in, the new jersey health department says there are three new cases of the enterovirus d68 since last week. all are in monmouth county. 4-year-old eli waller died of the virus nearly three weeks ago, he lived in hamilton township, mercer county. as we told you earlier in our news cast, the ebola crisis forced ed president obama to cal tonight's trip to new jersey. nbc 10's jacqueline london is here to explain why our area are under a national spotlight. >> the first lady was here today to support democratic gubernatorial candidate tom wolf and to a degree, the election will be won or lost in philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs.
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pennsylvania has nearly 8.3 million registered voters. one in three lives in the five-county philadelphia area. the first lady spoke before a crowd of hundreds at a cedarbrook recreation center. michelle obama told the audience they need to come out in big numbers on election day. >> if you wantç someone who wi work to build the schools for your kids and create good jobs for your families, you know what you need to do on november 4th, right? you need to get out and vote. you need to get out and vote. you really do. it is so important, the stakes couldn't be higher. >> wolf is looking to unseat incumbent governor republican tom corbett. we checked with governor tom corbett's campaign as well. his office told us the governor was in harrisburg this morning. then he headed to pittsburgh for the rest of the day. tomorrow the vice president will visit philadelphia. joe biden will be in town for an event highlighting the importance of investing in america's infrastructure.
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the president will also travel to philadelphia to campaign for wolf before election day. he is planning a major campaign push in seven governors races across the country where democrats prospects are looking up. jacqueline london, nbc 10 news. >> thank you, jacqueline. a murder suspect so young, he's given coloring books in prison. what that 10-year-old told a police officer while being arrested for killing a 90-year-old woman. a man becomes stranded on the water overnight when his wave runner suddenly breaks down at the jersey shore. >> i did doze off. and suddenly jolt awake. >> i'm ted greenberg with how he was rescued after 17 hours. it's a first alert weather day. i'm tracking storms that are moving through the area right now. i'll tell you what to expect in your neighborhood in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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this is an nbc 10 first alert weather day. we are tracking storms moving through our area. first alert cheeft meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is working on an update. he'll bring us the full forecast in two minutes. we're learning more tonight about a 10-year-old boy charged with beating an elderly woman to
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death in northeastern pennsylvania. tristan corilla is being charged as an adult. he remains in county prison where he's been given coloring books. he's accused of killing a 90-year-old woman in damascus county. state troopers say the boy admitted killing the victim but said he was only trying to hurt her. >> didn't panic, except for when i plunged in the mud up to my waist. and wasn't sure i was getting out again. >> tonight, we're hearing from a local man who survived a 17-hour ordeal. he was stranded on his wave runner just hoping that someone would come to his rescue. he was finally saved after spending hours in the dark by himself. he told his survival story to nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg. >> no phone, nothing in my pockets. >> reporter: thomas graham found himself stranded on his wave
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runner with no way to call for help when its battery died on the bay. >> therein began my 17-hour ordeal. >> reporter: the wave runner broke down soon after graham went out for a ride from his middle township home around 3:00 yesterday afternoon. the 68-year-old navy veteran stayed on the craft as it drifted for miles, eventually ending up on a marshy island near avalon. >> i knew i had to pace myself. i didn't want to panic. >> i really thought he was gone. >> reporter: when graham didn't come back, his wife reported him missing, prompting a massive search for the coast guard along with state and local authorities. >> i could see all the searching going on. and they couldn't find me. >> reporter: it wasn't too cold but graham says he still had to deal with a constant wind. at one point, he tried to walk on the wetlands but instead, sank into mud up to his waist. after that, he went back to the wave runner and sat on it the entire night. >> i did doze off.
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and suddenly you jolt awake and your hand would reach for the steering wheel and, you know, save you from plunging into the water. >> reporter: the search ramped up again this morning from this coast guard helicopter, flight mechanic james caliendo spotted graham waving his t-shirt like a flag around 8:30 a.m. >> that was my big moment of relief. >> the best thing that gentleman did is stay with the jet ski. it gives you more of an object to find. >> reporter: he refused to go to the hospital after he was found. >> it truly was a miracle they found him. home, tired but okay, vowing to never again go on the water without his phone. >> always be prepared. i wasn't. >> reporter: ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we have pretty rough weather
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in parts of the area. first alert day is what we have, a stormy night. not just for a couple of showers here. gusty winds and also localized flooding. we have that area coming up from maryland. it is breaking up a little bit. not as strong as it was. we have a heavy cell in the middle of lancaster county that has already been hit hard. new castle county getting heavy cell there. as we look at the live radar, heavy rain in berks county. that's another place that's been hit hard. well over 2 inches of rain already. they certainly don't need that. western chester county also hard hit. see what's happened here in the last hour, thissen band of heavier rain coming right at the area that got the most so far. now, in the philadelphia area, we got a bit of a break. not the end of the rain for the night. look at this thing. there's that line going down through delaware. swing right up into the philadelphia area. there's more back to the west but not a lot.
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this is the heaviest at least currently. the flood advisories extend from south to north. lancaster county, much of berks county goes until 10:00 tonight as more rain comes in and the futurecast shows this first band moving up through bucks county and burlington county by about 7:00 and then watch what happens here. seems like it's tapering off, right? and that might be the end of the rain but, no, there's another area that may be developing here later on tonight and look at that, 3:00 in the morning, perhaps some of the heaviest rain in parts of the philadelphia area, including some lightning and thunder that could potentially wake some of you up. by 7:00 it's finally moving out of here and we'll be mainly dry for several days after that. right now, temperatures have dropped into the 60s north and west. low 70s in philadelphia, we have the 77 degrees today and that is
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way above average. we are still in hurricane season and this is hurricane gonzalo right in the atlantic. it was up to a category 4, 130 mile-an-hour winds. it's headed in the direction of bermuda as a category 3. it is expected to weaken a little bit but a category 3 hit in bermuda is still a pretty big deal. we'll see what happens there the next couple days. showers and thunderstorms for us for the rest of the night off and on, heavy rain in some cases and gusty winds. clouds and sunshine tomorrow, just a chance of a shower, nothing like the rain today. temperatures still well above that average of 67. friday, beautiful sunshine, well above average temperatures. pretty nice day on saturday. also for our big shredder event. then on sunday, look how much colder it gets. looks like it may be a dry weekend. sunned is way colder than saturday. then the cold weather lasts through much of next week with a
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chance of rain on top of that. >> i'm john clark. is help on the way for the flyer as they try to dig out of their hole. and why their coach may be buying them some gifts. that is all next. ♪
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there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree.
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♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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this is the xfinity sportsdesk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. i'm john clark, the flyers are winless through their first four games for the first time in six years. they have a brutal road trip coming up but help is on the way for the defense. here's braydon coburn practicing today. hopefully he can return saturday. he was hurt in the season opener. he logged the most minutes on defense last season. and last night, claude ("t á
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flyers lost their seventh straight shootout. they're the worst shootout team in the nhl since they started doing it. the shootout is like a curse word for flyers fans. some players don't like it but they'll have to get better at it. >> i'll start buying the boys gifts if they score. >> sometimes shootouts can be psychological. we know we have a ton of skill but for whatever the reason we're not scoring in the shootouts. on to the sixers, after the double-double last night, he misses practice with flu-like symptoms. hopefully he can play tonight. and boykin with the eagles, he says there's no bye week for education. sprins hall elementary school is teaming with the eagles partnership to tackle childhood literacy. he had to coach up the photographers here.
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>> take it and let's go. it's not like it's going to be hanging in the philadelphia museum of art or anything. it's just going to go in someone's office somewhere. let's get it done. >> well, chip, it is at the philadelphia museum of art. look at that. to the left. right next to a real work of art. nice job by the museum there. when chip speaks, everybody listens. i'm john clark from come sports net. we're right back.
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years.
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why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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last word on the weather. >> we still have heavy rain that's coming into parts of the area. and a look at the live radar shows that. there's some heavy rain in delaware and in places that have been hit hard already, like in chester county and berks county. the flood advisory already in berks county and more rain is on the way. but things will quiet down a little bit, get nice and warm, friday will be beautiful day, saturday is still relatively mild but then it's going to be like november.
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>> what a roller coaster. thank you, glenn. for all us of here at nbc 10, i'm renee chenault-fattah. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. on our broadcast tonight, another nurse infected with ebola. and troubling details emerging from inside that hospital in dallas as nurses across the country warn we're not ready. also, the flight risk. the latest ebola patient flew across the country before being diagnosed while she was running a fever. now the cdc and the airline are scrambling to notify passengers. out of the box, a big surprise from hbo that could be a game-changer for the way millions watch television. and crowning moments, some good news tonight. an uplifting story about a homecoming king and queen and a lesson in friendship in high school. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york,