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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 11a  NBC  October 14, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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right now at 11:00, new developments in the ebola outbreak. the disease claims the life of another medical worker who became infected in liberia. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. a world health organization says the death rate has increased to 70% and there could be 10,000 new cases a week in two months. today a u.n. health official died in a german hospital from ebola. he is 56 years old and he caught the disease in liberia. he arrived in germany last week for treatment.
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here in the u.s. a texas church held a vigil for nina pham. she's the nurse who became sick with ebola after treating thomas eric duncan. the priest said he spoke with pham's mother who said she's doing well. pham is in the isolation unit. researchers also are developing a vaccine for the deadly ebola virus. one that could become a reality in less than a year. matt delucia is live in center city where he talked to the developer of the vaccine. this vaccine is needed. >> reporter: it is. with the most recent outbreak and ebola now surfacing in the u.s., the research here has been put on the fast track. the physical form of this computer animation is what this doctor has been working on for the past four years. >> use that to immunize people
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against ebola and rabies. >> reporter: two viruses with one vaccine. the doctor is the director of the jefferson vaccine center and knows what ebola can do. there have been a handful of outbreaks in the past few decades but he never thought it would end up in states. >> i didn't expect it. there was a small chance that people actually may come here. but it's well contained. so i'm not too concerned about it. >> reporter: there's no actual ebola sitting in this research building. because jefferson is not equipped for that. research is done here and then it's sent to washington for testing. he says the vaccine would be used by emts, nurses and doctors who for now are faced with intense procedures to guard against the deadly strain. how long do you think it will take before it's available for public use? >> that probably takes longer
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until we have a commercial product for large-scale immunization. that probably takes one, two years i would think. >> reporter: ever since this later outbreak started over the summer, concern has certainly grown. so, too, has the funding. how much more cash is being put into the research? that's what i'm finding out coming up at 11:30. live in center city, matt delucia. human trials are under way in canada. health officials insist it doesn't contain any live ebola virus and no one is at risk for getting ebola. test results are expected by december. count on nbc 10 and for complete coverage of the ebola outbreak. on our website find a section devoted to ebola, including how the virus is spread. a live look at the city of camden this morning. we are seeing more sun today than we did yesterday.
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the real big difference is the temperature. the mercury will climb into the 80s today. bill henley is here with the forecast. warmer today. >> yeah. we are well on our way, well into the 70s. look at the sunshine. you can see shadows, gusty winds. bright sunshine illuminating the museum of art and pushing the temperatures into the 70s. 74 in philadelphia and still climbing. the winds up to 14 miles an hour. we will see stronger gusts this afternoon that may be closer to the 30 mile an hour mark. pottstown, 72. 72 in wilmington. northeast philadelphia is 76 along with autobahn, camden, 74 and well into the 70 for blackwood at 75. and still climbing. meantime, there's a bit of fog which we saw in areas north and west. this is the pocono mountains. this is the view which has been
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slowly improving there. the last bit of fog after very thick fog to start with at times visibility down to zero in the pocono mountains. the rest of the area, no sign of fog. just clouds to the north and west. sunshine, 78 at 1:00 today. by 4:00, we will be at 80. the wind will be gusting, southerly winds in play at 7:00 this evening. 75 degrees. most of the cloud cover has pushed to the north and west. this is part of a system that is going to bring us potentially strong storms tomorrow. back with a look at the timing of those storms when i come back with the extended seven-day forecast. two firefighters are hurt battling a fire this morning. one suffered heat exauctihauste the other smoke inhalation. it started in one house and spread to two others.
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>> thank god they got it under control. these guys are wonderful. i seen a couple guys go away on the stretcher. i'm praying for them. sg >> the fire forced nine people out of their homes. the red cross is assisting them as investigators try to figure out what caused the fire. delaware county detectives are trying to figure out if a fire is the work of arsonist. three people were hurt, including a firefighter. this happened yesterday. the homeowner stepped out to run an errant and found his house if flames. he believes it was set on purpose. the red cross is helping three people there displaced. in bucks county, investigators have ruled a fire at a dance studio as arson. nbc 10 told you about this as breaking news yesterday. it started around 4:30 at the bucks county dance center. there's a home inside the building. no one was there.
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investigators are trying to found out who set the fire. a deadly shooting in north philadelphia. a man who was shot 30 times was sitting with a woman when two men approached and opened fire. the woman was hit in the ankle. she's expected to be okay. police don't know why the man was targeted. they are looking for the two shooters. police in northeast philadelphia are trying to figure out why the owner of a barber shop was gunned down inside his business last night. the victim was found around 9:00. he was shot four times. he is listed in critical condition. the shooting happened after the shop was closed. no arrests have been made there. happening now, life in prison or a death sentence? the penalty phase is under way for the man convicted of killing a child and her grandmother. he was found guilty last week of the botched kidnapping and murder at a king of prussia apartment complex. one final witness is being called in the penalty phase.
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then the jury will deliberate. he has said he wants the death penalty. his lawyers say their client doesn't really want to die. to men charged with murdering a couple that hired them to do yard work are scheduled to appear in court. terry and justice are accused of robbing and strangling the victims in july. the bodies of the two were found inside their home in strawberry mansion. the victims had hired the suspects to clean up their property. the couple had known the one boy since he was a child. federal and state local agents will continue to search monroe county for eric frein. he is accused of killing bryon dickson and wounding trooper alex douglass. frein has been on the run since the september 12 ambush at a state police barracks in blooming grove. now to the casino crisis. the owners of the taj mahal will ask a bankruptcy judge to terminate its agreement with
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union workers. taj mahal filed for bankruptcy last month. thethreatened to close if it doesn't get labor concessions. we are following a serious accident that happened in the midwest. a tour bus crashes. several people are injured. we will tell you what led to the collision coming up. disgraceful olympian oscar pistorius is in court. temperatures on the rise. we are keeping an eye on the sky for tomorrow there are storms on the way that could turn severe. a look at the timing when i come back.
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president obama will meet with 21 defense leaders from around the world this afternoon. they will discuss the fight against isis. tracy potts has a look at what we can expect from today's meeting. >> reporter: defense chiefs from ten arab countries and 11 others meet president obama and general martin dempsey this afternoon. turkey is denying reports that the u.s. can use its bases for air strikes but says it will help train syrian rebels to fight isis. kobani is barely holding on. isis is closing in on baghdad.
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hundreds of u.s. troops are there. >> i believe the capability is there to defend baghdad. so i think we're somewhat confident in that. >> reporter: on monday, iraqis ab abandoned a base outside baghdad. the u.s. says air strikes are buying time to retrain the iraqis. isis released this video of an american after converting to islam. >> we haven't forgotten him. we haven't abandoned him. and we certainly do love him. >> reporter: the 26-year-old former army ranger was captured last october. he was in syria helping refugees. his parents got an audio message to weeks ago. >> he described that his time is running out. >> reporter: hostages, refugees and syrians at risk. the coalition needs to get the upper hand. that's the focus of today's meeting. bag here on capitol hill, the
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army's top general is telling congress he is concerned about money, about budget cuts that are coming up in the next year, year and a half or so that he thinks could affect the military's readiness to deal with situations like this. tracy potts, nbc news, washington. 15 people were killed by a suicide bomber who rammed a car into a police checkpoint in baghdad. nearly three dozen others were hurt and scores of cars and businesses were damaged. earlier a car bomb exploded near a bus stop. 11 people were killed in that blast. more violence in afghanistan. an explosion hurt two people in kabul. cars near the blast were damaged. today's explosion comes a day after taliban claimed responsibility for an attack on a nato convoy. kim jong-un is apparently well. they showed him smiling and waving as a visited a new
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residential complex and a science institute. he hadn't been seen publically since early september. it been reported that he may have been ill and his disappearance fuelled speculation about a possible power shift in north korea. hundreds of hong kong police removed barricades. the operation was the third in two days to dismantle barricades after two weeks of protests in the financial center. the protesters, mostly students, are demanding full democracy for the former british colony. angry student protesters set fires in southern mexico. they are demanding action after 43 students disappeared after a police attack.
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authorities are trying to link the missing students to 26 remains found in a mass grave. oscar pistorius is being portrayed as a poor victim ahead of his sentencing. that's according to prosecutors in a south african courtroom today. he was convicted of culpable homicide, similar to manslaughter in the u.s. in the shooting death of his girlfriend last year. this the is second day of testimony. today prosecutors cross examined pistorius' manager who argued the judge should be lenient. one person is in critical condition and dozens hurt after a double decker bus overturned this morning on a highway near indianapolis, indiana. police say the bus was hit by another car involved in a minor crash on i-65 in johnson county. the bus ended up on its side. more than 45 people were on the bus. frightening moments for
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passengers on an american airlines flight. the walls began to pop and crack. a passenger shot this video on the flight. he says everyone was screaming and shouting as both sides of the cabin started ribbing and tearing. they made this announcement. >> they peeled back the panels and checked for daylight. no oxygen masks. we're okay. we're going to keep going. >> the flight proceeded for 30 more minutes. passengers were in an uproar. the pilot returned to san francisco to make an emergency landing. no one was hurt. now call her mrs. clooney. she is back to work. she arrived in greece to a celebrity welcome.
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she and an author are in athens. they walked through a crowd of onlookers to speak to reporters. >> i'm honored to have been invited by the government to attend the series of meetings this week. i'm very much looking forward to it. thank you for the warm welcome. >> she's a human rights lawyer. a great pumpkin swiping all caught on camera. the kim family installed a surveillance camera at their home for protection against mail theft. when the huge pumpkin on their front step went missing, they checked the camera and they saw the crime unfold. the theft is causing young tyler to change his carving plans. >> at school i made a face for that pumpkin. i was going to carve it today. the robber just took it. so i can't carve it now. >> dad posted the video to
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youtube and called police. he's hoping to shame the thief from striking again. that was our sunshine that was missing yesterday but today we're making up for it. the temperatures have really bounced up. summer-like temperatures. we're well into the 70s. a few clouds blowing through the area with gusty winds. strong storms and more clouds for tomorrow. we are tracking severe thunderstorms in the southeastern u.s. that's a potential for us tomorrow. could bring damaging winds to the area later tomorrow. right now, we are watching the temperatures climb. clouds, sunshine, 72 currently in reading. philadelphia is up to 74. cape may, brilliant sunshine and 73. look at the clouds moving past. a partly to mostly sunny view. look at the clouds. they are racing past the camera. thoseerly winds.
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14 miles an hour with higher gusts around, gusting to 20 miles an hour in trenton. the winds could be up to 30 miles an hour this afternoon. a surge of warm moist air that will fuel storms for tomorrow. the storms right now are well to the south. heavy duty weather moving through georgia and into the carolinas. in fact, right now in western south carolina and north carolina, severe thunderstorm warnings are in effect. this is a slow moving system. it's not going to be here today but later tomorrow we could see the storms take shape. this afternoon, we will be in and out of the clouds north and west. maybe an isolated shower to the north. brilliant sunshine from new jersey and for delaware. then this evening into the early morning hours tomorrow, not a whole lot of change. you can see isolated showers to start with in the morning from philadelphia north and west. that's 6:00 tomorrow morning. look to the west and you can see the heavy duty weather that is
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going to be developing for later in the day tomorrow. that's 11:00 tomorrow morning. we will still see sunshine and it will be warm tomorrow. this afternoon, gusty winds, highs in the upper 70s to near 80 degrees. we will be up around 80 tomorrow. but then the storms move in late in the day. the chance of severe weather into wednesday night and rain continues into thursday. then we will be clearing out, drying out and cooling down. we will see a breezy day, sunshine, 71 after a morning low of 52. 60s for sunday and monday. >> thank you. surveillance video of a disturbing prank in new york city. who crawled up through a highway subway hatch and tossed a smoke bomb into a restaurant? more of this video coming up. a local hospital releases a new study about young pitchers and arm itchnjuries.
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♪ with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the power to do more. independence blue cross. live fearless.
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just about 11:25. we are hearing about stopping the spread of ebola, enterovirus and the flu. a new study finds smoking is still the leading cause of preventable disease in the u.s. the study suggests smoking is responsible for millions of major medical conditions among american adults because it affects every organ and organ
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system in the body. scientists estimate americans had a combined 14 million smoking-related ailments in 2009. complications from copd made up the largest portion of these illnesses. a spike in the number of chirp children exposed to liquid nicotine used in e-cigarettes. 2 srgs 700 people have called poison control to report exposure to the chemical. more than half of the cases were children under 6. health officials say exposure happens when parents leave bottles of liquid nicotine out and within research. new research finds young baseball pitchers may be at risk for painful and irreversible shoulder injuries. a study identified an overuse injury that disrupts the developments of the bones at the top of the shoulder blade which causes pain and swelling. researchers found high school pitchers who threw more than 100 pitches a week were more likely to develop the injury than those
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who tossed out fewer pitches. they were at greater risk of a rotator cuff tear after the age of 25. we are continuing to follow a development in the ebola crisis. another medical worker lost their life to the disease. an update on what's being done in our area. more officers are on the street in one part of philadelphia. we will show you where. this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose
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backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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just about 11:30. another healthcare worker has died from ebola. it's a u.n. medical official who came down with the disease while working in liberia. the 56-year-old man died in a
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german hospital after being sent there for treatment. he was given intensive medical care but no other details were released. the man tested positive for ebola on october 6 and was kept in a special isolation unit at the hospital. here in the u.s., a nurse who treated thomas eric duncan, the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states, has the disease. nina pham is in isolation in dallas. her mother says she's comfortle a and getting good treatment. they are keeping a close eye on her dog since it's possible for animals to have the disease. a doctor in our area has been researching the ebola virus for several years and says he's close to a vaccine that could potentially stop the deadly virus. matt delucia is live in center city. how has recent grown since this outbreak? >> reporter: research and testing of a new vaccine can cost millions of dollars. the work here at jefferson has
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been going on for the past four years. but within the past month, a team working on the ebola vaccine here received an additional $800,000 in funding because concern has grown so significantly. i spoke with a doctor this morning. he is the director of the vaccine center at jefferson and he tells me there's about one to two years away from having a working immunization but the hope is to have it in human trials by the middle of next year. there are three approaches being worked on right now by doctors in this field. doctors here are hopeful that the best one can be available as soon as possible. do you think that that will be a huge break through in ebola? >> yeah. because right now we have no vaccine. so it would be certainly great if we could protect the people, especially in countries with resources are limited and we really can't take care for the people as well as we can do it here in a hop. . >> reporter: there's no ebola virus sitting inside this
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building since jefferson is not equipped for that. the vaccine will be tested elsewhere. the hope is that with more interest then the research can move faster than expected. live in center city, matt delucia. >> count on us for complete coverage of the ebola outbreak on our website you will find a section devoted to ebola including information on how it's spread. checking out our top stories right now. two firefighters are hurt battling a fire this morning. one of the firefighters suffered heat exhaustion, the other smoke inhalati inhalation. it broke out around 4:00 this morning. the fire started in one house and spread to two others. no word yet on the cause. a deadly shooting. police say a man is dead after being shot 30 times in north philadelphia. the man was sitting with a woman when two men approached and opened fire. the woman was hit in the ankle
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and she's expected to be okay. police don't know why the man was targeted. but they are looking for the two shooters. dozens of people are injured in indiana after a tour bus overturns. police officials say the bus was hit by a car on i-65 in johnson county. the roadway was wet from overnight storms. we are seeing a mix of sun and clouds in the skies today after an overcast start to the week. here is a live look at the comcast center in center city. see the clouds in the background. we are tracking storms that could arrive in the next couple of days. bill henley is here with the forecast. >> the two are related. the storms coming tomorrow, the warm weather today and the gusty winds that are blowing the clouds through the area. the clouds are making some fast progress. getting a good deal of sunshine in between those clouds. the temperatures now 74.
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yesterday with cloudy skies we were stuck in the 60erly winds hour. blue bell is up to 73. collegeville, 74. pottstown, 73 degrees and climbing. north and west, clouds will stay in place for the afternoon. temperatures will make less progress than in delaware, south jersey and right along the i-95 corridor, which will see more sunshine. the clouds coming in advance of storms that are in the deep south. that's a possibility for us late tomorrow. these are slow moving storms, lots of rainfall with them. in fact, we could see one to two inches of rain with those storms arriving tomorrow. strong gusty winds. we are feeling wind tomorrow. our temperatures into the upper 70s to near 80. following the storms, it gets chillier. the seven-day when i come back.
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the national weather service is expected to survey storm damage in alabama to see if it was caused by a tornado. the strong storms rolled through last night twisting metal from a roof and knocking down traffic lights and power lines. at least one person was reported killed in alabama when a tree fell on her home. the winds knocked out the 911 system for a while. strong storms southwest across central illinois last night. trees s in half. debris was in the streets. roofs were ripped off homes. reports of flooding. funnel clouds and a tornado touched down in one area. no one was seriously hurt. a tu foyphoon has hit japan. it passed over the country this morning with winds of 70 miles an hour, more than 150,000 people lost their power. the typhoon's heavy rain has led to flooding. one person is still missing.
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one person is dead after an earth wake hit off the coast of central america. the 7.4 quake happened under water off the coast of el salvador. people in neighboring countries could feel the shaking. it hit in the middle of the night. many headed to local shelters. no major damage has been reported. but power was knocked out in the many areas. napa is still rebuilding after an earthquake in august. the bay area is in for make shaking. a new study says four stretches of fault are prime for earth wakes of 6.8 or more. according to the findings, the faults are expected to deliver earthquakes in the next 30 years. researchers monitored the search moment of the faults. >> the surface down there, it's getting more and more strained. eventually, it has a limit to
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its strength and it will break. >> scientists say the seismic record indicates the breaking point on all three faults is near and extensive damage is likely. police arrested more than 50 people in protests last night in ferguson, missouri and in st. louis. hundreds marched on the ferguson police headquarters and stayed for nearly four hours. that's how long they say michael brown's body was left in the street after the unarmed teenager was shot by a police officer. yesterday was the last of four days of rallies to express arngr about brown's death. the nypd released video of a man who threw a smoke bomb into a restaurant. you can see him popping out and lobs a smoke bomb into the restaurant. here is another angle from a second camera. no one was hurt.
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among the diners at the restaurant, rose mcgowan. police are trying to figure out how he got under ground and up through the grate. from delaware, the governor signed a bill this morning designed to improve mental health treatment. it will update mental health laws in state to modernize procedures, provide better protections to patients and make processes more consistent. combating crime, in response to concerns, the 15 police district is adding officers to expand their coverage across several neighborhoods. look at the area. city officials are saying that the 15th is the largest in philadelphia. it stretches from hunting park avenue north to ron street and then from the delaware river to roosevelt boulevard. this includes three sections of
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philadelphia. much of the crime takes part in the southern end of the description. more two dozen officers, many from a recently graduated cadet class, now call the 15th home. police brass say it is making a difference. >> i've noticed that cams for service, people aren't waiting as long for the police to show up on assignment. normally in the past it would take us an hour or two to get to some of those locations. now it's within minutes. >> the department is trying to hire 400 officers for next year city wide. they are hoping some will go to the 15th district. it appears the city of wilmington is ready to launch a homicide unit within the police department. this comes after an outcry from community groups. there are reports that several detectives and a supervisor will make up the new homicide unit. the fire department is growing its ranks. trenton officials will swear in
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12 new firefighters. 225 firefighters will now be serving in the department. today the city is promoting members of the emergency medical services, including its first african-american female captain. now to decision 2014. today is the last day for new jersey voters to register for the november general election. if you haven't registered, you can go to the clerk's office until midnight. here is a look at some of the big decisions voters face in new jersey. there's the u.s. senate race between booker and bell. all 12 of the state's congressional seats are up for grabs. there are two ballot questions, including one to overall the state's bail system. another would dedicate business tax revenues to open space. a flag fight involving one businessowner. a man is told can he not fly the red, white and blue and we will show you how he's refusing to back down.
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they are getting a workout today the flags with strong gusty winds. warm today and again tomorrow. then we have storms to deal with. the latest future weather when i come back.
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toyota is responding to ta lawsuit filed against the car maker by florida drivers
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claiming their dashboards are melting. they want toyota to pay for the damage. they say the suit should be dismissed because drivers' claims happened after the warranty expired. a new poll shows many americans see equal pay as the top concern for working women in the united states. the number of women in the workplace is almost on par with men. salary and opportunities for advancement continue to lag. opinions on the issue suggest growing pressure for change. american express and mcdonald's are team up to let people buy their next big mac or happy meal. it should be in all mcdonald's restaura restaurants by december. if you are keeping an eye on how much you are spending each month, you are not alone. two-thirds of americans are limiting how much they spend
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each month. that could be an unpleasant sign for the upcoming holiday season. stagnant income is the main reason followed by the need to save more. americans between 30 and 49 are the ones most likely to limit their monthly spending. that free offer is almost over. according to billboard, 26 million i tune users have downloaded the album in its entirety. the actual cd goes on sale today and features ten additional bonus tracks. there's a flag flap in florida after a businessman is told he has to stop flying the stars and stripes outside of his store. this started when a hardware store owner decided to flags outside the business.
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it grew. but a sign ordinance means the business could face fines because of the flags. that's not stopping the flag supporters. >> decided we will fly the flag in support. >> this is the american flag. it's not a sign. it's not an advertisement. >> the star plans to keep flying flags during business hours through veteran's day and for other holidays as well. a request for birthday cards has generated an outpouring of support for a boy with downs syndrome. he lives in utah. befs his mother got an idea. she knew how much he loved getting cards in the mail. she went on facebook and asked people to send them. the goal was 99 cards. now they are coming in by the thousands. the dad says the response has been overwhelming. >> italy, switzerland, alaska, a lot to not choke up and sit here
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and cry thinking about how much people actually care. that have never met him. >> amazing. if you would like to send a card, go to facebook and search 99 cards for rhett's birthday. if you have paperwork that you need to get rid of, we have the event for you. the return of the great shredder event in south philadelphia. we are partnering with all state to shred your documents to keep you safe from identity theft. it's for free. bring up to five boxes. mark your calendar for this saturday from 9:00 until noon at the wells fargo center in south philadelphia. i will be there from 11:00 a.m. to noon. rain or shine. we hope to see you there. we ran the chance of rain through the shredder. it's just sunshine for the weekend. but we are tracking storms that
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will get here before the weekend. ahead of the storms, the temperatures we're enjoying tomorrow. almost well into the 70s. storms later tomorrow could be strong. there's a potential for damaging wind in the area. those storms move through the region. right now 70, clouds thicker to the north and west. allentown has cloudy skies. breaks in the clouds blowing through the area. look at northeast philadelphia. 77 degrees right now. that's an 11 a.m. temperature. millville is at 71. brilliant sunshine for dell awa and south jersey. see the clouds moving past the comcast center. this is the camera on top of the lowe's hotel. it has been shaking in the gusty winds. you can see it just moving a little bit. that's a well-mounded camera. that's a 14 mile an hour wind in philadelphia. we are starting to see more gusts. atlantic city, gusts of 21 miles an hour. that's an increase in the last
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half anticipa hour. it's ahead of the storms that will be here later tomorrow. a very slow moving system. look at the weather, severe thunderstorms in southern georgia and the panhandle for florida. that's part of the same system that will be arriving in our area tomorrow. with it, more clouds but another warm day before those storms move in. we will see the temperatures pressing closer to the 80 degree ma mark tomorrow. at noon, the heavier showers are inland. we could have heavy downpours along with strong gusty winds and then on thursday, to start with in the morning, thunderstorm activity with rain slowly moving out later in the afternoon. noontime you can see the rain is still coming down in much of new jersey. enjoy the dry weather while it's here today. sunshine, gusts of wind blowing the clouds through, upper 70s to near 80 today.
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tomorrow, another warm start. 65 in the morning. 80 early in the afternoon before the storms roll in later in the day. threat of strong storms into wednesday night and early thursday morning. then we are tracking rain. the steadiest rany esiest rain morning and end the day dry. there's your shredder forecast for saturday. 71 degrees, breezy but sunshine. monday afternoon, just 62 degrees. we'll be right back.
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guess what? another round of voting is under way for the high school blitz. here are the choices for this friday's game of the week. the game with the most votes will be featured on the high school blitz which happens every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. coming up at 3:00, "ellen" is all new.
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her wife is there with the secret she won't spill even to ellen. then it's nbc 10 news at 4:00, battling blight and more. one city's goal to eliminate hundreds of eyesores and their plans don't stop there. that's this afternoon on nbc 10 news at 4:00. then on nbc 10 news at 5:00, leaving the car at home. new information is out showing fewer young people behind the wheel. what that means for urban planning and whether our area appears to be listening to what the next generation is saying. coming up on nbc 10 news at 6:00, should you be able to buy booze while watching youth sports in thsport spor sports? that debate is under way in one local community. to an update on our top stories. new developments in the ebola outbreak. the disease claims the life of another medical worker who became infected in lee beer ya. a u.n. health official died in a german hospital from ebola. he is 56 years old and he caught the disease while he was in liberia. he arrived in germany for
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treatment last week. he was the third ebola victim to be sent to germany for treatment. now bill henley with a check of this afternoon's forecast. >> enjoy this nice weather. lots of sunshine. still clouds blowing through the area thanks to gusty winds. that's the view looking across the delaware from the lowe's hotel in center city. the gusts up to 24 miles an hour in philadelphia. the temperature just moved up to 75 degrees. it's still climbing. we are running 12 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time. we are watching the humidity come down. that's going to stay lower today, this afternoon with temperatures topping out at the 80 degree mark. it's 77 in northeast philadelphia. despite a cloudy sky in allentown, now 74 there. atlantic city, dover enjoying sunshine and 74 degrees and 75 right now in wildwood. we will watch the temperatures climb. upper 70s and low 80s.
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it won't go a lot warmer than right now because of the clouds that are moving through with the winds. winds are already gusting to 25 miles an hour in some isolated spots it might go higher than that. strong storms possible later tomorrow. we will start the day off quiet. could see spotty showers north and west. then storms come through late wednesday into early thursday and still some rain. the steadiest rain thursday morning before things dry out late in the day thursday. then the cooler weather ahead. we should be in the upper 60s this time the year. today and tomorrow, nowhere near that number. still in spite of the rain here on thursday, the temperatures will be a little bit above normal. >> it looks like it's going to be great weather saturday for the shredder event. a lot of us will be working. >> a little breezy. you will run down the paper. >> good enough. thank you, bill. i'm vai sikahema. for bill henley, all of us here at nbc 10, have a great day.
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>> abigail: [sighs] oh, god. this is amazing. [laughs] hey, guys. i just had my best run since i've--i've... what's going on? >> jennifer: um... >> abigail: what's up? >> jennifer: we just got some news, honey. unexpected news. about ej. >> daniel: what the hell is it with you? you stop talking to me. you treat me like dirt. i'll never be your friend. you never wanna see me again. and then you send me this text. "i'm so sorry"? what kind of game are you playing, jonas? >> daniel: okay, wh--you don't know? >> nicole: know what? >> daniel: nicole, last night... ej died.