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tv   NBC 10 News at 9am  NBC  October 11, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT

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us we are seeing a good amount of rain. especially if you're closer to millville where the precipitation rate is half an inch an hour. as we approach the rest, late morning hours, we'll continue to see the rain moving in from the west. our current temperature right now at 53 degrees. we are going to struggle like we mentioned to get out of the 50s, low 60s on tap for us today. 62 degrees our daytime high for philadelphia. i'll let you know what to expect for tomorrow. rosemary? >> thanks, brittney. new from overnight, police are investigating a deadly shooting in north philadelphia. nbc10 was on the scene at 25th and nicholas street shortly after the shooting happened around 12:30 this morning. police tell us the victim was in a moving car when he was shot six times in the chest. so far they have not made any arrests.
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philadelphia international is not included because few if any travelers from west africa arrive here. health workers at those five other airports will use no-touch thermometers to check those passengers for a fever. those with high temperatures will be interviewed and quarantined if necessary. they will focus on travelers flying from liberia and sierra leone and guinea. new jersey health officials ordered the nbc news crew exposed to a freelance cameraman with ebola be quarantined until october 22nd. it was a voluntary 21-day isolation agreement was violated. officials say the nbc crew which includes medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is showing no symptoms of the virus. new numbers on the virus is
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out from the world health organization. they though that more than 4,000 people have died from this outbreak in west africa. in total there are nearly 8400 confirmed cases of the virus. a u.n. special envoy says the world response needs to be 20 times greater than what it was at the beginning of october. and as for that nbc freelance cameraman who is being treated in nebraska, his condition has slightly improved. today in center city, philadelphia, the ebola crisis will continue to be a main topic at the infectious disease conference. the event has been going on all week at the pennsylvania convention center. leading authorities and doctors from around the country on ebola, enterovirus and hiv are in philly for the conference. on our website you can read more about the ebola outbreak and get answers to your questions, go to now to some consumer news. another major retailer says it's
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had hackers. kmart shoppers may have been compromised. matt delucia is outside the kmart store in port richmond. matt, what is kmart doing to help customers that may be effected? >> reporter: rosemary, the company said they have removed the malicious software from the computer system but not before some credit and debit card numbers were compromised. that happened between september and up until this past thursday. now, there are 31 kmart stores in our area. sears holdings from which operates kmart says thursday i.t. department detected the breach of the payment data systems. right now it is unclear exactly how many customers were effected. based on the company's internal investigation so far, no pin numbers, e-mail addresses, or social security numbers appear to have been obtained be i the hackers. and there is no evidence that shoppers were effected.
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of course, several big u.s. companies have been nut news lately hit by hackers including target, home depot, dairy queen, acme, and neiman-marcus. one shopper we spoke with says he knows what the hackers can do. they got his card number during the home depot breach. >> it's the world we live in today. people try to make money. >> i'm hoping they're taking the proper measures to secure their system where people will not be effected by this again, and hopefully they can put a cap on it or make sure everything is okay. so you never know. >> all right. so i've been looking into this all morning. here's what i found. sears says kmart is working with federal law enforcement and banks during this investigation. and they also say they are deploying software to protect customer information. as we look live in port richmond, you see customers are going into kmart as they open this morning. the company is offering free
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credit monitoring if you shopped at one of these stores from september up and through this past thursday. again, this is a nationwide issue. but what are banks and credit card companies doing now to enhance the security of your cards? i'm looking into that. part of the story coming up at 9:30. live in port richmond this morning, i'm matt delucia, nbc10 news. new this morning, hundreds of x-rated images and video clips from a state investigation is in the hands of a pennsylvania chief judge. according to attorney general kathleen kane koz dozens of current and former employees in her office either sent or received inappropriate e-mails. the chief justice has asked for any material related to judges. after the material is reviewed, the state supreme court will consider taking action. there are new developments in a north jersey hazing case that cost a high school football team their season. late last night authorities in middlesex county announced criminal charges against seven
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teenagers from zayreville war memorial hospital. investigators say in at least one hazing incident a victim was held dpains his will and touched in a sexual manner. earlier this week the school superintendent canceled the rest of the football season. as you can imagine, parents are trowelled by the allegations. >> i played sports in college. some hazing goes on. nothing like what i heard that happened here. >> according to investigators there are four victims in four separate incidents. they happened last month. the teen suspects are being held until a judge decides when they can be released to their parents. former philadelphia mob boss is back in town and he could return to prison if a federal judge rules that he violated his probation while living in florida. he made an appearance at the federal courthouse yesterday. he served 12 years for racketeering and was days away from finishing three years of supervised release when prosecutors claim he violated
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his probation by meeting with a convicted mob member. his lawyer says any such meeting happened by chance. a decision could come in the next couple of weeks. pennsylvania game officials say that hunters may now return to some parts of the poconos that were previously off limits because of the police manhunt for eric frein. that search is now in its 29th day. frein is accuse of shooting two pennsylvania state trooper, killing one of them. parts of pike and monroe counties remain closed for hunting while the search for frein continues. now to atlantic city casino crisis. there are no new talks scheduled after yesterday's bargaining session between the tump taj mahal union and the bank owner. both sides are trying to find a way to keep it open. billionaire carl icahn indicated he could help save the gaming hall by providing a $100 million bailout with conditions. icahn is the main lender to the bankrupt trump entertainment resorts which has threatened to
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close the taj next month. the offer has been met with criticism. the union as well as state officials blasted icahn for what they say is his role in the crisis. not to the contract dispute between septa and the union representing the train engineering. president obama will send a second emergency board of mediators to philadelphia to resolve their differences and stave off a strike. both sides had been facing an october 12th deadline to reach an agreement but this move will provide an extension. now, the earliest that workers would be able to go on strike is february 2015. we're told that talks are ongoing between both sides. the new panel will be officially established on monday. new this morning. we've learned that president obama will be in north jersey next week for a fund-raiser. the white house says that the president will be in the city of union on wednesday for a democratic senatorial commit key event. new jersey senator cory booker is running for re-election against republican jeff bell.
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on thursday vice president joe biden will be in philadelphia, he will speak at an event urging investment in america's infrastructure. the white house has not yet released information on his visit, when and where he will appear. still ahead, a weekend of resistance. hunts take to the streets of missouri, protesting police shootings. it comes two months after the death of an unarmed teenager. a worldwide warning. more on the alert federal officials are issuing to travelers about the risk of a terror plot by isis.
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at 9:10 this morning, here is a live look at the pocono mountains. cloudy and sock gi out fl at these unfortunate conditions. eventually this weather will clear out.
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we will have some sun back in the forecast by tomorrow. mix of sun and clouds. meteorologist britity shipp will have the details coming up. this weekend hundreds of people are in missouri to protest shootings involving police officers including the one thatteded in the death of 18-year-old michael brown. demonstrators marched through the streets of ferguson last night and ended up at the police station where officers stood in riot gear in case of violence. the protests remained peaceful. it has been two months since michael brown, an unarmed african-american teenager, was shot and killed by a police officer here. a grand jury is reviewing that case. also, earlier this week there was another police-involved shooting nearby in the city of st. louis. a protest there is planned for later today. new documents reveal a colorado student who shot a classmate to death before killing himself, bent on revenge for being bullied as a child.
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carl pearson wrote in his diary that he was a psychopath with a superiority complex. the shooter took his own life as security officers closed in. according to police, pearson held a grudge against his debate coach and was targeting him when he entered the school with a shotgun, machete, homemade bomb, and dozens of rounds of ammunition. this morning there are new questions about the safety of new york city subway system because last night a man was able to go under ground, emerge through a sidewalk grate and throw a smoke bomb in a crowd of restaurant diners. he retreated through the same grate. nobody was hurt. police have not said how they he he was aebl to get under ground a up through that grate. a new technology warning. the state department has renewed the global terrorism alert. officials say they are guarding against the risk of revenge attacks from isis and its
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supporters. the u.s. and coalition partners are striking the military group right now in iraq and in syria. the alert replaces a previous warning that was issued in april. stopping isis is certainly at the top of defense secretary chuck hagel's list. he's questioning turkey's level of commitment in the fight. traveling in colombia hagel said the u.s. wants to know how far turkey is willing to go to help to train and equip syrian fighters. it's still unclear if the country is willing to conduct the traping on its own soil. >> would they be willing to provide training locations? as you know, saudi arabia has already committed and we have other countries that have offered sites as well. >> syrian rebel fighters that hagel wants turkey to train are currently trying to overthrow the regime of syrian president bashar al hassan. and the fighting continues.
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new video reportedly shows isis militants fighting against kurdish forces in the syrian town of cobkobani yesterday. it was posted on social media. nbc news has been unable to independently verify it. now to news out of indiana. the parents of an indiana man being held captive by isis hosted a prayer service with the islamic society of north america. the service brought together kassig's family, friends, and supporters yesterday. they prayed for his safe return and honored his role as an aide worker. he was taken captive last october and threaten we'd the beheading in an isis video released earlier this month. tense moments at one zoo where a toddler fell ten feet into a jaguar's den. how zookeepers were able to febd off the cats and rescue the boy. it's a dreary start to the
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weekend. as we head into the afternoon, things will improve. we'll let you know what to expect as we head into sunday. that's coming up in my first alert forecast.
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hi, are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. good morning. if you're heading out the door, grab the umbrella. you will need it for the next few hours. we are seeing a rainy start to your weekend. things will clear up as we head into your early afternoon hours and in time for the eagles game tomorrow evening. we're also tracking a warm-up.
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we'll head close to the 80s once again in our seven-day forecast. here's a look outside. you can see the low-hanging clouds. visit is down. rainfall continues to move through our entire area. light rain right now in philadelphia at the airport. 53 degrees. we're going to continue to see well below average temperatures again. both today heading into tomorrow. so we're only going to warm into the high 50s, low 60s today. our humidity is up. our wind speed out of the northeast at 13 miles per hour. temperatures throughout the rest of the area, 45 degrees. and the poconos, 53 in wilmington. we're at 51 in glassboro. 54 in atlantic city. 57 in stone harbor. and at dover right now, 54 degrees. it's a relatively mild start. we're going to continue to see our temperatures stay well below that average. 51 in reading currently. at 49 in kennett square. look at other locations like trenton, in the low 50s. closer to the shore, 57 degrees in avalon. 61 in lieu wis.
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our visibility shows it's down to about three miles in reading. down to five miles in pottstown. thorn, philadelphia. just take it easy if you have to head out in the next few minutes. we're going to see wet roads, foggy conditions and then we continue to see light rainfall throughout most of the area. for philadelphia and stretching into north town. light rain. if i fly you down here this is where the rainfall picks up in intensity. closer to atlantic city closer to the north of cape may where a moderate rainfall. that's going to continue as we head into the rest of your morning hours. so a soggy start to the morning. all the rain is moving in from the west. and we should see a little bit more clearing by 1:00 p.m. this entire frontal boundary stretches all of the way to texas but we'll continue to see the rainfall only until about 11:00 a.m. then once we get closer to 1:00, you will notice most of the rain has moved off to the east and offshore. we will start to see a little bit more clearing with our clouds as we head into your evening hours. so tonight, we'll see cool
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conditions settling in throughout most of the region but effort poconos where temperatures will drop down to the low even the mid 30s. frost advisory is in effect for sunday from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. right now that is mainly confined to the poconos. if you have any sensitive plants outside, cover them up. well below the average of 69 degrees. range between 60 and 63. gradual drying as we head into the afternoon. and your eagles forecast if you're heading out to the game tomorrow, you still need a jacket. our temperatures at 58 degrees by 8:30. by 11:00 p.m., mid 50s. still going to be a nice day, especially compared to today. tomorrow's high, tapping out at 64 degrees. then we start to warm things up. high pressure rebuilds. 71 degrees on your monday for columbus day. look at tuesday, high 70. we track another chance of shower wednesday and thursday. don't forget you can get weather updates any time over the weekend with the nbc10 first alert weather app. just go to our website
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for a free download for your smartphone or tablet. let's look at wednesday's child. he's a teen with a great passion for sports and looking for a forever family to help make his dreams come true. nbc10's jacqueline london introduces us to nasir. >> reporter: 16-year-old nasir loves boxing and his hero is unified world champion danny garcia. so we heeded to the boxing gym to meet the champ. >> nice to meet you, man. >> how are you doing? everything good? everything god? >> absolutely. >> reporter: nasir was a natural in the gym. >> he's a natural right here. he might take it to the next level. >> reporter: he picked up some moves, got a tour of the facility and learned some life lessons. >> you have to leave a clean life, you have to work hard, you have to be disciplined. >> reporter: nasir is a funny teenager who loves playing sports and has a good time. >> we like to play all sports except hockey.
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i cannot ice skate. it's terrible. >> he has a good sense of humor. he is very shy when you first meet him. but then as he feels more comfortable he can really become the life of the party. >> reporter: he wants to be able to share that playful side with a forever family. >> when i think about family i think about having a father. >> reporter: the ideal family would pro provide structure and help nasir reach his goal. >> i think a family first of all that can give him some structure and a family that can really help him stay focused. >> reporter: he would make a great addition to a loving home. >> thank you, man. stay focused. do what you do. work hard. tunnel vision, work hard. you will be okay. >> reporter: nasir is this week's wednesday's child. >> good advice. you can make the dream of a forever family come true, sponsored by the dave thomas foundation. go to our website and search wednesday's child or call the national adoption center at
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1-866-do-adopt. cruel punishment. that's how one woman describes the last 17 years of her life locked away from prison for a crime she did not commit. but now she is free. we'll have more on her relief, next. latte or au lait? cozy or cool?
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exactly the way you want it... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on our most popular bed. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store.
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right now save $400 on our most popular bed, plus 36-month special financing. hurry ends columbus day. know better sleep with sleep number. this morning a 3-year-old boy is in critical condition after falling into a jaguar exhibit in little rock zoo in arkansas. the boy's grandfather decided to put him on a railing yesterday morning and the child fell ten feet. the zoo staff used fire extinguishers to keep the jaguars away while they pulled the toddler to safety. the boy suffered a skull fracture, puncture wounds and to
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his scalp. some of the animals caused the injuries. the zoo is now investigating the incident. a california woman is back home this morning 17 years after she was sentenced to life in prison. >> conviction is overturned, and as to ms. melon, the case is dismissed. >> susan marie melon was convicted of murder in 1998, the case against her was based on a witness that the judge ultimately determined was a habitual liar. melon says that she would cry every night in prison but never lost faith and even wrote the words "freedom" on the bottom of her shoes because she noo she would walk free one day. she adds that she harbors no ill will to those who put her behind bars. cyber crooks take aim at another retail store. matt delucia is live with more. matt? >> reporter: we've been talking with customers getting their reaction and also looking into what credit card companies and banks are doing now to try to
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enhance security. ville that coming up right after the break. and the rain continues to come down. plus, we have cool weather on tap for us today and tomorrow. i'll let you know what to expect. you're taking a live look at the link. eagles forecast is coming up.
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m. rainy start to our weekend as you can see. we're tracking a line of wet weather on the first alert radar. but it won't last all day. here's the center city skyline where the showers will end later on. you may be able to lose the umbrella, just keep the jacket handy. we are learning about a data breach. there's a warning for kmart shoppers about what the thieves may have gotten their hands on. good morning and welcome back. i'm rosemary connors. it's 9:30 on this saturday. let's get right to that weather first meteorologist brittney shipp is tracking the cloudy and wet conditions. still fog out there, right? >> that's right. we can't forget about the cool conditions which will remain as we head into the rest of the day. temperatures will struggle to reach 60 degrees. as we head into tomorrow, temperatures will recover a little bit just in time for the eagles game for tailgating. you can see how overcast it is. light rain coming down. it is heavier in atlantic city
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light rain coming down. it is heavier in atlantic city with a look at the first alert radar. yellow is more of a moderate rainfall moving into dover. i-95 corridor. light but steady rainfall. we should pick up about a third of an inch of rain. take a look at our temperatures mid 40s through the poconos. 49 degrees this morning in allentown. 50 in pottstown. 53 in philadelphia. 54 degrees in atlantic city. throughout the rest of the morning we'll pretty much stay in the mid 50s as we head into the afternoon. we'll eventually warm into the high 50s, low 60s for the rest of the afternoon. rosemary? >> thank you, brittney. new from overnight. police are investigating a deadly shooting at 25th and nicholas streets in north philadelphia. this happened around 12:30 this morning. police tell us that a man died after he shot six times in the chest while he was in a moving car. at this point officers have not made any arrests. now to the ebola outbreak. extra screenings for the virus at several u.s. airports will begin this morning starting with
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jfk in new york. under a new program air travelers from west africa will have their temperatures taken when they arrive at jfk international, newark liberty, washington dulles, chicago o'hare, and. atlanta hartsfield. philadelphia international is not included as few if any fliers from west africa arrive here. health workers at the five airports will use no-touch thermometers to check the travelers for fever. those with high temperatures will be interviewed and quarantined if necessary. authorities will focus this screenings on people flying from liberia, sierra leone and guinea. health officials are order an nbc crew into mandatory quarantine. new jersey health officials said the news crew exposed to a freelance cameraman with ebola be quarantined. the order came after a voluntary 21-day isolation agreement was violated p the crew, which includes medical editor dr. nancy snyderman, is showing no
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signs of the virus. new numbers are out from the world health organization. they show that more than 4,000 people have died from the ebola outbreak in west africa. also, there are nearly 8400 confirmed cases of the virus. a u.n. special envoy says the world response needs to be 20 times great greater than it was at the beginning of october. and as for that nbc free rans cameraman being treated in nebraska, his condition has slightly improved. >> in philadelphia this weekend the ebola crisis will continue to be the main topic at the infectious disease conference happening in center city. the event will be going on or has been going on all week at the pennsylvania convention center. leading authorities from around the country on ebola, hiv will be there. you can get answers to your questions on our website, in other news this morning, some major consumer news. another big retailer hit by
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hackers. kmart is the next store. matt, what are our customers saying about the latest breach of the major company? what's their reaction? >> some of them, rosemary, are starting to wonder who is next. we have seen this happen at several major chains over the past few months. as for kmart, we have 31 stores in our area. and sears holdings which operates kmart says its i.t. department on thursday detected a breach of the payment data systems and they say credit and debit numbers were comp proo miced though right now it's unclear exactly how many customers were effected. now, based on the company's internal investigation from this point, no pin numbers, e-mail addresses, or social security numbers appear to have been obtained by the hackers. and there's no evidence that shoppers were effected either. several big u.s. companies had been hit by hackers lately as i
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mentioned including target, home depot, dairy queen, acme, and neiman-marcus. >> i think it's sad the way the economy is, how many thieves are figuring out new ways to steel people's money. i think it's ridiculous. you know, people that shop at budget friendly stores tend to not necessarily have a lot of money, so i think it's just, you know, pretty ridiculous. >> i'm hope that they're taking the proper measures to secure the system where people will not be effected by this again and hopefully they can put a cap on it or make sure everything is okay. so you never know. i meep, you have stuff out there and wherever there's a will, there's a way to try to get into the sgrm. >> reporter: credit experts tell us the stolen card numbers can pop up for sale on the internet for anywhere between $35 and $55 each. several banks and credit card companies have began to quickly make the move to cards with chip
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technology that generates a one-time special code for every purchase which is believed to make your purchases more secure. just this week bank of america began rooming out cards with this chip technology that has been used in other parts of the world for many years. as for this situation, kmart is offering free credit monitoring if you shopped at one of their stores from early september up until this past thursday. live in port richmond, matt delucia, nbc10 news. new this morning, a man has been convicted of killing the manager of a philadelphia cab company. a jury found alexander guilty of first degree murder yesterday. according to prosecutors, he strangled and stabbed john dillard who was known to his friend as tony. dillard's body was found in a taxi parked in chester in june 2011. he had worked at germantown cab company for 17 years. there are some new developments this morning in a north jersey hazing case that
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cost a high school football team their season. the players are now under arrest. late last night authorities in middlesex county announced criminal charges against seven teen i imaginers from sayreville war memorial hospital. some are charged with sexual assault. investigators are saying one hazing case, a victim was held against his will and touched in a sexual manner. earlier this week the school superintendent canceled the rest of the football season. parents are troubled by these allegations. a montgomery county jury has a three-day weekend before the sentencing phase resumes for a convicted killer. yesterday he told the judge that he wants to die. the judge told him that he cannot make that choice. it's in the hands of jury. a jury found him guilty of killing a 10-month-old baby and her grandmother in king of prussia in 2012. the jury could decide his fate as early as tuesday when one final witness will be called. now to enterovirus d68, a
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mercer county father is speaking out about the death of his young son who became sick last month. andy waller says he and his wife did not notice that their son eli was having any respiratory problems before he went to bed on september 24th but that night he died in his sleep. yesterday waller became emotional as he spoke about how the community of hamilton township has responded to eli's death. >> my heart is broken. but at the same time it just -- i'm so glad to be a part of this community. and i'm so grateful for everyone out there who is helping us. >> because eli loved the first day of school his family set up the first day of school foundation in his memory. it will help pay for supplies and services for kids with some of the special needs that eli had. today people in philadelphia will have the opportunity to learn more about the affordable
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care act with just over a month before the next enrollment period begins. today's summit will be held at temple university in north philly from 10:00 until noon. people can get more information and talk one-on-one with an enrollment specialist. they are meant to protect you but there's a new warning out about this bicycle helmet that may not help prevent injuries as the weather gets colder. we'll explain. you can shred it and forget it. next saturday at the great shredder event. nbc10 and telemunicipal bond do 62 are teaming up with to help get rid of you're out dated or unwanted documents. i know i've got a big trash bag full of them in my closet. i'll bring that in. it's happening at the wells fargo center in south philly again next weekend. best of all, it is free. we hope to see you there.
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there's a bicycle helmet recall. the company louie garneau is calling 2,000 helmets. it can fail to protect the wearer from impact during cold temperature 'the helmets were sold at in the bike shops and online. consumers should stop using the helmets immediately. return them to louie garneau usa. let's check in with tyler mathisen with a look at what moved the markets this past week.
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>> it was a child week on wall street. stocks had their best day of the year and their worse in the same week. that's investor worries about slowing global economic growth, especially in europe and a steady decline in oil prices which fell to around two-year lows. despite the wild swings in stocks the economy in the u.s. is doing well. jobless claims now sit at an eight-year low. mortgage rates at a low for the year, and investors were reassured that record low interest rates aren't going anywhere any time terribly soon. the world bank predicts the economic toll of the ebola crisis could reach $33 billion in west africa alone by the end of next year if the hardest hit nations there are not able to contain it. one of the world's biggest tech companies is splitting up. hewlett-packard will create one company for printers and of other will focus on cloud, computing, software, and services for businesses. walmart is cutting health benefits for 30,000 part-time workers and those that do qualify for the plan who could
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retain their coverage will see their premiums go up 16%. ten weeks to go before christmas. national retail federation predicts the strongest holiday sales in three years, with americans expected to spend more than $600 billion. the hilton chain selling new york city's landmark waldorf astoria to a chinese insurance company for $2 billion. hilton agreed to run the waldorf for the next 100 years. i'm tyler mathisen. get all your business news on cnbc. the world's largest online retailer will be opening its first actual store. amazon will open that store in manhattan just in time for the holidays. customers can order an item online, then pick it up the same day inside the store. amazon says it could also host tech showcase there's for kindle, phone, and tv products. all right. it's going to be a sunday showdown between the birds and the giants. why one player on the eagles
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defense say the giants should always be their arch rival. that's next in sports. goiit's going to be a soggy start. cooler temperatures today, even tomorrow. i'll let you know what too poekt in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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good morning. as we enter the rest of your saturday, we will start to see the rain tapering off and then
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as we head into our afternoon, you'll still see cloudy skies and cool temperatures. we will barely make it into the low 60s. heading into tomorrow, we will see temperatures recovering and a mix of sun and clouds. the eagles forecast looks good. tracking a warm-up, we'll head back into the high 70s and let you know when the seven-day forecast. rig now you can see it's a dreary start to your saturday. hopefully you can sleep in or stay inside for a few more hours. philadelphia, humidity is up to 93%. wind speed out of the north at ten miles per hour and across the rest of the area. low 50s. wilmingt wilmington, 51. glassbo glassboro, atlantic city, 55 degrees in dover and 53 degrees for mt. holly and wilmington. live camera network shows that we are checking out all the rain coming down. you can barely make out the comcast center. that's how low the visibility is. center city this morning, take a closer look at the city skyline you will notice that, again, another foggy start to your
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saturday. and then also rainfall continues to come down throughout most of our area. you can see the heaviest rainfall is in parts of south jersey and central and stretching into norristown and the poconos, all seeing a moderate rainfall. taking a closer look at atlantic city where some of the heaviest rainfall is. same thing for stafford. and then cape may seeing a bit of a break. all of this rain and moisture is riding along the front. you can see it's moving in from the west. the front extends all of the way back down to texas. you can see most of the rainfall extending back to parts of west virginia and so over the next couple of hours you can see rainfall but closer to noon, 1:00, that's when we will start to see the rain tapering. mostly cloudy skies. but eventually even the clouds will start to thin out. that will be until we head into your 3:00, 4:00 hour as we head into your early evening. you will notice those clouds thinning. you will see partly cloudy skies in the evening but cooler air will continue to move in from the north. then we will see high pressure rebuilding and temperatures will warm with that cooler air.
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it's going to lead to a frost advisory. that's mainly for the poconos for sunday from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. expect temperatures to get close to freezing. cover up some of your sensitive plants. for today, temperatures range between 60 and 63 degrees. we'll start off with rain and then we'll slowly see our conditions drying out. your seven-day forecast shows 64 degrees. if you're heading out to the eagles game, thes in the high 50s by the time the game starts at 8:30. as we look at next week, 78 degrees by tuesday. don't forget you can always get weather updates any time with the nbc10 first alert weather app. go to our website for a free download. all right, in sports. there's been a steady flow of trash talking back and forth between the eagles and giants this week. but come tomorrow night on the field, actions will speak louder than words. and there is one thing that
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trent cole wants everybody to know about this nfc east rivalry. >> philadelphia fans hate dallas, a. that's there. we have another big rivalry, and that's against the giants. they're in our backyard. we've got to make sure that we -- you know, with let people know, you you know, that any team that is around us, is close, you know, that we are the king of the east. >> don't miss a moment of the action tomorrow night. you can check out football night in america on nbc10. kickoff is at 8:20. after the match-up, extensive postgame show, live interviews with the players, chip kelly's press conference, everything. it's all happening sunday night right here on nbc10. tonight at the wells fargo center the flyers will look for their first win of the season when they play the montreal canadiens. they lost the first two games but the players are optimistic they can turn things around quickly. >> we've been there before so we
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know we can get out of it. it's just a mat irof not letting it linger on as long as we did last season. we can't go into that seven-hole that we were. the link is too good to get out of it like we did. >> last year i think we played 100% better than last year. skating way better. could have two or three points. >> all right, now, nba ex-teammates in minnesota last night. top nba draft pick had 11 points for the timberwolves. he was out for philly with a right side contusion. 76ers lost 116-110. he was out for philly with a right side contusion. 76ers lost 116-110. now to friday afternoon high school football in the public league. roxborough quarterback eduardo sanchez had a huge day. he kept the ball here sprinting. look at him go. sanchez ran for 167 yards and 2 touchdowns.
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roxborough rumbled past almy, 34-22. remember, you can vote for the high school blitz game of the week for next friday, october 17th. the choices are pennsbury and north penn. lenpate or pennridge against central bucks south. to vote go to our website or facebook page. you can also call or text your once a day vote to 610-624-4111. the game with the most votes is featured on the high school blitz every saturday night at 7:00 right here on nbc10. the american league championship series is under way with two upstart teams playing a close game in the opener. the orioles and royals had to go to extra innings in baltimore in a game that ended around 12:45 this morning. kansas city slammed two home runs in the tenth inning to take away from orioles home field advantage in the series. final score, royals 8, baltimore 6. game two is set for this afternoon in baltimore. the giants and cardinals start the national league championship
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series tonight in st. louis. ♪ i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love.
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before we leave you this morning we want to get one last check of the weather. unfortunately not the best of weeks out there, not the best of saturdaying. >> not the best start to the weekend but as we head into the rest of today, it will get better. there's a closer look at all the rainfall throughout our entire entire area right now. you can see it's thinning off to the west. we are going to see showers tapering off into your early afternoon. close to 1:00 we should be pretty much done. mostly cloudy skies. 62. 64 for the eagles game tomorrow but a little cooler because it's
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a later game. hey, you know, you can tell on the radar, it definitely looks like it's improving from when querp looking at i and starting to track it earlier this morning at 5:00 or 6:00. so it's been a few hours. so, yeah, now it's going to push out. it's still going to be cool. >> that's going to do it for us. i'm rosemary connors. have a good one. see you tomorrow.
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-hi, i'm jose urquiza. -i'm kathy urquiza, and we're in oceanside, new york. we met, actually, through my dad. my dad was the chief of fire department, volunteer fire department. jose joined the fire department, and my dad mentored him for about a year. i didn't even know him. and then the fire department went on an anniversary cruise. so when we went, my dad introduced us. and we developed great friendship.