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tv   NBC 10 News at 6am  NBC  October 11, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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today," rain and plenty of it to start off your saturday. we'll let you know when the system is expected to move on out of here. hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hundreds protesting in the streets of ferguson. the demonstrations over police shootings spilled into another city in missouri overnight. another day, another data breach seems like that's the case lately. this time a warning for kmart shoppers. find out how many customers may have been effected. good morning. this is "nbc10 news today." i'm rosemary connors. it's 6:00 on this saturday. meteorologist brittney shipp is tracking the wet conditions outside. it's a little bit cooler today, brittney. >> that's right. our temperatures are going to stay well below average, in the low 60s for daytime highs. as you head out the door, mainly in the low to mid 50s. here's a live look outside, cape may overseeing wet roads. we will continue to see light rainfall and moderate rainfall heading into the rest of your morning. if you're heading out make sure you grab your umbrella.
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you will need it. you will find wet roads. take your time. closer look at the radar shows wide spread rainfall starting to fill in south jersey. it's the heaviest along the ickes-95 corridor in the suburbs and poconos and northern part of delaware. right now temperatures in philadelphia, 53 degrees. humidity is up. wind speeds out of the north at nine miles per hour. gusty, wind speeds gusting up to 20 miles per hour. and as we head into the rest of today, temperatures range between 60 and 63 degrees. i'll have your sunday forecast coming up. remember, you can get weather updates over the weekend with the nbc10 first alert weather app. go to for a free download for your smartphone or your tablet. new from over night. hundreds of people are in missouri this weekend to protest shootings involving police officers including the death of 18-year-old michael brown. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> demonstrators machbed through
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the streets of ferguson last night anded nded up at the polie station where officers stood in riot gear but the protests remained peaceful. it's been two months since michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer here. the grand jury is review that case. also earlier this week there was another police-involved shooting nearby in the city of st. louis. a protest there is planned for later today. new from over night in our area, a man was killed during a shooting in north philadelphia. nbc10 was at 25th and nicholas streets where the shooting happened around 12:30 this morning. police tell us that the victim was inside a moving car when he was shot six times in the chest. so far police have not made any arrests. now to the ebola outbreak. extra screenings for the virus will be happening at several u.s. airports that will begin today. it starts with jfk in new york. under a new program air travelers from west africa will
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have their temperatures taken when they arrive at jfk, liberty, dulles, hartsfield-jackson. philadelphia international is not included in this list as few if any fliers from west africa arrive here. health woerkers will use no touh thermometers to check travelers for fever. those with high temperatures will be interviewed and quarantined if necessary. they will focus on travelers flying from liberia and sierra leone and guinea. new jersey 45e89 officials ordered the nbc news crew exposed to the calm what ran with ebola be carnitined until october 22nd. officials say the nbc crew which includes medical editor dr. nancy snyderman is showing no symptoms of the virus. new numbers from the world health organization show that more than 4,000 people have died
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from this outbreak in west africa. also there are nearly 8400 confirmed cases of the virus. a u.n. special envoy says the world response needs to be 20 times greater than what it was at the beginning of october. and as for that nbc freelance cameraman who is being treated in nebraska, his condition has slightly improved. in texas yesterday, health department officials announced that thomas duncan's remains have been cream mated. some of he's personal items were also incinerated because experts believe they could have been contaminated by ebola. duncan died on wednesday. he became the first person to die of ebola in the u.s. after returning from liberia. meanwhile, a maryland company is working overtime to fill orders for hazmat suits to help first responders deal with ebola. the suits have their own ventilation system there are also separate packs which can be used as portable clean rooms. in philadelphia this weekend, the ebola crisis will continue to be a main topic at
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the infectious disease conference. the event has been going on all week at the pennsylvania convention center. leading authorities and doctors from around the country on ebola, enterovirus and hiv are in philly for the conference. right now on our website you can read more about the ebola outbreak and get answers to your questions, go to now to major consumer news. attention kmart shoppers, no blue light special to tell you about. here the retail has become the latest to be hit by data theft. matt delucia is outside the kmart store in port richmond. what is kmart doing now to protect the customers? >> reporter: they say they were able to remove the malicious software from its computer system but not before some credit and debit card numbers were compromised. that happened between september and this past thursday. now, there are 31 kmart stores
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in our area. i.t. department detected the breach but right now it is unclear exactly how many customers were effected. based on the company's internal investigation so far, no personal information like pin numbers, e-mail addresses, or social security numbers appear to have been obtained by the hackers. and there is no evidence that shoppers were effected. of course, several big u.s. companies have been nut news lately hit by hackers including target, home depot, dairy queen, acme and neiman-marcus. one shopper we spoke with says he knows what the hackers can do. they got his card number during the home depot breach. >> it's the world we live in today. people try to make money. >> i'm hoping they're taking the proper measures to secure their system where people will not be effected by this again and
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hopefully they can put a cap on it or make sure everything is okay. so you never know. >> all right. so i've been looking into this. sears says kmart is working with federal law enforcement and banks during this investigation. and they also say they are deploying software to protect customer information. now, kmart is offering free credit monitoring if you shopped at one of their stores from september up and through this past thursday. but how much are your card numbers being sold for? i putting that part of the story coming together when we come and see you again at 6:30. now live in port richmond, matt delucia, nbc10 news. a montgomery county jury has a three-day weekend before the sentencing phase resumes for convicted killer. yesterday he told the judge that he wants to die. the judge told him that he can't make that choice. it's in the hands of the jury. that jury found him guilty of
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killing a 10-month-old baby and her grandmother in king of prussia in 2012. one final witness will be called during the sentencing phase. pennsylvania game officials say hunters may return to some parts of the poconos previously declared off limits because of the police manhunt for eric frein. that search is now in its 29th day. frein is accused of shooting two state troopers, killing one of them. parts of pike and monroe counties remain closed to hunting while the hunt for frein continues. knowledge jersey hazing case that cost a high school football team their season. players on the team are now under arrest. late last night authorities in middlesex county announced criminal charges for. seven teenagers from zayreville memorial high school. in one of the hazing cases the victim was held against his will and touched in a sexual manner.
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earlier this week the school superintendent canceled the rest of the football season. as you can imagine, parents are troubled by the news. >> i played sports in college. some hazing goes on. but nothing like what i heard that happened here. >> we've also learned from authorities that in total there are four victims in four separate incidents. it happened last month. teen suspects are being held until a judge decides if and when they should be released to their parents. there is a renewed warning this morning for americans traveling abroad. we'll have details on the worldwide caution issued by the state department amid fears of a terror plot by isis. plus, shoppers narrowly escape a dangerous day at a strip mall. surveillance video captures the home of as maggive roof collapse. it's all coming up after the break.
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well, not that kind of fresh. on the freshness of our chicken. but i can guarantee the freshness of our chicken because we go beyond what the usda requires... with extra inspections in american family owned farms, refrigerated trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between. that's what it takes to bring your family a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken.
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almost a quarter after 6:00. let's look at the first alert radar. you can see all that green on your screen. yeah, we've got the rain with us for the next few hours. it's going to be a soggy start to your saturday but it will push out and clear out by the afternoon. however, the cooler temperatures that we're dealing with right now, low 50s, they're going to stick with us for the rest of the weekend. this morning there's a new terrorism warning for americans planning to travel overseas. the state department renewed global terrorism alert. officials say they're guarding against the risk of revenge attacks from isis and supporters. the u.s. and coalition partners are striking the militant group in iraq and syria. the alert replaces a previous warning that was issued in april. new this morning, we've learned that president obama will be in north jersey next week for a fund-raiser. the white house says the president will be in the city of union on wednesday for a democratic senatorial committee
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event. new jersey senator cory booker is running for re-election against republican jeff bell. on thursday vice president jboe biden will be in philadelphia, he will speak at an event. right now details are scarce. trying to learn more from the white house about exactly when and where the vice president will appear. now to some pretty incredible video. the roof of a shopping center just completely caves in. take a look. these pictures are out of southern california. you can see part of the roof of a strip malcolm crashing down. parked cars were crushed. debris flew every where. fortunately nobody was hurt. seven feel got trapped inside the building and they had to be rescued. inspectors and other officials are not now trying to determine the cause of this collapse. it was a night of high drama on the high school gridiron across our area. a bat of arch rivals. the areas top ranked team challenged by the defending
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state champs. it's all coming up next. soggy start to your saturday morning. we're doing to see clearing. i'll let you know when. and we'll look at the temperatures and what to expect on this chilly weekend. that's all coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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i'm robert de niro and new york is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to
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good morning. as we head into the rest of your saturday morning keep your umbrella handy. we're going to continue to see rain showers moving in. and that's going to last until we head into the afternoon. plus, we'll see our temperatures dropping below average. a closer look, a rainy start to
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your morning. that's your first headline. eagles forecast for you. we are going to see temperatures warming up, drying out as we push into tomorrow. we're also tracking a warm-up. tomorrow is going to be a bit warmer. we're talking about temperatures heading back to the high 70s. a closer look outside right now. we are seeing foggy conditions and rain will continue to come down again throughout your morning hours. for philadelphia, 53 degrees with rain coming down. humidity is at 93%. wind speeds out of the north north east at eight miles per hour. temperaturewise we are filed depending on where you are. 52 degrees in wilmington. 44 in the poconos. mid 50s for atlantic city. temperatures are not going to increase that much more. we're going to stay in the low 60s as we head into the rest of today. our radar shot shows we're seeing moderate rainfall closer to the poconos. light rain moving in frommal ten down down to reading. we're seeing more rainfall. and hen then if you take a closer look to south jersey.
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again, rain will continue throughout the morning moving in from the west. heavy at times. we could see a third of an inch of rainfall. and we will see more clear and closer to 1:00 p.m. future weather shows by eight or 9:00, steady rain coming down. by 9:00 we'll continue to see near atlantic city, spotty showers but we'll start to see more clearing closer to 11:00 a.m. noon, 1:00, that's where you will notice a difference. our entire saturday is not a washout. just the morning. be prepared for wet roads and keeping your umbrellas handy. by 3:00 we will start to see the clouds moving out. cooler air is going to make its way into the region. that's going to lead to a frost advisory for the poconos for sunday morning from 4:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. we'll see low to mid 30s. frost is going to be possible. make sure you cover some of your plans. for today, temperatures will range between 60 and 63 degrees. gradual drying pushing into the afternoon. seven-day forecast shows low 60s
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today. mid 60s tomorrow. perfect conditions for the eagles game. a bit on the cool side when the game starts at 8:20 approximately we'll notice our temperatures are going to warm into the low 70s by monday on columbus day, tuesday, even warmer than that. 80 degrees. low 70 was a chance of showers by wednesday. >> looking forward to those 70s. thank you, brittney. don't forget, you can get weather updates any time this week with the nbc10 first alert weather app. go to for a free download for your smartphone or your tablet. now to the high school blitz, a look at some of the best friday night football games in our area. let's take it away. here we go. it was dueling crowds. yep. you see it right there. st. joe's prep and lasalle. prep quarterback finds him and he finds the end zone. the prep ekes out a victory,
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35-31. delaware's throwing deep against philly's martin luther king. here we go. cannon to ryan. scoring connection. wins 55-26. archbishop rye yand and carol. he's dangerous in the open field. nobody can stop him as ryan wins it, 42-7. and don't forget you can watch the high school blitz at 7:00 tonight. for all of the highlights. okay. coming up next, we have a recall to let you know about. this one involves a bike helmet. we'll have more details a about it coming up after the break. plus, calls of the wild interrupted by sounds of terror as parents watch their 3-year-old fall into a jaguar exhibit at a zoo. how can i avoid maintenance fees?
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why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank. seeing outside your window, yep, it's showing up on the first alert radar.
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you see that it's going to continue to push in from the west. eventually it will make its way offshore. this rain is going to stick around for much of the morning. so keep that in mind if you are headed out to do errands today. the temperatures will stay cool. right now we're in the mid 50s. it's not going to get much warmer. we will have the details coming up with meteorologist brittney shipp. researchers in canada say a new concussion study on student athletes is the first of its kind that could catch on with doctors and sports teams. the new baseline test was developed at the university of toron toronto. high school teams with concussions are checked for brain function several times before they can return to class or to sports activities. the developer of the test says that kids take four times as long as adults to recover from the concussion. he adds that the stress of resuming classes or competition can delay their recovery further. the new program calls for concussion researchers to consult with teacher, coaches,
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and parents. that way the teen will have an easier time to return to the classroom or the playing field. bicycle helmet to recall. louie garneau is recalling the head gear which fails to protect people who wear it during cold temperatures. the helmets were sold at independent bike shops and online. consumers should stop using the helmets immediately and return them to louie garneau usa for a refund or replacement. many folks doing their holiday shopping at outlet malls to get great deals on designer brands and nbc has ways save even more with the shopping outlets. >> savvy shoppers already know outlet malls can be a great place to find great deals. their popularity has prompted more and more outlet construction across the country. >> that used to be that you would have to go on a road trip to find an outlet mall. now they're being built much closer to and sometimes in cities. >> while the brands may be the
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same as in the high-end malls jody of shop smart magazine says the quality may not be. >> sometimes it means that some of the finish detail might not be as first quality, you you might not get a jewel but something more basic. you might not get a lining. things like that. >> before you go, go online to save even more. >> go online because all of these outlet centers have websites. often on those websites are exclusive coupons that you won't find once you get there. there may be a voucher to printout to take at info center at the outlet mall. >> the best time to use those coupons may not be on the weekends. >> mid week is when the deliveries happen. tuesday, wednesday, thursday. those are the best days to shop because the crowds are a lot smaller than they are on the weekends when these places can be a zoo. but that's also when the fresh stuff is being trucked in. if you can get there mid week you're going to get first crack at the best stuff. >> very property a lot closer than before.
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mark barger, nbc10 news. talking sports now. here's a live look at lincoln financial field. the eagles hope to put another notch under the win column this weekend. they're going the take on the giants on sunday night right here on nbc10. fortunately it sounds like rain should not be a factor. coverage is at 7:00 in the evening with "football night in america" and kickoff at 8:20. stay with us after the game for our exclusive postgame show. and this will be followed by nbc10 news. "nbc10 news today" continues in just a moment. we'll check in with nbc10's matt delucia live for us this morning in philadelphia with a warning for kmart shoppers. matt? >> reporter: rosemary, we're talking with shoppers about this latest data breach. what they're saying about it, coming up. i can see the rain is still coming down throughout most of our area. i'm tracking how long it will stick around, how long it will affect your weekend. that's all coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine.
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check out all that green on your screen. we've got a soggy saturday on tap, but will the weekend be a washout? we'll talk about it coming up. new details about the ebola outbreak as one of the nation's busiest airports prepare fos launch stepped up screenings today. and a fresh flee to an already struggling retailer. kmart reveals it's the latest victim of the cyber attack. what shoppers need to know about the newest breach. welcome back to "nbc10 news today." meteorologist brittney shipp is tracking the wet weather. it's not a heavy rain, it's not pouring but it is steady. >> it is steady and we will see pockets of heavy rain. just be careful if you're heading out early this morning. keep your umbrellas handy. you will need them until the
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afternoon. live look at cape may. closer looked radar. it shows that we are seeing wide spread rainfall throughout most of our area. even moderate rainfall closer to the poconos. and this area of rain stretches back into parts of west virginia. as we head into the rest of today we'll continue to see the rain moving in to our region at least until about noon, 1:00. as far as our temperatures go, we're starting off in the mid 50s and throughout the morning. really not going to move from the mid 50s even today. our high will be in the low 60s. a bit warmer heading into tomorrow. we'll also dry out. i'll let you know what to expect for the eagles game. that's coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. >> looking forward to it. thank you, brittney. remember, you can get weather updates any time this weekend with our weather app. go to for a free download. new from overnight. a weekend of protests over police shooting including the death of michael brown has begun in missouri.
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>> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hands up. >> don't shoot. >> hundreds of people marched through the streets of ferguson last night, and eventually came face to face with officers in riot gear. but the protests remained peaceful. it's been two months since michael brown, an unarmed african-american teenager was shot and killed by a flifr in ferguson. a grand jury is reviewing that case. also earlier this week there was another police-involved shooting nearby in the city of st. louis. a protest is planned there for later today. in our area this morning, police are investigating a deadly shooting at 25th and nicholas streets in north philadelphia around 12:30. a man died after he was shot six times in the chest while he was in a moving a car. so far police are not made any arrests. now to the ebola outbreak. extra screenings for the virus at several u.s. airports will begin this morning starting with jfk in new york. under a new program air travelers from west africa will have their temperatures taken
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when they arrive at jfk international, newark liberty, washington dulles, chicago o'hare, and atlanta hartsfield. we are not included as few if any fliers from west africa arrive here. health workers at the five airports will use no-touch thermometers to check the travelers for fever. those are high temperatures will be interviewed and quarantined if necessary. authorities will focus the screenings on travelers flying from liberia, sierra leone and guinea. the ebola crisis will continue to be a main topic at the infectious disease conference 457ing in philadelphia. the event has been going on all week at the pennsylvania convention center. leading authorities and doctors from around the country on ebola, enterovirus d68 and hiv are here. it wraps up tomorrow. the heart for liberia collection drive is happening today gathering supplies to help fight the ebola out break overseas. they're taking donations of items like chlorine bleach, hand
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sanitizer, wipes, and medical gloves. they're also accepting canned foods. the collection drive is happening from 9:00 this morning until 3:00 this afternoon at enon tabernacle baptist church. it's at the family center in west philadelphia. if you would like a complete list of item goes to our website while you're there you can read more ant the ebola outbreak. turkey's level of commitment in stopping isis. that's what defense secretary chuck hagel is trying to find out. traveling in colombia hagel said that the u.s. wants to know how far turkey is willing to go in helping to train and equip syrian fighters. turf i can dreed to support the efforts but it's still unclear if it's willing to conduct the training on its own soil. >> would they be willing to provide training locations? as you know, saudi arabia has already committed and we have other countries that have offered sites as well. >> those syrian rebel fighters,
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hagel wants turkey to train, are right now trying to overthrow the regime of syrian president bashar al-assad. the indiana man being captive by isis hosted a prayer service the islamic society of north america this week. the service brought together kassig's family, friends, and supporters. they prayed for his safe return and honored his role as an aide worker to syrian refugees. kassig was taken captive last october and threatened with a beheading in an isis video released earlier this month. now to the latest data breach involving a mau jor majo retailer. this time kmart said they could have been compromised. matt delucia is live outside the kmart store with what shoppers need to know. matt? >> yeah. rosemary, shoppers are not too happy. at least the ones we've been talking with. this is the latest in the series
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of data breaches at major chains. as for kmart we have 31 stores in our area. sears holdings which operates kmart says on thursday its i.t. department detected a breach of payment data systems and they say credit and debit numbers were compromised though right now it is unclear exactly how many customers were effected. now, based on the company's internal investigation so far no personal information like pin numbers, e-mail addresses, or social security numbers, appear to have been obtained by the has beeners and there's po evidence that shoppers were effected. as i mentioned, several big u.s. companies have been hit by hackers lately including target, home depot, dairy queen, acme and neiman-marcus. >> i think it's sad the way the economy is how many thieves are figuring out new ways to steal people's money. i think it's ridiculous. you know, people that shop at budget friendly stores tend to not necessarily have a lot of
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money, so i think it's just, you know, pretty ridiculous. >> i'm hope that they're taking the proper measures to secure their system where people will not be effected by this again and hopefully they can put a cap on it or make sure everything is okay. so you never know. i mean, but, you know, you have crooks out there and wherever there's a will there's a way. people will try to find a way to fweet system. >> here's the thing. credit experts tell nbc10 the stolen card numbers can pop up for sale on the internet for anywhere between $35 and $55 each. in the meantime, kmart is offering free credit monitoring if you shopped at their store from september up and through this past thursday. this morning police are looking for a serial ronner in northeast philadelphia. look at this surveillance video of several armed robberies at 7-elevens since august. detectives tell nbc10 that the
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robber who wears some kind of mask over his face has made off with thousands of dollars from restaurants and convenience stores. his most recent hold-up was yesterday morning at a wawa. fortunately nobody has been hurt but police would like to hear from you if you know something. the new jersey father who lost his young son to enterovirus d68 is speaking publicly about his son and his death. andy waller says he and his wife never noticed their son eli was having a respiratory problem before he went to bed on september 24th. that night eli died in his sleep. waller became emotional as he spoke yesterday about how the community of hamilton township, mercer county, has mourned eli's loss. >> i mean, my heart is broken. but at the same time, i mean, it just -- i'm so glad to be a part of this community. and i'm so grateful for everyone out there who is helping us.
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>> because eli loves the first day of school his family has set up the first day of school foundation in his memory. it will help pay for supplies and services for kids with special needs that eli had. this morning a 3-year-old boy is in critical condition after falling into a jaguar exhibit at the little rock zoo if in arkansas. officials say the boy's grandfather put him on a railing yesterday morning and the child fell about ten feet. zoo staff used fire extinguishers to keep the jaguars away while they pulled the toddler to safety. the boy suffered a skull fracture, wounds, and cuts on his scalp. some of the animals cussed the injuries. the zoo is investigating the incident. today's united nations marks the international day of the girl. it's to promote rights and address the discrimination and abuse faced by girls around the world. president obama issued a proclamation confirming the day. he asked all americans to take part in programs today that help
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advance equality for girls ev y everywhe everywhere. today's international day of the girl comes one day after 17-year-old mulala learned she will receive the nobel peace prize. the teen survived being shot in the head by the taliban two years ago. he was targeting -- she was targeted for supporting the education of girls. she was speaking up for girls' education. she will be the youngest person to receive the prize. she shares it with an indian man. she will be in philadelphia this month awarded this year's liberty medal at the national constitution center. back in the saddle. why you can expect to see more of the duchess of cambridge in the coming weeks. we'll have an update on kate's health during yet another difficult pregnancy. ebola and enterovirus d68, just the latest outbreaks of disease that have cost the nation's attention. viruses spreading fear across
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our area. >> i'm jacqueline lon on the, join me sunday when a local doctor answers your questions about ebola and enterovirus. coming up sunday morning at 11:30 following "meet the press."
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we have news this morning from buckingham palace. the duchess of cambridge, kate middleton, will resume her royal duties later this month after she went through a serious bout with morning sickness. kate went through the same thing when she was carrying her first born, prince george. second pregnancy was announced last month. they plan to greet singapore's president when he visits london on october 21st.
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the world's largest online retailer will be opening the first actual store. amazon will open the store in manhattan just in time for the holidays. customers can order an item online and then pick it up the same day inside the store. amazon says it can also host tech showcases inside the store for its kindle, for phones, and tv products. let's check in now with krb's tyler mathisen for a look at what moved the markets this past week. >> it was a wild week on wall street. stocks had their best day of the year and their worse in the same week. that's investor worries about slowing global economic growth, especially in europe and a steady decline in oil prices which fell to around two-year lows. despite the wild swings in stocks the economy in the u.s. is doing well. jobless claims now sit at an eight-year low. mortgage rates at a low for the year, and investors were reassured that record low interest rates aren't going anywhere any time terribly soon. the world bank predicts the economic toll of the ebola crisis could reach $33 billion
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in west africa alone by the end of next year if the hardest hit nations there are not able to contain it. one of the world's biggest tech companies is splitting up. hewlett-packard will create make one company for printers and of other will focus on cloud, computing, software and services for businesses. walmart is cutting health benefits for 30,000 part-time workers and those that do qualify for the plan who could retain their coverage will see their premiums go up 16%. ten weeks to go before christmas. national retail federation predicts the strongest holiday sales in three years, with americans expected to spend more than $600 billion. the hilton chain selling new york city's landmark waldorf astoria to a chinese insurance company for $2 billion. hilton agreed to run the waldorf for the next 100 years. i'm tyler mathisen. get all your business news on cnbc.
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a first alert meteorologist brittney smhipp is tracking a soggy start to your saturday. plus, your eagles forecast. i'll have all the details coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. you can shred it and forget it. it is back next saturday. the great shredder event. we are teaming up with allstate to help you get rid of you're out dated or unwanted documents. it's happening from 9:00 until noon at the wells fargo center in south philly and, best of all, it is free. we hope to see you there. we're going to take a quick break. we'll be back in a few. revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates. it has inspired strength and purpose.
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an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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let's check in now with erika hill and lester holt in new york to see what they're working on. >> coming up on a saturday morning, ebola defense. screening for the disease begins today at new york's jfk airport. this as we're learning troubles information about what happened when patient thomas duncan first arrived at a dallas hospital. we're live with the latest. also this morning, a little off camera drama brewing on the reality tv show "dance moms." why one is suing her instructor. a woman is not letting her disability stop her from competing in one of the most grueling events on the planet. the iron man world championship. dillon gets up close and personal with baby cheetahs. they could not be any cuter. they're on the endangered list but there's so much work being done to save them and she will tell us all about it. >> we will have all of those stories and more. send it back to you.
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>> you can't beat cute animals. look forward to it. thanks, guys. >> okay. now, your nbc10 first alert weather with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> we head into the rest of your morning. we are going to see a soggy start to your saturday. pushing into tomorrow, drying out, temperatures will warm up just a few degrees. and then we track an even bigger warming trend as we head into next week. we'll head into the high 70s. but right now for philadelphia you can see how foggy it is. visibility is down with the rainfall. 53 degrees right now. our humidity is up to 89%. wind speeds out at north-northeast at 12 miles per hour. also going to see gusty winds closer to 18, 20 miles per hour. so it is an overcast, dreary start. we'll see improvement as we head into the afternoon. 44 degrees in the poconos. 50 degrees in allentown. same thing with pottstown. 49 degrees in westchester. 54. and atlantic city, 58 degrees in stone harbor.
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millville this morning at 53 degrees. so temperatures are slightly mild, we're not going to warm up that much more. we'll stay in the low 60s for today. closer look at the radar shows the heaviest rain is moving through poconos. light rain throughout allentown. moderate rainfall now just to the south of norristown. light rain along the i-95 corridor. and starting to pick up here near toms river stretching down to egg harbor. this is going to be a trend over the next few hours. at least through 11:00, close egg to noon we'll start to see a little bit more tapering with a the rainfall. moving in from the west. we expect to see a third of an ichlk of rainfall. we'll see more clearing again after noon, closer to 1:00. our future weather shows by 9:00 a.m., still dealing with the rainfall. light. steady. we could see a few pockets of heavier rainfall. as we head into late morning hour, early afternoon hours, you will start to notice more clearing. even clouds will start to clear up. that's going to take a while. that won't be until 3:00, 4:00
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that we'll start to see a break in the clouds. even a bit more sunshine peeking through before the sunsets and cooler temperatures settle in overnight tonight. for most of our area but effort poconos. average for this time of year is 59 degrees. today, 62. well below average. by tomorrow we'll recover a bit at 64. our overnight lows, effort poconos, frost advisory in place for 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on your sunday. we do expect to see temperatures dropping down from low to mid 30s. frost is possible. cover up your sensitive plants. 60 and 63 degrees. gradually drying out as we head into the rest of your afternoon. plan on heading out to the eagles game tomorrow, bring a jacket. temperatures at 8:30. 56 by 11:00 p.m. seven-day forecast, 64 degrees as we maid into your sunday. take a look at what happens next week. we warm right back into the high 70s. >> looking good out there. thank you, brittney. >> don't forget that you can
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always get the latest weather right there on your phone by done loading our first alert weather app. it's all through our website
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where it's all happening this weekend, the eagles hope to put another notch under the win column tomorrow when they take on the giants at lincoln financial field. it's all happening ruth here on nbc10. of course the eagles are 4-1. the giants, 3-1. our coverage starts at 7:00 with nbc's football night in america and kickoff is at 8:20. after the game stay with nbc10 for extended eagles coverage with our exclusive post-game show. we'll have all the interviews, the post-game presser, and then, of course, followed by nbc10 news. looking good, right? should be a big night. >> i love weekends like this where we're getting the reiain t of the way. tomorrow it will be dryer and warmer but still below average for us. the rainfall is streaming in from the west. you can see how far back it stretches. we have a few hours left of more rainfall and pockets of heavy rain but we're only going to get a third of an inch. temperatures today at 62.
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look at tomorrow, for the eagles game, 64. later game, we will see our temperatures closer to the high 50s as we push into halftime. and then by next week, back to the high 70s. >> wow. >> so a big-time warm-up on your way for us. lots happening with our weather. >> the eagles have b lucky because for their games at home, the weather has been fine. it seals like we've had this pattern, a rain a day or two before and then clears out. >> tomorrow will be nice. if you get out there early, still need a jacket. temperatures on the mild side. >> good to know. that's going to do it for us. the "today" show is coming up next. have a good one. we'll see you in 25 minutes for a news update and then we're back here at 9:00 for a full hour. see you then.
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good morning. new line of defense. the effort launched today at one of the nation's busiest airports to keep ebola out of the u.s. who will be singled out for screening and why. this as questions over the dallas hospital let a victim go home despite warngs signs of the disease. seven teens charged with arrest after the latest of the football team and now the latest chapter of the cancellation of the season. and protesters in st. louis take to the streets over the shooting of another teen. we are live with the latest. and already a