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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  October 8, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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contain the outbreak. this afternoon, philadelphia's mayor, michael nutter, part of a conference call with president obama. it also included top leaders from the white house and the cdc. on the agenda, how well america is prepared to handle the ebola epidemic. this as emergency responders in suburban dallas say a sheriff's deputy now showingç symptoms similar to those an ebola patient would experience. this is video of the deputy being transported today. the deputy entered an apartment where thomas duncan was staying. he was the first patient to be diagnosed with ebola in the u.s. >> this patient had reported that he initially had been in the apartment and the initial ebola patient in dallas and had some contact with family members. >> authorities say the deputy is being treated out of an abundance of caution. there's no indication he had any direct contact with duncan. >> as for duncan, he died at a
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dallas hospital this morning. he arrived from the u.s. from liberia last month. he was showing no ebola symptoms at that point but fell ill within a week. he was initially sent home after that first visit to the e.r. at a texas health presbyterian home but he was taken back a week an a half ago and had been kept in isolati isolation. >> starting saturday, workers at five airports here in the u.s. will be on the lookout for any signs of ebola symptoms from passengers coming from overseas. now, the closest airport to us that's doing this is in newark. we checked and there are no direct flights from africa into philadelphia. nbc 10's lu ann cahn live in southwest philadelphia. there is a large west african community there. what are folks telling you? >> on woodland avenue here in this community there's a great fear, they're very worried about the possible spread of ebola from their native country. and people who live in this community believe they are most at risk. what's the biggest fear? >> the fear right now is someone
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is on a plane coming from africa, coming here. >> reporter: harris murphy says that's why he produced an ebola awareness movie. on this business trip, they are shipped in from their homeland. they're afraid the deadly virus will slip in, too. >> if you know you have a family from africa, you don't want to bring them in your house. have them tested right away. >> reporter: whether they show symptoms or not. >> yes, because you don't know. >> reporter: the death of a man in texas terrified the community. leaders are advising against handshaking. >> a family member i see you for the first time, we shake hands. that could be the difference between me and having ebola. >> reporter: thousands more from ebola-plagued guinea and see area leon live within miles of woodland avenue. many have canceled trips to west africa. they support ebola testing at
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airports with direct flights from their native country. >> we are grateful that the cdc and u.s. government have taken these steps. >> reporter: many wish the united states would do more. in the men time, tho-- meantime within the community say they will do more. >> we have to become educated. most people are still living in denial. >> reporter: the ebola-awareness movies that that gentleman produced will be shown in the commune on october 25th. tonight, community leaders are meeting at city hall to decide what steps they will take next. live in southwest philadelphia, lu ann cahn, nbc 10 news. >> it just so happens some of the leading experts on infectious diseases are meeting right now here in philadelphia. doctors from around the world are gathering at the pennsylvania convention center to discuss ebola and other diseases. nbc 10 crews talked to the experts. we asked how worried we should
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be. >> they are not contagious. by the time they reach the point of having nausea, vomiting and diarrh diarrhea, it's çunlikely that y of our viewers are likely to have close contact with those individuals. >> doctors we talked to also say all health care facilities in the world should be training their employees and making sure they have a plan in place to accept and isolate ebola patients. in light of all these health outbreaks we know that you have questions. count on nbc 10 news to get answers for you. if you have questions about enterovirus d68, ebola or any infectious disease, send them our way. just go to the nbc 10 facebook page. we'll forward your questions to a doctor and get the answers on nbc 10 @issue, this sunday morning at 11:30, right after "meet the press." there's a special section on about ebola.
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details on how authorities cleaned the home of the dallas patient who now died lived. happening right now, casino workers protesting near the taj mahal casino in atlantic city, looking at live pictures right here. some of these protesters have been arrested as you saw earlier in our 5:00 news cast. this rally by workers and members of unite here local 54. it began as a peaceful protest as workers voiced concerns about their pensions and health care. we've watched several people being arrested. nbc 10's cydney long is there as well. we'll hear from her coming up in about ten minutes. this just in to nbc 10 over the last 20 minutes. philadelphia police are arresting a man for a stabbing inside a grocery store. here's the suspect. 43-year-old brian duffy. the homeless man is charged with attempted murder and other charges. well, we first told you about this as breaking news yesterday here at 6:00. police say duffy stabbed a man inside a pathmark on cottman
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avenue after an argument. at last check, the victim was in critical condition. new at 6:00, police in toms river on the lookout for a man who kidnapped and assaulted his girlfriend. rosel foster is accused of holding the woman captive in his home. he allegedly punched, bit and tried to strangle her repeatedly. when she tried to get away, police say he locked her in a bedroom. if you know where this man is, police would like to hear from you. we're following a developing story. jurors now deciding the fate of a man charged with murdering a baby girl and her grandmother. nbc 10's deanna durante is live in norristown. any indication how long these deliberations could take? >> reporter: well, the jury is now ordering their dinner. so at least for the next several hours. the judge were court staff, everyone here on standby. the courtroom empty except for court personnel and six or seven sheriff's deputies. the defendant in this case, raghunandan yandamuri has been brought down it a holding cell in the basement of the courthouse. yandamuri is on trial for the
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murder and kidnapping of a 61-year-old grandmother and her 10-month-old grand daughter. it all happened in october of 2012. investigators say that he plotted the crime in a botched kidnapping attempt in order to get money for his gambling debt. today in court, yandamuri, who is defending himself, spent about two hours addressing the jury, telling them that police did not check in on tips that he gave them, that two other men were sporesponsible for the cri and he was forced to take those men to that apartment in upper merion township in october 2012. prosecutors say the key facts for the jury here in deciding the guilt or innocence with that first degree murder is whether or not the jury believes that raghunandan yandamuri acted with malice. >> malice can be formed by a person who uses a weapon on a vital part of a victim's body. this case unfortunately showed a number of slash wounds down to the bone on the grandmother, and
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then the actgs to the baby lead to no other conclusion when you stuff a handkerchief, wrap a towel and then put the child in a suitcase, that your intent is to kill that child. >> reporter: even if a jury comes back with a verdict, they still are not fin ined some of the jurors have been involved in this case for 23 days. it took a week to get a fun panel of jurors selected. they'll have to come back and decide, if they come up with a guilty verdict, if raghunandan yandamuri is sentenced to life in priz or death. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. the head of a berks county theater group is facing a second charge of assaulting a young boy. he was already charged in the sex assault of a 14-year-old boy in 2012. now detectives say he's also being charged in a case involving a 15-year-old boy. the two exchanged nude photos and sexually explicit texts.
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they say then progressed to sexual contact in the theater's dressing room. police are looking for the suspects who broke into several cars, then went on a tire-slashing spree in west philadelphia. police say seven vehicles parked along the street and four others on locust street were targeted sometime. one of the victims explained to us why she thinks the suspect has experience. >> they broke in without breaking a window. i know my car was locked up. that's what's so amazing. i believe we're dealing with professionals. >> investigators did take fingerprints on some of the cars that were targeted. so far police do not have any suspects. new details this evening from a journal police say fugitive eric frein wrote after the shooting of two pennsylvania state troopers. 26 days into the manhunt for the accused trooper killer, police seized a night vision scope from
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frein's house along with computers and tablets. they released details that was found at a campsite. >> friday, september 12th, got a shot around 11:00 p.m. and took it. he dropped. i was surprised at how quick. another cop approached the one i just shot. as he went to kneel, i took a shot at him. and he jumped in the door. his legs were visible and still. i ran back to the jeep. hearing helos i missed my marker lights. missed a trail around a runoff pool and drove straight into it. disaster. >> investigators say there have been four confirmed sightings of frein in the poconos in the past week, the most recent just on monday. pennsylvania state senate approved legislation that would expand the use of ignition interlock devices for more drunk driving offenders. under this bill, ignition interlocks would be required for one year for first-time convicted drunk drivers with a blood alcohol level of 0.10 or
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greater. pennsylvania law already requires the devices for repeat drunk driving offenders for a year. this bill now goes to the house. now to decision 2014. the final debate between the candidates for pennsylvania governor are taking place tonight. incumbent republican tom corbett and democratic challenger tom wolf will answer questions and talk issues in pittsburgh. the election is coming up on november 4th. and you can watch a recap of the debate tonight right here on nbc 10 news at 11:00. some two dozen casino workers cheer as they're placed under a arrest, all to send a message to the big casinos that terminating their health care or pension benefits will not be tolerated. we have the video, we'll see you, straight ahead. plus, the leak from a nuclearç power plant that sent chemical into the schuylkill river. i'm tracking more rain that could arrive in time for the
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weekend. we'll tell you when to expect it and my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. smoky double bacon sirloin. parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. happening now, in the past few minutes several people have been arrested during a protest in atlantic city. >> the union is protesting trump taj mahal. the workers say they don't it
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the mind going to jail. cydney long, live in atlantic city. >> cydney, tell us, did tensions rise there pretty quickly? >> they did, jim and renee. it was peaceful. i'll show you why. as the crowd is dispersing right over here with unite 54, the local casino workers union, here's why it didn't interrupt traffic quite as badly. police are about a block from us westbound right near the convention center. so those casino workers, let's take a look at that great video from a few minutes ago, they were staging basically sitting down in the middle of the street right here at arctic and missouri. they were killing to be arrested, not just because the trump taj mahal is closing its doors but because of their health c could efits be terminated if there is a decision in bankruptcy court related to the trump taj mahal. also that casinos here in atlantic city would not continue contributing to those pension funds. now we talked to the president of the uponas well as one of those 24 workers that was
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arrested. take a listen. here's what they had to say. >> no one will have health care or pensions. we'll all be working low-wage jobs and everyone will be working poverty. that's not acceptable here in atlantic city. >> it's not just the union employees. this is going to affect the whole community, once they take away from the union members, they're going to go after the nonunion members. >> reporter: so clearly they are concerned that any decision in the bankruptcy hearing with -- related to, rather, taj mahal and the tropicana casino could affect these casino workers and their families for many, many years to come. without them having those critical health benefits for their families. again, we just found out from atlantic city police there were in fact 24 arrests here this afternoon. they used those zip ties, not traditional cuffs to do so and took them off for a disorderly person's arrest. live in atlantic city, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. now to a story that's been
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getting a lot of attention on a delaware county couple in the hospital right now, awaiting the arrival of their first baby. as baby shane is not expected to survive more than a few hours after birth. two months after jenna and dan found out they were expecting were dbs told them their baby as a rare condition, usually leads to death right after birth. the couple started a facebook page called prayers for shane. it documents the family taking trips, celebrating the holidays. has nearly 500,000 followers. jenna is in labor right now and we're monitoring her progress. go to for the latest updates. >> our thoughts are with them tonight. a leak at the limerick nuclear power plan the poured a water fuhr purifying chemical i the schuylkill. about 100 gallons of this got into the river before the leak was stopped. the limerick generating station says this is not an environment
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al issue. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> a lot of sunshine around the area today. but a fairly gusty wind and that's bringing in colder air. you'll see that chill later tonight and tomorrow and for the next several days. we have some rain that's coming in, especially on saturday and drier air moving in by sunday. the sun is just about to set. less than 15 minutes from now, getting earlier and earlier, isn't it? a beautiful sunset across the area. 72 degrees, the wind out of the west at 13 miles an hour. it's not quite as strong as it's been over the last couple of hours. we were only 61 back on friday but 75 degrees monday. and 69 degrees coming in on thursday, tomorrow.
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now for the wind, it's really diminished in many places, less than 10 miles an hour. that is a sign of things to come as we go into the night. very dry across the east and all the way back out into the midwest. this is the area in the middle of the country that will be building up and eventually moving this way. high pressure is going to give us the sunny day tomorrow. as it moves offshore, it's going to allow this moisture in come in from the west. it's going to be kind of a narrow banned but it looks like it's targeted right atç us. it's questionable about the timing. we have rain coming in, certainly by friday night and into saturday morning as this low moves fast enough, it might let us dry out by saturday afternoon and lead to mainly dry weather on sunday. for the football game, this is what it means. the temple game, best chance of rain would be at the beginning of the game and tending to dry out later on. it's going to be cool and also cool for the eagles game sunday
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night. most likely dry but there is a chance of a little bit of rain coming in toward the end of the game. you can see temperatures down in the 50s. and it's definitely chilly. clear and cooler tonight, 52 for the low in philadelphia, 42 north and west. during the day tomorrow, mostly sunny, breezy, cooler, highs in the upper 60s. we were 75 today. the average is 69 degrees. we're right around average tomorrow. then we get cooler on friday because of the clouds. rain late in the day or at night and into saturday morning, there's a chance it could extend into at least part of the afternoon. the general trend will be drier air later saturday, saturday night and into sunday. look how cool it is, even on sunday. then a chance of some rain later sunday and milder weather next week. >> i'm john clark, the flyers open their season tonight. we'll hear from the flyers in boston. plus is wayne simmons playing and some new york giants players
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take a shot at the eagles. wait till you see this picture. that's coming up. with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on. three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation.
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and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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this is the xfinity sportsdesk, brought to you by xfinity, your home for the most live sports. i'm john clark. the flyers are back, the season opener in boston against the braunz. the home opener tomorrow night. back-to-back to start the season. how tough is that, claude giroux? >> i like it. you play a game and you get ready for another game and it kind of puts you in the season faster. i mean, like i said, it's a big buildup of the season. we get to play two games. i don't think nobody here will explain about that one. >> good news, wayne simmons will
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play. here he is at the morning skate. his left foot feels better after being hit by a puck last week. eagles missing two linebackers at practice, ryans and kendricks. demeco expects to play sunday night against the giants. doesn't look good for kendricks. eagles, nick foles has been missing jeremy maclin. they're not connecting on the deep ball. >> according to y'all, i can't run and he can't throw. >> eli manning is coming in hot. we asked brandon graham about eli's toughness. >> is eli a lit bill softer than most quarterbacks? would you say he's softer than most? >> man, i ain't messing with y'all, man. i mean, look, we -- >> is he soft. >> he changes when he gets hit.
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that's as far as i'm going to go with that. >> all right. check out this pick from last night, a giants fan wearing an eagles jersey that says super bowl zero. who's in that picture? it's rodgers cromartie as well as another player. sunday night, it is on. for a look at what's coming up on nbc 10 news at 11:00, funny money. a roll of fake 20s. one man buying stuff at several local stores. tonight, the video of the suspect. we're looking into whether it's part of a bigger counterfeit ring. the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. smoky double bacon sirloin. parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. quite a catch for a delaware fisherman. take a look at this. david walker, wow -- >> whoa! >> a more than 17 pound fish in the lower delaware bay near lewis. it happened during the delaware sport fishing tournament. the previous record was a
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15-pound in 2012. for all of us, thanks for watching. the news continues with "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. on our bro st tonight, ebola death in this country. the first patient diagnosed in the u.s. has died, and tonight there's another potential case at the same hospital in dallas. also, which u.s. airports are about to start passenger screening. our nbc news investigation, how safe is the artificial turf on the fields children are playing on aoss our country. is there a potential health risk? tonight, a coach who noticed a terrible coincidence among several soccer players and what we found that every parent should see. and were you cheated on your cell phone bill? how to spot the bogus charges and find out if you're entitled to a refund as the feds announce $100 million settlement. "nightly news"