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tv   NBC 10 News at 7am  NBC  October 5, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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out? >> reporter: a lot of activity within the past 30 minutes. we've seen that fire truck be removed from the scene. that happened just about two or three minutes ago before we went on the air. we'll show you what the scene looks like right now. this is very different than it was about 30 to 45 minutes ago when you saw all these fire crews out here trying to remove an engine from a volunteer fire department, the fire department that had pretty much rolled down this embankment here. it's about three feet off the road here. this is east dennys road. just to give you some perspective if you're not from this area, this is about ten minutes north of downtown dover. and you see right there that embankment. that is where that truck ended up earlier this morning about 4:30, so there was a lot of activity trying to remove that truck from this area. we'll just show you every here, about a quarter of a mile down the road, this is what they were responding to. this is a barn fire that happened early this morning. in fact, we do have some video from a little bit earlier showing you what this whole scene looked like because a lot has changed. so you can see all the activity from the fire department trying
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to get the truck out of this area. good news is that no injuries were reported as a result of all of this. but it was pretty frantic. in fact, we do have some audio that we just obtained. this is fire radio. when this accident happened, when this truck went down this embankment. take a listen. >> i got a truck slipped! on east denneys road. and certainly a lot of tense moments there as these fire crews were responding to this fire earlier this morning, but clearly a lot of things have cleared up. that fire is now mostly out. we do see some whisps of smoke coming from that barn, and in fact, many of the surrounding areas here, they responded to this fire as well. in fact, they were responding to try to help get this truck out of here as well.
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so a busy morning out here in lipsick just north of dover. we're going to try to gather new information about what happened out here, but pretty much cleared up for the moment here. you see some more fire crews out there as they're trying to get this fire out, put out the hot spots, but good news again. no injuries reported as a result of this engine accident here just north of dover. reporting live, i'm matt delucia, nbc 10 news. >> 7:02 right now on your sunday morning, and we shift our attention to the weather. a chilly start this morning. it's going to stay on the cool side today. meteorologist brittney shipp is in the first alert weather center with a look at what we can expect, especially if you're headed to the eagles game. >> that's going to be the big talker today, is how cool our temperatures are this morning. in the 40s, even the 30s for our suburbs in the lehigh valley. the sun continues to come up. we will see plenty of sunshine on this sunday, but it will be cold. 33 degrees in mount pocono. 33 in allentown. mid 30s in pottstown. 40 degrees in wilmington.
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37 in millville. our temperatures are down 32 degrees in millville. so yesterday at this time, we were in the mid 60s, but today we're cooler and 23 degrees cooler in philadelphia. 29 degrees cooler in allentown, so you get the point. it's cold out. when you head out the door, make sure you grab a jacket. by noon, 58. by 3:00 p.m., temperatures only pushing into the 60s, and that's going to be how cool it will stay for tailgating. so i'll have your full eagles forecast coming up. new from overnight, a shooting in camden. nbc 10 on the scene in the 2900 block of carmen street. police tell us a man was shot in the chest during a possible robbery. we're working to find out the victim's condition. philadelphia police are investigating a triple shooting in cobb's creek. we're told three people were wounded outside cousin danny's exotic haven. the victims were taken to the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. all three in critical condition.
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happening today, controversy over a college speech. convicted philadelphia cop killer mumia abu-jamal will deliver the address. at the same time, philadelphia police will hold a silent protest at the site of officer daniel faulkner's murder. a recorded speech by abu-jamal will be played today for 20 students at goddard college in vermont. abu-jamal received a bachelor's degree from that school in 1996 while behind bars. abu-jamal was serving life in prison for killing officer faulkner in center city in 1981. nbc 10 spoke with faulkner's widow. she says the graduates could have chosen anyone to give them inspiration and they made the wrong choice. >> sometime in their future of their life, they are going to come across either a loved one or maybe a friend that will lose their life brutally, and when they do, they can think of me.
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>> goddard college says it does not condone the violence of which abu-jamal was convicted, but does encourage students to take on controversial subjects. in mercer county, the first death related to enterovirus d68 in our area has health and school officials taking safety precautions. golden blue ribbons line eli waller's neighborhood. on friday night, authorities confirmed it was enterovirus d68 that took the life of the 4-year-old boy who attended preschool at yardville elementary. >> the virus attacks very rapidly and very suddenly. this child exhibited all of those symptoms when he was put to bed that evening. he was asymptomatic and fine, and the next morning he had passed. >> the school district said it has added extra staff to disinfect the school. another meeting on this issue is set for tonight at 7:00 at steiner high school. for realtime updates on enterovirus d68, visit
7:06 am we have information on the symptoms as well as tips from health experts. the freelance nbc news photographer who contracted ebola in liberia while covering the outbreak will be flown to nebraska today for treatment. meantime, thomas duncan, a liberian who is being treated for ebola in texas, has gotten worse, he is now in critical condition. the head of the centers for disease control and prevention says about 50 people who had contact with duncan have been located and tested. so far, though, no one is showing symptoms. >> so we are confident that none of those with definite contact had any symptoms related to ebola. none of them had fever. we'll be watching that very slowsly. >> meantime, bed sheets, towels and mattresses have already been removed from the apartment where duncan was staying. eventually all items will be taken out and destroyed. tonight, loved ones, friends, and members of law enforcement will remember a pennsylvania state trooper who
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was killed at a montgomery county shooting range. a life celebration for david kendra will be held tonight at 6:00 at the givnish funeral home on academy road. a funeral mass for the trooper will happen tomorrow morning at 11:00. he was a graduate of temple university and was engaged to be married. new details are emerging about text messages eric frein was sending the day of the attack. a friend received a text from frein in pike county on
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september 12th saying all is good. frein also said he was heading back to delaware. according to police, he lied to relatives and others about working in delaware so he could prepare for the ambush. one trooper was killed. a second wounded in the attack. in the city of chester, the family of a man killed in a fire bombing wants answers, especially since he was targeted twice before. anthony tamir gorman died yesterday morning in the fire at his home on baldwin street in chester. fire investigators are calling it suspicious. officials told nbc 10 gorman's home was fire bombed two times in the past. police told us they're investigating the fire bombing as a possible retaliation involving an outlaw motorcycle gang. gorman's family told us he was a member of a motorcycle club, but has been disabled since an accident in 2009. the head of the cooper health system and his wife will be remembered this week. the couple died under mysterious circumstances in their north jersey home. a memorial service for john and
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joyce sheridan will start at 11:00 tuesday morning in the patriots theatre at the war memorial in trenton. the couple was found in the burning bedroom of their home in somerset county. investigators say the fire was deliberately set, but there's still no cause of death for either victim. happening today, the eagles will try to regain their winning form when they host the st. louis rams. you are looking live at lincoln financial field, a sold out crowd is expected for the 1:00 game. the 3-1 birds are coming off their first loss of the season at san francisco. the giants are 6.5-point favorites to beat the rams this afternoon. show mercy and use their power to let our son go. >> the parents of a u.s. man being held captive by isis release a video plea for the safe return of their son. that story coming up. also ahead, police face
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obstacles in the road as some hardware thieves try to make a quick get-away. skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!!
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family members of alan henning are remembering their loved one this morning as a fantastic guy. >> he had a heart of gold. just an awesome guy. i love him to death with all my heart and he will be missed. >> the british native was a non-muslim who left behind a wife and two teenagers to help muslim friends drive aid convoys to the victims of syria's civil war. henning was held for nine months by isis before he was beheaded. meantime, the parents of a u.s. aide worker threatened with beheading by isis my and thes a -- militants are pleading for their son's release. >> most of all, know that we love you and our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom so we can hug you again and set you free to continue the life you have chosen, the life of service to those in gravest
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need. >> peter was taken hostage in october of last year in syria where he was providing aid for refugees. his parents say he converted to islam while in captivity and his faith has provided him comfort. in hong kong, protesters held a rally after the government told them to clear the street. earlier in the weekend, tensions flared between the protesters and those who oppose them. police arrested 19 people following those clashes. officials say the protesters must be gone by tomorrow. in virginia, the parents of a missing college sophomore are asking those responsible for her disappearance to help find her. she was attending the university of virginia in charlottesville. a man was arrested and charged with her abduction. police say there is evidence linking the suspect to the death of a virginia tech student in 2009. an update now on the fire at
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the flight 93 memorial in shanksville, somerset county. the american flag that flew above the u.s. capitol on september 11th was destroyed as well as some of the passengers and crew's items. the headquarters building was destroyed, but the museum that is under construction was not damaged. there's still no word on what caused the fire. the memorial remains open for visitors. in georgia, police are look for two suspects who tried to slow down an officer with some stolen chain saws. a police dash cam shows the suspects tossing the chain saws off their get-away van during a high-speed chase. police say the two men stole them from a hardware store. the officer driving the patrol car had to swerve to avoid a direct hit. a short time later, the van stopped and the suspects ran into some nearby woods. i've been kayaking f ining
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years a years. >> a kayaker shares his amazing story after a shark attack. next, how he made a safe return back to shore. plus, a cold start to the morning, but will that lead to cold temperatures for the rest of the day? i'll let you know coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. how can i avoid maintenance fees? why would you want to avoid them? because i don't want to... you know what? i'm gonna bring my maintenance guy in here to tell you all about it. roddy! so, uh, without your fee, your checking chamber can't run smoothly. every time you put money in, it causes, uh...deposit friction. gotta get some fiscal lube on there. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. [ defeated] okay. [ male announcer ] avoid monthly maintenance fees at td bank with a minimum checking balance of just $100. td bank. america's most convenient bank.
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three california beaches will be closed today after two shark attacks in two days. on thursday, a surfer was attacked by a great white shark. he suffered nonlife threatening injuries. then on friday afternoon, a kayaker who was out fishing with friends says an 18 to 20-foot shark came out of the water, pushed his kayak and launched him into the air. he quickly jumped on to his
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friend's kayak. >> i was like, get me out of this water! we were right next to the other guys, so i pretty much jumped on their kayak and out of the water. like a kid on the back of the kayak hugging the guy. >> ryan howell's advice for others, make sure you bring a radio with you in case you need to call for help. in costa rica, biologists say the survival of certain sea turtles could be in danger. the reason, climate change. the scientists say record heat and drought in august cause turtle eggs buried on beaches to not fully develop. as many as 600 sea turtles lay their eggs every year along the pacific coast of costa rica. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> good morning. as we push into the rest of your sunday, it is a cold start. as we head into the afternoon, it's still going to be on the chilly side with temperatures staying ten to 11 degrees below average.
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next week, mild conditions return really as soon as tomorrow, but we're also tracking a chance of showers. for philadelphia, 46 degrees. humidity is at 68%. wind speeds out of the west at 10 miles per hour. take a look at our temperature range. if you're in philadelphia, mid 40s. low 40s by the shore in atlantic city. either way you cut it, it is a cold start to the morning throughout our region. freezing almost in mount pocono. 33 degrees in allentown. quaker town just at freezing. 41 in northeast philly. closer to the shore we're at 50 degrees in avalon. temperatures in dover at 42 degrees. so we are seeing kind of a widespread with our temperatures, but a lot colder than we've seen the past couple months. it's not just that, but a cold blast is reaching all the way down south into the carolinas. we are checking out temperatures in nashville at 39 degrees this morning. only 41 in cincinnati. but the good news is that all
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that cold air is going to retreat to the north. mild air is on its way back. but we are going to see our temperatures staying well below average today, dropping down to 61 degrees on your sunday. take a look at what happens as we head into monday. we recovered nicely with mild air pushing up from the south. and so that center is back into the 70s. it's really just a one-day cooldown. it's an early taste of the middle of fall. but a closer look at our satellite radar shot, you can kind of see that circulation, it's circulating over parts of canada here and that's what brought us the rainfall yesterday morning. so yesterday we were mild, dealing with the rainfall. now today we're clear and cold. we'll see plenty of sunshine. you can see the sun is coming up over lincoln financial. if planning on heading out to tailgate, bring a thicker sweater. temperatures will be mainly in the mid to high 50s, pushing into the 60s probably as you're heading home. 61 degrees on your sunday for a daytime high.
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monday, 72 degrees. the rest of your seven-day forecast shows a chance of showers on tuesday. warmer air continues to pump into our area. 75 degrees on tuesday. but by next week, next weekend, i should say, we'll drop back down into the low 70s with another chance of showers on friday and saturday. a new playground with a very special meaning. next, a preview of the dedication ceremony to honor the victims of the sandy hook school massacre.
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happening today in connecticut, a playground will be dedicated to the memory of the principal who died in the sandy hook school massacre. nbc's brian williams visited the site this week to see how it's helping to heal the hurt from that tragedy. >> by this time next week, it will seem like children have
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always laughed and played here, and they won't all know why it's here. they don't have to. but we do. for the men and women working on it, this is emotional work. this is number 26. you see the number on hoodies and signs around this site. but this is what it stands for. there were 26 victims of the newtown shootings at sandy hook elementary school. and now there's a playground somewhere for all of them. a beautiful place for each beautiful face. and this last one is for the woman who looked over them all, the principal, dawn hochsprung. all of this was the idea of one man, retired firefighter bill lavin. >> it celebrates who these children were, who the teachers were, their favorite color. it doesn't talk about how they left us, but rather the color pink and purple and butterflies. >> bill had another idea, to build the playgrounds in towns that were hard hit by hurricane sandy. then all he had to do was put
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the word out and they came from everywhere. >> it feels real good to help someone but want nothing in return. >> it's personal work. the families of each sandy hook victim get to work on the playground dedicated to their family member. and for this project, that includes dawn's grandchildren and daughters. >> what would your mother make of all of this? >> she would be so incredibly proud of her grandchildren. this really just explains who she was. she was full of love and life and happiness, and this is something that i don't think she could have done better herself. >> that was nbc's brian williams reporting. 7:27 now. nbc 10 news today continues in just a moment with another half-hour of news, and matt delucia is live on the scene of a barn fire and mishap for some of the responding firefighters. matt? >> reporter: yeah, and just a
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few minutes ago, we got closer to this fire scene, as you can see behind me that the smoke is just rising from the ashes here. but the bigger story here is what happened to one of the fire trucks as it was arriving to fight this fire. we have some new audio, some new video coming up in just a couple of minutes. and cold, chilly, even freezing conditions throughout our area this morning. i'll let you know what to expect as we push into the afternoon and help you plan your workweek. that's all coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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the scene just north of dover. matt, you've gotten a little closer to that barn that was on fire. >> reporter: yeah, ted, and we can see a little bit more of what happened out here earlier this morning. a lot of the activity just behind me. you can see that this barn is destroyed. the firefighters are just trying to comb through some of that debris. you can see the smoke just rising from these ashes in the sunlight here as it begins to rise. just to put this in perspective, where we are, this is lipsick, a small town just north of dover, about ten minutes north of downtown dover. and this fire happened about 4:30 this morning and during the response, one of the trucks from the volunteer fire department here got involved in an accident. in fact, we have some video. just into our newsroom a few minutes ago of it being removed from the scene. it had to be taken away by a tow truck. you'll see what happened out here. the truck was responding to the
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fire, and went off an embankment. out here in leipsic. and went down that embankment about three feet. so that created quite a stir. in fact, we have some audio from the fire radio of what that response is like. some tense moments early on. take a listen. >> our truck slipped. east denney's road. >> pretty frantic out here earlier this morning. a very small town. not a whole lot out here happens to this magnitude, so certainly a lot of the other small towns responded to this fire. as we can see, we come back out here live, it's hard with that sunlight out there in the background. but the fire is out. the firefighters really just putting out some of these hot spots, making sure this thing doesn't flare up again. one of the gentlemen i've been
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speaking with out here tells me that equipment was stored in this barn. no live shots or anything of that sort. just equipment that was lost out here. so as the firefighters tried to clean up the scene, they got that fire truck out of here about 20 minutes to 30 minutes ago. but right now, the effort is just focused on this barn. we're going to try to get an update from the chief out here. for now, we're live in leipsic, kent county. matt delucia, nbc 10 news. now to our weather. and it is a bright but chilly sunday morning. meteorologist brittney shipp is in the first alert weather center with a look at what we can expect today. >> we're going to see plenty of sunshine, but it is a cold start, and we take a closer look outside today. the sun is coming up and it's going to be a beautiful day, but it's going to be a cold day, so make sure you grab your jacket as you head out the door. you will definitely need it, especially in the poconos. 39 degrees in washington
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township. 38 in wrightstown. temperatures closer to the shore. 38 degrees in beach haven. warmer in avalon. if you're planning to tailgate today, our tailgating temperatures will be in the mid 50s by time the game starts at 1:00. and we will only warm into the low 60s today. that's more than 11 degrees below average. i'll let you know how long these cooler temperatures will stick around. that's coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. new from overnight, philadelphia police are investigating a triple shooting in cobb's creek. three people were wounded outside cousin danny's exotic haven. the victims were taken to the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. all three in critical condition. and philadelphia police are investigating a double shooting in feltonville. two men were shot near the intersection of kensington and sedgely just after midnight. both are hospitaled, they are stable. they found a gun at the scene that was registered to one of
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the victims. so far, no arrests. happening today, convicted philadelphia cop killer mumia abu-jamal will give a college graduation speech. during the address, philadelphia police plan to hold a silent protest at the site where officer daniel faulkner was gunned down. a recorded speech by abu-jamal will be played today for 20 students at goddard college in vermont. abu-jamal received a bachelor's degree from that school in 1996 while behind bars. he is serving life in prison for killing officer faulkner in center city in 1981. the officer's widow maureen faulkner said the graduation students made the wrong choice for a graduation speaker. in mercer county, the first death related to enterovirus d68 in our area has health officials taking safety precautions. 4-year-old eli waller died september 25th. another child from that school is also sick, but is not believed to have the same type
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of enterovirus. gold and blue ribbons line eli's neighborhood on friday night. authorities confirmed it was enterovirus d68 that took the little boy's life. it's the first deadly case of the respiratory illness in our area. gary bordinero's son also attends yardville elementary. >> of course it's going to be on everybody's mind. it's only human nature. people are nervous. they're scared. >> the school district says it has added extra staff to disinfect the school. enterovirus d68 has sickened more than 500 people in 43 states. almost all of them children. for realtime updates on enterovirus d68, visit there you'll find information on the symptoms as well as tips from health care experts. today, the freelance nbc news photographer who contracted ebola in liberia will be flown to nebraska to begin treatment. meantime, thomas duncan, a
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liberian who's being treated for ebola in texas, has gotten worse and is now in critical condition. the head of the centers for disease control and prevention says about 50 people who had contact with duncan have been located and tested. so far, though, no one is showing any symptoms. when it comes to keeping people infected with ebola out of the united states, health officials say there's no realistic way to do it. >> although we might wish we could seal ourselves off from the world, there are americans who have the right of return, there are many other people who have the right to enter into this country, and we're not going to be able to get to zero risk no matter what we do. >> meantime, bed sheets, towels and mattresses have already been removed from the apartment where duncan was staying. eventually all of the items will be taken out and destroyed. ebola has been ruled out as the cause of illness for a man who got sick on a flight to new jersey. this is a picture taken onboard the plane.
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the man began throwing up during the flight from brussels to newark. he had traveled to west africa, but he showed no evidence of ebola. the pennsylvania state trooper killed in a montgomery county shooting range will be remembered today. officials say david kendra was accidentally shot by another trooper. they say it happened during a training exercise on tuesday. kendra was 26 years old. he had been a member of the state police since june of 2012. he was a graduate of temple university and was engaged to be married. a life celebration for kendra will be held tonight at 6:00 at the givnish funeral home at academy road in northeast philadelphia. a funeral mass is set for 11:00 morning. we are learning more about text messages eric frein sent right before the accused trooper killer allegedly ambushed a pennsylvania state police barracks in the poconos. the "times tribune" of scranton
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reported frein rote "all is good" in a text message to a longtime friend four hours before the attack. frein also said he was heading back to delaware. according to police, he lied to others about working in delaware so he could prepare for the ambush. one trooper was killed, another was wounded. is search for frein is in its fourth week. meanwhile, hunting season is being interrupted as police continue to comb the woods for eric frein. the pennsylvania game commission decided to put a hunting ban in seven townships and parts of the delaware state forest. one man traveled from north jersey to monroe county for the first day of archery deer season, but he was nervous to go into the woods. >> they're looking for somebody in camo. we're wearing camo because it's hunting season. that's a scary thing to be mistaken mistaken. everybody's on edge and rightfully so. >> monroe and pike could beties
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have been on high alert for weeks. while you're waking up to a chilly morning, some people in the u.s. are preparing for a day of triple digits. next, the autumn heat wave that has some people worried about what it could mean. going to need a jacket around here, britney. >> definitely a jacket. our temperatures in the 40s, even the 30s. i'll let you know what to expect as we head to the rest of your sunday. that's coming up.
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rescued and unharmed. that's what we can tell you about a man who tried to float from florida's east coast to the bermuda triangle in an inflatable bubble. here's coast guard video of crews finding the bubble pod after the man became too tired to go on. rescue crews located him after he activated a personal beacon. last week, officials warned the man against making the trip, even though he was doing it for charity. an autumn heat wave in california is expected to reach its highest temperatures today. some spots are hitting triple digits. fire crews say the high temps are raising concerns about wildfires and power outages. temperatures in the hottest areas could reach 108.
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now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> good morning. heading into the rest of your sunday, nothing like a heat wave over here. we are going to see a cold start to the morning. i'm sure you felt the difference, temperatures between 20 to 30 degrees cooler than what we saw yesterday. so this is a cooler end to your weekend. a chilly sunday on tap for us. temperatures about ten degrees below average. but we push right back to the 70s by tomorrow. as the sun continues to come out, mostly sunny skies. 46 degrees. our humidity is at 68%, so we have seen a little bit of everything. yesterday, mild with showers coming down. now we'll see plenty of sunshine, but cold temperatures settling in. so in reading, 36 degrees. ten degrees warmer in philadelphia. 42 degrees in atlantic city. and then a closer look at this cold weather. it's not only affecting us, but strechs all the way down into the carolinas.tches all the way
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the carolinas. 41 this morning in cincinnati. we're at 42 in detroit. and our right now temperature throughout our zone, 33 degrees in the poconos. 36 in reading. 37 in blue bell. 40 degrees in washington township. we're at 41 in northeast philly. 39 degrees in trenton closer to the shore. 51 degrees in avalon. if we take a closer look at where this cool air is, you can see it's dipped all the way down. but as we progress the model here, the cool air will slowly retreat back to the north. mild air will help build in from the southeast. that's going to lead to mild conditions for us as we head into monday, so that's going to be a nice warm-up. high pressure rebuilds. we will see a mix of sun and clouds pushing into your monday. and then our satellite radar shot shows we have a bit of a rotation here with an area of low pressure that's moving through parts of canada. but all the rainfall that we saw yesterday is far off to the northeast and heading into the rest of today. we are going to see plenty of sunshine and temperatures
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staying well below average, range between 59 and 61 degrees, so sunny and chilly for us. wind speeds out of the west five to ten miles per hour. your seven-day forecast shows that as we head into monday, we are going to see temperatures at 72 degrees. back to the 70s, mid 70s on your tuesday with showers expected, and then we'll see another round of showers friday and saturday. how the u.s. is responding to fierce of ebola. next, we'll check in with chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press." ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> this morning, the ebola emergency in west africa and here in the u.s. will be a main topic on nbc's "meet the press." joining us now for a preview is moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. chuck, thanks so much for being with us. good to see you as always. >> good morning to you, ted. >> chuck, from the ebola outbreak to the secret service failures, to the isis terror threat, is there anything the government can really do to soothe the insecurities that are being felt in our country? >> you know, it's an open question right now, and i think that that is an added challenge. already, the cdc is struggling to figure out how to contain
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this virus, how to sort of take the lead in west africa, to make sure that ebola doesn't jump the ocean, doesn't jump the continent. and at the same time, you have an american public that is feeling incredibly anxious. we're seeing now more and more concerns. you have a grounded airplane coming in to newark with fears because somebody got sick on the airplane who had come from that part of africa. and so how does the government quell those fears at a time when over the last 18 months government has sort of eroded its trust with the american public due to various bungles, if you want to call it that, from the secret service to the issues of say not being able to get off the ground. all of its over the last 18 months has accumulated into a trust deficit just at a moment when the cdc, a government agency desperately needs the american public to listen to it. and so it's an added challenge to what already is a big problem for them to deal with in the virus itself. >> for sure, and now turning to politics, president obama said
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this week, his policies are on the ballot, even if he's not. what's the impact of that statement now, just a month from the election? >> well, it's interesting, you saw a bunch of republican campaigns already. he made that statement on thursday. and by friday, we saw evidence of three different republican campaigns take that exact quote. they've been desperate to nationalize the selection. republicans want to make it a referendum on obama. his job approval rating hovering in the either low 40s or high 30s, and in some of these red states, even lower than that. so that quote is going to become a star in a bunch of tv ads while democrats try to distance themselves. we'll see how it has an impact on voters. but i can tell you, republicans really want it. we're going to have actually some new polling in three of the key senate races that are going to determine control, and which party is going to control the senate. we're going to debut those on the show later this morning as well. >> we're looking forward to the program. thanks so much, chuck, for being with us. >> appreciate it. >> we'll get the latest update on the ebola outbreak from nbc news chief medical editor dr.
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nancy sneiderman and her crew, including the freelance cameraman who's been diagnosed with the virus. "meet the press" comes your way will morning at 10:30. right now, just about eight minutes before the start of the "today" show, so let's go to new york now and say good morning to lester holt and erica hill, and see what they've got for us. hi, guys. >> hey there, good morning. just ahead on a sunday morning on "today," we are on top of all of those latest developths when it comes to the ebola scare here in the u.s. we'll have an update for you from dallas. we know the condition of the man diagnosed with the virus has now been downgraded. we'll take a closer look at what that means. also, we'll have more on the impending return to the united states of the nbc freelance cameraman who contracted the virus. also, the all-out manhunt of the suspect accused of shooting and killing a pennsylvania state trooper last month. the question being asked, could the cold and wet weather help flush him out? and teens and texting. they know they shouldn't do it behind the wheel. this morning, though, we'll take
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a look at the dangers teens specifically are facing not when they're driving with their phones, but just walking around glued to that device. and we're going to catch up with ben affleck. he's getting rave reviews for his role in the acclaimed new movie "gone girl." he sits down with me to talk about it. >> looking forward to that and much more when we get started on a sunday morning right here on "today." >> thanks, we'll see you at 8:00. we'll be right back.
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happening today, amtrak and emergency management officials will take part in a drill in delaware to prepare crews on how to handle a passenger train emergency. the drill starts at 8:15 this morning at the regional rail station in newark. police and safety crews will practice their response to a simulated train derailment with multiple injuries. also today, the eagles will try to get back in the win column when they host the st. louis rams. you're taking a live look at lincoln financial field. the sold out crowd is expected for the 1:00 game. the 3-1 birds are coming off their first loss of the season at san francisco. the eagles are a 6.5-point favorite to beat the rams this afternoon. go birds. tailgating, though, maybe a little chilly out there. i don't know about short sleeves today. >> it's going to feel like football, but i'm sure there will be someone out there with short sleeves. we're not going to recommend it. maybe we'll even find a few people without shirts on. but take a jacket. take a beanie. you'll need it when you head out, because our temperatures are starting out in the 40s and
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if you get out there really early to tailgate, we are going to stay in the mid 50s, but by the time the game starts, 58 degrees. today's high 51 as you're heading home. cold but sunny as you're heading into tomorrow. warmer once again. high pressure rebuilds from the northeast. we'll see mild air coming in that's going to warm our temperatures back closer to average. mid 70s by tuesday. with a chance of showers. another chance as we head into friday and saturday. so kind of an unsettled workweek for us, but at least we're back to our mild conditions that we're used to, unless you're ready for cooler temperatures. >> no. >> if that's the case, then you'll get the low 60s for today. >> i'm happy to take all those 70s. thank you, brittney and thank you for being with us. that's it for us. brittney and i will be back at 9:00 for another 90 minutes of news. the "today" show is coming your way next. we hope you have a fantastic sunday.
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looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.
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good morning from bad to worse. the dallas patient diagnosed with ebola downgraded to critical condition. an american that beat the virus is readmitted to the hospital. meanwhile a vomiting passenger triggers a flight scare. a camera maniagnosed with ebola prepares to return home to the u.s. as more questions about how the country is dealing with the virus. we're live with the latest. a mother's plea. >> please, please, please help end this nightmare for all of us. please help us bring hannah home. >> hannah graham's mother begging for information as investigators continue to search for the missing university of virginia student