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tv   NBC 10 News at 5am  NBC  October 4, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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died has tested positive for enter roo virus d68. this morning another health scare. how the ebola fears are impacting the area. soggy start to this morning. a little cloudy out there. live look at the center city skyline. once the showers clear, the temperatures will begin to drop. good morning. this is nbc10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 5:00 on this saturday. brittneyship is tracking the wet
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conditions outside. >> oz you head out the door this morning make sure you grab your umbrella. we're going to see light rainfall throughout most of the area pap that area. you can see it looks hazy out. we will continue to see the low hanging clouds. light rainfall, depending on where you are. it is a bit scattered. here's a closer look to show you where the rain is at this time. if you pause, you can see outside the philadelphia area. just offshore in atlantic city and also closer to trenton but a wide look at the enter system and you will notice that it's centered near toronto. as we head into the rest of today, cold front moves through as we head into tonight indefinitely into tomorrow. today our temperatures will range between 68 and 71. cooler as we head into the afternoon. i'll go over the details in my "first alert seven-day forecast". the centers for disease control concerns a mercer county
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preschooler who died last week tested positive for enterovirus d68. that bricks the case in new jersey to nine. nbc10 is live in the digital operation center. matt, you've been gathering details on the new developments. what are health officials telling us? >> rosemary, what we know at this point, that 4-year-old boy from hamilton township do i'd last week. testing began on monday. the tests came back positive for the enterovirus d68, the cdc is conservative with how they are phrasing this. only saying the child who died had this virus but it's unclear right now if that virus, in fact, played a definitive role in the child's death. last month four people died and later tested positive for this enterovirus d68. same situation. the cdc can't officially say that was the cause of death, at
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least not yet. this virus has sickened at least 500 people in 42 states. most of them are children. and with this positive test hamilton township came out with a few remarks saying they are sa saddened by this child's death. our thoughts remain with the family at this very difficult time. she goes on to add, while the child has tested positive for ev-d68 the cause of death has not yet been determined and it is unclear if ev-d68 played a direct role or was a contributing factor in his death. a lot of questions this morning but hamilton township will be opening up a call center from 9:00 a.m. to noon. if you have a pen and paper handy, 609-586-0311. so what is mercer county and the state doing right now to confirm what role this virus played in the child's death? i'm working on that part of the
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story. for now, live in the digital operation center, matt, nbc10 news. >> you can go to our website for more information. we do have info for parents including symptoms and health tips. now, to the ebola virus. the become administration says the national response to the disease is under control and there is little chance of an outbreak here in the u.s. tomorrow american journalist who tested positive for ebola will leave liberia. he'll arrive for treatment in omaha. meanwhile, in dallas, the family who lived with ebola patient thomas duncan has moved out of their apartment and they are currently in garn teen. >> it's been tough because no one wanted them. so someone was kind enough to offer up a private residence that is gated, that is separated from any neighborhood, any apartment complex so they can have their privacy and be away
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from anyone who has concerns. >> the u.s. sent a shipment of supplies yesterday and the first of 3600 troops also departed for west africa to support the fight against the epidemic there. the ebola virus has not been reported in the philadelphia area but the outbreak in west africa and the fears surrounding it are having a ripple effect on the local liberian population. many have been trying to fly their loved ones out of west africa but they tell us it's nearly impossible. >> they come to us as a travel agent and say, can you get them out? >> there's not much you can do. >> there's not much we can do. >> there are between 5 and 10,000 liberians in our region. the local liberian association are gathering supplies to support loved ones abroad. today marks day 22 in the manhunt for suspected cop killer eric frien. this new photo shows a campsite believed to be used by frien. here searchers found two explosion ef device, rifle,
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ammuniti ammunition, clothes, and food. they believe he may start breaking into cabins or searching through trash bins to survive. according to authorities, frien killed a pennsylvania state trooper and wounded another in an ambush in pike county. despite the publicized controversy a convicted philadelphia cop killer will give a college graduation speech this weekend. this morning we are hearing from the widow of the officer he killed more than 30 years ago. a recorded address by jamal will be played tomorrow for 20 students at goddard college in vermont. he received his bachelors degree from the school in 1986 while behind bars. he is serving life in prison for killing daniel faulkner in 1981. nbc10 spoke with faulkner's widow. she says the soon to be college graduates could have chosen anyone to give them inspiration and they made the wrong choice. >> sometime in their future of their life they are going to
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come across either a loved one or maybe a friend that will lose their life brutally. and when they do, they can think of me. >> during tomorrow's address philadelphia police plan to hold a silent protest at the sight of faulkner's murder. lths isis is now threatening another american hostage with execution. following the beheading of a british aide worker. yesterday isis militants released this video showing the killing of british hostage alan henning. the video appears to show peter of indianapolis. the family of the former army ranger says the 26-year-old moved to the middle east to provide humanitarian aid to war refugees. two american reporters and this british aide worker have been shown being executed in ice sis videos. to a developing story we're following. after a four-month delay the
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hunt for malaysia airlines flight 370 is set to resume. crews will be looking in a desolate part of the indian ocean amend will be using new equipment. the boeing 777 disappeared in march with 239 people onboard. back in our area, in philadelphia, friends and family are trying to bring attention to the search for mariah gray, missing for two weeks. as you can see, relatives handed out fliers last night. they say gray who suffers from seizures and needs medicine has been spotted several times with an older man. >> walking to bring mariah home safe. she's been seen in this area quite frequently the whole entire week. we're just going to walk around, walking in peace, giving our fliers and hope that somebody has seen her and can lead us to where she is. >> the family says if gray returns home, no questions will be asked. they just want her back safe and sound. the jewish holiday of yom kippur ends at sundown tonight.
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♪ last night the jewish faithful in north philadelphia celebrated the day of atonement and repentance. it's a time of intense prayer and fasting. the holiday which began at sundown yesterday is the most holy day of the jewish year. after a fire at the flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pen. there's concern that some 9/11 artifacts are now lost including an historic flag. we'll give you the details. despite a cease-fire, fighting continues between pro-russian rebels and ukrainian for forces. right now both sides are battling for a key location. pro democracy protests in hong kong as police arrest 20 people during clashes. some are believed to have ties to organized crime. we'll show you exactly what happened. nmg new jersey nun who died
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decades ago will move one step closer to sainthood today approximately we'll tell you what the pope called a miracle. skippy!!
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yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? ♪ skippy!! ♪ yippee!! i'm bored. hashtag bored. skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!!
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♪ nnchts yearn ukraine pro-russian rebels are trying to seize a key airport in that area despite a cease-fire. three separatists tanks fired at the main terminal offighting for the airport has intensified during week and it threatens to derail the truce declared at the beginning of september. police say in hong kong have arrested 19 people including suspected gang members accuse of attacking pro democracy protesters. the protesters have been out on the streets holding peaceful demonstrations for the past week. police struggled for hours to control the battle as the attackers pushed and shoved the
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protesters. 12 people and 6 officers were injured during the clashes. update on a story we first told you about yesterday afternoon. sources tell nbc10 that the teen who lost control of her suv driving last night during the evening rush may be paralyzed. the 17-year-old girl was rescued from her overturned yukon after police say she crashed it feet away from the river. she was heading eastbound on martin luther king drive when she lost control of her suv, crossed over three lanes of traffic, jumped the curb, hit a guardrail and went tumbling down the embankment. the nurse rushed to help the trapped teen. >> she's just scared. she's talking but she's scared. >> the victim whom sources identified as tamira chandler was place and stretcher and taken to the hospital. police are trying to find out if speed played a factor in this
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accide accident. troubling news out of shanks phil. . . three billings have been destroyed by fire. officials worry if the memorabilia stored there could be lost, that includes a flag that flew over the u.s. capitol on september 11, 2001. the flight marks the spot where the flight crashed on september 11th terrorist attacks. there will not be a rail strike in ten days but they are not ruling out a future work stoppage. if no settlement is reached by october 13th, septa managers plan to ask for their second emergency mediation with the rail workers which would force them to stay on the job for 120 days. that would end on february 10th. if no deal is done by then there could be a strike of the entire system. union representatives say the hold-up is over wage increases. next we'll bring you highlights from around the region and breakdown last night's biggest match-ups in the high school blitz.
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and i'm tracking rain to start off your saturday morning. what to expect for the rest of the weekend. that's coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast.
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and a portion of the proceeds will help breast cancer survivors live beyond their diagnosis. was ahead to the start to your weekend, light rainfall. that's going to clear up as we head into your late morning hour or early afternoon hours. it is a soggy start but we're cooling down as we head into the rest of today and definitely into tomorrow. then we'll see mild conditions once again pushing into next week. head back in the 70s. for philadelphia, 67 degrees. mostly cloudy skies. rainfall coming down. depending on where you are. i'll show you that. but for our humidity, 90%. south southeast at 11 miles per hour. temperaturewise, mid 50s in the poconos. low 60s in allentown. 61 in quakertown.
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63 in pottstown. 64 in washington township. currently in the low 60s in trenton. temperatures closer to atlantic city airplane, 66 degrees. 68 in avalon. it is a mild start to your morning. if you plan on hopping in the car in the next few hours we are seeing light rainfall leading to wet roads and ponding on the roads just south of allentown dealing with a light rainfall. here's where the rain is throughout parts of burlington county. just to the knot of trenton. you can see it's spotty but it's going to continue to move through our area as we head to the rest at morning hours. mostly cloudy skies. this is part of a larger system centered to the northeast of us. it continues to swing past our region. we'll deal with the rainfall throughout the rest of your morning. so here's how the morning is going to breakdown. continue your 8:00 and 9:00 hour to see all the rainfall confined to the shore before it continues to push off to the northeast. we'll see gradual clearing as we head into your early afternoon hours. 1:00, 2:00.
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you will already notice more sunshine coming out. so although it's going to be a cloudy and soggy start to your weekend, we are going to see a few peaks of sunshine. temperatures today are going to drop down into the 60s. much cooler air is heading in our direction as we head into the rest of today. so much cooler for us. overnight hours we will drop down into the 40s and the 30s. your seven-day forecast shows -- exc in the 60s tomorrow, back in the 70s next week. . good morning to you. i'm danny pommel. buckle up. across the region, delaware, new jersey, pennsylvania, we're all over it, on the "high school blitz." ♪
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a huge match-up at former eagle john runnion on hand. the rest of the st. joe's prep teams taking on melvern prep. out to terrence who makes a great grab and sets up the touchdown. 49-28. running the rock on south philly. luke white carried it for 110 yards and 2 touchdowns in this game. carmel o'hara going to the air against archbishop carol. to jackson. look at him hold on under dur s duress. 27-37. camden catholic had no trouble with stepford. rogers and johnson far side for the score. camden catholic dominates, 50-0. the high school blitz game of the week is brought to you by your quality plus ford stores. home of america's favorite brand. >> you want to see bishopnd westchester henderson? you got it. look at this punt. balls of the hands of
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henderson's noah richard, straight to the right and straight down the sideline. gone. henderson wins, 21-7. the high school blitz play of the week is brought to you by toyo toyota. let's go places. >> a play of the week comes from the white hall/easton game. barkley going to penn state next year. look at this play. every easton defender had a chance at him. but hey, he has more moves than a u-haul struck. lasalle and archbishop. shermer, eagles offensive pat shermer. james makes the great dobing. bishop trying to pass against lansdale catholic. eddie mcgee tracks him down for the sack. they win it, 36-25. coastville, 2 yard line nape try
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to run it in but they say, uh-uh, force the fumble and scoops it up. roxborough trying to pass against penn charter. penn charter's patrick mccain takes it away. penn charter wins by 20. going to the air fains frankfurt in the public league. picked off by lee. frankfurt, a touchdown better than central. to delaware now. mt. pleasant and dickinson, williams gets the rock for a second touchdown of the game. mt. pleasant with the 12-0 shutout. opening drive. sam ragland gets around the left side for the 34-yard touchdown. they cruise 41-6. one more from down the shore. toe to toe in this one. two touchdowns in the game. many more games and great highlights still to come tonight at 7:00. high school blitz right here on nbc10. i'm danny pommel from comcast
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sportsnet. coming up, a ceremony toured sainthood. a new jersey nun who died more man 80 years ago is one step closer to becoming a saint. how she is credited to curing a boy's disease that is called a miracle.
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♪ the barnes foundation in fair mount celebrated hispanic heritage month with a flanenco festival last night. artists and scholars from the hispanic and latino community. iris delgado hosted the festivities. it houses an extensive impression of post impressionists and early modern paintings. today in newark,es sex county, more than within,000 people are expected to witness a nun credited with curing a boy's eye disease. the boy received a relic of
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sister myrrhial teresa in the 1960s and prayed over it. church officials say the boy's illness was totally reversed within six weeks. pope francis certified it as a miracle. the sister who died more than 80 years ago will be beatified during a mass. members of her family plan to attend the mass. >> we pray and we take part with joy to this event. this is important. >> for her to be in -- right here in northern new jersey, that people can come and be a part of it is wonderful. >> today's beatification ceremony is the third of four steps towards sainthood. from the nbc10 delaware bureau, competitors will have to wait until nextiaer for the annual pumpkin chunkin' contest. it was planned for later this month but organizers say they cannot get all the details worked out in time. so they postponed it until november of 2015.
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the pumpkin chunkin' is moving from the original location at a farm in bridgeville to the dover international speedway. this is a prime weekend for car lovers. the car show is under way in wilmington. it's the first display in the region to showcase the 2015 models it runs from 10:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening today and tomorrow. there are two more opportunities for families to check out the monster jam in south fully. nbc10 was at the wells fargo center yesterday as the monster truck drivers practiced their moves. during the show they performed stunts and tricks with the gigantic trucks. here's a live look at the home of the fliers and the sixer. the first monster jam show was last night and today there are two shows, at 2:00 and again at 7:30 tonight. coming up, enterovirus d68, a child who died last week tested positive for the disease. matt is following the developments. >> rosemary, we'll tell you what
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one local town is doing right now to confirm whether this played a direct role in a 4-year-old's death. i'll have that coming up in a couple of minutes. i'm tracking rain moving through our area. i'll let you know how long the showers will stick around, coming up in my first alert seven-day forecast. imported chicken has been in the
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news a lot lately. for chicken that hasn't crossed an ocean, look for perdue. we're the first company to have the usda verify that our chickens are raised in the usa. to bring your family a fresh-tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. >> you want to see bishop eustace and westchester henderson? you got it. pyou got it. look at this punt. balls of the hands of
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right now on nbc10 news today the cdc is investigating the first local death that may be linked to enterovirus d68. medical experts are trying to determine if it had a direct effect in the deadly outcome. day 22 in the search for cop killer eric frien. what police have discovered as the manhunt for the survivalist continues. we are off to a rainy and cloudy start on this saturday morning. here's a live look at the center city skyline. the wet weather is expected to continue through the morning. and then a cold front heads our way. good morning. this is nbc10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 5:30 on this saturday. meteorologist brittney shipp is watching the changes in the forecast. the temperatures are going to take a dip but for now much of our area is in the 60s. >> that's right. most of the area in the mid 60s. as we head into the rest of the afternoon we'll pretty much stay in the mid to high 60s. we drop down to the low 60s tomorrow. so it is going to feel a bit more like fall as


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