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tv   NBC 10 News at 4pm  NBC  September 17, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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police released it. investigators hoped someone would know the identities of those who were spotted on a surveillance camera in center city right before the fight thursday night. police say it wasn't long before the video spread on social media sites and the tips started coming in. police sources confirmed they were contacted by those on the video and lawyers hired by some seen on the tape. those police want to speak with are from bucks county. we spent the day on the phone speaking with high profile defense attorneys. two lawyers who don't want to be named tell nbc 10 the first punch was thrown by one of the beating victims. they tell us there are other videos that have not been released. they say those videos tell a different story. lawyers we spoke with say what happened is not a hate crime and one lawyer tells me it was a series of bad decisions by those involved. now we are making attempts to speak with the victims, given this new information. again, investigators here, holing out hope that more with knowledge of the case will show
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up here and tell them what happens here. at this point we are told that no charges in the case have been filed. reporting live in center city, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. >> what type of lawyers have brought their clients to police. >> some of the lawyers say they haven't been retained, they merely have spoken with people who claim to have involvement or claim to be on the video. some say because there's no arrest warrant, there's no reason to bring them to police at this point. >> thank you, deanna. our 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with a violent attack against a homeless woman leaving her in critical condition. investigators say her ears were nearly cut off. nbc 10's george spencer live in camden this afternoon. >> george, investigators are hoping reward money will leave them closer to whoever did this. >> denise, they are because right now they have virtually no leeds an a victim who is so badly injured she can barely
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speak. just within the past two hours, we tracked down some of that victim's siblings and they tell us they last saw their sister near this intersection just shortly before the vicious attack. >> i'm just thinking about how someone can do this to someone like that. >> reporter: this afternoon, rachel robertson could find no answers on her sister, 55-year-old charlene lightfoot. now, almost two days later, the victim's injuries are almost too much for words. >> she has a broken eye socket. she has three fractured ribs. her face looks like a watermelon. she has blood on the brain and someone did this to her. >> reporter: who did it and exactly how are the questions camden police now face. all they know for certain, somehow miraculously they say the 54-year-old homeless victim made her way to a hospital after
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the attack in the wee hours tuesday. she suffered head trauma and cuts so deep her ears were nearly removed. injuries consistent with an assault by more than one attacker. >> she managed to say some things. it sounded lake she was trying to say there was more than one perpetrator. we're not certain of that. >> reporter: lightfoot was known among neighbors in this general area. sheç remains in critical condition at a hospital nearby. 215-546 hit 215-546-tips if you have any information in this case. the reward in this case stands at $1,000. skyforce 10 over the scene where an 8-year-old girl died after falling nine stories from a west philadelphia apartment building. it happened at the fairfax apartments at 42nd and locust streets. neighbors tell us the girl and her family recently moved into the building. police say the child's death was a tragic accident.
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>> the kids sleep in the bedroom, the father sleeps in the living room. it's a small apartment. we believe the kids had woken up before the father. the 8-year-old girl was looking at the window and tragically fell from the window. >> no charges have been filed in the case. a pennsylvania state trooper was involved in an accident in delaware county this morning. skyforce 10 over the scene on i-95. you can see the cruiser went through the guardrail and off the side of the highway the accident happened in the southbound lanes at new bartrum avenue. the trooper wasn't seriously hurt. no word on what caused the accident. skyforce 10 also over a smoky scene at philadelphia international this morning. a truck caught fire at the airport. you can see the thick flames and black smoke pouring out of the vehicle. the fire crews were called in and doused those flames. there are no reports of injuries. a respiratory virus affe affecting children is spreading.
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health officials have confirmed new jersey's first case of enterovirus 68. four children were treated for the virus at children's hospital of philadelphia, throw of those patients were from pennsylvania. we're waiting to are lab results of suspected cases in delaware. the virus typically causes upper respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, body and muscle aches and possibly a low grade fever. there are ways to protect yourself from this virus. experts say be sure and wash your hands often. avoid touching hands-to-face. avoid close contact with those who are sick and if you have to sneeze, be sure to do it into a tissue or into your elbow. >> now to a developing story as the manhunt intensifies for an alleged cop killer two school districts in northeastern pennsylvania shut down for the day as a safety precaution. right now, a viewing is being held for the trooper killed during a shift change in pike
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county friday night. the fawn ral funeral for bryon s tomorrow in scranton. alex douglass, another trooper, is recovering after being shot. >> this is the subject of the police manhunt. 31-year-old eric frein. doug shimell has been monitoring police activity in this area. >> he's live in blooming grove where state police gave a briefing a short time ago. doug? >> reporter: state police say that eric frein may have radically altered his appearance, shaving his hair close on the side and leaving a very long mohawk, a different look from the pictures released earlier this week. and of course, law enforcers tell us this has been a manhunt that has terrified local communities. security officers were the only movement at the pocono mountain school district. all nine of the district's schools deserted. >> they canceled school here today at the pocono mountain school district because they didn't want the children waiting perhaps unattended at the bus
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stops. >> reporter: it is day five of the manhunt in pike county for eric frein, accused of the ambush murder of pennsylvania state police corporal bryon dickson and the wounding of trooper alex douglass. >> very nerve-racking. i'm afraid. i don't blame them for closing the schools at all. >> reporter: the four children all close to home. >> kind of like notç leaving t house bayh you don't know what could be out there. >> reporter: state police say they know school districts in town are worried about their safety but they wanted to reassure the public. >> i am convinced frein has engaged in a personal battle with law enforcement, particularly the pennsylvania state police. and will likely stay focused on that fight. >> reporter: of course regardless of that, the pocono mountain school district and several others say they will be making the decision in the next few hours as to whether to hold school tomorrow. it will be a day-by-day
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decision. as we mentioned, going on right now in scranton, a memorial service for corporal bryon dickson. we'll have more on that coming up tonight at 5:00 as well as the manhunt for eric frein. live in pike county, doug shimell le, nbc 10 news. philadelphia police are investigating the sexual assault of a woman in north philadelphia. authorities say the 52-year-old was attacked in a vacant lot on the 1800 block of york street. this happened around 4:00 tuesday morning. police have not yet released a sketch of the suspect. if you saw anything in that area early yesterday morning, give police a call. from the nbc 10 south jersey bureau, police in ocean county are searching for the person who stabbed a man during an attempted robbery. here's a look at the sketch of the suspect just released today. police say the victim was walking to a store in manchester township monday night when he was approached by a man who was intoxicated. the victim told officers the man stabbed him in the stomach after he told him he did not have any money. a gloucester county liquor
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store at the center of customer complaints over alleged racism went up for sale today. the kings liquor store was sold today after the store closed last month. customers said the owner would refuse to serve african-american customers and lock the door on them while allowing white customers to come in. we now have new information about two men charged in the deadly building collapse in center city. demolition contractor griffin campbell and subcontractor shawn benschop will be tried together. campbell and benschop both face third degree murder charges for the june 2013 collapse. six people were killed when the building under demolition came crashing down on top of a salvation army thrift store at 22nd and market street. statehouse vote on the ftd cigarette tax which would help fund the city's struggling
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school district has been delayed. >> lawmakers say the vote won't happen until at least monday. a house rules committee yesterday voted unanimously in favor of a cigarette tax. philadelphia mayor michael nutter said the vote showed a pathway-to-getting the tax enacted. if it's passed, the bill would still need senate approval. now, they're proposing a $2 a pack tax which could bring in $80 million or more to help fund philadelphia public schools for the current school year. more help today for the thousands of workers impacted by the casino crisis in atlantic city. the new jersey department of labor opened another resource center today. this comes a day after the closing of trump plaza casino. workers are being offered guidance on job training, resume development and filing for unemployment. the goal is to quickly transition the unemployed casino workers into new jobs. >> there's plenty of hospitality jobs available in new jersey and in the delaware valley. these folks are very good at
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what they do. they may need some skill upgrade training or may want to change their career. the community colleges are doing a great job helping them with that. >> all the casino closures are expected to eliminate about 10,000 jobs in atlantic city. meanwhile, atlantic city's mayor visited delaware conte today where he talked about managing the çcity's casino crisis. also atlantic city strategy for the future. mayor donald edguardan said in order to survive, atlantic city needs to transform into an entertainment destination and not just a gaming mecca. so far this year, four atlantic city casinos have closed up shop. the atlantic club was the first to close in january. showboat closed august 31st. two days later, revel closed. just yesterday, trump plaza closed. the taj mahal could be next.
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they say they could shut down in november. a celebration of american history in the place where it all started. nbc 10 in old city today for one of the many constitution day celebrations. rosemary connors live outside the national constitution center in old city. >> today is serving as a history lesson for young and old alike. >> that's right, denise and renee. the goal was to educate both children and adults about the importance of the constitution through interactive exhibits they celebrated the day with george washington, a band and birthday cake. it was on this day in 1787 here in philadelphia that the constitution was signed. it was ratified the following year. it set up our system of government into three branches as we all know and put the power in the hands of the people. federal judges were also here at the constitution center to talk to the students about how the constitution and the amendments are constantly being interpreted. the focus today was to help people become engaged and informed.
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when you hear that word constitution, our constitution, what do you think of? >> i think of freedom. >> the constitution belongs to all of us. as americans we shape it as a conversation and only by learning about the best arguments on all sides of constitutional questions can school kids and future citizens make up their own minds. >> reporter: the three events here at the constitution center wrap up at 5:00. there's still a little bit of time if you're in the area enawant to stop in. one of the ongoing and main exhibits is called the story of we the people, which of course as we all know where the first three words of preamble to the constitution. reporting live, outside of the constitution center in old city, rosemary connors, nbc 10 news. now from our delaware bureau, dover air force base announced plans to replace a 69-year-old runway. the rebuilding project will cost $98 million and is expected to take two years. during that time the planes at the base will be transferred to
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another location. dover air force base is one of the largest air freight terminals in the military. it's also the place where the remains of soldiers killed overseas arrive back home in the u.s. isis has at least a new propaganda video in what appears to be a declaration of war on the united states. 592-second video shows militants blowing up tanks, wound u.s. soldiers and others about to be killed. the video's timing suggests it was a response to the chairman of the joint chief of staff who said if the current iraq strategy does not prevail, he may recommend the use of ground troops. president obama emphasized that u.s. troops will not fight in a ground war in iraq. the president met with leaders of u.s. central command at tampa's macdill air force base and after reviewing plans for combatting isis militants, the president says the u.s. will only support the ground troops of partner countries. the senate foreign relations committee is hearing testimony on the strategy for dealing with
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isis. here's a live look at the hearing on capitol hill where secretary of state john kerry will soon be testifying. there appeared to be additional security at st. peter's square this morning for the pope's general audience after a reported threat on the pope from isis. italian news media reported thaç albanian law enforcement had alerted interpol that muslim militants who returned to albania could pose a threat to the pope. some new fallout today on the domestic violence scandal rocking the nfl. >> one star player is put on hiatus while the players' union appealed the suspension of another. the minnesota vikings reversed their decision to reinstate adrian peterson saying today we made a mistake. the vikings are banning peterson from all team activities until his legal matters are resolved. peterson admits to using a
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switch to discipline the child. the nfl players union is challenging the suspension of baltimore ravens running back ray rice. rice was originally handed a two-game suspension under the nfl's personal conduct policy after he was charged with assault for attacking his now wife in a casino elevator. he had already served the first game of that suspension when a video of the incident surfaced last week. within hours the ravens released rice and he was suspended from the league indefinitely. in a game where winning is everything, the nfl may now be at risk for losing some key sponsors. the league's biggest partner, anheuser-busch, issued a statement saying it was not yet satisfied with the league's handling of behaviors. mcdonald's, gm, bridgestone and others voiced similar concerns. so far, none have pulled their ads. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> what a beautiful day out there. we still have lots of sunshine.
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a few fair weather clouds and that is it. we have more dry days in that seven-day forecast. we also have more cool nights in the seven-day forecast. other parts of the country are getting some pretty rough weather. record flooding possible in parts of the southwestern united states from a tropical storm. we have the dry conditions now. there's no rain anywhere nearby. 74 degrees. the humidity only 37%. and 6 mile-an-hour winds, not nearly as windy as it was yesterday either. temperatures in the low 70s in much of the area. only 69, atlantic city international and we were in the 30s in the poconos and 40s in many of the surrounding areas this morning. and with a bit of a west wind, the only thing coming at us is a little bit cooler weather. so it can't really warm up a whole lot real fast. it will warm up over the weekend. it will take a little while. we have lots of sunshine around
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now and not a whole lot of moisture in the country. so things will be basically dry for a while. here's the futurecast that shows us that, as we go in through thursday and then friday we're going to be seeing the wind change a little bit and perhaps a little bit of moisture coming in off the ocean. by saturday, football. temple is looking pretty good. temperatures up a little bit. but still not very humid and we don't expect any rain. for the eagles, we expect some warm weather. it's going to get into the mid-80s and the humidity up a little bit. it's not exactly football weather but it could be a whole lot worse for the spectators, that's for sure. edouard still out in the ocean. still a hurricane in the middle of the ocean. on the other side, this is odile, still a tropical storm and that moisture is coming in to the united states.
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and look at the radar. it's just getting worse and worse. this really big blob about to come into parts of arizona right now. for tonight, we expect clear skies again, cool again. 55 for the low in philadelphia, 45 north and west. tomorrow, çsunny, beautiful da again. a lot like today. mid-70s. it will be cooler, cloudier on friday and especially friday night and into saturday morning. then the sun starts to come back out saturday afternoon. and the temperature goes up. and then the warmest day is sunday. if we get any showers, it would be most likely sunday night into early monday morning and then look how cool it gets after that. >> thanks, glenn. firefighters are used to dealing with heat. >> but this is a different kind of heat. >> i thought it was completely inappropriate and distasteful. >> a shocker at the shore. the banner draped over a deck that sparked a firestorm of
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controversy for some local firefighters. >> and new at 4:30, social media fluke. police trying to get to the bottom of a center city beating and identifying this group of young people get a break. how one amateur on the case quickly changed the whole case for investigators. plus this, off and running, the race for philadelphia mayor suddenly got interesting.
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well-known former district attorney lynn abraham will run for mayor in philadelphia. her adviser tells nbc 10 the campaign is till in the planning stages and an official announcement probably won't happen until november. abraham spent nearly two decades working in the philadelphia d.a.'s office. abraham's announcement came just after attorney cantor hio kicked off his campaign outside headquarters.
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>> our children are growing up in the force of the large cities in america in cities with an increasing gap between the poor and the rich and in a city where children are losing opportunities they should have. >> the said his other focus wil be using policy strategies to help city residents feel safe. here's a closer look at trujillo's background. he's a partner at a philadelphia law firm. trujillo served as city solicitor under former mayor john street. he's also a former prosecutor. the other candidates in the running for mayor are tellry guillen, john bell and milton street sr., the brother of former mayor john street. happening now, new jersey governor chris christie is in nashua, new hampshire, showing
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his support for republican walt havenstein. earlier today, christie was in maryland to rally support for republican larry hogan in his campaign for governor. new claims are made about a high profile center city beating investigation. >> that is our top story on nbc 10 news at 4:00 today. nbc 10 has learned that some of the people police want to talk to in this video say the beating victim started it. the accusers have told nbc 10 they were attacked because they're gay. police have not filed any charges. also, concerns over cuts. thousands of people in our area feeling the financial impact of a decision made in washington. and worries about how they'll be able to put food on the table. glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> cool, dry conditions continue. i'll let you know when we'll start to see a late summer warmup in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast.
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then new at 5:00, gun sales crackdown from rifles to pistols, these firearms sure look like the real thing. how atlantic city leaders are working to stop shops from selling them. this is nbc 10 news. our dad's a plumber.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too.
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this is nbc 10 news. now at 4:30, the search for this group of young people in connection to a center city beating takes a different turn this afternoon. some of the people in this surveillance video that we first showed you yesterday on nbc 10 news at 4:00 says it all started with one of the alleged victims. no one has been charged in the case as police sort out who did what. >> but police got an assist in
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their investigation as they work to identify the people in that video. nbc 10's deanna durante joins us live again from central detectives. >> tell us how social media proved to be pivotal in this investigation. >> reporter: first let me tell you what's happening right now. one man is inside central detective, that he showed up here within the hour to speak to investigators with his attorney. now, police tell us that social media played an amazing role in this case, because pictures went out there, they hit the internet, people were posting them on facebook and their twitter pages. so much so that at least one police officer offered online feedback to those playing amateur detective. he's a former castmate of the "real housewives of new jersey." when he was sent one of the pictures it was shared on twitter and retweeted nearly 500 times. it wasn't long before the background was recognized as a popular spot in center city.
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then fansince09 pickedç up on e picture and started looking to see who checked in at that restaurant on facebook. he shared that information with another police detective in another district then tweeted, this is how twitter is supposed to work. police do tell me that social media has changed the game when it comes to solving cases. images get out there quicker to lead them to get tips even faster. at this point, there have been no arrests in the case. and i have reached out to a number of defense attorneys that tell me that they are representing people who could be involved. they right now do not have much to say about the case. reporting live in center city, deanna durante, nbc 10 news. here are some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 news at 4:00. police say a homeless woman was the victim of an attack in camden. her ears were nearly ripped off. now there's a $1,000 reward
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leading to an arrest and conviction. at salt happened late monday night or into early sus morning. the woman is in critical condition. an 8-year-old girl is dead after fall something nine floors from a west philadelphia apartment building. police say the girl fell from a window just before 8:00 this morning. she was rushed to children's hospital of philadelphia where she was pronounced dead. investigators say this was a tragic accident. happening right now, a viewing is being held for the pennsylvania state trooper shot and killed in pike county on friday night. the funeral for bryon dickson is tomorrow in scranton. police are still looking for the suspect, 31-year-old eric frein as the manhunt intensifies for frein, two school districts in the poconos were shut down for the day as a safety precaution. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. below average temperatures continue across the region as we look live at cape may this afternoon. still a beauty out there. nbc 10 first alert chief
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meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the first alert forecast. >> tell us how cool it's going to get tonight. >> some places will get back down into the 40s where they were this morning. the sunshine helps push the temperature fairly close to the average. the average is 78 for this year of the year. we haven't gotten there in quite a while. sunday was 69. got up to 74 yesterday. 74 so far today, about 75 during the day tomorrow. but at night, with a clear sky, light wind and low humidity, the temperatures could drop off quickly, down to 6 degrees at 8:00 and 62 degrees, that's in the city of philadelphia at 10:00. some of the suburbs will be down in the low 50s by then. so that's going to be another one of those nights and early mornings where you need a jacket or sweater to start off the day. but you're not going to need it tomorrow afternoon. we'll see how much it's going to warm up after that and it will. and when the next rain is coming with the seven-day in just a few
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minutes. thanks, glenn. we have an update on a west philadelphia row house fire. skyforce 10 was over the home here on reno street around 7:00 this morning as fire crews battled heavy smoke up on the roof. everyone made it out of here safely. the red cross right now helping the family displaced from this fire. the cause is under investigation. we also have an update on a water main break that closed a center city intersection for about 14 hours. the water department tells us they're still working to repair that broken main at 7th and locust streets. nearby properties will likely be without water until later on tonight when repairs are finally done. the man accused of killing a pregnant mother and her baby over the weekend still has not turned himself in to police. devon guisherd, attorneys tell nbc 10, that he was going to surrender to clear his name. police say guisherd was the person who opened fire near adams avenue in franko[d sunday morning. a stray bullet hit megan doto.
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she died a short time later. doctors were able to deliver her baby by emergency c-section but then the baby also died. the trial continued today for the montgomery county man accused of killing a baby and her grandmother. raghunandan yandamuri says he was forced to go to the home by two men and they committed the murders. yandamuri asked the judge not to allow pictures showing the bodies of 10-month-old saanvi venna and her grandmother. it claims it would prevent him from getting a fair trial. prosecutors say yandamuri killed the grandmother after kidnapping the baby from her family's king of prussia apartment in october of 2012. the baby's body was found four days later. yandamuri faces the death penalty if convicted. treatment, education and prevention. that's what new jersey lawmakers are hoping to achieve with 21 bills aimed at curbing heroin and prescription drug abuse.
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the measures would require insurance plans to cover drug treatment when determined to be medically necessary. doctors would need to inform patients if a prescription could be addictive. some colleges would have to provide special housing for students recovering from abuse. >> he's accused of going on a school stabbing rampage. >> today we'll tell you why that pennsylvania teenager was let out of custody and now here's what the nbc 10 news team is work on right now for nbc 10 news at 5:00. these are an imitation that looks like the real thing. >> atlantic city thieves robbing people with fake guns. >> new at 5:00, how officials say some boardwalk shops are helping out criminals and what the city is doing today to stop it. >> no child deserves to be hurt in this way, no person deserves to be hurt in this way. >> also new at 5:00, the training south new jersey officials are getting.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> the 16-year-old boy accused of going on a stabbing rampage at his western pennsylvania high school was briefly released today so the teen could attend his grandmother's funeral. he's been behind bars since april 9th after police say he stabbed 20 students and a security guard at franklin regional high school in murrysville. new york city police make a
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quick arrest after spotting a thief stealing from a sleeping woman at the times square subway station. an officer monitoring the city's closed circuit camera spotted the thief reaching into the woman's pocket and grabbing her cell phone. look at that. the officer alerted someone on patrol in the area. police say the man has been arrested 38 other times and was currently on parole. they wanted to see skin. well, now their bosses are seeing red. >> convention controversy. local firefighters find themselves at the center of a scandal all because of a banner on a balcony that has left some women feeling insulted. and now glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> we've been enjoying pleasant conditions but i am tracking changes that you're going to notice in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert seven-day forecast. all new tonight on nbc 10 news at 5:00, adding insult to injury. who is responsible for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars earmarked for victims of superstorm sandy?
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this is nbc 10 news.
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don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> we're learning more this afternoon about just how many people will be affected by cuts to the federal food stamp program. the farm bill signed back in february was an attempt to save money by scaling back on a loophole that entitles low-income families to more food aid if they enroll in a heating assistance program. the 1% cut was a compromise between republicans who wanted larger cuts and democrats who did not want any cuts. according to a review by the associated press, the cuts will affect four states, new jersey, michigan, wisconsin and new hampshire. the food stamp program currently serves one in seven americans. it costs $80 billion a year.
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now, this year's cuts will affect 1.8 million households in those four states, including new jersey. that's out of almost 23 million households nationwide. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> it's been a beautiful day to spend outside. look at that blue in the sky. nbc 10 and the wilmington water front and the polish festival getting started in less than an hour right there. man, that's a beautiful shot. we've had lots of sunshine, of course, throughout the area. dry day and we've got more dry days ahead. we have more cool nights ahead. now we're getting to the time of year where we get a fair difference between the daytime temperature and the nighttime temperature. but this is even a little bit more than normal. and possible record flooding in other parts of the united states. we have the sunshine that we've
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seen all day today, 74 degrees, the relative humidity is very low, 37%. don't see that a whole lot at this time of the year. temperatures have been below average but they're starting to creep back up toward that 78 degree average temperature. and right now, we are in the 60s at doylestown, 69 degrees, 65 in the poconos. they were in the 30s this morning. 68 in clayton. one of the cool spots. as you can see, a lot of places over 70 but atlantic city right on the boardwalk. 68 degrees. the airport at 69 degrees.ç the low temperatures tonight, pretty low again with the clear skies. 45 in allentown, 46 in quakertown. 46 in reading. 49 in doylestown. 51 in trenton and mount holly, 47 in vineland. 50 in dover. and chester and glassboro and in westchester.
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but it's not going to be raining. we have dry weather and much of the country is dry. not the southwestern part of the country, though, as you'll see in a minute. every once in a while. we may start to get a wind off the ocean friday and increase the cloud cover. this is hurricane edouard. still a hurricane way out in the middle of the atlantic. still looking pretty impressive that far away. kicking up the surf at the jersey shore. the rip current risk kind of high. this is odile. the moisture is coming in to parts of new mexico and arizona and this is really going to be bad. wherever this ball of moisture goes, there may be record flooding before this is over with. tonight, clear skies. another cool night. 55 for a low in philadelphia.
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45 in the northern and western suburbs. tomorrow, pretty close to a repeat of today. high temperatures in the mid-70s. and the seven-day forecast, well, the clouds increase on friday. wind comes in off the ocean. gets cooler. we may start off with clouds on saturday. increased sunshine in the afternoon, pretty good weather for the temple game and pretty warm weather for the eagles on sunday. 84 degrees. not real humid but that's warm for football. not for the fans, though. it will be great for the fans. then a windy day on monday as we start to get cooler by next week. >> today is pay what you wish wednesday at the philadelphia museum of art. taking a live look at the museum. for tonight's activities, they're getting ready to begin in just about 15 minutes. game night starts at 5:00 p.m. it includes chess, operation and a life-size version of connect four. then at 5:30, it's make stuff, a chance for visitors to create their own puzzle inspired by a
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work of art and games will also be the theme of the wednesday night look around, the scavenger hunt inside the museum starts at 6:00. a black eye for a local fire department. >> local area heroes prepare for punishment. >> what do you want to say as the mayor for people who may have been embarraoffended by th >> i'm embarrassed. and all new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, fake firepower. they look like the real thing and they're being used to commit crimes. how atlantic city is working to stop toy-looking guns from being sold. this is nbc 10 news.
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this is nbc 10 news. >> south jersey firefighters are feeling the heat today. >> a fire symptom of controversy has erupted over a weekend display at the jersey shore. nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter cydney long joins us live from williamstown. >> cydney, explain the controversy that has fire department leaders taking action. >> reporter: we're talking about a banner with the williamstown fire department ig significansi. four words underneath the seal suggested that those attending the event should lift their blouses for the fire team. >> i did see it on facebook first. >> they are four words. >> i don't even want to read it. i don't use that word. >> reporter: four words that
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have the williamstown fire department in hot water with their superiors. >> it was one person, let's face it. >> reporter: a banner that suggested women enjoying the state firefighters convention in wildwood, a family event, should expose themselves. monroe township mayor is promising swift disciplinary action, includingç suspends behind whoever was behind the display. >> i'm embarrassed but i have no control of it. first of all, you know that. we will take care of the problem. >> reporter: the banner was abruptly taken down as soon as the fire chief saw it. >> the administration and the fire company is as fired up as we are about it. >> reporter: on the department website, a new photo, quote, so sorry, written into the sound and a plea that reads we ask the general public not to assess our organization through a single display of poor judgment by the dedicated commitment of all the volunteers who proudly and
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unselfishly serve our community. >> they thought it was fun but certainly it is inappropriate and maybe they should just learn from their mistakes. >> reporter: we'll have much more on how women here in gloucester county are reacting to this controversy on behalf of themselves and their children and do they accept the apology? we're asking the question. we'll share their answers with you when we see you in a half hour. live in williamstown, i'm sidly long, nbc 10 news. next, all new, fake firepower. boardwalk shops at the jersey shore selling toy guns that police say look all too real. >> our police officers have been finding these guns being used in robberies. >> i'm ted greenberg with what one resort city is doing tonight to cut down on crime. >> and another cool night in store for the airy. coming up, i'll show you how long we'll stay dry and there's a bit of a warmup in the forecast, too.
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and fake victims. we'll tell you who new jersey officials say stole hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sandy aid from real victims. that's next on nbc 10 news at 5:00.
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just call 1.888.774.4418 now. 100% internet that makes you small business ready. that's powerful. nbc 10 news starts now. >> all new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, fake firepower, from handguns to assault rifles, this looks like the inside of a gun
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store but it is no not. these are actually toys. good evening, i'm keith jones. >> i'm jacqueline london. the danger they pose is very real and they're being sold right along the atlantic city boardwalk. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg joins from us there. that soon may change, ted. >> reporter: that's right, jacque. city council members will vote on a plan that will make it illegal to sell or own fake guns like this one, which authorities say are being used way too often to commit very real crimes. you can see them from the boardwalk, a wall of toy bb guns that could be easily confused, police say, for the real thing. >> parents buy them for their kids, teenagers, children. >> reporter: authorities say criminals are buying them, too. >> they look more as if you'd walk into a gun shop. >> reporter: several stores sell them. this sign indicates they're 100% legal but atlantic city lawmakers want to change that.
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>> our police officers have been finding these guns being used in robberies. it's gotten way out of hand. >> reporter: city council members are set to vote on a plan tonight that would make it illegal to sell or possess these imitation firearms in the resort, the fake guns are supposed to have bright red tips to indicate they're not true weapons. but police say this photo of a toy they recently seized shows how tough it is to distinguish them from real firearms, once the tip is taken off. >> for a police department, having gone into the stores and found the red tips taken off. some of the salesmen will show you how to take that red tip off. >> reporter: ac modeled the proposed guidelines after a similar ban on imitation gun sales in new york city. to stay legal, the toy guns would have to be a bright color, white or entirely clear, not black or silver, to show they're unmistakably fake. >> the evolution of atlantic city where we are right no