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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 500a  NBC  September 12, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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we'll see mostly clear skies right now and mix of sun and clouds throughout the day and clouds increasing ahead of our chance of rain on saturday afternoon. our right now temperature is 65 degrees in philadelphia. 70% with humidity. wind speeds out of the north at nine miles an hour. our temperature range today is between 74 and 77 degrees. cooler but also less humid which will make it more comfortable for friday night plans. i'll let you know what to expect for the weekend in my full forecast. let's check in with jillian for a closer look at traffic. >> good morning. highways looking good on this friday morning. this is 95 near cottman avenue. around 6:15 we see a heavy delay forming in this area on 95. i'll keep you updated on delays as they form. for now things are looking good and are pretty quiet. area bridges are also clear of delays. clear of any accidents. this is the bridge where you can see traffic moving in both directions. if you have an early morning flight, 95 is okay through
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delaware county. in lawrence township, route 206 is closed in both directions. that's expected to be out there until 6:00 this morning. go ahead and take princeton pike or route 1. let's get back to breaking news we're following this morning. oscar pistorius has been found guilty of culpable homicide in the shooting death of his girlfriend. a live picture here from that courthouse in pretoria, south africa. the verdict came down around 4:to o4 4:20 our time. vai sikahema is tracking the developments in our digital operations center. >> reporter: this may be odd to those of us who watch and observe court hearings here in the u.s. but this is just how they do it there. the judge started reading the verdict yesterday and just wrapped up this morning and somewhere embedded in her notes is the verdict. pistorius is found guilty of culpable homicide, which is equivalent to manslaughter here in the u.s. system.
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yesterday that judge said that he was not guilty of murder but she did say he was negligent. almost as if she was hinting that he would be guilty on the lesser charge. pistorius shot and killed steenkamp on valentine's day 2013. he says he fired through the bathroom door because he thought she was an intruder. phase. pistorius faces a maximum of 15 years in prison but in their system it's up to the judge's discretion so it could be years. live in the digital operations center, vai sikahema, nbc 10. a convicted killer who escaped from this prison in northwestern ohio has been captured. t.j. lane escaped from the prison in lima, ohio, yesterday. officials have not said how he got out and they haven't said how he was recaptured other than saying he was apprehended out incident. in 2012, lane shot to death three students inside a high
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school near cleveland. in court, lane said he didn't know why he did it. he was given three life sentences. locally the jury in the christina regusters trial could reach a verdict today following five hours of deliberations yesterday. nbc 10's jesse gary is live in center city. there are six charges in all against the defendant. tell us more about that. >> reporter: the jurors must reach a verdict on each count separately and then do the same for all of the others. let's look at our video. christina regusters is accused of putting on a burqa and kidnapping a girl from her kindergarten class last year. they must reach a verdict of guilty or not guilty and do the same with other charges. they deliberated for five hours yesterday. legal experts say there's no way to know how long the panel will go before they reach a verdict
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on all of the counts or tell the judge they are a hung jury and even if they say that, the judge could order them back in to continue deliberating. they already asked the judge a question during day one of deliberations and we'll talk about that in the next 30 minutes. jesse gary, nbc 10 news. key arab allies tell secretary kerry they will help to stop isis. ten arab nations pledge to stop the flow of fighters and funding to the militants and agree to join the u.s. led military campaign and new this morning, australia has raised its threat level from medium to high now because of the isis movement. officials say some australians joined isis to fight in syria and iraq. new information in the ray rice scandal. espn is reporting that rice told roger goodell in april that he punched his then fiance inside the face. espn has four sources confirming
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that. this contradicts goodell's statement that rice was ambiguous about what happened inside the elevator. the nfl launched an investigation into its handling of the matter and the league said the findings will be made public. look at this. some female football fans wore their support for ray rice before last night's ravens game in baltimore. several women were spotted wearing replicas of rice's number 27 jersey. the ravens have said up a jersey exchange program for those who no longer support the former running back. from our delaware bureau now, half a dozen children in delaware are in intensive care with what could be enterovirus 68. it starts like a common cold and is sweeping across the country causing many parents to panic. nbc 10's katy zachry is live with more on the children who are hospitalized. >> reporter: we know they range in age from under a year old to 14 years old. all of them are in the hospital. ten are hospitalized here in new castle county. one in kent county. another in sussex county.
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nearly half are in intensive care. their labs have been sent to the centers for disease control, which is testing for enterovirus. it's sweeping across the country. to our west, ohio has cases. it resembles the common cold at first but becomes a serious respeiratory illness and has hospitalized many children. those with breathing problems or allergies are at higher risk. yesterday we talked to a pediatrician who is telling her asthma patients to begin their inhaler at the first sign of a cold and to call their doctor. >> there's no vaccine and there's no specific treatment either so prevention is key. it's very important to talk to children about frequent hand washing and washing hands for at least 20 seconds which is hard for children to gauge so they should basically wash their hands until they sang the whole happy birthday song. >> reporter: while there are no
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confirmed cases yet in pennsylvania, new jersey or delaware, again, the states are testing for it. we know in delaware they sent the labs from 12 children believed have enterovirus to cdc and those results are expected in a week. katy zachry, nbc 10 news. there's also a warning for parents at a montgomery county high school. a student there is being treated for whooping cough. a warning letter went out saying parents should keep an eye out for possible systems over the next two weeks and call your pediatrician if you have concerns. montgomery county health department says you need to check your child's vaccination records to make sure they are up to date. pertussis is known as whooping cough. it can be life threatening especially for infants. it's generally treated with antibiotics but the cdc says it's best prevented with that vaccine. we posted more information on
5:08 am you can find out more about symptoms, treatment and the vaccine. good morning. we're going to see a cool end to your workweek and temperatures drop down more as we head into the weekend and i'm tracking chances for rain on saturday but temperatures also dropping down into the high 60s for saturday. we'll recover nicely heading into sunday. i'll show you that in the seven-day forecast. right now temperatures throughout our area at 60 degrees in pottstown. low 50s in the poconos. 59 degrees in bluebell. warmer for philadelphia. 63. 65 this morning in cherry hill. if you are waking up with us in mount holly, we're at 64 degrees. closer to the shore, the high 60. in the 70s in lewis. same thing in prime hook at 73 degrees and dover this morning at 68. our average for this time of
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year, 80 degrees. today we'll drop below average. yesterday we were above the average. we'll drop down even more on saturday. 69 degrees as your daytime high. satellite radar shows isolated showers to the south of our area pushing offshore. we are seeing -- we will see a mix of sun and clouds heading into the rest of today but then the clouds will really increase overnight into the start of your saturday. so expect mostly cloudy start on saturday morning and chance of rain as we head into your afternoon. by 2:00 p.m., chance of rain moves in from the west. poconos and trenton seeing light rainfall. periods of rain will continue at least until 5:00 and then we'll continue to see this entire batch of moisture shifting closer to the shore closer to atlantic city. clearing up for the rest of your sunday. temperatures will recover pushing back into the 70s. time to check the highways and mass transit.
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>> nbc 10's first alert traffic reporter jillian mele is getting new information. >> off to a good start with mass transit. no significant delays to report. construction for drivers in delaware. 295 northbound ramp to southbound 13 is closed because of road work there. delaware county, 476 at macdade boulevard, the drive times looking good. 18 minutes northbound as you can see from 95 out to 76. speaking of 95, southbound from woodhaven to the vine about 14 minutes. that's your trip right now and then 15 minutes on 76 westbound from the vine out to the blue route. >> all right. firefighters had their hands full in connecticut dealing with multiple explosions while trying to put out a factory fire. dozens of children in new jersey are rushed to a hospital after a big mix-up at a day care. how a cleaning agent found its way into their drinks.
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we have been following breaking news in the oscar pistorius murder trial. the judge in south africa ruling moments ago that pistorius is guilty of what they call culpable homicide there. it's like manslaughter here in the u.s. in the shooting death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the judge ruled yesterday he was not guilty of murder as prosecutors alleged for culpable homicide conviction he could get 15 years in prison. a sentencing date will now be scheduled.
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a man who beat up and robbed a professor on campus is scheduled to be sentence. darryl moon pleaded guilty to that crime earlier this month. the 81-year-old professor was assaulted inside his office. moon roughed up the man, held a knife to his throat and stole his wallet. plans will move forward to build a cell phone tower on the site of a cemetery in wilmington. dozens of residents showed up last night. the 140-foot tower will be disguised as a bell tower at all saints cemetery. opponents say the new tower doesn't fit in with the surrounding community. >> our biggest concern is the proximitiy of this tower. it will be 14 stories tall. >> reporter: officials voted in favor of the tower which the cellular company said will fill a gap of service in that area. from our south jersey
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bureau, a man is accused of sexually assaulting children at dennis alston has been charged. police were called after two children under 12 years old told their parents that alston forced them to perform sex acts. at a day care center in north jersey, more than two dozen children are okay after drinking from a pitcher full of cleaning fluid. the pitcher contained water and bleach. the children were checked out at a nearby hospital. in connecticut, fire crews say they could be on the scene of a factory fire there for days putting out hot spots. the four-alarm fire hit a recycled perfume plant in bridgeport. hundreds of people were evacuated. 1500 lost power. 15 minutes after 5:00 now.
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let's look at traffic to see if there's anything to slow us down this morning. >> jillian mele has an update. >> i hate to say anything because i don't want to jinx anything but it's been quiet. not a single accident in pennsylvania, new jersey or delaware. this is a live look at 76. this is eastbound side as drivers make their way past belmont avenue and into center city. both directions are quiet. drive times at 15 minutes both ways on 76 between blue route and vine. vine is clear. so is 95 if you have an early morning flight on this friday, this is what 95 is looking like just outside of philadelphia international so 95 coming up from delaware is still in the clear right now for drivers in delaware 95, 495 and even route 1 free of big delays and same thing for drivers in new jersey as we make this move a bit you can see 42 freeway northbound as drivers make their way out to bridges speeds averaging the
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entire length in the mid 50s right now. good morning. as we head into this friday we'll see cooler temperatures than what we saw yesterday. less humid and we track our chance for weekend rain. temperatures will continue to drop into tomorrow but right now for philadelphia, 65 degrees. humidity at 70%. wind speeds out of the north at 9 miles per hour. across the rest of the area, 60 degrees in trenton. 68 warmer in dover. mid 60s for atlantic city. 53 degrees in the poconos. 59 in reading and our satellite radar shot shows clouds here mainly through atlantic city, central and southern parts of delaware and the last of the rainfall is pushing offshore and it's stayed to the south of our area. our seven-day forecast shows that today we are going to see less humid conditions. temperatures at 76 degrees heading into your saturday. we'll see cloudy start to the day and then the rain moves in closer to 2:00 starting to the
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west of the city and eventually moving eastward. we'll see temperatures at 69 which is 10 to 11 degrees below average. look at your sunday. sunny and cool conditions. we'll see temperatures recovering. 74 degrees and then by monday 78 heading into the rest of next week we track our next chance of showers and it won't be until tuesday and temperatures stay delow average in mid 70s. a tribute to a philadelphia hero we'll get a look at the nine-foot creation by a local artist honoring a homegrown sports legend and forget about eating right when this stuff is around. we're talking bacon this morning. does that not make you hungry? the poster food for anti-health just keeps getting more and more popular. the usual?
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not tonight. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the smoky double bacon sirloin. the new spicy sriracha sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. steaks that sizzle. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak.
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we continue to follow breaking news out of south africa in the oscar pistorius murder trial. the judge there ruled that pistorius is guilty of culpable homicide equivalent to manslaughter here in the u.s. in the shooting death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. for culpable homicide conviction he could get a maximum of 15 years in prison. no minimum sentence. a sentencing date will now be scheduled. three years after his death, a nine-foot tall statue of joe frazier is almost complete. nbc 10 was in fishtown where the
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sculptor is putting the finishing touches on his work. >> when this came about, it became important to me. i grew up here. i could really relate. >> he's expected to finish the sculpture in the next three weeks and it will be bronzed and unveiled next april. it's the opposite of health food but it's so good. bacon is more popular than ever and companies are taking notice. tell us more, morgan. >> reporter: well, the baking craze rolls on. red robin just introduced the shake that's caramel and vanilla soft serve ice cream mixed with bourbon and bacon strips. the media is more focused on healthy foods. last year bacon sales rose 9.5% to $4 billion and sales have
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increased for four straight years. there you have it. another way to get your bacon fix. back to you. >> certainly bucks the health food trend. thanks. good morning. we are going to see a below average day for us. temperatures staying in mid to high 70s and cooler into the weekend plus i'm tracking the chance of rain over your weekend. i'll let you know when. our temperatures outside right now mainly in the 50s and 60s. i'll let you know how the day is shaping up. >> good morning to you. for drivers in lehigh valley waking up and heading out the door, this is what 22 is looking like. 78 looks good. no delays on the northeast extension. coming up in just a few minutes, we'll look at other majors including the route 30 bypass. >> we're watching this. jury in the christina regusters trial resumes deliberating today. >> jesse gary is following that story.
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>> reporter: day two of deliberations and they asked the judge one important question. we'll talk about that after the break. we're following this breaking news. oscar pistorius, the former olympic sprinter paralympic hero found guilty this morning in a south african courtroom. we'll explain the charge he's found guilty of and when he could face in terms of punishment straight ahead.
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olympic runner oscar pistorius is guilty of culpable homicide. we're following the latest on the trial. we could get a verdict in another high profile trial today. we're live at the courthouse where deliberations resume in just a few hours in the case of kidnapping and sexual assault. we'll see a drop in temperatures. lower humidity this morning. we'll see more sunshine. shaping up to be a nice friday. good morning. welcome to friday. welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm vai sikahema. let's get to brittney shipp with her first look forecast. much cooler today. >> temperatures in the 70s yesterday. we warm to 84 degrees. it was humid. we'll see less humidity today. and even cooler as we head into the start of your weekend. i'll let you know details in my full forecast. right now outside taking a live look. mostly clear skies over the city skyline. we'll stay in high 60s. we'll push into the 70s after
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10:00 a.m. 65 degrees in philadelphia. wind speeds out of the north at 9 miles per hour and temperatures today ranging from 74 and 77 degrees with more sunshine than what we saw yesterday. i'll have your weekend forecast coming up. for now, we'll check in with jillian. >> a quiet start on this friday, a live look at the route 30 bypass for drivers in chester county eastbound side at route 340. we can see volume out here. in an hour to hour and a half right now you can see traffic moving just fine so no problems for drivers there. 202 looks good. construction zone right near route 29. this is 95 through delaware county at highland avenue. quiet out there in both directions. for drivers in new jersey we are following construction still in lawrence township right now. route 206 is closed in both directions between carter road and province line road until 6:00 this morning. you can take princeton pike or route 1 to get around. we're following breaking news in the oscar pistorius
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trial. the court took a break as the judge considers if pistorius should be allowed to be free while awaiting sentencing. he was found guilty of what they call culpable homicide in the shooting death of his girlfri d girlfriend. >> reporter: there are writers doing a great job updating this story watching the live feed from pretoria. the judge ordered a break in the proceedings as she considers whether or not to extend bail to let him leave court before the sentence is set. he's been convicted of culpable homicide in the shooting death of reeva steenkamp shooting her
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to death on valentine's day in 2013. the defense saying he thought she was an intruder. it's interesting to listen to the judge's reading of her conclusions of finding. there's no jury in this trial. it's the judge simply reading her thoughts and her opinions on what was presented to her during the trial. she said that she believed while pistorius did not know it was reeva steenkamp that he should have checked to see where she was and he could have called for help or called 911 or called for security and that's why she found him guilty of culpable homicide. the maximum sentence is 15 years in prison. there's no minimum. it's up to the judge. now we're waiting for the judge to set a sentencing date and waiting to hear if pistorius will be granted an extension of bail to walk out of the courtroom today. live in our digital opera