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tv   NBC 10 News at 6pm  NBC  September 10, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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he says rice told him not to speak publicly about the incident. just an hour ago, the a.p. capped new doubt on the nfl's insistence it didn't see the video until this week. the a.p. cites a law enforcement official who says he sent the elevator video to an nfl executive five months ago and that official played a voice mail from an nfl number confirming the video arrived. the nfl says it was not aware of anyone who possessed or saw the video before monday but that the league is looking into. in washington, 12 members of the house judiciary committee sent a letter to the nfl questioning how the league handled its investigation. tonight, the national organization for women is calling for nfl commissioner roger good dell to resign. >> some people questioning whether rice should have been allowed in a program that helped him avoid jail time and for a third straight day, nbc 10 tried to talk to the atlantic county prosecutor. >> he still won't talk to us but today we talked to the man who
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held the prosecutor's job before him. nbc 10 south jersey bureau reporter cydney long is live in may's landing. >> what did you learn today. >> reporter: i learned that the burden of accepting any defendant in to the pti program falls squarely on the prosecutor or assistant prosecutor's shoulders, not so much the judge in this case. we also asked former prosecutor ted hassel would he have made the same decision here in may. he said that's not a fair question without the file and all of the fact of rice's case. we also asked him about the videotape. >> i wouldn't given it to the nfl. it's just like i wouldn't give it to mcdonald's. >> reporter: speaking about the videotape seen around the world, that of the moments janay rice fell to the floor, knocked unconscious by ray rice, the man she would marry a month later. >> if the case were indicted as
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second degree aggravated assault, there's another factor that says there's a presumption against admission. >> reporter: the fact that a grand jury, viewed the violence as a third-degree crime, it allowed rice to be considered for pretrial intervention because he was a first-time offender. >> everybody wants to second guess in a case like this because it's so notorious. >> reporter: the fact that rice is now not employed, one of the conditions of the probationary pti, it won't get him removed from the program. >> if he commits a new offense, he's out. >> reporter: nbc 10 tracked down rice's attorney in a philadelphia courthouse but he told us he can't comment on any aspect of the case at his client's request. he would be surprised if there's a judicial review of rice's legal proceeding. >> i wuld cauticould would caut asked, dealing with a program 45 years old.
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>> reporter: the prosecutor followed the statute and gave thorough, not arbitrary, review to the facts of this case. >> he would have evaluated it as if it were anybody else. the only difference being he wouldn't be in my office if it were anybody else. >> reporter: we also tried twice by phone and e-mail through the day today to see if new jersey's attorney general will in fact look into the legal proceedings of the rice matter. a spokesperson for the a.g. did not return our calls or e-mails. we will continue asking questions and bring you any new information as it develops. live in may's landing, cydney long, nbc 10 news. we have been digging for more information on the pretrial intervention program. here what happens the new jersey courts are telling us right now. last court year more than 7,000 people were admitted to the program. 650 cases were in atlantic county. that represents 11% of the county's criminal cases. the national domestic violence hot line says it's seen
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84% spike in calls since the new ray rice video posted on monday. we have a list of domestic violence resources, posted right on our website. coming up in sports, hear from a member of the philadelphia eagles who is accusing the nfl of dropping the ball in this case. big story tonight, first alert thursday coming up. here's a look at radar. line of storms movinging in. >> nbc 10 chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz tracking the threat. what are the chances of seeing severe weather? >> i would say, chances of getting some showers and thunderstorms are pretty high, very high, closer to 100%. the chance of getting damaging winds, that's closer to perhaps about 50/50 at this point. 24 hour as head of the event, that's fairly high probability and that's why we've got the first alert to give you heads up about what is likely to happen or late day thunderstorms, some with potentially damaging winds,
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light thing, some big downpours coming with this, as well you can see this large area that is coming eastward, it's with the cold front. it's going to hold together. and you can see some lines of thunderstorms with potentially severe weather. let's take a look at futurecast. give you a quick view. tomorrow morning, it's fine. it's hot and humid tomorrow. during the afternoon, i think a line of thunderstorms going to be developing. and as it moves towards the philadelphia and i-95 corridor, it's happening just as we go into the afternoon rush. more on the timing of this weather and also rain over the weekend with the seven day in a few minutes. >> here's what happens when we declare an nbc 10 first alert day. >> hourly updates on air, as well as online about significant changes in the weather. nbc 10 meteorologists are on alert around the clock tracking extreme weather likely to impact your life. find severe weather alerts
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online and tv. updated on nbc 10 first alert weather app. find watches and warnings delivered straight to your phone. free download you can get on new at 6:00, 13 workers treated by decontamination unit today after they were accidentally sprayed with pesticide from a crop duster. it happened in bridgeville delaware, in suffolk county, the crew working along cover dale road, the plane spraying a soy feel. workers were checked out at the hospital no one had to be admitted. tomorrow the jury gets the case, closing arguments finished in the trial of the woman accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a young girl. >> christine madella inside the courtroom. >> reporter: after nearly three week of testimony, i sat in the courtroom and listened to closing arguments from both
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sides of this case. today was also the last day the jury heard evidence in this case against christina regusters. she's the defendant accused of kidnapping and brutally assaulting a 5-year-old girl. >> one thing that both lawyers in this case agree upon is that the crime that was committed on my client was a horrible act. >> reporter: tom kline represents the victim and her family but in their civil case, not in this criminal trial. >> the difference that is the prosecution said, if all christina regusters and defense attorney harrison says, this is not my client, someone else did it. >> reporter: after a good samaritan found the 5-year-old in the cobbs creek park the girl told police there was a man in the house where she was raped. christina's defense attorney repeated that over and over in closing arguments claiming a man responsible for sexually assaulting the girl. >> mr. harrison said repeatedly
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in this closing speech today, the man, the man, and the prosecution is now saying, it is regusters, regusters, regusters. the jury will need to decide. >> reporter: the prosecution argued the victim was blindfolded and the only reason the lille girl said there was a plan because christina regusters told her there was. the prosecutor attorney said christina regusters planned the entire thing, then followed through. dressed up in muslim garb to walk into the school and kidnap her from class, walk her back to regusters' home where she blindfolded and sexually assaulted the girl and dumped her in a park the next morning the prosecution needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the evidence proves that christina regusters was guilty. >> reporter: christina regusters did not take the stand in her own defense today. she stood up and told the judge she was not going to testify. tomorrow morning the judge will tell the jury not to hold that against her.
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then the jury will begin deliberating in this case. we have no idea how long that will take. reporting live in the criminal justice center. in three hours president obama will speak to the nation outlining his strategy to defeat islamic terrorists in iraq and syria. the president expected to make his case for more air trikes in iraq and possibly expanding missions into syria. another mission, giving weapons to syrian rebel mz the president trying to form an international coalition to wear down isis militants. john kerry spent the day in baghdad trying to drum up support to defeat the isis threat. complete coverage ahead on nbc "nightly news" with brian williams at 6:30 after this broadcast. and you can watch president obama address the nation tonight. we'll bring it live in an nbc news special report tonight at 9:00. more analysis on nbc 10 news at 11:00. next at 6:00 -- >> add another violent incident
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to the list involving harrah's casino security. >> i really did fear for my life. >> reporter: ted greenberg with the video that has another guest suing the popular resort. ahead in sports, john clark has a story of a local guy whose nfl team stepped to the plate when he and his family needed them most. tomorrow's an nbc 10 first alert day. strong storms could be moving in. i'll help you get prepared today. don't miss my first alert forecast. i'll tell you when sv veer weather could arrive.
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breaking news. we know there's an agreement in place to sell atlantic city's bankrupt rebel casino. nbc 10 and cnbc got a copy of the court documents and show the casino sold for $90 billion to florida developer. we're making calls to find out what it will take for final approval of this agreement. a woman forced into a room, handcuffed and then, as you see, pushed into the wall, the man in the video's in uniform but he's not a police officer. he's casino security. >> video the centerpiece of a
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n lawsuit against harrah's. >> nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg has the story. >> reporter: amy walsh says it done seem real. the hospital nurse says she became victim of a violent attack at hand of atlantic city police and securities at harrah's casino for her cousin's bachel bachel bachelorette party. >> reporter: harrah's forcefully removed her from the casino's pool after dark nightclub and dragged her to the back of the house. happened, she says, after a waitress and manager refused to allow seating at a table for all six members of walsh's group, three of whom leadly blind.
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>> i did fear at that moment. >> reporter: the officers refused to identify themselves. police officer brown grabbed the phone, forced her into a holding cell, choked her, slammed her head into a metal plated wall trying to handcuff her. >> aggravated assault and battery. >> reporter: walsh believes constitutional rights were violated and filed a federal lawsuit. names defendants, including harrah's, officers brown and franco as well as the city of atlantic city. walsh is the tenth person we've reported on since january suing harrah's for similar allegations involving security officers. in a statement a spokesman for its parent company said, while they don't comment on pending litigation, security personnel trained to use the least amount of force required to manage any particular incident and these procedures are reviewed regularly. walsh says she got the courage to come forward after seeing our previous reports.
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>> i said, wow, i'm not alone. this wasn't just me. it wasn't an isolated incident. >> reporter: police officers were working security detail at casino paid for by harrah's. on the phone, brown told me he was unaware of the lawsuit but said, it's totally out of character for him to attack anyone. sidnor said he had nothing to with the alleged assault and stood by for en's safety. ted greenberg. john clark. e eagles player lashes out in the ray rice program. (vo) ours is a world of passengers.
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the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting...
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...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up
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but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief
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meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> first alert day for tomorrow, specifically late tomorrow. part of the reason is timing. late day thunderstorms, right during afternoon rush. want to give you a heads up about this, something significant's happening during that period. damaging winds, possible. lightning and pretty heavy downpours at least for a periods of time as a cold front comes through. beautiful day today. the high temperature 82. and low humidity 78 degrees now. the winds out of the south and that's going to increase the humidity as we go through the night tonight. six degrees warmer than it was at this time yesterday. and so 69 mount pocono. 70s everywhere else. 78 wilmington, northeast philly and 75 in trenton. as you can see, shore it's in the low 70s. that onshore wind continues.
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nothing on the live doppler anywhere nearby. back to the west. pretty significant area of rain and thunderstorms. and we continue to see some warnings, including a tornado warning now. this is east of cleveland. that goes into 6:15 or so. futurecast shows that we're dry during night tonight. clouds increase a bit. then tomorrow morning we start off with sunshine that builds up heat, humidity's there. so right during the peak heating time of the day, that's when this line of thunderstorms may be coming in. and right up toward the philadelphia i-95 corridor right around the afternoon rush. and then as we go in through the evening hours, we still have the potential for more showers and storms. by late evening, it is all out of here. now this is the historical peak of hurricane season, this particular week. the only two areas we're watching out east of the
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bahamas, no development there yet. and way out in the eastern atlantic, better chance of development there. very rare to not have a named storm at this time of the year. a very inactive season in the atlantic. but very active in the east pacific. they're going to have more trouble there that's going to affect the desert southwest in the next few days. watch out. cloudy, humid for us tonight. 68 low in philadelphia. tomorrow, hot and humid. late day thunderstorms, again some of them possibly strong to severe. high temperature near 90. feel like around 94. but nothing like that on friday. totally different type of day. sunshine, low humidity. beautiful weather. showers come back, though, saturday. and another beautiful day coming on sunday. it's like every other day here. but nowhere near as warm as tomorrow's going to be. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sportsdesk. brought to you by xfinity.
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home for the most live sports. john clark. it's a bombshell, a.p. reporting a law enforcement official sent the nfl the video of ray rice punching his then-fiancee in the elevator. the nfl says they have no knowledge of this. roger goodell said they didn't see the video until monday. jason kelsie. >> i find it extremely hard to believe an organization with as much power that they have, as much money and everything was unable to come to a conclusion on what happened. if they wanted that tape they could have got it somehow, i firmly believe. for them to come back say they didn't flow this is what happened, somehow they're trying to wipe their hands clean of this, the fact of the matter is they did know, i think. >> strong comments. eagles are down four offensive linemen heading into indy monday. dennis kelly probably going replace mathis. gardner at right tackle. tough on the road against the colts.
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>> a little bit of adversity to deal with the guys that we have in right now are up to the task. >> former penn state nittany lion devon still has been promoted to bengals roster. big for the tackle from delaware. the bengals have been assisting him while his daughter fights for her life. >> hi, everybody. >> reporter: devon still is thrilled to make the bengals but admitted, his mind is not 100% on football. his 4-year-old daughter leah battling a rare form of cancer, stage iv neuroblastoma. doctors gave her a 50/50 chance of living. >> it's been a roller coaster. trying to deal with my daughter's health now and that going up and down. >> reporter: devon was cut but bengals placed him on their practice squad so he could get the nfl's benefits to cover leah's care at here in philly. the costs could reach $1 million. >> when i need to go home,
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they're going to support mere 110%, handle my business as a father and i come back here and play football. >> reporter: the team giving all the money from sales of his jersey to fight pediatric cancer. his jersey became the fastest selling bengals jersey ever over a 24-hour span. >> surprised, grateful, the wordize use because i didn't expect so many people to support this. >> reporter: this week is big for devon but next week is bigger for leah. they'll see if chemo has worked and she will have surgery. >> nationwide, it's been huge. just going through this cancer fight, i don't think anybody should have to go through it alone. so hopefully i can use my platform to bring awareness to p pediatric cancer. >> going back to philly to be with his daughter. a look at tonight on nbc 10 news at 11:00, new jersey state
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officials in talks to get rid of atlantic city's police force. who would step it to keep residents safe?
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don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes.
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tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
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glenn watching timing on some storms heading our way. >> seeing them 24 hours from now, maybe less. you see we have hot, humid day tomorrow and then nothing like it for the rest of the seven-day period. beautiful weather on friday and sunday which more rain on saturday in between. >> thanks, glenn. for all of us here at nbc 10, thanks for watching, i'm renee chenault-fattah. >> i'm jim rosenfield. i'll see you tonight at 11:00. have a great evening, everybody.
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on our broadcast tonight, damage control. is the nfl commissioner in trouble? the ray rice scandal continues to explode. and late word tonight about how long ago the nfl may have had that video in their possession. plan of attack with the president about to address the nation in primetime, what we've learned about his strategy to take on isis. and our own richard engel in the place overseas where the u.s. is already in this fight. health crisis, a staggering look at this outbreak striking so many children in at least a dozen states now. dr. nancy snyderman in the icu with kids suddenly struggling to breathe. and making a splash, how the guy behind a new book of remarkable photos gets these pictures. and how he got his inspiration from a dog that would not sit