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tv   WBZ This Morning  CBS  October 16, 2015 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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breaking news right now at 6:00. a dangerous fall. a young man tumbles off a roof deck. >> the first state taking responding. local police want you to take a good look at this sketch as they track down a serial rapist. captions by: caption colorado, llc (800) 775-7838 e- mail: >> happy friday. i'm kathryn hauser. >> we are rolling towards the weekend and we have big
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i'm chris mckinnon. >> it's 53 in boston right now to put it in perspective. upper 40s right now. lower 50s. not as chilly as yesterday. showers. the clouds have been advancing as well. they are generally light and a couple of sprinkles that have extended to the route 2 corridor as well. stun rise coming up at 6:58. then the sun breaks back out. there will be a leftover shower on cape cod for lunchtime, lower 60s. a gusty west wind at 10 to 20 miles per hour. a bit breezy and cool running in the upper 50s for the ride home. we'll take you out there and talk all details coming up.
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there's an accident blocking the left lane of route 24 in raynham that's at route 24. when you get to the expressway, you'll have plenty of company. 93 south hangs up from 495 and again to the mystic and leverett connector. a male victim fell 3 stories and landed on the sidewalk off hillside street shortly after midnight. he has serious injuries. it's not clear what caused him to fall. one state ordering fantasy sport sites to shut down. >> this is the latest blow to the companies. susie steimle is outside draftkings, and they are responding. >> reporter: they are, chris. for the first time, we'll hear from both companies. this decision out of nevada
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challenges the very foundation of both draftkings and fan duel. from the beginning, they have insisted that neither of these are gambling sites. instead, they are skill-based fantasy sport sites. that's why nevada has ordered them both shut down. if you have not heard of them, you are probably not watching the nfl because they advertise a lot. they promise some big payouts. the payouts have been the subject of controversy lately as draft king employees have been accused of making $6 million on rival site fan duel and accused of insider trading as a result of the payouts. this morning, both companies are reacting. fan duel released a statement saying this decision stymies innovation and ignores the fact that fantasy sports is a skill-
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loved and played by millions of sports fans. draftkings also reacting this moring with this statement saying "we understand that the gaming industry is important to nevada, and for that reason, they are taking this exclusionary approach against the increasingly popular fantasy sports industry. we strongly disagree with this decision. now, one thing we're curious about in terms of fallout is a lot of states do look to nevada as far as gaming regulation goes. so we're curious as to whether there will be any impact in fan duel. morning. in california, flash flooding sends rock and mud drivers. bree is here now with the developments. bree? >> reporter: hundreds of drivers were stuck in the mud on interstate 5 north of los angeles. the cleanup will take days and this morning's commute is expected to be a nightmare.
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more back roads are shut down. many drivers abandoned their mud to safety. four people and two dogs with are rescued from atop one car. mud is up to 5 feet deep in some spots burying homes. >> oh, my gosh! run for your lives! >> crazy video from one driver as rain produced flash floods. flash flood warnings went out for a large area that included counties. the powerful storms brought hail and heavy rain. the ground is dry, severely dry from drought and wildfires in recent years, which quickly spelled disaster in the form of the huge mudslides. when the storm passed, bulldozers moved in to try and clear streets, but the cleanup has just started. it could be well into the day before that part of california gets moving again. chris, back to you. >> scary scenes there. 6:05 right now. a car chase ends in a crash. this morning, three people are
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police tried to stop a car for traffic violations on the east side of brockton last night. they chased the char into braintree where it -- car into braintree where it crashed that a house. police say that car was stolen. intense flames in groton last night. crews battling this fire on prescott street. luckily, no reports of any injuries. brockton police say this is a person of interest in a series of rapes. >> those attacks date back to 2013. nicole jacobs is live in brockton with more on this investigation. nicole? >> reporter: chris, kathryn, word of the sexual assaults here in brockton have many on edge, and certainly they are now watching their backs. i want to get you right to the sketch police have just released. they want to question this man in relation to rapes that date back to 2013 and 2014. the man believed to be in his 20s has been seen in the downtown area of brockton driving a dark colored sports car.
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police believe with the release of this sketch, someone might recognize him. >> it's very surprising, like, it's kind of sickening that that's going on down here. >> it's scary. it makes you not want to walk around brockton. >> reporter: police believe he may also have ties to the easton area. certainly anyone who might recognize him or has any information regarding the sexual assault, police want to hear from you. we're live in brockton, nicole jacobs, wbz this morning. it is 6:07. right now, donald trump will be back in massachusetts today. trump is expected to appear at a campaign rally at tyngsboro elementary school. a new hampshire-based pro choice organization is planning on sending a team of protesters to the event. also, several other republicans are heading to new hampshire this weekend. chris christie will be in
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manchester and bedford today. senator rand paul is in manchester tonight and will be doing meet and greets in hooksett and ashland tomorrow. on the democratic side, hillary clinton will hold a town hall meeting today. three days after her performance in the democratic debate. later, she'll attend a meet and greet in nashua. vice president joe biden will make a decision soon about presidential race. this is according to one of biden's top political advisors. he sent a letter saying the vice president will need their help if he decides to run. >> president obama vowed to end the war in afghanistan before he left office but now he says thousands of u.s. troops will stay in the country. about 10,000 are on the ground right now, and the president will reduce those levels to about 5500 as planned. instead of drawing down further, he'll keep those 5500 troops on the ground until at least the start of 2017. president obama says afghan
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forces are not as strong as they need to be. >> my approach is to assess the situation on the ground, figure out what's working, figure out what's not working, make adjustments where necessary. >> reporter: the president says the mission remains the same. counterterrorism plus training afghan troops. some say 5500 troops won't be enough to do both. originally, the president wanted to leave just 1,000 troops on the ground. a man is accused of hacking information from u.s. service members and giving it to isis. police say he was in contact with senior members of syria. the hackers were in the u.s. the department of justice says the personal information of thousands of people were stolen. israeli police say muslim men under the age of 40 will be barred from entering the al aqsa mosque.
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calm amid a wave of violence. tufts taking back bill cosby's honorary degree. the university revoking the honorary doctor of arts it gave him in 2000 and award in 2011 for excellence in children's media. tufts says cosby has shown a lack of character and integrity. several women have accused the comedian of sexual assault. he denies the allegations. for the second month, the slots are struggling at massachusetts' only casino. plain ridge park casino generated $12.6 million in revenue in september. continuing that steady drop that started over the summer. under state law, 49% of gambling revenue goes to the state. thanks for staying with us. coming up on wbz this morning, a new break in the pan a.m. bombing over lockerbie, scotland. >> it comes after a documentary was made by a local film- makerp. >> plus, new details on the
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sleeping in his patrol car. >> massachusetts former first lady going viral. the new video for ann romney and her tips for being an awesome grandma. >> a stray shower around 9:00 a.m. then the sun comes back out and temperatures rise into the lower 06s today. 50 -- 60s today. wait until you see how cold we'll be on monday morning. we'll have that map and more
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? you got to know when to hold'em. know when to fold 'em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money, when you're sitting at the ta... what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
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welcome back. we're getting to see a new side of former fist lady app romney. she's letting loose as she promotes her book that details her battle with multiple sclerosis. in the video, she uses alighted saber and a kanye west 2020 sweater. by the way, romney has 23 grandkids. >> my goodness, all of those birthdays and everything. she's funny. i liked it. >> it's nice when they let
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loose. >> yeah. >> go get it, grandma. all right. we've got a live look outside right now. it's pretty nice at the moment. i mean, the seasons are changing. >> they are changing. danielle, right there, the shivering thermometer. >> it's that time of year. that's back on the map. you know it's not a good sign, right? monday morning, wooer waking up to temperatures in the 20s to lower 30s. i mean, it is just going to be frigid to start next weekend. currently it's 53 in boston. 45 right now.
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in the berkshires right now. we'll get into summit. 7:30 light rain expands east in worcester county. it it does impact your morning drive mid to late morning. it's generally light showers for the most part that won't slow you down too much. back into western massachusetts, still pockets of light rain. leftover shower. york county, maine, the outer cape. then it clears the coastline. clouds. tomorrow morning, there may be a brief shower as well. hundred the sun breaks out and we'll get a passing shower in the afternoon. i don't think there's any tomorrow. it will be a breezy, cool feel. you may get rained on for a few minutes. that's the thing, it is a brief shower that comes up.
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sunshine, showing highs in the upper 40s for highs on sunday afternoon with a gusty northwest wind. lower to middle 60s, we'll do it then today. upper 50s worcester hills. highs tomorrow in the mid-50s, so it will be a cooler than average day. it's feeling more like the end of november by the time we get to sunday. 49 in bedford. a lot of spots in the upper 40s to 50s. only in the low to mid-40s by sunday afternoon. accuweather seven-day, that freezing start rebounding to around 50. 60 on tuesday and the mid-06s chris? >> reporter: thank you. friday. here is a piece of advice, don't take the expressway if you don't have to. if you are coming from southbound 24, leave extra time to get around the accident on
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north of town, 93 hangs up in stoneham and again through somerville. route 16 is seeing volume delays as well. two new suspects identified in the tragic pan am bombing over lockerbie scotland. the plane blew up in 1988 killing all 259 people on board, including nicole from shrewsbury. she was flying home from germany for christmas break when the suspects had contact with the only person ever convicted in the attack. the suspects with are just identified after this week's pbs documentary made by a somerville film-maker whose older brother died in the authorities in nevada trying to figure out exactly what happened to former nba and reality star lamar odom. he had an apparent drug overdose and remains on life support. his estranged wife is asking the brothel's owner to stop speaking to the media, but he
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protect his business. governor baker unveils a new plan to curb opioid addiction. he's proposing a new law to give hospitals the power to involuntarily admit patients to are 72 hours and limit first- time discussions to a 72-hour -- prescriptions to a 72-hour supply. baker says it often starts with a simple prescription. >> this has got to stop. i appreciate the fact that this is a controversial idea, but it's one that needs to be part of the larger conversation. >> the new plan also requires additional continuing education from medical providers and school coaches. the governor is confident the bill will become law. the lowell police officer caught sleeping in his cruiser has resigned. the city manager released a
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moore saying "it is unfortunate that a nice, honorable young man such as this has to resign. he made a mistake and has to pay for it. his actions are unacceptable and not tolerated by the police lowell. just ahead, an offduty police officer to the rescue. >> he saved a hockey player and called a hero. >> a marathon bombing survivor paying it forward. the generous donation that's
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(buzzer) hey, you're a lucky guy. you'll probably win the jackpot. (bell) you know, luck doesn't play any role in slot machines. the odds of winning are the same every time you play. (buzzer) if you lose money, just keep playing. you'll win it back. (bell) don't chase your losses. set a limit on the time and money you want to spend. learn more about gambling and how to keep it fun. visit the gamesense info center at the plainridge park casino. (buzzer)
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an offduty police officer makes a life-saving play. he was playing in a hockey game when a 76-year-old teammate suddenly collapsed. he checked for a pulse then
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immediately started performing cpr then defibrillator. >> police and firefighters, they are drawn to this job because they want to help people. it's not just me. if there was another cop or firefighter at the rink, they guarantee they would have done the same thing. >> don't let that modest answer fool you there. the officer has been credited with two other heroic acts. he pulled a woman from a car after a deadly tanker explosion. then earlier before that, he rescued an elderly woman from a burning home. >> he's just good all around. >> yep. a local woman, love this marathon bombing survivors foundation. >> heather abbott built a foundation to help other amputees. the first gift goes to a woman bratful. >> reporter: hillary cohen has never had what she calls a normal looking leg. now she's picking out high life. >> my leg stops about height rear. >> reporter: hillary cohen has
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a genetic condition that causes tumors to grow at the end of nerve endings. in her case, her right foot. >> so i decided enough's enough. i will get rid of the leg and continue living life like i want to. >> reporter: she amputated her leg at age 24. next week, she gets a special prosthetic leg thanks to the heather abbott foundation. unlike her current prosthesis, this one will be made for a 3 inch heel. >> i never knew i could feel that pretty. >> reporter: hillary never doubted her decision to amputate but found there were few people like her. she also found a kindred spirit in abbott. >> i really wanted the first donation to be to her because i knew how bad think she wanted to wear high heels and could relate to how she felt. >> reporter: a prosthesis can cost more than $70,000 and is not usually covered by insurance. the heather abbott foundation
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officially launched only six months ago. monday, they will award their first prosthesis to hillary. the foundation's marathon team this year, guys, heather abbott's foundation, team limb- limb-etless. >> they will cover the basics but a running prosthesis or a high heel, insurance will say that's not necessary and won't cover that. we know we can't go without our high heels. >> and you don't think about it. >> right. >> good for her. she seems so sweet. >> it's going above and beyond, increasing the quality of life. a great white tagged off the cape. a few years ago, it may be back on our way to our area. >> also ahead, the new study looking into sick calls at work, but some of the worst excuses that people give you
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pumpkin excitement is back at dunkin'. pick up your favorite pumpkin-flavored baked treats and beverages, like the new pumpkin macchiato
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people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with
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right now at 6:30, vegas telling sports fantasy web sites to stop doing business in nevada. the latest fallout for draftkings and fan duel. >> a car intentionally set on fire and police trying to figure out who did it. >> parishioners not backing down. the next move in their fight to save their scituate church. welcome back on this friday morning. i'm chris mckinnon. >> i'm kathryn hauser. happy friday. we're almost getting to the weekend and it's going to be an okay day. >> a couple of showers this morning. it will be a little bit breezy but the sun will be back up and so not a bad day by any means. we've got scattered clouds out there right now. the clouds get thicker to our west, and it's not as chilly as this time yesterday.
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right now, most of us are in the 30s and 50s. norwood, fitchburg, plymouth. upper 50s on the cape. it will be cooler well north and west of boston. the clouds will thicken up here. we're tracking areas of rain in the western part of the state right now. when you get from pittsfield stretching back up to bennington, vermont. green field now into new ipswich new hampshire in the next half hour or so. it is a spotty shower between now and late morning, it will be generally light here. sunrise coming up at 6:58 this morning. a brief shower left over from the midday lunch hour from essex county back down to the cape. it will be a gusty west breeze today, 10 to 20 miles per hour. ride home. 59 with the sunset at 6:01. we'll talk all about the chris? >> danielle, we're getting word
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128 south in woburn, there is a crash after exit 37 causing stop and go traffic to concord street and a disabled truck on the mass pike eastbound is creating delays. south of town now, there is an split. not a good spot. it stays slow all the way up to the gas tanks. game over. one state ordering fantasy down. >> this is the latest blow to the popular sites draftkings and fan duel. susie steimle is live outside of boston based draftkings headquarters with reaction from the company. >> good morning, chris and kathryn. the bad news just keeps coming for draftkings and fan dual. nevada has -- fan duel. nevada has determined they are gambling sites and you need a license to operate in nevada, so both have since been shut down. they've been able to skirt that notion because their argument is that this is a skill-based
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that's why they are no longer in operation in that state. week to week, the sites allow people to pick a fantasy roster for their site and get a payout on a weekly basis as well. some advertise to top out at $1 million. they've had some controversy because of those payouts involved with the fans accused of insider trading as a draftkings employee made $6 million on rival site fan duel. the rest of the country often regulations. so it's unclear at this point if this could have any impact. both companies saying they will comply as they have to, and we'll do their best to get sites operating again in nevada if possible. live in boston, susie steimle, wbz this morning. >> thank you very much for the update this morning. despite controversy surrounding sites like draftkings and fan duel, their popularity continues to grow.
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look at whether the sites should be considered gambling. >> good morning. it's a given. with success comes scrutiny and competitors challenge. so it's no surprise the nevada gaming control board has ruled the daily fantasy sports games are gambling games subject to their control and can't do business in nevada unless they get licensed like any other sports bar. this doesn't override the federal law exempting fantasy sports from the ban on internet gambling, but other states can follow nevada's lead if they want, and i have no doubt states that rely heavily on revenues from other forms of gambling will do so. there's big money at stake and these fantasy sports sites have walked right in and started eating the lunch of the gambling establishment. it reminds me of the way craigslist came in and took most of the classified advertising money away from the newspaper industry, crippling their business model almost overnight.
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creative destruction, they call it, in the economics business. the process in which innovation replaces existing forms of commerce with new ones. and if the casino and sports book and lottery businesses somehow thought they were immune from that, well, they were sadly mistaken. there aren't too many commercial or even social activities you can't perform for easily and cheaply online than in person. so the next time someone claims, oh, people will never get tired of doing "fill in the blank" the way they've always done it, think of newspapers, video rental stars, and all of the other businesses undercut by the internet and realize nevada is fighting a losing battle. hey, shea your opinion on this with -- share your opinion on this with me at keller@wbz- or via twitter at keller at large. a new delay in the trial of a teenager accused of murdering his math teacher.
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phillip chism to undergo a mental health evaluation. that means his murder trial is on hold for up to 20 days. he's accused of killing his high school math teacher. he awas 14 at the time but being tried as an adult. police releasing a sketch rapes. nicole jacobs is live with a investigation. good morning, nicole. >> reporter: good morning, chris. these are rapes brockton police have not yet been able to solve, and they date back to 2013 and 2014. let's take a quick look here at the sketch they recently released of the man they'd like to question. he's believed to be in his 20s about 6 feet tall. he has been seen driving a dark colored sports car in the downtown brockton area. police believe he may also have ties in the easton area. of course, residents here are a bit on edge to hear of multiple
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rapes and a possible serial rapist. police do want residents to be on the lookout again not only here in brockton but also in easton. anyone with information is urged to give them a call. we're live in brockton. nicole jacobs, wbz this morning. it is 6:37 on your friday morning. everett police need your help tracking down an arsonist. someone set a car on fire in a driveway on ought 'em street yesterday morning. it may have been -- on autumn street. nobody was hurt. if you do have any information, police want to you give them a call. the south bridge teacher charged with sending nude pictures of himself to a high school student is free on bail this morning. police say 23-year-old joseph zuniga sent the pictures to a 17-year-old boy through facebook. he pleaded not guilty in court yesterday. he has been ordered to stay away from children who are under 16. talk about a wild scene
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eight students arrested after a protest in pawtucket. students were protesting a fellow student's alleged roughive hundred by police. it took -- rough-up by police. it took a turn when a student broke a window. and a church is pleading with the archdiocese to keep it open. the judge ruled the parishioners are trespassing. the parishioners say they will go peacefully if the archdiocese doesn't change its position on the matter, but they could file another legal petition in the next two weeks. another busy week for the atlantic shark conservancy. they tagged three sharks in the past three days each 12 feet long bringing the number of total sharks tagged to 19. meanwhile, mary lee.
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maybe you remember her. she's back in the northeast. the great white shark was tagged off the cape in 2012. since then, she's traveled more than 24,000 miles with people tracking her online. she spent most of the summer in waters off of florida but was spotted off the coast of new jersey this week, so she could be headed back our way soon. sheep also has a -- she also has a twitter handle and you can follow her. our "daily talker" today, this one is kind of funny. we're talking about when people call in sick. unique experiences. this new survey breaks down how often we do it. according to career builder, one-third of employees were being honest when they called in sick. 38%, though, were healthy. on the flip side, 54% of workers were sick but still came to work. >> so it gets into the unique excuses as kathryn was just stuck under the bed. >> i hate when that happens.
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>> employee said his wife put all of his underwear in the washer. can't go to work without clean underwear. >> the best one, an employee claimed his grandmother poisoned him with ham. >> the ham will get you every time, right? >> here's what some of you are saying this morning. angie writes "i told my boss that i was stuck on the roof with my dog because the fire alarm went off and we fled to the roof." then marie writes on facebook "one of her ploys called and said her boyfriend died. three days later, he drove her to work." you can always comment on our "daily talker." a couple of ways to do it right on our web site or on our facebook page. this morning, a dangerous fall in boston to tell about you overnight. >> the teen tumbled from the roof deck. the latest on his condition. >> donald trump is schooled in massachusetts.
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>> good morning, chris. happy friday, everybody. checking in with our weather watchers. temperatures under the 40s and 50s right now. let's check in north of town. a lot of clouds moving in as well. 42 degrees when you come up to the merrimack valley, though. jennifer says we have clouds moving in and a cold weekend ahead, yes, we do. getting the firewood ready. sunday night that monday, we'll
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dear fellow citizen, i get that it' s hard to say no when your kids want toys, because you' re saving for shoes. and shoes. and shoes. but i can help you figure out how to save a little with one deposit checking. so ask me, i can help you avoid fees. sincerely, elizabeth trackler.
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. welcome back on your friday morning. massachusetts family trying to track down a good witch on the north shore. >> a woman, her kids and grandchildren got together to have pizza tuesday night in salem. it's the first time in three years they could all get together. when it came to bill time, the waitress handed them a note. a woman who had been dining alone paid their entire tab, which by the way, was more than a hundred bucks and wrote "enjoy salem." the family left a thank you note in the restaurant hoping robin would see it some day. that's a nice thing. sometimes people surprise you, right? >> yeah. yeah.
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don't get to see each other often. >> it's really cool. also salem gearing up for halloween. things get busy up there. costume. >> he will be a shark. >> what are you going to be? i think. a shark catcher? >> it's fun like that. that will be awesome. >> it's going to feel like we're heading towards november by the end of the weekend. look at this. 48 degrees right now. tewksbury, the ryan school this morning. vincent owen elementary school sitting at 48 degrees as well. the cohasset middle school is at 50 degrees. it's not as chilly as it was yesterday. 30s on the map. 53 in boston. upper 50s on the cape. we are tracking showers, though, and pockets of rain coming into western new england right now. so the berkshires have been dealing with a little bit of
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east as well. so it's with the front that will across the region. we will get wet here between now and let's say 9:00 a.m. with pockets of light rain for the most part. notice 8:30 generally boston, metro west into southern new hampshire. by the time we get to 10:00 a.m. back into essex county, cape and islands could see a brief shower coming in. then the sunshine could be mixed with clouds and will be a mostly dry remainder of the day. so it's really just this morning into early afternoon that we debt this chance of a shower. tomorrow morning, another passing shower early as well. hundred the sun breaks out. there is a little piece of energy coming out and a little green showing up tomorrow afternoon and evening. a brief passing shower is possible. nothing to cancel any of your fall plans over. the shower comes on by briefly. sunday will be dry. sunshine out in full force, a couple of clouds mixed in, in the afternoon. that's the chilliest day with
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sunday afternoon. bad, right? there will be a gusty west wind today, about 10 to 20 miles per higher. 30s. 47 when you come to downtown boston to early tomorrow morning, a brief shower. there may be one during the afternoon. cool and breezy. that wind out of the west- northwest tomorrow. highs only in the mid-50s. if you are going to the head of the charles, dress warmly. if you are rowing in the head of the charms, it could be a gusty wind from the west on is saturday and sunday we should be mostly dry, though. this is the map monday morning, no joke. upper 20s in a lot of spots. even some mid-20s. it will be a frigid start up to around 50 during the afternoon. then a warming trend, mid-60s mainly quiet, too. traffic and weather together, kathryn. there are several accidents making a mess of the commute right now.
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in framingham, two cars are blocking the left rain. this is at route 9 possibly from a deer, striking a deer. farther on the pike, be aware of the disabled truck, that's it. route 16 and 128 south in woburn is a crash. that's causing stop and go traffic to concord street and then a check south of town, there is an accident right at the braintree split. this stays slow all the way to the gas tank. another crash blocking the shoulder of 128 north. you are slow from 24 through canton. tough commute this morning. okay it is 6:48 right now. time for a check of the stop tories. >> reporter: an 18-year-old is in the hospital after he fell three stories and landed on the sidewalk off hillside street shortly after midnight. we're told his injuries are not believed to be life- threatening. it's not clear why i fell. the state of nevada is
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ordering daily sports sites like draftkings or fan duel to shut down. the state considers them gambling, which means they need a license to operate. >> flash floods brought huge mudslides to california. hundreds were stuck in the mood north of l. a. even more back roads are shut down. mud is up to 5 feet deep in homes. the rainstorm quickly triggered those mudslides. donald trump will be back in massachusetts today. trump is expected to appear at elementary school. a new hampshire-based pro choice organization is planning to that event. doors open at 5:00. up next, the pats preparing to take on the colts. about the sunday night
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for the girl scout meeting... ok! for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! stop & shop just dropped prices on thousands more items. which makes the checkout lane, victory lane.
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the new york mets advancing to the national league championship series thanks to this clutch home run by daniel murphy. the mets will now play the chicago cubs in the nlcs. game one is tomorrow night in new york. the pats gearing up for their game against the colts on sunday. >> it is a rematch of the a if. c championship game which launched deflate gate. tom brady out on the practice field and the defense saw time with the starters.
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all week they played the revenge angle against the colds. rob gronkowski was asked if he would like to tell us how he really feels. >> yep, the company line. that's what i give. >> reporter: it's easier, huh? >> yep, easier for sure. it keeps me out of trouble. [ laughter ] >> i mean, that's why i say it. [ laughter ] >> reporter: you don't like trouble, what a surprise. >> keeps me focused on the team i'm playing this week. >> of course, start your sunday with patriots game day 11:30. the pats and colts play in prime time. after the game, don't forget to turn to wbz for the fifth quarter post game show. time for a closer look at what's coming up on "cbs this morning" at 7:00. >> let's check in with charlie rose. good morning, kathryn. >> reporter: we're in california where flash flooding
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and major mudslides leave hundreds stranded. >> plus, jeb bush joins us in studio 57. that and more. the news is back in the morning. see you at 7:00. who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa
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who has the plan for jobs? jeb. tax cuts for the middle class. eliminates special loopholes. an explosion in growth and new jobs. jeb: cut taxes. grow america. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. from a presidential debate to an unwelcomed guest in the wbz news studio and everything
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>> here is a look back at the week that was. >> hillary clinton and bernie sanders faced off while the lesser known candidates got some face time. >> the facility will phase out by 2019. >> firefighters accused of attacking a man at a brookline restaurant. >> we both picked a great day to be off yesterday. i had inside information. >> a woman sues her 12-year-old nephew over a hug. resigned. >> a teacher sending obscene pictures to his student. >> the parents of a baby girl are celebrating a new outlook. >> sorry for my cough drop breath. >> that's okay, yesterday was more pungent. >> can you open it up and there is a chocolate egg inside some. >> oh, my goodness, there is a huge fly. i can't take it. >> danielle.
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it was a big fly. >> it was flying around. >> then we didn't see it for the rest of the morning. the rest of the morning it was gone. did someone get it? >> the fly got his face time. it's like i'm out of here. >> 60s today, not too bad. we get a couple of showers between now and late morning. 50s tomorrow with a passing shower. upper 40s on sunday and yeah, sunday into monday, chilly 20s. >> grab the coat on monday morning, right? "cbs this morning" is next on wbz. 20 minutes.
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