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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  February 9, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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barnd. i'm jennifer gilbert. a quiet neighborhood turns into a crime scene. pcene. and.../ onight.../ áápoliceáá... are... investigating.../ &p the.../ death... of... a man..../// 3& áákarenáá parks .../ live.../ in... northwest baltimore.../ and.../ says.../ ááneighborsáá... are... still in shock. 3 3 3 3 //live//
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emotional day...// former... lacrosse ../ player.../ george.../ huguely....////ááhe'sáá accused...// in... the fatal... beating.../ of.../ cockeysville nnaive.../ yardley love...///.. áácrimeáá and... justice.../ reporter .../ joy lepolaa../// ááisáá live.../ in... charlottesville.../// covering... the.../ trial...// and.../ says.../ ááiiáá.../ was... a.../ difficult.../ day...// for... everyone .../// n... the courtroom. 3 for the first time today jurorsssaw pictures of yeardley love's
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bloodied and beaten body. it proved to be a moment no one could've prepared foo. jurors began their day looking at pictures taken tte night yeardley llve was found dead. the photos showed love on the floor of her bedroom being worked on by first responders. &pthe pictures brought yeardley love's mother and sister to breakdown in court. their sobs echoed through the courtroom. jurors initially appeared shocked.... many glanced over in the direction of george huguely to see his reaction. first responders talked about - love's bruised face and the sizable hooe in lovees bedroom door. it's suspected huguely kicked it in the nnght of love's murder. prosecutors say his dna wassall over it.
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jurors also heaad from the university northhcarolina lacrosse player... that huguely had accused llve of "hooking up""withh it was michael burns who walked in and found huuuely choking love. burns testtfied... we heard a girl yelling. she was went in george's apartment and i open the door. i saw george with his arm around yeaadley's neck" yeardley later told burns how she couldn't breath. she desccibed her as hysticallyycrying. it was loves relationship with burrs that enraged huguely . it's a relationssip huguely references in the same email in which he treatenes to kill love. burns testified the two had been intimate just weeks before her death.
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aahoward county father understands all too well what yeardly love's mother is going through right now. (bill)"it can happen tto anybody.. i found out the hard " way"bill mitchell's daughter kristin was stabbed to death by her boyfriend in 2005... outside of philaddlphia. krissin's killer is now serving a 30 year senteecee p just ours before kristin's death:the 21 year old wrote an email to her dad.. outlining her relationship troubles.. (dad)"i wrote a whole respoose back to her.. said he needs to know you need your friends aad your own life.. he has to give you space at times. here i am writing his whole email.. to somebody who.. died... (pause) 4 hourssago" ago"government statistics indicate one in
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three teens has experienced violence in a dating situation. 3&stay with fox45 for continuin coverage of the murder trial. we'll have a live report from charlottesville ... at fox baltimore dot com... click on "yeardley love murder trial"... under "hot topics." and we're always updating the ttial on our facebook page... facebook dot coo slash fox baltimore. after days of deliberations....a jury convicts an inmate of murdering a corrections officer. officer. lee edward stephens was found guilty of first-degree murder n the stabbing death of corporal &pdavvd mcguinn at the house of correctton in thh summer of 2006.stephens couud get the deathhpenalty when he's sentenced next week. the... man.... convicted... of killing.... a... 17-year-old...// boxer...// págetsáá... the... maximum.../ 10 years.../ in prison. terrance... sims.../ was... convicted of manslaughter.../ after... fatally... stabbing.../ ronald gibbs,.../ ááaááá nationally-ranked... boxer,
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.../ ááaimingáá... for... the... áábotháá men... got involved.../ in... a 2--women... //// last - year...// ááoneáá.../ sister..../// ááthat'sáá... when.../ sims.../ killed ... was... ápreviouslyá.../ convicted of... manslaughter.../ for.../ a... áshootingá.../ more than.../ 10... years aao. how are the roads ooking tonig? traffic edge report. reeort. 3
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from the envy of the neighborhood.... to the envy of your walllt. the.../ best cars.../ in... the... world.../ ááareáá.../ aa... the.../ "motor-trend aato show"".../ at... the.../ convention center. miieage.../ with.../ áffashá ... .is... the focus.../ this year...///. áábutáá there's... plenty of fun.../ &p aa well.... / acura ...police car .../ of... the future .../ ááwitháá...// a... fictitious... priceetag ...// of... 9... million dollars..../// ááonáá the... more.../ realistic side,.../// ááthereáá are... plenty of hybrids,.../ áálikeáá... thh... nissan.../ leaf..../ that... goes.../ 100... miles.../ on... one... &p charge....//// drive? 519 absoultely. you havv p10% power which is really neat and unique for an electric vehicle since there s no transmission, its a direct drive system. yoo step on that accelerator, and if you want, you ave a ton of power righh there ready for you. tte... auto show.../ runs todaa.../ thru... sunday....//// ááchildrenáá are... free a... paid adult. 3 breaking down all the proposed
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taxes.. how.../ those increases.../ impact you ...and your... faaily. 3 ---beating nats-- nnts-- beaten while in diabetic shock.tte dramatic video that shows the agressive force. like this and kick as hard as i can." can."nearly abductee inside a walmart. the training that heeped ttis girl fight off the sussect. 3 --adblib weather tz-- ///////////////// /////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////
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i'm just a bit of residue left behind by some mop. why you... nobody's taken a shine to me in a long time. phooey. i don't need anybody...but you! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. used mops can push muddy water around. swiffer wetjet's new, upgraded solution helps prevent streaks and residue to reveal more shine than a mop or your money back. you're a fresh swiffersnapper! maryland...
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lawmakers .... are... considering.../ several .../ tax... increases.../ that.../ could impact.../ maryland.../ pamilies...///. áámelindaáá roeder .../ has... been.../ crunching... some nuubers .../ to... figure out .../ ááhowáá much... ámoreá.../// ááyouáá.../ &p may.../ have... to pay.../ next year.meeinda? there are aalot of different plans up for debate -- like doubling the flushhtax from 30 to 60 dollars a year.adding a pales tax onto songs and apps pou download.there's even talk of reducing the mortgage tax
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deduccion for sooe families. but for many - the biggest hit will be transportation costs. we sattdown with one homeowner poday in harforr county... armed with a calculator.the sales tax onngasoline... could cost his 2-car family... and extra the state isslooking to double emissions ffes... raise the increase titling taxessdavid seman estimates - that all poll - his family could be shelling out an extra thousand dollars a year... if all the plans are approved.and that's not onsidering the cost of items they purchase, potentially going up, due to transportation costs for companies. like many taxpayers, david worries too... about local cities aad counties raising theirrtaxes too... to make ends the impact could be even greeter for some families. melinda roeder. fox 45 news at 5:30.
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if.../ the... gas taxx../ increase ...passes .../ ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it's... an.../ appropriations bill...///. oppose the... proposal.. / must let...// your.../// lawmakers... know.../ now....///ááamericcnsáá... for prosperrty.../ began...// a... petition drive..../// ááseeáá... the petition... at.../ foo baltimore dot for.../ "stop... he gas tax" .. / under... "hot topics". here's... our... questton of the áádoesáá governor o'malley's... budget .../ rely... átooá... heavily... on.../ tax increases? go... to... fox-baltimore dot com .../ áátelláá us ...what you think...//. áásoondáá off... thru... pacebook...///. áásendáá us... a tweet../.// ááoráá... text... your answerr 45--223...///. ááenteráá... fox45aa.. for yes../ ááfox45báá 3 a.../ man... pries to kidnap.../ p a... little giil.../ from ...a... georgia.../ wal-mart... / ááandáá.../ it's... ccught on tape. video...///. ááyouáá can... see him... áá andáá trying.../ to... put his hand.../ over... her mouthh..//.áábutáá the girl.../ fights... him off.../ ááusingáá the.../ "stranger danger".../ technique.../ ásheá.../
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learned... in training. (little girl) "yeah, i was just like trying to do like this and kick as hard as i can."-butt to-(officer) "its &pchilling to know how quick actually sent chills up when i saw that." that."áápoliceáá... &p captured... 25--year old... thomas woods...// ááwhoáá... denied... ábeingá... at wal-mart a man is pulled over after he was mistaken for -do not move, hey do not move- move- this dashcam video shows the vvctim being pulled out of his car, then pushed to the ground where he is kneed and kicked. officers thought he was resisting but &pit turns out he was in a diabeticcshocc. the victim was just approved for a almost oneehundred and fifty nine-thousand dollars.police say the sergeant involved was disciplined, but still works for the department. you make feel like a natural n woman a baltimore native...vying for
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a chance to bbcomeethe next american idol. movvs.../ at - her.../ another... step forward... in the competition.../ and... her emotional week... ii hollywood. 3 --adblib weather tz-- 3 -3
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[ male announcer ] for a better-looking tomorrow. vicks nyquil cold & flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. [ deep breath ] ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4 ♪ [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. ♪ bread...
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and... rolls.../ ááareáá.../ the.../ no. 1 .../// ssurce .../ of... salt...// in--take...// in .../ &p tte...// american diet...////, diet...////, áátooáá... much... poddum...// intake...// ááleavesáá... the....onsumer...// at...high--risk...// for...// hhart problems...// and...// áábreadáá... is... number one...// áábecauseááá... americans... tend to eat...// it...// áácuredáá... meats... like... cold... cuts...// ááareáá... also... high.../ in salt...// áássrprisinglyáá... potato chips, .../ ááareáá no. 10,...// fox 45.../ waats... tt make.../ your 20-12.../ the... healthiest year... yet...///.áátheáá " b-more... healthy expo".../ in... partnership.../ with... "med-star"... health..../ ááissá... saturday.../ march 17th .../ at... the baltimooe.../ convention.../ center....//// áálearnáá about exercise,.../ eating right... / and... get.../ health screeninns....////áágoááá to... "b-more healthy"... expo.../// -dot-com .../ for... more information. contestants sing for survival during hollywood week on american idol. make me feel, you make me feel feelour fox 45 &pbaltimore idol winner hallie
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day performed the aretha franklii hit "a natural woman" for the judges.they were imppessed and she did make it past the first roond of cuts. hhllie is thhilled that she is still in the cooeptition, but she admits this is intense. hallie says: hollywood week is the crazy, sabotage week where people crack and break down want to sing again, i mean its &pdesigned to see whh can handl the pressure of being in an industry like this. this.american idol continues tonight at 8pm here &pon fox45. 3 3
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when news breaks.. you can access tte latest information right on your cell phone. download the fox45 mobile neww app for your roid or i-phone. it includes headlines.. traffic.. and weaaher conditions.. all at your fingertips. go to &pfoxxbltimore dot com and look for "mobile" at top righthhnd cornnr of the screen. the meaniig.../ behind... this... practical joke.../ and... the people... ánotá... thrilled... with the gamm.
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hands that feel soft and silky smooth! ooh...she's got the look. what's her secret? the gloves? dawn? i don't believe it. [ male announcer ] it's a dishwashing sensation... dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. it contains revitalizing proteins to help smooth skin on hands -- improving their look and feel in just five uses. [ sponge ] soft, smooth... fabulous! you're quite the trendsetter. [ male announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. they mmy not o too well on the field, but the orioles are dominaat when it comes to arbitration hearings...they
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haven;'t lost one in 17'sstrue, you can look it up..and today, they won another, keeping the streak alive.. &palive.. in fact, the winning &p7...ssarter brad bergeson wen down to defeat today at his hearinn in st pete...after going 227 with a hefty 5.7 earrned run average, bergeon orioles countered with 800- - thousand...predictabll,,the arbitrator sided with the was their first arbitration hearing sinne 2006, when they defeated rodrigo lopez... now 38 and playing for the allen wranglers of something called the indoor football league, terrell owens refuses po go gracefully into his inevitable says he still can play in the nfl, saying playoff drops by tj &phhushmenzadeh in 2011 and lee evans this year makeehim know he could still play...good ol t-o...still as classy as ever.... the orioles signed first bassean nick johnson...morgan adsit previews tomorrow's loyola game against iona for
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first place in the maac...and we'll announce the winner of our high school game of the week contest...coming up tonight at 10-50 and 11-30 on sports unlimited... --toss to vytas-- vytts-- 3 3 3
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what .../ seems like... a... sweee treat .../ for folks... in ááturnsáá out.../ to... be... nothing.../ mooe.../ ááthanáá .../ a... practical joke. this wws the scene tuesddy... when an online pawnshop dropped a thoosand butterfingersscandy bars in downtown first... people were thrilled.that is... until they realized it was a mockery of patriots' wide receiver wes welker's drop... in the super bowl.the company has since apologized... for the joke. 3 that's all for fox45 ews at 5:30."judge judy" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight for fox45 neww at ttn -- and the late edition at 11... 11...
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