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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  December 26, 2011 6:00am-9:00am EST

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crowds. someone in maryland is $125 million richer. it could be you. the winner has yet to come forward. just in time for christmas, family and friends welcome home heroes, you might want to grab your tissue for this one. i'm charley crowson. let's head over to meteorologist, justin berk, with a check of your monday forecast. we are back at east middle school, westminster. i love saying that. we've got all sides covered here. 39 central carroll county. we had the winds push 30 miles per hour. disturbance came through. the winds eased up a bit. they buildup through the day. we are looking at widespread 40s. we had a mix of clouds, some sprinkles and flurries slip south of the border. most confined to the north. any cloudiness should give way to sun and if it doesn't happen
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by lunchtime, we are looking for the full sun this afternoon. temperatures bouncing back to 47. above normal. winds gusting 2030 miles per hour. we -- gusting to 30 miles per hour. tomorrow more rain. sorry. we got some stuff to look forward to. we will talk about that in a moment. mighty monday , the day after christmas when retailers expect huge crowds for the end of the year bargains. linda so is here with what to expect for heading out shopping today. this is not for the faint of heart. you have better come prepared. they are expecting huge crowds. first for those people who will be returning things, those lines will be along for presents that didn't float your boat. you can expect packed stores with retailers offering discounts. find markdowns on winter apparel, home goods and holiday decoration. target says it will be cutting prices by 50% on lots of merchandise.
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some will be opening early to accommodate the day after christmas crowds. people wanting to redeem the cards. the week after christmas is responsible for about 10% of holiday sales. >> that's always a great time for shoppers to get terrific bargains as well. >> here is a list of stores opening early. kohls at 5:00, jc penney at 6:00. michael's craft stores, macy's, sears and some targets will be opening at 7:00. linda so, job job. if you want to get to the stores early, here are few opening earler than normal. kohls opened doors at 5:00, head over to jc penney at 6:00, target locations at 7:00, macy's, sears and michaels craft stores also opening at 7:00. a two alarm fire damaging a home in baltimore county. this broke out around 3:30, this video new in to the
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newsroom. that's the hineighborhood. firefighters said no one was home when the fire started and no word as for the cause. more information throughout the day at that video fresh in to the newsroom. baltimore county says 1 in every ten students has been suspended at least one school day for the past school year. county suspension rate was the highest apart from the eastern shore, 10,000 students suspended. largest category were for disrespect and causing disruption. the state department of education says 6-point 8% of the students were suspended during the year. baltimore police are looking for suspects in the shooting death in cherry hill from the weekend. officers found the victim in the 2700 block of guiles road. he was taken to an area hospital and pronounced dead before midnight saturday. police in baltimore say a
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man was hit by a car and killed. thompson trying to cross the inner loop when hi by an suv. he had just been at wal-mart before the accident and alcohol didn't play a factor. police in arundel are searching for a man accused of holding a gun to a woman's head inside a motel six. a female employee reported a man placing a gun to her head and tried to force her in to a motel room. the man ran away when a witness saw what was going on. forget the sweaters and the jewelry. how would you like to win $125 million jackpot for christmas. someone woke up and done just that. problem is, they may not know it yet. $125million power ball jackpot ticket was sold at wesleys in elkton. here is the thing, it's $125
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million. after taxes, it's $50 million. >> we don't know if they know yet or knew and passed out because they were so excited. we are not open until tuesday, maybe they will come forward. sometimes they take longer. >> . one baltimore family welcomed their daughter. barton gave birth around 5:20 to baby ray at the medical center. she wasn't due until january 24th, but decided that was too long to wait. ray is the second child. mother and baby are doing great. >> it's a good blessing. we are very excited. my family is excited. we are looking forward to doing christmas in the morning and birthday in the afternoon. >> ray was given a stocking
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knitted by a hospital volunteer. happy homecomings in time for holiday dinner. hugs and kisses at bwi as soldiers are back home. pete o'neil takes us there. take a look. [music] waiting on our youngest daughter coming in from afghanistan. i'm struggling to talk to you and shot shed tears and water up on you. it's a very emotional time. when she walks through the door
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in a few moments i'm sure there will be a lot of tears shed with a lot of folks here. are you glad to see them? yeah, i mismy family very much.
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for those men and women serving here and abroad, thank you for everything you do. they are the reason you couldn't get the report to your boss on time. the youtube videos. we cringed at it. thanks for that one. looking at the top viral videos when we return in a moment. >> they didn't make the santa's nice list. the scammers for 2011 we have been telling you to look out for. celebrating out of the beaches of california. up to new york for the latest in business news. good morning, topping america's money, christmas shopping. shoppers expected to be out in force , the day after christmas is the second busiest shopping day for stores and hunters will find lots of deals. makers of infa meal say tests
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show no link to the death of a baby in missouri. the baby died of rare infection caused by bacteria which can be found in powdered formula. apple working on a battery allowing products to run a week or more without recharging. they would leave behind just water when they are finished. mission impossible was an easy winner at the box office. it was a disappointing couple of days for hollywood. ghost protocol took in $27 million. that's america's money.
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. top ten youtube videos have
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been announced the turns out the most watching head on youtube, jenny has the count down. >> reporter: the thing about youtube videos is the fun you get and some seem like gibberish, for instance, in the top 10 most viewed videos , the number five spot went to an annoying cat. the number ten spot went to a very adorable cat. a mother cat hugging its kitten while the two take a cat nap. number nine video was volkswagen super bowl commercial, called the force. number 8 was a cute 11-year-old canadian singing lady gaga's hit. lady gaga invited maria to sing a duet in concert.
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number 7 was a dance comedy video. youtube is the place if you want people. twin talking babies understood each other perfectly. adults enjoyed adding subtitles and nominating them for best foreign language film. comedy music videos were popular. we might as well acknowledge the number one video that got over 180 million views. okay, that's enough acknowledgment. it's the video that came in at number two that is number one in my heart, since it's my story, that's one we are going to concentrate on. there is just something riveting about the talking dog being teased.
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>> you know the bacon that's maple? that maple flavor? i took that out. i thought, i know who would like that. me. so i ate it. looks like you are getting your hopes up. former ad agency guy, canadian andrew, makes a living creating and voicing talking animals. people submit thousands of videos and he ads the dialogue. andrew wouldn't say how much his partner ship with youtube pays but clark the dog has a facebook fan page with a joke bacon tree and a bacon t-shirt. if you are wondering, what he really said in dog speak, cnn new york. >> we showed you the videos on
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friday, i know they are coming. i still laugh at that dog. that's good stuff. >> it's great stuff. >> takes a dog own tore appreciate that a little bit -- owner to appreciate that a little bit more. >> my dog is a pill. >> i have a feeling my dog speaks with a british accent. >> let's we'll be right back to the weather. 41 baltimore. the cold air and not that cold. this is above normal for chicago and des moines mid-20s. chilly atlanta. charlie, i showed you video how, el paso had snow. surface pressure out of the northern gulf of mexico. there is a lot of rain there. same pattern we've had for the last three weeks of storms. essentially this one is going to do more of the same, ride up
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in our direction. when you take the area of low pressure and bring it on top or west of us, we stay on the warm side. this is rain event. it has more of a source of colder air, if you are traveling west this week and you may get the benefit of the cold air with the moisture and some places that could use it like the nearby ski resorts. we will watch that storm spreading in our direction. we had the clouds rolling overnight. there were spotty sprinkles and flakes during the morning hours. the clouds eroding away. we will wait for the next wave to role in. sunny afternoon and clear night, clouds roll in tomorrow morning. watch the moisture, heavy rain expected during the afternoon and evening. snow near pittsburgh. the ski resorts, we are get in on the snow behind this storm. rain will try to come to an ends overnight. a brief mix at the end. the other thing, the winds, put this on in to motion, we will
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have strong winds coming in tomorrow evening and tomorrow night ahead of the storm, see the 30 miles per hour winds, shifting the winds and bringing in the colder air, slightly colder air. 47 degrees as we head in through this afternoon with 35 miles per hour wind gusts. clear, calm, 30. tomorrow 50, the rain for the afternoon and evening ends by wednesday morning. wednesday windy again. new year's weekend, snow showers, highs in to the lower 40s downtown. the holidays are the times your behavior can come back to bite you. you've seen bad behavior in the scam alerts. joce sterman looks at the year it was from the naughty list of 2011. >> santa is not the only one that makes the list and checking it twice. we are keeping track. we got our own lineup of who
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has been naughty this year. at the top of our list, the man accused of stealing money from dozens of local schools and ptas this fall. scum isn't a strong enough word for him. >> reporter: deputies say joseph promised ravens players for antibullying assemblys, and kept the funds when he could deliver. after we reported theft charges and showed you his picture, he was arrested in aberdeen and will spend the holidays behind bars. did you take advantage of these people and target seniors? >> the number two spot. annapolis based paver deserves coal in his stocking for a paving operation we uncovered. after rolling seniors in a scheme that cost seniors tens of thousands of dollars, clack's gift this year, an investigation by the home improvement commission and slew of charges for acting as a
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contractor without a license. justice for those wronged by the man at number three on hour naughty list. joseph horton, the lock smith all through 2010 had to face the music in 2011. he lost a civil case fields by the attorney general after overcharging customers and ordered to pay $400,000 in damages. horton was found guilty of criminal theft and fraud and waiting to hear if he will spend part of the new year in jail. >> if you want to check out bad operators, check out our scam alert page, finds it under the money tab on that is a click on the money tab and the home page and then click on scam alert. clients of the texas based security company are victims. thousands of card members and personal information has been
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taken by the hacking group anonymous. they stole the confidential client list which includes companies and organizations from air force to the miami police department, and also apple. the hackers say they have enough targets lined up to continue their attacks throughout the course of the week. teenager has strangers to thank. what happened afterwardsing we will look at this. christmas mass ends in violence. who is responsible for the death of 39 people in nigeria. we will take a look. you are watching good morning maryland, monday december 26th.
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[ dentist ] people refer to jill as "that woman with the great smile." i refer to her as "that woman with the great gums." as jill's dentist, i know that her gums are a foundation of a healthy smile. jill knows that, too -- so she uses crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. crest pro-health clinical gum protection. because healthy smiles are built on healthy gums. life opens up when you do.
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39 people killed on christmas day. the majority died on the steps
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of the catholic church after celebrating mass in nigeria. delegation in south korea left for north korea to pay respects for kim jong-il. the delegation is led by the widow kim day j u.n. g. kim jung-il died after decades of rule in north korea. group of street cleaners came to the rescue of a student injured in a traffic accident in china. the video shows a tractor trailer running a light and hitting a girl on her bicycle op her way to school. this is disturbing video. the cleaners came to the rescue and called the police. the girl was taken to the
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hospital. she is in stable condition. this is in china. china looking for to fight bigamy with a on line data base. the government expected to roll this out within the next year and completed within five years. it's raised privacy concerns especially in the light of the high profile hacking. bigamy is a problem in china as many couples live apart. surveillance video of a brave employee fighting off an armed man. plus, christmas parade that comes with a big surprise for one family. we will take you there. a mother gives her daughter an ultimate gift. >> how her selfless decisions saved her daughter's life. that story is up next.
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the gift of life, a christmas this family will never forget. black friday, cyber monday, new ones mighty monday, get the deals and shop early on this
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day, after christmas. acid reflux could be a sign of something worse. what signs you may look for and do to prevent it. good morning maryland i'm charley crowson. let's head over to justin berk with a check of the monday forecast. >> i had a disturbance slide through overnight. clouds and winds, now that we are clearing things out, temperatures slipping back, 41 easton and baltimore. 40s on the north side. we had cloud cover mixed in with a sprinkle or flurry. that seems to be eroding away. waking up with sunshine, maybe leftover clouds west of town, if you are hanging out towards frederick, in to the mountains, cloud cover will start the day. we are retreating the snow showers back up across far north western pa and central new york. this morning, a partly cloudy sky, mostly sunny, winds as high as 30 miles per hour. pushing the temperatures back to 47. we are looking for the next storm system to arrive as soon as tomorrow. despite the clearing tonight,
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quick racing tomorrow, we will talk about that in just a moment. for parents, this story is going to touch your heart, a mother gives the gift of life to her daughter for christmas. linda so is here with the heartwarming story. >> parents will to anything to make the pain go away for kids. a mother donate t her kidney to her daughter. sasha has suffered for years with hypertension and type 2 diabetes, it led to kidney failure. her mom maryland stepped in to give the ultimate gift. she went through a year of testing to make sure she was a good match. when the doctors gave their okay, they underwent surgery several days ago, mom giving daughter a priceless gift. >> she made a big sacrifice. >> if all goes well, mom and daughter should be allowed to
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go home tomorrow. maryland will be back to work in 6 weeks. her daughter is taking one day at a time but feels the difference with her mother's kidsny. linda so, abc2 news. taking a look at news around the nation. a christmas day tragedy in connecticut. three children and grandparents killed in a fire that broke out christmas mother. the mother and adult were able to get out, the others could not, couldn't get back in to help the family members who were killed. firefighters were also unable to get to the girl, 7-year-old twins and a 10 year old. the mother was a former calvin klein art director. the home was undergoing renovations. a tragedy after a family opened christmas presents on sunday morning. authorities say they found 7 people shot to death. they think the shooter was among them. police say the four women and three men ages 18-60 were found in an adjoining kitchen and living room.
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police went to the apartment and heard nothing two. handguns were found near the bodies. a robber tried to hold up a business. employee at we buy gold says the robber was knocked unconscious and held them until police arrived. look at the surveillance video. the masked man came in after the money and the store clerk literally took matters in to his own hands. >> haid a bag, in -- he had a bag, i handed it to him. if he wants money, get a job and work. >> the robber is charged with armed robbery and with a dangerous weapon. she is in jail this morning. sunday was christmas day but the ath day of hanukkah -- 5th day of hanukkah. it's a surf board menorah, put up with each board with oil lamps attached. this is the lighting of the 6th one coming up today. christmas surprise for a woman in massachusetts,
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attended the annual christmas parade. it wasn't santa on the float it was army sergeant, brenda bayton who climbed on, a block before it passed her brother's house. her family got they 78-year-old mother to take part in the festivities in fatigues. safe and sound from he second tour, she told her mom she had to stay at fort bragg for the holiday but she was there to say hi. almost 2012, let's look back at 2011. what we have been searching for throughout the year. i'm just a piece of dirt stuck here in a rut.
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ever since that ol' broom dumped me here... oh, oh. oooh! will love ever come my way? oh my! ♪ i believe in miracles [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts dirt. swiffer sweeper's new, thicker cloths get deep into ridges picking up more dirt, dust and hair than a broom to help leave your floor up to three times cleaner. you sure are a pick-me-up! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better or your money back.
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use, information, the major sites and search engines put together a shot of the best of the past year. karen karen takes a look at what tops the lists. >> reporter: what got social media users buzzing in 2011? a teen with a ridiculously catchey song. friday, topped the list of youtube's most watched videos and google's fastest rising searches, whether you loved oh
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hated but you couldn't get it out of your head. on twitter a singer with a much longer resume pushed august's mtv video music awards to the top. how to tell what was on the minds of facebook's 800 million uses in 2011? look no further than the status updates. the death of osama bin laden in may. the top search item on yahoo never spoken a word until october. iphone topped yahoo's list as people scoured for information on the rumored iphone 5 and the announcement of the 4s and series. appears apple is work on a cell phone that doesn't need recharging for weeks at a time. it is the future for the
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iphone, ipod and mac books. hydrogen full cells are lighter and environmentally safe. two workers at logan are giving a customer's dog home for the holidays. this is whopper, a sharpay boxer mix. he got stranded when an owner arrived on a flight and tried to fly with the dog to madrid. two airline customer service reps stepped in offing to care of whopper until the master returned from vacation. >> the great thing, it's christmas time. we were thinking, we have to help this girl. she wants to come and see her family. why wouldn't we want to help her. we just helped her. we didn't think twice about it. >> the workers have been emailing pictures and updates to the owner everyday. coming up acid reflux could be a signal for a serious
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illness. what you need to do to prevent it. sleet, hail, snow and rain, may not stop the post office, what does stop u.p.s.? why customers had to wait until tomorrow to get the christmas gift. it is the day after christmas, you know what that means, time to shop more. which stores will be opening extra early today for mighty monday. we are looking at owens mills, 38 degrees. winds howling earlier on. they have settled down a bit. as we break up the clouds, we look forward to a sunny day. a storm knocking on the doorstep, we will talk about that next, good morning. take the finish challenge.
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my name is ashley and my blog is not without salt. when i take pictures of my food, you don't want to see spots on the dishes. i was using cascade actionpacs. they just didn't have that spot free look. when i took the finish challenge, i was thrilled. as soon as i opened up the dishwasher, i could tell there was a difference. my dishes had a shine on them. this little guy right here makes my dishes incredibly shiny. i'm moving on to finish quantum. take the finish challenge. get up to half off.
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this is your news to go. good morning i'm charley crowson. let's start off with a check of the forecast, hello to meteorologist, justin berk. >> hello, charlie, 6:43, clouds and winds overnight. they have not an issue this morning. we have a beautiful glow over the horizon, most of us eroding
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the clouds away. the winds high as 48 miles per hour. that's in frederick county's mill town, manchester and catonsville. 39 miles per hour push. the temperatures now 39 churchville, lutherville and sykesville. it's the west and north, we've had sprinkles and flurries. most to the north. sunshine this afternoon, we will push wind gusts to 30 miles per hour, highs in the upper 40s. have you hear of might mighty monday? the day retailers are going to have sales and a lot of people expected to hit the stores. we are sending out our professional shopper, linda so, with the preview of what to expect. if you go solo and if you take your kids. >> some stores are opening early. jc penney opened at 6:00.
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kohls open for about an hour now. they got started at 5:00. michael's craft stores macy's, sears and some target stores will open at 7:00. you can expect packed stores with retailers offering discounts. find big markdowns on winter apparel, home goods and holiday decorations. tart will be cutting prices by 50% on lots of merchandise. some will be opening early to accommodate the day after christmas crowds. people wanting t to redeem the gifts. the week after christmas is responsible for about 10% of holiday sales. >> that's always a great time for shoppers to get out and get bargains as well. >> we will know how good of a holiday season this was on january 5th. gifts are not always
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perfect fit or match. if you need to exchange something, here are a few tips to keep in mind. if you plan op taking it back, have the receipt. without one you will get a credit. if you want to return something you bought on line, check the policy on the website. if you take that something back, do not destroy the packaging, keep all stickers, labels and tags in tact. >> don't open the packaging if you are not sure you want it. you can leave the tags and labels on the item fox you destroy the packaging, or rip it apart, you h have a more difficult time returning it. >> some stores charge a restocking fee, especially when it comes to electronics. millions will be using gift cards, more unused. $41billion in gift cards bought between 2005 and 2011 will go
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unspent. they continue to grow in popularity. it's unclear what happens when the money is not spent. tower group e mates a gift card sales will reach $100 billion this year. one shipping giant, meant no presents for familys this christmas and many are still waiting until tomorrow to get them. u.p.s. is apologizing for saying the snowstorm in denver created delays meaning 50,000 packages were not delivered by christmas. many lined up a t the u.p.s. distribution center hoping to pick up packages they were hoping to get them in person. offices and distribution snows are closed today, they will sort out the remaining packages tomorrow. u.p.s. says it will offer refunds to customers who paid for confirmed saturday delivery if they didn't receive it on time for christmas. occupy wall street has one of the biggest stories of the
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year. protesters didn't take a break on christmas. it was the 100th day. they held a prayer vigil. 1967 speech by dr. martin luther king was read. newt gingrich will not appear on the virginia primary ballot. he didn't submit the 10,000 signatures needed to qualify. this is according to the republican party of virginia, they released this through twitter. it came after a day after it was announced that rick perry will not be on the ball hot for the same reason. mitt romney and texas representative ron paul have qualified the be on the prime may ballots. donald trump says it's a no go, he is not with the gop and changed to un affiliated.
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trump made the decision should he decide to run for president as a independent. he could run if he is not happy with the republican nominees. trump is quote disgusted with the pay the coping is handling the payroll tax cut issue. one in ten students have been suspended in the last year. the department of education says 6-point 8% of students were suspended during the school year. police are searching for suspects in the shooting death from the weekend . officers found the victim in the 2700 block of jiles road. he was pronounced dead before midnight saturday. police in baltimore say a man was hit by a car and killed while trying to cross 695.
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craig was trying to cross the inner loop on north point saturday night and hit by an suv. he was at a wal-mart before the accident. alcohol was not a factor and no charges have been filed against the driver. study to determine whether upgrades are needed for the stadium. the study will be needed for produced stadium to keep the team viable and profitable. if it concludes the team can remain viable in the leecation, the county officials will decide where it should be renovated. it was opened in 1996. new for you, more than 1600 people are suing over their exposure to the world trade center dust. they must decide if they are going to keep up the fight or drop the lawsuit. they can apply for benefits.
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congress set aside $3 million. new study shows people are suffering acid reflux and mainly because of obesity. now they are saying the study is suggesting a friend is likely to increase for people developing e esophageal cancer. tipsy taxi service are help you get home safe from new years. it's from midnight to 4:00 in the morning. the service will be available within city limits to cover cab rides under $50. those wishing to use the service, write this down, 877963 taxi and save it in your phone. bike sharing program could be coming to montgomery county.
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county wants to bring capital bike share, a sharing program, already in place in dc and arlington county. they want to bring to it montgomery county. the officials applied for a $1 million grant for the transportation department to move forward with the program. there will be no trash pick up but remember, parking meters, they will be in effect today. time for five things you need to know on this monday morning. funeral for kim jong-il is scheduled for wednesday. north koreans pay respects for their late leader. yemen embattled president planning a trip to the u.s. he agreed to step down from power after months of protest.
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he was in power for 3 years and became an alli in the u.s. president barack obama made two trips to the marine base in hawaii attending church services and meeting and greeting service members. week after disappointing loss to chiefs, packers are back in the win come column. someone in maryland had one heck of a christmas gift this weekend. the jackpot has a winner. $125million winning ticket was filled at wesleys in elkton, roughly $50 million after taxes. the winner has yet to come forward. on this day in history in 96,
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first day of kwanzaa celebrated. it began in 1966. christmas day winder storm left thousands in washington state without power. the gusts got up to 50 miles per hour and hit much of the area around seattle on christmas day. families had to come up with plans to get the meals ready for the holidays and employees were forced to come back to work just to get the power back on. this is what justin was talking about. this is the scene in texas. texas, two inches of snow over the weekend. also that's near el paso, it snowed in to christmas morning. they got a white christmas in el paso, texas. >> two years ago, dallas had a white christmas. half a foot on their north side of the city. flakes overnight. nearby, some of you actually, donald and debby wrote about the winds and something
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hitting the window. most across central pa, the clouds have broken up as the system passed through. we are watching texas, now watching the deep south because of what we expect to have. wave of low pressure will push in your direction, like the last few, locked and loaded with the same weather pattern. expect the same thing. snow leftover west texas and new mexico. the rainmaker will be spreading in our direction. we could have flooding tomorrow. this morning the clouds already eroding away. snow showers diminishing across pa a and new york. setting sites for the next storm. we are mostly sunny this afternoon, mostly clear tonight. the hint of cloudiness tomorrow morning. this is ak a.m., a few hours before sunrise. that sunrise could be mightily pretty tomorrow morning. clouds actually build in. early morning sun will fade away. bulge of rain , the surge comes in with a southerly flow.
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warming up to near 50. it will be a distinctive snow line to the north west. may hit pittsburgh and ohio and the backside of the storm. we have quite a bit of heavy rain to deal with tomorrow evening. this may zip by and looking at it ending before wednesday. some computer models are trying to haipt of a mix or change -- hint of mix or changeover. nothing expected to stick. fresh snow in to the mountains and ski resorts. we have ourselves a ho hum pattern. 47 today. winds 30, 35 miles per hour. we had that gusting already and tonight back with calmer winds and clear skies and 30s. tomorrow 50s. rain arriving in the afternoon and heavier in the evening and jeff night. most done by wednesday -- overnight. most done by wednesday.
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wrap 3q over 200,000 people are hospitalized every year with flu complications. lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill over
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50 germs on surfaces. this includes cold and flu viruses. so we recommend using lysol every day.
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why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste,
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more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. good morning, america. and welcome to megamonday. millions heading out this morning with $46 billion in returns in the offings. the stores already opened at this hour with the biggest sales of the year. christmas tragedy, a multimillion dollar coastal home in connecticut up in flames on christmas eve. a top advertising executive escapes. but her children are killed. kate the great. the duchess stunning in plum. they support prince philip, struggling to bounce back after major health scare. and the new superstar taking
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this world by storm. meet siku this morning. and a very happy day after christmas to all of you. we hope you had a wonderful weekend. robin and george are with their families this morning. we're happy to have elizabeth vargas along. >> merry day after christmas. >> were you kids successful at tracking santa? >> they did. they caught him. >> i was more interested in norad catching santa as well. people will be interested no getting out and shopping. there's our next door neighbor, toys "r" us.
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they're opening. a new name for this day, megamonday. lots of returns will make for a good day for bargain hunters. becky worley will be here with more on that. just in the last couple of secs, i've gotten two more e-mails. >> he's a little busy. she'll be back to you in a moment. the republican campaign in the crucial stretch. just a week until the first votes are cast. a flurry of appearances. rushing to get the vote out efforts all week long. we'll have the latest. let's first get the news from "gma" weekend anchor dan harris. good morning. >> merry belated christmas to both of you. the latest on the holiday shopping scene. this could be a record year for returns and post holiday sales. figures out this morning look
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encouraging. preholiday sales up 3.5% from last year. retailers are still worried. the week after christmas traditionally accounts for 10% ofover all sales. huge incentives. tar g target and others have talked about 50% discounts. a fire that roared through this home owned by a new york city advertising executive, it killed her parents and her three children. linsey davis reports from stamford, connecticut. >> there probably has not been a worse christmas day in the city of stamford. >> reporter: the 911 calls came in just before 5:00 a.m. badger, her male friend, her
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contractor, managed to escape. >> i heard somebody yell, help me, help, help. help he. >> reporter: trapped inside, her 10-year-old daughter, her 7-year-old twin girls, and her parents. >> i heard her say, my whole life's in there. >> reporter: she climbed on to the roof. trying to break the daughter's bedroom windows. >> it's never easy. that's for sure. i've been on this job 38 years. not an easy day. >> reporter: she's credited with the famous calvin klein underwear ads. she was a founding partner of a marketing firm. she recently divorced, moved from the city to this suburb, renovating the home for her family. fire officials are not blaming the renovations for the fire. it could take days to determine the cause. it's not safe for investigators to enter, because the damage is
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so extensive. a big victory in the war on drugs this morning. the mexican army says it's captured the head of security for one of the most wanted people in the world, quau keen guzman. they're hoping this arrest will lead to guzman. in sports, an unbelievable night for aaron rodgers. five touchdowns to lead the packers to a 35-21 win. the most tds in his pro career. this win gives green bay home field advantage throughout the playoffs. finally, president obama and the very nosy baby. the president and his family exchanged gifts and sang carols, then they paid a visit to a nearby marine base. the 8-month-old little boy
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grabbed the president's face. mr. obama said the baby liked his "big nose." can you imagine how the secret service handles a situation like that? >> we have all had it happen to us. >> yes, but not with 17 secret service agents standing around. now to your politics, your voice, your voice. the republican candidates ramping up their campaigns. it's ron paul making a comeback as well. a strong contender to take the state. here's jake tapper. >> reporter: starting in just a few hours, the hawk eye state will be packed with candidates hunting for votes. >> very nice to meet you. >> reporter: rick an sor rum will start it off hunting for pheasants. rick perry will visit clarinda.
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and michele bachmann resumes the 99-county bus tour. the ron paul newsletters from the '80s and '90s will probably bring up questions. >> they're nasty. he didn't know about it? wasn't aware of it? but he's sufficiently ready to be president? >> reporter: paul said he did not write them or read them and he now disavows them. in the 1990s, he defended them saying critics were taking them out of context. >> i put out a political type of business investment news letter that covered the areas. >> reporter: gingrich, who needs to do well in iowa, is pushing this story. he'll face questions this week about his organization skills. he failed to secure a place on the ballot in virginia, the state in which he lives.
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the campaign director says the candidate likens the debacle to pearl harbor. newt and i agree that the analogy is december, 1941. weave experienced a setback. we'll refrogroup and refocus. does that make the republican foempber of virginia emperor hirohito? jake tapper, abc news, washington. >> thank you, jake. we want to bring in our top strategists, james carville and matthew dowd. matthew, i want to start with you. you said don't count newt out. that was before his campaign made the analogy to pearl harbor and before missing the ballot in virginia. >> i think newt has a great capacity to be forgiven at this
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time. he has a thick teflon around him. keep in mind, newt gingrich is tied nationally in the pols. he's been in four straight polls tied nationally. i think the race right now, unless somebody changes the dynamic in iowa, is is a race between ron paul, mitt romney, and newt gingrich, all of whom have tremendous baggage. >> james, what do you think? how does this hurt newt? >> it's -- the hearing from the megamouth on megamonday, i guess. how does it hurt? he's not on the ballot in virginia. in a close race that could mean something. secondly, it's probably indicative of something else, that they were not prepared for this, unable to do it. it's a story that steps on stuff. i think matthew is right. he's shown resilience.
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this is a lot of baggage. >> as matthew said, with the iowa vote days away, it seems that the front-runners in the state don't match up to the national polls. what does it say to you that ron paul continues to sit atop a lot of the polls. inspite of the racially charged news letters that came out in the '80s and '90s. >> robertson did well, huckabee did, neither won the nomination. paul's message is focused. the newsletters are nasty stuff. i don't know how much that will hurt him with his core base. but it's certainly, i think, disqualifying for him to be the president of the united states. >> does he feel like a front-runner to you in the state? >> i think in iowa. because he's one of the only candidates out there high enough in the polls and has enough
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passion behind him. the republicans voters are looking for somebody that is authentically conservative and speaks their minds but is competent and they can see in the white house. right now, paul has the authenticity, even if some people don't like where he stands. he's got the passion. for an iowa caucus where a little over 100,000 people will vote, passion is the main thing. >> you're mitt romney, how are you feeling about what will take place in a week? >> i think you prefer ron paul to win iowa than newt gingrich. if newt wins iowa, he goes into new hampshire with momentum. and the process goes until april or may. if mitt romney can't win, he wants ron paul to. >> james, quickly. vice president joe biden op ed'ing over the weekend.
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they think that mitt will carry the day, it look like. what do you think? >> i hope it goes on for a long time. i think it's interesting he wrote that op ed at this time. the white house is trying to get in the middle of the story. >> the last few months are any gauge, we have not seen the last of this yet. james, matthew, we appreciate the time. >> newt gingrich countering the negative publicity launching a website called pets with newt. this could be a record day for retailers. expectations of $46.3 billion in gifts returned just today. that's a 4% jump. becky worley is live via skype. when we talk about returning things, one of the biggest things is a restocking fee.
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it can be 10% of the original purchase price. what sit? >> they're especially common around electronics. they're fees levied when the boxes are opened. we're seeing that these restocking fees are abating a bit. best buy has canceled it. target has, too. amazon, it's more complicated. some items, like software and dvds that are open. but with open box computers, no restocking fee. returns, i'm going to give you some pro tips. the first one is bring an i.d. when you take your items back, to prevent return frauds. retailers are tracking returns. >> we also have this window of time in which we can return these gifts. some of the stores have cut that window of time significantly. >> yeah, the good news is the
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restocking fee is abating. the windows on return for electronics, going down. walmart, generally a 90-day return period. 15 on electronics. best buy, they've given a grace period for anything given around christmas. january 24th is the cutoff day. the pro tip is you have to be on this and do it quick and read the return policies. we have a list of them on the website. >> technology. nobody likes to go in to a store and see an item they bought at full place on sale. you can use apps to help you out. >> you can download something called slice, it will check e-mail for receipts and tell you if there has been a price drop since you paid.
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savvy will do it. there's a website that does it, price protectr, no "o" at the end, it will help you, too. >> and so many of us love to shop online. returning seems to be a bigger headache. is that the case? >> yeah. you can generally go back to a brick and mortar store if you bought it online. the notable exception is sports authority. you should expect to pay for shipping unless the product is defective. if you want it processed quickly, go in the website and print out a return label. it will have a bar code on it that gets it processed much faster. >> it makes the free shipping items and companies so much more appealing when we're shopping on line. we'll check back later, becky, to get the great deals. now it's time to check in
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with sam champion and the weather. >> is it going to be easy to make these returns happen today? >> and lug our bags home. first of all, good morning. this is pretty, like, no problem weather on the map. the northwest was bad area. it continues to be the worst weather on the board. over the weekend, terrible weather. 50, 60-mile-per-hour winds. oak harbor, the winds 58 there. there was one tragic death there. here comes another low later today. this is about the mildest weather you're going to see for the day. later on, we fire up strong storms. chicagoland, one of the mildest christmass in 17 years. new york city, last year, a blizzard. 20 inches of snow. the temperature this rear? 46 degrees.
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>> we're talking big thunderstorms in the next half hour in mississippi. we'll point out even that has to look out for those. elizabeth, josh, dan, happy day after christmas. get set to meet the newest wild life soup stuperstar. >> this is a story about an orphaned polar bear who likes to take naps, get his belly rubbed, and lay around with his tongue hanging out. this is siku, the baby polar bear taking the global man scene by storm. >> translator: this is is siku. >> reporter: he's been hand-raised at a wild life park in denmark. when videos of siku, which, by
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the way, means sea ice, started to appear online, he became famous. >> we love knut. >> reporter: he overcame rough beginnings to become a full-on superstar at the berlin zoo, gracing the pages of "vanity fair" with leonardo dicaprio. knut provides a cautionary tale. he did not age well. he got fat, 500 pounds, surlily, and that beautiful white coat, it turned brown. however, knut's brief, blazing fame gave the overall poerl bear brand a huge boost. >> what knut did for the polar bears is unbelievable. this cub could be responsible for saving them for us to enjoy for years to come. >> reporter: sadly, knut died
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earlier this year. for many, situ's emergence is a welcome development. they're hoping he'll grow into an adorable ambassador for a species desperately needed. after a rough beginning, siku is thriving. he was three pounds when they got him. now he's seven pounds. i suspect in not too many months, he'll be too large to rub his belly. still to come, thousands turn out to see kate and will on christmas day. they rally around prince philip. the real life robin hood. hacking into a global security firm. how safe is your personal information right now? and your five best after chris pass deals right now. we'll reveal them in moments. ♪
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good morning. hope you had a great holiday weekend. clouds rolled in. some flurries, sprinkles to the northside. we have sun, 39 in town, 41 easton, 30s are trying to creep
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their way to the day, it's battling the sunshine, and the winds whipping up. we've had the eroding clouds, up to the north and see how some leftover snow showers fall off in the distance. what we will be watching is this storm developing in the south. lower mississippi valley, that spreads in our direction. going to arrive over central maryland, keeps us on the warm side of the storm. for us, mostly rain event, bringing snow to the west and watching that brief bout of cold air spilling in behind the storm. today 47. winds gusting 30-35 miles per hour. clear and calm 30 overnight. rain in to the afternoon, heavy during the evening. another windy day, 44, up to 50 by friday and snow showers possible this weekend. it's mighty monday, retailers expect huge crowds.
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you can find big markdowns on apparel, home goods and decorations. expect long lines at the return counters as well. some stores like kohls, macy's and jc penney opened early to accommodate the crowds. people want to redeem the cards. a weather update if you have a gift to return, we will be back in 30 minutes for news and information you can always download our ipad app.
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scare. look at the flowers. >> and as i noted, in plum no less. >> you're very sartorial this morning. nothing escapes you. >> i try. good morning, america. george and obin are off today. they let us sit in. what were they thinking? >> we have a lot to get to. including major hack attack over the weekend. the real life robin hoods, breaking in to the files of a
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major global security firm, stealing thousands of credit card numbers. how safe is your personal information? >> this is so relevant right now, because so many people are shopping and returning. we're going to reveal the five best christmas bargains and deals you can find just today, right now in stores. we'll talk to becky about that. now, we're going to turn to kate's first christmas as a member of the royal family, on the way to church, where it should be noted that prayers were said for the queen's husband. she's shown once again as the people's princess. kelly cobiella has the latest from london. >> reporter: she was absolutely beaming in that plum coat and matching hat, as she charmed the crowds. they lined up early sunday morning just to catch a glimpse of her. this is a traditional royal christmas for case. presents christmas eve.
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a big feast of turkey on sunday. one big difference, for the first time prince philip wund there. christmas went on as planned without prince philip, who is still many the hospital. the royal family wanted things to be as normal as possible, despite the health scare. the queen's recorded message took on significance. >> the importance of family has come home to prince philip and me this year with the marriages of two of our grandchildren. >> reporter: prince philip spent another night in the hop after surge troy repair a blocked artery. how long he stays in the shopt unknown. kate celebrated her first christmas with the royal family. she was natural, like diana. prince william seemed genuinely surprised to find his new wife, unbeknownst to him, entertaining
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the record crowds after the traditional lunch, william, harry, and four of the queen's other grandchildren made the 50-mile trek to the hop to visit. the duke runs the home. she relies on him completely. christmas without him was no doubt difficult. >> all too often, i fear prince philip has had to listen to me speaking. he's been my strength and stay all these years. >> reporter: he's the patriarch of the family and heads the christmas celebrations. he wants to lead the annual boxing day shoot. it is expected to go on with or without him. the question is, will kate participate? she's been spotted practicing her shooting lately. shoel probably go along but likely leave the shooting to others to avoid controversy.
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>> kelly cobiella in london. we wish a speedy recovery for now to the hacking group, anonymous, who claim to have stoled important information from a security firm. bianna golodryga is here with more on that story. this is a shocking scenario under way. >> it's a brazen attack. good morning to you, elizabeth. this morning, all in the name of charity. this time, their target is an intelligence think tank. potentially compromising thousands of high-profile clients. the hacking movement, anonymous are at it again. this time, claiming to have obtained thousands of credit card numbers from stratfor. a leading provider of political anal si for clients from apple
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to the u.s. air force. up to $1 million was reportedly stolen. not so private and secret anymore. they're saying that the attack is a first in a long line. >> day can clean out your bank account or use your credit card number and charge a number of items before it's ever figured out. >> reporter: alan barr fell victim to the attack. now retired, he lives on a fixed income. he says $700 was stolen from his credit card. >> they're trying to hurt banks and big corporations. they're really just hurting people. >> reporter: anonymous claims they're not hurting people, but rather donating the money to charities. a modern day robin hood. >> you take from the rich and give to the poor, you're not helding them. you're hurting them. >> reporter: receipts they
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posted shows toe nations to the red cross and save the children. >> they have taken money, donated to it charitable or nonprofits. that's occurred. other people are just stealing just out of greed. >> reporter: anonymous says they could break in because they did not encrypt client information. if proven true, that bowled major embarrassment for the firm. >> they didn't encrypt the information? >> if that's true, a plaque eye for the company. and now, we get to the year in viral video. or -- >> now, sam. >> let's not go to sam. >> sam, you're going to hurt his feelings. talk about the snow in odd places and no snow in the ski resorts. >> i would like to say, josh, i'm not viral. just a little sniffles.
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let's get to the boards. by the way, who would have thought west texas would come up with the snow for christmas and not the areas around the great lakes? look at the beautiful christmas card pictures coming out of abilene, texas. their whitest christmas in about 72 years. 4 inches on snow. amarillo, i mean. abilene with a flurry. amarillo with 4 inches. for a good part of mississippi, a wet day and thunderstorms. tomorrow, that rain moves into the carolinas and virginia and west virginia. it's a big-time thunderstorm maker. here's over the next go days where the rain goes. jackson is the bull's eye. more than three inches of rain there.
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>> and haul that weather was brought to you by splenda. elizabeth? josh? the story josh is so excited about. oh, the top viral videos of the year. the top five. oh. [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet... and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda®, you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. and now get even more with splenda® essentials, the only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. just another reason why you get more... when you sweeten with splenda®. ♪
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when you sweeten with splenda®. do not miss sears after- christmas sale. get 60% off coats. 60% off fleece and sweaters. 60% off pajamas and robes for the whole family. plus its the big denim savings event! for serious after-christmas savings, get to sears! flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪
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♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. no exclusions. with jcp cash get $10 off when you spend just 25. storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! get $10 off with... exclusions. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney.
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and now, to the year in viral video. people around the world watching videos on the internet more than 3 million times of day. from laughing and crying and cooing over cute babies and mans. we all spend a lot of time watching youtube this time of year. wh what were the hottest? if seen all of them except for this one. i ask you the explain it, kevin. this is nean. it's a cat. it with us vied more than 55 million times. and we're taking a look at it. this is all it is. what gives here, kevin? >> there's something for everybody if a flying toaster pastry cat can get 50 million
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hits on youtube. it's the big internet joke. there are thousands of remixes and remakes of this video. a lot of people participated. >> maybe youtube should reserve the right of translation. number four, among the best of the best of the best. the twin babies speaking to each other in the language all their own. let's take a look. [ babbling ] >> oh, the punch line kills every time. is it fair to say, kevin, throw a couple of babies up doing most anything and millions will watch? >> that's one of the classic
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genres of youtube. the videos are popular all over the world. it has 60 million views. only a quarter of that came from the u.s. something like 1 of every 100 people in the philippines has seen these two kids from brooklyn. >> that language is universal. at number three, some 62 million people have seen it. it was a digital short on "saturday night live." let's look at jack sparrow. ♪ captain jack sparrow pirate so brave on the southern seas ♪ >> again, that is michael bolten, along with andy sandberg. often times, the digital shorts are the best part of the show.
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>> they get great guest stars to be in this. they had two on the top ten list. >> the runner up, it's been seen more than 78 million times. a poor dog being absolutely -- given the run-around by his owner talking about bacon. i feel for the dog. >> you know that bacon that's like maple? maple flavors? >> the maple kind, yeah? yeah? >> i took that out. i thought -- >> yeah? >> i know who would like that. me, so i ate it. >> oh, you're kidding me. >> nope. not kidding. you know i also noticed there was some beef in there. yeah, you know, steak. juicy -- i ate that, too. >> ah. >> what can you tell us? >> it's created by a man named andrew grantham.
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he's a voiceover artist. people submit videos of their pets. he does the voiceovers. many of them have over 1 million views on his channel. this was one the most popular. if you're a dog owner, you can particularly appreciate it. >> and vaproving that bacon mak everything better. we're all going to be humming this in three, two, one -- ♪ friday, friday everybody's looking forward to the weekend ♪ >> is this the global phenomenon to end all of us? >> it is. 180 million views this year. this was a phenomenon. wow wanted to watch it, talk about it, tell somebody else how you felt about it, make them watch it. there was one parody every day of the week. there's a spike in views every friday on this.
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>> kevin, we appreciate the time this morning. >> thank you. >> that was great. ♪ friday ♪ the weekend >> it's just monday. coming up, i have a bofer "play of the day" for you. and bono hitting the streets. how he stunned shoppers this weekend. and holiday bar gaines that just keep coming. the day after christmas sales. go nowhere. [ female announcer ] what's so great cash? no exclusions. with jcp cash get $10 off
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when you spend just 25. storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! get $10 off with... exclusions. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. [ male announcer ] it's easy to see what subaru owners care about. ♪ that's why we created the share the love event. get a great deal on a new subaru and 250 dollars goes to your choice of five charities. ♪ with your help, we can reach 20 million dollars by the end of this, our fourth year. [ female announcer ] get 0 percent apr financing on select models for thirty-six months and we'll donate two-hundred and fifty dollars to your choice of five charities. now through january 3rd.
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to your choice of five charities. do not miss sears after-christmas sale! save on all fitness equipment, including nordictrack. save up to 25% on all kenmore appliances. plus save an extra 15% on all appliances over $499 with your sears card. for serious after-christmas savings, get to sears!
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here's the "play of the day." >> it might be the first time this is an actual play. look at jerome simpson. >> oh, man. >> holy cow. >> are you kidding me? >> darryl washington is 6'26'2". he goes over and mary lou rettons it. >> i like it, josh.
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the "gma" vocabulary continues. >> the best thing about that play, it helped my fantasy team. >> did it? >> it did. it's day after. we have a bo-for for you. today this probably played out in millions of homes. maybe not quite as good as this. >> i got a present [ screaming ] >> i wanted this! >> and the little victory lap. oh, yes. it's great. >> we had the same thing. american girl. >> let's hope they're not returning it today. what's better than gold ? free gold ! we call that hertz gold plus rewards. you earn free days, free weeks and more fast. that's a plus. upgrade your ride. that's a plus. rewards with no blackout dates so you can redeem anytime. and it's easy to redeem your points online. already a gold member ? just select gold plus rewards in your profile and start rewarding yourself now.
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just go to to join. hertz gold plus rewards. journey on. get ready for sears happy new year's sale. use your savings pass to save over 65% on coats. over 65% on fleece and sweaters and over 65% on pajamas and robes for the whole family. plus it's the big denim event! get to sears. do not miss sears after- christmas sale. get 60% off coats. 60% off fleece and sweaters. 60% off pajamas and robes for the whole family.
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plus its the big denim savings event! for serious after-christmas savings, get to sears! great fall. ugh, it's my sinus congestion, and it's all your fault. naturally blame the mucus. he's funny. instead of blaming me, try this, advil congestion relief. often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. advil congestion relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. happily ever after. another story? from him! [ mucus ] advil congestion relief. the right relief for the real problem.
7:55 am
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. good morning, we take a look at the local temperatures this morning, slipping back to 39. back to 40 in many locations. the sun is out after a burst of clouds and winds overnight. we watching what is left of that in western pa with snow showers. developing storm system charging back in our direction, watching this on the future trend, we expect mostly sunny skies. they try to work in by day
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break tomorrow and the clouds lower and thicken. we get the rain through the course of the afternoon. there will be a push of heavy rain during the evening hours, the backside shows snow near pittsburgh, across the great lakes. it's done by midnight, if not by day break on wednesday. indication by the computer models, there maybe a changeover, flurries behind the system and snow showers in to the ski resorts where they need it. otherwise, wind maker for wednesday. today rain. 47 this afternoon. two degree guaranteed high, 30- 35 miles per hour wind gust is possible. clear, calming winds down to 30. winds picking up tomorrow. rain heaviest in the late afternoon and evening. there maybe a mix and possible flurries north and west. there is not much else to look
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at. we go back to 50 by friday, rain showers could end with snow showers over the holiday weekend. have a great day.
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♪ i really can't stay baby it's cold outside ♪ it's cold outside. however, we have a hearty and enthusiastic audience outside. boy, do we appreciate it. we're going to heat things up here with a performance from country superstars lady antebellum. i'm here with a bespectacled elizabeth vargas. >> we were all like, what are you talking about. >> it's true, i'm blind. >> you look good with glasses on and off. mwah. >> you're my friend. >> long-time friends.
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we go way back. >> yes, we do. if you're planning to hit the stores today to return gifts, it's also one of the best days for the biggest bar gaines. we'll have the five must-have after christmas day deals. you're not going to want to miss this. some stores, 50% off everything in the house. >> $46 billion in returns. everything is coming back and going back out again. >> merry christmas, i don't like it. but there are bargains to be had. a couple of extra pounds to be had, right? for all of us? i think all of us have enjoyed the holiday season. frankly, there's another week to go. shedding the pounds got more fun. camer cameron mathison is checking out the new workouts. >> did you see that? >> yeah. he's just a jock. i mean, him doing finance --
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stories about losing weight is depressing in and of itself. >> he's talking about karaoke yoga. >> sounds very relaxing. ♪ hello >> you can put the board in the water. but first, let's go to "gma" weekend anchor, dan harris, here with the top stories. >> the nicest people on the plant. >> i would like to hear lara sing again. let's talk shopping. this is a huge day for ethel merman and the rest of us. one survey out finds 57% of americans plan to go shopping today, compared to 43% last year. it's because of the block buster sales and the gift guards given out as presents every year. in connecticut this morning, investigators are saying it could take days to find out what
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caused this fire. it killed five people, including three young girls. officials do not believe renovations to the home caused the fire. makers of enfamil formula say there's no ling to the form lay and a death of baby in missouri. the so-day-oel died because of a bacterial infection. the iowa caucuses, only eight days away. the republican hopefuls are hirgt the phones, airing new ads, many of them degree active. mitt romney's support is building in the state. all of the candidates are working to derail congressman ron paul. he's got the best organization on the ground. there is a would-be robber sporting a black eye in morning. he tried to hit up a store in north carolina. he came face to face with one
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very fed up store clerk. abc's rob nelson shows us what happened. >> reporter: it wount the strorm arm of the law, but the strong left hook of the store clerk, derek mothershead. >> he had a hood doyne. he crept through here. he was telling me, get the money, get the money, give me the money, give me the money. i got up, threw my hands up, i said, take the money if you want it. >> reporter: this is not the first time this man has tried to hold up the store. >> i was half prepared for it. he came in and dit exactly what e did last time. he had bag. instead of putting it in the bag, i handed it to him and said, take it, take it. i came in and hit him. i was, you know, scared about the gun. when i made my mind up, i said, i gotta hit him with everything i got. >> reporter: after the punch,
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hendi was down for the count. >> he started bleeding pretty bad. i just grabbed a roll of paper towels and made him clean it up. if he wants money, get a job. work, like everybody else in this world. >> reporter: hendi is behind bars this morning. for "good morning america," rob nelson, abc news, new york. >> the guy's got a future in boxing. quite a swing. not bad. >> that's commitment. >> if he wants money, go get a job. commitment behind that. a very merry christmas for robert de niro. the 68-year-old actor and his wife have added a little girl to their family, 7-pound, 2-ounce helen grace hightower was born to them over the holiday by a
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surrogate mother. he has four other children ranging in age from 40 to 16. >> wow. quite a range. a little sparkle under the tree for matthew mcconaughey's long-time give. he popped the question on christmas day. her answer was not revealed. it does appear she said yes, based on the photo matthew posted of the pair kissing in front of a christmas tree. they have two kids together, levi and vida. no word on whether matthew's shaved head helped or hurt the cause. >> i was going the say who is the bald guy? >> if you're looking for last-minute new year's eve plans, check out the hotel in the arctic circle in finland. you'll stay in a state-of-the-art igloo. they have frost prevention.
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not quite as sexy are the wool socks and hats that the guests are given. >> i was into it until the sleeping bags. >> the wool socks didn't turn you off? >> they did now. finally, bono in stranger to donating his time and money to those in need. this christmas, he started at home on the streets of dublin. hen v e en -- he invited twitte followers to come join him for a christmas carol. he serenaded them with his very special tune, christmas, baby please come home. it's the third year bono has done this.
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>> such a high-minded person when it comes to giving back. let's get outside for this half hour's viral video, it's time for the weather and sam. >> look how big this crowd is. and we don't have a return line here at "gma," these folks just came out to say hi. what is your name? >> mia. >> are are you from? >> alice. >> i like the sparkly boots. it's really work for me. did you pick it out? >> yes. >> none of them are gifts, right? >> no. >> good girl. let's talk about some things. if you're on the west coast, you celebrated your holidays like this. the water's cold, but the air temperature is fantastic. long beach, 76. they're normally in the 6 ons. that warmth will hang on. here's a pattern change. it's been sloppy in some places in the southwest.
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how to the ra now the rain stays in the northwest. that keeps it dry in the south wet. in comes some colder air. you're down for cooler temperatures. get set for that. >> and we're live loud and live in times square. what's your name? >> emily. >> give me a hug for that. that is the sweetest. oh, lara?
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oh, lara? >> thank you, sam. the five hottest after christmas deals you can get today. we'll get you right on that. get ready for karaoke yoga. one of the hottest new christmas trends coming your way to make this a new year, new you. and bring it on. how this woman's dream of cheering in the nfl was a real team effort. we'll explain coming up on "gma."
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nyquil: you know i relieve coughs, sneezing, fevers? tylenol: me, too. and nasal congestion. nyquil:what? tissue box (whispering): he said nasal congestion... nyquil: i heard him. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't.
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are america's softest... no wonder people want to share them on and on. ♪ send a kleenex brand share package for free today at kleenex. softness worth sharing. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel.
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all right, our crowd outside getting ready to shop today. we've been talking all morning about what a huge day it is for shoppers, returning billions of dollars of christmas gifts back to the store. it's also a big day to hunt for bargains. let's bring back becky worley. one of the big items this year, the gaming console. you're buying games and consoles, what are the best deals to get today? >> we're seeing a really good deal out there today on the kinect with x-box 360. the hottest one this christmas. $299 at target. the real ben visit, you gate $75 target gift card with that. sales on the games for x-box. call of duty, modern warfare 3.
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we're seeing god prices on gaming and gaming accessories. >> laptops are a hot item. you have to be careful. just because it's a good deal, doesn't mean it's the big thing to buy. >> i'm careful about this. i want to call out a good computer. special thanks to our friends. it's an acer aspire. it's $425 today at walmart. >> accessories that go with the tech gadgets. you have to be careful. some of them you're not getting what you're paying for even if you think you're getting a bargain. >> right. this can be true of photo paper. a lot of people print photos at home. hp has dplosz si paper on sale. normally $8.
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just $2 today. if you received an ipad at christmas, you want to get a case. one comes with a bluetooth key board built in. you can get it at radio shack. >> that's great. any other basic tech deals out there today? >> if you're going to stock up on one staple, best buy has itunes gift cards at is a% off. that's a discount you can use all year long. >> today is the best day to get a great deal on clothing. why? >> we go from tech basics to clothing. a good example would be macy's they have stockings and tights, 25% off. men's undies, 25% off. kids levi's, $the22. if you have the circular if yesterday, there's coupons.
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if you don't have the paper, you can get it texted to your phone. text cpn, coupon, to macy's, 62297. you'll get the discount code sent to your home. >> we have the information on our website, by the way. also, there are some stores advertise eveing every single t in the store is on sale. >> eddie bauer, 550% off. home depot, 10% off appliances, free delivery. j.c. penney, a coupon for $10 off. >> happy shopping out there, becky. >> same to you. >> thank you. in our new series, new year, new you. attacking the holiday pounds. no one wants to face it. the big problem with exercise is that so many of us find it
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boring and painful, frankly. our special contributor, cameron mathison tried some out. enjoy. ♪ >> reporter: we have all hit the gym to pump iron, do cardio. how about a workout that does t all on one machine? imagine catching a wave without ever hitting the beach. >> one, step out! get low. >> it's called the rip surfer ex. it's mounded on three half moon balls that simulate surfing and all the benefits. >> get down. >> bail, bail! >> reporter: it's the brain child of this guy, a 28-year-old pro hockey player, mike hartwick. >> my whole life has been in a gym. after i got out of hockey, it was tough to go to the gym and do the workouts. i needed something to spice it up. >> reporter: the marketing
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director, sarah, shows me how it works. we started 35dling just like real surfers. this is great. lower back. >> the lower back, the triceps. >> reporter: i'm like a drunk surfer. steadying yourself strengthens the core, but it's tough. i'm coming over. hold on. these are called duck dives. these simulate lunges. how about a one-legged shot? and my thing, falling on to the board. >> if you were going to kick a shark in front of you -- >> reporter: they work out your abs. i dreamt about great white sharks. an honest to goodness, total
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body workout. looking for one that is a little more zen? jennifer of manifestation yoga teaches classes and offers retreats around the world. but at equinox, where she was teaching yoga, she heard about a spin blass where they were doing karao karaoke. she got an idea. ♪ sweet caroline >> reporter: they rock it out. ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ooh, ooh >> you can't take life so seriously. why should yoga be any different. yeah, karaoke yoga. just work out. don't worry about making it perfect. perfect people are boring
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people. >> reporter: unfortunately for the rest of the class, jennifer has me step out of my comfort zone for a duet. not ready to step out of your comfort zone? step into this. the anti-gravity treadmill. it allows you to walk or run at a fraction of your body weight, so less pain in the joints for those recovering from injuries. nobody's every gone 18 miles an hour on this one? >> never. >> reporter: okay, 18. darwin fox helped put me through my paces. i'm getting a little bit of a wedgie. with a new year and new resolutions coming with it, this machine is sure to help. >> with this machine, with can say this is what it feels like
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if you lose ten pounds, 5 pounds, 40 pounds. >> reporter: a new year and a new you. forget the same old workout. ♪ just gotta get out of here >> very shy. cameron showing us the ways to work it out. >> i'm not sure about that karaoke yoga thing. >> it's about the fun. >> it's like mad lib exercising. >> sam said richard simmons. >> we'll do pushups and scramble eggs. >> give us some breakfast. ♪ every now and then >> this is when i have to step in. very sorry. we must be moving along. a young woman who yearned to be a professional cheer leader. her realizing the dream may be difficult. she's almost entirely deaf. she wouldn't be stopped.
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>> reporter: she's beautiful. never missed a beat. her energy is electrifying. ♪ >> running out on an nfl football field for the first time is unlike anything i have ever done. you just get an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. >> reporter: while melissa's teammates are fueled by the loud usic and the roar of the san diego crowd, this is what melissa hears. [ humming ] what is the sound that cow can hear the best on the field? >> the bass of the music. i hear a lot of background noise, basically. >> reporter: hard to did i have ren -- did i ha -- differentiate. doctors don't know why she started losing her hearing at
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the age of 5. today, she's lost 85% of her hearing and communicates with a hearing aid and lip reading. if you took the hearing aid out, would you be able to hear me? >> no. it helps me tremendously. i need to it be able to live a normal life. >> reporter: on the field, things get more complicated. for the other cheer leaders, getting the routine right is based on hearing the music. melissa relies on the teammates to show her the way. sometimes, it's a head body. you're calling out numbers. what do you do? >> i look at her. we makeup motions as well. if we have a country dance, i'll do a country move or a fight song. i'll to a fight. >> reporter: her story is one of perseverance and dedication. she tried out five times only to
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be told she didn't make the squad. on her sixth try, she finally heard her name called for the first time. most people, i would think, would have given up. why did you keep going? >> it's something i really wanted. i have always wanted to be a professional dancer. >> reporter: did it make you more determined to come back the next year? >> absolutely. every time i didn't make it, i looked at it as an opportunity to make it better for next year. instead of looking at it like i failed. >> reporter: how did it feel on the sixth try, when they called your name? >> my jaw dropped. i will never forget that moment for the rest of my life. i finally achieved what i wanted. >> reporter: she made the cover of this year's calendar. has she opened the door? >> some people might look at her situation and see defeat, mel sees an opportunity. >> reporter: she hopes to serve
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as an inspiration for anyone with a disability who has the drive and dream. >> no matter what happens, you shouldn't give up. achieve your dream. i want other people to see my example and push themselves to work harder. >> terrific. >> great story. >> it is. you were a cheerleader of some repute. just how hard was that? >> ready! i'm not going there. >> that's really -- >> it's hard. >> it's a difficult thing. >> it's very difficult. row have to be very much in unison. and to have to do that and not be able to peek. my hat's off to her. great for her. very cool. coming up in a few minutes. a little girl with a big voice. jackie evancho having a biggest year of her life. and then lady antebellum.
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we are looking at the highlights, we had clouds and gusty wins overnight. flurries trying to get close. temperatures now 40 at baltimore. 30s on the outskirts, we've had the sunshine return with lighter winds we had earlier on. i expect the winds to pick up again. 47, the 2-degree guaranteed high. dropping back down to 30 overnight. temperature surge to 50 tomorrow with thickening clouds, afternoon and evening rain that could be heavy. perhaps an inch or so across
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the region. wind picks up wednesday. a brief mix north and west. we are looking for dry weather thursday, friday rain, leading to snow showers next weekend. if you have a gift to return today, we are working for you with a few tips to make the trip easier, make sure you have a receipt, without one you will likely only get store credit. check the policy on the website, stores will take back items brought through the website. if you plan to take something back, don't destroy the packaging, keep stickers, labels, tags in tact. hidden fee, some chag a restocking fee especially on electronics. a best christmas present, a couple welcomed their daughter in to the world on christmas day. martin gave biter to baby ray a ray wasn't due until january 24th but decided that was too long to wait.
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we will have another weather update in 30 minutes, have a great day everyone.
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♪ ♪ there's no time for me that remarkable voice. a debut album in the top ten. we're going to catch up with is 1-year-old jackie as we wish all of you a good morning and a happy day after christmas. george, robin have time off this morning. >> that jackie is such an amazing girl. boy, that voice, you can't believe it. her family never knew she could sing. >> just comes right out of her. we're also going to have two other little girls making a stir in the catche kitchen.
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eggnog french toast. they cook dinner for their family every night. they're 9. about to turn 9. you have to cook with them. >> very good parenting. >> kate's a sous chef. an unforgettable performance ahead. we forgot the say hello to our gorgeous news reader. not only elizabeth here today, but dan harris. >> she used the word gorgeous. i like that. >> it's gorgeous dan from now on. >> that's right. >> g.d. for short. are you looking to reach the goal, we're trying to reach 1 million coats. we're asking you to donate a gently worn coat at a burlington store. take a photo of yourselves, tweet it.
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christine and her family from pa. hosting a coat drive party at her home. she collected some to200 coats. tweet u.s. the photos. you might see yourself. >> for a god cause. now to that little girl with the angelic voice. 11-year-old jackie evancho is about to launch a world tour. ♪ i'll be home for christmas ♪ you can count on me >> reporter: 2011 has already been a year filled with presents for jackie evancho. her first album hit the charts at number two. she was the youngest artist in
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history to debut in the top ten. that big voice has taken her from "america's got talent" to america's newest sweetheart. you open your mouth and start to sing and you sound like an opera singer, right? do you think you were just born with this? >> i think i was just born with this, yeah. >> reporter: does it surprise you to think you're considered superhuman? >> it does. when i listen to myself sing, all i hear is an 11-year-old girl. ♪ >> reporter: it's clear to others that the voice coming from jackie is mature beyond her years. what tuz it feel like when you're on stage singing? >> like i'm possessed. like i'm inside the music. >> reporter: and now, jackie is closing out the biggest year of her young life with a tour to
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promote her top selling album, "heavenly christmas." ♪ >> reporter: do you get shaky? >> i do at times. >> reporter: what do you do, take a couple of deep breaths? >> i take deep breaths and with the vocal coach in the back of the stage, we do a little penguin waddle. >> reporter: what are those? >> you waddle like a penguin. >> reporter: can you show me? oh. >> it takes out the nerves. >> reporter: it takes out the nerves? what a great idea. it works every time? >> mm-hmm. ♪ the first noel the angels did say ♪ ♪ was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay ♪
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>> reporter: she may be learning the tricks of the trade on stage, offstage, she's still like any other 11-year-old girl who loves the family fun of the holidays. >> on christmas eve, my whole family comes, santa comes and hands out presents. >> reporter: these days, jackie juggles the demans of stardom with the home life of an 11-year-old. >> at tthat's not fair. >> when she's not working, she's like a sister. she's annoying, she's nice. she yells a lot. she's just like anybody else. >> reporter: and busy. her calendar for 2012 is already packed. >> i just completed a film called the company you keep, with robert redford. i'm looking forward in the tour coming up. >> reporter: the song believe is an appropriate sentiment for a girl who has had such a miraculous year.
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♪ you believe >> reporter: what is the best part about being able to sing? >> the best part is just being able to show the world that miracles do happen. ♪ if you just believe >> we use the word a lot. it seems to apply here. that is almost unreal. >> there was a controversy when she was on the talent show, "america's got talent" because people thought she was lip-synching. they brought her back on stage to prove, she was, in fact, singing. nobody else in her family sings. they just -- she would walk around the house sinking and think -- oh. >> why opera? >> she loved phantom of the h
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opera. she's a huge fan of lady gaga and the whole "twilight" series. >> producers passed on her twice. they would never pass on you, sam champion. what do you have? >> hi, everybody. join me over here, won't you? just give a little bit of room there. this is the first time we have seen this. a two-handed. it's a four-handed, two person sign. janet and jeffrey. the first time i have seen that, ladies and gentlemen. ingenious. the two-person sign. here's the twitter pictures from this morning. i love this one. denver, colorado, shot a couple of days ago, after the big seven-inch snowfall. a mist and low clouds. a gorgeous shot. foggy in georgia.
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was yesterday, is again, today. don't worry if you're standing here in times square. it will be a very wet and messy night tomorrow night. there's already some wind advisories out for the northeast and middle atlantic. rain in the >> all that weather was brought to you by kleenex tissues. >> i had a loft fun. two little girls. twin chefs who make cooking as
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you might think letting a couple of 10-year-olds loose in
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the kitchen could cause chaos. you're right. but not if the chefs are audrey and lily andrews. they share a love for food. you're here to show us a cup of things you make. welcome to "good morning america." >> thank you so much. >> i'm so excited to be on the show. >> it's great to have you here. before we get to what you're going to make, where do you come up with the dishes? >> these are what we think is a little bit of a kid's twist on some groan-up style food. i just think if you make it fun, then kids will really like it. >> also, what's really great about it is that we brainstorm them with our mom, and our chef friend, chef charles. >> your parents made groan-wn-u food when you were a kid. what are you making today?
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>> eggnog french toast. >> should i batter up the bred? can i use my hands? >> i think you should use a fork. you need to get a lot of eggnog in there. >> are you old enough to be our grown-up helper. i hope so. is 21 old enough? >> yes. >> great. i just made it. you want he to put it on here? >> yes. >> how hot should this be? >> i think medium-high heat. >> i'll get another one going. that smells so -- you can smell the eggnog. >> i know. >> once i get them on here, how long should i cook them for? >> for 3:00. just so the outside's nice and golden brown. and you get the beautiful crunch. >> you're usually doing this with your mom in the kitchen and she's your grown-up helper.
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>> my dad, too. >> so -- once 3:00 have gone by, this is what it should look like. oops. oops. why don't i cut it, though if you watched me cut a turkey on thanksgiving, that's a bad idea. what should i do here? >> i think you should do ahead and put your knife at an angle, so it looks great on the plate. >> because presentation is very important. >> and use a sawing motion. >> is this good? >> yes. perfect. >> look how much i have learned. now that go on the plate. i want to see you put together a pa plate. where did you learn to do this? >> you are chef frie-- our chef friend charles.
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he said give it height. put a cutie under here. >> that's mandarin origin. what is this? >> it's persimmons. >> what next? >> next, the maple seerp. >> i think the bacon first. >> there. >> what are you putting on there? >> it's whipped up vanilla yogurt we're going to drizzle on. >> should i try this? >> no, we need a mint leaf. >> just let me know when i can eat. >> we're going to take a sprig. >> while i start taking a bite, you tell me what you have going on here. that is beautiful. >> here is our trifle. and this is a cuties mandarins trifle with cranberries and pea c -- pecans.
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it's an easy dessert for kids to make. the first layer is cuties mandarins. >> oh, wow. can i say, is that the delicious. >> thank you. >> well done. i think you have a future in this business. all right, you were saying. >> we have the cuties on the bottom layer and our pound cake. >> if you leave this overnight, the pound cake sucks up the juices. >> audrey and lily, i can't thank you enough. will you come
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you know when cow open the
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last present under the tree and get the sad feeling that it's all over? we have one more present for you. it was too big to put under your tree. here's lady antebellum singing their hit from the album "we oent the night" just a kiss. ♪ ♪ lyin' here with you so close to me ♪ ♪ it's hard to fight these feelings when ♪ ♪ it feels so hard to breathe ♪ ♪ i'm caught up in this moment ♪ ♪ caught up in your smile ♪ ♪ i've never opened up to anyone ♪ ♪ so hard to hold back when ♪ ♪ i'm holding you in my arms ♪ ♪ we don't need to rush this
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let's just take it slow ♪ ♪ just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight ♪ ♪ just a touch of the fire burning so bright ♪ ♪ and i don't want to mess this thing up ♪ ♪ no, i don't want to push too far ♪ ♪ just a shot in the dark that you just might ♪ ♪ be the one i've been waiting for my whole life ♪ ♪ so, baby, i'm all right with just a kiss good night ♪ ♪ ♪ i know that if we give this a little time ♪ ♪ it'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find ♪ ♪ it's never felt so real no, it's never felt so right ♪
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♪ just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight ♪ ♪ just a touch of the fire burning so bright ♪ ♪ and i don't want to mess this thing up ♪ ♪ no, i don't want to push too far ♪ ♪ just a shot in the dark that you just might ♪ ♪ be the one i've been waiting for my whole life ♪ ♪ so, baby, i'm all right with just a kiss good night ♪ ♪ no, i don't want to say good night ♪ ♪ i know it's time to leave but you'll be in my dreams ♪ ♪ tonight, tonight tonight ♪ ♪ just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight ♪
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♪ just a touch of the fire burning so bright ♪ ♪ and i don't want to mess this thing up ♪ ♪ no, i don't want to push too far ♪ ♪ just a shot in the dark that you just might ♪ ♪ be the one i've been waiting for my whole life ♪ ♪ so, baby i'm all right ♪ ♪ oh, let's do this right with just a kiss good night ♪ ♪ with a kiss good night kiss good night ♪ ♪ when life gets busy... there are days where you wawant to give your immune system some support.
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try airborne. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. try airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! ♪ i think i'll grab me a bowl and spoon now ♪ ♪ crispy flakes calling my name ♪ ♪ i'm hungry now. ♪ ♪ who can resist those honey kissed bunches. ♪ ♪ gotta get a bowl, get me some of that yaaaaay! ♪ ♪ everybody's... ♪ imagine nutrition in perfect harmony with great taste. that's honey bunches of oats. four healthy grains come together in crispy flakes and crunchy granola bunches. honey bunches of oats.
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go, scotty. all week on "gma," a new year and a new you. a complete roundup of all the ways to make yourself over from head to toe. >> scotty wants you to know. he thanks you for watching. we're always online and on tv. can you say good-bye america? >> no. >> bye.
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just minuting before 9:00. good morning on this monday.
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a little push of winds and clouds overnight and flakes and sprinkles on the north side. this morning a surge of cooler weather. temperatures 39. churchville, lutherville, sykesville, we got the winds that eased up briefly. some residual clouds on the north side. flakes confine well to the north. the system in the south is organizing itself and rain across the gulf of mexico. that system spreads in our direction. we expect to have sunshine through the afternoon and clear skies tonight, expanding the clouds, arriving by day break. a pretty sunrise, losing the sun as the clouds thicken up and bring in the rain. there could be a surge of winds, 30 miles per hour or stronger on the delmar va. temperatures back to near 50. a strong area of low pressure rises over central maryland,
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backside holding snow, pittsburgh and the great lakes and pushing the system during the evening. computer models trying to give us a turnover north and west of baltimore. leftover snow in the mountains. we could have a leftover flurry. 47, two degree guaranteed high. gusts 30 to 35 miles per hour. we take the temperatures down to 30, tomorrow 50. the heaviest rain in the late afternoon and evening should be done by midnight. leaving wednesday and we could have a round of snow showers for the holiday weekend.
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