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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  December 25, 2011 10:00pm-10:35pm EST

10:00 pm
[ whooping ] i beat you. ha, ha, ha! [ crowd cheering ] - [ cindy lou ] he won! - yeah! and now it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for. ah, yes! my award. [ whispers ] and the check. there's no check. are you sure? because i really thought i heard someone mention a check. i said there's no check. and now it's time... for present pass it on! [ cheering ] as always, we start with our cheermeister. cindy. cindy. right here. ready? here we go. and-- martha may. merry christmas. bless your heart. there you go. merry christmas. thank you. merry christmas. merry christmas. and the same to you. [ saying merry christmases ] [ chuckles ]
10:01 pm
present pass it on. yes. i almost forgot. [ murmuring ] ah, thank you. [ man ] merry christmas. merry christmas. thank you. [ woman ] merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. [ grinch whistling impatiently ] merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. merry christmas. my turn? there you are, martha. sorry i didn't have time to wrap it. that's my watch. oh, so all of a sudden everything on your wrist belongs to you? well, then you'd better take your cuff links back too. he's got nothing. that's not true.
10:02 pm
i, um, ordered from the catalog. but they're all backed-up and stuff. well, don't worry. i, uwe brought something fromfor you.alog. ♪ [ band plays ] ooh! [ woman ] what is it? the gift of a christmas shave. [ all laughing ] [ whirring ] [ young augustus ] look at that hack job! [ children laughing ] [ breathing heavily ] ah, yes, yes, yes. good times. huh? good times. [ augustus ] and now i have a little something..
10:03 pm
for the love of my life. [ sighs ] ♪ [ drum roll ] martha may, please become mrs. augustus may-who. [ gasps ] [ crowd murmurs ] [ gasps ] oh! augustus. if you agree to be my wife, along with a lifetime supply of happiness, you'll also receive this. - ♪ [ organ: up-tempo ] - it's a new car! [ crowd gasps ] generously provided by the taxpayers of whoville! [ all exclm ] what do you say, martha? - ♪ [ countdown ] - ya got 20 seconds on the clock. well, i-- ♪ [ continues ] th-these gifts are quite dazzling. [ loud scraping ] [ crowd gasping ]
10:04 pm
[ man ] oh! of course they are. that's what it's all about, isn't it? [ laughing ] that's what it's always been about! gifts! gifts. gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts. you wanna know what happens to your gifts? they all come to me... in your garbage. you see what i'm saying? in your garbage! [ crowd murmurs ] i could hang myself with all the bad christmas neckties i found at the dump. and the avarice. the avarice r ends! "i want golf clubs." "i want diamonds." "i want a pony... so i can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue!" look, i don't wanna make waves. stupid, stupid, stupid! but this whole christmas season[ gasping ]
10:05 pm
there is, however, one teeny-tiny... christmas tradition... i find... quite meaningful. mistletoe. now, pucker up and kiss it, whoville! [ jeering ] [ shrieks ] [ crowd gasping, shrieking ] [ whirring ] [ yelps ] uh-oh. somebody's fabulous! all right, your turn! go on! that's right. - [ screams ] - [ scoffs, grunts ] yah! [ growls ] let's go! no! excuse me, old-timer. mind if i wet my whistle? well, uh-- [ gulping ] that's my good stuff! [ bottle shatters ]
10:06 pm
burn, baby! burn! [ gasping ] [ cackling ] oh, wow. oh, the who-manity! - let's go! come on! - no! wait! do something. right! [ whirring ] [ woman screaming ] [ dispatcher on radio ] calling all units. calling all units. [ whos screaming ] taxi! [ honking ] it's because i'm green, isn't it? oh, whoa! - halt! - [ brakes screech ] evening, folks. mind if i ride along?
10:07 pm
you might wanna scooch over. ahh. [ screaming ] you did the right thing. [ engine revving ] [ whos screaming ] - outta the way! - careful! careful! - hey! - whoa! - [ tires screech ] - whee! aah! that's gonna hurt in the morning. [ laughing ] oh! - [ shrieking ] - [ grunts ] [ blubbering ] - [ loud crash ] - [ rattling ] [ whos screaming, shouting ] - [ sparking ] - [ yelps ] it's gonna blow!
10:08 pm
[ panting ] aah! you fellas all right? hey, how about a nice hat? [ augustus ] lou? i'm hurt, lou. i'm hurt, and i don't hurt easily. but you and your-- your family. i'm so-- so disappointed. can we just get back to christmas... the way it should be? grinch-less. merry christmas! [ crowd ] merry christmas. merry christmas! i just wanted everybody to be together for christmas.
10:09 pm
[ footsteps running ] i quite enjoyed that. i hope i get another invite soon. [ cackling ] [ crowd cheering ] [ augustus ] come on, come on! good thing we have a spare. suffering snorkelblatz! they're relentless! [ flushing ] it's like having portable navigation. a bluetooth connection. a stolen vehicle locator. roadside assistance. and something that could help save your life - automatic help in a crash. it's the technology of five devices in one hard-working mirror. because life happens while you drive. this holiday, give someone you love an onstar fmv mirror for only 199. visit for retailers.
10:10 pm
10:11 pm
10:12 pm
10:13 pm
[ tolls ] only four hours till christmas! [ narrator yes, the grinch knew... tomorrow, all the who girls and boys... would wake bright and early and rush for their toys. and then, oh, the noise! oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise! [ grinch ] they'll bang on tong-tinglers. they'll blow their floo-flounders. they'll crash on jang-jinglers and bounce on boing-bounders! [ narrator ] then whos ung and old would sit down to a feast, and they'll feast and they'll feast. and they'll feast, feast, feast, feast! they'll eat their who-pudding... and rare who-roast beast! but there's something i just cannot stand in the least. oh, no.
10:14 pm
i'm speaking in rhyme! aah! [ sobbing ] blast you whos! [ sobbing ] [ narrator ] and the more the grinch thought of what christmas would bring, the more the grinch thought-- i must stop this whole thing. [ wind howling ] why, for year after year, i've put up with it now! i must stop this christmas from coming! but how? [ gasps ] i mean, in what way? [ gags ] ♪ [ country band ] ♪ well, christmas is goin' to the dogs ♪ ♪ we're scarfing down the turkey and the grog ♪ [ yips ] ♪ [ continues, indistinct ] are you having a holly, jolly...
10:15 pm
christmas? [ needle scratches across record ] wrong-o! [ whimpers, growls ] hmm! [ grunts ] yah! ahh! [ whimpers ] if you're not going to help me, then you might as well-- [ narrator ] then he got an idea. an awful idea. the grinch got a wonderful, awful idea. i know just what to do. [ narrator ] the grinch laughed in his throat. ha! and he made a quick santy claus hat and a coat.
10:16 pm
[ crunching ] [ yelps ] and he chuckled and clucked... [ gasps ] at this great grinchy trick. with this coat and this hat, i'll look just like st. nick. ho, ho, ho! ♪ you're a mean one mr. grinch ♪ [ snarls ] ♪ you really are a heel [ man ] ♪ you're as cuddly as a cactus and as charming as an eel ♪ ♪ mr. grinch ♪ you're a bad banana with a ♪ greasy black peel ooh! whee! - ♪ just face the music you're a monster ♪ - [ cackling ] ♪ mr. grinch yes, you are ♪ ♪ your heart's an empty hole ♪ ♪ your brain is full of spiders you got garlic in your soul ♪ ♪ mr. grinch mmm.
10:17 pm
♪ i wouldn't touch you with a ♪ thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole ♪ i asked for three-quarters, not five-eighths. stay focused! [ whimpers ] ♪ you know, if you asked the who's who of whoville ♪ - ♪ no one would deny it - [ max whimpers ] [ coughing ] ow. air bag's a little slow.
10:18 pm
but that's what these tests are for! - [ barks ] - ♪ you're a vile one ♪ mr. grinch ♪ you have termites in your smile ♪ ♪ you have all the tender sweetness ♪ ♪ of a seasick crocodile ♪ mr. grinch ♪ given the choice between you i'd take the ♪ ♪ seasick crocodile [ gagging ] i'll go to sleep first! no, i will! [ both imitating snoring ] [ grunts ]
10:19 pm
[ chuckles ] oh, no. this-- no, no. no. [ claps ] i'm soft! i didn't want it enough! next year, i train harder, i start earlier! i start the day after christmas. i hope you get everything you want. [ wind howling ]
10:20 pm
[ bells jingling ] [ santa claus ] ho, ho, ho! fat boy should be finishing up anytime now. talk about a recluse. he only comes out once a year, and he never cahes any flak for it! probably lives up there to avoid the taxes. merry christmas! oopsie. forgot about the reindeer. [ narrator ] did that stop the old grinch no. [ whimpers ] the grinch simply said-- if i can't find reindeer, i'll make one instead. [ yelping ] [ mutters ] oh, max! [ narrator ] so he called his dog, max. then he took some red thread...
10:21 pm
and tied a big horn on top of his head. [ giggles ] all right. you're a reindeer. here's your motition. your name is rudolph. you're a fak with a red nose, and nobody likes you. then one day, santa picks you and you save christmas. no, forget that part. we'll improvise, just keep it kinda loosey-goosey. you hate christmas. you're gonna steal it! saving christmas was a lousy ending. way too commercial. action! - [ pop ] - brilliant! you reject your own nose... because it represents the glitter of commercialism! why didn't i think of that? cut, print, check the gate. moving on. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ oh, boy
10:22 pm
♪ i believe in miracles ♪ and i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ see, i was lost ♪ now i'm free ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪ [ jennifer ] no matter where you're from... ♪ ...elegance... ♪ hard work. ♪ it's taking style... ♪ whatever you want me to ...performance... ♪ i'm gonna see you through ...and originality and making them look easy. ♪ i can breathe, i can feel ♪ i believe ♪ and there ain't no doubt about it ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] there are over half a million apps and counting on the iphone. apps that can take you anywhere and do anything.
10:23 pm
you might say there's no limit to what this amazing device can do. so the question to ask is -- why would anyone want to limit the iphone? [ phone beeping ] we don't. truly unlimited data for your iphone, trouble hearing on the phone? only from sprint. visit truly unlimited data for your iphone, trouble hearing on the phone? still has a gift with your vo:name on over, but the old navy deal grabber what's inside? shake it! it's the gajillion jeans sale! just what you wanted! jeans! adults $15. kids $10. monday and tuesday only. at old navy.
10:24 pm
10:25 pm
10:26 pm
okay. [ engine starts ] ♪ [ humming ] [ engine chugging ] [ voice vibrating ] that... feels... good. [ cackling ] here goes nothin', hot dog! hee, hee! wow. [ barks ] [ cackling ] whoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! [ laughing ] [ barking ] this is nuts!
10:27 pm
[ barks ] on crasher! on thrasher! on vomit and blitzkrieg! - [ screaming ] - [ barking ] we're gonna die! we're gonna die! i'm going to throw up, and then i'm gonna die! mommy, tell it to stop! ing ] - [ nervous laughing ] [ barking ] [ whimpers ] whew. ha! almost lost my cool there. [ narrator ] all their windows were dark. quiet snow filled the air.
10:28 pm
all the whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care... when he came to the first little house on the square. welcome to whoville, max. [ bells jingling ] [ thud on roof ] betty? betty. what? did you hear something? [ gasps ] it's santa. go right back to sleep. right. [ snoring ] come on, max. it's our first stop. [ narrator ] the old grinchy claus hissed, and he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist. he'd slide down the chimney, a rather tight pinch. but if santa could do it, then so could the grinch. he's planning a double-twisting interrupted forward-flying two-and-a-half, with a combo tuck and pike. high degree of difficulty.
10:29 pm
♪ la-la o! [ grunts ] [ narrator ] he got stuck only once, for a moment or two. blasted water weight. goes right to my hips. [ grunts ] - [ whimpers ] - aah! ow! gee! [ narrator ] then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue-- shh! a little more stealth, please. [ whispering ] where the little who stockings all hung in a row. these stockings-- ...he grinned. are the first thing to go. okay, fellas. chow time. [ wings fluttering ] [ sucking air ] [ squeaks ] [ murmuring ]
10:30 pm
- [ barks ] - [ sucking air ] [ cackling ] [ narrator ] then he slunk to the icebox. slunk? [ low growl ] he eyed the whos' feast. he took the who-pudding. - [ dish shatters ] - he took the roast beast. hike! he cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. why, that grinch, he even took their last can of who-hash. then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. and now-- ...grinned the grinch. [ grunts ] i stuff up the tree. and the grinch grabbed the tree, and he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. - excuse me. - eee!
10:31 pm
[ narrator ] the grinch had been caught by this tiny who daughter... who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. santa claus? what are you doing with our tree? [ narrator ] but, you know, that old grinch... was so smart and so slick, [ coughs ] he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. [ chuckling ] why, my sweet little tot. [ narrator ] the fake santa claus lied. there's a light on this tree... that won't light on one side. so i'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear. [ chuckling [ giggling ] [ laughing ] i'll fix it up there, and i'll bring it back here. santa, what's christmas really about? - vengeance! - [ gasps ] er, i mean--
10:32 pm
presents, i suppose. [ sighs ] i was afraid of that. [ narrator ] and his fib fooled the child. then he patted her head and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. [ bells jingling ] - santa? - what? don't forget the grinch. i know he's mean and hairy and smelly. his hands might be cold and clammy. but i think he's actually kind of... sweet. sweet? [ jingles ] you think he's sweet? merry christmas, santa. eee!
10:33 pm
[ footsteps fading ] [ narrator ] and when cindy lou went up with her cup-- nice kid. bad judge of character. he went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. and the last thing he to was the log for their fire. on their walls he left nothing but some hooks and some wire. and the one speck of food that he'd left in the house... was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. [ squeaks ] then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasant, around each who home, and he took every present.
10:34 pm
clearance sale. everything must go. [ screeching ] hmm. what now? - [ screeching ] - aah! - hmm. - mmm. [ scraping ] [ sucking ] [ man snoring ] [ cackles ] martha, have you ever kissed a man who lost his tonsils twice?


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