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tv   FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX  October 30, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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trick or treat safely.... how you can spot the predators pefooe your kids knock >> chris: i'm chris wallace respecting from austin texas where rick perry looks to relaunch his campaign. with a new plan to cut taxs and reform spending the the one-time front runner tries to reinvigorate his run for the white house. we'll talk to the texas governor about getting american people back to work and whether he will skip the gop debates. rick perry only on "fox news
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sunday". also president obama takes his new message for a test drive. we'll ask our sunday panel if we can't wait is a new chance for the government slogan. and helping our national leaders doing the right thing. all right now on "fox news sunday" . and hello again from fox news. this time reporting from austin, texas in the texas state history museum. we have come to the texas state capitol to talk to the former front runner for the presidential campaign who is trying to relaunch the campaign. we'll continue our interview with texas governor rick perry. >> thank you and welcome to texas. i hope you enjoyed your stay. >> we have so far. you have dropped in the polls from a high of 38 percent to a low of six percent in one of the polls this week. your new campaign staffers talk
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about reboot perry 2.0. what is the message that you want to give to voters. >> guest: first eight weeks we were shaking hand and people knew two things that i was a governor of state of texas and i had a beautiful and smart wife. in the last two weeks they have put the meat on the bone. we laid out our jobs and energy plan and 1.2 million people back to work and open up our federal lands for energy exploration and getting our country back from hostile countries that we are buying oil from. we laid out our cut and balance and grow plan where we talk about 20 percent flat tax where we talk about cutting the spending and growing the economy. when americans take a look at that. you know what, not only is it a
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glate plan, but he has the record of doing it and that's who we need in the white house who has the courage to stand in the gap and put the reforms in place. >> why should voters. we have 6 million people who watched the last fox debate. why should they disregard the last two months. your poor performance . debates and parts of the record on immigration and hpv vaccine that doesn't turn out to be conservative. >> i read low admit i am not the best debater in the world. i may end up being good before it is all said and done. when they look at the record. no one is stronger on immigration than i have. take the issue of whether or not governors have to deal with tough and hard issues because the federal government failed at securing that border and we have to deal with that. i readly respect that and i
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would not tell any state they need to do a particular thing on that as we did in the state of texas. whether it is putting texas ranger recon teams on the voters and vetoing driver's license bill or passing a voters identification bill before you can vote. there is not anybody who is tougher and right on the immigration than i am. >> let's talk about the debates, though. your staff indicated that you will skip some but you have signed up for the next five debates to take you through november and december. but you told bill o'reilly that you felt it was a mistake to participate in any of them. >> i said 18 debates is way too many debates frankly. it is an incredible amount of time and preparation. i like to talk with people where you have time to lay out your
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ideas. we have a great debater and a smooth politician in the white house. and that is not working out very good for america. if you want to know how they perform in the future look at their past. as governor of the state of texas we created more jobs than any other state in the country. that's what americans are interested in. people sitting aroundd the coffee table. how are we going to get this country back working again. i laid out the plan and courage and record to put it in place. >> we'll drill down to it in a moment, and i want to focus on the debates, what i heard and e-mails from a lot of conservative voters they say, okay, maybe he's not the greatest debater, but we need somebody next fall. three big debates and hundred million people getting up on the stage with barack obama and make the case against him, and they worry based on your performance that you are not that man.
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>> i am not worried a bit staging on the stage and draw a bright line between an individual who lost two and half million jobs for the country and signaling to our opponents when we are going to pull out of a particular war zone and an individual who took an experiment with the american economy and turned it into a franken stein experience. i think i will stand on the stage and draw a clear contrast with barack obama. >> you did propose a major tax reform plan. and we have time and let's drill down in the details of it you give people a choice. a 20 percent flat tax or they can stay in the current system. one assuming that most people will figure it out and go with the plan that they pay the fewer taxes. your campaign said and i sent it out to a private acting firm.
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this is four trillion less in revenue from 2014 to 2020. doesn't the perry plan blow a hole in the deficit in >> you have to look at the spending cuts as well and look at the dynamics of the growth that goes on here. you can't just take one piece of this and say here is the plan. it is not. this is a plan that gives people an option and a good option to do their taxes on a post card and literally taking 20 percent flat tax, deducting mortgage and charit and taxes and 12,500 for each dependent and send it in on a post card. it is that simple to put it on that post card right there. that's it. and then, people have the confidence, people have the confidence and job creators that this plan is about getting
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people back to work and putting the confidence back in the american entrepreneur and know that the regulations are not going to be there and tax burdens. who will hate this morn than anybody, chris? the washington lobbyist that are carving out all of the corporate tax loop holes and manipulating our tax code. make it simple and put those guys out of business. that is the type of approach that americans are looking for. a simple tax code corporate tax rate of the 20 percent as well. bring those corporate tax proceeds back from off shore at 5.25 percent . we will balance that budget in 2020. no one said it will be easy, but we need a president who has a commitment to that and a track record of doing that and i have. >> chris: you talk about simplicity. the fact is, a lot of people would calculate their taxes the old way and with the alternative
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minimum tax and new 20 percent, far from being simple. you may have to calculate your taxes three ways to figure out the cheapest. >> guest: that is not the case at all. most americans know they will take the 20 percent flat tax and take their deductions and send it n they will not have to ask an accountant or lawyers. that is their business. the great thing about the choice here, but this will substantly change the i.r.s. as we know it today. >> chris: let's talk about the question of growth. your campaign said static almost five trillion less in revenue over the first six years. but the campaign there will be economic growth and here is the problem with that. everybody agrees, if you lower taxes you do incretes economic
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growth but even conservative think tanks like the heritage foundation say almost never do tax cuts fr themselves. you still end up with lower revenue. >> guest: there is nothing wrong with lower revenue. americans are ready for washington d.c. to quit spending money >> chris: but we have a deficit. >> guest: our plan balances the budget in 2020. we'll pay off the debt. no one else on the stage is laying off on a plan. mitt romney nibbles around the ages and leaves the rates where they are. mr. cain's plan creates two new sours of revenue. i don't want more revenue in washington d.c.'s hands. i want more revenue in the private sector job's hands and american citizens out there. i guarantee you, they will make better decisions than washington d.c..
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>> chris: we'll get to spending cuts. i want to any ask you about the tax plan, that i tax fairness. almost everyone said the people who do the best in this plan, in terms of a tax cut are the wealthy. according to one analysis up here on the screen. family of four earning $425,000. would see a tax drop to 91,000 to 46,400. this is what you said the other day. >> guest: for those at the top it is hundreds and thousands of of millions. i don't care about that. i care about them having the dollars to invest in their companies . >> chris: question. when the rich and by all of the studies of coming in. when the rich get richer and the middle class are struggling, why don't you care about tax
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fairness. >> guest: everybody gets a tax cut here. >> chris: rich got a bigger tax cut. >> mike: historically those who have more money put money in the business and hire more people. how do you give incentives to the job creators so that 14 million people don't have jobs and have a shot of taking care of their family? the idea of class warfare. you have the president and people out there that want to talk about class warfare and rich are having more money. i am interested in individuals who will invest in this country and have the confidence that an environment is created and they will keep more of what they work for. when they do that, they will invest in company and create jobs. that's what the debate should stay on. not class war pear. >> chris: you are saying yes, the wealthy and job creators as
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you call them, they will end up getting bigger tax cuts under the perry plan than the middle class. >> guest: i want to see people investing, i am not for class warfare f. they want to push the class warfare issue and try to divide the country, i am for bringing people together and creating jobs and have americans take care of their families >> chris: okay, turning to spending. you want to cap spending 18 percent. gross domestic product. that is a level we have not seen since 1966. how on earth are you doing that governor? >> guest: by cutting spending. americans are sick and tired of washington's business as usual and seeing hundreds of thousands of federal employees put on the tax roles that they are having to pay the jobs was stimulus dollars. four trillion dollars worth of debt under this president's
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watch. and practically no jobs being created. they are looking for machine who has the courage to stand up and say, here's how we are going to fix social security. if you are on it, it will be there for you. and give our young people the truth and give them options of being able to have a private account or whatever it is. or ratcheting up the age in which people become eligible for it. americans are looking for ideas of how to get out of the mess that washington put us in and spending cuts is one of them. do away with earmarks. put out the veto pen and if you have coming my way they will not make it into law. >> chris: to cut and go down to 18 percent gdp. you would have to make cuts between 700 billion and one trillion a year. that is a quarter of the federal budget. you talk and you said here, you
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have to have the courage to do it. like what. tell me programs that people count on. not waste and fraud. that you are saying that president perry, i am sorry you will have to do without. >> guest: here is a share place to go to get a broad menu. tom coburn has a piece of work back and black. nine trillion worth of reductions. let me give you one example. take the department of education. you can put the elementary and secondary programs together. and cut those in half and send half of it back to the states. save 25 trillion -- excuse me 25 million. that is one of the examples. we have so many program in government that are not creating jobs. all they are doing is creating government jobs and americans
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are sick of that. they want someone to stand up and say listen, we'll cut the size of spend these programs. anybody who stands up and said this is going to be painful. consider them to be suspect. it is hard. in texas the last session of the legislature, we cut spending first time since world war ii. and people saying oh, the world is coming to an end. you have to have a president that has the courage to say, the future of the country demands that we have less spending going on and i will do that. >> chris: the purpose of all of this is to put america back to work and create jobs. no question about t. you have a strong record of creating jobs and 40 percent of all of the new jobs here in the state of texas and you talk about that in your first tv commercial. let's take a look. >> mike: as president i will create two and half million new jobs and i know something about.
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>> chris: governor, this is what i don't get. two and half million jobs is terrible. that wouldn't be nearly enough for the first four years of the administration . we looked at it. we would roughly need six million jobs in the first four years to stay even with population growth. two and half million jobs unemployment rate would increase. jimmy carter created 10 and half million. >> mike: i think it is amazing people when we lost two and half million and another state that created a million jobs and for people to say that is not enough. let me tell you any jobs at this particular point in time helps. you give confident to the american people. bring in that money that is off shore and can be repatrioted at 5.5 percent. that will create 360 billion
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worth of economic activity. we have got to give americans the confidence that they are going to be able to keep more of what they work for and the regulations that are stranglingg businesses maul banks with dodd-frank and obama care coming down. >> chris: how do you answer the question. two and half million doesn't keep pace. our unemployment rate would increase? >> guest: i don't believe that for a minute. that is false on tell us face. americans will get back to work. are we going to make a claim it will create 10.5 million jobs. we would be having the same conversation . that is not realistic. you give this plan a chance. you put americans where they know they can pay their income tax on a post card and they will have cuts and balanced budget amendment to the united states
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constitution in four years and they will go back to work. manufacturing jobs will come back to the country. the idea of talking the plan down for the sake of an intellectual discussion is not correct. in texas we have seen it and americans are dying for a president who understands . create an environment where they know they can risk their capitol. they will create jobs and a lot of them. >> chris: what do you think of president obama's plan to pull all of the troops out of iraq by the end of the year. >> guest: i wore the uniform as a pilot in the united states air force and commander and chief of 20 plus texas national groups that we loan to the furthermore government. the idea of a commander-in-chief stand up and signal to the economy - enemy when you are
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pull out is irresponsible. you need to work with the experts and understand what is going on. we need to finish our mission in iraq and afghanistan. you better believe i want our kids home safe. but to give the signal of pulling them out is bad public policy and more importantly putting our kid's lifes in jeopardy. >> in iraq and stran stan, the president said there have to be limits of how long we spend building those other nations and so many problems here at home. >> guest: have a conversation with the generals. he fired one general because he didn't like what they said. he didn't listen to other generals and from my perspective, he's lost his standing of being a commander-in-chief who has any idea of what is going on in those theaters and he's making mistakes that are putting our kids in the theater and future issues dealing with whether it
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is in the middle east or south china sea with our allies, he's putting all of that in jeopardy because the wavering or aimless approach to foreign policy that he has. >> chris: you said recently that the federal government substaniate have need to subsidize energy, correct? >> guest: the federal government needs to be out of the subsiidation or tax credit side on the energy. >> chris: why is that? >> guest: states can do it. >> chris: i understand. you have done it in this state. why did you as governor write a letter to samuel bodman urging him to approve a federal loan guarantee for a energy company in texas. >> guest: i don't recall which one that is. >> chris: i will put it up on the creen, july 29th, 2008, you wrote the bush administration . i am writing to express strong
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support for the nuclear power generating facility in matagorda county. you are asking him to do what you say he shouldn't. >> guest: we ask the the federal government to support the nuclear power energy in the state of texas and across the country. but a general standpoint, any type of federal dollars flowing in the industries is bad public policy whether it is the ethanoyl side or nuclear power side or oil and gas. >> chris: and why did you ask him to give the money. >> guest: i have changed my position from the standpoint of having any desire for the furthermore government. i learned over the course of the years, the federal government you keep them out of these issues particularly on the energy side. and i think that is the best position for us to take as americans today. let the market figure it out.
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are you going to have federal government making an pact on the nuclear energy side from the standpoint of research and development or having places to deal with these spent fuels and reprocess them? yes. but giving straight up money to energy do away with it. >> chris: what do you think of mitt romney? >> guest: i don't know mitt romney well enough. >> chris: oh, come on? i am not talking about whether you have dinner of him. you have a view of his public record? >> guest: he is a competitor and laying out the differences in our record size important. i have been a consistent conservative. go back through 20 plus years. i have always been in favor of the second amendment and protecting second amendments .
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pro life and also a fiscal conservatives . mitt's been for a ban on guns in massachusetts. he's been for proabortion and then he's been for supporting gay rightts and nw he's on the other side of the issues. from the staint - standpoint of having different positions we certainly do. we are different from the standpoint of consistency on those issues that i just mentioned. >> chris: you have brought in several new staffers who have a history of aggressive negative campaigning. they were involved in the rick scott campaign in florida. how hard are you prepared to go after mitt romney in the gop primary fight? >> guest: i don't get confused with telling the truth. someone might say that is negative. if we are tellingth truth about someone that is the truth whether it hurts your feelings
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or not. >> chris: you have a problem here. i want to put up a new iowa des moines register poll out this morning. it shows herman cain and mitt romney way ahead of the field and you at 7 percent. isn't herman cain stand nothing your way in terps of a one-on-one battle with mitt romney. >> guest: people of iowa and new hampshire and florida in those early states look at the plan and i think that is what they are just now doing. this race is not settled at all. as they look and see who is it that will lay out a plan to get america working and mitt's nibbling around the edge and look at herman cain's create a two taxes and flat and sales tax . our plan to get america work take and know that there is a 10 year recordd of being a solid
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conservative on issues on imgradings orificical or social issues. feel comfortable where we will be on election day. >> campaigns can make candidates stronger. what have you learned in the last two monthses? >> guest: you pace yourself it is not a sprint. it is a mara thon and we got in late and we work would hard for those first eight plus weeks to go raise the money and we had a 17 plus million 40 something day fundraiser push and it is good to come off of the battle line and catch your breath. that's what i learned. don't sprint it, just take a nice easy run and stay focused and take your message to the people and at the end of the day, people in iowa and new hampshire and all of the early states will look at this and you
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know what, he has a record and he has a plan to get america back working and he is consistent and has been all of his life. >> chris: finally and briefly. you near a hole. you are down at seven percent how confident are you to get out of that hole and turn it around. >> guest: we'll be out there compete we have a war chest to allow us to get the missage out there. and a great team in the country and not just people in on the ground but great volunteers. and i feel confident as people take a look and they focus in on what is important about getting america working again. they will look at the plans and candidates and recordds. you know what. rick perry is who needs to lead this country to get us out of the mess that washington d.c. got us in. >> chris: governor perry, we'll leave it there. thank you for answering our
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questions. you will be happy to know that the people of austin treated us great. we'll see you on the campaign trail. >> guest: thank you. >> chris: with governor perry's appearance we have interviewed all of the major republican candidates in the series except mitt romney. he's not appeared on any sunday talk show since march of 2010. we invited governor mitt romney and his campaign said he's not ready to sit down for an interview. coming up. president obama does it his way. working around congress to push his agend a. we'll continue "fox news sunday" from austin, texas. congratulations. congratulations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology and monitor costs. making communities greener... congratulations. ... and buildings as valuablt. whoa ! ... as the people inside them.
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>> we can no longer wait for congress to do its job. middle class families trugling are tired of waiting. when congress won't act i will. >> chris: president obama launching his new campaign to work around congress and take executive actions to help the middle class. time for our sunday group back in washington. brit hume, fox news senior political analyst. plass lass of the radio. and dana perino and fox news political analyst juan williams. the president took a series of actions in the west coast swing
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. he announced a plan to help people who are in danger of foreclosure and helping students or exopportunities having trouble paying off their loan and tooks credits and try to get veterans hired. brit, it is reminding me of the bite sized initiatives that bill clinton took in 1996 to give him a sense that he was looking out for the middle class. can this help barack obama. >> yes, i think it could. it is clear how much it will make. he will make adjustments on the programs and benefit. and a lot of people may appreciate that. i don't think they are large enough initiatives to make a difference. that will not have a burden on the high unemployment rate. when clinton did those things, the economy was boom the economy
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is not bombing and he is working around the edges. >> follow up on that. the analyst that looked at this and real life practical affects. again executive action. they are fairly minis scule . his plan to help students with student loans would mean 4 or eight dollars a week. the question is does that matter? do the facts matter or the symbolism here i am with the middle class and congress isn't. is that matters. >> clearly the later. the white house understands that the president doesn't have within his power the ability to change the conjectory of the economy. they assume the economy we have today is what we will have on electionn day. maybe it will not get any worse.
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that's probably all they can hope for. when presidents are stimied, they turn to executive orders. and the difference between obama and clinton. this is not a substitute for a big agend a. it couldn't get passed and the goal of the white house to convince people that the president has a plan and fighting for the middle class and republicans blocked him from doing anymore. >> there was another interesting development on the president's western campaign swing. he made remarks at a fundraiser in san francisco. let's watch. >> we have lost our ambition and imagination and our willingness to do the things that built the golden gate bridge and hoover dam and unleashed all of the potential in this country. >> dana, that is after the president a couple of weeks ago talked about the country getting
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a little soft competitively. is there a political strategy behind ineffect talking down the country? >> not whon that i can see and comes interestingly in the wake of the death of steve jobs which we celebrated as one of the best innovators of history and maybe world history if we live longg enough to understand that. in 2010 election, in the midterm, there was a check on his legislative power. the democrats ran the executive branch and congress and got what they wanted done. banking regulations and health care and stimulus bill. in 2010 people said i am not for that and now we have divided forward. if they looked at free trade agreement. sent it to the congress and get them done, what happens, president obama cancelled the rose garden ceremony in order to do the iraq announcement. and so anything that congress
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does and they don't want to give them credit for that and look at the bigger picture. most people disagree on the reason and remedy for moving forward. >> chris: juan? >> i think dana is right. most americans think there is a problem and the country is headed in the wrong direction and the president's agenda saying that the country needs a vision of we can do it and overcome, comes back to the idea he wants to pass more spending bills on infrastructure which the senate will take up. and they were reluctant to do it specifically. chris, this week, we had fox news polls that said in fact. 52 percent of the americans think that president obama has ideas to produce jobs but blocked by congress. when you see the president go out with the agenda, he's campaigning against a do nothing congress. look at the polls number.
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the president's approval rating is in mid40s and look at congress, it is down there at nine percent and republicans in congress, about 22 percent. so they are looking at half of his. you may not like me and what i stand for. but remember you like congress even less and you will vote for me if i am running against them. when they go in the voting booth it will not say president obama and congress. he will be run against a nominee who will not be necessarily burdened with the record of congress. they will have an independent approach and by the time, he or she finishes the race on the republican side and crowned in the convention and all dressed up in presidential gash - garb will look stronger than those
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candidates look now. >> laura, back to the do-nothing congress. it seems to me a lot of the voters are not going to say obama couldn't get it through because congress blocked him. they are going to say he got a trillion dollar stimulus and health care reform and we don't like it. >> he can't run against the republican congress in the 2012 election. he will try to lay out a vision for the fut and you are what he would do if he had a second term and contrast that against the republican nominee and the white house will argue that that person wants to take us back and reenact the policies. the republican congress might be a iceful foil. but it is not the foil for him when the campaign gets going. >> chris: up next the republican presidentialerates. and mitt romney and herman cain
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♪ >> i believe the world is getting warmer and i believe that humans contributed to that and i think it is important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gas that are significant contractors
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to the climate change. >> we don't know what is causing climate change on this planet and the idea of spending trillions to reduce co2 emissions is not the right course for us. >> chris: presidential candidate mitt romney apparent flip flop. i think we all agree mitt romney's potential liability is his reputation of a flip flopper and changes position. and he had a bad week. he changed his position from global warming and need to control greenhouse gas emission and this is just days after he appeared to flip on whether or not to support the ballot initiative in ohio and whether he supports john kasekc to limit public bargaining for public workers. how big of a problem for him?
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>> his single biggest problem. because of the flips and positions that he's flipping from is positions from the left to where the core of the republican party is. people don't trust him as a conservative. you are only allowed a certain number of flips before people doubt your character . romney exhausted his quota sometime back. and the fresh ones are over the limit, and i think they hurt and i don't think the fact that hoe's flipping in the direction that republicans like will help very much. i think they don't trust him. >> chris: mara, one of romney's rivals former governor huntsman called romney a perfectly lubricated weather vane on all of the major issues of the day. we know that romney had problems
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back in 2008 on the witches on gay marriage and gun rights and abortion. is he vulnerable on this? >> i think it is. the race last time was on social issues. he doesn't have to do it because it is race about the economy and creating jobs. and i think it is a problem for him. it is a problem if he is a nominee. this is a line of attack that the white house will use against him. is it an impediment for him getting the nomination. is it a two-man race. will rick perry challenge mitt romney or does he have a unimpeded path to the nomination . the question depends on rick perry. you don't get a second chance. but perry is suffering from the first impression. >> chris: dana, there is an
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important name we are leaving out of the the discussion. the surprise front runner in the race and that is former businessman herman cain. we'll put back on the screen the polls from iowa and des moines register poll. there you can see it. a statistical dead heat. 23 percent . romney at 22 percent. and well ahead of the rest of the field and the simple question is, is herman cain for real? >> certainly and his numbers show it and he raised five million in one month. and even this week, his campaign, too, said we have to slow the pace down a bit. they have five debates in the month of november and michele bachmann, having won the iowa straw poll just two months ago is poling down at eight percent in iowa and three percent nationally. so it remains fluid. you have to wonder if the candidates like san torum and
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huntsman and gingrich and can get going in november. >> chris: juan, herman cain had to handle damage control and trying to explain and disavow those comments he made earlier in which he seemed to suggest in some cases he supported choice upon, family choice. here's what he said this week. >> i use the word choice talking about a specific situation that he was trying to pigeon hole me on. that's what they use to come after me. i am pro life from conception, end of story. >> chris: now cain, staff tried to blame it on over scheduling and fatigue and said it left to a couple of gaffes and they would kale back his schedule. how much trouble is he in or are
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voters because he is not a professional politician willing to cut him slack. >> that is the answer. for people like me and you all of us here on the panel we are baffled by this man's success. if you ask him tough questions, you have had the experience of right of return and abortion and on any number of issue and even the 9-9-9 and now it is a 9 0 9 plan. it doesn't always comport or make sense. people like it. and braining is terrific. and 9-9-9 is the stand out policy and initiative of the entire gop campaign. herman cain, i think as a snub to mitt romney is described to me as authentic and the real deal and he has passion for conservatives. and they believe machine can - someone who can take the fight
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to president obama. the grass roots find him to be the charmer. it is stunning, if you look at herman cain that he lasted this long. everybody has a moment in the sunlight. it was michele bachmann and dana talked about for a while . even donald trump and obviously rick perry whom you interviewed was up when he first got in the race. everybody is looking for alternatives. and herman cain bumped up and stayed up and that's what the iowa poll shows. i am stunned by his success. does he have the money? so far he doesn't. and campaign structure? this week an ad with a guy smoking and it haven't voiral and people relate. you are not telling me if i can smoke or not smoke. it is overreaching government. and he's on a roll and i don't -- the establishment doesn't see it but apparently the voters see it. >> chris: thank you all.
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we'll have to leave it there and obviously plenty more to talk about. we'll see you next week and check out panel plus where our group picks up on "fox news sunday" . we'll post the video before noon eastern time. up next as we continue from the state capitol of the austin, texas our power player of the week. these dogs wake up too early! you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th can i sck with my old medicare plan? sure!
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or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost, or both. medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut he. it's pa of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare... and choose the right plan for you. learn more at 1-800-medicare or the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ >> chris: barry black is
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chaplain of the u.s. senate who opens each session with a prayer and he does so much more. >> we have talked about very serious and private issues. >> chris: stay tuned, our power player of the week is next .
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>> chris: we are back, reporting from austin. he spoke at the funeral for ronald reagan and officiated at the burial of john f. kennedy junior. and he calls it the front row seat to history and our power player of the week. >> an old saying god puts us on our backs to get us to look up. >> chris: he is the chaplain of the senate is opens each session
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with a prayer. >> lord, bless our senator in their labors today >> chris: he does so much more. running four bible study groups and pastor to the senators and staff and their families. 7000 people. >> apostle paul said there are saint in caesar's household. >> chris: part of it is private counsel. do senators come to you with private issues. >> things that if i told you, i would have to kill you. >> chris: senators seek his advice on policy when it comes to ethical issues. such as the 2005 case of whether to remove terry schivo's feeding tube. >> what is your take. >> chris: will you tell them. >> my position is nonpartisan puit doesn't mean i put my brain
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in neutral. >> chris: black has no doubts. >> there are uninterrupted prayer since 1779. >> chris: if the senate can ginghis day in prayer why can't a public school. >> i think we made a mistake by removing prayer from public schools >> chris: chaplain black asks god for wisdom. this summer as the debt ceiling debate. his prayers became more urgeent. >> we are weary from the struggle. tempted to throw in the towel. they were getting more intense and thos the way i felt. i poured out moy heart to god. >> chris: black grew up in a black housing project can his mother gave her five cents for each verse of scripture.
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until barry black was ready to recite the entire book of genesis from memory. he spent 27 years in the service and was chief of navy chaplains before coming in the senate in 2003. it is a remarkable story from the kid from the projects. black said there was a plan. >> when i was eight years of age, my mother brought home a record and i played it over and over until i memorized. the sun is up over the city of david. >> chris: it was the chaplain. >> i never walk in to the building without a sense of wond or and a sense that this was my destiny. >> chris: amen. >> praise the lord. >> chris: he was elected to his post and he stayed on with democrats in charge and in these
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day was congressional grid lock one of the few things that the senate can agree on we'll be right back with a final word from the texas state history museum here in austin, texas. i'm embarking on a journey of epic proportion. i will travel, from sea to shining sea, through amber waves of grain, and i won't stop until i've helped every driver in america save hundreds on car insurance. well i'm out of the parking lot. that's a good start. geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent, or more on car insurance. i heard they found energy here. it's good. we need the jobs. [customer:] we need to protect the environment. [worker:] we could do both. is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone.
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week. see you on the next "fox news sunday". ♪ "fox news sunday" is a


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