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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  October 14, 2011 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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the new iphone goes on sale in just two hours.but is it too late for you to get one?we take you live to an apple
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store.. to check out the lines one today. you are takkng a live lookkof a azmat situation on the bellway.ttaffic is squeezing by on one lane here on the ramp to nb 83.i'll fill you in on the details and best option for alteenate routes. siiging nats nats and... she was eeminated as a solo rtist.. only to be broughh back.. and put in a maryland's own paige ogle did performing as part of a group act for the first time.. on thh x factor. 3 3 --oon friday, october 14th 3 3
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3 & map fiber map 3
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the search continues this morning... for the missing boy fromm ermantown, whose mother was found murdered in her home. in custody for the killing... is thh woman's estrrnged husband.but no one knows wheeee is.jane mcquain's body was found in her bedroom wednesday night... with signs of trauma to her body.witnesses say curtii lopee ádid notá live wwth mcquain , but stopped by often.. nd was seen taking property this wwek from her home.mcquain's missing s-u-v was fouud at a otel in chhrlotte, north carolina &pyeeterday morning... that's where lopez was arrested. friends and neigbors say... janeemcquain just finished a rehabilitation program and was finally ggtting back on her feet. 3 "iidon't believe this happeeed to her this is ery
6:05 am feaa....nothing sheewas happy everytime i saw her at the amber alert is still in effect foo william mcquain.he was last seen on september 30th. the 11-year old ii pescribed as a bi-racial pounds.if you have any t 85 - information... you aae asked to call police immediately. the hunt is on for the gunman... who shot a personnon the 6th floor of a parking gaaage at the intersection of green and redwood's near the universsty of of maryland medical cenner and near the law school. policc believv it was an aamed áaheadá of a surgery that was supppsed to happen today.he &wa through the underground garage, hen the suspect approached him.the victim was shoo three times in the back police ound him, they rushed
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him to thh hospital and into (det. brownn "detectives are processing tte scene ffrensiially. we're retrieving surveillance be at the scene."(mr. ence may seitchik/hospital visitor) "i don't think people value other peoples' lives at all. it's just you know, whattcan i get...maybe for drug money, you knnw.. how mcuh can i get from the guy.. howwverri just think it's horrible." horrible.. policee are poooing for a 20 - year old man wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and a ravens cap. they are going through crrme camera footage to track the shhoter. right now.. the victim is in critical conddtioo. he was trying to be patriotic... bbt a perry haal man ii eing told to take down... his american flag. flag.john lamar flew the flag but recently... the homeownees assooiationncalled a "safety hazard"... and ordered ittto be removed.the community's by- draped ovee the porch approval.. but it ácan'tá be 3 (11:22322) "i served
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this country fort that reason, freedom and by just putting it over the raaling its not free. waving is free." the association says t doesn't oppose flying the flag, butt was concerned about the áwayá lamar was flying it. they aae putting thh finaa touches on thee11th annual baltimore let'sstake a look at the pourse... he gun will goooof at 8 am at camden mile race. the maryland zoo the marathon... runnees will get there between miles 3 and 4. the marathon's main sponsor... nddr armor will be prominent at the midway point &pof the race as runners loop headquarters. the 20 mile montebello. and then it's
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fans. that's where joel d. - smith is now with some of thee most interessing folls taking paat in this year's race. good morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3
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3 it's friday and that means it's yourrturn tt sound off on anything yu want.about us know what's oon yyur mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. seggent.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fannand join the conversation. hotspot... . in our hometown &pit's a crafts show unlike any the maryland home and garden show. betty wwite ssng nats and at 89 years old... she's still ot it!a look t the new usic video....feaauuing he new former golden girl ...betty're wtthing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1))
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3 --maayland home and garden show at the maayland state fairgrounds--brian santos... plso known assthe "wall wizard"... is live with the details on this morning's homettwn hotspot--update, rrmodel, redecorrte, and landscapp our ---undreds of home this fall landscape your redeccrate, and --update, remodel, contractors in --juried craft --exhibits on food, travel, fittess 3
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the maryland home and garden show is t the maryland state fairgrounds through sundaa.for &pmore information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. we want to get you into the -m for free.the 4th and 5th callers win a ppir of tiikets. just call 10--8114544 to win.
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3 3 map fiber map old court map 175, coming up... a suspectedd
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torando touchhe down in tornado! that is a tornado, look at that! thattwhat makee the exact location... so bizarre. who you gonna call? ghostbussers! and they're back!.. after 25 years.when you can aach the re-release of
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"ghostbusters"... in theaters. you're watching foxx45 morningg nnws.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2))
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3q my mom makes a green bean crunchy. it's like totally crunch-erific!
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what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my green bean casserole. french's french fried onions. now in the french's stay-fresh can. new this morning... an early morning harbor rescue sends one personnto he haapened just after 3 o'clock... near lancaster and south caroliin adult male was pulled out the water... and taken to johns hopkins for treatment.he's ssiddto be in stable condition. tornado! that is a tornado, look at that! that!authorities are assessing the damage... after a tornado touched down in leest one suspected tornadd struckkthursday... in newwkent county and louisa county vvrginia.that's the same area wheee theeepicenter of the many as a dozen --3 homes and an elemeetary school were left damaged.thereeare no rrpoots of any injuries.
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it's the day millions have been waiting for... the i-phooe 4-s goes on sale todayy.. and already... lines are forming acroos the country. offthe people waiting to get his hands on the new gadget... s apple co-ffunder steve wozziak.he's been standing outside a callfornia apple store... since yesterray afternoon. wozniak waiied innliie overniggt... to be the first person getting the new i-phone. jobs... tte late co-founder of apple.tte "4-s""in the name represents the words "for steve." who you gonna ccll? ghostbusters! 3 the comedy classic movie is being re-released in a series of one-nighh specials... leading up to halloween.scceenings are being shown in theaters nationwide... on each thursday of the month.a showing will be held exx thursday... at thh p-m-c in white marsh.
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comiig up... the g-o-p race.what's pushing georgia businessmmn herman cain ahead... in tte race for watching hite house. you're
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what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. a new poll has
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g-o-p presidential conttnder &pherman cain leading the pack. the n-b-c wall street journal survey finds cain is he first choice... among 7-percent of republican
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vvters.former massachusetts governor, mitt rooney has 23- percent of the votes... and ttxas governor rick perry... is in phird place with 16-percent. numbers... ever since entering the race in late eptember. our &ppolictical coomentator anddd- insider, armstrong williams joins us live via skype for this week's washington wrap. of hermain cain before september ... or knew very little aboot im .. how standings in the polls-what about him that has a businessman .. he
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has little foreign policy experience-free pizza for everyone .. he wins coming up... she's "white hot"... att89 years old. betty white song nats
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why former "golden girls" star betty white agreed to rap... in a new music video. ñ more problems. the
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reeationships that are stronger.. when you're poorr. on ox45 news at 5-thiity.
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the search continues this morning... the missing boy was found murdered in her home. in custody for the killing... is tte wooan's estranged husband.... but no one knows where her son is. is.jane mcquain's body was found in her bedroom wednesday night... with signn of trauma to her body.witnesses say
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curtis lopez ádid notá live with mccuain , bbt stopped by often.. and was seen taking homeemcquain's missing s-u-v was found at a motel in charlotte, north carolina yesterday morning... that's where lopez was arrested. friends nd neigbors say... jane mcquain just finished rehabilitation proggam and was finally getting back on her feee. "i don'ttbelieve this happened to her thii ssvery peer....nothing she was happy everytime i saw her at giant...she was always happy." tte amber alert is still in effect foo william mcquain.he was last seen on september 30th. thh 11-year old is describbd as a bi- racial child.... approximately five feet tall weighing about 85 pounds.if you hhve any information... you are asked to call police immediately. 35 members of the notorious
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indicteddthey were arrested on - federal raccetering drug and fiiearm charges.the gang to the eastern hore...and &pconcern. ."our officer, these were not criminals aad hey locked them up before" before"the defendants are affiliated with the "bboods" gang in califooria. a possible "flash rob" is under investigation this morning... in annnpolis. annapolis.. tuesday... a dozen teens entered the ""elly hanson "shop... a áástealingáá jackets and shiits. olice are shying away rob"...but store workers say the teens were definitely ccnnected. (mgr))they were definately all together.. one was keeping a lookout the other was grabbing stuff.. stufff. so far... no one has been arrested. parentt, before you strap your little one into a booster seat
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a new report might connern you. you.a study byythe "insurance institute for highway safety" booster seats may ánotá be doing their job correctly.of the 83 seats tested... half didn't properly fit with seat bblts..till scientists at johns hopkins say... áanyá "the way the study as desiined has some i want to overeect and get rid of their carseat and insteed talk with technican"the instttute says t3 the so called combinatton seats are among the worst. on yourrmark... get sst... go! the baltimore running festival today they're putting he final touches on the race. there are some changes to the course thii year... let's will go off at 8 am at camden for the first time is part of -3
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the marathon... runners illl get there between miles 3 and p. the marathon's main sponsor... under armor will be around the company'sswwrld headquarters. the 20 ile mark has runners circliig llke montebello. and then it's glorious finish, and cheering fans. that's where joel d. smith is now with some of the most interesting folks taking part in this year's race. good morning that's where joel d. mithhis now withhsome of the folks taking part in this year's race.joel d. ggod morning patrice.
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3 p33 she's almost 90... but she's
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still got ii... betty white song nats "white hot"... in a new usic - girls" star is ssen rapping with techno dance arrist, luciana... ii their new musicc video titled "i'm still hot." there's plentt of break dancing... muscles... even aa boa constrictor.and while it's alllfun and games... all proceeds go toward a good angeles zoo's i-tunes. 3ccming up... the aiilinn company... that's charggng more....for overweight customers.hoo many seaas they'll soon be reqqired to buy.
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and even though you do what you can to take care of it, sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! ((ad lib meteerologist)) 3
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3 3 coming up... linessare already forming... for the new i-phone 44s.whaa makes this device... stand out and the aarline company... that's charging pore... for overweight many seats bby..ou're watching fox 45 - morninggnews.. all local.. ll &pmorning. ((break 6))
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3 new this morning... if you live in howard countyy.. ou mmy have seen this... firefightees working to control a massive fire that broke out in a barn near mdkenddee and frederick roads in west friendship. firefighters esponded to thee fire around 7- thirty last night. the barn was filled with over 1-ttousand bales off straw... making the fire exteremely difficult to put out. in total... more than 20 howard countt and 8 out of county fire department pehicles were on the scene and over 60-thousann ggllons of water were used on theefire. therr were o injuries. air-tran airways is adding a charge forroverweight customers. the airline passengers to purchase two seats if ccmpany employees deem them to be quote "customers of ize." the airline says it will refund the additional seat purchase &pfollowing travel... if the flight was not oversold.the first. today the world is remembering the life of apple co-founder
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steve jobs... by wearing his trademark outfit... jeans and a black has been declared "steve jobs day the i-phone 4-s goes on sale. the phoneegoes on sale at apple and retail stores around the country... at 8 a-mm thrre carriers are offering the device... a-t-and-t, verizon wireless... and sprint. maary glover caught up with some apple ans and a tech expert... tt see if átheyá think the phhne will live uu to the hyye... mos says (off cam): "its a them." at the apple store in uptown... sarah ays: "the biggest hype is its on sprint." you on't have to be a genius... katii says: "iis allows you to do everythhng. you have it on you at don't nned anything else." to feel means the iphooe 5 wiil come t - out quicker." in ciiiis like new york... peoppe arr bite out of apple's nnwest
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is theefirst time i havvn't stood in linn at a store and ordered it in advance because i'm too busy. i have too much gging on." steve boosch &pis a technology consultant wh wwites blog for a local tech website called minnov-8. he says hile apple touts the 8 mega ppxel camera...and faster microchip in the new i-phone 4-s... the built-in voice recognitioo software named "siri" is wooth the hype.borssh says: "i think loooing baak in 5 years this wiil be the watershed 3 event where voice recognitiin hit tte main stream." but with pre-orders already topping 1 million phones... 3& you may nnt be able to get your hands on a 44s for a few wweks. borsch says samsung's galaxy s-2 is slightly fastee ttannthe new i-phone... and along with the motorola droid bionic... boasts a larger display and longer battery peciding which smaatphone is right for you is like comparing an appll to an orange.borsch ays: "if you are a geek. i would say go you are more that side you
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will enjoy the fluidity of the iphone." this morning... thousands across the country are waatinn ii line... for stores to open. we're streammng livv look in towson... where the -phone 4-s is just over an hourraway goiig on sale to the public. the early demand has already been reported it receeved more than a million preeorders... the first day it was available. coming up... she's sttll going strong... singing nats nats a look at maryland'' own paige
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ogle... competing on "the x factor." and in our hometoww &photspot... it's an event unlike any other.we take you pnd garden're home watccing fox 45 morning news.. ((bbeak 77) ((bump in))
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. 4 shore singing
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singing you areelisttning to the group "4 shore".the guys are from virgina beach but they have pade it through to california as part of the top 32 on ffx's the x factor. now they are hoping to advance toothe sweettsixteen.candace is here to tell uu about the talent in this roond of the competition...that includes one maryland girl.. paiig elizabeth ogle.candace-the top 32 are ow singing survival.
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they are mentored by the judges and a celebrity guest. guest.the groups are with paula and pharrell.with paula and the groups are celebrity gu. guest.judges and a mentored by mentored y the judges and a celebrrty guest. guest. the ggoups aae with aula and pharrell.thh
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&pover 30s are with niioll and rihannasimon.. mariah carey was supposed to be plane was grounded due to paige ellzabeth ogle is in one f the groups.. she is from perry's how she did last nnght. ogle sinningeth 3 singing-entered tte pompetition as a sooo artist.. pbt then she was eliminated. the judges gave her a lifeline and put her in this groupp.. challenging ooe person who did make it thhough as a soloist... iss drewwryneeiez.she is being menttred by simon at his ome drew inniig singing
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drew inging singiigdrrw singing singing ,3 tuesday at 8pm here on fox455 coming up in our 7 o'clock a massive line is forring in from some excited fans... -3 about why they're dying to haveethe new device.. ((joel live tease))you're all local.. all morning. [ male announcer ] at the safeway pharmacy
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you can get a flu shot from an experienced professional. we've given over 5 million flu shots over the last 10 years. [ male announcer ] hey, but who's counting? get your flu shot from a specialist you can trust. at the safeway pharmacy.
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i am a face unclogger. get your flu shot from ai am a nose coach.n trust. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies.
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and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. ingredients for life. that should make you feel better already. think the way you're buckling up our child.. wwll keep them &psaae?think again.why half of ppople are doing it wrong.. if ttey're not properlyy restrainndd 3
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and.. they're already lining up in towson... where there's just aa hour left before the iihone 4-s goes on sale.we are live as the lines et longer and long you'll have to ait if you don''tbuy one today. 3 3 today is friday, october 11th. 3 --3
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3 maa fiber mpaa-& the search continues thiss
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from germantoww, whose mother was found murdered in herrhome. in custody for the killing... husband.but no one knows where her son is. is.jane mcquain's body was found in her bedrooo wednesday pightt.. with signs offtrrama to her body.witnesses ssy curtis lopez ádid notá live pith mquain , but stopped by pften.. and was ssen takinn property this week from her home.mcquain'ssmissing s-u-v was found at a motel in charlotte, north carolina where lopez was arrested.'' friends and nnigbors say... jane mcquain just finished a rehabilitation prrgram and was feet. 3 "i don't elieve this haapeeed
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very fear....nothing she was happy everytime i saw her t giant...she was always happy." the amber alert is ssill in effect for william mcquain.he was last seen on september 30th. the 11-year - racial child.... approximately five feet tall weighing about 85 pounds.if you have any information... you arr asked to call police immediaaely. 35 mmmbers of the nntorious maryland "bloods" gang aae indi. indicted.they were arrested on federal racketering rug nd members broke the law from the western part of the state... to the eastern hore...and it's becoming a growing concern. ."our officer, these were not surprises, they know these up before" before" the deeendants are affiliatee with the bloods" gang in california. morning... ii annapolis.s -
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annapolis. tuessay....a hanson "shop... a - áástealingáá jackets and shirts. policc are shying away from using the term flash rob"...but store workers say theeteees were definitely ponnected. &p (mgr)"they were definatee all together.. one was keeping a lookout the other was far... no one has bben arrested. again... coming under heat. heattthe baltimore city council held a hearing yesteeday on a ill á repealingá the two cents tax on beveraggs sold innthe city. the ttx hasn't brought in uch pusiness owners want the tax gone. "we don'' come down herr to phambers ith out hair on fire because there is nothing else to o. i have peas to sell, i have apples to sell that'' what i want to be doing i have a business to run. i chambers, but this is very in important to us" us"business owners teetifed
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tteir beverage sales are downn the tax began. parents, before ou strap your little one into aabooster seat to run errands thii morning... a new report mighttconccrn you. you.a study by the ""nsurance institute for highway safety" found hat 50 percent of booster seats mayyánotá be doing their job orrectly.of the 83 seats tested... half didn't prrperly fit with seat belts.still sccentists at restraint is better than none. "the way he study wws desigged haa ssme i waat to caution parents not to oveeeact and get rid offtheir carseat nd insteaa talk with an expert like a chill safety t" pechnican"the instittte says &pthe so called combination they are putting the final ouches on tte 11th annuul altimore marathon. letts take a look at the
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course... thh gun will go off at 8 ammat camden yards, staating ff the 26.2 mile race. thh maryland zoo for the firss time ii part of get there between miles 3 and 4. the marathon's main sponsor... under armor will be prominenn at the midway point of the race as runners loop arounn thh ccmpaay's world headquarters. the 20 mile marr as runners iicling lake montebello. and then it's back tt ccmden yards for the glorious inish, and cceeeing fans. that's wwere joel d. smith is now with some of thee most interesting folks taking part in this year's race. ggod morning joel d. 3 good morning paarice. 3
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cooing up... need to spruue up your home? where you ay beeable to find some greattideas... next in your hometown hotspot. hotspot.. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 ((break 1)) morning. local.. all morning news.. all watchinggfox 45 yoo're you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll morring. ((break 1))
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p-todd smith... he's an ikea cheff. s live with the details on this morning's
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home and garden show at the --update, remodel, groundss- redecorate, and landscape your cootractors in one location
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--juried crrft show--exhibits on food, travel, heaath, beauty, and fits &p3ness the maryland home and garden show ii at the marrland state fairgroonds through sundaa.for more paltiiore dot com slash weewant to get you into the for free.the 4th ann 5th callersswin aapair of ickets. just alll410-481-4545 to win.
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map fiber mpa 175 map old court ap stilllahead.. a barn is goes up in flames in howard county.what it was fillee with... making it hard
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for fire crews to put it oot. opens fire n a califorria hair salon.tte possible motive police are looking into. into.and people are already in line waiting for the newest iihone.we'll hear from some por hours. you're watccing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. fox 45 morning news.. all local..[ female announcer ] can a health insurance company be ahead of the curve and still completely behind you? dave thinks so. he's putting two kids through college. ♪ and aetna's payment estimator lets him compare in-network specialists and out-of-pocket costs. ♪ so he knows what to expect before getting the bill.
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money saved. ♪ see the savings. aetna. know more. get better.
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see the savings. new this morningg.. a baltimore county juryyhas convicted a man oo atally &pshooting aacustooer at a catonsvilll convenience store... two years ago. braderick green could recieve life without parole when he is sentenced next month. prosecctors ay greennwalked in the store with a hhndgun... anddkilled a customer.the owner ... was shot in the head &pbut managed to call 9-1-1. green is already serving 11 consecutive life sennences in connection with a shootout
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with almost a dozen officers -. an early morning harboo rescue haapened just after 3 o'clock... neer adult male was pulled out the water... and taken to johns hopkinssfor treatmenn.he's aid to beein stable condition. the second suspect... in a deadly connecticut ome invasion... is convicted of all charges.joshua komisarjevsky faces the death &pleft a mother and her two t daughterssdead.thhir home was set on ffre and the invaders william petit... was the solee survivoo. the sentencing is firefighters worked to control a massive fire that broke out frederick roads in west and friendship.firefighters responded to the fire around 7- thirty last night. the barn waa filled with over 1- thousand balee of straw... making the fire extereeelyy difficult to puttout. in total... more than 20 howard county and 8 out of county
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fire department vehicles werr were used onntte fire.theree eight people ddad and a custody battle maa have been be at he center f it all. police say the ex-husband... &pof ne of the victims was the one ho oppned fire at a california hair alon. 41-year-old scctt dekraai is nowwin jail.neighbors say dekraai and his ex-wife had been locked in a bitter custody battle over their nnt confirmed if this was the mottve. thissmorning... thousands across the country arr waiting in line... for tores to open. &ptowson... where the i-phone 4-s is just ooer a half hour away from going on sale to the publiccthe eerly demand has reported it received more than a million ppe-orders... the first day it was available. & still to come..
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he made it far on american idollin season six... but how far will sanjaya get gainst me in this week's pigskin prediccions.find out ... next. you'reewatchinggfox 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morninn. ((break 3)) pimme an r .... ♪ [ female announcer ] who'd have thought that how hard you'd try -- and how far you'd go -- was shaped before you could even write your name? the first five years are forever. that's why pnc is devoting $250 million and ten more years to helping teachers give kids the skills they need
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for a lifetime of achievement. pnc. grow up great. ((bbeak 3))
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,3 ((break 3)) gimme an r ....gimme an a... ravens. no matter where yoo're from...we're lookkng for all of you ravens fans to send us in photos showiig off your "purple pride". go to foxbaltimore ddt com nd click on the community features section. coming up..
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an attempted robbbry turns into a shooting....near the unverrstt of maryland.wwo was wounded... and why the victim with. you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all local.. all morninn. ((breek 4)) more problems. the reeationships that are stronger.. when you're poorr. on ox45 news at 5-thiity.
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the hunt is on for the the 6th floor of a parking garage at the intersection oo green ann reewood's near the univeessty of of maryyand medical center and pear the law school. robberr attempt.the victim was being treated at the hospital áaheadá of a surgery that was supposed to happen today.he was leaving the hosital garage, when thh suspect
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apprrached him.the vvctimm was shot three times in the back and fell to the ground.when police found him, they rushed him to the hospital and into ssrgery. (dett brown) "detectives are processing the scene forensically. ww're retrieving surveillance cameras n the area and be at the scene."(mr. seitchik//ospital visitor) "i peoples' llves at all. it's just you know, what can i get.. maybe for drug money, you knoo.. how mcuh canni get from the guy.. however i just think ii's horribll." horrible." police are looking for a 20 - year old blue jjans and a ravens cap. caaera footage to track the shooter. right noww. the victii is in critical condiiion. the woman accused of throwing arbbtts walmart over thee wwekend is home.according to court records... 33 year old theresa jefferson was released after posting 350- thhusand dollars bail , yesterday.jefferron and the &pvictim wereeinvolved... in what ppears to be a domestic dispute.jefferson and the
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in that iiciddnt. a civil trial stemming froo p murder aboard a sttte prison bus is under way in baltimore. the parents of philip parker junnir are claiming five state negligeet in preventing the murder oftheir son by another the plaintiffs - are seeking commensaaion of 21-million dollars plus punitive damages. 3tornaao! that is a tornado, look at that! that!authoritiessare assessing the damage... after a torrado touched down in irginia.take a look at this home video... captured by wiinesses.youucan see what appears to be a twister... in the distance.the national weather service says at least one suspecced tornado struck thursday... in new kent county and louisa county virginia.thatts thh same areaa where the epicenter of the east coast earthquaae was many as a dozen the worst damage... was seen l - in ahistoric building.
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((an in white shirt) "it pretty much totaled this house. eetensiie damaae, tore the roof fff actually twwsted about a sixty foot ree up and threw ittacross the yard, and damageewas spread across about here." there are no "- repprts of any injuries at this time parents, before you strap you littte one into a booster seat toorun erranddsthis morning... you.the "iisurance instittte uu for highway safety" released theeinformation.they found ttat 55 perccnn of the booster seats may ánotá bb doing their tested... half didnnt propery - fit with seat belts.still scientists at johns hopkins &pbetter han none. "the way the study was designed has some caution parents not to overeact and get id of their carseaa and instead talk with aa expert likk a child safety t" teehnican""he institute says the so called combination 3
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&pseats are mong the worss. on your mark... ggt set... go! today they're putting the nd finnl ouches on the race. there are some changes to the course this year... let's takk a look... the gun will go off at 8 am aa cammen yards,,starting offfthe 26.2 mile race. the marylaad zzo for the first timeeis part of the marathhn... runners willl get there between miles 3 and &p4. the marathon's main prominent at the midway point of the race as runners loop around the compann's world headquarters. the 20 mile park has runners circling lake back to camden yards for he glorious finish, and cheering fans. thaa's where joel d..smith is now ith some
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of the most interestinn folkss paking art in ttis yeaa's race. gooddmorning joell d. that's where joel d. smith is now with some of the part in this year's race. good mooning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3
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3 runners in baltimore won't be the only ones sweeting it oot this weekend. weekend.take look aa this athlete... who's strutting his britain... hopes to set a pldest marathon runner.and while he loves the sport... to just competition. running has really given him a new focus on life. he lost his wife and one of his sons dde to tragic ircumstances and that's what made him deprrssed. heeovercamm that by rekindling his passion for runn. running.singh didn't take up coopetitivv running... until 89 years old.each day... hh
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runs aad walks betwwen 7 to 9 miles a day... to keep in shape. they're in theeclear for now... you'rr loooing liie at the riginal "occupy" protest in lower manhattan.. where the &pdeputyymayor of new york city says a planned cleaning of the encampment has bben ppstponed. the protesters had said the cleanup was merely a pretext to eviic themm they''e been &pcampee out there foo a monthh distribution that has inssired similar demonstrations across the globe. a woman hits a stray cat with hee ar... and endd up saving the life...of her ffture pet. pet.she'' right there. i'm not &psure she can turn around.. ((butt to))there you gg, hhrr heads got a leg toward us. us.this kitty got stuck in the
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somehoww. after the woman hit it.aater three hours.. ann cat wassfinally free.vets took phe cat to a shelter to check her out... and she didn't have any majoo injuries and will be good to go to her new home soonn the conttstants on he x- personal with sooe big tars. the judges invittd the singers to their homes.. and surprised them with ceeebrity guest mento. meetors..inging nats natsskyeloranderson wws skyelor pnderson was mentored by l-a 3 reid and rihanna... and even ssyelor sang a babyfaceesoog. after he left... l-a nd rihanna had some conntructivv criticism for the singer.
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dimensions are incredible.. needs to be polished. polished.yyu can see the punday and tuesday at 8pm here on fox45. still to come.. will this rain finally move out of here for the weekend? in youu skywatch weather foreca. forecass. ou're &pwatchinggfox 45 morning nees.. all watching fox 45 i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot.
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yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. [ male announcer ] unisom helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. so i wake up rested. [ male announcer ] unisom. fall asleep faster. sleep longer.
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i will present your world, at a glance. i will remain untangled and uncomplicated. and let nothing or no one go unnoticed. all from one. all for you. i am the new rhyme by htc. only from verizon. meteorologist))
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3 map fiber map old ourt map
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3 it's ouu it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobiieals... which yyur cell pponee directly to - wwek's deal cooes from this - half off a full head of pa.get hiihlights. dott-om to get started.. or look for mobideals onnyour smar. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent comppny.. sinclair broadcast roup. still ahead...'s time... to let it all out..ell us what you're thinking about... ann your facebook ffedback segment. and coming up..this is the newest iphone.folks have been
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in line for hours... waiting to getttheir hands on ii.ww'll tall to some some of them. yyu'reewatching fox 45 morning news.. aalllocal.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((question of day animation))
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it's friday... and that means ii's time for ffx45 vieeers to sound off about anything you want. 3we've been asking you all morning to let us know what's on your mind for our áfacebook feedbacká segment... segment...tifffnie" the maan thing on my mind is that little boy missinn! i keep prrying for hhm to return safe. i keep thinking if his &ppas my hild or faaily member noo! i can only imagine what - through! " ""ackieeconcerned abbut iran and whats goiig tt hhppen next. and iffthe us will be in another 'conflict'." ''onflict'."tyeacha"ccnccrred
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about iran and whats goiig to happen next. and if the us will be in another 'conflict'." comiig up inn ur 8 o'clock hour.. &pneeddto spruce up your home? where yoo may be able to find some great idea... in our hometoow hotspot. hotspot.but first...this iss the line for the brand new person that's first in line.. in towson...and has been thers afternoon. you're waaching fox 5 morning news.. all locall. all morning news.. all watching fox 5 yoo're afternoon.'clock yesterday thers since 2 o and
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complete this merger, and present to the board, sink your teeth into some big n' toasty if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. wrap your hands around fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese on texas toast. america runs on dunkin'. today the world s rememmerinn
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the ife of apple co-founder steve jobs... by weaaing his trademark outtit... jeans and a black has been deelarrd "sttve jobs day"... because ii's the ssme day the i-phone 4-s goes on
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sale.the hone is named after steve jobs... the "4-ss"in the name represents the words "for steve." this morning... thousands across the country are waiting look in towson... where the ve i-phone 4-s is jjst over an hour away goinggon sale to the public.the early demand has alrredy been reported it received more than a million pre-orders... the
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chris ffrd- apple customer 3
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coming up in ouu 8 o'clock hour.. &pthese elephants have a hhlllween tradition of their own.we show you their annual hunt. you're watching fox 45 morning ews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) 3
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3 3 something which -- which i &pcall 'preselective started when was 13." 13.""ould the curr for cancer be in the hands of a kid?how this reaa life ""oogie howser" ppans oo uriig -towson town ceeter-doors now opening
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-iphone 4s officially on sale now 3 friday, october 14th &p
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3 breaking nees justtinto our newsroom... dozens of police park in a colorado... where a -
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hundreds of occupy denvvr protests are gathered.this is a live look....from cell phone &pcamera.there are no reports o police are said to be removing tents... where protestees have in new york... they're in he clear for're lloking live at the riiinal "occupy" protest in lower manhattan... wwere the deputy mayor f new york city says a planned been postponed. the protesters had said the cleenup was merely a pretext campeddout there for a month - ii a protest over wealth distribution that has inspired similar demonstrations across the globee theeseaach continues this froo germantown, whose mother in custody for the killing... is the wommn's estranged husband.but no oneeknows where
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her son is. is.jane mcquain's body was pounddin her bedroom weenesday night... with ssgns of trauua to her body.witnesses say curtis lopez ádid notá live with mcquain , but stopped by often.. and was seen taking home.mcquain's missing s-u-v was found at a motel in &pcharlotte, north carolina yysterday morning... that's where lopez was aarested. friends ann neigbors say... jane mcquain just finished a rehabilitation program and was finally getting back on her feett 3 "i doo't believe this happened to her this issvery fear....nothing she was happy everytime i saw hee at giant...she was alwwys happyy" effeet for william mcquain.he was ast seen on september 30th. the 11-year old is &pdescribed as a bi-raciaa chiid.... approximately fiie feet tall weighing about 5 pounds.iffyou have any to call police immediately.
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3& the second suspect... in a deadly connecticut home invasion... is convicted of all ccarges.joshua komisarjevsky faces the death penalty... for an ttackk hat left a mothhr and her two daughters deaa.their home was set on fire and the invaders fled.the father... doctor william petit... was the sole &psurvivor. the sentencing is see for later this month. theyyaae &pputting the final touches on the 11th annual baltimore marathon. let's take a look at the couuse... the gun willl go off at 8 am at camden yards, startinn off the 26.2 for the first time is part of the marathon... runners will get there betteennmiles 3 and sponsor... under armor will be prominent at the miiwaa point of the race as runners loop aaound the company's orld mark has runners circling lake
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montebello. nd then it's back to camden yards ffr the glorious finish,,and cheering fans. that's where joel d. smith is now with somee of the most interesting folks taaing parr 3 3
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he'' only 177.. bbt he's already on hhs way to becominn a doctor.abiuthamacumaran... is a re-meddstudent at mccill
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university.he recently left high school... to begin his far... he's already a pubbished cancer &presearchee... and has made iiportant discoveries about how cancer ceelsswork.his former high school principal says she believes he'll help ffnd a cure for cancer one day. pthe ccmedy classic back!who you gonnn call?? ghostbusters! &pthe mooie is beinn re-rellase in a seeies of one-night specials... leading up to hhlloween.screenings areebeiig phhwn inntheaters pf tte mmnth.a showing will be held next thursday... at the a---c in white marsh. coming upp.. in our hometown otter.we take you insiie... y &pthe maryland hooe and gaaden show. you're watching fox 44 morning news.. all local.. alll ((bump out))
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--maryland home nd garden show at the maryland state &pfairgrounds--holly frye... th president of american societyy of interior designers maryland chapter... is live with the details n this morning's hometown hotspott-update, remodel, redecorate, and
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landscape your home thii fall p-hundreds of contractors ii one location--juried craft show --exhibbts on food, travel, &phealth, beauty, and fitness fitness 3 &p the maryland home and garden
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fairgrounds through unday.for fox bbltimore dot coo slash we wwat to get you into the for free.the 4th and 5th callers win pairrof tickets. just call 410-481-4545 to win. 3 3
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3 map fiber mmp old coort
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coming up... tradition of their own... for halloween.we show you their annual "halllzoo-ween" pumpkin're watching fox 45 morniig neww.. allllocal.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump in)) ó?oñíí ((bump in))
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rough week?cheer up, it's
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funny friday! this week, comedian erik griffin joins uu. --erik madeethh decision inn 3 2003 to --erik made the griffin joins us. --erik made he deccsion in 2203 to quit his job and plunge headlong into making commdy his full-time occupation..--this challenge paid off, erik will next be &pseen as a recurring character on the new ccmedy central serres, workaholics, as baltimmre comedy factory this wd weekenn
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for more informatton on the pallimore comedy factory, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... the ew i-phone 4-s... is officially on sale.weell tell betty white song nats and she's "white hot"... at 89 "golden ggrls" star betty whitt agreed tt rap... in a watchhng fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mornnngg ñ3 p(break 3)) 3
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4 shore siiging singingyou are listening to the group "4 shore".theeguys are from virgina beach but california as part of the top o 32 on fox's the x factor. now they are hoping to advance to the swwet sixteee.candace is here to ttll us about the competition...ttat includes one maryland girl.. paige elizzaeth ogle.candace-the top 32 are now singing survival. judges and a celebrity gueet. guest.the groups are with paula and pharrell.the over p0s are with nicole and enrique iggesiasthe guys are with la reid and rihannathee girls are wwth simon.. mariah
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carey was supposed to be there but her plane was grounded due to hurricane irene.paige elizabeth ogle is ii one of the groups.. she is from perry prackign so we are of from -3 perry hall thh ggrups.. she is ogle is ii one of paige elizabeth hurricane irene. grounded due to hurricane in one of tte groups.. she s from perry hall so we are of course trackign her paige eeizabeth ogle siiging competition as a sslo artist.. but then she was eliminated. tte judges gave her a lifeline and put her in this groop... challenging
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one person who did make it through as aasoloistt.. is drewwrynewiez.she is being mentoreddby simon at his home in south france.listen to her performance drew singing singing you can see the judges home rrund continue on sundaa and tuesdaa at 8pm here on fox45. coming up... aa 89 years
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old... she's still got it! it!betty white song nats a look at the new music video... featuring former golden girl .. betty white. you're watccing ffx 45 morning morning. ((break 4)) ñ> -live lookkfrom towson-iphhnee4s now
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3 3 3
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fiber map the hunt is on for the gunman... who shot a person on the 6th floor of a paaking garage at the intersection f green and redwood's near the university of of marrland medical center and near the law school. police believe it was an armed rrbbery attempt.the victimmwas being treated at the hospital supposed to happen todaa.he s -3 was leaving the hosital through the underground garage, when the suspect shot three times in tte back s
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ann fell to the ground.when police found him, they rushed surgeey. (det. brown) "detectives are prooessinn the scene forensicallyy we're petrieving surveillaace cameras in the area and whatever forensic evidence may seitchik/hospiial visitor) "i peoples' lives aa all. it's just you kkow, what can i you knnw.. how mcuh canni get from the guy.. however i just think it'sshorrible." horrible." police are man wearing a white t-shirr, blue jeans and a ravens cap. they are going through crime camera footage tt track the shooter. right now.. the condition. the woman accused of throwing bleach on another records... 33 yeaa old theresa jefferson was released after posting 350- thouuand dollars bail , yesterday..efferson nd the victim were involved... in what appears to be a domestic dispute.jefferson and the
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victim's boyyriend share a child.18 others were injured in that ncident. he was rying to be patriotic... but a perry hall man is being told to take downn.. his american flag. flag.john lamar flew the flag from the balcony of his condo,, but recently... the homeowners associatton called it a "safety hazard"... aad ordered pi to be removed.the &pcommunity's by-laws allow the flag to be draped over the porch railing... but it ácan'tt be flown without "special" approval. (11:23:22) "i served this ccuntry fort that reason, over the raillng its not free. wavinn is ffee." the association says it doesnnt oppose flying the flagg but was concerned about thh áwayá lamar was flying it. toddy thh world is remembering the llfe of apppe co-founder steve jobs... jobb... by wearing his trademark outfitt.. jeans ann a black's been because it's the same day the -
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i-phone 4-s goes on sale."4 s" represents the words "for steve." on your mark... get set... go! the baltimore running feetival kicks ooffthis weekend.. and &ptodayythey're putting tte &pfinal touches on the race. there are some changessto tte course this year... let's take a look... the gun will go oof at 8 am t camden yards, starting off the 22.2 mile race. theemaryland zoo for the first time is art f the marathon... runners will get there between miles 3 and 4. the marathon's main spoosor... nder armor will be of the race s runners loop int around the company's world headquarters. the 20 mile mark has runners circling lake montebello. nd then it's glorious finish, and chhering fans. that's where joel d. smiih s now with some of the post interrsting folks taking part in this year's race.
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good morning joel d.
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3 3 she's almost 90... but she's still ottit... betty whiteesonggnats &p betty white proves she's still
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"whiteehot"... in a nnw music video.the former golden girls" star is seen rapping with techno daace artist, luuiana... in their nee music video titled "i'm ssill hot." there's plenty of break boa constrictor..nd while it'' aal fun and games... all proceeds o toward a good cause... the greater los angells zoo ssociationnit's noo available for download on i-tunes.we posted the video to our facebook page... and here's what fans had to say. 3 -33 3
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&pcoming up... these elephants hhve a palloween tradition of their own.we show yoo their annual "hall-zoo-een" pumpkin hunt. i'm the second nncki minaj! minaj!and later... you heard her!the little irl whose biggest dream... s to become nicki're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.
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woman: working in public relations is not for the faint of heart. i love what i do, i enjoy the work, but it's a very hectic pace. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university met my needs in terms of my family, my work/life balance. the fact that leading companies are hiring strayer graduates is impressive, but it's not surprising. these companies want us so badly. [ laughs ] i'm felicia blow, and i earned my m.b.a. from strayer university. halloween came early..... or
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week they took part in the - annual "hall-zoo-een" pumpkin huun... at the cincinnati oo. activities include elephants eating and smashing pumpkins. 3
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((toss o weather)) ((ad ib meteorollgist)) 3 weather kid tease
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map fiier map old ourt map ccming up... it'' music for a cause.and no... we're not palking about betty white. white.a live performance by
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jazz and gospel harpist, jeff majors is're watching fox 45 morning news.. all pocal.. all morning. ((bbeak 6) i am a face unclogger. i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies. music for a cause.
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inspirationnl jazz nd gospel harpist, jeff majors,,is bringing his national tour forr the homeless toobaltimore.this mooning, he joins us with vocalist tteresa ggayson. --6th annual 3 national toou for the hommless at the issael baptist churchh in baltimore today at 7pm --a concert featuring his musical enseeble, gospel music's hardest working woman, viccie winans, and urban gospel pocalist, swoop brown, who iss currentlyymaking noise with his hit "praise you." --majors' non-ppofit
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organization, the etwork of &pchurches and social seevice organizations to raise awareness of homelessness and other necessities for the needyywashinggon d-c native... when he was 15, he had a saw --he eventually became a radio personality in radio one's washington, d-c and baltimore clusser of stations majors hosted the weekly t-v one "the concert takes place today jeff majors's ñ> hey, itts half off!halloween
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is creeping up oo us, and kim's krypt has a greaa deal for yyu.yoo can get 4 admissions for the price of 2! phis saves you 30 dollars. here's kim yates and some creepy friends with more. --what is kim's krypt? --how do
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you celebrate halloween? --where are you located and when are you open? open? tooget your half off gift off dot com right now.they are limited, so don't wait. coming up on good day baatimore... one girl's biggest dream... i'm the second nicki minaj! minaj! wwat makessthis little ne is so inspired... by nicci minaj. &p
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