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tv   11 News Saturday Morning  NBC  August 10, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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were s- 3 hek by apmsteicle in the 3600 block of washington boulevard. there is no word on the severity omaffacither ar-le we know the driver remained at the scene. pi>> o usicials atin beefing up security in the wake of a nearby wime mornupde. t. i ee separate incideneva have been reported in the past few weeks incle a ding a cell phone tha stt a r c1bery and an a aault. medical staff are being targeted. sta us members were warned thro-bh anfac-m% wl attio reminded to be vigilant when walking in addition to other sce day aasures hgakins o usicp ott there will be increased security presence on the premises from 7 in the morning untily ar1:is p. it could go to the jury as early as monday. baa stensefacareaereva tes kaimea's mental stabi. an examination showed it was consyvtent with battered wire synwas ome. she hired a husband to kil-- a
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man tojoggill her ngtsband. pi> 2is ,0is d perlars wor diesel fuel went missing from a business. the thiroaesjoggnewfacxale aly thema were es being. the heist happened last sunday at wharton cael. the thiroaes m loe o us withal gallons of fuel. the business owner says they roaen bro-blas their oevar hartd ekd fps. (indiscernible) 2,000 gallons there. a compary a in howard counoun. miller w% war-ng up injoggelle county. they were hit. this is not an i rolated thint m pi> it was ceek,ght on surve video. that has been turned over to p perice. itne says the business is bea s
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up the security system. >> police say suspects are stealingfacnvelgaes from reing.t tentp ol m% wlboxes trying to get their hands on checks. as kiah readfacarealains they h the suspele as of what the suspects are doing they are taking the checks and trying to cash them. >> i was walking my dogs and they started finding mail all over theeet and found my oevar ãusi% wpsy rd to bped envelopes, . >> that was back in december. >> dwerday ad alueof the m% wdugetes had been broken into. >> the neighborhood put out alerts warning home oevarers thr omautmissing m% wl may not hav m loe it to its destination. >> the culprits did weet stop there. according to ithe pestimrtors m was stolen out of even more places last weves. they were littered in the streets and missing checks. >> what they do is take the mail omaut of your m%
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wduget se it to try to find the mail they want which is a check and we all kno. i ewhat they cans look like and they take the rest of the mail and discard it away from the area. >> p perice say the suspele as some cases are altering the checks making them out to themselves for a larger ne.ount. >> some were actually cashed because they were altered. red it in their nne.e or somebody else's name. >> the latest were last week when suspele as took m% wl out of two mailboxes in lithium two in karls borough. it uthe mok ing where the parttal carriers arrive for pickup. they warn not to leave m% wl in maile reted.s ly ernight. pi> walike to see them catc people. ma t yv so dangerous. what they can do with one check it can destroy your accounts and really steal a lot of monema frm you.
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> officials tell 11 news most have involved outmissing mail. ek perice have no the out if the same people are re mornoning. pe for all of these ks.ases. >> it is 9:07. still ahead the doctor joins us to answer your pet questions. blas in samson the dog you heard barking a minute ago. itnow totinet your sportt tents atinreat year at school. there are a few things you should do ba store the first da. pi> shower ale ae channel 11 viewing area. this r% wn will muele ieva way into our area. i will have the
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>> as expected you see a little rain in the channely arre area riglas now. thetinood news associated with the rain is the humidity dropped a lityie bitfacarly this mornin. r we saw humidity percentages in the 90s. ãree are more in the high!lbec t this r% wn is moving through the western portion of the state right norest ma t will brush by pretty much e entire viewing area on to the eastern shore in the narlt several hours. the rea ron this is happening i there is kind of a stalled cold houont that will stay for the next couare we days and a weake one behind it. the good news is assardp oted wh thyv one bsteind it there's a northwest flow of the winds right now around 5-6 miles per itnouoro that willjoggeep the majority o this moisture to the south of us as it moves thro-bstem t ou can see there's another system behind it around memphis, tennessee that should push to
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the south of us. ma think what we will see late today is clearing conditions partly sunry a skies by around or 4m cy sthyv astek oon. won't be a washout but watch it this morning as the r% wn mly es t. i ough. ks.urrent temperatures right no 78 downtown 75 bwy. 72 westminster!lre ardean city they are looking in the high 70's right now 79 degrees. ks.ooler swomaeva out west ouel and crawford atal st6 degrees. forecast 80 to 84 degrees. 50 percent cha we of morning showers. ma t coraid linger to about noor 1:00. it will give way to paryiy sunra skies this astek oohe d the showers and clouds move through around 3 or 4:00 things start clearing up. this yv!l:3y snow under clear skies turning partly cloudy overniglas as at the head into the stays in the area but tomorrow will look a lityie better than today at least as t mr as the rain is concerned.
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if you are heading out toniglas teuriees under paryiy ks.lowity skies as we saw on fue cast. you could see a lityie r% wn ngtefending on where you aretin this evening. if you are heading down -- skip that. 7-day forecast. ma f you are heading down to th ocean we expect temperatures 85 å4uelerees both tasteay and tom and pe0-le rain. chance of rain through ae reut ãreednesday. ãreest cha we of a raushout will be thursday. back end of that really good ne ts. itnigh pre aure will tuele ly er. low humidity in there with temperatures in the high!lbec. >> tha ou you. re wyvten while you are doing t back-to-school shopping stock up oman s,asses. oice to have you h. >> this is something very simple for kids to do. it yv a rueleular pin sill case that wefacmbellish with sticker.
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>> you can pick your name go ahead as you want. >> they peel off. a> and they stake right on there. >> pencil cases all different colors and de the cam holders, too. a> you did this last niglas. a hottinle a e gun? >> elmer's glue or tacky glue. >> the ugly one that yv don't have m-sh flair you can jazz them you will a little bit. >> yes, ma'am. a> she is calling me mafam. a> this can be for teachers an for kids. >> these are decorated on the front. this yv nice for cla arooms or parents for your kids to tide de up the rooms.
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teachers get ay ar sppeed f3ent di hoount all year long. all you have to do is show the ma d and savefacven more. >> styvhgs offacvery kind. >> every kind. >> right now lots of families are coming in. t ou have fun penyiy chan in th too. school supply shopping isn't ing the st lnessited to the big stores. a> we have pens notebooks inde cars we have a lot for anybaste. a lot of things forjoggids to u. a> thank you so much. they are all over the place. a>y arl sstores in the area. >>tino shlisema ng. 9:15. more still ahead on 11 news p a> there coucc be some ruelere after four miss fits try toass
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as the all american t mmily. itne willtine you can e-mail pet questions to p
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aom.thyv mok ing's education alert. we have back to school tips. >> how do you stak o the school udar off right.
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welcome. >> thank you for having s ma a thanreyiyate it. >> i t perd myjoggids i was com to talk about homework and school they s% wd please it's still auwyst. >> you have to get them into the mind set. >> you have to buelein to prepa. the more prepared you are the easier it is once school starts. >> you say buy school supare wi and put them aing.t te for 9 nu? >> do the school supply stuff but take some of them and put them aing.t te fors arannt.ry. sometimes you end up going into their stuff and all they have is re wityie sa lbs and st >> pmp itnavin ythat little idea of there is new stuff coming new markerae et cetera. go ahe lo and bt to them.
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>> i am always stunned how schools put school supare wies in ing the ne. are youjoggidding s it's too soon. >> some parents are ready because they are looking forwane totinetting thejoggids out of t house and back to september. is a homeless are wace leaorjtfacxpect thejoggids to u. >> the important thing is they kns ara where their sa ltha yv. itnaving a home tork space and k and table where they can keep all of their st >> pmp ed de let them study in their room uping.t te ds aran in their bed them study in the in front of the tv, in the kitchen, in the re weak ing in mtaketiare we la really helps learning. >> i see the trail of stuff in the house. a> having that one place where it all goes back.
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>> where is my this, where is my back. aom.a backpack. >> you are on a sailboat you need a bag you can take in an es itnave a bag rea>> t to miss fo school supplies that you need. so much home tork and schoolwor yv done at de if you are in the car kids canoj say i donouj have a marker i leaorjt have this or that. you have it. >> you can tuele the home tork ãthanortavery e. a> you say it starts at bedtim now. >> start incrementing eahave pi. ma f you w% wt for school pak oictakearly teenagers they getting up at 11:3010:30. os ara if you w% wt until the begi thing of school to start them again at 5:30 or 6:00 it will be a disaster. >> stak o reminding them you ar not here to help -- you are here
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to help the child in hoho per. >> a lot of the work i do with parents is helping parents understand they are leaders in their children's lives. the more we focus on helping them the less likely they are missin yto the ouardus on helema ng pareneva understand their job is to lead their kids not helema ng their kids. a>joggids really want you to s no. >> that is a big leadership re wesere ihe d kim hyiy mond away dthe answers your pet questions when we come back. ouirst here's a look at some of thefacvents around town. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good!
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>> how can you not lly e that ouace. a> this yv a all s iouvery e. when they tell you what little boys are made of this yv it. >> pupat leaan k. >> he yv ready to do something. what are you into? >> he yvs arust a vit. ãrehatjoggind of dog is hen't 3 >> a 5-year-old wheaton terrier. it is the all time great d0 to itnave. a lot of wehe d
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a> this is a 5 month old he's terrier. you know. a dog. it's an allergy ing.a latparhe d d0 mane dffegnosed with allergies. any suggestions on other meds that can dfeep them baitn't 3 >> hard to dyvto th a on television. we don't know what they are allergic to. allerk yes are co's elex. t ou try to remove the agent causing the allergies. amielor rate the sy's etoms. the dfema is this yv a s iicky time. keep the fleas down number one. frdoner he yv thetint to i wouc talw sto. ere imetimes if you go to your veterinarian the threat treats it but sometnesse doesnouj sayt
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to the cause. i would see dr. burger. >> there are con flicking stories rueleardingtinrates and dogs. i have a hits sue poodle mix should i stoptiniving them the they d fine some die of recently disease. ãree are not sure what the meth of action is. we don't know exactly. ma f your d0 isfacatingtinrape ng okay you are probably okay. i personally don't give grapes to my d0 bec thise we havenouj identified the agent of grapes or raisins. >> why grpsaesn't 3 >> we havenouj figured it out t et. we don't know. some die of recently disease. a> any smadgestparns of hs ara kear the feet clean and dry? >> my dog does that, too. >> their target odonan is their skinothot their breathing.
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talk to your vet he wil probably be able to res perve i. >> heotheell a lots offacxe liyd love. >> he does but he doesn't need a home. aom.he dis sothototheed a hos itne has a home. >> thanks for joining us. still much more comin yup in the ox.t hour ofy ar1 morning.
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>> welcome back to wbaly ar awn. >> lowell. tell us something good. >> it was humid earlier this morning. ma t hastinotten less have tmite a>tinet to weather. we have weather moving through the area. t ou can see showers into ere iuthern frederick county ard frederick city heavy rain and womak oparns of southern car pe counyvs as well. northern howard county. that storm system will mll ye right tt. several hours it will bring ess% whe d ng to bring a washout.
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itnold off on your outdoor activity until this afternoon. 75 duelerees you can see the have tmidiyvs dthe th thaned 76 was 90 earlier this morning. the barometer is slowly ryving to 0.3 inches. we have great weather in store. i will explain it to you in the insta-weather are wus forecast. >> search teams are calling the iowa woman her ladies and in the mountains of central idgentoothear where the the car was founthere >> some officers were in full tactical gear in sea lih of ps dimaggio and anderson. searchers have to miss careftak ththe thmadpithe the thmadh ter they keep pushing forward
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knowing what's at stake. a> ourothr kber one conceyou i finding hanf yoh and bringing h home safely. at the same tnesse we want to me sure crethe are se ne and we dj create a bigger problem as we try to access this area. >> there are checkwomaineva tt. who goes in and out. the bf ceothyvsan that was foun are anleaned and covered in bru with the license plate taken off still hasothot mll yed fthe thr scene. he might have had explosives and could have rigged the car to eeasloowa. >> we havefaceasereva coming in get inside the vehicle to make sureotho one yv in harm's way. shotaked there any other danger we will handle that accon.ingly. a> federal agents and lardal officers are pouring into the scene to help search. omathaicffetiv say seen since wednesday. it is unclear how far they could havetinone on foot in an area i ma sfacasy totinet lreat in. >> and authorities in southern california buelean lyiyking fors sunvety after their mother was
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found dead inside a burned outhouse in san diueleo. re wastothig's a df yo teseva c chicc's body was found inside that house. it was that of ha thgent's 8-udar-occ bthe thther ethahe d a> 9:32. 78 degrees on tv hill. still ahead this moyou iinrs .. a> thaams matt d coon or urneying into the future where only two social classes exyvt. the mll yie critic tuel:32ves u take on elsylium. take on elsylium. >> we will have the the thing is bee,
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i got my mom wrapped around my little finger. do you? yeah, i do. huh. i said i want honey nut cheerios uh huh. and she just totally caved. it's all about psychology buzz. psychology? as long as i don't tell him the cereal is healthy -- he can't get enough. sad, really. i kind of feel bad that i tricked him. was easy.
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surprise... uh, ha ha ha. ♪
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cloudy conditions now. ? acovat dwi hr kidity dthe th th there there is a storm system that quickly moving tt. essadar shows this system worki through western maryland rig's no suand touching into freowarick and carol counties you can see orange and yellows pretty ss iog ess% wn appardffeted with the band of storms. be mindful if you are out and about tovety. thetinyiydothews is there's a nok ohwest flow right now associated with a little stthe thnger fthe thnt than thet yv mll ying tt. all of this r% wn out of the way and unfora lf yotely they will stick around for a little while
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probably tt. here. ma thiand b these will stay to ere iuth as this front continueo move through the rest of the day. kurrent temperaa lres rig's aot 71 in parkton 72 westminster 76 down in ocean city. nd nowsamwill out west frostburg. looks like the forecast. mid 80s for the majority of marwe haanthere 5 stpe lient chance of morning storms if wherding out today. at 3help stwant clearing heading into thefacvening hours. in the overnight hours partly cloudy to mreayiy clotiv y in t moyou iing clearing once know% wn. this is 9:30 now. working on a little bitter day tomorthe th so
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just be mindftake tt. chance for showed ex or thunderstoreme. ma t wiluebe less humid will be nice, too, winds out of the west by 9 miles an hour. saturvety tt. afternoon thunderstoyour s. ox.t chaowa.e for % wn will be on tuesday.
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>> inflam taro artt. 4 stpe lient of as suffer with it. in this morning's wos there are s ttceppwel treats available. 88 yeefrld josie walters san thi her fyiyt was hurting so she was having tthe thuble walk. >> i went to my foot doctor and my lityie tand one was ergk oing me and i told him my toe is very sore. she said you pthe thba ftytinra she had gout. >> it is inflammatory ak ot. wostalzation of urich acid. gout is common among women as s frt olcen in the toe. >> redness and swelling of the joint and iowa.redi fte pain. early pica lres showtinout lyiyg
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like crab grab. >> there are two major optparns for treats attack of gout. one stops an attack in its tracks. another drug that is used for f yons to prevent attack. there are drugs and also newer stormk ots on the market as wel. >> a speaial diet can help, too. >> they never have it ever again. >> wbal-tv 1n thi nethe . >> what you canfacxpect on the big screen. >> last night's winning lraite. wo t
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new in theerts. konnor is back with hyv re chce. >> i am good. >> i amtingong to t. woothrai to myvs tthe the nouns thes name. >> i would have said as sielysi. a> he p% thi a facto. wo worker with the heart of gold. he's infected with a heavy dose of radiatparhe d a neyv that why he dand so good. >> he has five days to live. the only way totinet a cure is o andotho disease. ma t yv a preat awomacalyptic d
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waste land. but it is directed by the man who did dyvs iictvent which is chillinglytinyiyd sai-fi film. elysium is not as deep as district 9 but it yv without a leagont the mreat vyvually sa l thing film i have seen all year. all of the cinematicfacles are there. the s great, the performances are goothere ! are yie freater in a serparus n thi nig's a plan, silence of lambs. she didn't givenfacnok oth to l |ere. a neyou really l% ed it? >> i did. will really liked this one. a newe have more of a cos >> kind of l% e the griswold meets a (indiscernible film. >> he pays a pe jennifer aniston is a stripper but plays a goody gooergk wir k. ma lples ned a lot.
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the ativ ieowa.e lpleghed a lot. it has a lot of heart, too which i really fomirethere sometandoes the and yietes tyiyd drags a bit. other than that i liked it the pledience l% ed it. >> whatfacas >> my three to see right now are the os k. wo. way way back written by jim brash it stars steve carrell and tonamecollette and third is you said a good one to go see. >> yes. a>eoids a c on owamand. another mll yie about the white house as well as the big wedding. ma heat. othueleatsoe to mixed things ald jut braih of them. >> on demand they are showing me obliviohe d ma s that atinyiyd one? a> it stad ex matthce, mccon h. it is excellent. >> tha you. vse sh yat it.
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>> when we cos making amazing zucchini me bread. >> one of theothce,est ratinennv debut fthe thm thur9:ay. you can't believe you are going to see it stru as nt dieathere a> please stay with us. you are watching 11 news saturday morning.
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awfully good on the defense 150i6d of the ball. oce,cos nce of er 5n thi mi b le lineb bringing in smith. nine year jackson chlle linebacker shothe uptinreat tackler leader. five tackles four have been solo. ãthanut preppure on the q and b. |e and yust owaliverethere >> it is a process. the more and more we play together we prasaidice and then speuelesly game experience i thk we are all gaining chemistry we need and communicate and do
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close and personal 2013 rating. khampparnship tiger still nicholson with a chance to battle over player of the year. 2n thi shrais he foing into the nd jason buckner is the leader. >> when you zip it back in it's ãthanerr k.said. eknowles 2. and that's about as exuberant they will get with the celeas eatparn there. !ustin p% nid the backothine first. really is getting things going on hyv back nine. nd trying to image eagle buckner. he is about 2 inches shy. |e shotce,.9 on the second nine. nd major championship golf history. |e left it a fyiyt short. omane of 23facver t.
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that ain't too bad. jason b ttlooker atvent under a two-shrai lead he foing into th third round. i am pete gilbert. see you back here tonig's a at 6ws0. a>> you don't have to be big t be a hero. the 10 pound chierg diare we py mles . the dog is lucky to be alive himself. this 10 pound cycle with$!!is a frt mreat of all he's a protector. >> i was making mud pies and i hear a hyv in the wateoni ma lyiyk d3 an and there's a l. >> he and his sister were playing by h thyv cyiyler o iny inches away fthe thm aeoenomous rattlesnake. >> i was ready but it did not % d on h fo lityie ursrl. ma nste fo the brace sen familyg came between her and uncertain fate. a nehetinrai in fthe thnt of s
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>> he saved her life. >> she is the grandmother and psbleho's 3 aneoni a> the bit pagscho eyelids. she believed her little guy wotaked lea it knowu ahe d a> he wotaked do it knowu ahe d he don't learn. >> they treated psycho and a20se 's hethe th. nrai and yust atycky. a> there is a lot of swelling around the eye. we believe thefacrni wiluebe ie. >> he bead ex hyvoth withe well. he may have to have a second name, hero. a> 1n thi nethe y itchen and i about z ttchini today. >> people grow them in their gardens andfacve. woone has lrais of z ttchini. reou open it up and what do you do with all of your zucchini? a we have a couare we iowaas he.
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nd k. ttchini bread standard. nice with eggs and sugar grated catout hini n thi nour,othuts kin3.mohe d we have it available at all of our stores. >> aas k. ttchinamepaoveakes. we will be getting a few in the pan rig's a now. re wityie likt of tandoe stil on stak o to go get their way. >> how do we make that? >> we have our mles ing b3 al h. tuele the swomaon out. i already started to great the zucchi le ttchinlikt reou can do it in a fyiyd proce or. >> risk of putting your finged in there. a>tinsoe it yv a lityie difr kt texture. i have a medium onion. on. some people love onion some e anon bi. re w o t thefacnd on the onparhd kse ps it together to great it.
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it tends to fall apart. ãthanut a lityie onion in so we leat't have the sa ldio smellin like onion for a week. great a lityie onion in. >> some catout hinis hrote a ss flavor some are mild. one of the things about zucchini some are more mgosture than omathers. you give off a lot of moisture you want to stru an them. this one loiets ursry so i amot going to strain them. we are going to take a little likt of n thi nouoni this yv ato tut a cup. ma will put about a quarter cu of flower in. nd s ising to absorb the liquid soi give a little stiffness to the zucchinlikt sort of binding it t 3ether a liem. the flower is dissolving into it. this one takes a lityie more n thi nour it yv moyvt. >> zucchini as i said some are
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real wet. ma f youothse d to ss ietch it can put a milittle more flower. the catout hini taste a lityie likt. nd pepper and a little salt. this yv bueling womawder. this lyiyks l% e ato tut 4 cups of the mixture. we will go with about a teaspyin omaf bueling womaas. ma t tig's aened your. it looks like it will take about one egg. krack onefacle b in. this will bind it together. >> it gives it a little moisture. lehueles it a lityie rich. a wills a lityie richness to it. we have our mixture like that. >> did you bring us the rer,pea >> t are yay we have the k. ttchini cakes available at the stores. the corn pudding is ang ilranlet
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the reye% d avence e store and the zucchini bread is available at both stores. >> we have the mles a lre in th. omafapa2 pancakes are eggs, flour and milk. a nethat sse msfacasy enough. >> i amothrai uing.ngothonstick. so if you don't use a nonstick pan you and yusttinrai totinet i re wet them sit long enouto >> you just kind of drop it in. >> if you made them really tart you blehutaked muele k. ttchini fring ats. put a little oil in this pan. >> there you go. tuele some of the mles a lre yo ver tst m foe your. >> drop it in. >> stir it up. tick u can use p with orothon- or buele them in the oven if yo want to. >> we made a casserole. nd
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kassethe thle. >> this is great. >> thank you. >> are youtingong to t. wo itav3 >> i amtingong to s iy, rni di. >> hey let's check this out zucchini. 5ievpercent chaovee of ru an th lehorning. loiets better in the afternoon. temperatures remain in the mid 80s ththe thmoyh a lesegy. then preem. moves through and we should have weather on the bif yk that. nd the end of the week. >>tinreat cyiyking weatheoni a> that was eaags. >> little tomato. we have taken long zucchini cut them thin and lined the dyvh with the zucchini. put a corn pudding inside baked it ol and then you hrote the catout hini on the outing.owa we corn. we have a little tomato chutney on tosol eppence of marthcand in the summer and zucchini. >> we would see that cold in the middle of the read
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coer. >> shotaked we s iy that, too? >> thanks. that's all the time we have for e.3 a. thank you so ver tch for and yg us. see you tomorrow. see you tomorrow. >> bye bl . mep
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- if you've come lookin' for some fun or a chance to be most anyone there's a little shop i know you'll find it on "the chica show" follow me and step inside imagination is your guide pick a costume off you go now you're on "the chica show" cowboys dancers astronauts and much more
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adventure is a thing we always have in store cowboys so join ourronauts funny familye me and me and me the clothes are cool the fun is free soooo welcome to "the chica show" y, i think this might fit. the clothes are cool the fun is free hey, charlie, let's get a good look at ya. - okay, dad. - ugh. - ahh-- dad! - i don't think that fits very well. - howdy, there. i'm kelly. how may i help you play today? - i'm charlie-- i wanna be a cowboy. - awesome. - i'm charlie's dad, jim. - hi, jim. well, i think you're gonna need a smaller hat if you wanna be a cowboy. [squeaking] well, we would love your help, cowgirl, chica. we need a hat. wanna try this-- go ahead, put it on. - it fits-- thanks, chica. [squeaking] - you recon he needs something else, huh? a dog?
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what-- chica, a cowboy needs a horse. [squeaking] she likes dogs. - i like dogs, too-- i'll take him. thanks. - that's great. why don't we mosey on over to the counter, and i'll bag that up for ya. - sounds like a good idea. - come on-- yee-haw. good work on that dog-- nice thinkin'. [squeaking] all your doggies? [squeaking] chica, you brought a whole herd of dogs into the coop. oh! yes, especially, this one is so cute. but, chica, they're loud, and they're running all over the coop. this can't be good. [squeaking] okey-doke, cowgirl chica, get your dogs, or as we cow folk like to say, "round 'em up." [squeaking] - oh, well, aren't you the plump, prettiest pack of pony's my beak ever did feed. my stars-- what's going on?
9:59 am
[squeaking] no, i'm not a doggie, but in our western rump little nest on the prairie, i was a yodeling cow hen. ba da do da do dal do dal do doodle ooh ha-ha-ha. oh, do i hear dogs? [squeaking] whoa, there. you want a pony to herd dogs? real dogs, here in the coop? chica, herding dogs isn't allowed inside. [squeaking] sorry, chica. dogs and lassos stay outside, rules of the coop. [squeaking] what about cats? meow-ow-ow-ow - cluckems, look-- look what i found. my old cat costume from our musical barn cats. - oh, i remember that one. through rain or shine or stormy weather


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