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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  February 17, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> mike: it ends with chelsea dagger and a celebration. 15 out of 15 for these guys. they had gotten at least a point. points 26 and 27, way ahead of everybody else. coming up next on nbc, except on the west coast, your local news. "hockey day in america" presented by discover card continues right now on the nbc sports network. alex ovechkin and the caps, and the rangers. so long from chicago.
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>> you're watching wbal-tv news 11. live, local, late breaking. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> if you were out in about today, you could have witnessed some very strange weather. what could be next? let's check in with john collins. >> temperatures were cold, we did not get out of the '30's. and the wind made us feel much
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cooler than on that. we essentially pulled in some of these clouds, these dots on the radar producing some snow showers. nothing measurable, only trace amounts. it still felt like winter. its debt in winter and in new england where the center of the storm is coming near nova scotia. what happens after this? forecast just ahead. >> we are monitoring the recovery and tonight we're live from rosedale where they're holding a fund-raiser for young dakota. >> 7-year-old dakota is well on
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the way to recovery. >> thank you, everybody. i love you guys. >> that's dakota. he's enjoying all the people who came to support him today. he has had a difficult to and have -- two and a half months. and a number procedures at johns hopkins hospital. he even went back to jim class. >> when i went and saw him in the e.r. i never would have expected this, you know? now to look at him and see that he will be able to play sports again, it's just incredible.
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>> dakota may have some difficulty growing some hair back but otherwise there are no long-term physical impacts. the benefit is now are just now getting out and 350 people here, all of the money is going straight to his medical expenses. >> please some eastern shore and try and find the person responsible for the stabbing to death of a college student. the university of maryland eastern shore student died at the hospital around 9:30 last time. he is 21 from severn. he was driving through campus when they got into an altercation. there are looking for three male suspects. of staff obama's chief says they are working on an immigration reform plan but
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there pushing back hard. brian mooar is in washington with more. >> this is not the first time congress has tried to reform immigration law, but this time both sides seem hopeful. it is one of the very few issues that unites both republicans and democrats. eight senators are finishing up a bipartisan bill, "usa today "report they're working on a backup plan if the current efforts fall apart. >> we will have an option ready to put up there. >> the chief of staff says the proposal would bolster border security and included past the citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants. republicans say any plan with the president's name on it is bound to fail. >> that's why we're working together, republicans and democrats.
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>> senator john mccain is one of the so-called gang of eight working on the bipartisan bill, so was florida republican marker rubio whose as the president's plan will not work. other members of the gop are not happy to see the white house weighing in. >> when they come out and say, my way or the highway, that's no way to get it done. >> the winehouse as they're ready to press ahead with immigration reform is can -- congress cannot or will not act. they're expected to unveil their bill next month but it may not be ready for a vote until summer. brian moore, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the northeast is bracing for a lot more than a few snowflakes. what will they get this time one week after being slammed by that record storm? the reports about with the girlfriend of oscar pistorius
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>> baltimore democrats are one step closer to finish harrison's term representing the 45th district in the house of delegates. she is the longest serving delegate in the house and was the first-ever american woman ever to cherry legislative committee in maryland. the nomination will go before the full committee on wednesday. alembic and para olympic athlete oscar petraeus remains behind bars at a south african police station charged with the murder of his girlfriend and his expected to appear at a bail hearing next week.
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today, he received a visitor. we have more from south africa. >> oscar is getting some visitors today including family members and a preacher who said he had been crying a lot. >> he was only crying. >> this reality show aired, for many, painful to watch featuring someone so young and happy living her dream who is now gone. sources saying she had been shot to the bathroom door of the home. there are lots of reports circulating and many details are unconfirmed. some newspapers are published in notes from a speech she was set to give on the day she was killed. sheet says it being in an abusive relationship years before oscar and took three long time before realizing her value. there are now speaking out. >> we deeply regret the
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allegations of premeditated murder. >> he says he is now with the grief and the other is no substance to the allegations. police have been pretty dismissive of the mistaken identity claims. back to you. >> john
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>> after getting hit by a
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blizzard, parts of massachusetts are bracing for more snow today but it will be nothing like it two feet that blanket in the region last week. they are still dealing with piles of snow from that record nor'easter. >> now your 11 insta-weather + forecast with the meteorologist john collins. >> that storm has been doing that all day long and it's still happening from cape cod to the north, still snow showing up here on the storm's center. this is just on the western tip of nova scotia and pushing that moisture back along the eastern portions of new england. we have been getting the strong northwest wind. there are really like-effect snows, but a little bit of a disturbance enough to cause isolated snow showers in the area which will be diminishing tonight as the sun sets and the answer stabilizes. 32, the only temperature we
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could manage for the high today. the wind this afternoon made it feel like we were actually in the teens. by midnight, even colder than that. that's not the final word yet on where temperatures are headed. temperatures now are around 30 down in southern maryland. we're in the upper 20's to around 30 and then in the teen's out west. factoring in the wind gusting to the 30's it feels like single digits or below zero out in western maryland. teens and single digits from baltimore and a mere 20 down to the south. -- some trackts at least 10 degrees. here is a time lapse of the storm. it is a nor'easter-type storm. this one's effects are minimal for us. we are on the outside catching these northwest winds around circulation pattern of the storm and that's about it. the closer to the storm, it
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still does not penetrate as deeply into new england. it is still impressive looking. here is what it will look like this evening with the wind circulation centered around that storm as it pushes for the runway and the wind will diminish. high pressure is the story for tomorrow with another storm brewing out west. you can see on the satellite image that it's not quite a clipper. this will be coming in the middle of the week or so and we will tell you about that in the 70-forecast coming out. -- seven-day forecast. northwest wind, 7-12 m.p.h. generally clear with cold temperatures during the day tomorrow. worming available bit -- warming up a little bit. northwest wind at 5-10, is what will feel better. the insta-weather futurecast, the departing storm out to the west with high pressure coming in tomorrow.
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by tuesday, we began to pick up a cold front coming in, mostly a rainmaker. if it comes in early enough, temperatures near freezing and there could be a brief winter mixed in there. 39 monday. for the's on tuesday with the next farm coming in. if the rain starts soon enough, a little bit of a winter mixed as we go below freezing. wednesday and thursday dry. friday, rain. saturday, winter makes. >> everyone is still talking about that big maryland win last night. >> they should be. they're still enjoying last night's drilling win over the second-ranked blue devils. here with the head coach had to say about the biggest win since he's come to c
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>> from the susquehanna. sport center, this is 11 sports. >> the orioles are feeling good about their starting rotation, but still to be determined, who will walk down the fifth spot. plenty of good cars to choose from in sarasota. when you're going this time, many envisioned him as a possibility, but a nagging shoulder kept him off the field for the first half of last season and never look the same as it did in 2011. during the off-season, he has worked out with special assistance and he feels much better than he did one year ago. he boasted about himself and the team in general. >> we got down there early and the whole team was down here before we needed to report. that just shows you the excitement about repeating what we did last year. we are all ready to go. >> the terps had their second
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symbolic win of the season and that's what happens when you're upset second-ranked duke blue devils. they shot 60% and outrebounded by 21. the steaks came down to the final shot. out of the game, he said many will notice campus this next week. the duke blue devils, he kept them in with 25 points. the big man, he'll be finished with four points, two of them right there because it was dominated all my long. he could be a top pick in the draft with 19 points here. hanging in there. keeping them in the lead by hitting history. leading by one at the break. second half, maryland pulled away. he gets in the passing lane and they are off to the raise is giving them a seven-point lead. you knew duke was going to make
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the run, and they did. he buries that 3 and knowledge as the two-point game. seth palin, struggling in the game, six two huge free throws giving the terps a huge lead. a runner at the buzzer -- doesn't go. the fans run the court. he still had ice in his veins to knock down the go-ahead points. >> the coach told us we have to shoot 500 free throws as individuals before the game. i just got comfortable in my retain and tried to knock them down. >> a lot of pride and a lot of passion in maryland basketball. we talk about pride and passion, playing with both of those things tonight for us and for our fans. our fans are just tremendous. we never had a dollar going to win the game.
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i'm really proud of my kids. >> what a huge win. jeff gordon was the fastest guy qualify for the daytona 500 today, but he did not win the pole position. dennis patrick posted the best speed becoming the first woman to secure the top spot -- danica patrick posted the best speed. she happened to do it in the biggest event. she will be posting 193 mph. she had to wait two hours for the other 37 drivers to qualify but none of them could knock her off the top spot, the biggest achievement of her four-year nascar career. john collins
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>> such an interesting day. the sky was fascinating. >> president's day, a lot of people have the day off. tonight, dropping down to 17. skies clear. tomorrow morning, rising into the 20's to near 30. in the afternoon, eventually close to 40 with the jews scattered clouds. rain again on tuesday. >> thanks for joining us. "nightly news" is next. we will see yo
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>> this is a wbal-tv 11 editorial president and manager dan joerres. >> stunning announcement there reverberated in parishes across the world, the resignation of pope benedict xvi confirming his love for the church and its followers. feeling his health was not up to the herculean task, his holiness made the ultimate sacrifice in determining that advocating the job was the right about the time. it is something that has not been done in 600 years of this transition will be historic. with the changing base of the church, their speculations that the next pope could come from latin america or an emerging african nation. one thing is for sure -- parishioners will have a new host of the easter and an opportunity to embrace a new
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leadership and vision for the church. as we move through the lenten season, we look no further from pope benedict xvi and the example he leads that service to other begins with selflessness. for more on the life and leadership of the pope and the upcoming transition, log onto, and click
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