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tv   11 News at 6  NBC  February 9, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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>> mother nature socks it to the northeast. a deadly fire is labeled suspicious by city police. what investigators are looking for tonight. a day of celebration for a 10- year-old girl battling back from severe medical misfortunes. 11 news was there as the family
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was presented with more than $6,000 in donations. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you are watching wbal tv 11. >> how a very hard night for new england. we will have more on that. john collins is here to give us an update on our forecast. we were lucky. >> a few miles would have made a huge difference in the outcome of that storm. new england got hammered. there is still some residual snow on the backside of the storm. most of the storm is out to sea and out of the range of the u.s. radar. nova scotia is getting a lot of snow right now. we cannot reach it on the radar. you can see snow up in the state of maine. cape cod is still getting snow. 1,500 miles to the west in missouri and arkansas, oklahoma, texas, into nebraska, there is
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something new. it is a new storm. the entire weather pattern has shifted to make it easier for a nor'easter to develop. this storm was the leading edge of that. there could be several more this month. but it's a pattern is developing. >> a pattern for developing these things is out there. >> i do not think this storm will follow that group. at the end of the week, there is something that looks suspicious. we will have to see how it develops. >> thank you so much for the latest on the weather. the storms. maryland us know. we saw plenty of wind. that led to plenty of power outages in the greater baltimore area. crews have restored power to about 4000 homes in the last 24 hours. utilities are reported only 64 homes without electricity at this hour. stay informed any time severe weather strikes.
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download our smartphone app. it is free and available for your devices. calmer skies overhead in the northeast. the blizzard is now gone. it has left behind a huge mess across six states. jay gray has a look at the aftermath in boston, one of the hardest hit areas. >> good evening from boston. they have gotten almost two the of snow. this was a gathering place today for those who ventured out in the week of the storm. across the northeast, early signs concern may be starting to melt away after a long, difficult decrees. >> we walked a couple blocks from our house. we live for this stuff. today, new englanders got a first look at what the storm left behind.
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>> it is a lot of snow. in many areas, record accumulation. now the snowfall and rushing wind of the violent blizzard have been replaced by the roar of plows and the hum of a comeback. >> as the wind subsides and the roads get clear, our restoration work will begin in earnest. >> for many, the first step in the recovery comes with snowshoes. others own buildup for a walk in the park, anything that gives them a sense that there community is theirs again. >> it is fun and quiet. it is nice. >> it is nice that the snow has stopped. on the ground, there is a lot of work left behind. >> it has been a tough struggle. >> a struggle to repair -- restore power to hundreds of
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thousands. the struggle to free dozens of cars abandoned in the height of the storm. the struggle to clear away and find someplace to put all of this note. >> this will go on for a number of days. this will not all be done tod. >> at least there is now evidence the difficult clean up and recovery has started been digging out will be difficult. the roads are open but still a mess. public transportation will likely not be on line until monday. >> in baltimore city, police and arson investigators continue to look into a deadly fire in northwest baltimore. we brought you this story at 5:00. sarah sampson is live at the scene of the fire. she has more on why it is being considered suspicious and what police are looking for today. >> police confirmed today they are looking for a car belonged
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to a woman found dead in this house. they say is a white mustang. we do not have many details beyond that. yesterday afternoon, fire crews found her body in the basement of the home as they worked to put out the fire. a spokesman said she was pronounced dead on the scene. yesterday evening, homicide detectives were here as part of the investigation. police say they will not give out more information until the medical examiner completes the autopsy. police are not giving out much information about her identity. neighbors say she only lived here for about five months. they say she was friendly but kept to herself. it is still not clear if she lived alone or with someone else. police and fire officials are still investigating. police are on the lookout for a white mustang. they are not giving out a license plate number. reporting live in northwest baltimore, sarah sampson, wbal- tv 11 news. >> today has also been one of celebration.
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the breakfast shop hosted ava conklin day. she was diagnosed with a brain tumor in october. she underwent successful surgery to remove the tumor but caught meningitis and had been placed in a medically induced coma. suffered a series of strokes and was left only with the ability to bring. today was a celebration of most of fundraising. her father says he was humbled to received more than $6,300 in donations. >> she will have many years of therapy. this allows us to pay for the different types of therapies so she can walk. these donations are really important to us. >> in october, the breakfast shock teamed up with tony pann to create the panwich. donations were collected by
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patrons that attempted to eat the monster creation. still ahead, a well-known woman is joining in the political discussion in anne arundel county. we will tell you who could be interested in the vacancy. >> we will find him. make no mistake about that. >> words from the mayor of los angeles as authorities searched for the former police officer accused of the west coast shooting spree.
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dinner's ready. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. i just finished a bowl of your light chicken pot pie soup and it was so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> we are learning a former maryland first lady is expected to take part in a forum for candidate seeking to replace john leopold. the wife of the former governor will join a republican delegate and senate candidate in the form
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set for february 14. applications for the county seat must be submitted by noon the following day. john leopold resigned as anne arundel county executive after he was found guilty of misconduct in office. the county council has 30 days to fill the seat with another republican. so far, no one has submitted an application for the position. the search continues along the west coast for former los angeles police officer christopher dorner. he is suspect in the shooting deaths of a police officer, the daughter of a retired lapd captain, and her fiancé. they discovered his burning truck on thursday. so far, he has eluded capture. the mayor of los angeles delivered a strong message to him today. >> turn yourself in. we will find you. you have disgraced the police
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profession. turn yourself in. >> authorities say he is angry about his dismissal from the los angeles police department and left and online manifesto declaring war on the people he believes to be responsible. the manifesto includes several law-enforcement officers. dorner is also trained military sniper and considered armed and extremely dangerous. stay with us. john will have to check on the forecast when
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>> the 11 insta-weather forecast with john collins. >> today turned out pretty good. we did not get any snow at the airport. just east, there were lingering snow showers around sunrise and on the eastern shore. it did not amount to anything. the accumulation jester they were minor. temperatures today were fairly close to the averages. 1944 was a cold year, seven degrees below zero. there were several days that year that made the record low. we were not close to that today. here is a rough estimation of how much snow fell around the area. minimal amounts for us. an inch or so in a few places. it started to escalate from new
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york city into boston and into connecticut. all of this white is over two the. -- is over two creek. in some cases, it was near 3 feet of snow. it is still snowing in parts of maine. the storm really hammered parts of new england. we have yet to determine if it is an all-time record. this evening with the skies clearing and a win diminishing, the wind chill factor will become less of a factor. 37 in annapolis. 35 on the boardwalk. westminster, 31. in the 20's all day long in far western maryland today. we had a fair share of sunshine. we see the last few frames of the satellite image. the storm is below nova scotia. some is being thrown back into the state of maine. a lot of this is out of the range of the u.s. radar.
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we are not seen everything. out west, there is a new storm developing. the other one started in the same general area. at the moment, we have high pressure giving us good weather. the nor'easter is moving out of the picture. this developing storm is in the west. we are not done yet. as i mentioned earlier, the pattern is more conducive for producing these types of storms where least the potential for these types of storms. 17 to 25 overnight, generally clear. the wind will be light. temperatures are a bit below the average for the season. tomorrow, a really nice day. we will add 5 to 10 degrees to what we have today. 39 to 45 for the hon. sunshine with scattered clouds. the long-term forecast, we bring in rain on monday.
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it looks like mainly rain. the middle of the week, we have another storm coming in from the west. that is likely a snow maker. then we have looks suspiciously like a nor'easter affecting new england again over the weekend. it passes through here on the way to new england. the pattern is a little different now. 43 on sunday for the high. near 50 on monday. in the morning, there may be a brief morning mix of precipitation. tuesday will be dry. the wintry mix on wednesday. next weekend, something else coming in that may produce snow. >> the ravens are still soaking it up. we will continue to hold on to this for a long time. >> joe flacco is everywhere. today he mixed football with fashion. we will show you in sports.
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>> this is 11 sports. >> joe flacco is living the dream these days. that comes with being the super bowl mvp. first there was a trip to disney world and then a guest appearance on "kelly and michael." he attended the fashion week with his wife. all the well-known fashion designers were there. one of the highlights was getting to meet tommy hilfiger. he suited up and could not have looked better. >> i met him yesterday. he is such a great guy.
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such a cool person to me. it is finally -- cool to finally meet him. i thought it would be a lot of fun for the wife. it has been great to meet all the people and see all the cool clothes. >> these have been tough times for morgan state. the bears have lost 10 straight in their last 13. a chance to get back on track against mitchell and the eagles. the gang was looking impressive. jackson on the break. it is rejected. .he bears' lead morgan takes control. the past to duncan. he throws it down. duncan, another block. another chance. it is off target. the passing does not get much better than this. duncan, the acrobatic fission -- finish. morgan goes on to the victory.
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a tough game for the retrievers. joey launches three. vermont showing their outside game. two of his 18 points. vermont wins, 67-55. usually this time of year, duke or north carolina is leading the acc. this season, no team has been better than the university of miami. they are -0-0 -- 10-0. they were both checking out the game. miami took control early on. sean larkin drains 3. 22-9. larkin biggest with 18. the second half was showtime for miami. miami went 87-61.
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each of the last quarter winds have been by at least 22 points. they have been dominating. the game between michigan and wisconsin, this one a thriller. under 10 seconds to play, michigan takes the lead with 2.5 seconds to go. wisconsin was not done yet. a pass from halfcourt. they are tied again and go into overtime. 40 seconds to go. brett again for three. wisconsin storms the court as they upset no. 3 michigan 65-62 in overtime. the wolverines become the third top three team to lose this week. john collins is back w
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>> that could have been us. >> winter is not over yet. there will be opportunities. most models agree something will happen monday, wednesday, and saturday. we will watch for details. probably rain on monday. >> thanks for joining us. nightly news is next. we will see you back. 11:00. -- we will see you back here at 11:00.
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>> this is an editorial with president and general manager dan joerres. >> the ravens victory celebration was an amazing sight as thousands of chance when downtown to see the nfl world champions and welcome them home. players raise the trophy and the fans cheer the team from city hall to the stadium. some camp out overnight for a good spot. it was like nothing baltimore has ever seen before. others packed the stadium for hours basking in glory of victory. it was an incredible run with ups and downs. the team and fans persevered. the dream came true. ray lewis said farewell ended his final stance as a raven. jerry sandusky -- ravens nation
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was in all its corporate for maryland, the memories will last a lifetime. conversations about the ethics season will be ongoing. looking ahead, wbal tv 11 will probably bring you the thursday night regular opener featuring our world champion home team.
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