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tv   11 News at 11  NBC  May 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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floating the very proposal. >> officials say that rate hike is needed to upgrade the water system and keep it up-to-date. shelton dutes joins us from city hall with the details. >> as you can imagine, a lot of people are not happy about this. between local and state taxes and now the proposed increase on water, a lot of people say it is just too much to handle. she is still trying to figure out how she got 812 under dollars water bill for her baltimore home. now she's even more concerned. >> that is too high. they need to fix the water problem first. they need to adjust our bills. >> we have had studies done nationwide talking about how our system is among the best in the country. really in the top tier. in order to keep it that way, we have to invest in it.
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>> they want to increase the current rate by 9%. that means the yearly bill for a family of four would cost about $97 more. cpw says the city has one of the lowest water and sewage rates in the nation. last year there were 960 water main breaks in the city along. so far this year there have already been 100. it will make sure state and federal mandates are met. she is concerned how the proposal could affect her family. >> i think it will cut back on a lot of our fun activities. >> she is worried about the impact of the rate increase on her fixed income. >> with this economy being like it is an allotted people are out of jobs, and don't think they are even being considerate. it is not them, it is someone else.
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>> it is still early in the game for this proposal. a public hearing has been scheduled for late next month here at city hall. shelton dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> testimony on a bill to ban kids from buying anything from a liquor store. the measure would prevent minors from entering a liquor store without an adult and from making any kind of purchase, even candy or snacks. he says it is dangerous for kids to be -- to be used to being inside liquor stores. >> liquor stores are supposed to serve alcohol to the community and market to adults. yet we find some liquor stores not only sell liquor but they also specialized in chips and directly marketing to our children. >> city officials are explaining millions of dollars in losses at
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the hilton convention center hotel downtown. according to a new audit, the hotel lost $11.50 million in 2011 and $11 million in 2010. top development director says the losses are due to items like depreciation, not real dollar losses. >> they are book losses, not cash losses. they are not losses that come back to the citizens of baltimore and say the hotel is running in the red and we have to raise property taxes. >> when the hotel opened in 2008, more than $300 million in taxes and bonds financed its construction. in the first year, the hotel reportedly lost $17 million. >> city police are looking into a shooting in southwest baltimore. investigators said a man was shot around 6:30 last night. the victim was taken to hospital but there is no word on his condition, or motive in the
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case. the gunman remains at large. >> a warning from baltimore city police tonight. if you shop on craigslist, investigators have linked four separate robberies dating back to august. they say in each case the suspect posted a fake ad online, ask the buyer to meet and then robbed them of their cash and valuables with a gun. >> we know the perpetrator is not acting alone. there are at least two people at the robbery. we believe the suspect is acting with a group of accomplices. >> police say so far no one has been hurt, but they recommend anyone looking to buy an item on line should use a cashier's check and always meet the seller at well lit, well-traveled area. police are still looking for the suspect who bailed out of a stolen vehicle today in west baltimore around 5:00 this afternoon. it was near west sarasota street and north carlton street.
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the driver sped off, weaving in and out of afternoon traffic. at one point the driver slowed down enough to let the passengers out and later got out near some vacant homes. >> a case the police impersonation in anne arundel county. authorities say 31-year-old mark delmar tried to perform sobriety tests on people. he flashed a badge and claim to be with the anne arundel county police department. investigators say he apparently claimed he was an undercover cop. he has now been charged with policing impersonation and distorted conduct. >> are you planning to drive anywhere this memorial day weekend? consider yourself warned. a new study shows that memorial day is the number one holiday weekend for red light running. a report studied more than 1200 red light cameras in 18 states last year. compared to an average day, cameras tallied four times the
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number of violations over the memorial day weekend. christmas ranked lowest in violations. >> baltimore polytechnic institute has a new director. jacqueline williams has just been named the first african- american woman to hold the top job at the prestigious high school. she is a former teacher and until last night, the interim director. >> i am just so elated about being director of this institution. i am still on cloud nine about whether or not this is really true, but i am truly grateful for being given the opportunity. >> her youngest daughter is also a poly student. >> he was paralyzed as a child, but a baltimore man is taking new steps tonight with the device that has dramatically changed the way he walks and maybe one day, the way he runs. kai reed joins us with this amazing story. >> the l300 as dramatically
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improve the lives of a lot of people with spinal cord injuries and brain injuries. walking is a gift many of us take for granted. at 9 years old, they've marconi had snatched from him in an instant. >> i was chasing my older brother. i could not catch him. i dove, and landed really awkwardly on my head and neck and snapped my neck. >> the spinal cord injury left him paralyzed from the neck down. initially, doctors said he would never walk again. >> at that time, i was doing a lot of walking twice a day and a lot of exercises. i was leaving physical therapy crying because it was so strenuous. >> but he did learn to walk, first with crutches and then a cane. >> and had a noticeable limp.
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>> for 39 years, davis wright legs swung out dramatically. he tripped a lot and took only a few steps the day. two years ago, the family goal of a trip to italy sent him back to physical therapy for the for the -- for the first time in decades. it is a wireless electronic device with a sensor that goes in a shoe. the sensor in the issue since electrical stimulation to a nerve and muscle in his leg. >> the device stimulates the nerve and muscle and he is able to clear his foot instead of trip over it. >> dave took that trip to europe last year and walked for miles. >> my 9-year-old son at the time got tired before i did. he was slowing me down. my next try is to get to run, something i have not done since
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1970. >> he is hoping a new addition to the device that stimulates that i am also will turn his walk into a run. >> i am going to keep going until the end. >> the new device was just recently approved for use. we have a lot more information about the l300 on our website, >> how amazing is that? incredible. >> many people are often mistaken for someone else. >> what if that person is a criminal? the sometimes frightening case of mistaken identity for one maryland man in an all new i team investigation. >> the director of the secret service is grilled before a congressional panel. we'll hear his first public
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comments on the sex scandal. becerra and storms continue on hd doppler. we will see how long they will stick around with the forecast, straight ahead. straight ahead. st
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your grilling is still gonna be pretty amateur. but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro.
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>> same sex marriage may have reached a new era, and it has x- men to thank.
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the editor in chief says the brent strive to make its characters relationships grounded in reality. the issue, which may become a collector's item, is on newsstands right now. >> no one wants it to happen to them. you leave the country on vacation and when it comes time to come back home, you are in st. -- you are detained in customs. >> lisa robinson has the story of the wrong guy. >> i am very cautious, i will put it that way. >> david stays close to home these days. he would like to get out more and travel, but says he feels like a wanted man. in 2009, police pulled him over for speeding. that stop quickly turned into something else. >> there is an outstanding warrant for you. i was just shocked. >> police asked him to step out of the car. >> i am at the trunk of my
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vehicle, hands on the trunk. >> what was going through your mind? >> now i am really getting scared and freaking out. i have no idea what is going on. >> he says police kept him there while they may call for more information. then, a bombshell. >> i said what is the warrant for? they said for counterfeiting and forgery. >> he says the officers let him go, saying they did not have enough in permission to let -- to hold him. he said that he might want to contact the fbi. the couple got their passports that same week in the mail, an indication to them that all was fine. they traveled to canada and had no problem crossing the border. they had a great time there. coming back into the united states was a different story. >> i looked up, because i am on
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the passenger side. i see officers running out and pulling their weapons. >> i said yes, they are coming after me. >> i look, and they are surrounding our car. >> while immigration check them out, they were detained for 2.5 hours at the border. cautious about taking any more trips outside the country, but wanting to, they planned a trip to the bahamas last year to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. this time, they got a letter from the state department saying that it's passport was valid. again, that had no problem getting into the bahamas, and they had a lovely time, but coming back home, they were detained at the border for three hours, even with the letter. >> you are not sure what to do, because people are coming and going and looking at you. >> they were finally allowed to leave and fly home.
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david made another attempt to clear his name with the secret service. they say he is an associate with the counterfeiting court 3 ring. >> i would just like to know how it came to be that my name was associated with this ring -- a counterfeiting forgery ring. it is frustrating, but there is not a lot i can do, from what i have been told. that is the frustrating part, because i did not do anything wrong. >> 11 news contacted the secret service and they confirmed there is an active federal warrant for a david levy. they say he is most likely being confused with a russian national who is alleged to have conspired with other international associates to produce and sell counterfeit $100 bills. >> i am just a pawn in the big scheme of things.
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>> law enforcement officers i talked to say it is likely there is more than just his name that coincidentally please him to the russian that shares his name. a former fbi special agent says law enforcement is obligat to do so. but this is david should not have to suffer for something he did not do. >> for the secret service to say there is nothing we can do about it, that is absolutely not true. >> considering the number of times he has been stopped, something should be in place now to clear him. >> there is a whole list of questions that have already been asked of him that can be transmitted from whatever station he comes into. it can be transmitted relatively quickly. >> unfortunately, dr. power said the only way he will get this cleared up is to get an attorney and take legal action. >> you are a good citizen, and
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you cannot get your name cleared in the united states of america. what do you think about that? >> that is america, i guess. >> david has not received a response from two senators, but the congressman's office did respondents said they had sent letters to the department of homeland security on his behalf. >> the director of the secret service was in the hot seat on capitol hill today. he rejected reports that on the road parties by agents and officers were commonplace. he defended the culture and integrity of the agency, entrusted with the life of the president, insisted the colombia prostitution scandal was an isolated case. but lawmakers were skeptical. >> this misconduct was almost certainly not an isolated incident. >> if one of the agents had not
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argue with one of the women about how much he owed her, the world would never have known this sordid story. >> a washington post reports that some of the employees who lost their jobs plan that what happened in colombia was business as usual. >> now, your insta-weather forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. >> a couple of showers and thunderstorms rumbled through the area through the late afternoon and early evening. most of the activity is diminishing now. a cluster of storms tracking through part of frederick county, and those have been moving from east to west. kind of the backward motion from what you normally see on the radar around here. big storms down across the lower part of the potomac. it looks like the worst of the storms and the baltimore area have moved out of area. some spots got drenched and others missed out almost entirely on the rain. moving from the day across
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central maryland and back toward the mountains. no real sign of any big storms rumbling through the bwi marshall area and only traces of rain today. nothing measurable at the inner harbor. it was a warm day, 80-83, and it will continue to warm up as we get into the memorial day weekend. we will stay in the 60's overnight. the freshly more recent brown will likely produce a little bit of patchy fog in the morning. -- the freshly moistened ground. high pressure builds over the southwest and the front will dissipate. still enough heat for a thunderstorm or two and maybe even friday. the high pressure to the west will be the main weather feature as we get into the weekend, and it will bring a touch of summer heat.
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91 was the high in kansas city, 89 in minneapolis. our temperatures will be rising into the weekend. 78-82 tomorrow with southeast winds, and a thunderstorm popping up tomorrow. otherwise it should be a pretty nice day on the open waters with waves of only about a foot. 60% chance of storms and amounts to more but then it starts to quieten down as the memorial day weekend gets here. eastern shore, low to mid-8's the next few days. ocean city has not had a bunch of rain, but scattered storms will be possible thursday and friday. the rest of memorial day weekend out at the coast should be pretty nice. the sea breeze will kick in each afternoon. the temperature will fall into the 60's. around here it will not be cool,
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it will be warm. 81 tomorrow, humidity building. upper 80s saturday and an isolated storm in the afternoon on sunday and monday. high temperatures over the weekend near 90. >> the ravens return to the practice field and joe flacco raise in on ray rice, contract talks, and more, next in sports. >> it's america's favorite jackpot game coming to your right now. this is powerball. i hope you got your tickets for tonight because we have a big jackpot for you. a guaranteed $110 million. 59-7-53-26-4.
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tonight the powerball number is 32. make sure you check those tickets carefully. i will
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>> now, 11 sports with gerry sandusky. >> a holt for fifth straight trip to the playoffs begins on the field with off-season team activities. -- hope for a bit straight trip to the playoffs. it begins with the rookies finding their way. a lot of conversation about the new deal that ray rice does not have yet. he did not join joe flacco for the voluntary work out. joe flacco approach is it the way he approaches most things, including the fact that he becomes a father in mid-june. he is even keel with no demonstrated emotions. he did his part to throw some
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support to ray rice, which -- but he said he has not focused much on contract talks at all. >> the only thing i know is that his contract is up. >> short and sweet. the orioles within 8-3 record, but it did not help them this afternoon with a loss to boston. a solo home run, orioles enjoying a 2-1 lead in the bottom of the second, the only lead that would have today. johnson had two homers today. a double down the line it left. he takes to grow, the relay, a perfect throw home. kevin nicholas out at the plate. kelly shoppach it rips into the
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pitch, 5-2. a solo home run off the air and zero day, -- off darren o'day. the orioles get a day off tomorrow, and they needed after losing three times in a row. >> i am proud of the way they fall through it. we had some opportunities there especially in the eighth, but he handled himself really well. >> tonight's weather will prolong pregame jitters for several area high school lacrosse players. they did manage to play one final after a bit of delay. the defending champ, westminster, in blue. a nice move, 5-0 westminster. westminster don't to a 7-0 lead,
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but then self river enter with seven straight goals. south river on the attack, with its first lead in the game, up 8-7. fourth quarter, chisholm put the way for the hawks. south river caps a perfect season with a come-from-behind 10-8 win in the final period. >> we cut it in half at halftime. that is the type of speed we have been noted for all year long. >> the kind of comeback that becomes a legend. becomes a legend.
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agents, be on the lookout for aliens. one small black cocoa creme iced coffee. uh-oh! let me out of here! try dunkin's new black cocoa creme iced coffee and call star-star-d-d for a text to capture your alien today. the galaxy runs on dunkin'.
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>> a couple more thunderstorms tomorrow and friday, a nice looking day saturday, and a high around 90 on sunday. >> a perfect memorial day weekend. >> that is all for 11 news tonight. >> thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. [captioning made possible by [captioning made possible by constellation energy
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